How to lose memory: is it possible to get amnesia on purpose?

Forgetting as a natural process

Most likely, many have seen the film “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,” where the company was engaged in erasing events using a special program. This method would be a real salvation for many, but in reality everything happens a little differently.

As time passes, intense emotions and feelings, spoken words, committed actions and deeds lose their colors and begin to seem too distant and completely unimportant.

If we talk about amnesia, this is the same example where it passes naturally, but takes a specific period: years, or maybe even decades. But you can forget a loved one who was very important to you in the same way.

If you broke up with your lover, then time will also help erase the person from your memory. After all, the sensations and pleasant moments experienced together gradually fade. This especially happens when there is a replacement.

The process is subject to a certain strategy. First you need to allow yourself to forget the details of the event, and then delete the entire memory.


  1. Main causes and pathogenetic mechanisms of development: 1.1. Pathogenesis of memory disorders in chronic alcoholism. 1.2. Alcohol amnesia during a single episode of drinking.
  2. Varieties.
  3. Treatment of alcoholic amnesia.

Loss of memory after alcohol often becomes the reason for numerous jokes in the style of “remember how yesterday (at the last corporate party, birthday, etc.) …”. But the numerous videos and tired jokes on social networks that literally fill the feed before traditional holidays are not at all funny for those who have ever found themselves in a similar situation. Alcohol amnesia is usually one of the typical signs of alcohol addiction
, and memory impairment is characteristic of both the initial and third, terminal stages of the disease. But in some cases, such disorders also occur in a completely healthy person who drinks alcohol extremely rarely. What are the causes of this syndrome? Is it possible to prevent it? Are there effective treatments?

Types of amnesia

I will describe such a loss from the medical side. There are several of its manifestations:

  • Retrograde. Everything that happened before the onset of the disease is forgotten.
  • Anterograde. The patient cannot remember what happened to him and around him since the onset of the disease. This usually occurs after a serious injury or stressful situation. Often he can remember what happened before. But sometimes this direction develops together with the previous one.
  • Fixation. Occurs when a person cannot remember new information and store it.
  • Traumatic. Occurs after severe or moderate traumatic brain injury. Is temporary.
  • Dissociative. In this case, the brain removes memories from personal life, but leaves skills and abilities. Can be localized, generalized, continuous and selective.
  • Children's room. The most common type, existing in almost everyone. This manifests itself when there is no way to remember what happened in early childhood.

Mephedrone test

Express tests

Mephedrone in urine is easily determined using pharmacy express tests. This method does not require any special skills; the test is carried out at home. Unfortunately, such tests are not reliable and may not detect the presence of a substance in the urine if the concentration of the drug has decreased.

Medical analysis

You can take a blood and urine test for the presence of mephedrone only in a special laboratory. This method is the most accurate. The possibility of error is almost completely eliminated.


Before you understand how to get amnesia, you should understand its source. There are enough reasons for this and they are all divided into 2 categories: organic and psychogenic.

The first group includes:

  • Traumatic brain injuries - severe bruises, concussions. The patient can talk about what happened before the injury, but the moment of its receipt and beyond is already lost.
  • Acute pathological disease of the central nervous system or brain - ischemia, tumor, circulatory disorder, stroke.
  • Alcohol or drug poisoning. It often happens that after alcohol abuse, in the morning you don’t remember what happened yesterday. Consciousness is confused, and the condition is accompanied by tremors.
  • Taking medications that have a strong effect on the psyche: antidepressants, sleeping pills.

The psychogenic category includes:

  • severe stress or psychological trauma;
  • emotional shock;
  • illnesses of this nature;
  • epilepsy.

In most cases, forgetfulness occurs during a stressful situation when the brain tries to remove bad moments.

Psychologist Daria Milai

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How does withdrawal syndrome occur in the absence of mephedrone in a drug addict?

Withdrawal syndrome begins immediately after the substance's effect in the body ends and includes:

  • Increased depression and general level of anxiety;
  • The emergence of paranoid thoughts and obsessive compulsive behavior;
  • Phobias, mania and panic attacks;
  • The appearance of delusional hallucinosis, both auditory and visual.

These stages may appear within a week after drug withdrawal. At the moment of the active form of hallucinosis, the addiction becomes obvious to neighbors or relatives who call a mental health team.

The result is disastrous. The patient is hospitalized in an acute psychiatric hospital, where, not seeing ethanol in the blood, the doctor does not diagnose delirium tremens, but questions the diagnosis F19 - schizophrenia. The symptoms are very similar. If it is confirmed, you can forget about studying, a car and a good job. Stamped for life.

Mephedrone can be detected in the blood within the first 1-3 days, and in urine - up to 5-7 days. However, a rapid test from a pharmacy does not always give an accurate result. Tests must be carried out in a licensed health care facility. You can always do this in our drug treatment clinic.

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Is it possible to erase a person's memory?

The brain part of the body is responsible for this function. Thanks to it, information is remembered, stored and reproduced. However, with all the latest technologies and brilliant successes in the scientific world, this topic has been studied rather poorly.

Conducted research and experiments have not given scientists a clear answer to how this property works and what its principles are. Methods for partial or complete removal of memories cannot be predicted. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to use memory erasing in solving problems.

However, such a phenomenon does exist. In science it is known as amnesia. This is not an isolated disease, but only a consequence of certain disorders in the body. Which ones I have already described above.

I will only add that external catalysts, such as serious injuries, are also unpredictable and can cause damage to physical and mental health, as well as lead to tragic consequences. Internal reasons related to human psychology, in turn, provide hope for recovery, and with effort, the process can be made controllable.

What is mephedrone?

Mephedrone is a synthetic designer drug. The chemical name of the molecule is methylmethcathinone. The substance contains laboratory-created cathinone alkaloids. They are similar in structure to amphetamines, but have a stronger euphoric effect. The addict becomes sociable, his mood and libido increase.

History of mephedrone

In nature, these substances are found in the leaves of the khat bush in Africa. Tribal shamans, as well as ordinary aborigines, who chewed the leaves to improve their mood, have long known about their properties. However, they all knew that after joy comes sadness and loss of strength, that is, withdrawal syndrome. A synthetic laboratory analogue of cathinone, which is the basis of mephedrone, is several times more toxic than the plant substance and has destructive consequences.

Why is mephedrone called a designer drug?

Mephedrone is often called a designer drug. This concept is associated with the method of manufacturing the substance. After states ban one type of molecule, manufacturers slightly change the composition of the compound, mephedrone gets a different “design” with similar effects. This effectively creates a new compound; there will be no criminal prosecution for its creation and distribution until the new composition is included in the list of prohibited substances at the legislative level. This bureaucratic process takes time, during which children, youth and adults die. This could include your daughter, son or brother. The drug spares no one!

How to deliberately lose memory: the possibility of artificially acquiring amnesia

In this case, the individual may want to get rid of a specific negative memory, erase a difficult period. Let’s say right away that this is possible, but it is unknown which areas will be affected. For example, you can use hypnosis. But its result depends entirely on the skills of a specialist who can remove unpleasant emotions from the past. Moreover, this method is absolutely safe.

On some sites, the list is supplemented with such options as intentional injury, intoxication, and taking medications that can cause amnesia. But such options are dangerous to health, and most importantly human life, and can cause death. Therefore, be as careful as possible if you want to erase your memory at home.

If the problem is really serious and bad memories do not allow you to live normally, then it is better to consult a psychologist. In my consultations, I will help you deal with negative emotions, and you will be able to sleep peacefully at night again.

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Factors that influence memory loss after drinking alcohol

Narcologists identify certain factors, the combination of which significantly increases the likelihood of amnesia in a drinker. This means:

  • type of alcohol consumed;

  • volume of alcohol consumed;
  • availability of high-quality and nutritious snacks;
  • time that has passed since the last meal (you cannot drink on an empty stomach);
  • alternating drinks of different strengths;
  • use of psychostimulants and tobacco products together with alcohol.

Each person has his own “acceptable dose”, after which he will feel euphoria and relax, but will not experience nausea, vomiting, or amnesia. It depends on age, gender, body weight, health status, and existing bad habits.

Some people can drink 300 or 500 grams of vodka without consequences, but for others this dose is very large. Therefore, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of your body, so that in the future you do not have to deal with amnesia treatment and coding.

You need to understand that you cannot:

  • drink on an empty stomach;
  • drink alcohol with any carbonated drinks;
  • alternate alcohol-containing compositions of different strengths;
  • combine alcohol with tranquilizers, narcotic drugs, stimulants, and pharmacological drugs.

The higher the “degree”, the higher the risk of developing alcohol amnesia and acute intoxication.

Does it make sense to get rid of events?

The main motivators for resorting to this process are traumatic events: crimes, accidents, loss of a loved one. Such an experience can drive you into a depressive state, provoke insomnia and prevent you from leading a calm life.

It is impossible to lose your memory forever, but for a while, yes. For this, various techniques are used, including hypnosis, which I will talk about in more detail a little later.

You can also do this yourself with some effort. An unpleasant situation, first of all, must be accepted. Try to understand why it arose. Perhaps if you survived a disaster and survived, this will be the path to self-knowledge. Despite the fact that the phenomenon was terrifying, you are alive - and this is already good.

Any negative event is a life lesson that gives experience. Taking advantage of it helps to remove bad feelings and emotions and thus stop releasing them.

However, in seeking knowledge of how to create amnesia, it is important to understand that deleting an episode from the past will lead to changes in you as a person.

How to proceed

It is unlikely that you will be able to completely escape from memories. Perhaps you should act according to the saying “I can’t forget, but I can forgive.” If what happened was traumatic, try to let it go.

You definitely cannot go back in time and change what has already happened. But today you still have the power to influence your own life.

Psychological consequences of using mephedrone

In addition to physical destruction and mental pathologies of an organic nature, psychological consequences play an important role. They are not associated with organ dysfunction, but they are the most difficult to work with. Among them:

  • Prolonged and severe apathy;
  • Social disorientation;
  • Suicidal tendencies;
  • Auto-aggression in thoughts and behavior;
  • General lack of motivation for life.

The last issue is key. In the early stages of the disease, it is possible to make pathologies reversible, relieve withdrawal symptoms and stabilize the somatic and mental status of the patient. But he faces the main question - how to live without the drug, without that feeling of “euphoria” that cannot be forgotten. It will beckon to the addict for the rest of his life and this specific symptom of the disease of addiction is called craving. It’s not without reason that the world’s leading drug experts say that a drug addict always wants to repeat the effect of the first injection, but he can’t do it.

Working with cravings and cultivating motivation for sobriety is the task of qualified addictionologists and clinical psychologists. It can be effectively carried out only in a closed rehabilitation center.

Known methods

In science, a combination of such methods is called “reconsolidation”. There are several options for getting amnesia at home.


The process is based on the ability of the human body to process received information naturally. With its help, harmony and balance of the mental organization are achieved.

After all, when a person encounters a phenomenon that is traumatic in nature, her brain cannot always process this situation at the neurophysiological level. It’s as if he puts up a barrier, hiding data in dark corners, but still periodically returns to it. This causes psychological problems.

The hypnosis practitioner seeks to remove this blockage. It evokes in the patient painful emotions associated with an unpleasant event so that the brain can adapt these images.

Meanwhile, memory, conceptualized as a flexible system, generates new memories of what happened in the past. As a result, what previously seemed negative and caused pain is transformed into experience and gradually forgotten.

NLP programming

This is a category in psychology that studies ways to influence a person's opinion, memorable moments and will. The impact is carried out thanks to psychotechnics and special training. Exercises help process information for further assimilation, but in a new way.

Thus, through neurolinguistic influence, it is not the memories themselves that disappear, but the feelings and emotions associated with them.

Replacement data

Creating false situations in your head is a common procedure. The brain can form them itself, trying to recreate a complete picture of the event, especially if some of its details have not been preserved.

But such thoughts can be instilled artificially. The implantation process is about using your imagination as much as possible, to the maximum extent possible. Meanwhile, the contour between the memory function and fantasy begins to blur. This method is best suited for trusting individuals who are easily suggestible.

Chemical intervention

This is a rather dangerous option for how to delete memory. After all, the drugs will not affect a specific event. Their effect extends to all brain activity, making it impossible to predict the outcome of the process.

Medicines stop the functioning of protein kinase, an enzyme responsible for memories. Neural connections are weakened, and the ability to keep past events in mind is lost. Such a drug, for example, is scopolamine. This is a narcotic substance used before anesthesia, and also as a sedative or antidepressant.


  1. Asmetov V.Ya., Akhundov R.A. Nootropics are drugs for the correction of amnestic and hypoxic disorders. — Azerbaijan State Medical University. - Biomedicine, 3/2005.
  2. Ukhtina N.V., Seledtsov A.M. and others. On the issue of alcoholic psychotic disorders resulting in amnestic syndrome. — Kemerovo State Medical Academy. - Medicine in Kuzbass, No. 4, 2007.
  3. Koroleva E.G., Shuster E.E. Amnesia in psychiatric practice. — Grodno State Medical University. - Journal of GrSMU, No. 1, 2007.
  4. Lectures on addiction. Second edition, revised and expanded // Ed. N.N. Ivanets. - M.: Knowledge, 2000. - 448 p., ill.

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How to induce amnesia at home

To do this, you can use lightweight algorithms from the field of NLP. But effectiveness depends on:

  • suggestibility;
  • insignificance of events;
  • lack of prejudice.

If, due to traumatic emotions, the psyche is disturbed, then it is necessary to consult a psychologist. Self-medication can only make the problem worse.


The most effective way to temporarily lose memory is to stress your own nervous system. For example, try an extreme sport, travel, decide on important tasks in the service. All this will help fill the brain with a lot of feelings and new information. In the meantime, he will assimilate and process it, then he will stop paying attention to unpleasant moments.


When a joyful event happens in life, you can tirelessly tell your friends and family about it. For the first time, a flurry of positive emotions will fall on you, and from the fifth - they will fade, after the tenth - the story will no longer seem so interesting and significant.

Ask a question

Try this on bad memories too. After all, as long as we forbid ourselves to think about them, they appear before us in a terrible light. But once you scroll through it in your head, look at it from different angles, the fear will go away, and your view of what happened will change dramatically.

Destruction of all spheres of human life by mephedrone

If we talk about the consequences, then all vital systems of a drug addict are destroyed:

  • Biological. The general somatic condition of the body is disrupted, the cardiovascular and nervous systems suffer, severe exhaustion and a decrease in body mass index occur;
  • Mental. Dysfunctions of the nervous system also affect the brain, which leads to diseases that fall under the purview of major psychiatry. Severe depression, panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorder - all these diseases from a short-term acute form in the withdrawal state can become chronic and recurrent in the future if the addict has had a long history of using mephedrone. In addition, the drug can become a trigger for schizophrenic onset, obsessive-compulsive or bipolar disorders if the addict has a hereditary predisposition;
  • Social. When using mephedrone, the addict's circle of acquaintances and friends sharply narrows to potential “creditors” or co-users. Problems inevitably arise at work and in the family. The drug addict becomes a declassed element, incapable of social activities without taking a dose of the substance. It becomes his friend, his enemy, and his powerful master.
  • Spiritual. The degradation of moral and ethical principles is occurring rapidly. The thought of not having the drug is so scary for the addict that he becomes capable of any act. To deceive your mother, take your grandmother’s jewelry out of the house, or sell your child into slavery to the gypsies - this will not be difficult for an addict in a state of withdrawal.


I offer a number of trainings to help cope with the problem.


Imagine negative moments in the form of dust sticking to your body. And then mentally pour water on yourself to wash away this dirt and, thereby, cleanse your consciousness.

Another option is to write down the event in detail on paper and burn it. Try to go into detail to “pull out” the negative feeling from yourself. If there is an object that reminds of a traumatic event, the memory can be buried.


The technique is to understand the situation like an episode from a movie:

  • Play it through your head, putting yourself in the shoes of each participant.
  • Do the same, but imagining that you are looking at the screen, change the playback speed from low to high.
  • Color the picture in different colors: blue, greenish, red.
  • Change the size of those participating in the dialogue.

Experience shows that this reduces the significance of the moment and the people in it.

Description of aircraft

The word comes from “let”, meaning the river of oblivion. The technique is used to suppress annoying thoughts or get rid of information that has lost its relevance.

There are two ways:

  • Suppression. The more a person tries not to remember, the more annoying the phenomena become. Describe them on a piece of paper, based on all the details. Try to throw out the negativity on paper, visualizing what happened. Then burn the note and watch the fire. At the same time, try to realize that the moments of the past turn into ashes and crumble.
  • Delete. Unnecessary data can be eradicated by the “flight rag” exercise. If information is represented in your head by images, mentally pick up the cloth and erase them. Think about how they disappear and are no longer there.

How long does mephedrone remain in the body?

In blood

The more a substance enters the body, the higher its concentration in the blood. The rate of entry into this biomaterial depends on the method of use. The highest concentration is observed with intravenous administration.

The rate of elimination of a compound is determined by its half-life. For mephedrone the figure is 2-5 hours. A designer drug can be detected in the blood within 12 to 48 hours.

In urine

Urine is most often used for drug tests. If used once, mephedrone can be detected in biological fluid for up to 48 hours. If a person takes a substance frequently, it accumulates in the body. Therefore, the drug can be detected within 3 days, and sometimes even a week.

In the hair

Mephedrone lasts the longest in hair – up to 90 days. In this case, it does not matter how long the substance was used. Tests will detect a drug even if a person has tried it only once.

In saliva

Mephedrone is a fresh designer drug. There are no exact studies revealing the duration of removal of the substance from saliva, so the period of its presence in biological material is unknown.

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