Over 100 quotes to motivate and inspire your team to work together

Have you ever noticed how the phrases you hear and read motivate you to take action? It's like they fill you with energy. Motivational quotes work by getting you to leave your comfort zone and start moving in the direction of your dreams.

As a rule, we pay attention to what corresponds to our experiences and thoughts at a certain point in time. This explains the effect of motivational quotes. They demonstrate an alternative view of an existing problem and help us make the right choices to solve it.

Motivational quotes: what are they?

Motivational quotes are thoughts and expressions of other people, but they often resonate with our own. They are just formulated more succinctly. They can relate to business, relationships, achieving goals, raising children, athletic achievements, or simply having fun and having fun.

Their main task is to inspire and help find inner harmony during periods of emotional burnout or difficulties. If you need support and inner fulfillment, you should turn to motivational quotes.

We've collected 215 motivational quotes for everything from personal life to business - read on - this may be what you've been missing when you've been trying to make a difference.

Briefly about the main thing

Motivational posts on Instagram can be published on any blog, not only if you are a networker, psychologist or fitness trainer. And, of course, no one forbids making such publications, even if you do not plan to monetize your blog.

It just so happens that people love motivation and support, in whatever form it is expressed - so why not combine business with pleasure. The main thing, of course, is not to go too far, otherwise this is fraught with mental health problems for subscribers, but a couple of motivational posts a month will perfectly dilute the content plan.

And finally: such a publication will work if the thought in it is sincere. The ideas that I presented in the article are about form, but you are responsible for the content. Write about what you believe in. I hope this article will also serve as some kind of inspiration for you.

Top 20 Motivational Quotes for Women

Motivational quotes for women are aimed at developing different aspects of personality. Therefore, they concern not only a truly feminine character, intuition, tenderness, but also strength of character, leadership and ambition.

  • “I believe in strength when things go wrong. Tomorrow is a new day and I believe in miracles. " Audrey Hepburn
  • “Never apologize for being emotional. Let this be a sign that you have a good heart and are not afraid to show it. » Bridget Nicole
  • “Doubt kills, so you must always know exactly who you are and what you stand for.” Jennifer Lopez
  • “Accept criticism, but don't take it personally. If there is a drop of truth in it, listen, if not, don’t let it get to you.” Hillary Clinton
  • “The best defense for every woman is courage.” Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “Be a smart girl, a woman with your own opinion and a lady with dignity.” author unknown
  • “A woman who doesn’t seek anyone’s approval is the most dangerous person in the world.” Mahadeva Najumi
  • “If you want to meet the love of your life, look in the mirror.” Byron Katie
  • “There is no cosmetic for beauty better than happiness.” Maria Mitchell
  • “If you focus on what you have, you will always get more. If you think about what you don't have, you'll never have enough." Oprah Winfrey
  • "Today's 'no' does not mean tomorrow's no." Yvonne Orji
  • “We have to admit that we don't always do the right thing. Failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of it." Arianna Huffington
  • “A strong woman smiles in the morning as if she didn’t cry last night.” Harriet Morgan
  • “Any woman who understands how to run a home is closest to understanding how to run a country.” Margaret Thatcher
  • “Let’s make sure every one of the millions of women and girls has the opportunity they deserve.” Hillary Clinton
  • “Only my expectations are worthy of living up to them.” Michelle Obama
  • “Feminism will not make women stronger because they are already strong. The task of feminism is to force the world to recognize this power." JD Anderson (Gina Dunn)
  • "There's no need to tame the wolf in you just because you met someone who couldn't handle you." Belle Estreller
  • “Beauty comes from within. If you are happy and live life to the fullest, even when everything goes wrong, you become more beautiful in appearance." Faith Hill

These statements can serve as inspiration and guidance to action - regardless of lifestyle, social status, age or other labels and characteristics.

Three Ways to Inspire Teamwork

Still don't know how to inspire your team? Providing inspiration isn't always as simple as quoting a motivational quote. In fact, you should use different methods to do this. One of the most effective methods of motivating a team is to provide them with the tools and tools they need to succeed. And Asana can help with this. Below are three ways to inspire teamwork.

Conducting team building exercises virtually

Team-building exercises are not only a great way to increase team interaction and trust, but they can also provide a fun break for employees that can help boost morale. But how exactly do you organize team-building activities using remote work software? A study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that the more people involved in a meeting, the lower the effectiveness of the interaction. That is, while it is sometimes useful to gather the entire company together to make some general announcements, team-building activities are most effective when conducted in small groups.

Team building doesn't have to be a complicated process. The exercise can be no more difficult than asking a few questions to remove the psychological barrier in the team. In addition, creativity can be harnessed by organizing various quizzes and educational activities around the dinner table with small groups of four to five people.

Collaborate using a project management tool

There's nothing more important than staying connected with your colleagues, whether your entire team is in one office or scattered around the world. Project management software helps ensure that all employees are on the same page, regardless of time zone. With so many tools available, it can be difficult to know which path to productivity is most effective.

According to a study conducted by Asana called the Work Structure Index, 60% of work time is spent organizing work. How much time was wasted searching for documents every day and constantly switching between applications! That's why it's important to choose the right tools with a wide range of features to improve your productivity.

Visualize work using a team calendar

Ensure work is on schedule by creating a team calendar to track deadlines and keep upcoming projects and deadlines under control. A calendar will not only help your team plan and manage projects in a shared space, but it will also be useful for those who find it easier to understand a task in a visual representation than in the form of a simple list. If you prefer the traditional approach, check out how to create an even more useful to-do list.

When choosing calendaring software, think about app integrations. It's very helpful to ensure compatibility with the tools you already use. This allows you to increase productivity without slowing down current processes.

Top 14 Funny Motivational Quotes

Sometimes you need to rest and reboot to take your mind off problems and tasks. So quickly unload your head!

  • “The elevator on the way to success has broken down, so you will have to climb the stairs, step by step.” Joe Girard
  • “If you are not the kind of person who can do everything at once, then skydiving is not for you.” Stephen Wright
  • “A pessimist is a person who has listened to too many optimists.” Don Marquis
  • “If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up in the wrong place.” Yogi Berra
  • “Opportunity doesn’t knock on the door. It appears when you knock down the door." Kyle Chandler
  • “A day without laughter is wasted.” Charlie Chaplin
  • “It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.” Eugene Ionesco Decuvertes
  • “Marriage is the only war in which you sleep with the enemy.” Francois de la Rochefoucauld
  • "Life is a shipwreck, but don't forget the lifeboats." Voltaire
  • “Don't stop playing just because you're getting old. Eventually you'll get old once you stop playing." George Bernard Shaw
  • “People who think they know everything annoy those who know everything.” Isaac Asimov
  • “The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you bargained for.” Maureen Dowd
  • “I dream that tomorrow the chickens will just cross the road without being asked about their motives.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Doing something right is much faster than explaining why it was done wrong.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Despite the simplicity of these statements, they have deep meaning.

How to create a MOTIVATION POST

Since the concept is very broad, I will not provide step-by-step instructions, but I will list the main distinguishing features and criteria by which such publications are compiled.


Ask yourself what exactly you want to get as a result of MP. This could be increasing the reach and involvement of the audience, blog promotion, increasing the audience’s trust in you, selling a product or service, etc. Even completely innocent inspiring posts on Instagram, if approached correctly, will work in your favor in the long run.


A motivational publication is not only text, but also a picture that will attract attention to it. The fact that it should be of high quality and original, I think, is already clear. But it is also necessary that the image corresponds to the topic of the blog and at least minimally to the content of the text.


This could be a traditional “picture + text” post, a video, or, for example, a carousel of main points. It all depends on your ingenuity and suitability to the occasion.


The headline (or first paragraph) should instantly grab the user’s attention and intrigue him before he has time to scroll through the feed. For example, “5 rules for the life of a successful person” or “your future depends only on you.” In general, you understand the principle.

In the main part, bloggers usually write about their personal experience on the topic of publication or some of their own reflections in the form of an essay. If we are talking about a conditional organization, then the essence of the initiative is written in the body of the text.

The volume of the basis can be different, for example, network bloggers like to write long and detailed posts, but in the accounts of professionals or companies they are much shorter. This is logical: people tend to trust living people rather than faceless organizations, and therefore are more ready to thoughtfully read their texts.

At the end there is usually a call to action: it, like the title, should be short, succinct and catchy. But more about it below.

Call to action

Can be direct or indirect. An alternative is to use imperatives in the text, for example, “follow your dream” or “come to the opening of our store.” But, let’s say, “We’re waiting for you at the opening of our store” is also suitable, it’s just not an imperative, but the call to action remains. In general, we have a separate article about this element.

  • Call to action: 4 formulas + 30 non-trivial examples

In general, a motivational post (like any other, however) should be written in simple and understandable language, avoiding complex formulations and bureaucratic language. The text should be informative, easy to read and without hesitation. Avoid long, overloaded sentences: it is better to break one such sentence into several short ones.

For each thought there is a separate paragraph; for convenience, paragraphs can be separated by blank lines. To attract attention and emotional coloring, use emojis, but, as usual, everything is good in moderation - further examples will show why.

And, of course, the text should be emotional and win over the reader.

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