How to achieve popularity. Practical advice on how to become famous

Have you ever wondered why some people, without any unique talents or knowledge, reach the peak of popularity, while others always remain on the sidelines? The concept of the word “fame” implies the possession of certain qualities that distinguish a person from others and make him unique. Famous people always reveal their talent in a special way. If you want to become famous, desire alone is not enough. First of all, you need to develop great willpower, patience, and believe in future success.

How to become popular?

Many people think that fame and popularity are very easy to achieve. For example, one day you wake up and find yourself famous. Of course, this is also possible, but often such fame is preceded by many years of hard work that no one notices. Fame can be compared to mountaineering.

Imagine that you decide to reach the top of a mountain that has not been conquered before. You took the necessary equipment and came to the foot. People try to dissuade you from this idea, telling you that you could get hurt or even die from starvation. Nevertheless, you decided to start climbing. People watch you rise, but then they just forget about it. After difficult weeks or months, you finally reach the top. Then the whole world will know about your action, because you have done the impossible.

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Yesterday no one knew about you, but today you are a star. Journalists want to interview you, filmmakers want to make a film, and the best restaurants invite you to be their guests. However, no one will know that you spent a lot of time to reach the top. All this time you have suffered from harsh weather conditions and hunger, but no one is interested in your struggle. Everyone thinks only about facts and results, and not about the process of action.

Use 8 tips to increase your chances of becoming famous.

#6 Be positive

Much of what people look for in friendship comes down to “feeling good.”

This is the last thing I will say.

Yes, you can be negative from time to time.

If someone violates your boundaries, put them in their place.

If you're really sad, tell your best friend about it.

But overall, you should develop the habit of living with a more positive attitude.

Positivity has great value.

Your emotions are transmitted to others, and a good mood is always contagious.

If you are prone to melancholy and a tearful mood, then urgently eradicate these qualities in yourself.

Nobody wants to be friends with a whiner and a crybaby.

Back in the day, I wore a rubber band around my wrist, and whenever I had negative thoughts, I would flick my hand and come up with the three best ways to frame the situation.

Ultimately, I wired my brain to be positive.

Set a goal and a deadline for achieving it

To achieve something in life, you must set a goal and gradually move towards its realization. You must also motivate yourself by setting strict conditions for achieving your plans. If you remember that you are limited in time, then you will put in a lot of effort to achieve your goal in a timely manner. You may feel like you shouldn't make things so complicated, but setting realistic deadlines will help you use your time wisely and avoid false expectations. For example, you can complete an acting course in a year, but you won't be able to do it in just a week.

#4 Golden Rule of Friendship

Time = friendship.

Another great book on how to make friends is Jack Schafer's Turn on the Charm the Secret Service Method.

In this book, Schafer describes the golden rule of friendship as the time you spend with someone with whom you are moving toward a common goal.

If you really want to make friends with someone, then find a common goal and team up.

Become gym buddies.

Or maybe work together on a project that will mutually benefit.

Over time, you will become close friends.

Work on your charm and charisma

Look at famous people. They all have something in common. They all have a certain charisma and use it to influence other people. This influence is so strong that people are willing to follow a famous person and look to him as a role model. In addition, many famous people feel compassion for the problems of others. They are sincere and responsive. You should also work on your charisma and try to be more open.

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What does it mean to be famous?

What does it mean to be famous? To be famous means to be interesting to society.

From time immemorial, famous people have been politicians, artists, musicians, artists, writers, scientists, athletes, and people leading an active social lifestyle.

The results of their activities, which become public, are distributed among many people and bring fame. Here are some popular life examples.

  1. The actor starred in the film, which became very popular in the country and even the world. They started writing about him, they started interviewing him, inviting him to TV shows, to charity and commercial meetings. His face was adorned with advertising posters that hang in all cities.
  2. The musician recorded a track that broke records on all charts. The song began to be played on the radio, they decided to shoot a video for it, and launched it on music channels. The musician began to be invited to participate in concerts, and soon he became ready for tours.
  3. The writer finished work on the novel, which after publication became a bestseller. What awaits him? Meetings with readers, invitations to participate in programs, literary events, and charity events. If we go further, a film will be made based on the novel, and the author will become even more famous.

The list goes on and on. Moreover, it should be noted that fame is brought not only by positive and creative activities. Some criminals are also considered famous, this is a well-known fact.

It’s sad, but many maniacs and robbers have their own admirers and fans who elevate them to the rank of idols and study their fate, motives, and details of their crimes. A negative activity that is widely publicized also makes the person who carried it out a celebrity.

Focus on your education

Famous people always have a good education. If you say that many of them never went to university, that is true, but education is not just a piece of cardboard called a diploma. You can become an educated person without finishing university. All you need to do is focus on self-improvement, read relevant literature and attend trainings.

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In some cases, people without outstanding abilities become popular, but in most situations their future lives are sad. Yesterday they were known, but today everyone has forgotten about them. In contrast, people who pay a lot of attention to their education remain at the peak of popularity for a long time.

What makes a person famous?

What makes a person famous and what causes his fame to spread?

  1. First of all, someone who carries out any activity that is characterized by productivity, creativity, a non-standard approach and has a certain result becomes famous.
  2. Secondly, a person with extraordinary appearance or abilities can become famous if they are publicly demonstrated.
  3. Thirdly, many bloggers are now becoming famous. People broadcasting their own lives, commenting on everything they do and what happens around them, become incredibly popular.

They attract attention because they live on air, online, show life as it is and are not afraid to express their opinion. The lens of their cameras captures everything that surrounds them: food, sports, walks, shopping, beauty, books, cinema, social events.

It must be taken into account that each celebrity has a different level of fame. You can be a world-class celebrity, or you can be a celebrity in your own village or even school. It all depends on the level of dissemination of information about the person, his activities, and talents.

Fame can go a long way, or it can fall, as they say, “from the ceiling.” The path to success and fame for a large number of people is not easy, takes a long period of time and requires enormous effort. By shaping themselves from an early age, people move towards their goals and achieve heights in the professional and personal spheres.

It may take a long time before they are recognized on the streets and written about in the press. For example, many modern “stars” were famous in childhood: first at school, then at university, then in their professional activities. They played in school ensembles, theater clubs, participated in Olympiads, and were active in social activities.

And some, on the contrary, lived like everyone else, not too different from others in appearance and activities. But some event happened that dramatically and quickly changed their lives (a successful role in a film that was a box office hit, a track that became a hit, an interesting book that was recognized as a bestseller, etc.). The man suddenly woke up famous.

But we must understand that fame also has its time. If a person wants to remain famous, he must maintain his level of popularity by any means necessary. Otherwise, the peak of popularity will quickly pass into the pit of oblivion.

For example, a new popular song can stay at the top of the charts for several weeks, and its author or performer will gain fans during this time. But if all subsequent songs are of lower quality, the musician will soon be forgotten.

It's the same with actors. It happens that in an actor’s career there can be only one successful role that brought him popularity. He will be remembered by her and associated with her. But further development will not happen, new roles may not be offered, and the old one will also be forgotten over time.

Considering the temporary factor, you should try to maintain the level of knowledge and engage in self-improvement in order to remain popular.

Stop building your life according to other people's opinions

Everyone knows the popular game called Angry Birds. In addition to the main game, birds are placed on T-shirts, notebooks, and postcards. However, when a group of students created this game and wanted to sell it, everyone laughed at them. Many refused to invest their money in “stupid birds.”

This is one of the reasons why you should not follow the majority view. Show off your personality. There were times when people laughed at the idea that the Earth was round.

To become famous, you must constantly look for new methods to achieve your goal, improve your positive qualities and believe in success. Always try to move forward, but remain a kind and sincere person. Learn new skills every day and show off your talents to improve your life and gain the affection of many people.

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What makes up a personal brand?

The personal brand of a company leader or a professional in his field is:

  • Unique and unique image.
  • A living person who is behind the business.
  • Emotions, personal opinion, own views.
  • The value system that a business transmits through a person.
  • Highest goal and mission.
  • Expertise, deep knowledge of the market and your product.
  • Constant statements about yourself.
  • Competent personal positioning.
  • Conscious work to strengthen your reputation.

We need to think through everything “from” to “to”. What image do you want to create? What business values ​​will you convey? In what language and in what manner will you communicate with your audience? What expert content should you share? Where and how are you ready to express yourself - write a book, speak at conferences, record podcasts, participate in presentations, blog and social networks, star in videos?

How to create a personal brand? Flaunt your uniqueness

When does this desire arise?

Perhaps, even at an early age, the desire for universal fame appears. “How to become famous in kindergarten? How to become famous at school? - these questions arise in the minds of very young people.

Popularity is quite beneficial - people recognize you, they want to be friends with you, boys carry briefcases, girls treat you to sweets. Further more. The older a person becomes, the more benefits he can derive from the fact that he is famous, even within the same educational institution or area where he lives.

What to talk about with the audience?

  • A public figure can tell how his company lives, how everyday life goes, what employees do, how work processes are structured.
  • You can also cover broader topics - how the industry lives, what news there is.
  • You can make reviews of yourself and your competitors, conduct market research, and show yourself as experts.
  • Or you can even build communications with the audience based on philosophical questions that catch everyone’s attention.

It is best to mix these topics, and do not hide personal emotions behind a professional presentation. Yes, you can talk about as serious topics as you like and as objectively as you like, but if you are creating a personal brand, your personal opinion should be visible in your communications. You are not an impartial journalist, you are an individual, with your own views, tastes, preferences, dreams and desires. And it’s advisable to add a pinch of humor, to taste.

Even if you have a complex, serious and seemingly uninteresting topic, you can always learn to present it in an exciting and bright way, if you wish. As, for example, industrial does on its Facebook page. The plant itself has a personal brand there.

What is a “harsh” plant doing on social networks? Believe it or not, he communicates with the audience! And very successfully: he already has more than 82,000 subscribers and more than 73,000 about. Each new post gets 1000 likes or more.

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How can you talk interestingly about such a highly specialized and boring topic for many - the production of railway, agricultural, construction and lifting equipment? The secret is in living language, vivid expressions, apt observations, ironic statements and complete openness.


We live in an amazing time when everyone can become famous and famous, regardless of age, gender, nationality and place of residence. Also, your occupation, appearance, skills and abilities do not matter. Do only the beautiful and talented achieve fame? Haha, not at all! Thanks to the ever-expanding influence of television and the Internet, anyone can become famous. Therefore, the answer to the question “where” is incredibly simple - within walking distance from each of us!

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