Inferiority complex in men: why such a man is dangerous

A psychological complex can develop in any person even from one careless word. It seems that women have much more complexes than men, but the point is the emotionality of the former. If a woman is attracted to something, she is unlikely to hide her feelings. A man, most likely, will accumulate all this in himself for years, which can then result in alcoholism and other addictions. Let's look at male and female complexes and find out what both sexes react so painfully to.

The complex in everyday understanding is equated to an inferiority complex. Complexes reflect an incorrect or distorted idea of ​​oneself. As a rule, they are all far-fetched, but to get rid of them you may need the help of a psychologist.

So, what gender complexes exist and what conclusions can be drawn from all this? Let's look at them sequentially and draw some conclusions.

What is an inferiority complex

What does inferiority complex mean? This is a set of negative emotions that manifest themselves as anxiety, a feeling of shame, and confidence in one’s inferiority. All of them are based on the results of comparing oneself with other people.

Most often, an inferiority complex develops in people with physical disabilities. They just hate their appearance. Development can also be affected by social status, intelligence, character, and personal qualities.

Some people have been struggling with the complex for several years. Others suffer from it for the rest of their lives. This leads to serious problems, ranging from depression to the destruction of relationships with family and friends.

The concept of “inferiority complex” was introduced by the Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler. He initially applied it to children. In his opinion, every child suffers from such a complex to one degree or another. But this happens due to psychophysiological characteristics.

Remember how, as a child, you also said what you would do when you grow up. In childhood, this attitude towards oneself encourages one to change for the better and grow. But sometimes, under the influence of a number of negative factors, the situation only gets worse.

Many adults are small, resentful children inside. They do not know what safety is, do not believe in themselves and their strengths, and acutely feel helpless. At the same time, they really want to feel love and happiness. And they receive them, but in some perverted way. They show aggression, constantly fight for power and prove personal superiority.

A man with a complex - every woman should know this sign

Ecology of life. People: Every woman should know this sign of a complex man. Be careful! To check, you need a very ordinary woman of unknown age, but she must be overweight and look bad.

Every woman should know this sign of a complex man. Be careful!

To check, you need a very ordinary woman of unknown age, but she must be overweight and look bad. Or rather, the aunt should be the scarier the better. The aunt's face must be swollen from alcohol. If you manage to find an aunt with completely missing teeth, this is generally ideal.

Having noticed your aunt, follow her. Find out her usual route. When she leaves the house, where she goes to work, when she returns from work. You need to know the time when your aunt looks especially tired. After this, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Most of the work has already been done by you.

Now the matter remains small. Arrange the meeting with the man in such a way that the chosen woman will definitely come into his field of vision. For example, you were walking home from work with heavy bags, while a man gently hugged your waist.

As soon as your man’s gaze falls on the unfortunate woman, sigh sadly. Say something like: oh, what a pity. This is the former first beauty of our school. From the age of 15, she hung out with guys, often changed men, loved to drink and smoke, so she was worn out before her time.

One modest, shy boy courted her, but she refused and mixed with the rich. Now what does it look like? She's old, what can you take from her? She became fat and had bad teeth. Half of them fell out altogether. No one is marrying her now. This is how you will have to live out your life. With cats.

It would be ideal if your accomplice releases several cats from around the corner at this time. To prevent cats from running out early, you can first hide them in a bag. The appearance of cats will add tragedy and doom to the scene. Plus, there will be sound effects to match all the drama. If you don't have the opportunity to hire an assistant, just record the nasty meowing on a tape recorder.

You will immediately see a satisfied smile spread across the face of the notorious man.

“A jumping dragonfly...” the satisfied, complex man will drawl, raising his index finger up. - She sang red summer, so come and dance...

Complex men, unlike normal ones, love it when former beauties (and ex-wives too) are punished. This is a very resourceful state. A moment of justice. The complicated man will sparkle with his eyes as if Osama bin Laden was just now destroyed in his presence. He is happy. Now he has a story that can be passed on from mouth to mouth.

He doesn’t need to know anything about the fact that people get better not from men, but from buns. And the condition of teeth depends on genetics, acid-base balance, diet, in the end, but also not on men. And that a bad hairstyle can be cured not by marriage, but by a good hairdresser. It doesn't matter that this woman has nothing to do with your class. That she has been married for a long time. And maybe she was never a beauty at all. Don't tell him this. Don't break the buzz. Leave him to revel in sweet revenge...

You may ask, why the hell do we need such a nasty, complex man? So I'm thinking about this...

Therefore, I always avoid men who rejoice in someone else’s bad appearance or unsettled personal life. Especially an ex-wife or classmate. This is a bad sign. Very bad.

Moreover, you can see him even if you don’t clown around with cats and women, but just take a closer look at the man. How does he talk about women? Does he rejoice in their failures?

Do you agree that this behavior is a marker showing complexes? published

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Signs of an inferiority complex

An inferiority complex has pronounced signs. The appearance of at least one of them should alarm. People suffering from this problem live with fear. They are afraid of making mistakes, they try to please others and meet their expectations. Sometimes they completely forget about their desires and needs.


A person has such low self-esteem that he does not allow himself to make plans, fulfill desires and dreams, or strive for meaningful results. And first of all, this affects the psycho-emotional sphere. The individual does not know how to make decisions, is afraid to act, and feels constant tension.

People with an inferiority complex do not know in which area they would like to realize themselves. They may be dreaming about something, but they constantly push the dream into the background. At the same time, they consider themselves not smart or capable enough.


It's about emotional stress. It deprives a person of a full life, joy, and freedom. He simply does not allow himself to be happy.

An inferiority complex causes anxiety due to the fact that one cannot cope with problems. Dejection and apathy become constant companions. As a result, in addition to psychological tension, muscle tension develops. Devastation follows.

Excessive self-criticism

Another symptom of an inferiority complex. Man is in a constant search for his shortcomings. He believes that in all situations he is worse than others. Constantly compares himself with others and, of course, does not win in comparison.

As a result, the individual withdraws into himself and refuses to do anything. And, what is especially sad, this can continue for many years.


People with an inferiority complex will never feel like a self-sufficient person. They stubbornly ignore their strengths and character traits. Before their eyes there are only shortcomings. They try to please others by any means possible, while forgetting about their own needs.


Like any disease, men's complexes must be treated. Otherwise, men may develop other mental disorders. There are techniques aimed at eliminating complexes. They include several mandatory steps:

  1. Admit your problems. The first and most difficult stage for any person, and even more so for men. If they admit their complexes, they will destroy stereotypes: a man has no right to be weak, he cannot demonstrate his vulnerability, he must hide his feelings. You need to understand that every person can have difficulties - you are no exception. Only after this can you move on.
  2. Find the reason for your complexes. Complexes and phobias in men cannot appear out of nowhere. This is a consequence of severe stress or prolonged influence of our loved ones. Listen to yourself and try to understand what exactly is bothering you.
  3. Forgive your offenders. This way you can free yourself from internal pressures and become calmer. There are cases when, after many years, the patient found a person who caused him complexes. They discussed the situation in the past. Often offenders regret their actions and ask for forgiveness. This frees a man from his fears. It wouldn’t hurt to apologize yourself.

Reasons for the complex

According to Adler, the inferiority complex is a consequence of the fear of loneliness, the fear of feeling superfluous, useless, rejected. Also, according to the scientist, most often the complex arises in childhood. It is then that the child experiences a number of restrictions, which, as stated above, are associated with his age characteristics.

Other causes of an inferiority complex are:

  • physical or cosmetic defects;
  • lack of independence skills and conditions for their formation;
  • overprotection, excessive control, suppression of personality on the part of parents;
  • lack of parental attention in childhood;
  • psychological trauma, for example, divorce, life in an orphanage, various types of violence;
  • discrimination;
  • failures that resulted in unnecessary criticism from others.

It is worth noting that both excessive and insufficient attention from parents can lead to the development of an inferiority complex in a child. In both cases, he does not have the opportunity to become independent, self-confident, and self-sufficient.

In simple terms, suppression of a child’s individuality in childhood leads to an inferiority complex.

It is noteworthy that a number of others develop simultaneously with this condition. Most often it is a superiority complex. It is easy to define: a person behaves extremely arrogantly, constantly brags, and tries to increase low self-esteem by humiliating others.

What do men pay attention to?

The tendency is that the stronger half pays least attention to the condition of the testicles and their size, although it would seem that it is there that sperm mature, and also the glands are located, which, according to modern science, produce the hormone testosterone, which, in turn, determines the strength and structure of the male body as a whole. (This is why bodybuilders take an artificial analogue of this hormone or stimulate its production with special drugs.) But at the same time, the testicles are still of little interest to their owners. The most important parameters of the phallus are its size, thickness, and length. Moreover, for many, these “problems” are more important than the functionality of the organ, that is, good erection hardness, a long time before ejaculation, a vivid orgasm.

Inferiority complex in men

In men, an inferiority complex is a consequence of an excess or lack of maternal love. It manifests itself in unmotivated aggression, arrogance, and attachment to things that emphasize masculinity.

In psychology, there are several forms of inferiority complex in men:

  1. King David syndrome. A man tries to “slow down” aging by choosing a young girl as a companion.
  2. The boss syndrome is a constant emphasis on one’s virtues and masculinity.
  3. Napoleon syndrome is ambition, vanity, a painful desire to always succeed in everything.
  4. Fear of sexual problems.
  5. Lost Energy Syndrome. It most often develops in men over 50 years of age.
  6. Lot's syndrome - fear of giving one's daughter away in marriage.
  7. Hercules syndrome - dependence on a woman in terms of finances, etc.
  8. Kotovsky syndrome - shaving hair so that no one notices baldness.
  9. Don Juan syndrome is a quick break in relationships with absolutely all girls.

In men, the formation of an inferiority complex most often occurs against the background of physical disabilities, poor financial situation, and impotence. Don't forget about appearance. In particular, representatives of the stronger sex attach great importance to height.

Common Fears

The fear of failure is the biggest fear. Guys' fears are often related to their position in life and status. Accustomed from childhood to achieve everything, to be the best, a man will not be able to come to terms with his inadequacy. Often talented young people do not find themselves in life. A brilliant university graduate cannot find a job because his profession is not in demand on the market. He will not work in production - not according to his rank.

Any person is afraid of becoming insolvent, but in men this kind of fear manifests itself most of all. From an early age, they are pressured by their parents and people around them. The guy must grow up smart, strong and build his own house. If a boy has grown up and does not know what to do next, he begins to develop complexes. Close people pinned their hopes on him, but no one explained what to do to realize himself in life.

Men's fear of not being fulfilled arises due to low self-esteem. Examples of wealthier peers drive a young man into depression. A narcissistic guy is concerned about his position in society and the opinions of others.

A talented graduate, having not found a job in his specialty, will refuse other offers due to lack of prestige

Bad Lover

The complex manifests itself in different forms:

  • fear of becoming impotent;
  • fear of being branded an incompetent lover, of showing one’s inexperience;
  • fear of not satisfying a woman;
  • complex about the penis.

Everyone expresses their fears differently. The complex can develop against the background of watching porn films in which handsome young men can have sex for several hours in a row. Real life shows that not all men are capable of feats in the bedroom. Many guys have a complex and think that a woman will leave them because of sexual dissatisfaction. It is known that for most girls it does not matter how long the sexual act lasts.

A man can have complexes about the size of his penis since childhood. This is due to offensive jokes from peers, failure of the first sexual contact.

Inferiority complex in women

In women, one of the main reasons for the development of the complex is appearance. It has its own signs:

  • non-acceptance of external data, physique;
  • denial of being female;
  • non-acceptance of male representatives;
  • constant feeling of guilt;
  • fear of being alone;
  • worries that inner potential has never been revealed;
  • the certainty that no one loves a woman and cannot love her.

A woman who suffers from an inferiority complex is not confident in herself. She becomes withdrawn, too self-critical. She devalues ​​everything she has achieved.

Defense mechanism and signs

The human brain will find an answer to everything, especially when it comes to survival and adaptation. The response to the conviction of one's own worthlessness, unattractiveness and inadequacy is an inflated Ego, or pride, arrogance.

So that no one notices the personality problem, an image is created based on overcompensation. That is, a person does not simply reproduce those traits that he lacks (in his opinion), but exaggerates them, as if masking a hole in his soul. From the outside it looks like:

  • like arrogance;
  • superiority over others;
  • absolute correctness and awareness always and in everything;
  • humiliation and insult of other people;
  • deliberate love for oneself and one’s appearance;
  • swagger and impudence;
  • demonstrativeness, boasting;
  • showing off;
  • inadequate attempts to assert oneself through the cultivation and demonstration of material achievements, the number of partners, and so on;
  • defiant behavior and the desire to earn the attention of others in any way;
  • arguing until you are hoarse in order to defend your rightness.

You can endlessly patch up a hole with money, cars, girls, men, humiliation of other people, outrageousness, you can create the illusion of a self-confident (and even too self-confident) person. But this will not solve the real reason and will not heal the wound, self-esteem will remain low, the fear of attention and evaluation from others will remain, and smart people around will sooner or later understand the real reason for this behavior.

“The best defense is an attack,” says the defense mechanism of the psyche. And a person, so that no one notices his shortcomings and imperfections, looks for in other people something that he can pay attention to and thereby distract him from himself. Therefore, those who have faced cruelty and humiliation in the future often humiliate and criticize others in defense of themselves.

But there is a second model of behavior caused by an inferiority complex. It is the opposite of the previous one. The person remains in the role of humiliated and insulted. Among the signs:

  • inadequate chronic feelings of shame and guilt;
  • self-humiliation, humiliation;
  • victim position;
  • the desire to evoke self-pity;
  • internal prohibitions on expressing emotions (aggression, discontent), defending one’s rights and personal boundaries, fulfilling desires and satisfying needs;
  • increased anxiety;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • wariness and suspiciousness;
  • avoiding traumatic conditions (depending on the individual case, for example, if a person is dissatisfied with his appearance, he refuses to be photographed, does not look in the mirror).

With this behavior, a person tries to get what he lacked and lacks: love, care, recognition and acceptance, support.

Why is an inferiority complex dangerous?

An inferiority complex provokes the development of a number of mental disorders:

  • thoughts of suicide;
  • dependence on other people, living conditions, certain habits;
  • neuroses;
  • chronic depression;
  • degradation;
  • persistent feelings of guilt, self-pity, self-flagellation;
  • destruction of relationships, family breakdown;
  • loneliness, isolation, an attempt to completely exclude contact with the outside world.

As you can see, an inferiority complex entails very disastrous consequences. And the saddest thing is that many of them are irreversible.

How to get rid of an inferiority complex

You can treat an inferiority complex either independently or with the help of a specialist, for example, a psychoanalyst. The main thing is to understand and eradicate the reason why it appeared.


The first and most important rule is to find out what led to the development of the problem. It's easy to do. First, you need to think again about situations where hurtful words were spoken to you. You don't necessarily really deserve them. The second step is to relive and let go of the grievances. Understand that all people can make mistakes.

There are other recommendations:

  1. Learn to look at yourself through a positive lens. Find positive qualities and advantages in yourself. Remember all your successes and achievements. Write them down on a piece of paper and review them from time to time.
  2. Work on your weaknesses. Remember, you can get rid of them. Find your motivation. This could be reading self-development books, attending seminars and trainings, listening to audio books, or meeting successful people. Take every opportunity to change for the better.
  3. Take criticism less sensitively. Most often, it is not directed at you personally, but at your actions or the situation as a whole. Remember that in psychology, an inferiority complex is, first of all, not the remarks themselves, but how you react to them.
  4. Learn to accept compliments adequately. Do not look for a catch in the words of the person speaking them. Thank you for your kind words. If you are sure of insincerity, simply move the conversation to another topic.
  5. Keep a diary. Just don’t need to write down everything that happens to you. Let this be a diary of your successes and achievements. This is a good way to combat an inferiority complex, another proof that you have something to be proud of.
  6. Love yourself. No, of course, you shouldn't become a narcissist. It's about healthy self-esteem. A simple exercise will help you raise it. Standing in front of the mirror, say something good about yourself, give compliments.
  7. Don't compare yourself to other people. This is the biggest mistake. Remember, you are an individual. Under any circumstances, remain yourself.
  8. Play sports, change your image. All this will give you self-confidence. Don't be afraid to change, even if the changes are drastic.

And one more piece of advice: talk to someone you trust. The support of your family and friends will help you find the strength to get rid of your inferiority complex. Perhaps these people will talk about their experience of dealing with it.

Working with a psychologist

The help of a psychologist is needed if the above-described methods of getting rid of an inferiority complex turned out to be ineffective. Most often, specialists use 4 methods in practice:

  1. Psychological trainings. There are several types. One example: divide a blank sheet of paper into 2 parts with a vertical line. On the one hand, write down your good qualities, and on the other, your bad ones. Afterwards, the psychologist cuts the sheet in half. He gives a list of positive traits to the client. The negative ones need to be destroyed.
  2. Family therapy. It is carried out in cases where the cause of the inferiority complex is psychological trauma from childhood. Family members, in particular parents, are involved in the work.
  3. Personification. An effective way to get rid of an inferiority complex. The psychologist sets an interesting task for the client. He needs to talk to some inanimate object. In a conversation, you can express absolutely everything that worries you. We need to speak out. If desired, such exercises can be done at home, talking, for example, with pets.
  4. "Protective field." An interesting way to overcome an inferiority complex. A person needs to mentally cover himself with a dome every time someone unjustifiably criticizes him or makes caustic remarks. This will help protect against negativity.

These are just some of the ways to overcome an inferiority complex. Which one will be used in a particular case depends on the situation. Complex therapy is often carried out.

Fighting male complexes

To get rid of obsessive fear, understand its nature. It is extremely difficult to do this alone. You will need the help of friends, a girl, and best of all, an experienced psychologist.

A loving girl wants a better future for her man, so she will definitely help you. Don’t be shy about opening up to your loved ones, it’s not at all shameful.

How to get rid

It is not easy to overcome subconscious experiences forever. This requires many hours of therapy, on the way to which you need:

  1. Get rid of the influence of other people on your life.
  2. Limit viewing social media. networks of successful people.
  3. Think about your purpose in life.
  4. Separate the opinion imposed by society from your own.
  5. Understand your individuality and accept it.

Every man deserves to live a full life without the influence of fears and complexes.

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