Anchoring technique in psychology: examples of using the method in practice

In this article we will tell you:

  1. The essence of the “Anchoring” technique
  2. The benefits of anchors in everyday life
  3. How to create a positive anchor for yourself
  4. How to anchor your desire
  5. Kinesthetic anchor
  6. Expert: How to Anchor a Man
  7. Conclusion

Let's continue the conversation about NLP. How does it work? This direction is based on the idea that you can change your own state. All NLP techniques are your conscious actions that lead to results at all levels of the psyche. The most famous techniques are anchoring, language strategies and reframing.

Features of the anchoring mechanism

This technique is based on the “stimulus-response” concept, developed by I. Pavlov while studying conditioned reflexes in dogs.

An anchor is a certain image or action that evokes associations with an event in the subconscious or memory and changes a person’s emotional state.

The anchoring technique is used to develop and consolidate attitudes in the human psyche. The use of a specific anchor activates this setting at the right moment, causing the necessary physiological state.

In everyday life, such incentives are found everywhere:

  1. Natural anchors that evoke positive emotions: smells, melody, photographs, voice.
  2. External stimuli: road signs, alarm clock ringing, commercial and advertising anchors that reinforce the intention to purchase a particular product.
  3. Artificial, working, anchors installed by an NLP therapist to achieve a particular goal.

You can consolidate them either independently or under the supervision of a psychologist. The subject himself can create certain anchors for himself to improve his mood and increase his productivity.

Anchoring in NLP involves a methodical approach with repetition of the stimuli used. Practice shows that 25–30 days are enough for the anchor to start “working.” But you shouldn’t write off those stimuli that instantly create a connection with an emotion for a long time. The condition is the presence of a strong and intense psychological state at the moment.

It is believed that anchoring is a way of manipulating a person. This is partly true. But in practical psychology, this method is used only to achieve a positive result for a person, to eliminate shortcomings and develop advantages.

Anchoring a man to himself: examples

The system of anchoring men in the Vedas works very well. No, there will be no advertising for this movement, just facts.

The Vedas anchor very powerfully. Essentially they are built on this. A woman’s behavior pattern (affectionate, understanding, caring), appearance (long skirts, hair), nutrition (emphasis on vegetarianism, special selection of dishes) are all designed to anchor a man.

And it does work.

Families with long-term relationships can also serve as an example of anchoring. Their anchors were formed throughout their life together and you can learn from this:

  • affectionate nicknames;
  • hugs, half-hugs, stroking;
  • morning, evening, and weekend rituals;
  • paired habits.

Installation principles

An anchor appears when the brain remembers that some action (facial expression, intonation, posture) and a certain state (sadness, sadness, melancholy, happiness, joy) can occur simultaneously. An important feature is that the anchor must be repeated 3-5 times in a short period of time, otherwise it will not be fixed in memory.

Installation requires a peak state and originality of the stimulus. Peak – the moment when the combination of action and emotion has reached its maximum value. Originality of the stimulus - each reaction must have its own set of triggers.

An anchor can be:

  • intonation;
  • head tilt;
  • timbre and pitch of voice;
  • position in space;
  • pose;
  • time;
  • movement;
  • smell;
  • internal image;
  • melody, etc.

Melody can become an anchor in NLP

Based on this, conditioned reflexes are divided into 3 groups according to the sensory channel: visual, kinetic, auditory. Tactile ones are the most reliable. However, it is not always possible to reproduce, especially if it requires the assistance of other people. Auditory and visual are easy to reproduce; outside help is usually not needed.

Anchors don't last forever. With the help of collapse they can be destroyed.

Precision is important in technology. So that the selected combination of actions is repeated each time as it was fixed.

Remember that some anchors are installed naturally. Thus, a child associates the smell of tangerines with the New Year, summer with the holidays, and school with a difficult period in life.

First, determine what you want to consolidate in the subconscious as an anchor. Think about the direction of the reaction - positive or negative. It is necessary to analyze whether this is necessary or not. It is necessary to install an anchor consciously, taking into account all possible consequences.

Next steps:

  1. Call the condition. Make it happen again or call it individually. Turn it up to the max.
  2. Calibration and installation. Calibration - remembering a reaction or sequence of actions. Non-verbal and verbal signs are remembered. When the condition reaches its peak, begin the installation.
  3. Status breakdown. The main rule is distraction. Cook a meal, clean up, watch a TV series, or do something you love for a while. The duration of the distraction is about 2-4 hours.
  4. Checking the anchor. Play the stimulus. If it comes out, then it is successfully pinned. Then you just need to repeat it from time to time. Remember that the intensity of the anchor during installation may be higher than after anchoring. This is normal.

The most important step is to use the anchor regularly. Use it only for its intended purpose and when needed. The difference between testing and use is that at the last stage the person himself is already capable of inducing the desired state at any moment.

Testing may not always be successful. Then you should go back to the first step and try again. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and act in the correct sequence.

Expert: how to anchor a man?

Nadezhda Mayer – psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences. She has been studying psychology for 21 years.

How to make sure that you don’t just date a man, but that he falls in love with you more and more over and over again?

We immediately warn you that the video will be a powerful, proven, although very simple technique for influencing a person’s state, which can be used, among other things, to strengthen his feelings for you.

If you are against influencing this, if you want everything to happen on its own, feel free to skip this video. It's not for you. The information will be useful to those women who consider influencing a man acceptable for themselves, especially if in the end you and your partner benefit from this - your feelings become stronger.

Starting point

  • An important point is to choose where in the body to place the anchor. It should be a place that is appropriate to touch in public.
  • That is, choosing the armpit as such a point is probably not very convenient. Pulling the hair on the top of your head is also not a good option, it can look weird. But touching the tip of your nose or earlobe is appropriate almost always and everywhere.
  • However, let it be a place that is not often touched by other people. If you are a massage therapist, then the anchors on your palms will be constantly activated when working with a patient.
  • However, perhaps an anchor on the index finger, for example, which “attaches” the feeling of joy from performing a massage, on the contrary, will help you get more pleasure from work and become more successful in it. In general, it’s worth thinking through everything in advance so that you feel comfortable later.

NLP anchors: varieties

Depending on the type of person’s perception of the surrounding world, there are several types of anchors, which are used both separately and together. Moreover, stimuli aimed at different organs of cognition of the world are perceived more effectively and give a positive result:

  • Kinesthetic – touching, stroking, patting. Visual – facial expressions, posture and gestures. Auditory – verbal component: words, sounds, music. Spatial – being in a particular place that evokes associations. Gustatory stimuli are taste sensations. Olfactory - smells that change the psychological structures of a person.

Exercise “Installing anchors.”


Olya, remember something quite unpleasant, disgusting and repulsive...

And now I put my hand on her left shoulder.

Olya, I would like you to remember something very pleasant and joyful...

Yes. Fine. I put my hand on her right shoulder and take it off.

Olya, come back here. Shake yourself up. You are here now. And you look carefully. So I put my hand on her right shoulder. What's happening?

— She starts to smile. - Relaxes.

Look, as long as I hold my hand on her right shoulder, she will be in that joyful state for which I set the anchor. In the manger, I will take my hand off my right shoulder and put it on my left...

- She makes a grimace. — The smile disappears. - He frowns.

Yes, as long as I keep my hand on my left shoulder, Olya will be in a state close to the one on which this anchor was placed.


Unite into threes: Hypnotist, Client and Observer.

1. Calling the state.

First, the Hypnotist asks the Client to remember a situation in which he had a relatively strong experience (preferably “+”) and calibrates the external signs of this state.

2. Installation of the anchor.

When the external signs of the condition reach their maximum, the hypnotist sets an anchor.

Moreover, in the first case the Hypnotist places this anchor B, in the second - A, in the third - K.

Remember the rules for establishing anchors:
* maximum experience; * non-standard; * accuracy.
3. Playback.

The hypnotist invites the Client to return to a normal state and tries to reproduce the anchor as accurately as possible, while calibrating how similar the external changes occurring to the Client are to those that occurred when the anchor was installed. If no changes in the desired direction are observed, you can try to reproduce the anchor again.

4. Continued.

Go through steps 1 - 3 a few more times, but each time put a different anchor on a different state.

It is possible to change the type of anchors installed: auditory, kinesthetic, visual.

5. Role reversal.

Switch roles.

Anchoring: life hacks of a modern woman

The simplest and most effective advice is to be yourself, but a little unique. From the first day of communication with the man you like, introduce your own rules of relationships and love.

Surprise. Be memorable. But don't work according to crude Internet schemes. Believe me, men read women's articles too.

Options for unexpected atypical, but positively memorable behavior could be:

  • gesture when meeting or saying goodbye - including touching;
  • sayings, special words - but without fanaticism;
  • appearance – skirt, hairstyle, makeup features;
  • smell - rare perfume;
  • actions – juice for brotherhood, “clinking” coffee.

In the future, you can add unexpected habits and connections:

  • give a bottle of wine “for reconciliation”;
  • collect a necklace of sexual achievements;
  • come up with affectionate, exciting, memorable nicknames;
  • develop an algorithm for meetings and farewells;
  • find “your” music.

There are plenty of options. Almost all elements of life can be used to create anchors. But for reliable fixation it is necessary either a bright, powerful emotional outburst, or repeated repetition.

Anchoring will not happen on its own.

And, yes, all these methods work on women too.

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“Anchor” technique

How to set anchors? To anchor (anchoring the desired state), 3 technical conditions must be met:

1) Catch the peak of the state you want to anchor

The anchor is always installed at the moment when any state (positive or negative) reaches its peak. It is easy to determine the peak of a state: any emotion manifests itself most intensely during its peak. This could be strong gestures, loud laughter, an expression of pleasure, sadness or relaxation on the face, tears, screaming, and so on.

2) Make the anchor unique

Unique – in the sense of being somewhat unusual for a particular situation. For example, if a person is at the peak of joy and you decide to shake his hand to congratulate him, do it in a special way. But remember: you must be able to reproduce it appropriately many more times, so do not overdo it with originality.

When establishing an anchor for an unfamiliar person, we remember the natural order of perception: first we see the person, then we hear him, and after that we touch him (if necessary). Therefore, you should not immediately touch a person’s leg to set an anchor. To begin with, it is better to make some kind of gesture, use sounds and intonations.

3) Make sure to repeat the anchor regularly

The anchor should be reproduced exactly as it was when it was installed. If something is said or done wrong, the anchor will not be secured. And don't forget to nourish and strengthen the anchor with repetition - without this, the anchor will quickly die.

Only very emotional anchors firmly ingrained in the head will be able to survive without repetition, and this is a rare phenomenon.

This way you can transform your own and other people’s unpleasant memories. The memory itself remains the same, but the emotional assessment you gave it changes.

To change your attitude to the situation you need to:

  • remember the situation towards which you want to change;
  • determine what emotional state you want to implement;
  • reach the peak of this emotional state;
  • anchor this state by doing some action: look at a photo, turn on a song, pinch yourself, clench your hand into a fist, and so on;
  • remember the whole situation, and “place” a new one in place of the old emotion, reproducing the anchor, as it were, in the situation itself.

Well, does everyone understand the anchor technique? If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to write!

(Based on materials by Alunika Dobrovolskaya. Edited by Anna Asaeva)


Strategies and Simulation

A strategy in NLP is a special manner of behavior designed to achieve the desired result. Strategies belong to the sphere of internal representations and include both the person’s ideas themselves and the desired results. A person always applies strategies, thinking and planning any of his activities.

Strategies consist of the following main components:

  • Results.
  • Presentation systems.
  • Submodalities of representation systems.

In order to obtain the desired result, you need to know both the representation systems themselves and their features. But, besides this, knowledge of the sequence of application of all components is no less important. The formation of strategies is a very fast process and very often occurs unconsciously. And the same strategies can be applied in completely different areas. For example, a strategy for behavior in a conflict situation can be applied both in a dispute with a work colleague and when communicating with a hooligan on the street.

Strategies fall into five main categories:

1Decision-making strategies (how a person makes decisions).
2Motivation strategies (how a person motivates his actions and actions).
3Reality strategies (how a person defines reality and forms his beliefs).
4Learning strategies (how a person assimilates the knowledge he receives).
5Memory strategies (how a person remembers).

Any differences between people are due to differences in their strategies. In addition, strategies and their changes always lead to global changes in a person’s life. In addition, strategies are something that works absolutely always and everywhere.

Applying Strategies

Competent work with strategies, as already mentioned, entails powerful changes, tangible both for the person himself and for his environment. Changing strategies means changing reactions, and, consequently, ways of behavior and results obtained.

Strategies can be applied:

  • In training – to improve the efficiency of the process.
  • Towards motivation – to find the best ways to motivate.
  • In sales – to increase sales volumes.
  • In decision making - to increase personal productivity.
  • To health – to improve the condition of the body.
  • In therapy - to save people from many problems.
  • Towards beliefs – to form more constructive beliefs.
  • In many other areas of life.

Speaking about NLP, it should be noted that any NLP techniques are strategies. And the strategies themselves are formed according to a special principle called ADAV. We also need to say a few words about this modeling technique.

Modeling strategies and the ADAV principle

ADAV is the main template by which strategies are modeled in NLP. The abbreviation ADAV means:

  • A – Analysis.
  • D – Action.
  • A – Analysis.
  • B – Exit.

This means that modeling any strategy begins with the need to analyze the required result and everything connected with it, i.e. comparing the current state with the one that needs to be achieved and determining the difference between them. Next, actions are taken to reduce this difference.

After this, the resulting state is analyzed and the differences between what was and what has become are assessed. If the desired result is achieved, and there are no more differences between what was required to be achieved and the current state, then you can exit. If differences remain, then the strategy should be reconsidered and modeled again.

Whenever applying the ADAB technique, you need to ask yourself fundamental questions: “What am I trying to achieve? What result?”, “What should I do for the result to be achieved? What actions does achieving a new state require?”, “Have I achieved what I wanted? Did I do everything I needed to? Is there any difference left between what I wanted and what I currently have?

Only asking such questions and accurate answers to them will make any strategy as effective as possible and capable of producing results. And the ADAV principle is the best solution for this.

In conclusion of the article itself, I would like to say once again that techniques for increasing performance, working with conditions, using and modeling strategies are the key to recognizing many programs that negatively affect a person’s life, changing them and replacing them with others - effective, practical and improving the life of a person and his interaction with the outside world and the people in it. Apply them, implement them into your life and enjoy it.

How do we anchor ourselves?

It won’t be difficult to find and give an example of self-anchoring. Remember the last time you bought a phone. Moreover, the initial situation does not assume that you yourself are well versed in gadgets, but went to the store for advice. The manager offered you not the most expensive, but the “best” model available. When you enter each subsequent salon, you will no longer look for something better, you will ask for exactly the first model that you liked and most likely you will buy it.

The next example of self-anchoring is finding a job. You went to a site where they post vacancies, looked at the approximate salary level, got hooked on the amount that warms your pocket the most, and let’s send out your resume. Have you forgotten to check the salary in your city, look at the requirements for the candidate, experience and find out what you need to do to earn several times more than others? The anchor in this situation was a specific figure.

People unknowingly use anchors when raising their children. What caused positive emotions in childhood is given and allowed to children by default. And vice versa, what we have been afraid of since childhood, dreaded, or what made us cry a lot in childhood is taboo for our children.

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Scientists, through a series of experiments, have substantiated the phenomenon of anchoring, even if disproportionately high or low numbers are used as an anchor.

It is worth noting that the fact of anchoring continued to be noted even after the subjects became aware of it. Let's take a closer look at a few examples of experiments:

UN experiment

Psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky conducted an unusual experiment. They asked the subjects the following question: “What is the percentage of African countries that are members of the UN?”

Before participants answered the question, a random number was determined on a roulette wheel in front of them.

Subjects who saw a larger number on the roulette wheel assumed that the percentage of African countries in the UN was much larger than it seemed to participants who saw smaller numbers.


A group of economists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, led by Dan Ariely, held an auction for students at their business school. The experimenters put up for sale a variety of items, from a bottle of vintage wine to a wireless keyboard or a box of chocolates.

Before the auction began, students were asked to write down the last two digits of their Social Security policy. Next, the subjects had to answer whether they were ready to pay the stated amount for each of the lots.

For example, if the last two digits of a student's insurance policy were 43, he would have to decide whether the price of a vintage wine or box of chocolates could be $43.

As a result, students were asked to indicate the maximum amount they expected to spend on various auction lots. Subjects whose Social Security numbers ended with the highest numbers (80-99) were willing to spend 200% more than students with low numbers (1-20).

The essence of the anchoring method

For example, a married couple, having been married for several decades, hearing the favorite melody of their youth, involuntarily thoughts are transported to those years. In this situation, the NLP anchor is presented in the form of a song - a sound stimulus, the reaction to which is memories.

It is important to grasp that if this melody did not evoke any feelings, it would not be so well remembered. NLP anchoring occurs due to any positive or negative stimuli, necessarily accompanied by a strong emotional response

A key role is played by experiences that trigger psychophysiological mechanisms inside the body: the release of active substances into the blood, incl. hormones, acceleration or deceleration of the heartbeat, tension or relaxation of different muscle groups, etc. This causes various reactions, expressed by certain memories and even behavior. It follows from this that NLP anchors do not simply generate some thought or emotion, but have a complex effect on the psychophysiological state of the entire organism. This influence can be both positive and negative:

  • The first, as in the already mentioned example with the melody of youth, can lift your spirits, increase muscle activity, awaken a surge of strength and even give motivation to action.
  • If negative, a feeling of depression, anxiety, decreased energy potential, as well as other negative changes in the psychophysiological state may appear. There are many examples of such anchoring: a photograph of a loved one from whom life has separated, a reminder of a long-forgotten failure, and even a material object that is associated with an unpleasant past experience.

Sometimes a person is influenced by an anchor unconsciously: a song plays on public transport that mentions the name of a person associated with bad memories. For those around her, she played in the background, i.e. didn't even come into the spotlight. However, unconsciously it was recorded by someone, which set into motion multidirectional mechanisms within the body, and as a result, decreased mood, fatigue, irritability, etc. The person himself will not even understand why his condition has changed, because... the anchor was perceived unconsciously. This happens for two reasons:

  • with deep emotional involvement;
  • due to repeated repetition of a certain stimulus.

If the first reason was discussed above, then the second must be considered separately.

Repeated repetition causes a certain reaction even if the subject does not experience emotional involvement - for example, the influence of advertising. The attitude towards it after the first viewing is skeptical, but when it appears on television, in newspapers, on the radio, on the Internet and on every fence, interest in this product or service inevitably arises. In this case, it is not the quality of the stimulus that matters, but its quantity.

The anchoring technique in NLP is well known and is used in a variety of fields: marketing, psychology, business, education, etc. These methods can be used not only by specialists, but also by ordinary people. Anchoring is useful both in interaction with other people and in order to induce a positive attitude and replenish energy resources.

Anchoring as an NLP technology

When a specific emotion associated with an experience becomes a stimulus to perform a specific action, this emotion is called an anchor. In practice, such a process occurs unconsciously and most often goes unnoticed.

An anchor acts as a certain external or internal representation that starts the process of reproducing another. The life of each of us is filled with memories, significant moments, names, events, things, even tastes and smells. These are the anchors that skilled psychologists use to program personality.

Remember when you turned around at an unfamiliar voice in the middle of the street when you heard your name. And it happens that people respond to someone else’s name, which is dear to them. Names in this case are the same anchors.

The anchor can be a specific date, a musical composition, a movie, a postcard, an image, anything.

How does this work in practice? Imagine that a person suffering from arachnophobia comes to see a psychologist. Accordingly, we have a negative anchor - spiders and all arachnid reptiles. In order to help a patient get rid of a phobia, a specialist needs to get to the root of the problem. But how can you talk to a person about spiders if he panics at the mere thought of these cute creatures? By programming a positive anchor, for example a phoenix bird, which is not afraid of even the deadliest spider, the psychologist will be able to stop a panic attack with just the word “phoenix”. This is what manipulation looks like, when in skillful hands consciousness becomes soft and pliable plasticine.

Features of installation and use

your behavior must be appropriate to the context.
And such behavior (within reasonable limits) can even increase the degree of trust in you. Well, like the strange behavior of a fortune teller. A person understands that he is faced with something unknown, understandable only to specialists.

The stimulus, also known as the trigger, should be:

  • natural in context;
  • easily controlled.

The stimulus can be a gesture, intonation, posture, movement, touch, sound. It is precisely they that must correspond to the context - that is, such that the interlocutor does not pay special attention to them. The gesture is quite ordinary, normal intonation, light tapping of the foot on the floor.

Natural behavior when setting an anchor is also important - if you look intensely at the interlocutor’s face and hold your raised hand over his shoulder, this will not even cause surprise, but fear. What will prevent you from entering the desired state to set the anchor (unless you wanted to induce a frightened state)

Ease of control - you can easily “turn on”, hold and “turn off” the anchor.

Incentives should be selected depending on how long you will need to hold the anchor. If it’s a couple of minutes - a touch, a gesture or a tone of voice - if it’s half an hour - you can use a smell or a position in space (your own or your interlocutor’s).

For example, the most reliable anchors are kinesthetic - touch, smell. But using touch as a stimulus is only convenient if your communication is like this - when you constantly touch the interlocutor and this is normal. And sudden touches are more likely to irritate and knock a person out of their state.

The smell is easy to create, but difficult to remove quickly. It can be used if you need to keep a person in the desired state for a long time - for example, the smell of perfume is anchored in a “romantic” mood. And this “romantic” mood lasts all evening.

Visual anchors - posture, movement, facial expression, position in space - are easier to control. But a person can close his eyes at the right moment or turn away - and the anchor will not work. In this sense, visual anchors are less reliable than kinesthetic ones. But if you need to keep a person in a state for a relatively long time, visual anchors can be very convenient. For example, you can use your position in space (spatial anchor), both yours and your interlocutor’s, as an anchor. If you sit him on a chair in the corner and use this as a stimulus, such an anchor can easily be held for a long time and it will look quite natural.

Spatial anchors for the client are both visual and kinesthetic.

Auditory anchors - tone or pitch of voice, light tapping, music - are in every sense more convenient. And you don’t have to touch it, it’s easy to turn on and off. But if you use tone of voice as a stimulus, remember that as long as you hold the anchor, you will have to speak in this tone all the time. Or knock on the table. If you need to keep a person in a state for ten minutes, then for ten minutes you will have to knock. Which cannot be called very convenient.

Inducing a state in communication is quite a big topic - so there will be a separate lesson.

Examples of the anchoring effect

The anchoring effect models a certain line of human behavior, with the help of which one can influence his further actions. This facilitates manipulation not only of an individual, but also of large groups of people.

We come across examples of manipulation of human communities more than once.

Let's look at some of them:

NLP techniques for men

  • "The Illusion of Choice";
  • "Plus or Minus";
  • "Rule of one consent";
  • "Choice without choice."

“Illusion of choice”: Thanks to NLP techniques, it is possible to create in a girl the illusion that she herself chooses one or another scenario. The essence of the technique is quite simple: it uses “closed-type” questions. In other words, the answer to it is already contained in the question itself. For example: “Where do you prefer to go, to the cinema or to a cafe?” In this case, not every lady will decide to offer the third option. The main thing to remember when using this method is that both choices must be beneficial for the man. Another option for using the technique is that one of the answers in the question must initially be negative so that the girl does not choose it. So, the phrase can be constructed as follows: “The weather is wonderful today. Do you want to sit in this stuffy cafe or would it be better to take a walk in the fresh air?”

The “Plus-Minus” technique is based on the contrast of experienced emotions. A positive response will be more powerful if you create a negative response first (but don’t make it too much worse). For example, on a date you can give a compliment to another girl, which will be a “minus”. But the mistake is immediately corrected with pleasant words to his partner, which is counted as a “plus”. Moreover, the latter should cause a stronger emotional reaction.

The “rule of one consent” can be included not only in the techniques of seducing men, but also women. This technique is similar to the “Three Yes” technique. However, it can be difficult to get several positive answers from a girl at once, so sometimes it’s enough to stop at one. The essence of the technique is that a proposal is made, after which a question is asked. If the lady answers positively, then most likely she will agree with the first statement. For example, an invitation to a date may sound like this: “Let's meet and go to the movies. Do you like comedies? Regardless of whether the partner answers positively or negatively, she has subconsciously already agreed with the first proposal. The phrases can be swapped, first a question, then a statement. But this is typical for men who are not completely confident in themselves and prefer to adapt to the desires of their partners.

“Choice without choice” operates on a similar principle. The woman is offered a free choice from the only possible option. For example, when making a date, the phrase is formulated as follows: “When are you free, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?” So, it is initially assumed that the meeting will take place. But the partner has the illusion that the choice remains hers. Using an inferiority complex in a relationship between a woman and a man can bring good benefits to the latter

But this method should be used as carefully as possible so as not to achieve the opposite effect. The essence of the game with complexes is as follows

In the presence of a lady, you should begin to admire another girl: At the same time, if the lady is short, then you need to say how good tall women look. If the girl is thin, then you can admire the fair sex, who are prone to being overweight. This awakens in women the desire to prove the opposite. They are ready to show a man that they are no worse than their rivals, who have opposite qualities. As an example, we can cite the story of one bachelor whose apartment was always clean, but he himself did not put any effort into it. When he brought women to visit, he did not ask them to do anything. He just started talking about how one of the purposes of girls is to create cleanliness and comfort. At the same time, he noted that a real woman could never tolerate a mess. After that, his guests themselves took cleaning products into their hands to show their best side, not suspecting that they were just being manipulated.


Starting this section, it should be said that effectiveness in life, first of all, implies a person’s ability to communicate with others, i.e. This refers specifically to a person’s skills as a communicator. And the founders of NLP, in their research, noted that all the best communicators have something in common - these are three special qualities that make any communication as effective as possible.

Three qualities of master communicators:

1Any successful communicator clearly defines the direction of his communication and sets himself specific goals that need to be achieved through communication.
2Well-developed sensory acuity allows a successful communicator to always be in a state of presence, identify characteristic behavioral reactions of others and receive feedback on the effectiveness of his communication.
3A successful communicator has excellent behavioral flexibility, which allows him to always be able to change his behavior and adapt it for more productive communication.

But if we have already talked about sensory acuity and flexibility of behavior in previous lessons, then we must consider the issue of defining goals in more detail. One of the most effective techniques for setting communication goals is the SMART technique.

SMART technology

The word “smart” itself is translated from English as “smart”, “intelligent”. Setting goals using the SMART technique implies several main points contained in the acronym itself:

  • S – Specific
  • M – Measurable
  • A – Attainable
  • R – Realistic
  • T – Timeable

Clear goal setting is the most important condition for achieving success in any field of activity. But, unfortunately, 95% of all people, even knowing this, do not do this, and all their efforts are aimed at realizing the goals of the remaining 5%.

It is the SMART technique that makes it possible not only to set goals, but to develop a detailed action plan to achieve them, the main feature of which is precisely the definition of the desired specific results. After all, it is their formulation that answers many of the questions that characterize any plans to achieve something, and significantly increases the chances of successful implementation.

The uniqueness of the SMART technique also lies in the fact that thanks to it a person concentrates his attention on all external and internal resources that influence the achievement of results, which, in turn, contributes to the most appropriate representation of everything that is happening and allows you to instantly record any changes in what is happening. a person perceives.

Then the human consciousness activates all the necessary resources (skills, abilities, abilities) to achieve what is intended and the person can extract maximum benefit from absolutely everything around him that is available to him at the present moment in time.

Of course, this is just a brief and introductory information about the SMART technique. You can learn more about this technique here.

Now we should talk about another important component of effectiveness - the principles of a well-formulated result. There are seven of them in total.

7 principles of a well-formulated result

Knowing the importance of a well-formulated result, we can identify the basic principles that it must comply with:

Positive wording

Simply put, if you want to get rid of the habit of eating a lot of sweets, then you should not say to yourself: “I plan to stop eating sweets,” but you should say, for example: “I am starting to take care of my health and eat only healthy foods.” The fact is that by pronouncing a positively formulated result to himself, a person forms in his mind a certain vision of himself having already achieved this result. And this vision will greatly contribute to ensuring that the required result is achieved, because... appropriate messages will be sent to the nervous system.

In order to formulate the result in a positive way, it is necessary to ask yourself special questions when formulating: QUESTIONS: “What exactly do I want?”, “Did I formulate the result in a positive way?”, “What will achieving this result give me?”, “How Do I see myself having already achieved this result?

Sensory description

After the result is correctly formulated, you need to try to understand your feelings associated with its achievement. Sensory sensations (sounds, pictures, etc.) confirm the achievement of the result and create its map, i.e. reflect everything that we will experience when we achieve what we want.

They operate at the level of the nervous system and send special signals to our mind. And this will become a fundamental factor in determining our internal state, which forms the necessary behavior through which we will achieve our goals.

To carry out a correct sensory description, you need to ask yourself the following questions: “How will I understand that I have achieved the desired result?”, “What will I see after achieving the result?”, “What will I hear after achieving the result?”, “How will I feel?” after achieving the result?

Initiation and control of the result

While our thoughts, reactions and emotions are subject to our own control, we cannot directly influence the thoughts, reactions and emotions of those around us. But there is a way out of this situation - this is an indirect change in other people, carried out through changes in oneself.

We can change our own programs in such a way as to prevent others from using their usual programs. A correctly formulated result is in close relationship with those processes that we can contribute to, which we can manage and which we can support.

Questions for initiating and controlling the result: “Is my result connected with someone else?”, “Am I the only one in control of my result and its achievement?”, “Can I evoke certain reactions in others that will help me achieve the desired result?” .

Context appropriate

When formulating a result, it is necessary to take into account that it must correspond to the maximum number of aspects of a person’s life. If we do not take this into account, then the result that we form turns out to be superficial and does not reflect all the features of future changes.

Therefore, when formulating a result, you need to ask questions such as: “Where and when do I need this result?”, “How do I want to get this result?”, “What conditions are needed to obtain the result?”, “What can the achievement of the result influence?” , “Can any problems arise after achieving the result?”

Secondary benefit

Any human behavior must be in accordance with positive values ​​and positive results. If it does not meet these requirements, then it should not be supported. In NLP this is called secondary gain.

For example, if a person eats a lot of sweets, it means that he receives a certain benefit from it, and if he did not receive it, then he would not eat sweets. Therefore, it turns out that if changes in behavior do not provide a person with alternatives to achieve secondary benefits, then they are likely to not last long.

To discover relevant secondary benefits, you should ask the following questions: “What can I lose by achieving the result I need?”, “Can I give up something important to me in order to get this result?”, “Are there any areas of life that are not affected by the result I received?

Resource accounting

To achieve any result, a person needs resources. It follows from this that a correctly formulated result should imply the presence of certain resources that a person can provide himself and make part of the successful implementation of his plan. If a person cannot feel his result, then he has not taken into account the need for resources.

To understand what resources you need, ask yourself: “What do I already have to achieve the desired result?”, “What else might I need to achieve the result?”, “Do I have any similar experience and what do I need?” What can I get out of it?”, “Do I know anyone who has already done what I want to do?”

Environmental friendliness of the result in the context of the whole system

To accurately determine the environmental friendliness of a result, you should ask yourself the following four questions: “What will happen if I achieve the result?”, “What will not happen if I achieve the result?”, “What will happen if I do not achieve the result?”, “What will not happen?” what will happen if I don’t achieve the result?”

To summarize the section on effectiveness, it can be noted that maximum compliance with all the above criteria is a guarantee that any changes (no matter what area of ​​life they concern) will occur successfully and will have a positive impact on what they are aimed at, including a person’s interaction not only with with his inner world, but also with the outside world and the people around him.

The next important technique in NLP that you should pay special attention to is anchoring.

A brief excursion into history

Anchoring is the key to managing emotions. What does it have to do with conscious management. Many people mistakenly confuse anchors with reflexes. There is a significant difference between an anchor and a reflex. To set an anchor, one strong experience, an emotional state, is enough, while an associative connection in the case of developing a reflex appears as a result of repeated reproduction of a chain of certain actions. Scientifically speaking, a reflex is a physiological reaction, and an anchor is an emotional one.

At school we were told about academician Pavlov, who experimented on dogs. So Ivan Petrovich did nothing bad to the dogs. By the way, the scientist built enclosures at his own expense and purchased provisions for the dogs, which lived in excellent conditions. As a result of the experiments, a division of reflexes into conditioned and unconditioned appeared. And Ivan Petrovich himself became the founder of the science of higher nervous activity.

The impetus for the research was that Pavlov noticed that salivation in dogs began even before the animals received food. Being a physiologist, Ivan Petrovich understood that salivation directly depends on the production of gastric juice.

The first unique anchor in Pavlov's research was the bell that accompanied the issuance of rations. Later, the scientist achieved that only the sound of a bell provoked the production of gastric juice in dogs.

Using the anchor effect in philanthropy

The anchoring effect has long been known to be widely used by charities. Sending letters asking for donations has become popular in Western countries.

People who were asked to donate between $10 and $50 generated greater profits than those who were asked to donate between $1 and $10.

Calling the state.

The most important task when working with anchors is not even setting the anchor itself, but obtaining a state that can then be used. To avoid confusion, I will call the one who sets the anchor the Operator, and the one on whom the anchors are placed - the Client.

The easiest way is to simply wait until the Client himself enters a state that suits you. That is, it is a passive method. Plus, like any passive method, you don’t do anything on purpose. This is convenient when communication occurs in the form of a monologue. True, provided that you can set an anchor - that is, the Client occasionally looks at you or you can make a sound that he can hear (you can usually only dream of touching). The downside is that you can wait a very long time...

Next are active ways to invoke a state when you take some action to obtain a result.

The most straightforward one is to ask the Client to enter the state required by the Operator. How I did it during the demonstration. The most common disadvantage is that it is difficult to apply in real life. Although it is possible.

The next option is to invite the Client to remember a situation in which he experienced the state you need. Especially if you know which one:

- Ivan Petrovich, remember last year when you were in Munich...

You can cause the desired reaction. Tell a joke and get a laugh (if the joke is funny). Begin to listen very carefully to what is happening outside the door, and you will achieve a state of intense auditory attention.

Sometimes a method works because in order for a person to understand the meaning of a word, he needs to get to the experience that this word denotes. For example, in order to understand the meaning of the phrase “to feel angry,” a person needs to remember what it means. To do this, most people need to enter this state for at least a short time. This is where you set the anchor, but you need to be very careful and fast - in this case, the person remains in the desired state for a very short time.

A variation on this theme is a sentence to describe the state:

— How would you describe the state of happiness?

Only here the entry will be deeper.

You can also adjust and lead to the desired state. And then set the anchor.

-Why set an anchor if you can adjust and lead?

It takes time to adjust and guide, but the anchor acts almost instantly. Secondly, it is not always possible to easily adapt and lead...

And if you know that a person already has an anchor for the state you need, but it is not convenient enough to use, you can call him and install a more convenient anchor (re-anchor). Let’s assume that some song causes euphoria and a strong uplift in the Client, but playing it all the time, especially during a conversation, is not entirely convenient. Then, at the moment when he listens to this song (with your direct participation) and enters deep enough into the state of euphoria that you so desire, you set an anchor that is more convenient to use: touch his hand or lightly drum with your fingers.

So, in order to trigger the state: 1. Wait until he enters. 2. Ask to enter. 3. Remember the situation. 4. Cause the desired reaction. 5. Concept. 6. Adjustment and guidance. 7. Re-anchor the existing anchor.

Working with states

State is how a person feels in the world; a physiological phenomenon that is influenced by a person's emotions and way of thinking. Whenever a person experiences something internally, it is expressed externally in the characteristics of his behavior and state.

Conditions may vary in duration, intensity of experiences and degree of awareness. You also need to know that a calm state contributes to a more harmonious thinking process, and the most intense, on the contrary, complicates it and takes away more energy.

Also, all states are distinguished by individual emotions, which, in most cases, are described using kinesthetic terms. Human conditions change constantly. But he cannot be in the same state all day. Any good states are always replaced by not very good ones, but bad states are always replaced by good ones.

It is important to note that, despite the fact that conditions are usually caused by external factors that we seem to have no control over, in reality we create them ourselves. And one of the main features of NLP is that it allows you to develop the ability to influence your own states and the states of others.

Conditions and abilities

In addition, conditions have a direct impact on a person’s abilities. For example, a student may be excellent at rehearsing a presentation while at home alone, but as soon as he goes out in public, everything he has rehearsed will lose all meaning if he is overcome by fear of public speaking.

Any of our abilities can increase or decrease depending on our states. This includes the ability to learn, the ability to speak in public, efficiency, etc. Whenever you are faced with a task or need to do some work, ask yourself one fundamental question that will set the pace for all subsequent activities: “What state should I be in to cope with this quickly and easily?”

Along with this, each person should have an idea of ​​his key state - the state in which he finds himself the vast majority of the time. It is the main prerequisite for any human action in the everyday world. Moreover, it should not always be the most effective or productive, but, in any case, it is the most familiar to a person.

It is worth adding here that the key state is often laid down in childhood, and over time it becomes such a familiar combination of sensations, thoughts, experiences and feelings that a person begins to feel that the course of action that implies his key state is the only option.

But as soon as a person realizes his key state and, in general, that he has it, he has the opportunity to evaluate this state from a critical point of view and understand: is it effective, does it suit him, can it be replaced with a better one, and is it necessary? should I do this?

How can a person describe his internal states and the differences between them? To do this, associations and dissociations are used.

Associations and dissociations

Associations and dissociations are two ways in which a person can perceive the world. The difference between them is that sometimes a person feels completely involved in events, and sometimes he perceives them from the position of an observer. By associating, a person feels based on direct experience, and when dissociating, he feels by thinking about this experience.

Associations are effective for:

  • Getting pleasure from life;
  • Enjoying memories;
  • Application of knowledge and skills in practice;
  • Concentration.

Dissociations are effective for:

  • Analysis of the experience gained;
  • Learning from life experience;
  • Controlling the passage of time;
  • Retreat from situations that pose a potential or direct threat.

Another important skill is the ability to change states.

Changing States

The skill of changing states and the ability to independently choose your feelings are the most important condition for gaining personal freedom and a happy life. But you need to understand that this personal freedom does not mean that a person will never experience negative emotions again, but he will be able to clearly recognize them and correct his reaction. And one should not consider negative states as something bad, because... they are an integral part of any person's life.

Any state is related to the way we think. Although some people make a distinction between body and mind, they are actually one system. And emotional states, in turn, are associated with many processes: mental, physiological, neurochemical, etc. And a change in one component entails a change in the entire system.

Here's one good tip: if you notice that you are in a negative state, try to perceive it without judgment - as a simple natural process. If you start beating yourself up and telling yourself that you shouldn’t experience this, reproaching yourself for it, you will make it even worse for yourself.

Being in negative states, of course, is not very good, but blaming yourself for it is even worse. Realize your condition - this is the road to change. Realize the possibility of choice - your condition can be changed. And there is more than one practical way for this: the condition can be changed at the physiological level, or at the mental level.

Below we provide state changing methods


An interruption is the process of leaving a negative state and transitioning to a neutral one. It is very effective when you need to remove yourself or another person from an acute negative state.

EXAMPLES: Telling a joke or story, increasing physical activity, visual, auditory, kinesthetic distraction. This is necessary so that a person’s attention and concentration on a negative state is interrupted, thereby creating the ground for the emergence of a new state.

Resource anchoring

Resource anchoring involves the intentional creation of an anchor that will help you get out of a negative state and enter a positive and more effective one. The resource that will serve as an anchor depends on the specifics of the situation. The anchoring itself can be caused physically or mentally. It's better to use both directions.

EXAMPLES: Changing the way of thinking, changing the physiological state, turning on music, changing the interior, telling a story or joke, showing certain gestures, saying phrases or pronouncing words in a special tone, touching.

It is important to know that the intensity of the condition affects the effectiveness of the anchor. The anchor itself must meet all the requirements that we discussed above. Once the anchor is established, it must be tested by observing the person's (or your own) reaction and changes in behavior.

Application of chain, stack and collapsing anchors. In cases where the previous techniques do not work or the difference between the current state and the required one is very large, chain , stack and collapsing anchors are used:

  • Chain anchors involve guiding a person through a chain of states.
  • Stacked anchors involve connecting multiple states onto a single anchor.
  • Collapsed anchors are the process of using two different anchors to create one state out of two.

EXAMPLES: Changing the decor in the room and turning on relaxing music, remembering joyful moments and slowing down your breathing, telling an interesting story and a friendly touch, tracking your state and identifying associations, etc.

During the day, a person always moves from one state to another. And quite often, one anchor is not enough to change a negative state. This is where you need to use chain, stack and collapsing anchors. But you must always ensure that chains of anchors do not lead to other negative states. This is the only way to determine the most effective sequence and give it the right direction. You should not neglect your imagination - you can create your own sequences and chains.

Update the past

Renewing the past is the process of changing ingrained limiting beliefs and behaviors. Most often, this technique is used when a problem that needs to be solved extends from the past.

EXAMPLE: Identifying events that happened in the past and have an impact on the present; establishing feelings caused by events from the past and assessing their impact on the present; identification of behavior that was rooted in the past and manifests itself in the present; identifying patterns and stereotypes that appeared in the past and became entrenched in consciousness, and changing them, etc.

Of course, the techniques for changing states that we have considered include a much larger number of nuances and features, but their description requires writing a separate series of articles. Here we show only the opportunity to learn to influence your states and the states of others, using knowledge about the basic methods of changing them. Try to practice this at your leisure, trying to influence yourself or someone around you, using the simplest basics we have described, and you will see that they are very effective.

And in the final part of our lesson, we will talk a little about what strategies and modeling are in NLP.

Using anchors to awaken inner resources

Each person can consciously use anchoring techniques in order to tune into work or a positive mood.

With the help of an NLP anchor, you can open up internal resources, lift your spirits when you no longer have the strength, regain interest, give yourself confidence and even overcome fears. For everything to work out, follow the steps step by step.

  1. Determining the purpose and situation, why you need the resource.
  2. What type of resource is needed - confidence, good mood, etc.
  3. Make sure you made the right choice again.
  4. Remember a significant life event.
  5. Choose your type of anchor: sound, picture, gesture, it must be accurate. Play it several times until you can train it to the point of automaticity.
  6. Enter a resourceful state. Subconsciously move to where you feel the necessary experiences. Remember a psychologically difficult situation from which you found a way out.
  7. Imagine everything colorfully down to the smallest detail, immerse yourself completely in your memories.
  8. When you reach the peak, place an anchor or several at once and stay in this state for a while.
  9. Check that the image is pinned.
  10. Final signal check. For example, you are afraid to perform on stage: a panic attack occurs, your heart beats faster, you feel sick, your palms sweat, your speech is impaired. Try to enter the anchor state. If the alarm passed, everything worked out. If you cannot calm down, then you need to use other resource situations.

The anchoring technique in NLP helps to get rid of unpleasant thoughts or emotions. For everything to work out, you need to analyze your weaknesses in certain events that cause stress.

Memories are stored in the memory in the form of strong and vivid emotions; they just need to be tied to the future. To determine it, it is enough to observe your actions after a month. Then answer the question of whether the behavior has changed, what emotions arise when remembering.

Anchoring in everyday life

Using the anchoring technique, you can induce almost any condition in yourself. We need to be attentive and work productively, please! You need to have a good rest, tune in to relaxation - good health! For example, before writing an essay you drink a cup of delicious coffee. You wear certain clothes to take tests and exams. You associate yoga classes with certain music.

So coffee, clothes, music in these cases are anchors. Thanks to them, a person enters a fruitful, effective state and things go easier and faster.

This technique allows you to simulate your reality, be more productive, and reduce the impact of stress.

Anchors can be divided into the following types:

  • Auditory is everything that has to do with sound. Voices, intonations, the noise of trees, birdsong, music.
  • Visual – visual associations, pictures, images, ideas.
  • Kinesthetic - touch, pain, massage.
  • Olfactory - the aroma of air after rain, the smell of lilac, a trail of perfume that leaves an emotional trace.
  • Complex - for example, a cup of coffee to a specific melody.

There are two important conditions for an anchor to work: a strong emotion caused by one or another trigger and consistency of repetition.

Collapse of anchors

Having heard all these passions, people immediately begin to understand that many anchors were vilely formed in the wrong way, with the wrong incentive and for the wrong condition. — There is a tone of voice that causes irritation. - This is his pose, brrrr. — As soon as I hear the sound of the alarm clock, I immediately want to sleep. “This fabric gives me such an unpleasant feeling inside.” How to remove these incorrect anchors? It's actually quite simple - it uses the collapse of anchors. The word “collapse” has several meanings, but in this case the closest one is destruction. As in astronomy - the collapse of a star. It's really very similar, because after the collapse there is nothing left, no anchors. You trigger a stimulus - and there is no reaction, there is no longer a conditioned reflex, it has collapsed. And in order for something to collapse, we need two anchors, opposite in sign, but approximately equal in strength. And if we launch them simultaneously, we will observe this very collapse. It looks really funny from the outside. For example, we anchored irritation to squeezing a touch on the right hand, and calmness to a touch to the left. They anchored it correctly, everything was done according to the steps described above, they checked it: they touched the right hand - it got irritated, they touched the left one - it calmed down. And then once - and they touched both hands at the same time. And so it began. It often looks as if one part of the face is expressing one emotion and the other the opposite. It can be either right-left or up-down. And then gradual smoothing begins. Sometimes it all looks like successive waves - sometimes plus, sometimes minus. But gradually the waves calm down... After everything has calmed down, you can check whether the anchors have collapsed - after the collapse of the anchors, the stimulus-response connections are destroyed. If you touched your right hand - nothing, if you touched your left - nothing either. But an unpleasant experience can be quite strong. This is where anchoring comes in handy. You remember that for collapse the anchors must be close in “strength”. This “power” can be organized not only through one powerful experience, but also through the sum of small ones. As with scales, you can put one kilogram weight on one bowl, and five two hundred gram weights on the other. Want to try? Let's. Select the anchor you want to destroy. For example, it could be an unpleasant memory of some situation in the past. Or a regularly recurring situation - like an annoying tone of voice that irritated you a year ago and yesterday. Imagine this situation in the form of a small image and place your left hand. And on the right, also in the form of images, you begin to add resource states - pleasure, joy, happiness, delight, humor, peace. Until the right hand is one and a half to two times larger. It is clear that for collapse you need anchors that are close in “strength”, but this is precisely the case when it is better to be on the safe side. Once you dial it, you begin to slowly move your hands together. They brought them together and squeezed their palms. We waited - there was no bang. Now think about the situation you worked with - how is it, is it better? Wow. This is how the collapse of anchors works. But not only anchors of opposite sign can be launched simultaneously. For example, you can anchor happiness on one hand and surprise on the other. And launch both anchors at the same time. The result will be some kind of third state, quite often completely unfamiliar to the person. - This is something new for me. Some kind of joyful amazement or something. When anchors of the same sign are launched simultaneously, they usually talk about the integration of anchors. That is, about unification. You can also play around with this and get quite a lot of new interesting states.

Anchor for memory

According to the method of memorization, memory is divided into biochemical and mechanical. The latter works on the “cramming” principle. The brain sees that a person repeats something several times and creates neural connections (after about five repetitions).

What is the anchor effect?

But with the help of biochemical or emotional memory, memorization can happen the first time. According to this scheme, a trauma or phobia is formed. That is, events must be emotionally charged. When an emotion is higher than five on a scale of ten, the event is imprinted in memory. The stronger your interest in something, the better the memorization process.

For example, learning a foreign language is much better if you study it with the goal of communicating with a foreigner who is significant to you.

Stimuli that arise outside cause activity in your thinking map. Subsequently, you no longer react to the stimulus, but to the card, which is individual for everyone. This explains that each person reacts to the same event differently.

Anchors are firmware that can be embedded, restarted, or removed.

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