10 tips on how to stop overthinking and start taking action

About 3 years ago I asked myself the question “Who am I? And can I be in business? And which path to take – with business or not.” After a year of thinking, I decided that I would still moderate my ardor and moderate it... pretty much, to zero.

Today I sat at a master class and realized that the girl who is now speaking in front of me has started doing exactly what I gave up exactly 3 years ago. Then my head was working and there were clients tearing me apart: “Only you can help here!”

And now she’s over there on the podium and explains to me everything that’s already in my head. Moreover, everything was on a much steeper scale for me. But it was hidden deeply of my own free will, since I gave up on myself, saying: “No, I won’t be doing business, other things are a priority.” I lost my ambitions and collapsed.

This is a quote from a private school chat. Elena exhaustively described how, after a year (!!!) of thought, she did not dare to move on, and her resource future collapsed.

I regularly encounter long periods of thinking and deliberation in my students. And the more a student thinks, the less likely he is to take the first step towards a new future.

Bodie Schaefer in one of his books gives the 72-hour rule - if you put off doing something planned for more than 72 hours (or 3 days), most likely you will never do it again. Almost all my statistics on students confirm this rule.

I've put together a list of 10 tips to help you get started.

Remove uncertainty: record your plans and make a schedule for their implementation

The first stopper of movement is the contradiction between the desire to eat the whole hippopotamus with a complete lack of understanding of how to do this. The mouth is small. I want a million a month, but I don’t understand how to do it yet and that’s why I’m standing still.

The first stage from which training begins at my school is the “Big Plans” training course. I teach how to cut a hippopotamus into pieces. I’ll tell you step by step how to specify your desires and create a business plan for achieving them. We are talking specifically about a business plan, since the main task of a business is to provide resources to fulfill the desires of its owner. We budget for the student’s desires and draw up step-by-step parameters for business development that will allow them to achieve these desires.

One of my students just opened a new office in Moscow. He had been nurturing this idea for a long time, but it happened after we sat down with him and outlined what steps and resources were required for this. One of the limiting beliefs that stopped my student was a large budget for implementation. When we laid everything out in detail and went through several options, it turned out that he was within his budget.

Push the limits

Since childhood, we have been told what and how to do, how to live, what we can do and what not. But who said that society's standards are always correct? It’s one thing to listen to the advice of successful people, and quite another to take the advice of unsuccessful people seriously.

Baba Sveta says: “Only bandits can be rich,” and you readily believe, because she lived her life. Do you like the way she lives? Are you sure that she took advantage of every chance and that her conclusions were not just resentment towards people who were able to achieve something?

Change your thinking, learn to think more broadly. And if your ambitions do not fit into the framework of your environment, screw the framework! This is your life and no one else can live it for you, although many people really want to. Only you are responsible for your mistakes and gain experience.

How to learn to think differently?

Consciousness was not given to us so that you could exist thoughtlessly or live someone else’s life, listening to the ridiculous advice of the older generation. Learn to use it to the fullest and then you will only perform those actions for which you can take responsibility.

Yes, those around you will rebel when their obedient puppet stops obeying. But if you want to understand how to change your thinking in order to change your life, you will have to start making your own decisions and taking responsibility for your actions.

Get started now

“I’ll start testing this sales channel later”, “I’ll work on this method of growing the average ticket later”, “I’ll think about this marketing tool later”, “I’m in a bad energy state right now, I’ll launch this product later”, “cool sales case - I need it implement later."

People are waiting for Monday, better times, lucky stars, a sign from above.

I give you a sign from above - start right now! Do something right now that you have been putting off for a long time. Put a clear deadline in your calendar for the next 72 hours to take the first step towards your goal.

Continuing the case of the student with the opening of the office - He went on reconnaissance to Moscow almost immediately after our conversation. He did this one day - he left in the morning by Sapsan, and returned in the evening. I collected a lot of useful information, visited competitors and looked for a place for an office. Based on what we collected, we made several hypotheses, which he began to test.

An example of how to start right now with a complete breakdown from Evgenia from Petrozavodsk:

I took action and opened my first business in a state of complete loss of strength. After a long illness, I sat with my mother all winter and watched TV series, and one spring I thought “to hell with it, let’s try,” since there was nowhere to go any lower, I just started doing it, and my appetite came while eating)... That was a year and a half ago and now I have two working businesses, the first (hairdressing salon) has paid off and is in the black, the second (coffee to go) is not yet).


Announce the start date and duration of your manifest. From the date you announced to yourself until the end of the manifesto, your task is to fulfill your obligations.

For example, you set yourself a day of action for tomorrow. From the very morning, instead of rocking and thinking about how to get down to business, you begin to act. Without thoughts or emotions. As soon as you notice the first signs of shirking, remind yourself – take action today!

Almost everyone finds it easier to stay focused and productive if there is confidence that after a certain time the pace can be slowed down. Then the effectiveness of actions during the “active” period reaches unprecedented levels. You will understand what we are talking about if you remember a pleasant evening after spring cleaning.

Start with short periods, you can start with one day and, if necessary, increase the duration of the “active phase”. Sometimes circumstances are such that it is necessary to declare a year of action.

Do it, because practice is the criterion of truth, not thought.

No matter how carefully and in detail we study the project, we will not be able to completely simulate the surrounding reality. Therefore, everything that is in our heads is just a hypothesis. There is only one way to check whether they work - start implementing them.

At our “I+Money” training, where we teach how to break through the glass ceiling of large sums, we have an exercise called “finding money.” Participants write the desired amount on a piece of paper. They are blindfolded, a piece of paper with the amount is hidden in the same room and they are asked to find this piece of paper blindly. Everyone has a partner who protects the person with his eyes closed so that he does not hit or stumble while looking for the treasured leaf.

It is noteworthy that those who achieve results the fastest are not those who stand, think, listen to themselves, then slowly walk to the desired point, and then still stand there and wait for a new revelation to come over them, where to look.

They are found by those who begin to quickly move in different directions, moving their hands around everything. They pat and feel as many objects as possible, finding what they are looking for much faster than those who think. Although often the former go in the right direction, and the latter are wrong.


The essence of this method is to associate yourself with a person or object that personifies purposeful and unstoppable action.

Imagine that you are a powerful icebreaker. You calmly and confidently move where you need to go, and problems, hesitations and doubts split and evaporate under the pressure of your energy. Wherever you go, you make your own way, nothing can stop you or lead you astray.

Another version of the same method is to remember a person emitting energy. “Put on” this image for yourself. Imagine how this person would act in your place and imitate his behavior.

For many successful businessmen, this image is Donald Trump. He is certainly energetic, and simply revels in the struggle and victories. He tirelessly implements new projects, earning new millions of dollars.

Donald Trump is just an example, you can choose anyone, a famous person or someone you know who is energetic and purposeful.

Start with simple steps - once you gain momentum, it will be easier to move on

Among my students there are married couples where the husband and wife are involved in business. One of these couples, having received homework from me to test drive their dreams (this is a mandatory exercise in the Big Plans training course), went to look at 3-room apartments.

Having learned the cost of the objects they liked, they were at first saddened. According to the most optimistic estimates, it would take approximately 3 years to collect the required budget. The deadline did not suit them, but the idea of ​​their own home captivated them.

They began to sort through the options and came to a brilliant solution: buy land and build a house. After thinking a little more, they came up with a 2-step scheme. Buy land, put up a temporary building on it (they have already found a contractor who is ready to build it in a month), move in there and calmly build a permanent house. The time frame was reduced by 3 times. The couple is now encouraged and the business has seen sharp growth.

We recognize the need for action

Start without fear, but how? Realize that the current state of affairs does not suit you at all. Think about how many times a week you put things off until tomorrow. You need to gather your strength and start.

People are not aware that they create obstacles for themselves.

A person is torn into pieces, but does nothing, remains inactive and continues to endure a financial crisis, boring work and failures in his personal life. Free your mind from the shackles of doubt, start your journey, let your dreams come true. Move from talk to action!

Measure your results

You can only manage what you can measure.

I teach my students to monitor their movement weekly and monthly. There is a special accounting table that records the achievement of planned indicators (usually personal income, turnover, number of contracts), what was achieved and what could have been done better. As soon as a student has statistics on his movement, his results begin to grow.

Keep a chart of your results and take regular measurements of your movement.


Don't be surprised, this is exactly the same Nike - a manufacturer of sporting goods. This company has the famous slogan “Just do it” - “Just do it!” In other words, don't take too long to swing - just do it!

It seems too simple, but it works flawlessly. There is a wise saying: “The expectation of punishment is much worse than the punishment itself.” While we are thinking about what difficult, tedious or unpleasant task we have ahead of us, we are wasting our energy, and much more than would be needed to complete the task itself. We live through a situation dozens of times that we could have forgotten about long ago. At the same time, negative emotions literally stick to us, turning into an impenetrable pillow that prevents us from acting and moving forward.

Instead of letting our imaginations paint pictures of each other worse than the other, let's focus on action. Most of the tension will be spent on action, and there will simply be no energy or time left for distracted emotions. On the contrary, you can often even experience pleasure from the process of work itself and from the consciousness that the process has begun. Thus, immediate action will relieve stress and bring results and satisfaction.

Charge yourself with positive energy

Be sure to include regular sports in your schedule - running, swimming, rocking, cycling, skiing... It is important to get enough sleep regularly. Review your diet and remove everything that makes you weaker. At a minimum, cigarettes and large doses of alcohol. Take time to “sharpen the axe” - that is, to analyze what you have done and improve your personal effectiveness. Get out into nature regularly. Travel. More impressions and emotions - films, theaters, photography. Learn to think positively, perceiving all obstacles along the way as areas of growth (according to my observations, believers are much more positive than non-believers. In their picture of the world, if God gives trials, he always gives resources to overcome them).

Stop being afraid

The way of thinking is the main trap on the path to changing consciousness. A person thinks in fears, he is afraid of an unknown life that is outside his little world.

You can dream of millions and sit on a salary of 20,000 RUR, you can dream of a strong family and spend your free time on tanks. The choice is yours. Fear is a built-in function of the body; it is impossible to completely get rid of it, but it is possible to conquer it and direct it in the right direction.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, learn to smooth out strong fear. Some are afraid that they won’t be able to, so they sit on their ass, others are afraid that they won’t have time to live and achieve. And it is fear that drives the second category of people forward. Become one of them.

How to learn to think differently?

It's a matter of practice. When you take action despite fear, you begin to understand how to change the way you think. Yes, the first time it will be very difficult to leave your comfort zone, the second time it will also be difficult. But by the 10th try, you will see how your thinking changes.

Even if you cannot reach great heights, then, in old age, you will not regret that you did not try. All your victories and difficulties will be perceived as an adventure, not a punishment.

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