How to become feminine and attractive to men: psychology of femininity

Every year, the beauty world redefines female attractiveness, offering innovative inventions to preserve it. But does an attractive girl have to meet the standards dictated by glossy magazines?

And what makes a girl truly attractive?

Let's see what a woman's attractiveness is by looking at this issue through the eyes of men. We’ll also find out what psychologists think about this.

Attractive is not always expensive

Men love with their eyes.

What should a woman be like in the eyes of a potential partner?

Of course, the chances of an interesting appearance, beautiful shapes and a carefully thought-out bow, which emphasizes all this, are very high. But a wise woman knows what exactly his eyes see. It's a rare man who will be delighted by the brand of your shoes. And he is unlikely to be able to appreciate the new mascara with the effect of doll eyelashes. A bow consisting of little things that you spend hours thinking over, he sees and evaluates as a whole.

The scanner in his brain reads three main criteria.

This is neatness, a degree of grooming and a girl’s moderate self-confidence.

All three concepts are not only about clean and ironed skirts without holes. An attractive woman always has tidy hair and well-groomed nails. And if she also has taste and has some charming zest, then she is guaranteed to gain more interest.

Body aroma

Men unanimously call the natural body odor of a woman the most attractive. So, it makes sense not to drown it out with artificial aromas. But this does not mean that men do not like perfume. They adore the subtle, light, feminine scents of flowers, sweet vanilla or fresh fruit on women. In this case, sharp, strong odors in excess quantities are not welcome.

We tried to list the most basic criteria of female attractiveness from the point of view of men, based on research by psychologists and surveys of men. Using these rules, you will be surprised how much more attractive you will become. But it is important not to overdo it, so as not to have an undesirable effect.

A worthy woman: a look through the eyes of a man

Sophisticated seductresses also know that attracting this attention does not mean keeping it for a long time.

Harmony with the world and a positive attitude in life are what guarantee more long-term success than neat charms.

Let's turn to the works of sociologists: what, according to surveys, men value first of all.

  • The first thing that will arouse interest or repel a man is his voice, intonation, behavior, manner and topics of conversation. Remember the phrases: “I’m not sure that this is so / that you are right”, “not impressed” or “not convinced”. They will make you stand out very favorably against the background of ladies trying to prove something with foam at the mouth. We also include the ability to listen to this point: a good listener is worth his weight in gold. Well, of course, intelligence is a big plus in your collection of advantages that are worth emphasizing. Read, listen to what smart interlocutors say. Stay up to date with the news, just look for it on reliable sites.
  • Build is a secondary issue. And, as it turned out, although unconsciously, most of the representatives of the stronger half of humanity are attracted to girls with wide hips. This work takes place at the level of male instincts - such a figure contributes to easier and healthier bearing of the baby.
  • Long legs are truly eye-catching. But if nature has passed you by in this matter, then at least a small heel is quite capable of working in your favor. Pedicure is a very important component of your image, since many men are attracted to women’s feet.

  • Looks, of course, matter a lot to guys. But it turns out that the subconscious adds one more criterion by which the assessment is made: the wider the dark zone around the pupil of a woman, the more attractive men consider her.
  • External features and good girlish posture are adorned, and thanks to the beautiful curve of the back, the line of the buttocks is better expressed. Which, of course, cannot but arouse male interest.
  • Makeup and manicure. The percentage of men who prefer to see war paint on their girlfriend’s face and claws as long as his height is negligible. Moderate makeup and slightly grown, neat nails are what men think is enough for a woman.
  • The man also draws certain conclusions based on the clothes of his interlocutor. The vast majority say that an extravagant woman would rather be dressed more modestly, but tastefully. Do you want to be sexually attractive to your partner? Then master the ability to unobtrusively show what you want yourself, without words. By the way, according to a study by scientists from Nevada, a good sense of humor is increasingly being cited as a criterion for sex appeal.
  • Smell. He may be absolutely amazing, but he's not "him." Or vice versa: you are without perfume, but he still sensed the attractive vibes.

A few facts about a woman’s beautiful appearance and her inner world

About hormones

All women love attention from men. We can say that this is a natural necessity for a woman. It is as a response that her self-esteem grows, she becomes prettier without the use of miracle cures and gains powerful charm. She should not lose her shape, so there is no need to ignore the interest of the opposite sex.

Don't miss the opportunity to play with your eyes.

Flirting, which increases libido, will have a positive effect on your overall health.

With the appearance of a loved one in her life, a woman’s hormonal system automatically improves.

Of course, this principle works provided there are healthy relationships and sex. Accordingly, the physical condition of the body naturally improves, which creates an even more attractive image. But if a man is not yet visible on the horizon, then she should take care of her balanced state herself. We will talk about the corresponding techniques below.

Why a man should always make the first move

In any case, to begin with, it is enough to simply accept signs of attention, but do not rush to take the initiative. After all, it is not for nothing that nature has awarded each sex with certain properties.

You can take the initiative later, when it becomes obvious that there will be a relationship.

But even then, do not abuse the use of male energy and do not go against nature too often.

Plastic surgery and excessive visits to a cosmetologist

Don't chase what's fashionable. A man is more likely to pay attention to a pearl among diamonds. Because it stands out among the careful work of plastic surgeons and the active efforts of cosmetologists. Even if her lips have undergone virtually no correction, her eyelashes are emphasized only with mascara, and her eyebrows are only slightly adjusted with tweezers.

Sincerity is our everything.

Any man will be conquered if the desired woman is herself, without specially trying to please her.

By the way, we note here that guys over the age of 22 mostly have a negative attitude towards the fashion for piercings.


In psychology there is such a thing as the “halo effect.”

A woman may seem attractive to a man even before he begins to study her in detail.

The role of the halo in this case is played by the environment of pretty friends. Here's another psychological oddity.

A sophisticated girl, ideal in every way, will most likely only scare off a man.

Experts conducted a study during which men were shown a video recording. Several women took part in it, pleasant in all respects. But most of the experiment participants spoke most favorably of one of them. This girl stood out because she accidentally knocked over a glass of water. Conclusion: being an attractive woman does not mean having no weaknesses.

Well, a very simple face

According to research conducted in 2016, such an appearance is not only quite easily “read” by the brain, but men also find it very attractive. If you imagine a simple face as a smiley face (two dots and a curved line), it becomes clear why it seems familiar and very understandable. Bill von Hippel (professor of psychology at the University of Queensland) compared this appearance to a simple online dating app like Tinder (with its rather primitive swipe left/right technology) which has gained widespread popularity.

Naturalness in life and relationships

Returning to the issues of ideality and accessibility, there is one more thing to note.

A woman who, at the first meeting, looks like she just left the salon (unless circumstances require it) causes some tension.

A signal is sent to the man’s subconscious: she wants to hide something. But here it is important not to confuse grooming with sleekness.

A hairstyle with slightly tousled strands will attract more admiring glances than hair that is perfectly slicked into a bun.

An excellent example is Vera Brezhneva.


A favorite among women's hairstyles is long, flowing hair, slightly messy and tangled. Semi-long hair is also good. Men also adore a woman's open neck, so they like hairstyles with hair casually pinned up.

Most men are attracted to blondes. Obviously, they are perceived as more fragile and delicate than brunettes. But it all depends on the personal preferences of a particular man.

No sleek, pretentious, complicated hairstyles, short haircuts or unnatural hair colors! Anything that looks too correct, labor-intensive, extravagant and unnatural is rejected by men. The natural carelessness of long hair, strands escaping from hastily pinned hair, shiny healthy hair, slightly wavy or straight – this is what awes men.

Fabrics and colors for girls

Albeit unconsciously, men have “favorites” among materials. They like to touch fabrics such as fur, satin and silk, and velvet. At the very bottom of the ranking are cotton and wool. They do not like to touch synthetics, as well as thick, rough fabrics.

According to surveys, cherry, black, white, soft pink, turquoise and mint colors have sexual appeal.

But mustard, khaki, gray, purple and dark bright colors usually make up the list of outsiders.

A few words about the drawings.

The coloring should not become the main accent and “shout out” the outline of the figure.

What pleases the male eye most is plain clothing. However, if there are patterns, men find round or floral designs more attractive.


The main rule of a woman's beautiful appearance, according to men, is femininity and sex appeal. Men adore feminine forms, pronounced curves from the hips to the waist and from the waist to the chest, beautiful breasts and rounded buttocks. And all clothes that emphasize a feminine silhouette (hourglass) are perceived by men with a bang. If you want to be beautiful, wear clothes that have the following characteristics:

  • Tight-fitting or semi-fitting silhouette that accentuates the waist;
  • Miniskirts with a blouse or fitted top;
  • Dresses;
  • If shorts, then tight and short;
  • If trousers, then tight-fitting ones (but men don’t really like trousers on women);
  • Neckline, slits, transparent inserts, open shoulders or back, unbuttoned top buttons;
  • Feminine details of clothes: lace, ruffles, frills, but in a minimal amount;
  • Flowing light fabrics, transparent or translucent, soft and pleasant to the touch: silk, fur, velvet;
  • Bright and rich colors of clothing: dark red, blue, light blue, red, black (with bright colored accessories), white. I like other colors less, although many are acceptable in a bright version;
  • Plain fabrics. Men don’t really like patterns and prints on clothes, as they distract attention from the body. But they still like feminine, rounded patterns like flowers or small polka dots.

Men don’t like it if a woman has:

  • Hooded clothing that hides the figure;
  • Gloomy, dull, pale colors of clothing;
  • Bulky details: too many patch pockets, large formal collars, belts not at the waist, too many ruffles and details;
  • Closed clothing;
  • Rough, hard, heavy fabrics;
  • Men's styles, jackets, trousers, long clothes (although sometimes feminine maxi skirts are liked, but only for some and mainly at an older age);
  • Pretentious, tacky, extravagant clothing;
  • Sharp, bulky prints, especially those with straight lines, hide feminine body shapes.

Makeup: how the stronger sex sees it

What do you think men see in makeup?

If you ask a man what he likes about makeup, most likely he will answer the lack of it.

In fact, a face without makeup when translated into women’s language means natural makeup. Natural means smoothing out imperfections, emphasizing advantages and discreetly highlighting features, a slight blush, sparkle in the eyes and reddish lips. Opponents of lipstick can replace it with contour.

Why is this how a man sees an attractive and charming woman?

Because subconsciously he had already run ahead and this is how she introduced herself to him in an excited state.


This is the other side of the same coin. Sometimes people find symmetry attractive, but an imperfectly proportioned face also seems beautiful to them. Nautilus Klaus-Christian Carbon (German professor of psychology at the University of Bamberg) says that asymmetry can be seen as a sign of the authenticity of a person. He argues that imperfect facial proportions make the image memorable and distinct.

He is echoed by Margaret Livingston (professor of neurobiology at Harvard Medical School), who believes that the human brain begins facial identification on the left and ends on the right. This means that people don't always notice asymmetry.


It would be stupid not to use what nature has given a woman to attract males. Namely, a natural smell. The skin in the chest, feet, neck and lower half of the female body secretes pheromones, that is, exciting aromas.

A woman can seem attractive to a man just from the smell alone!

Pheromones are released most in the fall.

Fewer of them can be felt in the spring. Typically, their production peaks in the middle of the cycle.

How to convey to him without words that you are interested in me

A sophisticated woman is a female who masters body language. There is a certain set of postures and gestures, and any man always reads these signs correctly on a subconscious level.


  • Unobtrusive straightening of clothes and everything that concerns the hair: throwing it back with a movement of the head, flirtatiously touching the curls;
  • From the point of view and perception of a man, a woman with her thumbs tucked into her belt looks attractive;
  • a man likes to watch his foot gracefully dive in and out of the shoe. This brings to mind... well, you know what. But to generalize, the stronger sex generally likes to watch her play with elongated objects. For example, the stem of a glass, a telephone, as well as your jewelry or curls. And of course, he will enjoy seeing how she thoughtfully strokes her body parts. Even this is just a finger.


  • Relaxed posture when sitting, the presence of self-esteem is felt. A win-win option: gracefully crossing one leg over another, with the toe looking at the object of interest;
  • the hip sway is a timeless classic;
  • well, a knockout would be a “brazen” invasion of the personal space of the interlocutor, lightly touching his shoulder during a conversation or exchanging objects, or “accidentally” touching his body with yours.


A mysterious smile, a slightly open and wet mouth.

Only here, of course, you should practice so that it looks tempting and not stupid.

This image evokes in men an association with excited labia.

You can finally “finish off” the object by slowly running the tip of your tongue across your upper lip.

An affectionate girl with smiling eyes attracts people to her like a magnet.

It is important to have a few more smiles in your arsenal, one of which is for flirting.

The main thing, according to our psychologist Svetlova Lyubov Ivanovna, is that a man should assume from your face that you are open, not enslaved, sincere, friendly and love life and yourself.

Avoiding the opposite effect

But here’s what you don’t need to demonstrate so that you are protected from the offer to remain friends:

  • arms crossed over the chest - this basically pushes people away;
  • crossed legs (except gracefully intertwined);
  • clasped fingers and lips, as well as biting them;
  • fingers nervously fiddling with things;
  • woman's tense and cold gaze.

What does it mean to love yourself

Let's talk a little more about what this means. This in no way implies arrogance or groundless pride.

A woman just needs to realize that she can be interesting and beautiful without blindly following imposed standards.

She has the right to be beautiful in her own way. And if beauty innovations are alien to her, unpleasant and cause discomfort, she is free not to accept them, even if the whole world agrees with the innovation. If she sees her femininity in something different and listens to herself, it means she accepts herself for who she is. Of course, this does not exclude self-improvement.

Femininity is sensuality.

This is a story about a girl who knows how to enjoy music, aroma, taste, touch, beauty, communication. In this state, a woman is interesting for her energy.

Beauty diagnostics: how attractive are you?

Diagnose your attitude towards yourself.

Say loudly: “I am a woman!”

If you can hear trembling, uncertainty, embarrassment, awkwardness, tightness in your voice, and all this is seasoned with a nervous laugh, you definitely have something to work on.

Everything is fine if the phrase is spoken with pride and dignity. But even in this case, it would be useful to take the following steps to further increase the chances of success with the stronger sex. Take off everything, stand in front of the mirror and put your hands on your waist. Look at yourself from the outside.

Answer honestly, without minimizing or exaggerating what is best to change and what is your obvious wild card.

Take the time to make a list and analyze it. The health of dull strands can be restored with the help of masks, balms and other means, but you will have to work hard on a dull look.


Scientists have long known that symmetry plays an important role in facial attractiveness. But why does this happen? In ancient times, it was believed that symmetry serves as an indicator of health, but asymmetry, on the contrary, indicates the presence of certain pathologies, for example, chicken pox, tonsillitis or mumps. Horror. However, a study conducted by scientist Nicholas Pound proved that asymmetry is not evidence of the presence of a particular disease (this theory applies specifically to adolescents).

Another theory, based on “perceptual bias,” suggests that the brain has an easier time “processing” symmetrical faces. But these statements have been questioned by the scientific community. However, it has been proven that people like symmetry.

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Women's secrets for developing sensuality and inner beauty

Try this:

  • buy flowers. Any that please you. And always with a scent that makes you feel comfortable. Place them in vases around the house in places where you spend time most often;
  • go through your accessories and try to wear them as often as possible. Of course, you don’t need to weigh yourself down like a Christmas tree. An elegant scarf around the neck, an original brooch or an elegant bracelet will be enough;
  • play music that makes you feel emotional. Dance, at least once every 2-3 days, give your body complete freedom of movement. Let it move as it wishes without analyzing how it looks from the outside. This will transform your gait and increase the smoothness of your movements;
  • light the candles and look at the flame without taking your eyes off for several minutes. And in your free time, restore this picture in your imagination. This technique “lights” a sparkle in the eyes;

  • Make a habit of daily multi-step, leisurely care for your face and body. And don’t ignore going to the salon: the beauty effect is achieved after a simple manicure;
  • start every morning with gratitude for everything you have, for the fact that a new day has come. Smile at yourself before brushing your teeth. Let it be forced at first, then it will be more natural;
  • look through pictures of seductive beauties for inspiration. Study the images purely for reference and try on the images you like;
  • come up with affirmations and repeat them out loud. If this is not possible, then to yourself - this also works. Repeat as often as possible. Don't believe me? Try it anyway, you have nothing to lose. If you are still new to this, I recommend adding popular articles by Louise Hay to your must-read list. She perfectly explains the rules for drawing up affirmations, and also clearly talks about the psychological causes of various health problems. Which is closely related to the state of physical data.

Magic exercise

I will share with you another effective technique. With its help you will look especially attractive to men. Create a musical background with relaxation tracks that are pleasing to your ears. Music is just the background, that is, quiet, calm. You need to lie on your back and relax all parts - from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. Focus on the sensations in your lower abdomen. Having felt them well, imagine that in this place a beautiful flower grows and opens its petals. Mentally care for him, feel his tenderness.

Let the flower continue to grow in your imagination. Look at its fragile petals, enjoy its amazing aroma...

Realize that this miracle, this beauty is within you!

Watch the bud bloom. Release golden light from it. Now let this light begin to pulsate and spread out, filling your entire torso and limbs and beyond. Stand up slowly, without letting go of this feeling, and look in the mirror.

You yourself will probably like the beauty of that feminine person looking from the other side.

Attention: Tutorials on Attractiveness

If you have seriously decided to engage in the deep awakening of your femininity, then you can call on a number of books to help.

Men love bitches. A Guide for Too Nice Women

Sherry Argov has formulated 100 principles of attractiveness that will help you find happiness in the person of your desired man.

Seven roads of femininity

Tatyana Zinkevich-Evstigneeva has collected fascinating stories and effective psychological practices. They are suitable for those who want to better understand themselves and learn how to skillfully balance their strengths and weaknesses.

Circle of feminine power. Elemental energies and the secrets of seduction

A book for those who are interested in performing ancient rituals and practices. Larisa Renard talks about the value of a woman, tells what her energy is capable of and how to manage it.

Strong is weak. How to stop fighting and learn to love

The author Marina Targakova is a Vedic psychologist. She writes advice for those who want to become part of a strong family and dream of realizing themselves as a mother and wife.

The purpose of being a woman

Olga Valyaeva is another Vedic author. Olga offers techniques for filling yourself with the right energy.


A guide on how not to lose your femininity while setting a goal to achieve success. How to find harmony with yourself and the world around you, love and female happiness. Author: Elena Arkhipova.

Feminine dignity is the power of attraction for men

You can only truly love a person who treats himself this way. If you lack self-confidence, then be sure to read Mila Levchuk’s book. She offers specific techniques and effective recommendations on how to begin to value yourself and tune in to healthy relationships.

A woman starts with her body

Mila Tumanova talks in accessible language about the characteristics of a woman’s body and psychology. About how to become able to learn to feel, accept and love yourself.

Born of a woman

Like many authors of similar literature, Natalya Pokatilova gives many meaningful answers and offers energy practices for the balance between the masculine and feminine principles.

Love time. How to reveal femininity and awaken passion

Barbara de Angelis will tell you what a creative passion is, which will lead to both success and happiness in your personal life.

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