TOP 10 best motivating books for self-development and self-improvement for men

Gone are the days when a man had to build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. The only thing that a modern man should (it’s worth noting here – to himself) is to develop himself to achieve his goals, which is a great help with thematic literature.

One, of course, does not exclude the other. You can build a house and read books during breaks. What is so good about the books on this list, why should you take note of them?

Firstly, readers noted their effectiveness (they have no need to lie), and secondly, these books simply will not give you peace, constantly appearing in recommendations on various services!

If you've been putting off Rich Dad Poor Dad, Fight Club, etc. for a long time, maybe it's time to read them? At the very least, it is interesting why many people recommend reading these books.

Count of Monte Cristo. Alexandr Duma

An adventure novel is good because it can be read by people of any age , so you can sit comfortably with your family and spend time reading. “The Count of Monte Cristo” is a book about the incredible spiritual strength of a person, which helps him not to break down and overcome all trials.

The novel was written in 1845, and the impetus for its writing was the author’s trip to the Mediterranean Sea, where he visited the island of Montecristo, shrouded in legends. The plot is quite romantic: a young sailor, following a false denunciation, ends up in the Chateau d'If prison and spends 14 years there...

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he escapes, taking with him the unimaginable wealth that his neighbor in prison bequeathed to him. The man takes the name Monte Cristo and begins to take revenge.

Instructions for a business woman

In addition to relationships and a better understanding of one’s desires, needs and character traits, self-realization and financial independence are of great importance in a woman’s life.

Representatives of the best books for women's self-development that talk about business are the works of Stephen Covey and Natalia Grace.

"The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"

book by Stephen Covey
This book has repeatedly been included in selections of the best literature on business, and its author, Stephen Covey, is on the list of the 25 most influential people in the United States.

The book was first published in 1989 and has not lost its relevance since then. This is a recognized bestseller on personal growth, many people have spoken about its impact. Among them are Bill Clinton, Stephen Forbes and Larry King. In many companies, familiarization with this book is a prerequisite for employees.

The content of the book focuses on how to set goals, achieve them, effectively build relationships with people and engage in continuous self-improvement.

“Work, money and love. Guide to Self-Realization"

Work, money and love.
Guide to self-realization This training book by Natalia Grace is designed to help women identify their strengths, develop them, and rebuild their thinking to the level that is characteristic of self-sufficient and harmonious individuals.

The author’s rather tough and categorical style motivates readers to change.

The merciless truth. Mike Tyson

The title speaks for itself - this is a book of truth, the autobiography of a champion . Mike Tyson has become a world boxing legend; there will never be such personalities in the sport again. Tyson's life is as furious and reckless as his fights.

Several personalities coexist within him: a fighter, a womanizer, an ironic philosopher, a criminal... How did he manage to achieve such colossal success?

“The Ruthless Truth” is an autobiographical book about the successful athlete Mike Tyson, known throughout the world. It will be interesting even to those who do not like boxing, since it deals not so much with the topic of sports, but with a success story. The main thing that can be taken away from the story is - do not give up under any circumstances! Nothing is impossible in life.

No. 13. "The Woman with a Plan" - May Musk

General meaning: Biography of Elon Musk's mother

Here is a fascinating and frank confession from the mother of a son who will discover life on Mars in the future!

Well, more precisely, “The Woman with a Plan” is the story of the rich life of a strong and independent woman. On the pages of this book you can find both practical everyday advice and exciting adventures.

About how to be a confident and stylish woman, remain a good mother, maintain a healthy lifestyle and be the oldest fashion model. You can read all this in the biography of May Musk.


“No matter what chance you get, big or small, there will always be someone who will be skeptical of your “why not?”

for 399r

Buy in the Labyrinth for 693 rubles

Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand

Here is a book that will change your worldview . If you are not ready to say goodbye to old ideas, then you can hardly recommend reading Atlas Shrugged.

From the book you will get answers to the painful question about the meaning of life, which has worried and worries the minds of all mortals, as well as what is the role of man in society.

Experts come to power in the United States, and the government takes a course toward “equal opportunities.” In his opinion, talented and wealthy people are capable of making worthless people who do not have outstanding talents rich.

The economy is collapsing, and talented people begin to disappear under mysterious circumstances. The main characters of the novel are trying to stop the chaos.

No. 1. “I am a woman” – Olga Belokon

Overview: Description of common and relevant topics for women's health

Olga Belokon is a practicing gynecologist who helps women with various health-related issues.

In the book, Olga talks about the basics of women's health, hormones, contraception and much more. The author argues that in order to avoid possible diseases, it is necessary to study and listen to your own body. You will find out how to do this on the pages.

“I am a Woman” is a real encyclopedia of women's health, which offers a modern approach to medicine. I think the widest possible range of topics covered will be of interest to all women (and men).


“Your life, your physical and mental health is much more important than anything else.”

for 369r

Buy in the Labyrinth for 682 rubles

Do you want to reason logically and consistently, quickly make effective decisions and find innovative approaches to difficult problems? This training program will help you with this.

From 800 meters to marathon. Jack Daniels

This book will be useful to anyone who runs . What is its effectiveness? “From 800 meters to the marathon” contains very competent and practical advice on running technique. You will learn how to breathe correctly, distribute loads, etc.

If your goal is to participate in competitions, then you cannot do without an assistant! With Jack Daniels' book, you will learn secrets that will be useful to you in running: create a training plan, distribute the load over the weeks, and also learn how to track progress using the Daniels system.

This book will also help those who run for themselves - it has a section with programs for people of different levels of physical fitness.


Let's start with the appearance. Image is your business card. The better it is, the more willing people are to open their boundaries to you and interact. This rule works for both interpersonal and professional relationships. Therefore, you should never let your appearance take its course. Moreover, there is nothing supernatural or complicated in working on an image.

“Men’s style from A to Z” from Roman Medny

Men's style from A to Z - an extensive course on upgrading your image from stylist and TV presenter Roman Medny. You'll learn how to push the boundaries of your style, learn how to put together outfits, and generally look more presentable.

In a programme:

  • features of the male figure;
  • men's coloristics;
  • basics of style combinatorics;
  • stylish details;
  • fashion in a man's life.

The course consists of 6 lessons lasting about an hour each. Cost – 4,900 rubles. Various payment methods are available: bank card, Yandex.Money, WebMoney, PayPal. There is a money back guarantee if you don't like it.

“Men's educational program. All about caring for your appearance” from Roman Medny

Men's educational program - a course on self-care. Although they say that a man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey, I dare to disagree with this. If you want to make a favorable impression on people and be successful with the opposite sex, you will have to work on yourself.

You will learn:

  • how to care for your skin;
  • how to smooth out the signs of aging;
  • how to tame body hair;
  • how to choose a hairstyle and beard shape;
  • what procedures are recommended for men by a cosmetologist?

I will dispel your fears - there is nothing on the course that can reduce your masculinity. Only the bare minimum necessary to look well-groomed and tidy.

Cost – 2,500 rubles. The total duration of all video lessons is 4 hours. If you don't like it, you can get your money back.


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“Stylish man: accessories for a man’s look” from Roman Medny

The Stylish Man course will open the doors to the world of men's accessories. You will gain knowledge that will help you create a personal wardrobe of accessories. You will upgrade your style and make all your looks complete and presentable.

In a programme:

  • main types of male appearance and accessories that go with them;
  • how to determine the quality of accessories;
  • textile accessories;
  • leather accessories;
  • hats;
  • jewelry and sunglasses.

There are 4 lessons in total, one hour each. It costs 2,900 rubles. You will also receive recordings of two seminars as a gift: “Color and Texture” and “Men’s Winter Accessories”.

“Types of male appearance” from Anna Kuznetsova

Types of male appearance - a course that will help you discover your individuality. We are all different - both internally and externally. Therefore, what suits one person may look stupid and ridiculous on another. You will find out which clothes will highlight your strengths and make you irresistible, and which ones are forbidden for you.

The course consists of 7 video lessons, which cover the following topics:

  • 5 main and 3 mixed types of male appearance;
  • what clothes and accessories are suitable for each type;
  • nuances when choosing clothes of different styles;
  • where you can buy suitable things.

This information will make choosing clothes much easier and save you a lot of money on bad purchases. In addition to theory, the program also contains practical tasks and exercises. You will train yourself to create sets and combine colors.

There are two tariffs to choose from: “Start” and “Pro”. The first one costs 5,990 rubles. and is designed for independent passage, the second - 7,990 rubles. and provides feedback from the curator.

“7 steps to a stylish male look” from Anna Kuznetsova

7 steps to a stylish men's look - a free webinar from the founder of Russia's first men's style school, Anna Kuznetsova. It will help men who are far from the fashion industry to understand the basics of stylistics and set the vector for further development in this direction.

The webinar covers the following topics:

  1. Analyzing your wardrobe: what things to get rid of, what to put in order, and what to buy.
  2. Correcting mistakes: bad style habits and how to overcome them.
  3. Choosing the right style: choosing clothes in accordance with your lifestyle and character.
  4. Basic wardrobe: what it is and how to assemble it.
  5. Correcting your appearance with clothes: how to highlight your strengths and hide your flaws.
  6. Stylish highlights: how to make an image lively, interesting and memorable without going overboard.

My travels. Fedor Konyukhov

“My Travels” will be a valuable gift for travel lovers, tourists , and in general everyone whose life is connected with “searches” in every sense of the word. Fyodor Konyukhov is a Russian traveler, artist and priest. He soloed 5 circumnavigations of the world and crossed the Atlantic 17 times. This is truly a great man!

In his book, Fyodor Konyukhov talks about his first travels, about a lonely trip to the North Pole, about climbing Everest and much more. This man defied the elements and put himself in danger more than once.

There were also cases when Konyukhov almost died during his travels, for example, when he flew into an abyss... And during the voyage he experienced severe storms. You will learn about all the adventures of the Russian traveler from the book “My Travels”.

Physical Development (Your Body)

I will take one quote from the site of this men's training:

“Physical activity is a sure-fire way to influence your personality. You will see your hidden resources and understand that you have everything to move towards your goal.”

Listen carefully.

You can only get this result through hard training.

Every grueling workout is your man's training.

Day after day, a diligent process of working on my body and my diet.

Gradually you start to look better.

Your veins and muscles begin to appear.

What do they offer you at men's training?

Shock therapy.

A person who has almost never done push-ups must pound push-ups until exhaustion.

He is not prepared for this. Neither physically nor psychologically.

From such shock therapy, he may suffer from ligament injury or an internal aversion to sports.

He won’t even understand what an hour or two hour workout is, which only lifts your mood.

Where you can rest between sets to regain all your strength.

Where you can drink water when you need it.

Where you can enjoy your workout.


Not at men's training.

Here they will make it clear to you: sport = long, painful, scary.

Look, I love sports.

But if you force an untrained person to do push-ups until he craps himself, he will be afraid of the next workout.

You don't need shock therapy to get in shape.

You need a HABIT.

This is all done in small bricks, you know?

Each workout is one brick in the construction of a large building (your body).

One-day shock push-ups will do absolutely nothing.


This is how you get a good result.

Every time you love training more and more.

They become part of your life.

In the process of training, you have insights that you can apply anywhere in your life.

For example, when you think your body is already tired, there is actually a lot more you can do.

You push yourself beyond your tiredness. Doing more than you thought possible.


But the price of this philosophy is EFFORT OVER TIME.

One training session is not enough to develop anything in you.

As far as I know, for the price of this training you can buy an annual gym membership.

Buy yourself a membership and fuck off at the gym for a whole year.

This year will be a real investment in your life.


You need time.

Art of War. Sun Tzu

Every person should have this book, not just men! Surprisingly, written about 2,500 years ago, The Art of War is still relevant today. Why does it attract readers so much? The Chinese warrior-philosopher spoke about the secrets of victories, about what will help make the country prosperous.

The treatise “The Art of War” will be useful to men and women who think about their purpose and success.

The main message can be identified in just a few points:

  • be always ready to fight;
  • do you want peace? Then be ready for war;
  • always analyze;
  • always evaluate the enemy;
  • know your pros and cons.

All these points are applicable in our lives, because... Even at a low level in the hierarchy of people there is a war going on, not to mention those who are lucky enough to make their way “up.” Sun Tzu tells how to win.

Motivational and inspirational books

No. 5. "To hell with all of it! Take it and do it!” — Richard Branson

About the Author: Richard Branson is perhaps the world's most popular business expert.

About the book:

This is a call to change your life; it will force you to challenge yourself if you go back to thinking that a “worthless” life is all you can aspire to. A person's destiny is determined by the “conclusions” he makes, and Branson encourages us to be masters of our own destiny.


“I trust my intuition and ability to achieve almost anything I want.”

Buy at Litres for 449 rubles

No. 6. “Saying “Yes!” to Life: A Psychologist in a Concentration Camp” - Viktor Frankl

About the author: Frankl was a psychologist who was sent to the Dachau concentration camp at the height of World War II. Here he witnessed some of the worst atrocities known in the 20th century. From this place of suffering, he discovered that the desire to find meaning in life can help any man break through the darkness.

About the book:

A story about the Holocaust and the nature of suffering, there are some very frank discussions that are sure to disturb some.

For those who are not afraid to ask themselves big questions, this book will prove to be an everlasting gift.


“An outsider and an uninitiated person who has not been to the camp himself, as a rule, is generally not able to imagine the true picture of camp life.”

Buy on Litres for 299 rubles

No. 7. “The main secret of attracting money. Think and get rich!" — Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale

About the authors: Two of the greatest people who, with the help of their “pen,” motivated hundreds of thousands of people and created a World bestseller

About the book:

Here you will learn the real formula for success for your future. Learn to motivate yourself and give your all to become the “master” in whatever business you decide to do.

Read also:

66 Legitimate Business Ideas and Ways to Make Money Online


“Each of us must reap the fruits of our own thoughts and forge our own future, because everything you think today and tomorrow, next month and next year, will forge your life and determine the future.”

Buy at Litres for 159 rubles

No. 8. “The power of now. A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment - Eckhart Tolle

About the author: A famous German speaker and motivator, whose main message is constant self-development.

About the book:

This is not just a guide to spiritual practice and how it can change your life, it is also a guide to transforming the world through this practice.

The key takeaway here is that you have the ability to change the world one step at a time if you work to transform yourself from within, and this understanding can serve you well throughout your life.

Buy on Litres for 509 rub.

Rich dad, poor dad. Robert Kiyosaki

If you finally decide to read the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” - we support you! This book will be your seed on the path to financial literacy . You will be able to understand where the money comes from and where it goes. And how to make sure that more remains than goes out...

Robert Kiyosaki believes that children do not receive proper knowledge about finances, and then work all their lives for money. “But how could it be otherwise?” you ask. The author has a solution - you need to make money work for yourself.

Every child should be taught financial literacy from a young age so that they do not have difficulties in the future.

Brian Tracy. Get out of your comfort zone, 2007.

The book “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone” is written by a knowledgeable author. Millionaire Brian Tracy really started from scratch. He dropped out of school and worked here and there. Only by the age of 30 did he receive an education, and by 40 he became a millionaire.

21 methods for increasing life efficiency have been tested in practice by himself. Not all of the methods described will be a discovery for you, but the main thing is not their originality and novelty. Brian Tracy shows the real way to change the state of “hibernation” of consciousness and awakens the desire to accomplish this feat.

Fight club. Chuck Palahniuk

The 1999 film Fight Club was based on the cult novel by Chuck Palahniuk . The novel was too good not to film it!

It is worth noting that not everyone saw the deep meaning in the book, paying attention to the cruel scenes and vulgarity, but if you are not one of the pampered ones, you will appreciate the novel, like many other readers.

“Fight Club” is a revelation novel, a challenge to society. The author introduces the reader to a nameless hero whose meaning in life is consumption. His life passes in a stuffy and boring office, and he himself dreams of breaking out of the routine. But when he meets Tyler Durden, his life changes dramatically...

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Self-development books for men

No. 1. Negotiation Genius - Max Bazerman, Deepak Malhotra

About the authors: Max Bazerman, Deepak Malhotra are psychologists who have studied the intricacies of communication and negotiations.

About the book:

This is a kind of “tutorial” on important tips:

  • how to negotiate, taking into account the psychological state of the interlocutor;
  • how social status influences communication;
  • what subtleties and nuances are most important for your negotiations.


“A negotiation genius is someone who has knowledge, understanding of the situation and a well-thought-out strategy.”

Buy at Litres for 379 rubles

No. 2. "Good Bad Boss" - Cary Cooper, Stefan Stern

About the authors: Carey Cooper and Stefan Stern are true professionals in their field, professors at Stanford University.

About the book:

It is based on many years of experience of real leaders and clearly demonstrates that by looking at the activities of both good and bad managers, you can definitely benefit from it and learn a lesson for the future.


“Management is not everything, but it is almost everything.”

Buy at Litres for 379 rubles

No. 3. "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" - John Maxwell

About the Author: Maxwell is a popular author and journalist. A true master of the “oratory workshop”.

About the book:

First of all, this work is aimed at a wide readership who sees in himself the skills or inclinations of a future leader.

21 rules, 21 principles will definitely help you. This is not just a theoretical collection, but an opportunity to see your possible mistakes and try to eliminate them in advance.


“When you recognize your inherent lack of leadership skills and abilities, and then discipline yourself to commit to daily personal growth in that area, exciting things begin to happen.”

Buy at Litres for 371 rubles

No. 4. “Black rhetoric. The power and magic of words" - Karsten Bredemeier

About the author: He is a fairly well-known specialist in the field of business consulting. He is also considered one of the best communication trainers in Europe.

About the book:

The book teaches manipulation by all methods and rhetorical means. The book explains how to properly communicate with an interlocutor, teaches not just communication, but resourcefulness, and not succumbing to various provocations.

It will be useful for those who want to learn the art of dialogue, as well as public speaking.


“Irony is the Trojan horse of verbal acrobatics, self-irony is a minefield for those who use it.”

Buy at Litres for 339 rubles

The Way of the Leading Fist (Tao of Jeet Kune Do), Bruce Lee

The greatest martial artist, Bruce Lee, wrote this book to help any man involved in martial arts, as well as those who want to know themselves.

Much of this book is devoted to fighting techniques and will be of interest to boxers and kickboxers, but the beginning and end are pure masculine philosophy.

Bruce Lee keeps things simple. With his book, your understanding of the world will also become simpler, and you will be able to find inner peace.

Bruce Lee will answer your questions on how to stop being afraid of a fight, how to be more confident in yourself.

Fight like a Champion. Explosive Punching and Active Self-Defense, Jack Dempsey

Did you think that self-development meant time management, yoga and watching motivational TV series?

You were wrong, my friend.

It's time to learn how to fight.

This book by one of the greatest boxers, Jack Dempsey, teaches you how to punch and defend yourself.

After this book, you will love boxing - one of the noblest sports.

Open this book and learn how to do punches correctly: jabs, hooks, uppercuts.

A man must know how to fight. This book will motivate you to go to a boxing class and develop your fighting spirit.

You will also discover a couple of new techniques, and maybe even change your understanding of the correct striking technique.

Remember: Mike Tyson looked up to this man - and that says something.

Read this cool book and soak up the spirit of boxing!

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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