Initiative: what is it in simple words, examples of manifestation

What is initiative?

Initiative (from the Latin word “initium”, i.e. beginning) is a consciously made decision that entails active activity.
In essence, initiative is the first step, a kind of impetus that encourages a person to begin certain actions in various areas of life; it reflects the active leadership principle of the individual. It is the manifestation of initiative that helps a person achieve success in achieving short-term and global goals. A person’s predisposition to make independent volitional decisions, as well as a person’s ability to clearly move towards a given goal, is called initiative. Many leaders, successful entrepreneurs and managers possess this quality; moreover, initiative is considered a quality inherent in a mature, formed personality. In addition, an enterprising person is distinguished by independence; he is characterized by activity and volitional qualities, which manifest themselves both when performing mental and physical work. An initiative person is resourceful, enterprising, does not like to obey instructions imposed on her and take a passive position, is endowed with courage, determination and the ability to bear responsibility for the decisions she makes.

General rules

The benefits of being proactive

  • An enterprising person can always bring his ideas to life.
  • Initiative allows you to express yourself, achieve the desired results, realize your own ambitions and take a high position in society.
  • Initiative shows an active life position, which does not leave business partners, employers and people around you indifferent.
  • The fruitful implementation of ideas thanks to healthy enthusiasm, efficiency and resourcefulness can bring good dividends - not only material, but also moral.

Showing initiative in everyday life

  • People who occupy leading positions in any field are people with initiative. They were able to channel their energy and enthusiasm in the right direction. Leaders in politics, business, and science are not passive contemplators, but true commanders.
  • Owners of large companies or small businesses are active people capable of making bold decisions. They do not allow their energy to stagnate, they know how to properly use it for their own well-being and for the benefit of society.
  • Representatives and inspirers of public organizations are perhaps the most striking example of initiative. These people are driven by the high idea of ​​​​improving the life of society as a whole. Activists of various movements are able to boldly express their civic position on issues that matter to them and strive to inspire others with it. And, despite the fact that they are not always supported and adequately perceived by everyone, they tirelessly put forward various initiatives to support their main idea.
  • The sphere of creativity and creativity can also serve as a good example of initiative. If many wonderful thoughts and ideas did not find their embodiment, the world would be much poorer spiritually.

It is immediately worth noting that initiative is courage and responsibility for one’s decisions.
There are many people whose ideas are fresh and sometimes even brilliant, but someone else embodies them. Someone who is: a) brave, b) enterprising, c) resourceful.

So what is the minimum required to ensure that the initiative does not fade away?

So, first of all, you need to stop paying attention to the negative assessment of your actions: gossip, gossip and slander. Most likely, they come from envy - and this is the first sign that you are capable of doing something that others do not have the intelligence or determination to do. The exception is constructive criticism, which must always be analyzed and taken into account.

Entrepreneurship and resourcefulness are the ability to assess a situation and understand how and when exactly to show enthusiasm. After all, initiative is punishable only if it is shown at the wrong time and not in the correct form.

Laziness is not an ally. Tension and fatigue often release “oh, later”, “I don’t want something now” and “maybe another time”. However, this attitude will never lead to success. Delay is justified only if an analysis of the situation has shown that it is worth waiting for a more opportune moment or that acting headlong is not strategically correct.

The most important thing, if you are an ambitious person and determined to succeed, is to take the first step (even if it is more than one)!

Golden mean

Passivity Initiative Obsessiveness, adventurism

Catchphrases about initiative

There are risks and costs inherent in any program of action, but they are much less than the long-term risks and costs generated by comfortable inaction. - John Kennedy - To succeed, you must be willing to double your failure rate. - Thomas J. Watson - No great discovery was ever made without enthusiasm. — Ralph Waldo Emerson — “Excessive initiative is characteristic of people who are unable to appreciate the consequences of their actions. — Ilya Shevelev —

What to read?

Gene Landrum / 13 men who changed the world The book contains success stories of the most successful, persistent and proactive men. Their innovative approach, ability to find a “gold mine” and incredible perseverance created new opportunities for all humanity and truly changed the world. Jean Landrum / 13 women who changed the world Using the example of the most outstanding women of the late twentieth century, the famous biographer shows how, through perseverance, hard work, enthusiasm, initiative and self-confidence, you can achieve great heights in creativity, business or public life. And you don’t have to be a man to do this! John S. Maxwell / 21 essential qualities of a leader One of the chapters of the book is devoted to initiative as the most important quality of a successful person. One of the prominent businessmen was Kemmons Wilson, the founder of the largest hotel chain, Holliday INN. His success story begins from the time he started working – at the age of 7. And his resourcefulness, entrepreneurial acumen and courage serve as a great example and inspiration.

The ability to take initiative is a quality that is characteristic of leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, and executives. Psychologists believe that initiative also indicates the maturity of a person’s personality. To be proactive means to be independent, to show the will to achieve personal and social goals, to take proactive actions towards the desired goal. We are talking about both intellectual and physical work. The antipode of initiative is a complete lack of goals, passivity, listlessness, a depressed and/or amorphous state, as well as procrastination (putting things off until later).

An initiative person has the following characteristic features:

  • he is full of strength and energy;
  • his mind is flexible and capable of finding unexpected solutions;
  • high level of entrepreneurship;
  • the ability to be responsible for one’s decisions, responsibility;
  • independence, ability to lead;

It is thanks to the ability to take initiative, fail and make more and more new attempts that entrepreneurs ultimately launch a business and bring their boldest ideas to life.

Although in the countries of the former USSR there are proverbs that say that initiative is punishable, for any individual initiative is a very important quality that accompanies career success.

To take initiative, you need to have courage and be willing to take a risky step. At the same time, initiative is an important quality and a harbinger of success.

Characteristics of an initiative person

All proactive people have a list of specific traits and characteristics. These include:

  • energy;
  • flexibility of mind, the ability to quickly make extraordinary decisions;
  • creativity;
  • inclination towards entrepreneurial activity;
  • high level of responsibility for decisions made;
  • tendency to independence, presence of leadership qualities.

Initiative is closely related to such a quality as the ability to endure failures, and then make new attempts on the way to the goal , which, in the end, leads an enterprising person to turn his plans into reality. Despite the established stereotype in the post-Soviet space about the undesirability of initiative, and sometimes its punishability, it is initiative that often helps a person achieve significant success in various areas of life. In addition to the above, the manifestation of initiative is unthinkable without such qualities as determination, willingness to take justifiable risks and bear responsibility for previously made decisions.

Examples of taking initiative

One of the simplest and most understandable examples of initiative is initiative at work. For example, an employee considers it necessary and advisable to switch from paper journaling to electronic journaling : he thinks through an idea, develops a plan and presents it to his superiors. A proposal to improve the work process is an initiative. If management agrees with the advisability of such a decision, then the employee who proposed this can assist in every possible way in the implementation of the plan. In fact, there are a huge number of examples of showing initiative at work, this is just one of many.

Another area where initiative is often shown is relationships. For example, when a guy just meets a girl, their relationship may be in a stage of uncertainty - whether it is friendship or love. To clarify, you will have to take the initiative, for example, tell the guy about his feelings, or do an act indicating an intention to build a relationship (invite a girl on a date, take her hand). These are all examples of taking initiative in relationships.

Also, examples of the manifestation of initiative can be traced in the relationship between parents and children. For example, when a child is still small and his parents do not know his true desires, he may feel, for example, a love for dancing. If a child tells his parents that he wants to learn dancing, asks for help in finding a suitable school, choosing a coach - this is the initiative shown by the child.

Bring your ideas to the right place and to the right people

Managers treat proactive employees differently. The formation of attitudes is influenced by the form of ownership of the enterprise, the existing corporate culture, the personal vision of the head of the company, and the characteristics of the team.

For example, if you are a civil servant (we are not talking about a deputy or a public politician), then it is very difficult to make even a small revolution in your field. In such organizations there are unshakable internal rules, traditions, regulations and strict subordination reigns. And the person you want to tell about your plans is separated by a receptionist, secretary or assistant, and all your ideas risk falling into their hiding places. But no one forbids you to try.

As practice shows, in private companies, innovations, on the contrary, are welcomed. Young structures, especially those exploring promising areas of the market (Internet, sales), are introducing programs to support initiatives that not only give each employee the opportunity to show their involvement in the process, but also receive additional income.

In what areas is initiative shown?

There are a number of areas of human activity in which it is impossible to do without initiative. First of all, these include:

  • Professional activities. The employee’s manifestation of initiative consists in the timely and high-quality performance of his work duties, in providing all possible assistance to other employees and his immediate superior. The leader's initiative lies in helping his subordinates, explaining to them their responsibilities and encouraging them for their high-quality and prompt performance. In both the first and second cases, the manifestation of initiative helps the team to successfully cope with the tasks assigned to it, and the most proactive employees are awarded bonuses and promotions.
  • The sphere of relations. Building harmonious relationships is impossible without showing initiative - from the stage of acquaintance to building trusting relationships between partners, as well as the emergence of a mutual sincere desire to change for the better for the sake of the other person.
  • Personal growth. Initiative helps people grow and develop throughout life, spurring a person to learn new things, to set goals and develop plans for their implementation, to understand oneself in this world. Obtaining new knowledge, and, consequently, personal development, without taking initiative is, in principle, impossible.
  • Studies. The acquisition of new knowledge is unthinkable without the manifestation of initiative, since in the absence of the desire to learn something new, any educational process loses its meaning.
  • Creative activity. Creative activity is inextricably linked with creative initiative, which must be developed from a very early age.

Developing creativity

The modern world requires us to be creative. How to develop it? Find a cozy place, a quiet corner, where you can create or just think about creating your masterpiece. Brilliant thoughts came to all great people precisely in the place where they felt most comfortable, for example, the great Descartes had bright thoughts in bed, and Hemingway loved to write his novels in the Parisian cafe “Lilac Farm”, why are you worse?! Expand your horizons The more we know, read, visit various exhibitions, performances, travel abroad, look for interesting and new acquaintances, the more likely it is that creative and interesting ideas will come to our minds. Get a hobby This is one of the easiest ways to develop your inner potential for creativity. The results may not be brilliant, but you showed initiative. Don't be afraid of the unknown. Try to do something that seems uninteresting at first glance, something completely unrelated to your profession and hobbies. This is interesting!

Positive aspects of initiative

The advantages of an individual taking initiative are obvious and understandable. An enterprising person is capable of realizing his desires and aspirations not in words, but in deeds; he brings his plans to life, takes an active life position, and behaves independently and independently. Other advantages of initiative include the following aspects:

  • An initiative person enjoys greater respect and authority than a passive, uninitiative individual.
  • Such people move up the career ladder faster.
  • People who show personal initiative have fewer problems with self-esteem.
  • Initiative makes a person develop, improve, gain new knowledge and skills.
  • Initiative people are more noticeable; they stand out from the crowd.

Initiative at work: pros and cons

Nowadays, most people are afraid to take initiative; they only do what they are told. But it is important to understand that people without initiative cannot plan their careers, they simply go with the flow.

How can an accountant show initiative in such a way that it benefits both the company and his own career growth? Our simple rules will help. But before we get to them, we need to say this. It is advisable for an accountant to come up with a work initiative if its potential implementation promises the following for the company:

(or) cost savings;

(or) optimization of the accounting process, which, in turn, will either save or at least not increase the organization’s costs.

The manager will certainly appreciate and support such initiatives.

Rule 1. It makes sense to take the initiative if you are not only mentally ready to take on the implementation of an idea, but also have some practical skills.

That is, it is the complex of professional knowledge and experience plus the desire to implement them in work that has the chance of success. For example , your company, along with wholesale trade, also engaged in online retail trade. And you have quite a lot of experience working in a large online store. And you have something to say to your superiors about how accounting or document flow should be organized in this area. Well, this is your chance to be noticed and appreciated!

If you have only one desire, “something needs to be changed, but I don’t know what and how,” not supported by any specifics and skills, it is better not to take the initiative.

Rule 2. Choose the optimal time for initiative.

Its manifestation at certain specific moments may simply be inappropriate, for example, during the preparation of an annual report or during an audit. But you need to take initiative in relation to a young specialist - supervise or simply bring him up to date - you need to immediately after his appearance, and not after six months.

Rule 3. When presenting an initiative to management, do not go into details.

No need to describe details. By and large, your bosses don’t care how you implement your idea. He is interested in the end result, that is, what benefits will the company receive if your initiative comes to life. That is why you should already at the initial stage calculate how much investment the implementation of your initiative will require and what the return will be.

Rule 4. Discuss your ideas with those who will be affected by them later.

Indeed, as a result of discussions, as a rule, valuable proposals appear, in addition, the discussion helps to prevent major risks. If, for example, you want to reconfigure an existing accounting program “for yourself,” then preliminary negotiations with colleagues who also work in it will help you avoid many complications in the future.

Rule 5. Try to involve one or more people in your initiative.

There is safety in numbers. And if your idea does not find supporters when discussing it collectively, try talking to everyone individually. After all, it is known that a person and a crowd act according to different laws.

For example , you proposed to regulate in writing the document flow between the accounting department and the sales department, setting specific deadlines for the transfer of documents and responsible persons. And they faced the ardent dissatisfaction of the majority of “sales people”. Talk to their immediate supervisor, describing all the advantages of working in a situation where it is crystal clear who is responsible for what. Once convinced that you are right, he will support your proposal at the meeting.

Rule 6. Keep your superiors informed about how the work on your initiative is progressing.

By agreeing to your initiative, the manager takes a risk, and often more than you, so support his faith in the correctness of the decision. For example , your initiative to optimize taxation was approved. Then, based on the results of certain periods, inform the manager about how the company’s financial situation has changed after the implementation of the proposed scheme.

True, if your proposal concerns those areas that are under the direct control of your manager, he may see this as a loss of prestige for himself, and in the future, possibly, a position. In such cases, your initiative can be implemented, unfortunately, only with the loss of authorship...

Rule 7. Don’t overdo it with initiatives.

An excessive number of them can irritate colleagues and worry management (“There are a lot of things that don’t suit her”). The best option is to take the initiative no more than once every 2-3 months. Then you will be perceived as an energetic and creative worker who cares about the future of the company where he works. Competent management always greatly values ​​such employees.

Rule 8. After successful completion of the task, do not forget to thank everyone who participated with you in the implementation of the planned task.

Be generous: share your success with your opponents. After all, it was in a dispute with them that you were able to clarify your position, making the initiative more useful. For example , having proposed switching to non-cash payment of salaries by transferring them to bank cards, you met fierce resistance from senior colleagues who were accustomed to trusting only cash. This gave you the idea to look among the many salary projects for one that provides for the free installation of an ATM directly in the organization’s building. As a result, your initiative was crowned with success and all parties were satisfied.

Rules for a successful initiative

Psychologists identify three rules for a successful initiative that can bring truly tangible and long-term results:

  1. The initiative must be appropriate. Therefore, before being active, it is necessary to carefully plan future actions, weigh all the nuances and aspects of the upcoming matter, assess the current situation and choose the right moment to take action.
  2. We need to act decisively. Only decisive actions can be successful, and an important role is played by the individual’s willingness to accept responsibility for their consequences (both in case of success and failure of the plan).
  3. Behave properly. Sometimes an initiative person becomes too persistent and intrusive, which can be very ambiguous and often negatively perceived by others. Therefore, we must not forget about politeness, correctness and tact.

When initiative is not a good idea

Initiative is not always appropriate. In some cases it can cause harm, even if used with the best intentions. For example, it can distract team members from their core responsibilities and decision makers from the problems they need to solve. Additionally, people may use initiative for selfish purposes, such as personal gain or moments of triumph. They may also make poor decisions due to a lack of key information.

Initiative becomes a problem when success depends on people being in a certain place at a certain time and performing certain tasks in a precise sequence. Imagine a bank employee who relaxes the rules to give a loan to a desperate young couple. Sometimes you just need to strictly follow the rules.

How is initiative formed?

Primary signs of initiative can be seen in children at a very early age; later they appear throughout a person’s life. The child’s initiative is noticeable from a very young age; thanks to it, the emerging personality begins to develop and comprehend himself. A lack of initiative in children is considered a rather alarming sign of personality development that requires consultation with a psychologist.

The development of initiative takes place in the following directions:

  1. Creative initiative , through which children’s imagination and fantasy are formed and developed, imaginative thinking develops, and the ability to comprehend information appears. This type of initiative can be developed with the help of story games.
  2. Communicative initiative develops in the process of children interacting with each other, it helps the development of speech skills and lays the foundation for the child to understand his peers, their feelings and behavioral motives.
  3. The basis of the cognitive initiative is children's curiosity; it helps the child to develop skills in establishing cause-and-effect relationships and family-species relationships, in order to then better understand and become aware of the world around them.
  4. Motor initiative plays a vital role in the proper formation of the child’s body; its essence lies in various physical actions and other physical activity, for example, in children’s participation in outdoor games, or in involving them in sporting events.

How to develop initiative?

Initiative is considered to be a fairly specific character trait; it cannot be formed out of nowhere and requires gradual development. To develop this important quality, a person should, first of all, learn responsibility and the ability to rely on one’s own strength. In the future, you need to get rid of the habit of inaction and simply wait for better days to come, stop procrastinating on both important and everyday matters, and work without a command or direction from above, solely on your own initiative.

There is no need to dwell on the negativity and criticism directed at you. Don't forget that only those who do nothing are not criticized. In addition, it is necessary to pay constant attention to justified and constructive criticism, drawing conclusions from what is said, but it is better to simply ignore empty talk and gossip. An important role in developing initiative is played by mental alertness, the ability to make extraordinary and quick decisions, and therefore do not be lazy to develop, grow as a person, constantly gain new knowledge and analyze information received from various sources.

Think, observe, speak

There is no clause “must take initiative” in the job descriptions. Indeed, this is not a function or a professional skill. And an indicator that a person is able to act independently. It indicates the employee's desire to improve the production process, even if he is not asked to do so.

Surely during your work you come across everyday nuances that do not suit you - talk about them. If you have ideas on how to do something better, spending less money (time, finances, people), voice them. If you are sure that your advertising campaign will glorify a certain brand or company as a whole, suggest it.

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