10 signs of a SOUL MATE: how to understand that a soul mate is next to you

  • November 8, 2019
  • Psychology of relationships
  • Kristina Degtyareva

Have you ever met a person in your life who gave you peace and inspiration, relieved you of apathy and depression, and seemed like your own reflection in the mirror? Congratulations: there is a high probability that you have met a soul mate on your life's journey. Note that soul mates are not necessarily soul mates: they can be mom and dad, sisters and brothers, boyfriends and girlfriends. At the same time, it often happens that a soul mate does not become truly close right away. Today we propose to talk about the signs of meeting a soul mate, how and where to find it.

Main features

It may seem that similar people should unite and become strong friends from the very first meeting, but in life everything turns out completely differently. In order to understand whether a person is a soul mate or not, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of time with him. Sometimes it’s enough to just laugh heartily at his joke or compare the list of your favorite books and songs. We bring to your attention instructions on how to identify soul mates: all the main signs are listed below!

It seems like you've known each other all your life

Just imagine: you met a complete stranger, you have known each other for only an hour, a day or a month, but it feels like this person has been your best friend for a long time. The thing is that you can’t fool the energy sector, fluids and chemistry make themselves felt. If you two have this feeling, congratulations - you are soul mates. This feeling is especially good if both people are looking for a soul mate, because such an acquaintance will be quick and successful. At the same time, a person may have a completely different nationality and religion, age and social status, but you are able to understand each other without words, with just one glance.

Feeling of delight

It is literally a delight from the opportunity to be close to each other. A feeling of delight visits anyone who internally strives for harmonious development. At some moments it seems that you were able to comprehend the essence and meaning of life. An individual can begin to rethink the events of past years and find new facets and meanings in them. Some excitement is usually present in the first year of getting to know each other. It seems that there is an extraordinary person in front of you. One storm of emotions gives way to another. I want to move mountains in order to make my chosen one happy.

In many cases this is possible. People somehow get used to each other and begin to look for compromises in difficult situations. Of course, there are conflicts. But close souls are distinguished by the fact that they are able to step over pride, analyze the situation and make a sound decision. Such wisdom speaks of the maturity of the soul.

You see the world the same way

If you are kindred spirits, you have the same attitude towards various areas of life: politics, philosophy, moral values. According to psychologists, this brings people very close together, because the world plays with the same colors for two people. This allows you to become more confident in your abilities and receive support from a person who is so similar to you.

This person is your reflection

This is both very strange and incredibly pleasant. This sign of soulmates is that your new acquaintance may be as impulsive as you, as sad or joyful, surrounded by friends or alone. All his actions allow you to look at yourself from the outside, which undoubtedly makes a strong impression. Such people need to stick together, because fate brought them together for a reason: together they can achieve something, help each other, or even start a family. And under no circumstances should you change each other; it is best to simply enjoy your similarities.

Make a list of qualities that you would like to see in your potential partner.

You may be thinking, “How can you make this stupid list? Better help me find my soul mate!” Yes, it may seem like a stupid idea to some, but the law of attraction works in mysterious ways. After all, thoughts always materialize in concrete form, and putting them down on paper can help speed up the process. Putting your thoughts into written words will also allow you to visually observe the traits you would like to see in a partner. And it can help you imagine exactly what your ideal soulmate would look, sound, and act like.

Do you understand each other

Another sign of soul mates is the presence of incredible mutual understanding. Usually, such people, without clarifying questions, understand what their partner wants to tell them. This should not be confused with romantic or friendly relationships that last for several years, in which case the system of gestures and signs appears on the basis of close communication. But a soul mate comes into our life already prepared and always correctly interprets what we want to convey to her. This, of course, simplifies everything significantly, because you no longer need to waste time on explanations. However, psychologists say, you shouldn't expect telepathic talents: if you need something, just say it directly.

You empathize

Do you feel like you've met a kindred spirit? A sign that confirms this is the special level of empathy that appears between you. In your relationship, regardless of whether it is love or friendship, the formula “Together in sorrow and joy” works. You will experience any problem of a loved one as if it were your own, and he, in turn, will feel that you are in trouble.

Love yourself.

You cannot attract love if you are not at peace with yourself. So be sure to love yourself right now for who you are. How can you do this? Simple enough: accept yourself, be kind to yourself, and honor yourself. Loving yourself is not vain or arrogant. It simply means that you respect yourself enough to be confident in your own uniqueness. To let more love into your life, you need to revive it within yourself. And only then will you be able to illuminate everything and everyone around you. But isn’t all living things drawn to the light?

You allow yourself to be yourself

There are many signs of soul mates between a man and a woman; one of the main ones is the ability to be oneself. Usually, when meeting someone new, any person wants to seem much better than he really is. Each of us tries to save all our oddities and eccentricities and reveal them only later, when the relationship becomes closer. This is a kind of security issue, because showing your unusual side, a person may face reproaches, insults or ridicule, which, of course, is very unpleasant. But with soulmates, we feel incredibly relaxed and are not afraid to show our true colors.

Positive thinking

This is what opens up after meeting your soulmate. The whole world appears in a different light, more beautiful and filled with higher meaning. Positive thinking is a component that helps you overcome any troubles with a certain ease. A meeting with a loved one can help open a kinder view of the surrounding reality. Feeling unity with his soulmate, the individual feels with his whole being that he is able to overcome any obstacles. In most cases, additional time may be needed to correctly prioritize and draw appropriate conclusions.

You are able to tolerate shortcomings

People are accustomed to assessing relationships in terms of how much they invest in them, what they do, and whether they are willing to change for them. However, you can approach this from a different angle. Please note: perhaps among your loved ones there are those people who irritate you less than others. You are able to easily get along with them on the same territory, their habits do not irritate you and do not contradict yours, the thought that it is better for you to be alone than with this person does not appear. Most likely, this is your soul mate.

Joint development

A meeting with your soulmate cannot pass without leaving a trace. Even if people subsequently break up, it leaves an indelible imprint on the heart. One way or another, joint development occurs. Both partners inevitably begin to change, since the grandiose event that is the meeting cannot leave them the same. People discover in themselves the presence of such internal forces, the existence of which they had never suspected before. As a rule, one partner contributes to the development of the other. Such mutual influence occurs, as a result, both personalities develop in the same direction. It’s good when people make some effort to develop themselves and don’t run away from the opportunity to become better at something. Such cases lead to a harmonious life together, since individuals understand the need to effectively work on themselves. Self-giving, the desire to give joy, the need to be needed and loved - all this leads to a harmonious state of integrity.

Thus, every person has a chance to meet his soul mate. She will become a mirror image of his own essence. However, the situation cannot be left to chance. In order for relationships to develop harmoniously, it is necessary to constantly work on them. You need to engage in self-improvement, strive for new achievements, act actively, without fear of failure. If you are lucky enough to meet truly your person, this is an amazing acquisition, which will most likely be followed by a colossal emotional takeoff and spiritual growth.

Do you sincerely want to be together

Among the signs of a soul mate with a man or woman is the desire to be close, not because it is necessary, but because you really want it. Try to mentally remove a joint business, a common mortgage, and raising children from your life. Do you still genuinely want to be around this person? You are incredibly lucky - this is your soul mate.

Your quarrels are not the end of the relationship

Like everyone else, you can argue and quarrel, but at the same time quickly make up. Firstly, kindred spirits will never allow contradictions to destroy their relationship, and secondly, they recognize each other’s right to radically opposite opinions. And thirdly, kindred spirits, even in the heat of anger and despair, are able to control themselves and not hit in the most sensitive places. It is thanks to this that the clarification of relationships between kindred souls does not end with cracks or a finale, these people simply step over the conflict and move on together.

How and where to find a soul mate

Of course, there is no one specific place where you can meet the person who will become truly close to you. In order to find it, you need to listen to your intuition. The point is that sometimes people will appear in your path in the strangest and most unexpected ways. Follow your feelings, strive for those things that interest you or that you would like to feel. Perhaps you have been in such situations when you accidentally went to the wrong place, where you met a person you were not supposed to see. Pay attention to any signs of fate, because the universe communicates with us precisely with their help. Among them, for example, a song on the radio when you get into the car, the same time on the clock, a phrase from a random passer-by addressed to someone else.

There is no need to resist reality. Even if you haven't yet met someone with whom you feel real emotional closeness, don't think that this will always be the case. Enjoy the moment and don't focus on what the future holds. Only by living now will you understand that life can bring a huge amount of positive emotions if you open your heart to love, even if only for yourself first. And a person will certainly appear in your life who will become closer to you than anyone else.


When you meet your loved one, the whole world seems to turn upside down. The surrounding reality begins to feel completely new, as if the individual is observing it for the first time. A kind of interpenetration occurs, which makes it impossible to reason sensibly. Previous ideas about life are being thoroughly revised. Values ​​change. Depending on the decision made and the initial circumstances, a person begins to feel happy, or some dissatisfaction settles in the soul. When you are given tests, you just need to pass them with dignity.

If you constantly run away from your own feelings, then you are unlikely to come to a satisfactory result. A person must constantly seek opportunities for internal transformation. This is greatly facilitated by a change in views on the world.

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