Child psychology at 6-7 years old, recommendations for loving parents

The stage of preschool childhood has come to an end, leaving behind several difficult periods of personality development. However, you are standing on the path of a difficult and at the same time interesting time. The six-year-old is on the verge of major changes. He already has a personal opinion, can defend his point of view, has learned some social norms, controls his behavior, and helps his friends. In our article we will talk about what psychological changes await your child and how to help him follow a new path.

Psychology at 6-7 years old - another transitional period

How are your relationships with your peers?

The age of 6-7 years is characterized by a significant turn in friendships. If previously children did not require the company of peers, then at this stage the process of socialization is in full swing. The guys can already talk about where they have been, what they have seen, make plans for the near future and share them with pleasure. They develop full-fledged communication that is not at all related to toys.

At 6-7 the first real friends appear

This age allows children to gather in groups of 2-3 people, thereby showing their preference. Moreover, this is typical for both girls and boys. In their team, there are often arguments, during which the terrible “I will never be friends with you again” may sound. Adults understand perfectly well that childhood grievances are easily forgotten, but for children 6-7 years old this is a real psychological drama.

The main task of parents is to support the child, the ability to find important words, and help him live through his first experiences. Under no circumstances should one ridicule a child’s experiences or express negativity towards his friends.

The child’s trust is the main thing at this age
. Important! Find time to just sit with your child, listen to him silently, hug him, sometimes this is enough.

Features of speech

Children of six years old are becoming more and more active interlocutors. Their vocabulary ranges from three to five thousand words. Of course, a child’s everyday speech is more modest, but many more words are stored in memory.

Children are a reflection of their parents, so the more literate and beautiful the adults’ speech, the more interesting the child speaks. He is already able to tell in detail some story from his life or retell a familiar fairy tale.

Six-year-olds can explain to each other the rules of the game and even tell each other what will happen or could happen in the near future. As a rule, by this age all sounds have been formed: the child speaks clearly and can arbitrarily lower or raise his voice.

How are your relationships with the opposite sex?

This age sometimes brings surprises to first love, which can be found anywhere. An attentive parent can notice the changes happening to the child: the sparkle of the eyes, a smile full of mystery, and a look of riddles. What to do in such a difficult situation?

At 6-7 years old, many children experience their first love

Child psychologists give quite effective recommendations:

  • Be tactful, any careless statement like: “this boy is not a match for you,” “you still know how many of these Len you will have,” “don’t tell me, what kind of love is at your age” can have a negative impact on the child’s adult life. The main task of parents is to ensure that the child is not afraid to share his experiences, so that he feels supported.
  • Be alert, talk to your baby, explain what is good and what is bad.
  • The task of fathers is to teach their boy to act correctly from an early age, first of all by example. Otherwise, the boy does not understand how to behave, he is afraid of the ridicule of his friends, and as a result he pulls his “object of love” by the pigtails and says offensive words. It is necessary to intervene and explain to him that such behavior is slightly different from male behavior. The same applies to girls, they should understand that they need to accept advances with dignity, and not hit a boy over the head with a book.
  • You need to use your sense of humor and tune in to the same wavelength as your child. You can tell a funny story on a similar topic from your childhood, about one funny boy, thereby adding confidence to him.

First love can manifest itself in endless conflicts

You need to be able to keep a secret, and not share incredible news with the whole family, since you have been entrusted with the most secret things. Children's innermost feelings should be preserved and, if necessary, comforted and supported.

Motor skills

Fine motor skills

The child's hand becomes more and more dexterous. The child is able to correctly grasp a pen and pencil and perform simple manipulations: draw continuous lines (straight, wavy, broken). Can trace a drawing along the contour without lifting the pen from the paper, complete half of a symmetrical drawing, and carefully shade the drawing according to the sample without going beyond the contour.

Gross motor skills

Children's movements become more conscious and clear. Children still prefer active games that require running and jumping. The muscles and attention are developed enough to perform a specific precise action, for example, kicking a ball into a goal.

What difficulties might you encounter?

Child psychology claims that the age of 6-7 years goes through the stage of the next crisis. In some children, the fracture begins at 6 years old, and in others it shifts by 8 years. The child’s assessment of his place in society changes; he stands on the threshold of school, new relationships, social life, an unfamiliar position - a schoolchild, which is highly valued by adults. He doesn’t always want to change something in his

Disobedience at 6-7 years old is a manifestation of a crisis

her life, but his new role pushes him towards these changes.

During the turning point of 6-7 years, psychology focuses on experiencing inner life, which consists of the child’s level of aspirations, self-esteem, and expectations.

Crisis at 6-7 years - manifestations

These emotions influence his behavior in a given situation. This is where the antics appear, which child psychology calls spontaneity. With the help of mannerisms, children show that they are on the verge of a turning point; their inner world begins to differ from the outer world, although they are also open to the world. When a child comes out of a crisis, he copes with what his age requires of him, then negative emotional reactions, antics and mannerisms disappear.

Household skills and independence

By the age of six, children have mastered all basic self-care skills. They are able to brush their teeth, wash themselves, and get dressed. It is not difficult for them to pack their things into a backpack under the supervision of an adult or according to the usual instructions.

A preschooler is able to open bags, boxes, packages, and cans independently. Voluntary attention increases - the child is less distracted by extraneous stimuli, fully concentrating on the task at hand. This allows you to complete simple tasks from adults and listen to the teacher in school preparation classes.

How to help a child?

The age of 6-7 years is associated with the rapid growth of a child, he grows literally by the hour, it is difficult for him to sit in one position, and at school he must remain motionless for a considerable time. Therefore, it is important to maintain a motor regime; psychology claims that this is the main need of his age, this is especially true for a boy. If you have an active boy, then after school you need to take him to the sports section, the swimming pool; choreography is good for girls.

School readiness – requirements

At this age, the child still wants to be good, he is already well aware of when he has done wrong, is embarrassed about this, gets upset if something didn’t turn out so well, and experiences sincere joy when he is given a useful assignment.

In order not to drown out such noble impulses in the future, it is necessary to talk with the baby more often, analyze actions, concepts of morality, for example, “a kind boy is one who protects girls and helps old people.”

The age of 6-7 years is characterized by increased self-esteem of the child, which gradually becomes adequate.

Quote from Sukhomlinsky about the beginning of the school period

Therefore, upbringing involves assessing the result of his actions, but it should be remembered that one cannot evaluate a person’s personality, so as not to lower the child’s self-esteem. It is necessary to criticize the actions of the baby, and not him himself; it is not he who is bad, but his behavior leaves much to be desired. This period is characterized by an increase in memory capacity and stability of attention, so education includes joint reading of encyclopedias, watching educational programs, and it is important to do this together.

"Transitional age"

Children of six years old are at the borderline of preschool and school education. They are preparing to become schoolchildren, and at this moment it is so important to help them reach the next level. Don’t rush them to grow up, let them finish playing games and run around to their heart’s content, then it will be much easier for them to sit at their desks and listen to the teacher. Pay attention to the health and psychological development of the child.

If it seems to you that your child is lagging behind his peers in some respects, do not scold him, but turn to specialists for help. Spend time together, visit events, museums, theaters - children are open to everything new, preserve this valuable gift and it will be much easier for him at school.

How to teach responsibility?

The time of carefree childhood is ending, so the moment of development of such concepts as responsibility and duty will be important for the child. Nurturing these qualities falls on the shoulders of parents.

Responsibility at 6-7 years old depends on the attitude of adults

This age means:

  • Performing simple duties, for example, watering flowers, helping to put away dishes, tidying up the room, and the boy must also complete tasks around the house.
  • Praise for the work done, but it must be done deservedly. It is better to pay attention to what the baby did, and not to what he did not succeed. It is necessary to patiently teach him to redo poor-quality work.
  • Give children a choice, for example: “You quickly clean the room and let’s go for a walk, or I clean up alone and then we won’t have time for a walk.”

The age of 6-7 years is a new stage in a child’s life, and the task of parents is to help him go along this path.
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Psychology of raising a 6-7 year old girl: 5 tips for caring parents

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