Communication with colleagues: tips, recommendations on how to avoid conflicts and join a new team

Man is a social being and the need for communication stands alongside the need to eat and drink. When communicating with our family and friends, rarely do anyone have problems, because these people surround us from birth, they know our habits, our character, our strengths and weaknesses. Even though we learn how to interact with the people around us from the very first day of our lives, communicating with colleagues at work can be confusing for many. Most often, such a problem arises in a new or young team, however, even a team that has worked together for a long time is not a guarantee of productive and positive communication between employees.

First contact

Communication at work is very different from communication within the family or among friends. Often, newcomers do not know what to talk about with their newly minted colleagues, how to ask them for help, or how to properly refuse an awkward request. You should not discuss personal problems or family matters until you know the person you are working with better. The optimal way out of this situation would be to talk about general, abstract topics (weather, news, etc.) or professional topics. Pay attention to what form of communication is accepted in the team and stick to it. If it is customary in an organization to address all employees by name and first name, follow this rule, no matter how awkward you may feel at first. Recently, the idea of ​​team building, or in other words, team building, has become popular in Russia. In this case, even communication with management may be of an unusual nature - calling by name, sharing snacks, meeting in an informal setting, team competitions and much more.

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General recommendations

If communication with a person does not work out very well, you need to follow recommendations that are suitable for anyone:

  1. There is no need to present your opinion as the last resort. To do this, you can use the connectives “from my point of view” or “it seems to me.” This beginning will show that your words are a reflection of your opinion, which can be reviewed and discussed.
  2. If you are trying to talk about a specific situation, then you should not generalize. It is necessary to give specific examples when the interlocutor was wrong. If you use the generalization that the interlocutor is constantly late, then he will immediately remember a couple of moments when this did not happen. That is, the claim will not be entirely justified.

  3. You need to try to explain to your opponent that his behavior is worsening his own life. Typically, these words have more impact.
  4. When talking with a person, you cannot simply prohibit something, you need to offer an alternative solution . This will produce a softer effect. And when communicating with teenagers who take any word with hostility, this will be a very useful tactic.
  5. It should be remembered that nothing ever happens on the first word. Therefore, you need to take a closer look at the reaction to the words, return to early moments, and explain your arguments once again. Sometimes an honest conversation is a long process, so results will not appear immediately.

Dankina Nadezhda · Jul 17, 2015

Controversial issues

Conflicts arise between people all the time: the more common points they have in common, the higher the likelihood of misunderstanding or dissatisfaction. However, you should not express your opinion sharply and emotionally, so as not to rack your brains over the question of how to make peace with your colleague. Controversial situations cannot be completely avoided, but their number can be minimized. Business etiquette will help you with this:

  1. Communication with colleagues should take place on equal terms; you should not please, beg or be rude;
  2. Each employee has the right to his own opinion and respectful attitude;
  3. It is customary to approach colleagues with a request, not an order;
  4. Avoid getting personal in the conversation; business communication on work issues is the best way to avoid conflicts, intrigue and gossip;

advice for managers

Let's figure out how you can build communication with your employees so that there is complete mutual understanding and a stable increase in the company's efficiency (and from there, profit, of course). Of course, you could read different books for managers and figure out for yourself what to do. But we did better - we collected for you advice from professionals, heads of successful companies with extensive experience in this matter.

Advises: Tanzilya Garipova

Founder of the International Academy of Business Assistants. Clients: Mail, Sokolov, Mercedes, Sberbank, Tinkoff, Channel 1, TNT, Rostec, Rosneft, Moscow Government, State Duma.

Tip 1. Make friends with the team

In addition to working together, you should have joint leisure time. For example, you can get together to play a game, attend concerts, events, or go on a hike. Just remember that this pastime should not contain work, it is precisely a break from it for the whole team.

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Tip 2. Select “your” people from the beginning

You and your employees should have not only common goals, but also values. This will make it easier for you to assign tasks to your subordinates and find an approach to them.

Tip 3. Don't forget about birthdays

Write down the dates of holidays in the families of employees, and do not forget to congratulate them. This allows you to feel attention, recognition and respect. But you don’t have to act in a standard way and collect money from your colleagues in an envelope; for example, you can edit an interesting video, come up with a short sketch, etc.

Tip 4. Participate in the lives of your subordinates

Related to the previous one, but dig deeper here. Explain to employees that they can contact you not only with a work-related question, but also with some personal problem.

Tip 5. Build relationships from a “win-win” perspective

The “win-win” strategy involves mutual benefit. That is, show the employee that his and your actions bring benefits to him too, this should happen in any interaction.

Tip 6. Build management according to the system of Alexander Vysotsky

Stay in constant contact with senior management, hold planning meetings and assign tasks to departments, and monitor the results yourself.

“I can fire a person and then call him to discuss a project or rehire him. The past doesn’t bother me, only the present matters.”

Steve Jobs

Advises: Vitaly Loshakov

Head of the Army project. For 4 years of work 180 million rubles. revenue, 85 thousand event participants.

Tip 1: Be patient in the early stages

Avoid quick fixes. Introduce a new employee into work gradually, with feedback on every point. Allow the person to adapt and do not make hasty conclusions about his work at first, as mistakes can be caused by a tense state.

Tip 2. Give freedom of action

To never run after employees, do not run after them at the start. In some tasks, let employees make their own decisions. People appreciate being trusted and will grow with the understanding that they have real responsibility. Determine the budget that they can spend on these decisions, but if it suddenly does not turn out to be correct, do not withdraw this amount, otherwise you will fight off all independence once and for all.

Advises: Elena Tsvetkova

Mentor of the federal project “You are an entrepreneur 2020”, expert-moderator of the Moscow School of Management “Skolkovo” in the REGION PROFI program.

Tip 1. Maintain subordination

Friendly relations between you and your subordinates should not turn into familiarity. No one has canceled work tasks, and you should not turn a blind eye to mistakes and be afraid to make a remark. Just do it calmly, without negativity.

Tip 2: Invest your own resources

If you want the company to grow, the tasks to become more complex, but to be carried out efficiently, it is necessary that the staff also grow professionally. Invest time or money in training everyone. Remember that all the resources expended will return, because the company will develop and profits will increase.

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Tip 3: Become a mentor

Try to find prospects for each team member, take care of their interests. If a person is interested in career growth, give him the opportunity to grow, expand his area of ​​responsibility and reward him accordingly.

Tip 4: Use constructive action

When one of your employees makes a mistake, you don’t need to rush in furiously and sort everything out yourself. Analyze the situation together with your subordinate, find out the reasons, draw conclusions and adjust further work.

Tip 5. Give everyone a job according to their abilities

The main magic is the ability to understand which job is ideal for a particular person. When employees find themselves in their place, they begin to realize themselves. And everything is fine with you – you see the company’s growth.

Tip 6. Don't forget about incentives

In management, both the carrot and the stick are important. Your system should include not only fines, but also incentives for good work, such as bonuses or time off. This gives excellent motivation to the employee, because he understands that his efforts are noticed.

“Good management is about showing ordinary people how to do the work of excellent people.”

John Rockefeller

Advises: Anastasia Yandyganova

Head of a consulting agency, 10 years of experience as a manager.

Tip 1. Look for approaches

Every employee is different. It is enough for someone to identify the final goal, and he will come to it. You need to discuss details with others, answer questions about what to do and how to do it. The main thing is to transfer him from this stage to the next, when he can make independent decisions.

Tip 2: Delegate responsibilities

You are the owner, therefore you are more experienced. Of course, at first your colleagues will not do it as perfectly as you, but over time they will learn, and you will be able to do more important things.

Tip 3. Charge with energy

Whatever it is, remember that you set the atmosphere of the working day. Stay optimistic and enthusiastic, be energetic and goal-oriented. Employees should hear and see that you are constantly improving yourself and achieving everything. After all, it is impossible to demand progress from others when you are not growing yourself.

Tip 4. Introduce an efficiency system

You've probably heard about KPIs - key performance indicators. Using this system, you can evaluate the work of a specialist, whether he is really working or wiping his pants. In addition, KPI allows an employee to see how he receives his salary and spends his time.

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Tip 5. Give more time

Sometimes subordinates need more time and space to take initiative. Don’t be afraid to give them this, give them a little freedom, and in such comfortable conditions, subordinates will be more willing to share ideas and complete tasks.

“I will always look for a lazy person to work with, because he will find many easy ways to solve the problem.”

Bill Gates

Advises: Arslan Gabidullin

Entrepreneur, opened 15 coffee bars, was one of the TOP 5 Coffee Like franchisees. Over the course of a year, together with a partner network, he opened more than 70 points.

Tip 1: Hire goal-oriented people

If an applicant talks about big goals during an interview, for example, he states that he will someday build a competing business, or has non-philistine dreams, hire him or at least consider him as a potential employee among other candidates.

Tip 2. Allow to make mistakes

A subordinate is making mistakes in front of your eyes - keep quiet unless it has a very detrimental effect on the business. This is how experience comes. The employee will learn what not to do, and most importantly, he will be independent, grow as a person and take responsibility.

Tip 3. Give the opportunity to set deadlines

When you give a project, ask the employee: “Here is the task, when will you do it?” He must decide for himself in what time frame he will complete it, so the employee learns to distribute his forces and calculate the time to complete tasks.

Tip 4. Train yourself to come with a solution to a problem.

It is important that the subordinate thinks for himself how to deal with this or that problem. Ask him what he did to solve it, what paths he looked for. If he didn’t do this, think about it together. Ask your employee leading questions so that he gradually comes to the answers himself.

Tip 5. Create some kind of constant rules in the company

You must have some taboos, violation of which will result in dismissal without discussion. For example, lying or stealing.

Tip 6. Use the “everyone is equal” principle

Regardless of position, all employees are equal in their rights. For example, if you introduce penalties, then they should be applied not to someone you don’t really like, but to all those “at fault.”

By the way. If you want your employees to sell better, I recommend implementing scripts. For example, start with templates. We developed them for different tasks based on our experience (8+ years). The investment is a penny and will pay off in a matter of days. Click -> Sales script templates.

Tip 7 . Strive to become a “turquoise company

“Turquoise Company” is a new type of organization, which is built on the principle of controlled self-government. In it, each employee can participate in all processes and remains a team player. He strives to do everything possible for a common goal that is not just about profit.

Tip 8. Total control is not needed

“Controller Trauma” is a concept from psychology, when a person tries to keep everything under control. If you don’t trust your team and are constantly involved in all processes, then your employees will eventually turn into spineless subordinates. They will run to you with trivial questions, and you will become a hostage to your business.

“You don't have to hire a lot of people to do complex work. Quantity never compensates for talent, and two people who don’t know something are no better than one.”

Elon Musk

Advises: Tatyana Michurina

Head of the CPA network The company cooperates with most banks and microfinance organizations in Russia. My experience as a manager begins in 2013, with 100+ people subordinate to me.

Tip 1: Don't micromanage

The boss is in charge of strategy. Minor technical issues and problems should be taken off your shoulders - do not waste your time or energy.

Tip 2: Introduce controlled delegation

You need to delegate tasks, but at first be sure to monitor their completion. At the first stage it will take even longer than before, but this is temporary.

Tip 3. Monitor staff training

To avoid turnover, monitor how your company trains new employees. If you miss this, you can lose a good specialist.

Tip 4. Negotiate if necessary

The market and the situation are changing. Accordingly, the terms of cooperation or transaction may change. Get together with the employee, explain the reasons and simply restate them together.

Tip 5. Let's express an opinion

In business, ethics involves both criticism and suggestions, regardless of authority. If employees have suggestions or ideas for your tasks, why not accept them for consideration.

Tip 6. Introduce corporate standards

Set certain rules, for example, where and how to submit tasks, maintaining an archive, etc. This way, employees can quickly find the information they need.

Tip 7. Follow the wording of the tasks

Set tasks so that they are understandable without numerous explanations. If the task is addressed “over the head,” it should be formulated immediately for the recipient so that the first employee does not rewrite it. This will save time.

Tip 8. Offer to “eat a frog in the morning”

If an employee tells you that he is overloaded and “doesn’t get anything done,” offer him the following scheme: let him do outgoing work in the first hour of the morning that brings in the maximum amount of money (sales, for example), and then work with turnover and reports.

“Don’t let those who work for you live too calmly. Always do the opposite of what they expect from you. Let them worry and look over their shoulders all the time.”

Henry Ford

Advises: Oleg Kuznetsov

Head of the Vezon company, specializing in the installation of engineering systems. The company cooperates with Transneft, Gazprom and Rostelecom.

Tip 1. Constantly monitor

Without control, people begin to relax. Establish a specific plan for each department, assign days for planning meetings at which employees will report according to the plan on the work done.

Tip 2. Show that you are an ordinary person

If you make a mistake, admit it to your employees. But at the same time, show that you know how to find approaches and correct these mistakes. This will once again emphasize your authority in the eyes of your subordinates.

Tip 3: Consider more than just experience

When hiring, pay attention to passion. You can’t force anyone to work, but you can teach and raise a good specialist.

Tip 4. Stay in touch

It happens that you are forced to leave. But you shouldn’t just trust words. Now there are all the possibilities for monitoring work at a distance - arrange such planning meetings online, ask for a photo report.

Tip 5: Choose your senior manager seriously

It must have weight and authority. If a person knows the matter, but no one listens to him, there is no result. It is not necessary to appoint a professional who understands processes inside and out to a leadership position, the main thing is that this person knows how to organize.

Tip 6. Learn from employees

In some matters, an employee may actually be more competent, and there is nothing wrong with that. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask your employees for knowledge, this will only strengthen your relationship.

“There is no point in hiring smart people and then telling them what to do. We hire people to tell us what to do.”

Steve Jobs

Advises: Anton Evteev

Head of digital studio “Accept”. The organization is engaged in the creation and promotion of sites with payment for results, 16 years on the market.

Tip 1. Limit your flight time

Meetings should not take half a day; they need regulations. Therefore, the employee must draw up a list of questions and a report in advance, the points of which you must discuss in advance.

Tip 2. Organize team communication

In addition to work, employees should communicate about some life topics, this brings them together. Therefore, create, for example, a chat in the messenger and start a conversation in it on abstract topics.

Tip 3: Create a Great Hiring Funnel

In addition to words, evidence is needed. Give the candidate a test task, and then test days. By the first, you will see the skills of the applicant, and by the second, how he will be able to apply these skills specifically in his work.

Tip 4. Don't give 10 chances

If a person stops performing business tasks, then you need to part with him. Yes, of course, it’s worth giving him a chance, but don’t “get into the situation” every time.

Tip 5. Have a one-on-one conversation

If you see that the employee’s performance has decreased, the plan is hanging, talk to him alone in a relaxed atmosphere. After all, we are all human and can all have problems that affect our productivity.

Advises: Marina Polenok

Six years of work in the environmental communications agency Boost Team, as a team leader - more than 5 years.

Tip 1. Work with people's souls

Subordinates are not only workers, first of all they are people. A good businessman is a good psychologist. Strive to understand the experiences of employees, talk with them about possible difficulties, and strive to find a solution together.

Tip 2. Develop the theme of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage one’s own and others’ emotions to solve problems. But you need to set boundaries correctly and not overdo it with empathy.

Advises: Roman Shvetsov

Founder of Delegator.24, a business assistant and outsourcing service. There are about 100 people on the team, everyone works remotely.

Tip 1: Use a front and back carrot pattern

A carrot in front is a positive motivation, for example, a reward system for a completed plan. A carrot in the back – negative motivation – the possibility of dismissal.

Tip 2: Always keep your goal in focus.

Don't get lost in unnecessary discussions. Don't get confused. Constantly remind employees of the main goal and focus them on it, point out which tasks are now a priority and which can be postponed.

Rules of good manners

Job satisfaction depends not only on salary, but also on the relationships that have arisen between employees and management. The ability to correctly express your thoughts, soberly assess the current situation and control your emotions is the right way to work in a friendly and well-coordinated team.

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  • Be optimistic. Many people like to complain, but no one likes to listen to other people's complaints;
  • Show restraint when you are interested in the professional activities of your work colleagues, as well as when talking about your own achievements at your previous place of work. Let the result of your work speak for you.
  • Show moderate interest in the personal lives of your boss and subordinates. If a person is not in the mood to share his experiences, do not insist;
  • Sincerity, honesty and willingness to help are the surest way to achieve recognition and respect in the work team;
  • Don't try to please everyone at once. This is impossible! Identify 2-3 people with whom you would be interested in communicating;
  • Be yourself. You should not appear smarter, more modest, or more sociable than you really are. Internal tension will accumulate until it turns into chronic dissatisfaction with work, colleagues and life in general.

Factors that can hinder or help communication

Very often the cause of disagreement is political, religious or moral views. Often, a conversation can be influenced by extraneous circumstances: an unfavorable moment, character, mood, etc. The ability to listen while speaking is an important skill. If you show your interlocutor that you are listening to him attentively, you can win him over and thereby demonstrate your upbringing and ability to conduct a conversation, understand and help him express his thoughts. In addition, depending on the type of communication, you need to choose the right manner of communication: tone, words and gestures.

There are two types of communication: formal and informal:

  1. Formal is communication with people who are either completely unfamiliar to you or are known superficially.
  2. Informal is communication with familiar people.

Often during communication there is the use of slang words, nicknames, offensive things and abbreviations. All this can negatively affect the outcome of the conversation. It is correct to use a polite manner of communication.

There are many simple words that leave a lasting impression and build interpersonal connections. “Good afternoon”, “thank you”, “please”, “excuse me” should be in the vocabulary of any cultured person. Their use should occur not only among unfamiliar people, but also at home.

Correctly chosen words and showing attention to other people’s opinions are components of a culture of communication.

Specifics of business etiquette

Each profession and job has its own unique set of rules and requirements for communication between colleagues and with clients. Thus, for kindergarten teachers, one of the fundamental points is the ability to establish contact with children’s parents. Many government organizations (schools, clinics, libraries, etc.) often develop a special code of professional ethics.

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Such a code lists all the main points relating to communication between colleagues, teachers, students, patients, administration, and also puts forward requirements for the appearance, personal characteristics of the employee, and his moral character. Failure to comply with these standards indicates that the employee is not suitable for the position held.

A set of such rules may vary depending on the place of work. The requirements for the behavior and communication of a nurse in the clinic and in the intensive care unit differ. In the latter case, severe demands are placed on the employee’s personality, because she works with people in extremely difficult health conditions, and a disrespectful, callous attitude towards the patient can cost him his life.

briefly about the main thing

Such advice on how to communicate correctly with subordinates is given by practitioners and professionals in their field. Remember, assimilate and implement in your team so that your company becomes more successful and relationships in the team become stronger. Finally, a few main mistakes in a leader’s behavior (to remember exactly what NOT to do):

  1. Don’t delegate because it’s faster to do it yourself;
  2. Do not strengthen your team - do not engage in training;
  3. Do not develop yourself;
  4. Forget about the reward system;
  5. Do not trust subordinates and control every step;
  6. Select favorites;
  7. Be afraid to fire when you definitely need to;
  8. Totalitarian management;
  9. Forget about the mission and strategy;
  10. Turn off common sense.

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One for all

What are they?

Typical heroes and anti-heroes of labor are of two types: heroes are those who really know how to plug any hole in the work of a company or division, real orchestra men; and antiheroes - those who imitate vigorous activity and shout that everything is on them, but in fact they do not really do anything. Heroes are able to perform a hundred tasks simultaneously, quickly switch between processes and help almost every employee. An antihero is easy to recognize - he is always busy and it is almost impossible to get any feedback or help from him. Heroes tend to be busy and stern because they hardly have a minute to spare; anti-heroes, on the contrary, are cheerful and active - it doesn’t take much effort to talk about how busy you are :-)

How to find a common language?

First of all, you need to decide on the “form” - a hero or an anti-hero.

  • Heroes - help in every possible way, use his integrative view of the company, product and team. Such employees are able to embrace the immensity and help solve complex, non-trivial problems.
  • Antiheroes should not be allowed to become an authority in the company on the mere basis of empty fuss and chatter, but should be put in their place professionally and personally.

How to give a good presentation

1. Speak while standing, not sitting.

2. Make sure all equipment is working.

3. Find someone to introduce you.

4. Set time limits for yourself and stick to them.

5. Try to avoid making jokes in an attempt to warm up the audience: unless you are a professional comedian, the joke will probably sound awkward.

6. Adapt to the atmosphere in the room.

7. To reduce the fear of speaking in front of an audience, address individuals rather than the entire room.

8. Avoid idle chatter.

9. Make eye contact with different people.

Types of behavior in a team

There are three known options for working communication in a team:

  • top down;
  • down up;
  • horizontally.

The work contact options contain general rules. Every employee should feel respect, regardless of their position. A wise boss strives to create a friendly atmosphere in the team and adheres to correct treatment of employees. But at the same time, subordination is not excluded.

The culture of business communication includes talking on the phone:

  1. While at the workplace, it is unacceptable to greet a person with an ordinary “hello” or “yes.” When you pick up the phone, you need to introduce yourself, naming the company and your position. In some organizations, the employee adds his name to the greeting.
  2. During the conversation you should be as attentive as possible. The client is pleased when he is addressed by name.
  3. Answers must be clear and to the point.
  4. If it is impossible to carry on a conversation, you must definitely apologize, offering to reschedule it for another time.

Calling and texting at inappropriate times

Sometimes there are difficult problems that need to be solved right now. In this case, it is logical to write, call, send carrier pigeons and try to contact a colleague in any way.

But often the situation does not require immediate intervention. Someone just comes up with a brilliant idea: “I’ll write now, otherwise I’ll have to keep everything in my head. And suddenly I’ll forget until the morning.” This is how a person relieves himself of responsibility and shifts it to his interlocutor, who now needs to think about it and not forget. So it's best not to send messages with work tasks outside of work hours unless they need a line solution.

How to give a person a task in a letter

1. Have an idea of ​​what result you are expecting.

2. At the very beginning of the letter, describe what the result should be.

3. Explain why this is necessary in several arguments.

4. Provide evidence to support the importance of each argument.

5. Reiterate what result you are looking for and describe what actions should be taken.

6. Add what the person will receive after achieving the result.

Don't acknowledge other people's achievements

In Russia, this parenting strategy is quite popular: if you are great, have moved mountains and achieved incredible success, no one will say a kind word to you - suddenly you will become proud and stop working. And if you brought an A with a minus, when the whole class received a failure, then you failed and will be severely punished.

Many people carry this unhealthy strategy into adulthood - into relationships with their own children, partners, and colleagues. Now imagine what a person looks like who is generous with your criticism, but stingy with kind words. He's unpleasant, isn't he?

In general, adults communicate with each other at work and are not obliged to maintain a normal emotional background among their colleagues. But celebrating other people’s achievements is easy and pleasant - for all parties. And certainly well-deserved praise improves the climate in the team, without turning it into a serpentarium where everyone is forced to wait for a catch.

Form coalitions

It is convenient to be friends “against”, because the voice of the crowd is always louder than one. But this is hardly appropriate at work. Firstly, by joining a group, a person automatically adopts all its values. And if he stops liking something, it will be very difficult to oppose himself to it.

Secondly, groupings take up a lot of energy that could be directed to fulfilling duties. Thirdly, creating coalitions within a company distracts from what people come to work for: to work and get paid for it, and in an ideal situation, also create something cool. Therefore, it is worth remembering that a bad peace is better than a good quarrel, and it is better to resolve conflict situations openly and immediately.

Discuss with colleagues and management

Gossip is considered one of the evolutionary mechanisms due to which modern people have become exactly the way they are. Discussing someone in his absence is common to literally everyone. It’s nice, it helps you unwind and learn something new. However, not all gossip is created equal, especially at work.

You definitely shouldn’t discuss your colleagues’ appearance and their personal lives; lie and embellish in order to make the conversation more interesting; label and share dubious conclusions. This can turn away not only the victim of the discussion from the gossiper, but also listeners who have a high bar for what is acceptable. Well, then, there is no guarantee that tomorrow the gossiper will not discuss his current interlocutors with other colleagues. It's safer to stay away from him.

Don't remember who is who and what they do

Start your next meeting with a colleague with the question “What is your name?” or “What are you doing?” - the worst way to build a relationship. The person will obviously be upset that someone finds him and his work not important enough, or at least considers the interlocutor arrogant and arrogant.

Obviously, in a large company it is very difficult to even remember everyone’s face, not to mention additional details. But you can do this gradually. For example, find out who will be at meetings with you, or search on the company website for photos of those with whom you just exchanged a few phrases at the water cooler. This way, sooner or later you will remember most of the employees.


What are they?

This is an extremely complex type that can include everyone from a junior tester to a CEO.
At first glance, it seems that these are simple shirtless guys and girls who treat any situation with humor, laugh and turn any event into a positive direction. It’s good, easy, interesting with them - complete comfort of interaction. Often a “clown” is just a mask behind which hides colossal nervous and emotional stress. This is how their defensive reaction works. As a rule, their behavior does not affect their professional activities. The only weak feature of such guys is the ability to suddenly fall into deep apathy and even depression. In such states they turn out to be passive and slow, and difficult to work with. Pressure on such colleagues during a period of burnout is fraught with scandals and grievances. Since the team does not expect this from the “clown,” conflicts can lead to dismissal.

How to find a common language?

Be extremely careful with such colleagues - they can hide anything under a mask: from a vulnerable soul to excessive anger and fatigue.

  • Work with them on projects - they are reliable guys and, as a rule, good specialists.
  • Don't be offended by their mood swings or try to find out the reasons - they return to their normal state relatively quickly, sometimes in less than a week.
  • Do not mock them, but try to exclude the psycho-emotional component from communication.
  • Use them in times of crisis: resilient colleagues will find the most elegant recipes for the company’s survival during any storm.

Winnie the Pooh is a kind fellow, active and active. Self-critical, with a sense of humor and deep empathy skills. Ready to get involved in any project, even without special skills. Idea's generator. It is comfortable and pleasant to work with him.

Be friendly, but don't be friends

Work can be a great place to make quick friends because you're around each other for over 40 hours a week anyway, right?

However, it is better not to make friends at work and be careful in what you say. Be smart and don't confuse good working relationships with friends because you might be misled.

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This does not mean that you should be closed to friendship, on the contrary, if you are friends with someone, it is best to build a relationship with this person, but always outside of work hours. Mixing work and personal life can be a serious mistake.

You should not talk about your personal life in a group, share your thoughts, or seek advice about problems that have arisen in your family. It is also not recommended to talk about your political and religious beliefs. As practice shows, many of those people who did not adhere to these rules later found themselves in extremely unpleasant situations when their problems and doubts became known to the entire team.

All this can be avoided if you do not create friendly gatherings at work. Be polite and friendly at work, but keep your distance.

Relationships in a men's team: let's set priorities

In a male team, as well as in a female team, conflicts often occur. There are several ways to prevent them:

  1. Always look perfect. The best clothes for work are a formal business suit.
  2. Extra attention from colleagues or even flirtatiousness surprises and baffles. There is no need to be rude in response. It is better to remain silent or move the conversation to another topic.
  3. It is worth remembering that each member of the team is an employee like everyone else. Therefore, demanding special treatment for yourself is not nice.
  4. Do not react to provocations too emotionally. It is important to remain calm even in cases where emotions are brought out on purpose. This requires resilience.

The most important thing is to show respect to all colleagues at work without exception. We can say that this is the key to a good relationship.

Useful video

I recommend watching an interesting video on the topic of relationships with colleagues:

Thus, relationships with colleagues must be built carefully and gradually. Don’t forget that you are communicating with them at work, so the main questions in conversations should be professional ones. Friendship is great, but close relationships with co-workers can become a problem in the future. Keep your distance, behave correctly and respectfully with everyone. And then your work will be enjoyable, and your relationship with the team will be stable.

How to create a good presentation

1. Plan an emotional journey for the audience.

2. Note where the viewer should feel strong emotions.

3. Tell the story, step by step, in which the person will experience feelings in the right places.

4. Create a simple presentation structure.

5. Design your slides to be relevant, short, concise, simple, and easy to read.

6. Edit and rehearse your presentation.

How to make deals

1. Define clearly what the subject of the transaction is.

2. Decide what is important to you and what is not.

3. Be able to explain why it's important.

4. Have a Plan B so you don't feel too pressured.

5. Give the other side an opportunity to begin negotiations.

6. Try to come to a decision together.

7. When concluding a deal, make sure that the interests of both parties are respected.

8. Once the size of the deal has been determined, end the discussion.

Don't complain about your colleagues or boss

If you want to tell someone about your unbearable colleagues or boss, or about problems that are difficult and sometimes impossible to solve, you should not do this at work. For this, there are friends who can always support you in difficult times. If the situation is completely out of control, it is better to visit a psychotherapist. At work, you can make constructive analyzes of situations that can be used to find solutions to problems.

Ten types of people who are annoying at work

1. “Waffles” - they don’t know how to make decisions, so they need to be spurred on.
2. Conquerors are supposed to win, so let them be the leaders of the team.

3. Thespians are attention seekers, so you have to ignore them.

4. “Rebels” break rules for no reason and should be avoided.

5. “Lazy people” are boring people, let them find something to do.

6. “Intrigues” distract you from your work; stay at arm’s length from them.

7. You shouldn’t trust “sycophants”

8. “Vampires” take away your energy unless you keep your spirits up.

9. “Parasites” take credit for other people’s achievements; make sure that yours is not among them.

10. “Geniuses” come up with the best ideas, but they have to be literally shaken out. Be more persistent with them.

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