Phrases after which there is nothing to say: 95 cool answers to a person

On this page we offer a huge list of phrases after which there is nothing to answer. There are situations in life when one person tries to offend another - to insult, call them names, call them an indecent word, say untrue things. In this case, there are phrases that can shut up any offender.

How to beautifully and competently send off a guy or a man?

Young and beautiful girls often encounter rudeness and very intrusive advances. Some men don't understand the word "no."


  • Do you want to go to me or to yours? Then let's do it this way: you go to yourself, and I go to mine
  • Would you like to see me off? Well, you can join me and go to the skin dispensary
  • Do you want to date me? Do you know what to do if you have an epileptic attack?
  • Are you ready to go with me to the ends of the world? Well, go, it's free there
  • Do you want to meet? You can talk to my boyfriend first

How to beautifully and competently send off a guy or a man?

Why it can be difficult for us to fight back

Before moving on to practical recommendations, let's understand the origins of the problem. Protecting your reputation and defending your own interests is natural behavior for an adult. Why do some people, when faced with verbal aggression, become confused and unable to fight back? There are 7 main reasons.

  1. Low self-esteem and self-doubt. A person doubts his moral right to respond to rudeness. He is used to considering himself worse than other people and does not know how to defend his opinion.
  2. Slow reaction. The speed of the reaction is determined by the characteristics of the nervous system. People with an inert nervous system react to external stimuli with a delay. These are representatives of two types of temperament - melancholic and phlegmatic. Therefore, in verbal conflicts, they, as a rule, lose to choleric and sanguine people.
  3. Fear of facing aggression. Reactions to rudeness can be unpredictable. That's why many people shrug their heads in response to insults. They themselves will not beat their opponent, but they are not confident in his endurance.
  4. Fear of loneliness. Some people feel that if they respond sharply to an offender, they will be considered ill-mannered and uncultured. Few people want to communicate with such people. Therefore, the fear of being alone forces them to avoid conflict and communicate as if nothing had happened.
  5. Too strict moral standards. A person considers it unacceptable to raise his voice and utter swear words. Therefore, he finds himself unarmed in front of a less principled opponent.

How to smartly besiege, close your mouth, force a person to shut up?

There are many options for besieging a person without using fists and swear words.


  • By chance, were you scared of Babai as a child?
  • Oh, apparently you don’t know that it’s better to be friends with me?
  • You need to lead a special column that goes to...
  • If you don't call me today, then I will call, but not you
  • I'm interested in the opinions of those I ask. I didn't ask you
  • If you want to be rude, go to the trash bin, talk to the dogs
  • You need it to go crazy
  • Don't touch my strengths with your shortcomings

How to smartly besiege, close your mouth, force a person to shut up?

The best phrases to respond to rudeness and rudeness

  1. Listen, you are ten years scarier than me!
  2. From the point of view of banal erudition, every local individual strives to mystify abstraction, but we must not neglect the tendencies of paradoxical illusions, as well as motivate the criteria of abstract subjectivism. Since your potential level is zero and tends to minus-infinity, I consider further conversation unprofitable.
  3. Are your parents not physicists? Otherwise you look like a failed science experiment.
  4. No tits, no pussy... and an ass as big as a fist!
  5. In the book "Who's Who" you should be found in the chapter "What is This"?
  6. You should go to the zoo, you won't stand out much there.
  7. It is better to remain intelligently silent than to speak stupidly, as you do.
  8. I have one drawback: I don’t know how to communicate with fools.
  9. Change your walk, baby! The panties were chewed.
  10. Let your children bark at the light bulb!
  11. Well, me too, virgin as big as a plate!
  12. You are living proof that a person can live without a brain!
  13. Any similarity between you and a person is purely coincidental!

How to insult someone to the point of tears?

If someone beats you up or does it all the time, don’t be upset. Pay the offender back with his coin.


  • When God created men, you were last in line. Out of my mind
  • If you were a decent man, your wife would be happy
  • No, you are not a woman, but a thing for frequent rental
  • You haven't come into existence yet in your mother's womb, so you can't be strong.

How to insult someone to the point of tears?

Answer boor with humor

When your responses to rudeness sound funny, as if by chance, the interlocutor may not immediately understand what you are talking about. After all, he's cool!

  • Do you always look funny or just today?
  • Coming from a brat like you, that sounds like a compliment.
  • You know, I would listen and listen, you babble so smoothly.
  • You talk so interestingly, but at least once say something smart.
  • Thank you for the advice, but most likely you need it, not me.

Another great way to discourage your interlocutor is to simply laugh in response.

How to send a person away in a civilized and polite manner?

If you don’t want to send obscenities, you can simply make sure that the person does not want to communicate with you.


  • Say “yeah,” “well, of course.” Don't carry on the conversation
  • Try to take the topic into an uninteresting direction for your interlocutor
  • Another good trick is to talk only about yourself and constantly interrupt your partner

How to send a person away in a civilized and polite manner?


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To the top 07/21/2016 14:5890295

www.globallookpress.comMany of the ladies throw offensive reproaches at men, and often don’t even notice it.
Some women, on the contrary, deliberately try to hurt their partner more painfully and make the harshest statements addressed to him that can drive a man to the utmost degree of despair. What phrases expressed by women are truly humiliating for men, and why they should not be used, says Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Vladimir dating agency “Me and You,” family psychologist, and interpersonal relationship consultant.

To say that he is stupid, a fool in a smart way?

You can answer with quotes from famous people. There is no need to humiliate or insult. It is enough to correctly lead a person to what he says is incorrect. Below are quotes from famous people.

To say that he is stupid, a fool in a smart way?

To say that he is stupid, a fool in a smart way?

To say that he is stupid, a fool in a smart way?

To say that he is stupid, a fool in a smart way?

To say that he is stupid, a fool in a smart way?

Label of the Eternal Loser

No matter what a man says or does, it is never enough. A woman constantly reproaches her partner, and very often over trifles: “You didn’t make coffee this morning, I went to work without breakfast,” “You didn’t tell me: “Good morning,” I’ve been messing up all day.”

A woman attributes all a man’s achievements not to his efforts and merits, but to banal luck: “You’re just lucky,” this is how a lady usually comments on her partner’s successes.

This situation is only possible in a couple where the man is initially weaker than the woman. And from such statements he clearly does not become stronger; his complexes only worsen. There is nothing good in such a union for a man. Being labeled a perpetual loser is not a “one-time thing”, it is a system of relationships. A woman who has taken the path of spreading rot on her partner will humiliate him tirelessly until she completely beats him to death.

Article on the topic To your tune. Seven women's ways to manipulate men

How to replace curse words with smart words?

Here are a few options to avoid swear words:

Instead of: OH...YET! We must say: I AM AMAZED!

Instead of: THESE P...GIFTS! We must say: IN THIS CASE THEY ARE WRONG!


Instead of: W...HERE! We must say: OOPS, A SMALL COLLAPSE HAS OCCURRED...

Instead of: FUCK YOU! We must say: PLEASE DON'T DISTRACT ME!

Instead of: FOR...BALI! You have to say: SORRY, BUT YOU ARE TOO INNOCENT!


Instead of: BL...D! I must say: I AM FULL OF EMOTIONS!


How to replace curse words with smart words?

If you know psychology well and have a decent vocabulary, then there will be no need to use your fists. Everything can be resolved by conversation.

What are the ways

How to become a rich and successful person in life - the psychology of achieving success
Often the first thought that arises in a person who wants to insult someone is to go to Google and find phrases to humiliate a person that will allow you to defeat any opponent in a verbal skirmish. There is no such. Moreover, templates can only belittle the person using them. It is necessary to approach this issue creatively. Here are several ways to humiliate a person morally :

  1. Satire, irony and sarcasm. Methods based on mocking exposure of the weaknesses of the person at whom they are directed. The difference between them is the intensity. The weakest method is satire, sarcasm is harsh ridicule.
  2. Metaphors. The humiliated person is compared to an object or item that he associates with something negative. The technique is based on analogy. A classic example of a metaphor intended to insult is calling a person a pig. When using a metaphor, it is very important to understand who comparison with can cause negative emotions. For example, some will find the comparison to a bull offensive, while others will straighten their shoulders with pride.
  3. Intonation. The same words spoken in different tones can lead to different results. Therefore, one of the possible ways to humiliate a person is to tell him “you are the best” with a mocking intonation.
  4. Put a person in a situation where he will be humiliated by others. This method is difficult to perform, but very effective because it can hide the humiliating person.
  5. Verbal Aikido. The most optimal and environmentally friendly option. We must try to elegantly redirect all the negativity that the other person emits towards him. This is an art that requires a lot of practice. But the result is simple - a person humiliates himself with his own words. The person against whom all the negativity is directed turns out to be out of business. A truly strong man or girl does not use ready-made quotes from classmates, but knows how to fend off the attacks of another.

Reminder . These methods are used only in extreme cases. For the most part, they only bring harm, although it may seem to a person that they are of some use, because the suffering of the offender brought moral satisfaction to the offended, but the latter will remain offended.

Phrases and verbal humiliation

Using ready-made expressions or statements may be inappropriate and lead to the opposite effect. In addition, many patterns are already known, so it will not be possible to demonstrate the ability to subtly suppress another person.

Humiliated girl

A competent person is always able to independently come up with a caustic phrase that allows him to reduce an overly inflated heart rate. Here are several templates of cool phrases for humiliation in VK correspondence or in personal conversation, which can be used in certain situations:

  1. Reduce the insulter to the same level. For example, to the phrase “you are an idiot,” you can answer “yes, I have a certificate, but is it wise to prove something to an idiot”?
  2. Reduction to the point of absurdity: “Are you kidding me?”, answer “Are you a rabbit or a dog”?
  3. Press lightly. For example, to the phrase “Are you so smart” can you answer “Do you have difficulty communicating with smart people”? This method is especially good in public discussions, when it is shameful to simply send a message in front of people; you need to ensure that the “interlocutor” shows his weaknesses. Naturally, he will not want to show them and falls into a trap.


The ideal action to humiliate a person is that there is no action, but the function is performed. The main thing is not to lower yourself to the level of the one whom the insulter is trying to humiliate. Moreover, any actions are doomed to failure (as well as words) if the one to whom they are directed does not feel humiliated.

Humiliation process

The well-known terrorist Salman Raduev was imprisoned with a very strict regime: prisoners were forced to walk in an absurd position and were humiliated in every possible way. When journalists interviewed him before his death, they asked how he was feeling, to which he replied: “Fine.” They were surprised how they could humiliate him so much, to which he replied: “Well, I don’t feel humiliated.” He did everything to maintain self-esteem even in such harsh conditions, and he succeeded. Those who want to humiliate, as a rule, have a very vulnerable psyche, and it is easy to humiliate them.

Important ! We must cultivate psychological immunity in ourselves so as not to allow others to humiliate ourselves.

All the techniques described above are an example of cultural humiliation of a person. They require high intelligence. It is not recommended to humiliate a person in an uncivilized way, because this way you can only lower yourself in the eyes of others.

Clarifying relationships in front of strangers

It doesn’t matter what kind of insults are addressed to a man, if they are heard in public, it is doubly and even triple offensive. This is very painful, especially if the man is gentle and well-mannered. For him, public attacks from his partner, even if they are fair, are akin to a disaster.

An interpersonal relationship consultant advises women not to wash dirty linen in public, since showdowns in front of strangers, even if there are no insults, are still humiliating. The situation itself is humiliating. If you need to make a complaint to a man, wait until he gets home, or at least go to a deserted place to talk. But if you still couldn’t restrain yourself and reproached your man in the presence of third parties, you should immediately make amends: “Sorry, dear, I went too far.”

If you have questions for psychologist Elena Kuznetsova, you can ask them by writing a letter to the editorial office of AiF-Vladimir

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