Working with the subconscious - effective techniques and methods from a psychic healer

Greetings everyone, Oksana Manoilo is with you. Working with the subconscious is effective techniques - let's talk about it today. I will give you 8 effective techniques. With their help, you can achieve any desired goal. If, of course, you use them correctly. Be careful and listen to every word.

The fact that working with a person’s subconscious gives serious and sometimes simply amazing results in matters of a wide variety of personality adjustments has been known for a long time.

However, until recently, this work was the prerogative of exclusively certified specialists in the field of psychology. Now a lot has changed, or rather, almost everything has changed regarding this issue.

Effective work with the subconscious

In this article you will learn:

For more than ten years now, a trend has been gaining momentum, according to which the view on the issue of working with the subconscious is shifting towards the bearer of this subconscious.

In other words, it is easier for a person to see, understand and correct what is a stumbling block in achieving anything he wants. Whether it’s health, eliminating an unpleasant situation or the memory of it. Or simply awareness and understanding of the answer to some long-standing question.

This has become especially accessible in recent years. When time accelerates. Now any techniques have become more effective and easier to perform. Which are designed to connect with your “higher self”. Simply because the space has become more permeable.

“Mind under control. Unobvious strategies for achieving goals"

Roger Sipe, Robb Zbierski
Publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2019

Consciousness is only the top, visible part of the iceberg.

Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis

One of the most beautiful things that has happened to our clients is that they have managed to double their business while taking three or four days a week off. This cannot be achieved by “working harder” or being “more persistent.” Achieving this ninja level of efficiency and speed requires a quantum leap. You literally need to find a new gear in your engine - everyone has one, but we don't always know about it.

This transmission is our subconscious. You've almost certainly heard of it, but few people know how it actually works and how powerful the subconscious mind is in achieving results. Think about the meaning of the word itself: “subconscious” literally means “below/beyond the scope of the conscious mind.” Thus, the subconscious mind works without even informing you. If you just let it do its job, you will see that you achieve results without literally doing anything. Deals are made, sales increase, bonuses are won, but without any effort on your part. Next, we will tell you how this happens and how to learn to use the power of the Elephant.

You see, although your conscious and subconscious (or unconscious, or unconscious - choose any term you like) are closely interconnected, nevertheless they are not the same thing. They have completely different purposes and functions, and they do different jobs. Moreover, different parts of the brain are even responsible for them. Often the tasks to curb and subjugate the conscious and unconscious parts of the psyche are diametrically opposed: what works well at the conscious level may turn out to be completely ineffective at the subconscious level.

A detailed examination of the neuroscience that explains these differences could take us the rest of this book and a couple more. But we decided to focus exclusively on the practical application of this knowledge, so we invite you to look at an extremely simple description of the differences between consciousness and subconsciousness in the table.

How to change the subconscious?

Of course not. But you can, by reuniting with him, understand and adjust your views. Your reactions to certain questions. And this, in turn, will change conscious manifestation. The consequence of all this will be inevitable changes in the event plan.

The only necessary condition, without which no personal initiative in this matter makes sense, is the presence of awareness.

Awareness is the key that opens many doors

Awareness presupposes solid, immutable knowledge. The knowledge that everything around is connected to everything. And that every person one hundred percent creates, down to the smallest detail, the reality in which he exists.

In other words, I created everything around myself. It is from this point “I am a creator” that independent work with the subconscious will manifest itself as effectively as possible.

How our brain works

To demonstrate how parts of the psyche interact with each other, we use the analogy of a starship from the science fiction series Star Trek.

The conscious mind is the captain's bridge, the control center of the starship. At the helm is the self-confident Captain Kirk - our ego (the set of ideas about our own “I”).

The captain controls what is happening, evaluates incoming information, weighs options, makes decisions and gives orders.

He performs important functions, but can ignore ideas that do not fit into his picture of the world.

The unconscious mind is the engineering compartment of a starship, with turbines and supercomputers. Unlike Captain Kirk, he never sleeps and processes the information he receives non-stop.

Working with the subconscious and fulfilling desires

What can work with the subconscious give? Yes, almost everything. Correction of well-being and functioning of internal organs. Improving the functioning of the body as a whole. Moreover, not only for myself. Mothers whose children have not reached the age of mental detachment - up to twelve years - can also, through transformations in themselves, correct the health of their children. Success in this case is very high if, of course, you learn.

In my online Esotericism Training course, I help you understand yourself. Most of my students begin to truly work miracles. Improve their health and that of their loved ones. They solve problems that have not been resolved for years in the shortest possible time. You can read the review on the Internet or in the section from customer letters.

Transformation is possible with everyone

It is also possible to transform difficult life situations by understanding their causes and hidden educational messages. It is possible to have a positive attitude toward any future event, which will lead to its accomplishment to the best possible extent. Working with the subconscious can provide a tangible vector on the path of spiritual development, a sense of the presence of the Source, and obtaining answers to questions of interest.

Simple methods of working with the subconscious, with the “Higher Self”

On the last point I would like to say a few words separately. Despite the fact that when working with the subconscious a person actually connects with himself, he still connects to his “super-ego”. To your spiritual beginning. And here it is important to remember that spiritually we are not isolated. We are not trapped in a vacuum.

People are in a single light stream with each other and with the Force that created us. Simply put, by connecting with our spiritual origin when working with the subconscious, we receive the energy of the highest vibrations.

Practicing is better than meditating

But working with the subconscious is not necessarily an exclusively meditative immersion in a state akin to trance. Often, for serious work, including the correction of traumatic issues, relaxation is necessary. Looking into yourself, detached from everything around you. However, many methods do not require such action. There are practices that very effectively transform certain aspects of life.

List of books that will help you use your subconscious mind correctly

Currently, many books have been written about how to find an approach to your subconscious. Each author has effective methods that can be used in the process of self-development.

  • John Kehoe. “The subconscious can do anything.”

This book is a guide to your inner world. The author tells how to use the subconscious, how consciousness can change external reality, and also reveals the secrets of the successful lives of celebrities of the 20th century. The book provides a list of tips that you can put into practice.

Working with the subconscious, effective techniques

Next, I will describe techniques for influencing the subconscious. They differ in the method of implementation and time required. These practices have proven to be extremely effective.

"A miracle in a glass of water."

The fact that we are eighty percent water is no secret to anyone. Water itself is a unique substance. It is designed not only to quench the thirst of all living things, but also to be a storehouse of information.

It is precisely this property that makes it indispensable in the technique of working with the subconscious. I will describe it first. Water is capable of inscribing any information message into every cell of our body. Capable of inducing them to act in one way or another. The results of correcting bodily imbalances are quite impressive.

However, the effect of water does not end there. Together with water, absolutely any information message is absorbed into the physical body. It manifests itself first on the physical plane, causing the cells of the body to vibrate at a certain frequency.

How it works?

Then the signal goes to the mental level, spreading to the thin shells. The subtle plan, in turn, is associated with the embodiment of everything that we create with our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. The sent vibration signal is given a “reverse motion”, which is manifested by the embodiment of a particular desired situation. Isn't this a connection with the subconscious as a subtly manifested spiritual principle?

Literally in the last couple of years, the entire scientific world has been trumpeting that, in the context of the transformation of the world as a whole, the hydrogen molecule has changed. She is no longer at all what she was before.

And since throughout our world water, in whose composition hydrogen is present, is the predominant element. Things around are no longer what they seem. According to various sources, the speed of the properties of water, which we discussed above, has become many times faster.

Meditative practices

An ancient technique for working with your subconscious, tested by thousands of people. How to communicate with your subconscious through meditation? We must first understand what the essence of meditation itself is. Meditation is a way to disengage from the mind and hear what is behind the mind. Our thoughts in our head “chat” incessantly. We are almost never in inner silence. But it is precisely thanks to this silence that a person can hear his subconscious. How? There are actually a lot of techniques. There are meditations on emptiness; there are meditations on natural objects (water, fire); There are meditative practices with visualization (imagination). Each person has their own technique.

For example, meditation on a candle flame. You sit comfortably at the table and light a candle on the table. You dim the light and begin to look at the candle in emptiness, concentrating all your attention only on the tip of the flame. As soon as you notice that you are lost in thought, immediately return yourself to the candle. This way you can train for 5-10 minutes, then for 20 minutes. in a day. Such regular practice will increase your attentiveness and help you learn to distinguish the flow of thoughts from impulse and intuition, which our subconscious very often speaks to us with.

Working with the subconscious as elaboration of goals for achievement or healing

Take a nice, clean glass. Let it be transparent and there will be no extraneous expressed inscriptions on it. Pour clean water into it. Make sure it is of proper quality. On a small piece of paper, or better yet white cardboard, legibly and carefully write what you want.

The main thing here is not to use the particle “not” and to indicate what you want very clearly and concisely. You can have several points if they are on the same topic.

For example, life

On the eve of exams, it will be a great help for students to write on a cardboard square: “I pass the exam in the subject (name) quickly and easily. I rent it out in the most beneficial way for everyone. I get an "excellent" rating for it. Thank you".

For those who want to correct their health, you can write: “I am absolutely healthy. My part (organ name) is completely healthy, working in the best possible way clearly and harmoniously with all other systems of my body. Thank you".

We formulate exactly what we want

Or you can even pour water into a small transparent bottle. Write on a piece of white paper “I appoint this water to be my cure for ... (name of ailment).” And attach it to the bottle.

For example, with tape written with text facing the water. And every morning, start the day by drinking positively charged water, thoughtfully and with joy that your wishes are already coming true. Instead, pour fresh water and leave it to “infuse” until the next morning.

"Tricks of Tongue"

In NLP there is a special concept for finding the right focus, which is called framing. Frame (English - frame) - the context of consideration of any thing, with the help of which you can change the shade of perception of this thing. One of the most popular areas of framing is Robert Dilts' Tricks of Language. In an attempt to consider all possible interpretations of the same phenomenon, Dilts found no less than 14 ways to change the focus of our vision:

  • 1. Redefinition : replacing one of the words used in the statement of a belief with a new word with a different connotation (for example, a euphemism).
  • 2. Analogy : replacing a given phrase with another similar to the given one, but the new phrase should change the meaning of the original judgment.
  • 3. Intention : shifting attention to the task or intention hidden behind the belief.
  • 4. Counterexample : Finding an exception to the rule behind a belief.
  • 5. Model of the world : re-evaluation (or strengthening) of beliefs from the position of another model of the world.
  • 6. Metaframe : assessing a belief from a frame of a continuous, person-centered context—creating a belief about a belief.
  • 7. Consequences : attention is directed to the consequences of a given belief, allowing it to change or strengthen the belief.
  • 8. Another result : switching to a goal different from the one stated in the belief in order to shake or strengthen the foundations of the belief.
  • 9. Chunkdown : changing or strengthening a generalization defined by a belief by breaking up the elements of a belief into smaller parts.
  • 10. “Generalization” (English chunkup) : generalization of part of a belief to a higher level, allowing you to change or strengthen the relationships defined by this belief.
  • 11. Frame resizing : re-evaluating (or amplifying) the subtext of a belief in the context of a longer (or shorter) time frame, from the point of view of more people (or an individual), from a wider or narrower perspective.
  • 12. Hierarchy of criteria : revaluation (or strengthening) of a belief according to a criterion that is superior in importance to any of those on which the belief is based.
  • 13. Reality strategy : revaluation (or strengthening) of a belief based on the fact that beliefs are created through the cognitive process of perceiving the world.
  • 14. Application to oneself : evaluation of the very formulation of a belief according to the relationship or criteria determined by this belief.

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Working with the subconscious as meditation

What there is now no shortage of on the Internet is all kinds of meditations. In video format or audio sound. I don't really like meditation personally. I'm more of a practitioner. I need to create, do. Actually, to each his own.

So, about meditation. For ardent “visual learners,” a video for meditation may be useful. And the audio is just right for everyone. Choose any topic that interests you, be it a mood for financial abundance, or health, or simply a good feeling. Listen to it first without immersing yourself, superficially, assessing general sensations, such as the timbre of the voice, the comfort of the sound of background music, the literacy of speech, its smoothness and message.

Listen to yourself

If at least something catches you in a bad way and makes you fly out of the state of relaxation, be it even one single hesitation from the announcer or the inappropriate chirping of a bird in a meditative melody, feel free to look for a replacement. Fortunately, there is a lot of this goodness on the Internet.

Meditation is, above all, a way to pamper yourself with a feeling of coziness, comfort, and fulfillment. You don't have to put up with anything that takes you out of this state.

Find 20 minutes a day for yourself

Next, find yourself a guaranteed twenty minutes of complete solitude. This is the duration of an average meditation. Including a preliminary mood and a pleasant return after. Usually, at the very beginning of the voice recording, you are gently encouraged to breathe and relax physically.

If this is not the case, then before turning on the recording, take a few conscious breaths. They should be completely smooth. And do the same with your exhalations. You need to feel how after each one you gently and safely fall into the depths of the subconscious.

As if in the thickness of warm, gentle water. Once you feel relaxed, start listening. It is guaranteed that you will feel blissfully fulfilled afterwards. It indicates that healing work with the subconscious has been carried out.

"Healing Ball"

This technique of communicating with the subconscious works as an effective prevention of well-being. Correction of physical discomforts and diseases.

It is better to spend it leisurely in the morning. It won't require a lot of time. Ideal to do outdoors. But if this is not possible, then let the window nearby be open. You can pre-ventilate the room well.

Stand with your parallel feet slightly pointing your toes inward. As if a little “clubfooted”. This will give you extra stability. Relax and do basic breathing. Allow yourself to connect with your subconscious.

Learning to relax properly

To do this, consciously and slowly take a deep breath. Tracing the air from the nose to the lungs and exhaling softly and completely. Also watching him with my inner gaze. On a full, high-quality exhalation, automatic reflex relaxation occurs.

By the way, this property of exhalation can also be used in everyday situations, when in case of stress or psycho-emotional tension it is enough to simply consciously exhale completely several times, and the inhalation will occur by itself.

So, close your eyes, imagine that your feet, wherever they are in reality, are standing on the surface of the soil. You can imagine anything that is suitable, even grass, even sand. Maybe pebbles or a bed of potatoes, if that’s convenient for you.

The earth heals everything

Then “see” how powerful branchy roots go from your feet into the very thickness of the Earth, literally to its loving heart shining with the warmth. With these roots you are saturated with the energy of the earth, at the same time blissfully “grounding” yourself.

Rub your palms well 10-15 times. Feeling the hot warmth between them. Slowly separate your palms. See with your mind's eye the energy ball between them. Play with it, making it bigger or smaller. Feel its warmth.

Then place it above your head, above the crown area. Put your hands down. Now imagine how this ball takes on a slightly purple glow. Then it gently penetrates your body through the crown, beginning to rotate.

An effective technique for working with the subconscious - Purple Ball

Your task is to gently and joyfully pass the purple energy ball through your entire body. Work from top to bottom in all areas. Trying not to miss a single one. It's like you're stroking yourself with purple energy.

In places where discomfort is felt or disease is localized, allow the ball to begin to rotate. As if “winding” viscous dark clots around itself in these places. Cleaning them like an eraser.

Having passed through the entire body, mentally allow the energy ball to go through the soles of your feet into the ground. Dissolve in it like a piece of refined sugar, leaving you refreshed and healthy.

Working with the subconscious, other effective techniques

Get rid of negativity.

Working with the subconscious - effective techniques - “Pysanka”

No, this is not an Easter egg at all. This is what we will call an effective technique for interacting with the subconscious. For which you don’t need to close your eyes at all. On the contrary, it is better to keep them open. It provides effective results. Often one that was not expected at the beginning.

Working with the subconscious - effective techniques - unconscious writing technique

This is a method highly respected by psychologists. It allows you not only to get to the bottom of the reasons for this or that, but also to bring out destructive emotions. What are our emotions? This is energy. And if they circulate inside over and over again without being conscious, then it’s like they’re riding the same events on a merry-go-round. Sometimes it only makes them worse.

Well-written feelings not only provide significant relief. They pull emotions as a basis from an unfavorable situational structure and it is destroyed.

Timeline selection

The presented technique has proven itself to be a reliable tool for resolving those situations when there is a choice of something, but a person does not know what is the best thing to do. In addition, the timeline choice technique can be used to predict the long-term consequences of each of the possible options.

The first thing you need to do to successfully use this technique is to realize that you have a choice: you need to clearly define for yourself what options exist. Next, you need to speculate on how long the choice you make can have an impact on, and mentally draw a line on the floor reflecting this period.

Then you need to set a deadline for yourself by which you need to make a choice; Between this date and the present day, you need to determine the most optimal time for selection. Then you should mentally move into the future and try to note the events that your choice may cause; Give these events an assessment by looking at them from the outside. You can also resort to integration to walk the intended route, as if observing from the outside at the people who have already passed it.

At the end of all this, you need to return to the starting point and think about whether there is an opportunity to somehow improve the route or create a new, more efficient one. Evaluate your choices: What did you learn from traveling along the timeline? The number of positive aspects will indicate to you the right choice.

The time line selection technique is discussed in detail here.


Working with the subconscious as a way to process negative emotions

It is better to implement this effective technique of working with the subconscious in a state of emotional excitement on this topic, when “you’re really excited.” Then you will also save your health at the same time. And you won’t allow negative biochemical processes that provoke the production of “wrong” hormones to destroy your body.

Get some privacy and cover yourself with enough sheets of paper. Stock up on handkerchiefs too. And, remembering that we ourselves attract any events and people into our lives, start writing at the top: “A letter of anger to the part of me that chooses to be angry with accountant Zinaida Palna and her idiotic behavior.”

Write from the heart

Of course, this is an example and the essence of your “letter of anger” may be completely different. In your letter, you can use any expressions and phraseological units. Epithets 18+ and words that “beep” in polite society. Don't be delicate. Anyway, it’s already in my head, so what’s there? And no one is guaranteed to read it except you.

But still, in order to achieve a greater therapeutic effect, work with the subconscious and effective techniques, try not to float away in emotions from a wide, but still channel. To do this, designate the narrative as a continuation of the following statements:

- I was offended when you...

- It was a shame when you...

- It's unpleasant when you...

- I'm tired of feeling angry when you...

- I don't want to see you...

— I’m tired of feeling that I... (I can’t do something normally there, for example)

Turn yourself inside out

Well, in that spirit. Sometimes things will come up that have nothing to do with Zinaida Palna. It’s still bubbling - write that too. Pull them out like a magician pulls handkerchiefs out of his hat. You don't need these handkerchiefs. He writes until he is completely empty. To the point of a balloon with nothing in it. It’s better right to the point of fatigue and the moment when there is nothing more to say, and you don’t even want to.

The next stage of working with the subconscious and an effective technique is rereading. All your writing now needs to be re-read, even if not loudly, in a whisper, but thoughtfully and with expression. Read until it stops “overwhelming” and bubbling in especially exciting moments, until you get the feeling that you are reading a newspaper about someone completely stranger. We're exhausted.

Water washes away negativity - working with the subconscious, effective techniques

Now take a shower, wash away the negativity, preferably put any lighted candle nearby and look at the flame for a little while. If there is no opportunity for a healing bath right now, then try to at least wash your face with plenty of water. Imagining how everything is irrevocably washed away and gone into the drain hole.

Walt Disney's Creative Strategy

This technique is based on the many years of experience of the American animator and film director Walt Disney in the fields of business and creativity. The essence of his strategy is the ability to approach any issue from three different positions: a dreamer, a realist and a critic. This approach itself was called “imagining” by the author. Each of the three components makes its contribution to the search for an effective solution to any issue.

The main function of the dreamer manifests itself at the initial stage, when new goals and ideas are just being formed, and is focused on the future. The dreamer must help the person see how all the components of his plan fit together. The function of a realist is expressed in the search for tools suitable for the implementation of the intended plan, so that an abstract idea can take shape into something concrete. A realist helps a person move from thought process to action.

A critic, in turn, is needed to evaluate the emerging idea or planned plan to achieve a goal from a critical perspective. The critic is called upon to help a person find weak points in his plan, to try to identify potential problems or points that might have been missed. The critic also draws a person’s attention to such things as the environmental friendliness of the plan, its realism, secondary benefits, etc.

Approaching any task using Walt Disney's creative strategy greatly increases a person's effectiveness and personal productivity. You can learn more about this strategy here.


The work of the human subconscious is always good

How does work with the subconscious go further and what other effective techniques are there? And then let’s go give thanks. This is the most unexpected part of the technique, which causes bewilderment at first, but it is precisely this that, in parallel, in the subconscious, builds new models of reaction to previously familiar things. And that means it changes the situation as a whole.

Some, especially the conscious ones, even in the process of writing a “letter of anger” in the background noticed a slight tingling understanding that at some moments or with someone they themselves were behaving like the notorious Zinaida Palna (well, let’s practice on her, since she is our example today), or they feel like a victim who a priori needs a tyrant, ce la vie.

Gratitude works wonders - working with the subconscious - effective techniques

Or an understanding comes that Zinaida Palna’s behavior is not allowing similar or opposite manifestations in some matters. Rejection of one's true self, and so on.

One way or another, when you take a blank sheet of paper, title it: “A letter of gratitude to the part of me that chooses to be angry at the accountant Zinaida Palna and her idiotic behavior.” And tune in to gratitude to this person (or situation, you can also work through them in this way, don’t forget). Then you will understand that you have something to write.

Working with the subconscious - effective techniques - how to do it? The guiding question for the narrative is actually one: “Thanks to you, I understood... (realized, felt, and so on).” If gratitude is really difficult, then go “from the opposite direction”, relying on the “letter of anger” and write opposite statements.

Only the truth and nothing but the truth

Where was “I’m tired of being humiliated by screaming” replaced with “Thanks to you, I realized that I don’t value myself and allow myself to be shouted at.”

Where I was “tired of having the bad feeling of her telling me my work wasn’t done well.” Replace with “Thanks to you, I realized that I consider myself a bad worker. And her work is insufficient and unworthy, Zinaida Palna is just giving me my own beliefs.”

And in this spirit, to the point of feeling gratitude. To myself for the work done, first of all. Next, tear the letter of anger into shreds or burn it and flush it down the toilet; the letter of gratitude can be saved and re-read in moments of doubt. Blessed changes will not keep you waiting. This is the best work with the subconscious and effective techniques always give results.

How to get your unconscious to work for you

#1. Ask the right question

The subconscious likes to get busy and look for connections. The starting point is the right question.

Success depends on its production. The query “How can I feel less tired?” - unsuccessful. At the center of the issue is fatigue - what the subconscious will focus on.

Thoughts and feelings will revolve around fatigue - this way you definitely won’t get rid of it.

Rephrase the question: “How can I recharge my batteries this week?” In this case, the focus is on energy, which means the subconscious will be able to offer ideas that will give you strength.

Another advantage of this formulation is that it provides specific deadlines. Specifics help the subconscious in finding solutions.

Don’t be lazy to spend 5-10 minutes formulating the question - it should be positive and specific.

#2. Let go of the ego

Constantly scrolling through problems in your head leads to stress and a feeling of dissatisfaction. To gain insights and find unusual solutions, the brain needs to rest. At this time, the subconscious will have the opportunity to analyze information, discover relationships and produce fresh ideas.

Give the ego a nap...

Thomas Edison regularly took a nap when faced with a problem. He fell asleep sitting on a chair and holding two metal balls in his hands. As soon as he moved from dozing to the deep sleep phase, his hands relaxed and the balls fell to the floor. Often the insight came immediately after waking up.

Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla are also famous for their habit of taking a nap instead of struggling unsuccessfully with a problem.

Winston Churchill had a bed in the Houses of Parliament and took every opportunity to sleep during the day. The Prime Minister was sure that this was one of the secrets of his success.

We are accustomed to thinking that naps are for children and pensioners. But such a break energizes and triggers the work of the subconscious. The subconscious mind does not sleep, so it has extra resources that are usually spent on the work of the conscious mind.

...or sleep

Napping during the day is good, but asking questions before going to bed at night is even more effective.

Lie down and relax, reflect on your day and formulate a question that your subconscious mind needs to work on while you gain strength.

An article on neuroplasticity explains the phenomenon of insights appearing after waking up: “During sleep, new synaptic connections are formed, and old connections are “cleared.”

This allows you to discover patterns that you didn’t notice before.”

The patterns discussed in the article give us solutions when we wake up.

Edison claimed that he never went to bed without asking himself a question.

It is even better to record the question in writing. Firstly, it allows you to formulate your request more carefully and accurately. Secondly, the next morning you will be able to remember what you asked.

Let the formulation of the question become the same habit for you as brushing your teeth before bed.

Keep a morning diary

The technique of asking a question before bed is even more effective when combined with keeping a morning diary. This is not about writing down notes like “what did I have for breakfast”, but about focusing on the priorities and main tasks of the upcoming day.

Another approach to journaling is “morning pages.” This format is described in Julia Cameron's bestselling book The Artist's Way. Its essence is to write at least three pages by hand immediately after waking up, without filtering your thoughts.

Ned Herman, a brainwave researcher, explained in one of his articles the effectiveness of morning recordings:

During awakening, a person’s brain can maintain the theta rhythm for 5 to 15 minutes, which opens the way for a stream of thoughts about yesterday or the coming day. This period of creative mental activity can be incredibly productive.

— Ned Herman

Triggering the subconscious allows you to see the situation from a different angle and discover what was hidden.

The subconscious is the power of conscious creation

As you can see, it is not necessary to graduate from specialized universities in order to establish contact with your “higher self”. You can master working with the subconscious and effective techniques yourself, understand yourself and correct problems. Build interaction with the subconscious and with the World in such a way that it is pleasant and harmonious.

However, do not forget what is considered basic when working with the subconscious and effective techniques only when you are one hundred percent responsible for the occurrence of any event. For the person in your life. Without your consent and idea, even a leaf from a tree will not fly by. Only from this state are real life transformations possible.

Who is responsible?

The crack between managing your life and being in a state where “nothing works, I tried!” begins exactly at the moment when you are sure that you are, of course, the master of life. You can change and adjust everything yourself, and you are responsible for everything. But of course you created all this, but that tiny piece here is definitely not you. And it's not your fault. That's it, there is no point in continuing further.

Well, the second immutable rule is to be in a state of balance when implementing any of the spiritual practices, and each of those listed is essentially this. The practice of “pysanka” here stands apart exactly until the moment when the negative is written out, this is akin to “cleaning up”.

Working with the subconscious is an effective technique. Any transformation begins exclusively in a state of even calm. In gratitude to the World for the good that already exists. In a state of self-acceptance and self-love.

Possibilities of the unconscious mind

Back in 1960, Maxwell Moltz published the book Psychocybernetics, in which he compared the unconscious mind to a supercomputer.

Moltz writes that the unconscious mind, like a computer, does not search for arguments and does not divide ideas into “good” and “bad.” He simply processes the data and looks for a solution to the problem.

A simple example is trying to remember someone's name. We experience great irritation if our conscious mind cannot quickly answer a question.

The task remains in the unconscious, and suddenly, three hours later, while washing the dishes, we remember the name.

While the conscious mind was busy with other things, the unconscious mind was searching for an answer in the background. When we switched to an activity that did not require high mental effort, the unconscious was able to provide an answer.

Another example. Let's say you want to buy new sneakers. You begin to unconsciously pay attention to the sneakers of those around you.

File “Which sneakers should I choose?” is open, so the data collection tools (the eyes) send information to the control center (the conscious mind), which gives a quick assessment (the color is terrible, they look comfortable, etc.).

Have you paid attention to other people's sneakers before? Not really. Were people around you wearing sneakers? Undoubtedly. You just haven’t activated the search for “sneakers.”

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The same principle works when wanting to change jobs, choosing a new place to live, or looking for a partner. We send a request to search and scan the world around us.

The powerful unconscious mind collects data, compares it, and makes connections even when we are not consciously thinking about the problem.

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