The main spheres of human life and their significance

The scope of activity is a choice of labor, work and services, which includes various areas of work activity in which certain tasks and processes are performed, aimed at achieving certain results.

In organizations, the scope of activity is a certain type of work and services provided for by the charter, which includes various areas of activity.

Today there are a huge number of fields of activity, ranging from medicine to art. And prosperity, career and quality of life depend on whether a person or the whole is engaged. The very meaning of the phrase “field of activity” presupposes some area of ​​work. Essentially, these are works or services that are provided by companies, enterprises, certain organizations or individuals. But the list of services provided by a particular organization necessarily depends on its field of activity. Having chosen a field of activity, a company or individual seeks to “occupy its niche in the market,” and the further prosperity of the company or individual depends on the correctness of this choice.

Concept of life activity

This concept is used in connection with the maintenance and preservation of human life. In this sense, life activity is understood as a set of processes that ensure the flow of biological processes in the human body. However, people are not only biological individuals, but also social beings. Therefore, the concept of life activity is also interpreted as our activity within the framework of public life. From this perspective, various spheres of human life are highlighted. And the concept of life activity is used not only in its literal meaning, but also in an expanded understanding. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the etymology of the term. Its first root denotes the form of existence of matter, but in addition to its biological meaning, it has a broader interpretation. In this case, life refers to the period of someone’s existence (for example, a person’s life from birth to death). There is another meaning for this word - the fullness of the manifestation of spiritual and physical strength. In this sense, life is opposed to existence.

The second root of the term in question is also polysemantic. In psychology, activity is understood as a person’s meaningful and purposeful interaction with the world. There are several main types of activities: communication, work, play, learning. Thus, this term can be interpreted as a person’s interaction with the world, occurring in different forms throughout its existence.

The concept of professional activity and its functions

Professional activity is a human specialty in a certain field. Labor skills and abilities are determined depending on how much people devote themselves to work.

There are 4 main functions in professional activities:

  1. Creation of financial or spiritual values.
  2. Obtaining material resources to make life easier in society.
  3. Promoting the development of others.
  4. Transforming the environment.

For more successful mastery of professional activity, excellent knowledge, experience and skills in your specialty are required. It’s impossible to do without this in the modern world. There is an opinion that professional activity appeared in order to produce commodity-money relations.

That is, the service changes to a product or vice versa. For example, a person offered his services as an accountant in one company. As a result, he shared his skills and was paid a salary according to the contract.

If a person repairs his equipment at home (this is his hobby), he cannot be called a professional, since he does not have reliable and high-quality skills and knowledge. The work can be completed in all respects only when it is taken on by a specialist who knows his job thoroughly. This is his professional activity.

Biological activity

Within the framework of biology and the theory of life safety, this concept is understood as a set of biological processes that support human life. In this aspect, metabolism is important as a certain set of chemical reactions that supports the flow of life. Another concept that is associated with biological life is homeostasis. It means the system’s ability to self-regulate, to maintain stability and dynamic balance. In this interpretation, the main spheres of human life include production and household areas. In them, a person obtains his means of subsistence and ensures the renewal of his own resources in the process of rest and work.

Professional organizations and their activities

Every enterprise or firm wants to have highly qualified employees. Therefore, many organizations can safely be called professional. They bring together only the best employees who are completely dedicated to their work.

The activities of professional organizations are aimed at mutual assistance to others and their colleagues. That is, each employee tries to invest their knowledge, work and skills in this area, and shows interest in professional activities. It is on such people that wages depend. In many enterprises or organizations, payment is based on the quality and quantity of output.

If employees are encouraged and rewarded for their work, then each person will become even more interested in their work. After all, he will work with the understanding that he will receive a reward for an effectively completed task.

At each enterprise, a structure of activity is determined, which describes working moments and operations. It is very important for employees to create conditions so that they feel safe in the workplace. In this case, the labor process at the enterprise is guaranteed to be productive.

Social life

In addition to the biological idea of ​​life in the humanities, we can talk about the social aspect of this phenomenon. Within the framework of social relations, population reproduction occurs, and people are provided with the necessary resources to meet their needs. Man is not only a biological system. He also exists in society and this makes him a person with specific needs and requirements. To be satisfied, to develop harmoniously, a person needs various areas to apply his strength. The realization of a person in different spheres is a condition for the fullness of his life and happiness. All spheres of human activity must be harmoniously interconnected.

How to achieve harmony

Ideally, a person should have all spheres connected, and 2-3 should be well pumped. Then he will be full of energy and strength, purposeful, stable, self-confident and practically invulnerable to various addictions.

But another picture is more common: most of a person’s spheres are frustrated. This means that there is neither desire nor strength to engage in them, and they cause nothing but boredom. But there is one favorite area to which you want to devote all your time. A person may be passionate about work and think about it day and night. Or he may be fixated on image or a healthy lifestyle.

This situation is fertile ground for various addictions. Our selfless worker may not notice how he turns into a workaholic. And the zodiac looks like an obsessed hypochondriac. And then everything good that a person received from his favorite sphere will be destroyed.

To achieve harmony, it is important to develop as many areas as possible.

Another danger is that a person is very vulnerable if he has only one source of joy and happiness. Something will happen to your favorite area and that’s it – it’s lost. Life will lose its meaning, the sun will go out. Many people in this situation commit suicide or plunge into deep depression.

To avoid this, you need to systematically deal with all areas and resources and not focus on one. Even if at first it seems uninteresting and boring to you. You'll see: it won't be long before you get involved in the process. What seemed tedious or energy-consuming will begin to bring pleasure.

Spheres of life

There are several approaches to identifying the basic areas in which a person realizes himself and in which he provides himself with the necessary resources and means for existence. The traditional approach reveals five areas:

  • material production;
  • axiological;
  • scientific, or the production of theoretical knowledge;
  • political or management of social processes;
  • social sphere of human life.

Each of the identified spheres has its own specific features and plays a different role in human life.

In psychology, it is customary to distinguish the following areas of human activity: physical, social, intellectual and spiritual. Sociologists add legal and political to the above areas. Each of the discovered areas of human activity has a special significance in human life. In the theory of human self-realization, there are 7 key areas of his activity: spiritual and personal growth, health, career, finances, relationships and brightness of life.


Conscious purposeful activity is the difference between people and animals. In its process, a person creates objects of material and spiritual culture, transforms his abilities, ensures progress (although sometimes regression) of society, influences nature (preserves or destroys).

Any activity is a creative way beyond the natural, work on oneself and the world. Man not only consumes, but also creates. With her help he influences his life.

Thanks to it, the mental development of the individual is carried out. However, at the same time, mental processes (perception, attention, imagination, memory, thinking, speech) act as components and even separate types of activity.

Physical sphere

This area is often called the most important, because it is the one that is associated with the continuation of human existence. The basic concept in this area is health. A person must maintain his health and provide his body with the necessary resources. However, by focusing only on the physical aspects of his life, a person will lose the spiritual and social principles that make him human. Therefore, the physical sphere is certainly important, but cannot be called the most important in human development.

What is an activity

Under activity

It is customary to understand the process of active interaction between a subject and an object of reality, in which the subject purposefully influences the object, achieving a goal and satisfying its needs.

Activities can be either constructive or destructive. Often both components are present, since often in order to create something, you need to destroy something first, and vice versa (for example, create a weapon to destroy the enemy army). The activity of a person or organization can be called any activity that is given a certain meaning - that is, the activity is somehow connected with the external world or the internal state of a person or organization.

Of particular importance for humans and animals is orientation-research activity, which became more and more diverse with the evolutionary complexity of organisms. This activity allows animals to survive, leave offspring and generally follow certain instincts, practically interacting with the outside world. Human activity is of a different nature, since the instincts in his psyche are abolished and in his life he is guided by the intellect.

Social sphere

This area includes relationships between people, groups, classes, and institutions. Traditionally, the social sphere is associated with public institutions: social services, education systems, housing and communal services, healthcare, etc. The production and reproduction of people requires the satisfaction of various needs. And for this, a person needs various benefits created in various spheres of life. Society is the environment in which we spend our entire lives. Therefore, the social aspects of human activity are associated with the functioning of basic institutions, with the social roles of a person, with his belonging to certain classes and groups. However, society as a sphere of human life is connected, first of all, with relationships between people, although interaction with institutions is of great importance. For human development, it is extremely important to build harmonious connections with others.

Human needs

It is said above that activity is a conscious process endowed with meaning. That is, if you do something, you understand why you need it . How is meaning born? Initially, you realize that you need something.

For example, your stomach growls, you realize a need - hunger - and go to the kitchen to prepare food for yourself. If you did not understand your feelings, and specifically, did not recognize the feeling of hunger, then no further action would have followed.

Thus, a need is a need for something.

There are many classifications of this phenomenon, but the most frequently used is “Abraham Maslow’s pyramid of needs” (American behavioral psychologist).

Studying human behavior, he came to the conclusion that in addition to short-term needs (buying a car), which change throughout life, there are basic needs . The latter represent the basis of a happy existence, provided they are satisfied.

  1. Physiological - the simplest, but vital needs - sleep, food, air, clothing, etc. This is the very first, primitive level (this is how newborns live).
  2. The need for security is necessary for mental peace, because only then can we develop effectively and feel comfortable (the parents are called upon to provide this need to the child).
  3. Social needs are variously expressed desires to be with people, to feel part of a family, class, group, country, to belong to people like me. A person cannot live and develop outside of society (adolescents).
  4. Esteem Need – We want to be leaders, valued members of society, loved and appreciated (by adults).
  5. The need for self-actualization or self-expression is the highest level of needs, which not everyone achieves. Here the individual needs creative development, dissemination of his skills and knowledge, thus expressing his inner “I” (mature people).

A little later, Maslow supplemented his classification with three more types of needs: cognitive (the desire to explore, discover), aesthetic (the desire for harmony and beauty) and transcendental (the selfless transfer of one’s own experience for the purpose of self-improvement of other people).

Intellectual sphere

When considering the spheres of human life, it is impossible to ignore the area of ​​production of thoughts, ideas, and images. The intellectual sphere usually includes professional development, setting life goals, reflection on the meaning of life, working with emotions, cognitive and creative activities. This area is also associated with the consumption of intellectual products produced by other people. A person must develop his thinking, since satisfaction with the existing state of affairs, its values, and the meaningfulness of life depend on this.


In general, all agriculture can be divided into crop production and livestock production. Mushroom growing is also included in a separate group, because from a biological point of view, mushrooms form a separate kingdom, not related to either plants or animals.

In the course of crop production, people receive crops such as:

  • grain crops (wheat, rice, corn, oats, barley);
  • beans (beans, soybeans, peas);
  • forage crops that are used as animal feed;
  • industrial crops (flax, hemp, sugar cane, rubber)
  • psychoactive substances (tea, coffee, tobacco, coca, marijuana, opium poppy);
  • citrus fruits (orange, lemon, tangerine);
  • melon (watermelon, pumpkin);
  • crops intended for oil production (sunflower, olive tree, mustard, flax).

Separately, viticulture and horticulture are distinguished.

The most important areas of livestock farming are:

  • cattle breeding (raising bulls and cows);
  • sheep breeding;
  • pig farming;
  • poultry farming;
  • horse breeding;
  • rabbit breeding;
  • beekeeping.

It is important to note that agricultural activities are greatly influenced by the regional climate. It is almost impossible to grow bananas, citrus fruits, watermelons and many other plants in northern latitudes. However, even in the south, agriculture can be unproductive if the climate is too dry, such as in the Sahara Desert.

Sociocultural factors also play an important role. In Muslim countries there may be no pig farming, and in India they do not eat beef. The production of some psychoactive crops is prohibited by law in most countries of the world. In general, it can be noted that livestock farming is more common in developed countries, since in developing countries a significant part of the population cannot afford regular consumption of meat.

Let us note the fallacy of the opinion that agriculture produces only food. It also makes it possible to obtain products necessary for light industry - animal skins and fur, wool, cotton. Some animals, such as horses, are still used today for transport or for heavy work. A number of crops are used to produce biofuels - firewood, biodiesel and bioethanol.

Spiritual realm

If you ask the question about which areas of human life are the most significant, then perhaps this area should be put in first place. It includes relationships and activities in the process of creating and consuming spiritual values, as well as their distribution and preservation. This area includes cultural institutions: theaters, museums, educational institutions, libraries. The components of spiritual activity are considered to be values ​​and needs of a higher order. Within the framework of this form of activity, a person generates new images, ideas, produces works of art, new theories and views, and norms. This area also includes spiritual connections between people.

Legal area

The condition for preserving society is respect for the rights of citizens and responsibility for their violation. Legal relations are established between people, as well as in relations between a person and the state. They are designed to regulate relations between citizens, protect their rights and freedoms, and ensure social justice. Regulatory mechanisms are divided into prohibitive and permissive. Elements of law penetrate into many other areas of human activity. According to spheres of life, human rights are divided into civil, social, political, economic and cultural. Respect for rights ensures the legal status of the individual and forms in citizens a responsible attitude towards various types of their activities.

Important personality traits

Every person in his workplace should be able to treat others professionally. He must have normal mental and physical development that meets the requirements of the specialty or profession.

One of the main important qualities is correct and cultural communication. Each employee should be able to share their knowledge and skills. However, it is also necessary to have a business style. If necessary, an employee must be able to explain the mistakes of another person in a civilized manner, without shouting and reproaches.

With proper communication, the success of work and its implementation increases. Each enterprise has an agreement. Before starting a job, a person must familiarize himself with it. The contract contains a clause that describes the important professional qualities of the individual. The company encourages employees to adhere to them.

The quality of professional activity depends on salary, interest, motive, character, attitude and working conditions. If employees are given a great motivation to work, then they will not only improve themselves, but will also help the company develop.

Character is an important quality of a person. You cannot show your unfriendliness and bad mood in the workplace. You must always remember that at work you need to perform exclusively your duties. Always leave your bad mood outside the office doors. Not only the quality of the work performed, but also the atmosphere as a whole depends on you.

The area of ​​professional activity is not only enterprises, but also scientific research, social or economic manifestations.

Political sphere

Human life requires interaction with the state. To exist effectively, society needs management and power. The political sphere of activity is associated with pressure on people in order to submit to established norms and rules. The content of this sphere is considered to be the interaction of subjects (state, political elites, people) in order to satisfy people's needs for order, protection, and security. Also, the political sphere is associated with the implementation of the rights and freedoms of citizens. The components of this sphere are political institutions, political consciousness, rights and norms, and political actions.

Diagnosis of the state of life spheres

Now that we have reviewed the entire list of areas and studied their characteristics, you can independently assess the condition of each. Answer the following questions honestly for each area:

  1. Have you achieved any success in this area?
  2. Does it bring you pleasure?
  3. Do you spend time with her at least once a week?
  4. Do people around you praise you for your achievements in this area?

Be completely honest with yourself. Only in this case will you have a chance to improve your life and get a boost to development. Those areas in which the majority of answers are positive, you are doing well. And those with more than two negative answers will have to be worked on.

Sphere of material production

For a prosperous existence, people need many material items that provide comfort and satisfaction of basic needs. The material sphere of human life is characterized by a variety of activities in the production of consumer goods, without which human life would be under threat. This area is often synonymous with the concept of “work activity”. It is possible to highlight the technical and technological aspect and production relations. The first is associated with the use of practical human skills to create various objects and products. And the latter are a social form of labor, which makes the production process itself possible. This area is interesting because within its framework a person not only provides himself with the necessary things and products, but also achieves self-realization and development of his potential.

Promising directions in the Russian Federation

The interestingness and possible demand for areas of activity are determined by the problems existing for a specific period of human history. Simply put, what is relevant, what is in demand, what is important for a person is considered the most correct for the organization in order to achieve certain goals. For the 21st century, the best areas of activity are considered to be everything related to new, modern technologies.

IT technologies, which have already filled and will continue to fill people’s lives, have excellent prospects for work and business. Conventionally, there are three areas in the IT sphere:

  • Equipment
  • Software
  • Information space (Internet)

All kinds of approaches to work in these areas of activity can become interesting both for commercially oriented people and for those who want to find some outlet in their work.

IT field in demand

Other areas of business are in less demand and have less prospects than IT technologies. Among the areas of activity closest to them are:

  • A solution to the problem of waste disposal, which is now more relevant than ever.
  • Distance learning for people, becoming something commonplace and convenient for people.
  • Production of in-demand products.

Separately, I would like to highlight the last area of ​​activity. Judging by official statistics from financial and analytical agencies, the majority of “young” millionaires and billionaires are engaged in creating new and interesting products for people. By coming up with something unusual and presenting it correctly to the market, you can kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Become a kind of pioneer in a new niche.
  2. Create a profitable, interesting and promising business.

Maintaining an organized business in a specific field of activity requires constant attention to current trends and competent business management. Unfortunately for entrepreneurs and even employees, creating something or learning something is not enough to constantly and systematically make a profit or achieve other goals. Only development in the chosen field of activity can either provide a chance for success or fully guarantee it. You shouldn't forget about this.

At the end of today’s article, we state one simple thing: you can work and achieve your goals in any field of activity. The specific direction of work, the nature and features of its organization do not play a special role. The main thing in this matter:

  1. Assess the prospects of a specific niche before its immediate development.
  2. Approach the organization of the business competently.
  3. Maintain it at a stable and high-quality level to avoid stagnation or complete decline.

Purely theoretically, adhering to these principles is not difficult. In practice, difficulties will always arise, therefore, when working in all areas of activity, it is important to be prepared for problems and be able to solve them. With a different approach, there is no point in mastering a specific profession, much less opening a business. Undertakings of this kind will be doomed to failure.

This concludes the important points on the topic of today’s article. In principle, there are many good areas of activity both in Russia and around the world. The main thing is to choose something interesting for yourself and satisfying your goals. We hope that the presented material was useful to all readers of our resource and provided answers to their questions. Good luck in all your endeavors!


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Sphere of production of theoretical knowledge

When asking the question of what spheres of human activity modern society includes, one cannot help but mention a special sphere - scientific. Since the 17th century, scientific knowledge and exploration of the world has become an increasingly important area of ​​application of human intellectual potential. Scientific knowledge is necessary in order to describe the current state of affairs, find its causes and make predictions. Scientific knowledge allows a person to comprehend the objective laws of the surrounding world. As a field of activity, science is also an area in which a person can realize and develop his potential and achieve self-realization. Science also aims to offer new ways to meet people's urgent needs.


When internal motivation takes place, we begin to build an image in our head of what we want to achieve in the end. A girl who wants to get married begins to think about what her future husband should be like: age, eye color, social status, nationality, appearance, etc. Thus, she paints for herself a clear picture of what she actually needs to strive for.

Goal setting is an integral part of human activity.

We first create something in our minds, then we try to bring it to life. Animals, unlike us, are guided only by instincts: they do not think about what, how and why they do something. When choosing a female, a wolf does not walk through the forest for 3 years looking for a she-wolf with the most beautiful fur, but a person is quite capable of this.

Maybe this is our happiness - we can choose and adjust our goals.

Axiological sphere

Acting in various spheres of life, people are also engaged in creating values ​​and evaluating the results of work, the process of activity, and relationships between people. A person in various spheres of life determines the significance of certain phenomena and things. He evaluates how much they contribute to meeting the needs of the individual and society, how they help people realize their potential and achieve their life goals. Activities for the formation of values ​​usually take place in groups, but the formulated values ​​influence the life of each individual person. They enable people to make their lives meaningful and meaningful.

Main types of activities

The first area of ​​activity is political, it involves working in government agencies. Politicians are naturally prone to manipulation; they reveal their potential through managing people. They strive for power, realizing themselves through it.

The next area is business, which, in turn, is divided into several separate areas: commercial business, financial business, manufacturing business, intermediary and insurance business. Manufacturing is characterized by the direct production of goods. The provision of services and the implementation of various works are usually carried out by commercial organizations. The financial sector includes the activities of banks, stock exchanges and financial companies engaged in transactions with securities, foreign exchange transactions and investing. People involved in business are people of specific deeds or actions, for which the result must be expressed in material form and be specific and tangible. They strive to capture an increasing share of the market and open constantly different businesses.

The third area includes training, that is, educational and teaching activities. A teacher is a person who is able to educate and support the personality of another person, that is, he himself must be a very healthy and strong person, love to teach, instruct, identify and support the best sides of a student, based on his individuality.

Another area of ​​activity is art and creativity. Artists, painters, directors, writers, composers and others express themselves here. This also includes the sphere of science, which includes the work of research institutes and higher educational institutions. People of art, as a rule, live by emotions, which they express through art. In other words, this is the conscious transmission of one’s subtle states to people through various forms of creativity. A person of art constantly tries new forms of self-expression in different types of art. And science in our time is tied to experiments in matter. Such people study and derive patterns by analogy through intuition, that is, this is work with direct knowledge about the processes of creation of the world.

And finally, the last area is medicine, which involves the activities of various medical organizations. People who practice medicine are lively people with a lot of energy. This also includes warriors, because health-improving gymnastics came from martial arts.

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