Who is a realist and is it good to be one?

Author of the material:

Igor Lyadsky

Geneticist, writer, business coach, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

In the real world, the question about the benefits of realism seems rather strange. At first glance, the answer seems obvious. Of course, this is a very important personality quality. Such people evaluate life more objectively and, accordingly, are better oriented in it. But truth, as a rule, avoids extremes. A realist, of course, has advantages over an idealist, but he is not immune from disadvantages. So what are its pros and cons? Is it difficult for people with this type of personality to live? Is it worth raising your child to be a realist? Let's talk about this topic without unnecessary idealism.

Where did it come from[edit]

The realistic style itself is a hybrid of a historical novel in the spirit of Scott and a baroque picaresque novel.
If you look at historical novels, whether Baroque or Classical, it is not difficult to see that what is historical in them is only names and geography. Both “The History of Rasselass, Prince of Abyssinia”, “The Princess of Babylon”, and “Cyrus the Great” are generally devoid of any signs of time, descriptions of customs, weapons, etc. The characters move from kingdom to kingdom, but they find everything everywhere the same shepherds, kings, princesses and knights.

In general, classicism did not favor novels and considered them purely low literature. And romanticism preferred a Gothic novel, with horrors and secrets, and was not particularly interested in what income the inhabitants of the ominous castle lived on. However, even then, realistic secular stories about the life of the cream of society were coming into fashion.

Romantics begin the revival of folk culture. They collect ballads and write in imitation of their own, collect fairy tales, buy popular books and write the same ones, but for a more educated audience. Actually, this is precisely what Walter Scott struck the reader with: there were books about knights before him, but Walter Scott showed us precisely the English and Scottish knights, homespun and stony, and not like the French ones.

Actually, realism combined this love of authenticity with a slightly cold detachment in the spirit of classicism.

Balzac (who also started with historical novels) laid the canon of realism. It describes a tense conflict involving a person in a certain occupation and shows how this conflict depends on the background of the person involved. And at the same time, it saturates the text with real connections to cities, houses, streets and characters of other novels from the series. And all this in a detached tone, as if hinting that even if the character dies, the world will not cease to exist.

By and large, the techniques of realism rely on what Coleridge called the suspension of disbelief.

. We may not believe that people like Gobsek or Eugene Onegin could exist. But they are written out so reliably that we have no doubt: they could exist.

It is at the intersection of romantic horror and the details of realism that fantasy as we know it today is born. There, the suppression of mistrust works even more powerfully. The most incredible events are described in a calm, serious tone and the reader is amazed: the ghost of the old count is as real as the old count himself was real during his lifetime.

Who is this nonsense?

A person who doesn’t care is a person who looks at life, its processes, and phenomena with indifference. He doesn’t care what the outcome of the event will be, he doesn’t worry and doesn’t experience any emotions about it. "Come what may!" - that’s the motto of a person who doesn’t care.

Quite a few people are of the opinion that among these four personality types, those who don't give a damn have the best life. Simply because they don’t worry about every little thing, nothing worries them, doesn’t make them angry, doesn’t irritate them, doesn’t make them angry. Those who don't care live a calm, measured life, without really thinking about whether they are making the right decision or not.

I also believe that in certain situations, not giving a damn is the best position. But not in all of them! And this type of personality can also have significant shortcomings.

And now that I have briefly described all 4 personality types - optimist, pessimist, realist and indifference, let's try to draw a conclusion: who is best to be? And this is exactly the case when I personally do not have such an unambiguous conclusion.

For example, I most likely have a predominant realist approach. At least that's how I see myself. At the same time, you can find qualities of all other personality types in me.

How to recognize a realist

Object of conflict - what is it?

A realist is a person who is confident in himself, has an unshakable opinion, he knows what he wants and how to get it. In the process of communication, he does not use expressions like “maybe”, “probably”, he allows himself to inform others about his capabilities regarding this or that phenomenon, excluding unnecessary fantasies and speculation.

The questions of who a woman realist is and what a man realist is require special attention.

Straightforwardness, rigor, loyalty and responsibility are the traits of a realist. Sometimes she is overly serious, but this makes her an irreplaceable, sympathetic friend. Men of the same character are usually pragmatists, they have developed strategy and practicality. They know the value of actions and things, the main thing is that they are not afraid of responsibility.

Responsibility as a positive quality

The difference between a realist and an idealist

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It is worth noting who an idealist is and his differences from a realist. An idealist has a habit of embellishing certain events. Having met a person, he will give him non-existent positive character traits, excessive kindness, care and other qualities. A realist would be more likely to wait for evidence of such positive characteristics of a new acquaintance.

People with such contradictory character traits may have similar concepts, for example, about lying - lying is bad. However, realists understand that sometimes it is impossible to do without deception, when, like idealists, they are confident that lying is always a bad option.

To summarize, the idealist believes in the idea itself. A realist will believe in it only when he sees the results.

Features of communication with a realist

Having discovered that the interlocutor turned out to be a realist, you should not think that there should be a special attitude towards him. There is no point in arguing with such a person; you cannot impose your point of view on him if it does not coincide with the worldview of this realist. The main thing is not to burden him with empty talk. However, in close relationships, realists are trusting and value mutual understanding and comfort.

You should not expect from him all sorts of dramatic scenes with a showdown, as well as pleasant sudden surprises. This is a stable, constant and reliable person.

Who is an optimist?

An optimist... - it is generally accepted that this is a person who never loses heart. He is happy about everything, nothing can spoil his mood, and he doesn’t even care about the rain, just at the time when he forgot his umbrella. But actually it is not.

First of all, an optimist is a person who firmly believes that everything is for the better. Being an optimist does not mean being always cheerful; being an optimist means believing in the future.

An optimist looks at everything with hope, tries to find positive aspects, to turn the situation around for himself so as to see something good in it. It is this attitude towards life that protects him from unnecessary stress, anxiety and depression. An optimist, unlike a pessimist, does not create tragedies. He breathes smoothly and solves problems.

Optimists, as opposed to pessimists, look at any situation in perspective. Not from the point of view of “what have I lost because of this”, but from the point of view of “what can I gain”. No, this is not a naive view of the world, it’s just that optimists have a firm understanding that everything passes.

Optimists notice the little things. And if someone feels like there is nothing to be happy about because the overall picture is depressing, an optimistic person will find something to cling to to turn the bad into good.

An optimist is not afraid of obstacles. Not because he is fearless, he is okay with fear, but he regards the obstacle as another test, before which he will in no way give up, but will emerge victorious.

Optimists attract people and are valued as friends. Everyone enjoys having someone who will cheer you up and find the positives even in the most hopeless situation.

Such people send positive energy into the world, they do not become discouraged, and even if they do, it does not last for long, so they attract people to themselves.

Optimists are not afraid to take risks. They will not jump headlong into the pool without thinking everything through, but if they feel that luck may await them, they will not miss the chance.

An optimist always rises. He (she), like most people, may sometimes doubt his success, but this state does not last long for an optimistic person; he quickly forces himself to comb his hair, smile and move forward again. Not out of inertia, but with faith that this path will lead somewhere.

An optimist does not allow himself to show others that he is upset. And this is not isolation, he just believes that it is dishonest to take out his negative feelings on others. Therefore, he tries to cope with them, if they appear, alone. As a rule, he succeeds quickly.

An optimist is not a flighty person who sees only the good in everything.

Being an optimist is a lot of work; it manifests itself primarily in faith in life. After all, he, like any other person, is upset by failures

It’s just that every time he finds the strength not to focus his attention and thoughts on them

An optimist has his own special psychology, a solid philosophy, the main dogma of which is that everything in this world happens for good. And even if this benefit is hard to see now, it still exists, which means you shouldn’t despair.

It is much easier for an optimist to control the situation; he does not panic or fuss. His position in life allows him not to succumb to emotions and calmly manage circumstances as much as possible.

An optimist does not rely on luck; he creates his own success.

An optimist knows how to “turn over a leaf.” He tries not to drag failure into a new day and regards every morning as another chance to change something.

An optimist, first of all, draws energy from the moment, from every moment. For him, reality is exactly what is here and now. He knows that the past is already in the past, and the future is just coming. Therefore, he tries to perceive every second more fully, to merge with it, so that, drawing opportunities and strength from the present, he can create his future.

Realist or idealist? Who is closer to the truth?

The meaning of the word in the modern sense connects the concept with a person who perceives reality as it is.

Unlike the idealist, who, in pursuit of the ideal, does not notice the beauty of the world around him.

A realist is an idealist of the real world. In the case when a person perceives the surrounding reality through the prism of a positive view of things and comprehends beauty in its pristine state, conveys his skill in objects of art, we can say that he achieves his destination in nature. Just like an idealist, in his quest to comprehend perfection, finds materials in the world around him. The ability to see beauty, the idea of ​​beauty in the real world and translate one’s vision into an object of art is the purpose of an artist. There are trends, such as abstractionism, that cannot be connected with reality in any way. However, the reality in this case is the very combination of colors and the color scheme of the emotional state. In this meaning, a person becomes a creator with a capital C, regardless of school, direction, position in relation to the world.

What is a realist?

Oleg Maltsev

Each person has his own attitude towards the world and the problems that arise in life. Those who proudly call themselves optimists perceive the surrounding reality as a holiday and easily experience difficult moments.

Pessimists grumble even about minor things, taking happy circumstances for an easy respite before further troubles. There is a category of people who do not romanticize the world, but also do not consider it filled with complete misfortune.

These are realists who adhere to the golden mean in terms of their attitude towards life.

Realist: who is this in simple words

A realist is someone who adequately assesses the surrounding reality. He does not go to extremes when evaluating people, events or ideas.

A realist accepts life with all its shortcomings and pleasant moments. He approaches problem solving rationally, without worrying about losses and without sitting idly by and convincing himself that everything will settle down.

The difference between types of thinking is easily apparent even in ordinary situations. For example, a car rushed in front of a man about to cross the road and splashed him with mud from a nearby puddle.

The reaction of different people will be as follows:

  1. For a pessimist, this can cause a bad mood for the whole day. Depending on his character, he will either swear for a long time, or will mentally replay the annoying circumstance and blame himself for not moving away from the puddle;
  2. An optimist, to reassure himself, will try to focus on positive aspects, for example, that this car did not hit him or that his clothes are easy enough to wash;
  3. The realist will lament for a short time, but then begin to solve the problem. For example, he will hurry to return home and change clothes, or, if there is not so much dirt on his clothes, he will try to wipe them off with a damp cloth.

How to behave with a realist?

First of all, there is no need to burden such a person with philosophy and speculative conclusions. When communicating with a realist, it is advisable to understand that facts and a clear formulation of ideas are important to him. It’s better when all this is supported by real life examples. For example, when offering your business partner, who is distinguished by realism, a new advertising campaign, it is necessary to focus his attention on the fact that such measures have already brought profit to someone. It’s even better if specific numbers are announced: how much was invested, how much was received, what was the conversion, etc.

There is not much romance in a romantic relationship with a realist. More dialogue will be based on trust, mutual understanding, and comfort. This type of personality is not characterized by rash “heroic” actions with outbursts of emotions. Everything is extremely simple and logical. If they suit each other, they build a relationship; if not, they say goodbye. Accordingly, in their youth, realists have a more difficult time compared to their more dreamy peers, but the older they get, the more popular they begin to enjoy with the opposite sex.

Interpretation in psychology

Subjective perception plays an important role in human behavior and his attitude towards the world around him. The attitude of consciousness, which in philosophy is described as naive realism, distorts the perception of reality and can cause a conflict with society.

According to the naive realist, everything he feels, sees, hears and understands is real. In ordinary life, such a position has a destructive effect on the process of cognition.

Naive realism has a theoretical basis, which is based on 5 principles:

  • material objects actually exist;
  • sensory experience helps to establish the truth of the existence of these objects;
  • material objects exist independently of perception;
  • the qualities inherent in objects are constant and unchanging, even when it is not possible to observe them;
  • through the senses one can see the true nature of things.

Philosophy about realism

The concept in its etymology goes back to the term “realism”.

A direction in the philosophical understanding of reality that recognizes the existence of a universal reality, regardless of the process of cognition and human awareness of them. Realists in philosophy are followers of natural scientific approaches to the study of nature. Derived from the Latin word realis - “real”, “real”.

The other extreme is nominalism, or the position of skeptical empiricism, whose representatives claim that concepts are derivatives of our spirit, that by definition there are no concepts in things. Nominalists and realists during the period of scholasticism later provided the basis for a materialistic and idealistic interpretation of reality.

Realism and romance in literature and art

Realism as a direction in art and visual creativity. He considers his goal to be the reproduction of the surrounding reality as close as possible to its natural beginning. The more precise, the higher the value of the masterpiece.

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Despite the photographic nature of the effect, in this direction one can always read the position of the author: the place, the conditions of “lighting”, the position and individuality of the author. It is in this part that the work becomes a masterpiece of art. A realist is a master of presenting material.

Romanticism, due to the illusory nature of reality, at the cost of an ideal vision, achieves value precisely in the falsity of the perception of the environment. But this untruth reveals reality as an ideal possibility of “being.” This is the essence of the development of the artistic form of romanticism and its value. Therefore, it can be said that both the realist and the romantic bring value through their level of personal mastery in the process of comprehending the real world.

The opposite of a realist

Upon first examination of the content, it seems that it is the realist who has reliable consciousness about the world around him. It is realism that holds the truth in the history of the development of creativity. Is it so? And in that case, the opposite direction to realism - is this the road to untruth? Misconception in relation to the real state of affairs?

An idealist is a person who replaces reality with some personal ideal idea of ​​it. The romantic and the realist in artistic creativity symbolize two opposite principles. A realist is a person of everyday life, standing firmly on his feet, who knows the value of things. Some image of a pragmatist.

Objective idealism

The highest idea can be called differently - logos, God, cosmic mind, absolute spirit. Actually, this is the oldest form of idealism, it originated in myths (what is this?) and religion, where the world is created by someone powerful and strong.

Prominent representatives of objective idealism are philosophers from different eras.

According to the teachings of Plato, the material world is impermanent and changeable, therefore, at the heart of everything that exists are “eidos” - ideas, images, which are the essence of objects.

The human soul is also an idea, which after the death of the body goes straight to its fellows in the higher world of prototypes of things.

For example, a tree is the material embodiment of the idea of ​​a tree; trees grow and die, but the image remains unchanged.

Thomas Aquinas is the founder of Thomism in philosophy, which later became the foundation of the official doctrine of the Vatican.

God is a perfect form, there is not an ounce of matter in it. In God lies the absolute truth, the meaning of all things. If a person first sees a thing and then thinks about it, then the thought of God precedes things, because all things are ideas of God.

The world consists of countless tiny substances, which Leibniz calls monads. Monads are immaterial and have three levels of development - highest, middle and lowest. When they unite, they form bodies in accordance with the pre-established harmony - the program laid down by God.

Hegel's doctrine of the absolute idea is the culmination of the philosophy of objective idealism.

Man is the bearer of an absolute idea, his consciousness is part of the world spirit. In every person, the impersonal world spirit acquires will.

“Everything that is rational is real, and everything that is real is rational,” is Hegel’s main conclusion, the meaning of which is that matter and idea do not contradict each other.

Who is a pessimist?

A pessimist is a person who focuses on everything negative, from current events to possible outcomes. That is, in part he can be called the opposite of an optimist.

Often this type is considered the worst of all, since such people are more gloomy and renounced. However, where there are disadvantages, there are also advantages. I'll give you a few.

The benefits of pessimism

1. Often assesses real risks better. If you have a good understanding of negative things, then naturally you can better evaluate them in terms of damage and likelihood. And it’s also easy to detect those types of risks that others will not pay attention to.

2. More closed type. Pessimism and negative thinking initially imply as little information transfer or dialogue as possible. In practice, this can be very useful, because it is difficult to learn anything from a pessimist. In addition, time is not wasted on idle chatter.

3. A stable approach to life. If you often think about the negative, then, accordingly, you are more often ready for it. So, such people almost always have at least a financial cushion, they are less likely to encounter unforeseen problems (“adventures”), they have already prepared various plans A (B, C, D, and so on) for many situations.

Disadvantages of pessimism

1. Focuses on negative options and solutions. Because of this, it can be easy to miss a favorable opportunity or not see all the advantages.

2. Pessimism can be carried to the point of absurdity. In principle, similar to optimism. A large amount of negativity can also create problems.

3. May be less able to cope with problems and be more susceptible to stress. It is not difficult to guess that everything happens due to the fact that there is not enough positive emotions to compensate for the negative ones.

As you can see, this view of life also has a dual character. In addition, it is worth understanding that there are simply myths

So, pessimists also know how to laugh and have fun, they just pay attention to the negative more often

This is a realist

People are accustomed to dividing each other into optimists and pessimists. Therefore, not everyone knows who a realist is. There are several definitions, for example, psychological, philosophical and others. Simple common sense, subjectivity of opinion and a number of other positive and negative qualities determine this phenomenon.

Note! Realism is often compared with idealism, asking which of these human characteristics is better. However, one cannot compare certain character traits, since they make a personality out of an individual. In any case, a person has his own advantages and disadvantages, despite what qualities he possesses

In any case, a person has his own advantages and disadvantages, despite what qualities he possesses

However, one cannot compare certain character traits, since they make a personality out of an individual. In any case, a person has his own advantages and disadvantages, regardless of what qualities he possesses.

Philosophy about realism

The definition of realism in philosophy has no clear boundaries:

  • According to the direction of scholasticism, this term denotes real-life concepts: man, tree, house.
  • Realism is contrasted with mysticism (emotional worldview).
  • English philosophy gives this meaning certainty, believing that realistic concepts are the truth, the rest is false metaphysics.
  • The philosophy of the 20th century defines this term as the correspondence of theories to facts.

Europeans gave realism an evaluative character, meaning "good", although the rating varied depending on the opinion of the person evaluating it. In addition, “realism” described non-European philosophical concepts, but from a European point of view.

Interpretation in psychology

In psychology, a lot of information is devoted to what a realist means. The term has a clear definition, which states that a realist is a person who evaluates events and phenomena occurring around him subjectively, that is, including personal opinion and attitude. It is believed that a person who has predominant realism as a character trait is better oriented in life situations. Such people do not engage in self-deception, do not harbor illusions, and are accurate in their judgments.

Note! Realism has more or less clear boundaries of character. It is not necessary for a person inclined to realism to be stern and impartial. There are those who rely on facts and logic

There are also representatives who are characterized by skepticism

There are those who rely on facts and logic. There are also representatives who are characterized by skepticism.

There is a fine line with skepticism

Types of realists

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People with a realistic personality type have the traits of an optimist or a pessimist. Much depends on the life experience of one or another representative of this character trait.

Note! We can say about such a person that he sees the world around him the way he wants to see it, despite his optimism or pessimism.

Individuals with this characteristic can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Naive. Based on logic, facts, common sense.
  2. Scientific. Has a reasonable belief about some fact, along with a personal opinion.
  3. Critical. Closer to the idealist, since he admits the idea that some ideas may be erroneous.

Pessimist, optimist, or realist. Who you are?

Pessimism - A gloomy attitude in which a person does not believe in the future, tends to see the dull, bad in everything. Optimism - A cheerful and cheerful attitude in which a person sees the bright side in everything, believes in success, in the fact that the world is dominated by a positive principle , good.

Realism - A clear and sober understanding of reality when implementing something.”

“Wan Yi, who lived near the eastern gate, died a son. But he didn't grieve. They asked him: “Sir, you loved your son like no one else in the Celestial Empire!” Why are you not grieving now? To which he replied: “Before, when I didn’t have a son, I didn’t grieve.” And now he’s gone, just as he wasn’t before... So why should I grieve?” This arrangement may seem almost cynical to us. That is why the parable emphasizes that the father loved his son very much, but... what happened has already happened. And there is no point in poisoning yourself with grief. I can give you an example from my own life. Even in my youth, working on a regular five-day schedule, I jokingly constantly besieged my colleagues, who were happy on Fridays because there were two whole weekends ahead. I told them that there was nothing to be happy about, because now it would be Monday again very soon. People asked me when to rejoice. As when, on Monday and rejoice. Rejoice that Friday is coming! At one time, in order to calm down a person who was very upset by some nonsense, well, he lost his wallet, had a fight with his boss, you never know, I used this trick of my own invention. He said this:

- Listen. You understand that in just 270 years, your problem will not matter at all.

Most often, the person first looked puzzled, then asked:

— Why exactly after 270?

I explained with a serious look:

- Well, because I think that after such a period of time no one will remember about it. And the number is beautiful...

Here the interlocutor, as a rule, began to engage in his own thinking and began to reason independently:

- No, well, what does 270 have to do with it? And in 100 years, will anyone remember? Yes, what 100 are there! In a year... Yes, I’ll forget in a month, or maybe in three days! Oddly enough, this kind of joke really calmed people down many times. You can look at the same event as a trifle, or you can see it as a universal catastrophe. It all depends on what angle you look at, or from what level. On the other hand, you shouldn’t admire someone or something too much. The higher we place something or someone in our lives, the more palpable the bitterness of loss. And in some cases, we should evaluate what is happening more critically, when a dose of pessimism is simply necessary. So, if you really want to be realistic, in moments of despair, look for optimistic moments in the situation, and when everything is very good, don’t be too jubilant, wait for the catch. Remember that “fate never favors with true sincerity.”< And as for another category - those who don’t care, this is just a type of optimist. Their motto is that you can do whatever comes into your head, and nothing will happen for it. These are people with increased levels of endorphins in the blood from birth. Everything about them is almost always pink. Well, of course, pessimists lack these same endorphins, our natural drugs.

People always divide themselves into groups. This is probably in our nature: noticing the difference in our views and not wanting to be “on the same team” with those who think differently, we consider ourselves to be a group of like-minded people.

In this article I want to talk to you about the characteristics of optimists, pessimists and realists. Perhaps you recognize yourself or your friends here

Is it good or bad to be realistic?

In the material world, realism is associated with objectivity and impartiality. This statement is true if we do not take into account the spiritual component of man. Otherwise, we will have to admit that subjective experiences are no less real than the surrounding reality. The more specific the task, the more effective the realist becomes in solving it. But when it comes to the spiritual sphere and the power of thought, idealists are far ahead. Let's look at these cases separately.

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Advantages of Realists

In those areas of life where cold calculation and balanced decisions are necessary, realists are ahead of other personality types. Subjective assessments are so alien to them that they seem to be like mirrors reflecting reality. This property is indispensable in the scientific, technical and production fields, where excessive dreaminess of the performer can lead to the most unexpected consequences. Let's say if ten milligrams of a reagent are to be used, then it really needs to be measured in that quantity. Not “by eye”, or “most likely”, but really ten. In this, realists have no equal.

Also, this type of people often takes on the role of leader or manager . This is not surprising, since the cold calculation of realists helps them weigh the situation and make the most constructive decisions. Regardless of leadership roles, such people must be represented in any team, otherwise excessive idealism sometimes leads in the wrong direction. They are a kind of restraining factor with the help of which it is possible to achieve the “golden mean” between practicality and flight of thought.

Realists often achieve great success in creating home comfort and organizing the domestic sphere. They understand that the faucet cannot be repaired on its own, that a leaky roof will most likely leak by winter, and a clogged sewer in the near future will return to its owners everything that they so generously invest in it. Therefore, realists, as a rule, manage to prevent a possible breakdown, preventing its aggravation. But you should not think that this type of people is without shortcomings, which we will talk about later.

Disadvantages of Realists

Reluctance and inability to fantasize can play a cruel joke on any realist. Of course, a pragmatic view of the world is effective, but not in cases where you need to show resourcefulness and creativity. This type of people is much less likely than idealists to become artists and writers. Reasoning by “down-to-earth” standards, they are unlikely to create cool advertising for their products or services.

In addition, a dry and laconic type of communication is not always liked by interlocutors , especially girls. As you know, they love with their ears, and sometimes the pathetic speeches of some inventor can produce a greater effect than the overly logical arguments of a realist. The latter have nothing to do at all in politics, since voters consume “noodles” in quantities that are an order of magnitude larger than the most gullible girl.

But these are all minor things compared to the real danger for the realists themselves . In a feedback-driven world, optimists often achieve significantly greater results. This is because they believe in their success, while realists can “understand in their heads” that the chances are extremely small. It is unlikely that any realist will give up everything he has acquired in his city for the sake of an ephemeral opportunity to start everything from scratch in another place. There is little chance that any realist will make a grandiose scientific discovery. It was the dreamers who once discovered America, began space exploration and invented the Internet. On the other hand, if it weren’t for the realists on their team, then all these discoveries might not have come true, having been shattered by the harsh realities of the pragmatic world.

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How to raise a realistic child

Realists are not born. This quality is acquired over time and with experience. Although this trait can be cultivated from childhood, moderation should be observed.

It is important for a child to develop harmoniously; fantasy is an integral stage of childhood and subsequent development. Thus, observing excessive idealism, children are gently lowered “from heaven to earth”

There is a lot of debate about who this realist is, what kind of person he is. Some people consider such people to be boring and cold, unable to show emotions. At the same time, they are worthy leaders who confidently pursue goals. However, one cannot be so critical of realists, since they always have mixed character traits; their shortcomings are usually compensated for by other advantages.

Realist - who is he?

When you are a realist, you see the world "as it is" and have a natural tendency to view all sides of an issue from an objective perspective. Realists are not as destabilized by unconscious biases or idealistic goals. Rather, they see the truth and prefer it to be unvarnished.

What is a realist?

Realists pay special attention to the actions and movements around them. They often like to tell stories about things that have happened to them

They are also concerned about the behavior and activities of other people.

They may be ordinary people who conform to social norms and rules, like to keep up with the latest popular trends and everything new on the world stage.

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