Table by Louise Hay. Diseases and their root causes, psychosomatics of diseases, explanation and meaning, affirmations

Psychosomatics is a phenomenon that explains how thoughts can affect a person’s physical well-being. The teaching has found many followers due to its proven scientific nature. Knowledge in the field of such bodily psychology will be useful to you to improve your overall well-being and gain peace of mind. What is Louise Hay's psychosomatics and how you can apply it at home, we will consider further.

In this article:

On the theory of the influence of emotions on human health. Psychological causes of diseases. Postulates of psychosomatics by Louise Hay.

Table of diseases and their causes according to Louise Hay in alphabetical order

DiseaseFalse thought patternNew formulation of thought
AllergyLack of faith in your abilities.Nothing threatens me, I live in harmony with life.
AnginaRestraint of harsh words, inability to self-actualize.I go beyond restrictions and enjoy freedom.
Anemia (anemia)Fear of living, lack of joy.I go through life with a feeling of constant joy.
Alzheimer's diseaseInability to see the world around us as it really is, lack of will, malice.I always have a resource for enjoying life. I strive for happiness, I am freed from the past.
InfertilityFear of existence or doubt about the need to have offspring.I trust my life, I am always present where I should be.
BronchitisNervous situation around, scandals, quarrels.I am in a state of peace and balance. Everything in my space is perfect.
VaginitisAnnoyance with a partner, thoughts of guilt due to sex, self-flagellation.My self-respect and understanding of myself make others like me.
PhlebeurysmBeing overloaded with work, being in an unpleasant situation.I adore life, I am developing all the time, I am in an inspired state.
GastritisPerception of existence as hopelessness, uncertainty.I love and accept myself, I have nothing to fear.
HaemorrhoidsAnger, fear of being late for something important, fear of separation.I let go of negativity and stay with love. I will manage everything in due time.
HepatitisThe liver is the refuge of irritability and anger. Refusal to change anything, hatred. My worldview is limitless, I strive for the future.
Herpes simplexA meaningful desire to do everything at random. Unexpressed sadness. My thoughts are pure and full of light. I act as I should.
Eye diseases: astigmatismRejection of one's own self. Fear of seeing yourself in an unattractive light. I see my perfection, I am aware of it.
DeafnessRefusal to accept anything, self-isolation, intransigence.I listen to the sounds of the world and admire what I hear.
HeadacheLow self-esteem, criticality, phobias.I respect and accept myself, I have nothing to fear.
FluExcessive reaction to negative assessments of people, destructive attitudes.I am above social cliches. I am independent of external influences.
Breasts: cyst, lumpsExcessive care, overprotection. Suppression of individuality. I allow any person the freedom to express himself.
Herniated discLack of life support.Divine powers help me, I love and respect myself.
DepressionAnger and shame for this, hopelessness.I am above fears and prohibitions. I am building my own original life.
DiabetesLonging for what has not happened, the need to be under control.This moment is filled with happiness. I feel the joy of today.
DysmenorrheaAnger at oneself, antipathy towards the female sex.I perceive myself and my body positively.
CholelithiasisHard thoughts. Vanity. Swearing. I confidently renounce the past. Life is amazing.
ConstipationRefusal to say goodbye to outdated thought patterns, attachment to the past. Excessive sarcasticity. A renewed flow of life flows into me, I experience it.
Dental diseasesInability to make decisions. Inability to analyze fresh ideas I decide everything quickly and simply, the necessary events occur in my destiny.
ItchingAspirations incompatible with character, a dream to escape from a bad situation.I am where it is safe. I know all my dreams will come true.
ImpotenceTension, feeling of guilt. Sexual repression, anger towards a loved one. Fear of mother. I confidently and joyfully perceive my sexuality, my state is relaxed and pleasant.
InfectionResentment, annoyance, irritation.Since then, I have been a peaceful and balanced person.
CystEternal replaying of old grievances in the mind.I'm sure my business is going great. I love and respect myself.
Intestines: problemsFear of getting rid of everything unnecessary.I easily renounce the old and plunge into the new with delight.
Skin: diseasesDepression, a long-standing burden in the soul, anticipation of a threat.The flow of my thoughts is bright and joyful. The past is erased from my memory, I feel my independence.
Knees: diseasesVanity. Inability to be a compromise. intransigence. Inflexibility I forgive with pleasure, I know how to understand and sympathize. I readily give in to others.
ColitisUncertainty. Inability to give up what has been lived. I am part of a life movement. Everything moves according to divine providence.
Bone marrowIdentified with deep principles concerning oneself.Spirituality is the basis of my worldview. I have nothing to fear, love and complicity are always with me.
Bone diseasesA depressed psyche and tension, slowness, inelasticity of muscles.I breathe deeply into myself the air of life, I trust the flow of life.
Blood: high blood pressureOutdated difficulties on an emotional level.I confidently renounce the past. There is harmony and peace in my mind.
Blood: low blood pressureLack of tenderness in childhood. Decadent mood. At this time I am in pleasure. My fate is very happy.
Left side of the bodyDenotes sensitivity, feminine energy.My feminine energy is well balanced.
Pulmonary diseasesSadness, fear of living. Confidence in one's inadequacy. I perceive the process of life with delight and gratitude.
Lymph: diseasesA signal about the need to reassess values.Life brings me pleasure. I confidently strive for a new future.
Spinal meningitisAnger at fate, negative moods.I forget all the insults and plunge into harmony and pleasure in life.
MigraineIntolerance of coercion. The desire to change one's destiny, sexual phobias. I move through life relaxed and confident, and it gives me everything I need.
Brain: tumorFalse principles. Stubbornness. Reluctance to revise old cliches. I can easily reprogram my thinking, my consciousness is always updated.
MononucleosisAnger due to lack of love and underestimation of one's personality. Indifferent perception of oneself. I respect and value myself, I take good care of myself.
Urinary tract: infectionIrritability. Malice. Dissatisfaction with a partner. Shifting the blame onto loved ones. I remove the old type of thinking, I change myself.
I respect myself, accept and love.
Muscular dystrophyReluctance to become an adult.I am leaving the circle of parental restrictions. I am confident in my wonderful qualities.
Adrenal glands: diseasesDecadent mood. Lack of attention to yourself. Anxious premonitions. I respect myself and approve of my actions.
NarcolepsyInability to cope with problems, deep phobias, self-isolation.I hope in God's providence, this is my reliable protection.
NeuralgiaThoughts about your sinfulness. Difficulty in contact with people. I readily forgive myself. I enjoy communication.
NervousnessChaos in thoughts, phobias, distrust of life.I move through life confidently, I have a lot of time. I open up to communication.
NephritisOverreacting to mistakes.I act in everything as I should. I renounce the past and surrender to everything new.
Legs: diseasesMarking time, fear of the future.I boldly move forward with confidence, all the best awaits me.
BaldnessTension. The habit of controlling everyone. Distrust of life. I trust the process of life, I have nothing to fear. I respect and approve of myself.
ObesityIntense sensitivity, phobias and needs to be protected. Possibly hidden anger. Love keeps me going. I accept responsibility for building my life. I give forgiveness and build a new life.
TumorsThe accumulation of outdated grievances and sorrows, the conscience is restless.I confidently renounce the past and rush into a new day.
Osteomyelitis, OsteoporosisAnger, frustration, lack of support.I live without conflicts with the surrounding reality. I feel supported.
OtitisAnger. Refusal to hear, discord with loved ones. I am in a state of harmony. Everything I hear gives me pleasure.
PancreatitisAnger and hopelessness, a feeling of unattractiveness of life.I bring happiness into my life on my own. I love and approve of myself.
ParalysisPhobias up to horror, avoidance from a terrible situation or from a specific person. Struggle. I am part of life energy. My behavior is courageous and appropriate.
Liver: diseasesFrequent complaints. Justifying your irritability, self-deception. From that moment on, my mind is open, I see and feel love everywhere.
Pneumonia (lung inflammation)Frustration, fatigue. Psycho-emotional wounds that do not heal. I breathe new ideas, full of oxygen of life. This is a new beginning for me.
GoutThe desire to put pressure on others. Irritability, lack of tolerance. I am in harmonious relationships with all people.
PolioIntense jealousy. The desire to keep a loved one. With my thoughts I create kindness, I recognize the free choice of every person.
Kidneys: diseasesDisappointment, bad luck. Feeling of shame. Children's reactions. My life is determined by divine providence. And it always brings the right results.
Kidney stonesUnprocessed anger.I easily brush aside the past. I keep goodness in my soul.
Right side of the bodyDenotes masculine energy, paternal origin, compliance.I can easily balance my masculine energy. I'm always ready to give in.
Attacks of suffocationPhobias. Dissatisfaction with life. Infantility. I willingly grow up, I have nothing to fear.
Prostate: diseasesLack of self-confidence. Sexual tension and feelings of guilt. I firmly believe in myself and my capabilities, I approve of my actions.
ColdChaos, a mess in thinking. Petty grievances. Too much happens at once. My mind is relaxed. My psyche is balanced.
PsoriasisFear of being offended. Loss of sense of self. Reluctance to be responsible for your feelings. I open up to all the delights of life, I hold myself accountable for my feelings.
PsychosisHiding from life. Going deeper into yourself. My thinking is the creative expression of the creator.
Radiculitis (sciatica)Fears of the future, fear of poverty. Deception. I speak the truth with a light heart. I draw goodness from everywhere, I have nothing to fear.
CancerAn old strong grudge. Some secret or bitter thoughts torment you. The experience of hatred. I forget about the past and forgive everyone with a light heart, I fill my world with happiness.
Multiple sclerosisCruelty, strong will, absolute inflexibility.My thoughts are bright, I am building a new world.
RheumatismLack of love. Vulnerability. Outdated experiences. I know how to respect myself and others, my life changes for the better all the time.
Respiratory diseasesFear of breathing into yourself the air of new life.I breathe the renewed air of life into my lungs with delight. I have nothing to fear.
Heart: attack, heart attackWork only for earnings or career, lack of other goals.Joy returns to my soul. I set new goals for myself.
Heart: diseasesConstant tension, psycho-emotional disorders. Lack of happiness. I send rays of happiness into my thinking and body.
SinusitisIrritation with loved ones.The world around me makes me happy. I am in a harmonious relationship with myself and my loved ones.
SclerodermaIsolating oneself from the environment. Reluctance to help yourself. I am happy with the world around me, I have nothing to fear.
SpasmsAnxious thoughts born of fears.I remove all negativity and completely relax. I have nothing to fear.
AIDSConviction of one's uselessness. Feeling of defenselessness, hopelessness. Self-antipathy. I am an element of the universe, I feel its support. I have enough strength and abilities.
Back: lower partAnxiety about money. Lack of moral support. I accept the natural course of life, and it brings me what I need.
Back: upper partLack of moral support. Feeling of uselessness. Containment, not showing your feelings. I am a particle of the cosmos, I feel its support. I have enough strength and abilities.
Joints: diseasesThey mean the ease of changing mental orientations.I'm excited about the changes. In my life I choose the best paths.
TuberculosisVengefulness, selfishness, cruelty.I create a world filled with happiness. I love myself and those around me.
AcneInternal disagreements. Disrespect for one's own individuality. I am a reflection of God's providence. I readily accept myself in my current state.
FatigueYearning. Minding your own business. I am full of energy and strength, I am looking for my occupation in life with interest.
Fibroma and cystMemory of grievances caused by a partner. Offended dignity. I cross out unnecessary memories. I exist right now and do good.
PhlebitisAnger and disappointment. Blaming others for your difficulties. I fill myself with happiness and exist in harmony with others.
FrigidityNegative perception of sex. Denial of pleasure. Fear of father. I love my body, I like to enjoy it.
CholesterolDenying yourself happiness.I know how to live happily. I soak up the joy. I know I'm out of danger.
Chronic diseasesFear of novelty, feeling of constant danger.I am growing and changing. I am building a new wonderful future for myself.
CystitisAnxiety. Clinging to old thoughts. Fear of freedom, anger. I readily leave behind the past and welcome my new life.
Neck: diseasesRefusal to look at things from a different perspective. Stubbornness. Intransigence. I study life from different sides with interest. There are many roads to achieving your goal.
Thyroid gland: diseasesSelf-deprecation, self-denial.I overcome boundaries and show myself as an independent and creative person.
EpilepsyDenial of the joys of life. Persecution mania. I am completely free, my life is long and filled with happiness.
Stomach or duodenal
Inferiority complexes. Phobias. I respect and love myself, I have nothing to fear.

How psychosomatics appeared: Louise Hay and ancient healers

Although Louise Hay’s book “Heal Yourself” has gained immense popularity in curing diseases, psychosomatics has been discussed since ancient times.

Even in Greek philosophy and medicine, the idea of ​​the influence of the soul and spirit on the body was widespread. The same idea is present in the description of the chakra system.

Socrates stated the following: “You cannot treat the eyes without the head, the head without the body, and the body without the soul.” And Hippocrates wrote that healing the body must begin with eliminating the causes that prevent the patient’s soul from performing its Divine work.

Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, tried to study the topic of psychosomatics. He identified several ailments: bronchial asthma, allergies and migraines. However, his arguments did not have a scientific basis, and his hypotheses did not receive recognition.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first scientific observations were systematized. Scientists Franz Alexander and Helen Dunbar laid the scientific foundations of psychosomatic medicine by formulating the concept of the “Chicago Seven,” which includes seven main psychosomatic diseases x diseases.

A little later, in the middle of the 20th century, a magazine began to be published telling about psychosomatic ailments.

These days in stores there are books written by a wonderful author about what psychosomatics is - Louise Hay.

Louise Hay had no special education. Louise Hay is a person with many years of experience, both in working with herself and in helping other people. She was prompted to study the influence of negative emotions by childhood and adolescent psychological trauma.

Several years ago, doctors examined me and diagnosed me with uterine cancer.

Considering that I was raped at the age of five, and was often beaten as a child, then it is not surprising that I was diagnosed with uterine cancer.

By this time, I myself had been practicing healing for several years, and it was clear that now I had the opportunity to cure myself and, thereby, confirm the truth of everything that I taught other people.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics: Louise Hay and her secrets of recovery

To get rid of a disease forever, we must first get rid of its psychological cause. I realized that any of our illnesses has a need. Otherwise we wouldn't have it. Symptoms are purely external manifestations of the disease . We have to go deep and destroy its psychological cause. That is why will and discipline are powerless here - they only fight the external manifestations of the disease.

This is the same as picking a weed without uprooting it. That is why, before starting to work with the affirmations of new thinking, you should strengthen the desire to get rid of the need for smoking, headaches, excess weight and other similar things. If the need disappears, then the external manifestation disappears. Without a root, the plant dies.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

With these words, Louise explains to us that it is necessary to exterminate the disease not only from the outside (medicines, treatment, traditional medicine), but it is also important to work through your thoughts, your attitudes. By getting rid of wrong thoughts, you are most likely to get rid of the disease.

The psychological causes that cause most body ailments are pickiness, anger, resentment and guilt. If, for example, a person engages in criticism long enough, he often develops diseases such as arthritis. Anger causes illnesses that cause the body to boil, burn, and become infected.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

In order to protect yourself from the diseases mentioned above, you need to work with your emotions and thoughts.

How to work with Louise Hay's table?

Louise Hay's table - diseases and their root causes - is very easy to use. The first column of the table contains the names of diseases, the second column contains possible causes of their occurrence, and the third column contains textual suggestions for healing or affirmations. That is, a person suffering from any illness finds it in the table and immediately sees why it could happen and how it can be corrected.

Affirmations need to be spoken many times, and it is important not just to say the phrases, but to visualize them , to draw in your imagination pictures of what is happening at the moment and the desired recovery.

Symptoms of psychosomatic diseases

Sometimes doctors are faced with situations where it is not possible to accurately determine the cause of a particular disease. It happens that there are no physiological prerequisites for the development of the disease, but the disease progresses.

If medical examination cannot detect a physical or organic cause of the disease, or if the disease is the result of emotional states such as anger, anxiety, depression, guilt, then the disease is classified as psychosomatic.

There are certain signals that the cause of the disease lies precisely in the field of psychology:

  • Frequent recurrence of the disease. The person receives treatment according to the doctor's recommendations, but eventually the symptoms disappear for a short time and soon reappear. That is, adequate drug treatment does not give the expected result.
  • The presence of psychological trauma or chronic stress. If a patient knows that he has had a difficult period or something is wrong in his personal life, it is better to immediately contact both a therapist and a psychotherapist, which will help to quickly establish the true cause of the disease and select the right treatment.
  • Traditional treatment does not help - another feature of psychosomatic illness.

The role of illness in life according to Louise Hay

According to Louise Hay, people do not get sick by accident. Illness is a signal from the body that there are some deep internal problems. It is a message for understanding your psycho-emotional character.

In this situation, a person must first of all get to know himself: look into his inner world, analyze his entire life orbit, all his ups and downs. It is necessary to recognize the presence of unresolved personal conflicts in your psyche, understand the causes of these conflicts and eliminate them.

Thus, illness plays the role of a trigger for starting deep and thorough work on oneself. The main idea of ​​Louise Hay's teachings is determined by the following concept: you can improve your health and improve the quality of your life by simply changing your thinking style. Old negative formulations of thought must be changed to new positive ones.

Psychological causes of diseases: how immunity depends on stress

The human body is a complex self-regulating system. For its balanced functioning, the mental state is no less important than the physical one. How psychological aspects affect our health and immunity, says Ekaterina Pisarenko, a specialist at the Moscow Psychological Assistance Service.

The body and its systems

Our body is controlled by three regulatory systems: nervous, endocrine and immune. They are closely interconnected.

  • The nervous system controls the entire body through neurotransmitters. With the help of the senses, the brain provides us with information about the world around us. It evaluates reality and gives the body a command for further actions, sometimes this happens in a split second.
  • The endocrine system , having received a command from the brain, releases hormones that increase or decrease blood pressure, increase or decrease blood flow to the brain and muscles. Hormones also influence other important changes in the body. The endocrine system responds within minutes or hours
  • The immune system releases substances such as cytokines. Their task is to resist everything harmful and foreign that can harm the body. The immune system response lasts for months and sometimes years.

As a result, a holistic system of body regulation arises. And if the work of the brain and the endocrine system has been studied quite well, then with the activity of the immune system everything is not so obvious.

How does immunity work?

Immunity is resistance to infections: viruses, bacteria, foreign material. Immunity can be divided into congenital (natural, borrowed from the mother) and acquired (formed during a person’s life, after illnesses).

The human immune system includes many elements: bone marrow, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, lymphoid tissue. These organs produce several types of cells, which provide protection for the body and also monitor the constancy of the cellular composition. Among the main ones are phagocytes, lymphocytes (produce antibodies), T-killers, etc. All cells of the immune system work like a well-coordinated team: some absorb, others mark, others bind, others act chemically on foreign substances and molecules (viruses, bacteria, cells tumors).

It is known that prolonged stress or prolonged depression negatively affects the functioning of immune cells: they suppress their activity and increase susceptibility to infectious diseases.

Stress scenario

The concept of stress was introduced by Canadian physician and biologist Hans Selye in 1936. He found that the human body reacts biochemically in the same way to joy and pain. True, there is still some difference: a person can experience a negative emotion for a long time (then stress becomes chronic), but great joy passes quickly, because its effect is fleeting. It is long-term exposure to strong emotions that negatively affects the body.

Stress is a universal response of the body to a dangerous or significant situation in order to support its survival. Subjectively, stress is experienced as tension. Objectively, during stress, the nervous, immune, endocrine, cardiovascular, muscular and other systems are mobilized.

At the hormonal level, the body is not able to distinguish between the emotions caused by a possible attack by an animal in the wild and the emotions that we experience when talking with our boss. Accordingly, the more situations a person perceives as dangerous or significant, the more susceptible he is to stress. This susceptibility depends on many factors: heredity, physiological and personal characteristics, culture, upbringing, environment. For example, people with a sensitive psyche will react to many events with a surge of emotions.

"I can not do it anymore!"

Emotions are material. All our feelings have physical consequences due to the influence of the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. When we are afraid, happy, angry, delighted or upset, the cells of our body release substances that have a directed effect on the entire body. For example, when afraid, the adrenal glands release the fear hormone - adrenaline - into the blood, and the body instantly reacts to it by increasing the heart rate, increasing blood pressure and blood sugar levels. The blood thickens and rushes to the muscles, the blood vessels narrow. All these changes increase the chance of survival, allow a living organism to escape faster and thereby escape from danger.

In our reality, there are not many situations that directly threaten life, but there are enough circumstances under which a person can be in constant tension: fear of the boss’s anger or dismissal, problems in personal relationships... In these cases, the brain gives a signal to the body: “Run, save yourself! The endocrine system reacts by releasing stress hormones: cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine are released. Hormones, in turn, trigger the body’s reserves - all processes are transferred to a higher level of functioning. In this case, a person does not run away anywhere (as in ancient times from a tiger, for example), but remains in a tense state for days, months and even years.

As a result, a moment comes when the worst result is inevitable: the body is exhausted, all reserves are exhausted and mobilization of strength is no longer possible. In this state, a person is vulnerable and susceptible to many diseases: colds, exacerbation of chronic diseases, depression. The immune system is unable to cope with the disease if the body is exhausted and has no resources.

Is it possible to get sick “from nerves”?

Soul and body are elements of one system. Any imbalance in the psyche affects the functioning of the whole organism. Unexpressed or unprocessed negative emotions, such as fear, guilt, anger, resentment, envy and others, are the main cause of psychosomatic illnesses.

According to the world-famous author of best-selling books on psychosomatics, Liz Burbo, long-term suppressed resentment or hatred can lead, among other things, to the occurrence of cancer.

It is known that cancer cells are formed in the human body every day. Killer T cells based in the immune system destroy these cells, preventing them from developing into tumors. However, it happens that the immune system does not respond to emerging cancer cells, and the tumor begins to grow. Numerous studies and surveys of people with cancer have revealed a pattern: most often the disease occurs after suffering psychological shocks, stress, trauma (loss of a loved one, divorce), internal grievances and disappointments that the person did not survive.

Studies also confirm that people who are diagnosed with a serious somatic illness (cancer or diabetes) significantly increase their chances of a positive prognosis if they do not give up, do not give up, do not become depressed, but, on the contrary, seek help, actively treat the disease, continue to live life to the fullest, communicate with friends and loved ones.

Preventing stress and strengthening the immune system

Fortunately, there are mechanisms that help strengthen the immune system and reduce the negative impact of stress on one's health. These mechanisms are simple, effective and accessible to everyone

  • Healthy lifestyle Approaching a more natural rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, as well as proper nutrition, really has a qualitative impact on well-being and health. Doctors recommend: going to bed no later than 23.00; Eat a diet with a higher proportion of unprocessed or minimally processed foods; maintain a normal weight within your BMI (body mass index); add physical activity; get rid of bad habits (if any); practice breathing exercises. You don't have to do everything at once. Start small and step by step! Even 10-15 minutes of exercise every morning and regular adequate sleep can improve your health in a few weeks.
  • Movement/Exercise Regular physical activity is a key method of managing stress. During physical activity, the natural mechanism for the disposal of stress hormones is activated. Moreover, with exercise lasting more than 20-30 minutes, endorphins begin to be released - hormones of happiness and pleasure. What kind of physical activity you will have - decide for yourself (when choosing, take into account your individual capabilities). For some, walking in the fresh air is suitable, for others - active training in the gym.
  • Psychological assistance A professional will help in teaching methods of relaxation and self-improvement. Working with a psychologist increases self-confidence, helps develop self-support skills, experience grievances and negative emotions, and deal with conflict situations in an environmentally friendly manner.

Help is at hand

If you have psychosomatic illnesses, have difficulties in relationships, or are experiencing constant stress due to hard work, you can seek free help from a psychologist in one of the departments of the Moscow Psychological Assistance Service to the Population. 24-hour telephone number for emergency psychological help in Moscow - 051 (from a landline phone), +7 (495) 051 (from a mobile phone). The psychological support chat on the website is also available 24/7.


Press service of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow

Affirmations from Louise Hay

Louise Hay's table (diseases and their root causes) was compiled to help people reprogram their consciousness. The author suggests doing this using affirmations.

The word "affirmation" is translated from Latin as confirmation. This is a short phrase containing a verbal statement with a positive statement that should be repeated many times. At the same time, this attitude is consolidated at the subconscious level, which has a positive effect on the human psyche, changes his way of thinking and, thus, produces changes in his life.

There are some recommendations on how best to practice affirmations:

  • pronounce formulas out loud clearly and confidently;
  • it is advisable to pronounce it in front of a mirror, looking at yourself;
  • if in writing, make notes with your left hand;

  • you can make an audio recording for listening;
  • constant repetition is the key to victory.

This psychologist’s arsenal includes phrases and suggestions not only for improving health, but also for improving life:

  • to attract happiness (“Every moment of my life I feel joy and happiness”);
  • to improve self-esteem (“I feel unique. I love myself and appreciate all my abilities”);
  • to improve relationships with a partner (“My partner and I experience true and mutual love for each other”);
  • to attract success (“I strive for the goal that I have set for myself, and I feel full of energy and strength to achieve it”).

Meditation “Healing Light”

You need to take a comfortable position, close your eyes, start counting from 1 to 30, or simply concentrate on the breathing process, noting your inhalations and exhalations. When the flow of your thoughts subsides, you need to focus on your heart and imagine that a warm white light is arising in its center.

Repeat to yourself: “In the center of my heart there is an inexhaustible source of divine love.” After this, imagine how the light begins to increase, goes beyond the boundaries of your heart, saturates your entire body from the center of your head to the tips of your arms and legs.

This light is your love and life-giving energy. Let your body vibrate in time with its vibrations. Now it is very important to feel how this energy eliminates all diseases from your body and returns you to health.

To do this, you need to say, preferably out loud: “The healing divine light overcomes all obstacles on the way, fills my body with the power and energy of health.”

After this, you need to imagine how the glow goes beyond the edges of your body, fills the room where you are, goes out the window and begins to spread throughout the space around. Let your life-giving energy touch everyone who currently needs it.

First of all, you can touch your loved ones and friends with your light. Let him penetrate into every home where pain and suffering live, let him penetrate into hospitals, hospitals, shelters, into those places where people live who need him so much and give his strength to their inhabitants.

You can visualize any point on the planet, direct the rays of your light there and observe how gradually everything in this place comes to a state of happiness and balance, and then how this huge clot of love and health returns back to you, only multiplied many times over.

You need to convince yourself: “I am the whole world. What I give, I get back, only in a larger volume” and end the meditation with the words: “I am the source of divine love, I am love itself.”

The main thing is to love yourself

Love is the most powerful remedy against all illnesses and diseases. I open myself to love. I want to love and be loved. I see myself happy and joyful. I see myself healed. I see my dreams come true. I am completely safe.

Send everyone you know words of comfort and encouragement, encouragement and love. Realize that when you wish other people happiness, they will do the same to you.

Let your love embrace the entire planet. Allow your heart to open to unconditional love. Look: everyone in this world lives with their head held high and welcomes what awaits them in the future. You are worthy of love. You are beautiful. You are powerful. You are ready to accept all the good things that are about to happen to you.

Feel your own power. Feel the power of your breath. Feel the power of your voice. Feel the power of your love. Feel the power of your forgiveness. Feel the power of your desire to change. Feel it. You are beautiful. You are a majestic, Divine creature.

You deserve only the best, and not just some part of it, but all the best. Feel your power. Live in harmony with her, you are safe. Welcome each new day with open arms and words of love.

Let it be so!

Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics by Louise Hay is very useful information to better understand yourself and allow yourself to be healthy. Have you now reconsidered your attitude towards illness? Have you realized what could be the cause of your illness? And if you are interested in learning more about the power of thought, how to fulfill what you want, come to my master class, where I share the most intimate things - my personal experience.

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A method to get rid of any disease

The author does not deny the enormous role of official medicine in healing. But she believes that the most important thing is to discover the source of the disease in your mind, that is, to work through the problems at the level of psychological and spiritual plans.

Louise Hay's table, the diseases and their root causes listed in it, as well as ready-made affirmations - all this can be attributed to methods called “auto-training” or “self-hypnosis”.

In this way, a person can change his mental habits in a positive direction and reprogram his thinking even on a subconscious level. But first, to do this, you need to believe in yourself and your strengths, and want to change your reality.

Any personality itself is an energy that is in constant contact with the energy of our Universe. And when a person’s biofield emits positive vibes, he will receive vibrations of a positive frequency as feedback.

It is necessary to use affirmations in order to attract into your destiny, according to the law of attraction, what your mind and thinking focus on.

Letting go of health problems

According to Louise Hay, true healing is not only about the physical, it must also embrace the spirit and mentality. And if you engage in therapy only on a physical level with the help of medications, but do not work through mental and emotional conflicts, then the illness will definitely manifest itself again.

Louise insists that the main thing is to let go of the need that gave rise to the disease.

To change an existing painful condition, you must initially perform one exercise. You need to go to the mirror and, looking at yourself, say: “I am ready to let go of my need, which became the source of this state.” It is recommended to repeat this sentence whenever you have thoughts about feeling bad about yourself. This is the initial step leading to change.

Disease development scenario

The diseases listed in Louise Hay's table, or rather their root causes, can be eradicated with one unique affirmation, which is suitable for eliminating any kind of illness:

“I accept health as a completely natural state of my body. I consciously let go of all thought patterns that may express themselves as unhealthy. I love and approve of myself and my body.

I eat healthy food and drinks. I train my body in ways that bring me satisfaction. I perceive my body as an amazing and unique structure and consider it a great happiness to exist in it. I love feeling a lot of energy. Everything is wonderful in my world."

Louise Hay's method for getting rid of addictions (drugs, smoking, alcohol)

For these purposes, Louise Hay suggests creating a new image of your future, and gradually eliminating those attitudes that contradict it.

Despite the absence of alcoholism in Louise Hay's table of diseases, there are affirmations that will help get rid of this addiction

To eliminate addictions, she recommends doing some exercises.

Exercise “Release your addiction”

To begin with, a person closes his eyes and begins to breathe deeply and calmly. When relaxation sets in, you need to evoke in your mind the image of the object on which you are dependent and deeply understand all the madness behind it.

It is necessary to understand that the power of deliverance is located precisely at this moment in time and everything can be changed now.

You need to be prepared to let go of unnecessary cravings and say the words: “I am ready to let go of the need for (alcohol/smoking/drugs) from my life. I let it go now and trust that the process of life will meet my needs.” The author recommends verbalizing this every day in your meditation.

You can write down for yourself some unpleasant moments associated with addiction, which you may be ashamed to remember. At the same time, you need to be extremely honest with yourself.

Having worked through these moments, you need to try to throw them out of your memory. When past memories are erased from your mind, all your spiritual power can be used to enjoy the present and create a wonderful future.

It is also necessary to stop reproaching yourself for the past. It is known that when a person suffers from addiction, he almost always hates himself.

To get rid of this feeling, Louise Hay suggests repeating a simple af for several weeks. This phrase must be repeated as a mantra 100 times throughout the day. Because when a person is alarmed, he remembers his trouble much more often.

Louise Hay's table (diseases and their root causes) contains many other affirmations that can also be used to eliminate addictions. Naturally, during repetition, similar contradictions will arise in thinking: “How can I approve of myself, I ate too much again”?

Such thought forms are a trap that seeks to drive the brain into old thinking patterns and return it to the past. It is at this moment that you need to seize the mental regulator and not pay any attention to this thought. You just need to stop believing her.

So, using the methods of Louise Hay and her table, you can really overcome many diseases and severe addictions, eradicating their root causes.

Various affirmations and meditations written by the author have been helping people work through the problem at a deep subconscious level for many years.

Naturally, if you have a serious illness, you should under no circumstances reject the help of official medicine and taking medications. But you can only eliminate the roots of the disease yourself - by carefully working on yourself and your thinking.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Diagnosis of psychosomatic disorders

It’s rare that a doctor will immediately suspect a patient is psychosomatic. Typically, such diseases do not differ in appearance from somatic diseases; for example, it is never possible to immediately determine whether a patient’s gastritis is caused by the Helicobacter bacterium or some kind of experience. Very often, doctors diagnose problems with the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, nervous system or immunity, without even knowing about the patient’s mental trauma.

What does such a diagnosis of the disease lead to? The doctor prescribes medications to the patient that should alleviate his condition and cure the disease. The prescribed treatment really alleviates the symptoms, and the doctor happily releases the patient. But, after the end of the course of treatment, after some time, all the symptoms return, and the doctor begins to look for more effective treatment and stronger medications.

A few years later we have a chronically ill person who takes a mountain of medications and suffers from side effects and the inability to recover. At the same time, in order to alleviate his condition and completely solve the problem, it was necessary to consult a psychotherapist from the very beginning, but either the patient was embarrassed to tell the doctor about his problems, or the doctor did not ask, or both did not suspect it in time, and time was lost.

Since psychosomatic diseases arise as a result of mental disorders affecting the human body, several specialists should be involved in the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases: a psychotherapist and a specialized specialist - a therapist, a neurologist, a cardiologist, an endocrinologist. You need to treat both the soul and the body at the same time.

The role of the psychotherapist is to determine the nature of the emotional state that caused the disease and help the patient cope with them. The development of psychosomatic diseases can be provoked not so much by the presence as by the unexpressed and suppressed emotions of negative emotions. Suppressed and muffled emotions gradually burn out, destroying the human body and provoking the onset of illness.

Almost any negative emotion that is carefully hidden, be it fear, anger, sadness or hatred, sooner or later can find its way out in illness.

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