Why does a person become aggressive after drinking alcohol?

Aggressive behavior is a complex syndrome, expressed by the emergence and embodiment of a person’s hostile qualities, the manifestation of sharply negative feelings towards others. The patient strives to commit violent acts, trying in every possible way to show his superiority and strength over others. Aggression is often accompanied by a desire for power. In most cases, the disorder requires psychological correction, identification of causes and treatment. Diagnosis and therapy of aggressive behavior is one of the areas of our work.

Why does aggressive behavior occur?

The occurrence of attacks of aggression in a person can be caused by one or several reasons at the same time.

Mental disorders can be caused by:

  • pathopsychological character traits;
  • mental stress, especially in people with weak character traits;
  • pathological dependence on psychoactive substances (alcohol, drugs, medications, aerosols, plant substances), which have destructive qualities in relation to the nervous system and human psyche;
  • unsettled life and personal problems (loss of family, job, health). By aggressive behavior and outbursts of anger, a sick person with specific character traits seems to be trying to “throw out” the internal pain from disorder;
  • mental manifestations of borderline states (neuroses), improper upbringing, conflicts in the family;
  • chronic overwork with lack of sleep, work accompanied by excessive strain;
  • passion for computer games with aggressive content, frequent viewing of films of similar content;
  • mental illnesses (epilepsy, schizophrenia, psychopathy, etc.);
  • age-related dementia is the cause of senile aggression.

Increased irritability in women: pathological factors

As the site sympaty.net found out, a woman never becomes aggressive without reason. If you suddenly begin to get angry for any reason, if every little thing throws you off balance, most likely, some bad process is taking place inside your body, robbing you of your vitality. Emotional swings can appear when:

  • Any chronic diseases of internal organs. An indolent infection does not cause any special symptoms or pain. However, it undermines the body’s immune system, takes away strength, causes lethargy, lethargy, and tearfulness. Due to constant fatigue, a woman becomes aggressive, everything irritates her. In such a situation, it is useless to take sedatives; it is necessary to treat the disease that caused the loss of strength.
  • Avitaminosis. A lack of vitamins can cause malfunctions in almost all body systems. A deficiency of vitamins B, E, ascorbic acid, and D has a particularly bad effect on the state of the nervous system. When the body lacks vitamins and minerals, the transmission of nerve impulses is disrupted. Neurons lose their ability to transmit signals, which affects the functioning of the brain. Vitamin deficiency causes lethargy, nervousness, and tearfulness. The causes of vitamin deficiency can be prolonged overwork, an infectious disease, poor nutrition, diseases of the digestive organs, and diet. To eliminate nervousness due to vitamin deficiency, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed.
  • Mental disorders. Nervousness, depression and other pathologies of the nervous system are manifested precisely by increased irritability. Women suffering from such diseases often break down into hysterics. In such situations, it will be impossible to get rid of the problem without special treatment under the supervision of a specialist.

Disorders that affect the functioning of the nervous system must be treated, otherwise it will lead to serious consequences. Irritability is only the first symptom, followed by insomnia, depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

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Nervousness may have psychological causes. Increased irritability does not necessarily indicate illness. Sometimes it indicates that something is bothering the woman.

Forms of manifestation of the disease

Attacks of aggression can manifest themselves in:

  • physical fitness (assault),
  • verbal form (shouting and swearing),
  • hidden version (nurturing ideas of jealousy, hatred, etc.).

Aggression can be direct and indirect, as well as obvious and hidden, without cause. Listed here are just some of the main manifestations of this condition. Outstanding scientific psychologists and psychiatrists have created voluminous classifications that take into account many of the subtleties of this sociopathological process.

Aggression in men (somewhat less often in women) can have benign traits that are embodied in professional activities. People with such behavior are characterized by courage, bravery, courage. A malignant manifestation of the disorder is rudeness, cruelty, callousness, arrogance, and a tendency to violent ideas and actions.

The most often negative-aggressive type of behavior is characteristic of children and adolescents. With age, it goes away, being replaced by productive and purposeful types of mental personality traits. Self-affirmation and a kind of defensive version of aggressive behavior may well manifest itself in cruel and even sadistic behavior in children. This variant of pathology requires mandatory therapy. Some people themselves notice the destructive nature of periodic attacks and try to get rid of this deficiency on their own. In such cases, they often resort to the help of specialists - psychologists or psychiatrists.

Here are just a few reasons to choose our clinic:

  • We accept and visit patients of any severity , including dangerous ones, those with a tendency to aggression, those who refuse treatment, we know how to persuade and accept patients for compulsory treatment;
  • We have our own comfortable hospital , where the cost of stay includes everything that is necessary for full treatment and rehabilitation. We also use outpatient treatment, day and evening hospital;
  • The treatment plan includes all modern methods that have proven their effectiveness: psychotherapy, drug therapy, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, work with relatives, etc.

How is aggressiveness diagnosed in medical care?

The need for treatment of this mental disorder is determined only by a specialist - a psychiatrist.

To do this, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination, including:

  • inspection;
  • survey;
  • conversation;
  • psychological tests;
  • observation.

A psychologist takes part in solving the diagnostic problem, and, if necessary, doctors of other profiles - a neurologist, an endocrinologist, a pediatrician. Some cases require hospitalization of the patient.

Anger as a way to achieve a goal

Sometimes anger is a motivator to achieve a goal, but in most situations you can do without it.

Many parents are convinced that only shouting and physical force can get what they want from their child. “That’s why when you speak calmly and kindly, no one does anything, but as soon as you start shouting or getting angry, everyone immediately obeys and fulfills all demands.” Both husband and children))) But when in a family parents fulfill their desires through shouting and aggression, children quickly “grab” this model and successfully use it in their lives. Most often, this parental aggression hides self-doubt, accumulated irritation and the inability to express one’s demands without attack.

Treatment of patients carried out at the Verimed clinic

Before starting treatment, it is important to understand the cause of the attacks and the severity of the reaction itself. If the manifestation is minor and there are no pathomorphological reasons, the patient may be recommended to study with a psychologist. Treatment of outbursts of aggression characteristic of mental pathologies requires the mandatory use of medications.

For these purposes, specialists at the Verimed clinic use:

  • benzodiazepine tranquilizers. This group of sedatives is recommended for neurotic disorders, the usual acute variant of aggressive behavior in sociopsychopaths;
  • neuroleptics. Medicines of this class give a pronounced effect in mental pathology of an organic nature. For mental illnesses accompanied by hallucinations, illusions, personality degradation, and inadequate reactions. Most often we are talking about schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, sometimes epilepsy, and severe forms of psychopathy. To treat unmotivated aggression, various forms of drugs can be used - in the form of injections, tablets for oral and sublingual use. Each method has its own advantages. Complicated options require injection treatment. In milder cases, especially when patients are aware of the problem, it is quite enough to get by with pills;

Important: Taking medications must be combined with psychotherapeutic effects, which provide indispensable help in eliminating an acute aggressive attack.

After eliminating the acute form of aggression, it is necessary to construct a plan of treatment measures that will be used for a long time. You should definitely find out what type of treatment is most appropriate in a particular case: outpatient or inpatient. To do this, it is necessary to understand the attitude and self-perception of the patient himself. Does he have an awareness of his painful condition, and does he want to get rid of it himself? If the patient has a positive attitude, the necessary medications can be prescribed to be taken at home. It is better if the use of prescribed medications is additionally monitored by someone close to you.

The most difficult options are forms of treatment for aggression in men. Especially if such attacks are unmotivated. In addition, men are the patients who most often refuse medical care. Therefore, when choosing a therapeutic plan, the doctor must place increased emphasis on psychotherapy and motivation of the patient.

Treatment of aggression in women is most often based on eliminating hormonal problems that cause mental disorders. Aggression in an elderly person in most cases is the result of senile degradation (dementia), based on the development of cerebrovascular insufficiency. “Falling into childhood” with childhood fears, subsequent flattening of emotions, irritability require the use of special drugs that improve cerebral circulation and metabolism of brain cells. Correct and timely administration of the necessary medications for senile aggressiveness allows one to achieve good clinical results.

A separate group consists of patients who combine depression with aggression. They require inpatient monitoring and proper selection of drugs and doses. Psychotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of all types of pathology. All its types are used: rational persuasion, suggestion, hypnosis, treatment in groups.


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What to do if you encounter a person during an outburst of aggression

If you are faced with inadequacy, then you should adhere to simple rules:

  • Do not enter into any disputes with the aggressor.
  • Speak to him in a friendly, quiet and reassuring manner.
  • Maintain a calm appearance, do not shout, do not run, do not turn your back to him.
  • Try not to let such a person get close.
  • At the first opportunity, try to leave (run away), or call other people for help.

Have you noticed that you or someone close to you is beginning to experience attacks of aggression? Remember that the sooner you seek help, the less time it will take to correct your behavior. Call and sign up for a consultation - we will definitely help you!

Lack of proper rest

It has been proven that it is very important for women to get more rest. Even half an hour a day for yourself will be enough to look at the world with kind eyes.

This is especially true for girls who are raising children. Try to at least sometimes set aside time to rest. Go for a massage, a manicure, or just take a walk in the park alone. You will notice how your psychological state will improve.

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