Team psychology: rules of relationships with colleagues

Relationships in a team have a tremendous impact on the efficiency of the work process—every competent manager knows this. For many, work has long become a second home. That is why knowledge of the psychology of relationships in a team plays an important role.

Each employee is individual, has his own, sometimes difficult, character, preferences and wishes. Therefore, it is not surprising that conflicts and quarrels often occur within the team. How to avoid them and create an atmosphere of mutual understanding?

Social psychology of the team

The team at work is a social environment. It consists of many different people. They have different views on life, upbringing, goals for the future and abilities. However, they have to spend some time together and solve common issues. Interaction in this case is a direct path to the success of the company.

A person learns to find a common language with a team from early childhood. First comes kindergarten, then school, then university and, finally, work. And every time you have to adapt to new people. However, this is not always easy to do. As often happens in adulthood, people leave their jobs due to the fact that they do not fit into the team. And such cases are not uncommon.

The relationship between colleagues can be demonstrated with a clear example. Let's say a new employee comes to the company - a young and beautiful girl. What will those who have been working here for a long time experience at this moment? Most likely, there will be interest and, at the same time, tension. An employee can be compared to a foreign body that is at the stage of exploration by the body (in this case, the team). It is examined, studied and evaluated.

People will treat a new person differently. Some people will like the girl for her professional and personal qualities. For others it will irritate and irritate. In both the first and second cases, you will have to put up with the new employee, since relationships in the team as a whole and the activities of the company depend on coordinated work.

Formation of a cohesive team

It is clear that in a week or a month it will not be possible to unite different people with different needs, desires, and thoughts. The relationship between employees is not much different from the relationship between partners in a marriage. Both go through several stages in the formation of a team.

  1. Lapping. People get to know each other, look closely at each other, and find common ground. Large companies, when recruiting employees, conduct testing to understand whether a person will join the team. We will proceed from our realities: you yourself will have to play the role of a psychologist. Try to ensure that the online store employees you recruit are approximately the same age and social status: this will avoid initial conflicts.
  2. Conflict stage. The employees got to know each other better, understood the strengths and weaknesses of each and... began to conflict. Some people are trying to become a leader and bend the team to their advantage, others want to survive their competitors - this is normal. At this stage, the weakest are most often fired - natural selection occurs.
  3. Experiments. The employees settled into the new place, understood who was who, and began to experiment: offering their own solutions to problems, making efforts to earn encouragement from their superiors. All this leads to the achievement of common results and plays a role in team unity.
  4. Maturity. Time passed, everyone understood who was who and took their place in the team. There is no need to conflict anymore - all roles are distributed, abilities are clear. Employees calmly work on completing tasks, the manager smiles wisely as he watches this picture. Idyll! But to achieve this nirvana, you need to work hard in the previous stages. Let's see how.

Stages of forming a cohesive team

Psychology at work and team relationships

The branch of psychology that studies relationships in a team is rightfully considered the most difficult. And this is not surprising, because misunderstandings constantly arise between colleagues. There are several reasons for this state of affairs:

  • doubts about the professional qualities of another person;
  • setups in front of management;
  • gossip and denunciations.

Similar problems happen in every team without exception. You can not only easily get rid of them, but also turn them to your advantage. This requires minimal knowledge of the psychology of communication and relationships with colleagues.

Control your postures and gestures.

Don't try to appear shorter: you subconsciously belittle yourself and make others feel it. If you are a woman, wear high heels. By the way, in psychology there is a statement that a person who is taller a priori feels a slight superiority. However, don't stand at attention in front of your superiors. Moreover, you've probably seen such a picture when a subordinate, talking to his boss on the phone (!), got up from his chair and stood up straight.

Types of relationships at work

Relationships with work colleagues vary. They are built according to three main schemes, each of which has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Psychology of equal or friendly relationships

This is the closest communication. People praise each other, but will make reprimands if necessary. This type of relationship is not suitable for a manager and one of the employees. And there are reasons for this.

The friendship between the boss and one of the team members sets the latter apart from the rest. He occupies, so to speak, a privileged position, which others will definitely not like. This is a direct path to conflict.

Psychology of relations between elder and younger (from the position of the elder)

This type of relationship at work is divided into two subtypes:

  1. The mentor is the student. The first helps the second with advice, but does not guide him in any way, much less participate in his work. A student is unlikely to listen to advice if it comes directly from a boss who is poorly versed in work processes. A mentor gives you the opportunity to improve and move in the right direction.
  2. The leader is a subordinate. The boss evaluates the work of employees, controls it, and, if necessary, punishes or rewards it. Here we are not talking about close relationships, because they will destroy discipline in the team.

It is worth noting that the same person cannot be a leader and a mentor.

Psychology of the relationship between junior and senior (from the position of the junior)

Like the previous type of relationship, this one is divided into subtypes:

  1. The subordinate is the leader. The main task of the first is to take responsibility for his duties and follow the instructions of the second. He also needs to respect the leader, no matter what kind of leader he is.
  2. The student is the mentor. Relationships in a team of this type presuppose that the first one listens to the advice of the second. And he not only listens to them, but thinks about them and tries to put them into practice. If a student argues and refuses to listen to the work mentor, he is not ready to learn. In this case, all conversations are useless.

Each of the listed relationship development schemes makes it possible to build a healthy atmosphere in a team and establish communication.


Career interests, of course, take first place at work. And the possibility of promoting one of your colleagues is not excluded. What if yesterday's partner became a leader? First of all, drive away thoughts of injustice and other negativity. Remember that a colleague's success does not necessarily mean your own failure. Perhaps a promotion awaits you soon. Direct your emotions in a productive direction: analyze your colleague’s business qualities and develop those that led him to success.

What if you yourself became the head of your department? This also imposes a number of restrictions. We will have to maintain subordination. However, this does not mean that warm informal relationships are impossible. You can still meet with yesterday's colleagues in a quiet cafe or discuss a new film during a break. Show respect to your new subordinates. Show that their opinion still matters.

A young manager must clearly understand the company's development strategy and strictly adhere to it. This will help in case of unpleasant decisions, or in case of disagreements with subordinates. Remember that personal friendships are one thing, but the interests of the company are another. And they should prevail in the workplace. Not everyone manages to maintain friendship if one of yesterday's colleagues becomes a manager. You need to be prepared for this: career growth always requires some sacrifices.

Editor's choice: Career or family for a woman - how to make the right choice?

Rules of good manners

Relationships at work with colleagues should be built according to a few simple rules. The first concerns friendliness. You shouldn’t be rude or rude to others because you’re in a bad mood. Being polite and grateful isn't that hard. These qualities endear people.

However, caution must be exercised here, since close relationships in a team and informal communication can play a cruel joke. For example, a young employee will seem like a rival to women from the team. Men, because of her too free behavior, will consider her flighty and will lose all respect.

The second rule is a logical continuation of the first. You should not tell your work colleagues personal information about yourself. Good intentions and trust easily turn into gossip, speculation and envy. It is enough to tell the generally known minimum.

The third rule is similar to the expression “don’t run ahead of the locomotive.” Of course, it’s good if your abilities allow you to do the work quickly and at the same time with high quality. However, the team consists of different people. Some people work faster, while others, on the contrary, spend more time completing tasks. You should not try to correct or retrain your colleagues. They may take it as a challenge.

And finally, the fourth rule. It calls not to ignore the rituals and traditions of the collective. Joint dinners and holidays will only improve the relationship.

First day: fatal success

Relationships in a team at work largely depend on the first impression of an employee. He will have to pass a kind of test, the results of which will be the basis for his further communication with colleagues.

So, on your first day of work you need to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  1. Dress as modestly as possible, even if in real life your clothing style can hardly be called modest.
  2. Don't forget about the rules of etiquette. The minimum is a greeting and words of farewell.
  3. Do not flirt with male representatives. This will only ruin relationships with them and with women.
  4. Don't argue trying to prove you're right.
  5. Don't reveal too much about yourself.
  6. If necessary, ask colleagues for help.

It is not difficult to follow these tips. It's enough to just relax and try to enjoy your work.

We are so different and yet we are together

Building healthy relationships at work isn't easy. This is due to the fact that each person is individual. There are several types of employees:

  1. Angry or grumpy. Unfriendly people who are always dissatisfied with something and easily lose their temper. For them, every word or reaction of others is an opportunity to throw out negativity. Such people have no desire to talk about good things.
  2. Envious people. The favorite pastime of such team members is spreading gossip, both at work and outside of it. They discuss everything from new lipstick to professional activities. These people are simply bored. When communicating with them, you need to avoid talking too openly about yourself and your family.
  3. Rigid colleagues. They don't like change. Even if the new one is many times better than the old one, they will not change anything. Relations with such employees should be based on strict adherence to established rules and instructions.
  4. Advisers. They constantly teach those around them, giving out advice left and right. They are harmless. The worst thing that their behavior leads to is a quarrel at work. When communicating with colleagues of this type, you need to take the initiative and ask for advice first.
  5. Pedants. React to the slightest inaccuracies and details. It is quite easy to moderate their ardor. It is enough to shift some of the responsibilities that require great attention and scrupulousness.
  6. Artists. They love to be the center of attention. Scandals at work are a way for them to recharge their energy. A couple of compliments and attention will turn them from enemies into allies.

These are just a few types of employees. In fact, there are many more of them. And if you can’t find a way to build relationships with them, you also need to pay attention to yourself. Perhaps the problem lies in your character and actions

Why relationships with colleagues can deteriorate

  • a timid, withdrawn person pushes away and does not evoke a desire to get closer to him. You shouldn’t allow yourself to be ridden, but shamelessly taking advantage of someone else’s kindness is also impolite. Follow the golden rule: I help, they help me;
  • Reporting to employees and the desire to drag management into a scandal with colleagues will not elevate a person in the eyes of the team. Clarify your relationship in private, face to face;
  • sometimes irritation and failures in business overflow. In order to calm down and not commit an act that you will later regret, there are many different psychological trainings;
  • directness is not always a noble trait. Before speaking sharply, you should think carefully about where, what and to whom to say;
  • Relationships at work should remain formal, purely business. The manager will also be very dissatisfied with frequent absences and long conversations with other colleagues;
  • in an emergency situation, when all employees are overwhelmed with urgent work, do not sit idle, work equally with everyone else;
  • Don’t bother your colleagues with stories about how well-coordinated your previous work was; you may hurt their feelings;
  • You won’t get a pat on the head for stupid, out-of-place curiosity;
  • I've probably had to deal with a lot of ill-mannered people who don't follow the rules of etiquette. These people think only about themselves. They irritate with a strong perfume, loud laughter or conversation, obscene expressions, a song screaming from the phone, and so on. A very unpleasant impression remains after meeting such individuals;
  • excessive zeal for work, otherwise called workaholism, can make colleagues suspicious of your desire to get closer to your superiors, of your desire to be promoted;
  • fear of communication and uncertainty. Well, with such people everything is clear, they try not to notice them.

What can provoke colleagues into conflicts?

According to psychology books, healthy relationships in a team are sometimes threatened. There are many reasons for this:

  • unsociability, reluctance to make contact;
  • complaints and denunciations against colleagues;
  • bad mood spilling out on others;
  • excessive self-confidence and straightforwardness;
  • fear of overworking;
  • comparison of former work with current one;
  • excessive curiosity towards colleagues;
  • loud conversations on the phone, elevated tone when communicating with others, strong aroma of perfume.

Another reason for a possible conflict lies in workaholism. Sometimes the desire to do quality work is perceived from the outside as a desire to curry favor with management or stand out from the crowd.

The task of the authorities

What is the task facing the boss? Any leader, knowing the basic rules of behavior in a team, must first of all be demanding of himself and set an example for his subordinates. He needs to clearly and competently set tasks for his subordinates, and also explain what the result should be. If a junior colleague copes with the task without comments and on time, then the manager needs to encourage the employee. Moreover, the more merit, the greater the reward.

If a subordinate fails to complete the intended task, then when criticizing him, one should not become personal. Reasonable criticism should concern only business matters and should not interfere with the personal life of an employee.

The boss faces another task - protecting his employees from their superiors. He needs, if possible, to protect his subordinates both from the company’s management and from outside attacks.

Relationships in a men's team: let's set priorities

In a male team, as well as in a female team, conflicts often occur. There are several ways to prevent them:

  1. Always look perfect. The best clothes for work are a formal business suit.
  2. Extra attention from colleagues or even flirtatiousness surprises and baffles. There is no need to be rude in response. It is better to remain silent or move the conversation to another topic.
  3. It is worth remembering that each member of the team is an employee like everyone else. Therefore, demanding special treatment for yourself is not nice.
  4. Do not react to provocations too emotionally. It is important to remain calm even in cases where emotions are brought out on purpose. This requires resilience.

The most important thing is to show respect to all colleagues at work without exception. We can say that this is the key to a good relationship.

How to build relationships after a conflict: advice from a psychologist

Knowledge of the psychology of relationships in a team at work does not guarantee the complete absence of conflicts. What to do if it happened?

  1. Calm down, relax. Focus your thoughts on the good qualities of the provocateur or offender. This will help, if not forget the situation, then at least restore good relations.
  2. Look at the controversial situation from the outside. Thanks to this, you can control yourself, preventing your opponent from disturbing the balance and thereby achieving what you want.

You can only disarm a person who plans to continue the conflict with calm and balance. These qualities, together with a sober look, make it possible to destroy all the intentions of the offender.

So, what are the relationships in a team like? Usually complex, since each person is a formed personality. Everyone has their own views on life and what is happening around them. The team includes advisers, provocateurs, envious people, pedants and even artists. If you find an individual approach to each of them, the relationship will become harmonious and healthy.

Which team is considered cohesive?

  1. When all employees have common goals. For example, increase sales to a million per month, or bring the site to the top 10 positions in Yandex. These goals must be conveyed to every employee - let people know what they are trying to achieve.
  2. When an online store has a mission and values ​​that are shared by all employees. Exactly EVERYTHING - without exception. If there is an indifferent person in the office who puts a screw on all your valuables, he will be able to cool down the entire team.
  3. When the team has people of similar character. It is clear that the main thing is work, but we also must not forget about a good psychological climate. It’s trite but true: people should be comfortable together. Only then will they be able to work effectively and complete the tasks you set.
  4. When the manager really manages the team, and does not blame everything on the deputy or employees. Yes, yes, the unity of the team ultimately depends on you.
  5. When employees unite together against some enemy - real or abstract. Usually this is a competing company, but it can also be an individual employee - a scapegoat, or even a customer who is annoying to everyone. In extreme cases, employees unite against the manager. It’s sad to hear this, but the fact is a fact: the common struggle brings us together and gives us that very sense of cohesion that we are talking about. Try not to let it be directed against you!

Components of a cohesive team

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