Computer game addiction in adults: signs, how to fight, prevention

11.11.20205 minutes read 18400

Gaming addiction

from computer games is one of the forms of psychological addiction, manifested in obsessive passion for computer and video games.

The strongest attachment is most often caused by online games, which drive their adherents to physical and mental exhaustion and even death. In 2005, a Chinese girl died after being immersed in World of Warcraft for days.

Gambling addiction is comparable in strength to addiction to alcohol and drugs; it provokes the release of a cocktail of hormones into the blood: adrenaline, endorphin, dopamine, cortisol. This causes a violent surge of various emotions - from euphoria to a feeling of hopelessness. And this is what forms an addiction, similar to drug addiction. A person again and again wants to repeat these emotions that virtual worlds give him.

Important In June 2022, WHO included gaming disorder in the 11th list of the International Classification of Diseases, which is planned to come into effect on January 1, 2022.

What is gambling addiction and how to treat it?

Addiction to computer gaming reality occurs in men and women due to a combination of two factors: social dissatisfaction and psychological problems. Neither the future gambler nor his entourage foresee danger at the initial stage, because this toy is a harmless pastime, a way of escaping problems and troubles. But some people immerse themselves too deeply in virtual reality, completely removing the real world.

In order to cure all the symptoms, it will take a lot of time and effort from the addict himself, his loved ones and the work of a psychotherapist.

The main treatment method for advanced gambling addiction is individual psychotherapy. Group psychotherapy also gives good results. A person must realize the problem, understand why he is running away into an illusory world, what does not suit him in real life, get rid of illusions and stop hiding in virtual reality. In particularly severe cases, treatment may take about a year and require a comprehensive solution:

  • psychotherapy;
  • hypnosis;
  • drug support;
  • help from loved ones;
  • group psychotherapy;
  • meetings of anonymous communities.

Psychological portraits of gambling addicts

Psychologists identify two main portraits of addicted people for whom professional treatment for gambling addiction :

  1. hyperthymic. This type is divided into separate subtypes, among which hyperthymic-unstable deserves special attention. A person with this type always tries to get maximum pleasure in everything. An energetic and optimistic person does not even think that some actions could cause harm to themselves or others. A tendency to act recklessly may result in the development of gambling addiction , alcoholism or drug addiction;
  2. hypothymic. An individual with this type is prone to a depressed state. The person is withdrawn, uncommunicative, gloomy, there is a tendency to remorse, self-accusation and self-deprecation, and pondering past mistakes, even minor ones. A pessimistic person sees the whole world in dark colors. Life's problems easily and for a long time throw you out of balance.

How to distinguish “gambling addiction” from a hobby?

Computer game worlds themselves do not cause harm, and in many cases are useful for individuals and society. Thus, the steadily decreasing level of violence is also associated with video games: people can throw out negative emotions, reduce stress, and take a break from routine in a way that is safe for themselves and others.

How to distinguish addiction from hobby:

Hobby doesn't cause problems

  • the person controls the video game time;
  • if something important arises, he is easily distracted and interrupted;
  • does not sacrifice work time, study time, or time with loved ones to the computer or console;
  • does not spend excessive amounts of money on video games (no more than on other entertainment);
  • a person has many other hobbies - reading, cinema, walking, museums, concerts, etc.;
  • virtual reality does not change the usual way of life: sleep and rest patterns, meals;
  • elements of the game are not transferred (or in a minimal amount) into everyday life: fan groups, clothing with characters, posters, game paraphernalia, etc.;
  • his hobby does not spoil his relationships with others.

Addiction is characterized by the following manifestations:

The American Psychological Association (APA) has developed nine criteria for diagnosing video game addiction in men and women. Check if you have these symptoms:

  1. The patient thinks a lot about playing, even while doing other things, and plans when he can play.
  2. Feeling restless, irritable, angry, or sad when trying to cut down on activities or in situations where there is no opportunity to play.
  3. There is a desire to play more time and use a more powerful computer for this.
  4. The patient understands that he must reduce the time, but cannot control himself.
  5. Refusal of other entertainment (hobbies, meeting with friends) in favor of video games.
  6. The patient continues to gamble even if he is aware of the negative consequences of his addiction: poor sleep, being late for school or work, spending too much money, conflicts with loved ones and neglect of important responsibilities.
  7. The patient lies to relatives, friends and other people about the amount of time spent in virtual reality.
  8. The game is used to avoid solving current problems and emotional states.
  9. Due to addiction, there is a risk of losing your job, breaking off relationships with loved ones, or losing other opportunities.

General information

Gambling addiction is a disease that belongs to psychological behavioral personality disorders . Otherwise called gambling addiction , gambling addiction or gambling addiction , that is, addiction to gambling - games for money or other valuables (which translated into English sounds like gambling).
Gambling addiction leads to non-chemical addiction, since the object is not a psychoactive substance, but a behavioral pattern. This psychological disorder is based on a tendency to frequent repeated episodes of gambling, which occupy a dominant position in their lives and devalue social, professional, material and family values, as well as obligations. Such an attraction is considered pathological, since it has a destructive effect on all areas of a person’s life and makes him irresponsible and ineffective in them, and in extreme cases, makes the person completely asocial: devoid of a sense of responsibility, with low moral values ​​and a lack of interest in others.

Wikipedia presents statistical data from 1996 on the prevalence of gambling addiction in the human population, which is approximately 60%, pathological addiction is observed in 1-5% (more common in men, but in women gambling addiction takes a more severe form). The number of problem gamblers and the popularity of casinos is constantly growing, making this problem more significant than previously thought. Some developed countries are passing laws banning gambling in order to somehow influence such a critical situation.

Causes of gambling addiction among children and adolescents

Often parents themselves become a source of addiction for children and adolescents.

1. If they set an example by spending too much time on the computer and game console, they do not pay attention to the child and do not teach him to organize his own time.

2. Trying to “get rid” of the child: in order for him not to get in the way and not interfere, they themselves give him a phone, a tablet with “useful” programs downloaded into them. Many people do this from the age of one, and are even proud of the fact that “my child understands these technologies better than me,” but in the child’s fragile brain, excessive digitalization produces a bomb effect. He does not learn to live in the real world, does not notice its beauty and complexity, and has difficulty communicating with other people.

You can talk about gaming addiction in teenagers when you notice that they are losing interest in all areas of life: their academic performance is declining, their relationships with peers and teachers are deteriorating.

Symptoms of teenage gambling addiction include:

  • aggressive protests to requests to leave the computer;
  • anger and irritation when you still have to take a break from the gameplay;
  • demanding money for game updates, improvements, for a more powerful computer/console;
  • inability to determine and control time for hobbies;
  • violation of sleep and rest patterns: the child does not sleep all night while playing;
  • violation of eating habits: does not eat with the family at the table, eats sandwiches, chips, and other unhealthy “fast” food during the game;
  • neglects hygiene;
  • the mood improves only during the game, if you have to spend time with your family, demonstrates irritation and dissatisfaction;
  • all his “friends” are interested in the same thing as him; he cannot or does not want to communicate with peers who do not play computers;
  • neglect of household duties, studies, sports training.


The basis of pathological addiction to gambling is a person’s desire to easily and in the shortest possible time receive a large monetary or other materially valuable win, as well as the desire to get even more or win back. As a result, a game cycle is formed, which consists of the following phases:

  • abstinence – a period when a person does not play for money due to social pressure and financial difficulties;
  • fantasizing - the patient’s mind is filled with thoughts about the possibility of winning, overshadowing memories of losses ;
  • increasing emotional stress - gambling addicts experience symptoms such as depressed mood, increased anxiety or irritability ;
  • making a decision to participate in the game again - usually a gambling enthusiast develops what seems to him to be the “most winning” strategy, or, on the contrary, immediately after a gaming episode he tries to win back, succumbing to irrational beliefs;
  • repressing the decision made - leads to an improvement in the financial situation and the emergence of a false sense of control over the situation, which provokes gambling breakdowns due to slight temptations, having money in the pocket, taking a large dose of alcohol and, in general, the desire to “rest and relax” in a casino or other gambling establishment;
  • implementation of the decision - against the background of pronounced emotional arousal and intense fantasies about the upcoming opportunity to play, people with a mental disorder fall into a state in the form of a “ trance ”, do not accept constructive objections and commit irrational acts until all the money is spent;
  • the final phase is abstinence and then the cycle starts again.

Pathogenetic factors form an addictive personality , characterized by an obsessive need for a certain type of activity; the patient constantly needs to repeat a certain type of action - participation in the game process, and if the cycle is disrupted, pronounced physiological and psychological deviations, non-trivial behavior and other mental disorders occur.

It all starts with the winning stage, when after the first often random game a person wins, subsequent wins trigger gaming motivation, which leads to increased bets, fantasies of winning and unreasonable optimism. At the next stage of “losing,” the patient begins to move away from family and friends, hide his addiction and financial difficulties, while paying less and less attention to work and not wanting to pay debts, which leads to mental disorders - increased irritability, fatigue and unsociability. It all comes down to the emergence of very large debts; attempts to resolve the problem push them to any, even criminal, actions, after which the person desperately tries to quit gambling, but usually to no avail.

The last stage is disappointment, when a person who has lost his professional and personal reputation, lost his family, still spends more and more time playing games, increases the stakes and “accumulates” with large debts - begins to feel a sense of guilt, remorse, even repent, but panic and hopelessness cause depression , alcohol abuse , suicidal thoughts. All this can lead to serious problems with the law, emotional instability and suicide .

Addiction includes not only gambling addiction, but also shopaholism , Internet addiction , and overeating . Due to the single pathogenetic mechanism, their combination is possible - in the case of comorbidity of syndromes. Typically, gambling addiction in men is accompanied by alcoholism, and in women - by depressive disorder.

Causes of gambling addiction in adults

Statistics say: these three factors, individually or several in combination, lead to addiction:

The main factor influencing the occurrence of computer gaming addiction in adult men and women is the personal (psychological) factor: unstable psyche, inability to cope with stress, lack of self-control skills, dissatisfaction with real life and reluctance to take responsibility for failures, inability to communicate and build relationship.

Also, the formation of addiction is influenced by mental disorders: anxiety disorders, tendency to depression, social phobias. For such people, games provide an opportunity to escape from a society that frightens them, relieve stress from having to cope with difficulties, protect themselves from reality and achieve a sense of well-being at least for the time that the game lasts.

A disrupted reward system is a hormonal imbalance. In such addicts, dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure and motivation, is produced in smaller quantities, and an additional strong stimulus is required in order to get vivid emotions. The same disorders are caused by other similar (non-chemical) addictions: gambling addiction, addiction to sports betting, addiction to the phone, etc.

Important The cause of computer addiction is the desire to escape from reality, which is a consequence of a state of deep stress and intense fear that a person cannot cope with.

Post-treatment patient support

People who are prone to gambling and gaming often have certain personality traits that contribute to the development of addiction . A person can be either an optimist by nature or a pessimist, but in any case, he needs to be taught how to properly work with his existing unstable psyche in the future. Together with an experienced psychologist, various possible situations are worked out. The patient must learn to cope with various kinds of life stress on his own. And our specialists give him truly working tools, with the help of which the resocialization of the patient will be much easier. At any time after discharge from the clinic , a former gambling addict can seek qualified help from our specialists.

Features of computer games

Computer games of the latest generation are very different from everything that came before and from other games, for example, gambling, in that they are built in such a way that a person looks at the virtual space through the eyes of the hero and identifies as much as possible with the character. This allows a person to lose touch with reality and completely immerse himself in an illusory world. For the addict, this becomes a trap.

The game allows a person to do everything and a little more: to die and come back to life, to fly, to kill, to love beautiful drawn women and men, but in reality, for some reason, you cannot pause the conflict, replay the problem, return to the beginning, or use a cheating technique to solve a difficult situation.

Thus, according to psychologist M. S. Ivanov, role-playing games pose the greatest danger, since the mechanics of the game itself consist of a person “entering” the game, merging with the computer, losing individuality and identifying oneself with a computer character.

Ivanov identifies the criteria for especially harmful games: the strength of immersion (how well-developed the game universe is) and the absence of an element of excitement or its insignificance for completing the game. In other words, a person simply “lives” in the game, not trying to win anything or defeat anyone, and this virtual reality completely replaces the real one for him.

Note! Addicted gamers need psychological therapy; their problems are an undeveloped personal life, dissatisfaction with themselves, loss of the meaning of life and ordinary human values. Statistics indicate that they are subject to serious psychological difficulties: reduced emotional background; low activity; increased levels of anxiety and stress; social maladjustment.

Conditions of stay in the hospital “I am independent”

Our mission is to help every patient get rid of gambling addiction . Moreover, this must be done effectively, painlessly and as comfortably as possible. Therefore, for accommodation we offer comfortable rooms with a capacity of 2-6 people . There are also separate VIP rooms. Regardless of what you choose, all rooms are equipped with the basic necessities for living - shower, toilet, air conditioning.

on the territory of the rehabilitation center . There is also a kitchen and dining room. 4 meals a day are provided. The menu is designed in such a way that patients restore normal functioning of the body as quickly as possible. A specially designed balanced diet will help defeat dangerous addiction much more effectively. All dishes are not only healthy, but also delicious.

Stages of gambling addiction

A gamer goes through four stages of addiction:

  1. Adaptation process. The person is only slightly interested in a new game.
  2. A period of rapid growth. A person already plays every day, for a long time, and returns to the game mentally more and more often throughout the day.
  3. Dependency stage. The addict can no longer live without playing; most of his mental energy is directed there.
  4. Attachment stage. The addict may even suffer from his addiction, but is unable to cope with it.

The decisive factor in gaming addiction is the inability to give up the game, despite the awareness of the uselessness and/or harmfulness of the gaming process.

How long does it take for the pathology to develop?

No one becomes addicted to a computer game overnight; sometimes addiction can take years to develop. At first, the problem is not obvious to anyone, including the patient himself, but as the addiction grows, the person becomes more and more impulsive, irritable, self-control is greatly weakened, relationships with family and friends deteriorate, and the mood always remains depressed except for periods of gambling.

Cost and duration of stay in the hospital of the recreation center "I am independent"

The rehabilitation period takes several months, and sometimes even several years - it all depends on the form of the mental disorder. However, the former patient always needs maintenance therapy for a long time.

The cost of a hospital stay starts from 30,000 rubles, which already includes meals in the canteen (4 times a day). Personal accompaniment of the patient is possible, which will cost a little more. The final price of services is influenced by the length of hospital stay and the chosen therapy method. You can find out more detailed information about our services by calling our hotline 8 . Specialists will answer all your questions in detail.

Consequences of computer addiction

Gambling addiction negatively affects all aspects of a person’s life:

  • Sleep and rest patterns suffer.
  • Eating habits change: the patient eats fast food so as not to be distracted from the game.
  • Relationships with loved ones suffer.
  • Work and educational processes are disrupted.
  • The range of interests is limited.
  • The character deteriorates, the patient becomes irritable and aggressive.
  • Financial problems may arise due to unrestrained spending on upgrading your computer, purchasing the latest game console, various gadgets and programs.

Important According to neurologist Baroness Susan Greenfield, games are the cause of dementia, since modern means of entertainment lead to increased excitability of the nervous system. Over time, a person gets used to this condition, dependence occurs, and as a result, the risk of developing dementia increases.

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When should you seek help immediately?

  • Euphoria during the game and emptiness, loss after its completion;
  • Constant thoughts about the object of your addiction;
  • Frequent and large expenses for software updates;
  • Repeated attempts to quit the game ;
  • Complete disregard for study, work, severance of friendships;
  • Systematic manipulation, lying to loved ones;
  • Poor appearance (due to insomnia, neurosis, alcohol, loss of appetite);
  • Constant requests to lend money;
  • Loss of valuables from home;
  • Closedness, alienation, aggression, irritability;
  • Problems with law enforcement agencies, credit organizations.

How to get rid of gambling addiction as an adult

Despite the various causes of addiction, according to statistics, all patients are united by a weak ability to adapt, impaired socialization, the desire to avoid decisions and avoid problems, and low stress resistance.

To cope with the problem, you need to solve these difficulties:

  1. Increasing stress resistance and increasing coping strategies (techniques that help cope with stress) will reduce the discomfort experienced in everyday life.
  2. Develop positive thinking and combat negative cognitive patterns.
  3. Increase self-esteem.
  4. Work on regaining control of your own life and accepting responsibility.

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Support from loved ones

If you have a loved one who is a gambling addict who has decided to deal with the problem, then here is what you can do for him:

  • provide him with full support;
  • help develop new life guidelines;
  • if you are passionate about something, introduce him to your hobby;
  • if he breaks down and starts playing, don’t blame him, continue to support him;
  • offer him help in monitoring the playing time, remind him that it is time to take a break;
  • try to get him interested in spending time outside the home;
  • suggest contacting a psychologist to treat gambling addiction.

Help from a psychologist

Treatment of gambling addiction should be comprehensive, and depends on the stage of addiction and the “experience” of the addict. An experienced gambling addict will have to be treated with the help of a specialist and a set of measures; only an experienced psychologist can save him from pathological attachment.


- will identify the causes of gambling addiction and help generate motivation to get rid of addiction,

- will help reduce the craving for games, replacing it with a rational hobby (at this stage, medications may be prescribed),

— will teach coping strategies and help you begin to solve real problems that led to leaving for the virtual world,

- will help develop skills of self-organization and self-control.

At all stages, psychotherapists help to get rid of such mental and psychological disorders as low motivation and self-esteem, a tendency to addictive behavior, problems with loved ones, and low stress tolerance.

Free treatment

Along with paid centers for the treatment of gambling addiction , there are also institutions where treatment is provided free of charge. The main methods here are most often religion and occupational therapy. Often one of the main goals of such institutions is to make a profit through the free labor of dependent people. If you want to get rid of a problem that is tormenting you, then it is better to trust real specialists who have been working in this area for many years. The table below shows the advantages of paid clinics and free institutions dedicated to getting rid of gambling addiction .

Advantages Free institutionsPaid centers
Occupational therapy +
Complete anonymity +
Individual approach +
Therapeutic methods + +
Medication methods +
Comprehensive rehabilitation +
Guaranteed result +

How to get rid of gambling addiction on your own

At the initial stage, self-healing is quite possible. If you realize that games are taking up all your time and are starting to negatively impact your real life, here's what you need to do:

You should stop playing completely!

Yes, it can be difficult, which is why we recommend limiting your play time to begin with:

  • set yourself a daily gaming limit of 2 hours;
  • Before starting the game, you must turn on the timer;
  • Once the timer goes off, exit the game, no matter what stage you are on.

Be patient and disciplined, and if your willpower is not strong enough, ask someone close to you to intervene. They should ask you to stop when the timer goes off, and you should keep your promise.

Come up with a punishment for yourself for each limit broken: 10 push-ups, or learn 5 new words in a foreign language, it is important that the “punishment” is positive and brings you benefit, and also helps you form a new useful habit.

To finally get rid of computer mania, do the following:

  • Each week, reduce the timer by 15 minutes until you reach an hour of play.
  • After a month of playing an hour a day, you can give yourself one free day when you can play up to 4 hours. This can be done once a month.
  • If there is a deadline ahead, you need to completely remove the hobby for this time.
  • After finishing an important task, reward yourself with a game. Return it to its rightful place: “Game is not an end in itself, but a way of spending time and relaxing after work”

You need to strive for results - play no more than 2 hours in a row no more than 1-2 times a week

Also try to communicate with people as much as possible, meet them in real life and not in a game, play sports, find new hobbies, if this doesn’t work and obsessive thoughts about virtual reality do not go away, contact a specialist.

Prevention of gaming addiction

Like any other disease, computer game addiction is easier to prevent than to treat:

  1. Increase your self-esteem.
  2. Learn to work with stress and negative emotions.
  3. Notice your needs and meet them in a healthy way.
  4. Lead a healthy lifestyle - it reduces stress levels.
  5. Learn self-organization skills.
  6. Rest on time, do not bring your psyche to exhaustion.
  7. Do not neglect family communication and friendship.

Why should you contact the “I am Independent” center?

  • An integrated approach to the treatment of addiction to games, including computer games .
  • A staff of qualified doctors and specialists with extensive experience working with gambling addicts.
  • Post-treatment support for patients to minimize the risk of relapse.
  • Working with the family of an addict. Psychological and counseling assistance to relatives and friends of patients.
  • 24/7 service. Contact us at any time of the day - we are always in touch!
  • Individual approach to healing each person .
  • Excellent hospital location. Picturesque landscapes, clean air and complete isolation from temptations allow each patient to recover.
  • Comfortable living conditions in modern rooms with amenities.
  • Affordable prices for all services provided.
  • Opportunity to work with addicted people from any region of the country.


Gambling addiction exists and it is a serious problem that can and should be fought. Statistics say that on average, treatment takes about 9 months and most patients achieve lasting results.

As a result of treatment, the patient’s mental and physical health is restored, the emotional background and relationships with others improve, self-esteem increases and the person begins to look to the future with confidence. Reality ceases to frighten, and real life turns out to be more interesting and richer than any virtual reality.

The information presented in this material is for informational purposes only and does not replace professional advice from a physician. If you notice signs of depression, consult a specialist!

Author: Editorial staff of the portal

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Tags: how to understand that it’s time to seek help psychologist online addiction test locus of control test willpower consultation with a psychologist gambling addiction sports betting addiction phone addiction shopaholism



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Daily routine in the hospital of the recreation center “I am independent”

We practice an individual approach, so the daily routine is selected for each patient. One way or another, a specially designed daily routine allows patients to successfully combine group exercises, self-development and sports exercises. In addition, experts place special emphasis on ensuring that every person finds a new exciting hobby. This approach allows patients to instill healthy behavior patterns that will definitely help them in later life, after discharge from the clinic .

Body-oriented therapy, used by rehabilitation staff , helps relieve gambling addicts from certain psychosomatic disorders:

  • constant headaches;
  • problems with posture;
  • sleep disorders (insomnia);
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
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