You feel awkward when you are silent: how to understand that there is sympathy between you

Chemistry between lovers is an important part of a romantic relationship. It is impossible to explain the connection between two people, their feelings for each other and the emotions that arise from the first meeting.

You can build a relationship if there is no spark between people, but it will never be as natural and amazing as with a truly suitable partner. When there is a connection between you and your partner, everything happens easily and naturally. Being with a second person will not burden you, and you will always find something to do to your liking. In this article you will find several signs that will help you understand whether there is sympathy between you.

Physical attraction is obvious

Physical attraction is not the only important aspect of a relationship, but it is what distinguishes falling in love from friendship. A good indicator of attraction is how attracted you are to each other. In the end it all comes down to biology. “Evolution has meant that we tend to choose people to mate with whom we have a strong physical attraction,” says Dr Sue Laurie.

This cannot always be explained. Your favorite type may be light-eyed blondes, but at the same time you may unexpectedly fall in love with a brown-eyed brunette. Romantic relationships are not something you can plan.

By taking care of yourself, you raise your vibrations

By taking care of yourself, you raise your level of consciousness and the level of consciousness of the people you attract. A man, having increased his level of awareness and knowledge of himself, will be in love with the same women. It's the same with the girl. As a result, there will be interest in yourself, but there will be no sincere interest in many people .

Having increased your level of consciousness, you are no longer ready for meaningless communication.

Now, for example, I am not interested in many girls. I can't communicate normally with girls I don't like . I'm talking not only about appearance, but also about the level of awareness.

No matter how I try to communicate with a girl below the level of awareness, I immediately feel tension, some kind of effort. If I don't like a girl, I DO NOT feel pleasure from communicating with her . All I can feel when communicating with a girl I don’t like is a greater and greater desire to leave, to leave her, a feeling of rejection. I feel like I'm wasting my time . In my eyes she has no value, I'm bored with her. I'm losing my taste, I can feel her and even know what she's thinking and it doesn't resonate with me at all. The girl also understands and feels all this perfectly. We cannot have any attraction and no love.

You have a similar sense of humor

A sense of humor is very important in a relationship. If the other person understands your jokes and laughs at them, then this may indicate sympathy between you. This means that you have similar interests, views and you understand each other on some subconscious level. In such a couple there will never be problems with sorting out the relationship, and the tense situation can be easily resolved with a couple of phrases.

“Most people with a similar sense of humor think about the same,” writes Positive Strong. Therefore, this is a reliable and proven way to determine whether there is chemistry between you.


The biggest challenge in a long distance relationship is staying a part of each other's lives. A funny incident at work, an incident in the parking lot, a little adventure in the grocery store - all this, it would seem, does not matter, and after a week it will be completely forgotten. But when you live this together with a loved one, a feeling of kinship and a sense of involvement in each other’s lives arises between you.

The hardest thing is for those couples who are used to seeing each other every day, and then were forced to separate for an indefinite period of time. After all, living together gives a lot of advantages and imposes certain obligations, lovers get used to relying on each other, deciding everything together, spending leisure time together, sharing both the bad and the good in each other’s lives, and suddenly this disappears. And now one life for two is divided into two, problems such as understatement, disorientation of feelings and blurred prospects for a joint future begin.

Another difficulty is the lack of communication or its complete transformation. Long-distance relationships are transformed into text-voice, which makes them somewhat flawed, especially when the couple regularly communicated and saw each other before separation. In our modern age, of course, there are many alternatives to live communication: telephone, text messages, video calls, social networks, but they still do not fully fulfill the functions assigned to them. After all, the feeling develops and requires closeness not only mental, but also physical.

Long-distance relationships have another specific difficulty in communication - the inability (on occasion) to clarify the relationship in all generally accepted ways. People who are geographically far from each other cannot quarrel and then calmly make peace, as is possible for other couples living in the same territory or in the same city. In a situation where one ignores phone calls and messages, the other cannot run to him (her) at any moment to solve the problem. Therefore, every quarrel risks being the last.

Long-term communication at a distance turns out to be acceptable only for those people who highly value their own space and believe that there should be a lot of it, but do not want to lose touch with their loved one.

The next difficulty, which carries with it perhaps the most terrible danger for long-distance love, is a possible loss of trust. Many relationships end due to a lack of trust, and long-distance relationships in this sense are just a minefield. After all, there is no chance to check whether your loved one is deceiving you. Trust in a relationship largely depends on the individual, on her previous experience of romantic encounters, on her behavior pattern and, naturally, on how jealous the person is.

If, for example, your other half loves to flirt, then you may face real problems. And even if such behavior is not typical for your loved one, then the fear of betrayal and betrayal can still lead to the collapse of long-distance relationships under the weight of suspicion.

For people who monitor their material expenses, an important obstacle on the path to distant love can be the price of such communication. Now, in order to see your chosen one, you need to spend money on travel (flight), and in some cases, on accommodation, as well as on long-distance calls, parcels, and so on. For some, this factor can become quite significant.

How to support and preserve your love? How to turn your feelings at a distance into a blooming garden called “happy love”? Oddly enough, there are quite simple tools that can protect relationships from stagnation.

You instantly feel comfortable with each other

Have you ever dated someone who made you feel awkward and awkward around you? Well, in a relationship where both partners sympathize with each other, this is difficult to imagine. When we meet someone for the first time, our natural reaction is to be wary. Our back straightens, and our posture reveals our emotions. However, with the right person, this quickly passes and we begin to feel as if we are talking to an old friend. This is a good sign and indicates that there is chemistry between you.

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Why are lovers able to feel each other at a distance?

Valery Sary-Guzel, candidate of psychological sciences, answers

— Let us remember the school experiment in physics, when two plates of different metals are connected - soon an alloy is formed at the place of their connection due to the interpenetration of particles. And the stronger and longer the plates are compressed, the greater the interpenetration will be.

When lovers understand each other from half a word, half a glance, when “hearts beat in unison, and souls merge together,” they also resonate with each other and begin to live on the same wavelength. A close connection arises between them - emotional, spiritual. That is why loving hearts feel each other at a distance.

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Long separation unsettles

When you feel connected to another person, you soon find yourself missing them. You go about your business, but you can’t stop thinking about him. And when you meet again, you always feel pleasant excitement and “butterflies in your stomach.” These sensations may fade over time, but they will never completely disappear. Your life will be much better if you meet such a person. Even on the days when you fight, you will still want to hug him. Chemistry in a relationship is definitely a beautiful thing.

People are attracted at the vibration level

To get a refusal, you need to offer something. Without offering yourself, a person cannot reject you. "I" always comes out . Men try to offer themselves externally to a woman because he likes this person externally.

Trying to please a woman, a man seems to be trying to sell himself - this is already unattractive. A man should approach just like that, without internal intentions. Just chat. Communication is not dating. To get to know a person, you have to find out if they are interesting to you on the inside.

Needy energy and vibrations are unattractive and everyone will turn away from them.

Raise the level of consciousness - strive for fulfillment, love, develop.

You have the same interests

It's good if you have interests that are different from your partner's hobbies. This can add spice to the relationship - because you will always have something to talk about. But if all your interests match, it's a sign of chemistry between you. It's rare to meet people with such similar hobbies. However, in this case you need to be careful - it is likely that one of the partners is living someone else's life in an attempt to get closer and win favor. But if you find someone who is really interested in your hobbies, then that's a good sign.

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Mutual attraction


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Touch is one of the main ways to communicate your feelings through body language. And here we will talk less about intentional touches, but about those that happen as if by chance.

If you notice that during a conversation or some kind of joint activity, you constantly touch each other’s knees, arms or shoulders almost imperceptibly

, there is definitely a lot of sexual tension and mutual attraction between you.

You are so attracted to each other that it seems as if an invisible force is attracting you like a magnet.

Trying to impress each other

Trying to impress another person indicates a desire to be liked and noticed.

If you notice that a person is always preening, trying to make you laugh, bragging about some achievements

, then he is doing this because he really likes you and wants to impress you.

And the more we want to impress someone else, the more nervous we become. A trembling voice, fidgeting and excitement in your presence reveal a person’s strong emotions and speak of a strong attraction.

Don't pay attention to anyone else

One of the clear signs of unspoken attraction is a complete loss of interest in others.

. In other words, you stop paying attention to the people you usually spend time with.

When we are in love, we direct our attention to the object of our love, completely immersing ourselves in conversation with each other.

It seems like nothing matters anymore except you, and time just disappears when you're around.

Insane attraction makes you simply not notice what is happening around you.

Remembers the smallest details about you

When someone likes us, that person wants to know everything they can about us. He will look for opportunities to talk to you.

If you notice that a person remembers little things that you accidentally mentioned and brings up this topic later in communication with you

, this is a great sign.

Maybe he remembers that you are allergic to cats or the fact that you don't like dark chocolate. All this hints that the person is paying attention to your words and subconsciously imagines you together.

Smiles and laughs often in your presence

Have you noticed that a person is trying to make you laugh or are you doing the same?

Laughter and smiles in the presence of the object of your attention are one of the main signs that the person is trying his best to impress you and is enjoying every minute with you.

This is especially true for men. When they like someone, they try to make the girl laugh because they want to see her happy


They want her to enjoy his company and feel comfortable around him.

Changes voice

When we feel a strong attraction to a person, we automatically change our voice, sometimes without noticing it. Men tend to try to lower their voices to appear more masculine.

Experts from the University of Sussex in the UK, the University of Wroclaw in Poland and the University of Social Sciences and Humanities also in Poland

conducted a study in which they listened to the voices of 30 people while speed dating in a cafe.

While listening to the recordings, they noticed one surprising detail: both men and women lowered their voices slightly when they really liked someone


A similar phenomenon can be observed with children. When we talk to someone we like, we subconsciously change the intonation of our voice to become closer and show our affection. Moreover, it creates sexual attraction between people.

Are you comfortable staying silent with each other?

This is one of the most underrated signs of magnetic attraction because we usually look for more obvious signs like smiling and touching.

However, comfortable silence is perhaps the most powerful

. This is extremely rare, and we will not feel comfortable if there is no physical or psychological connection between us.

This is also one of the clear signs of sexual desire.

between people when we are able to feel true intimacy without words.

Effortlessly carry on a conversation

According to relationship experts, conversation flows easily between two people if there is a connection between them. Questions and stories follow one after another, and time flies by. If a pause suddenly occurs in a conversation, it does not cause awkwardness. Conversations with such a person will be pleasant, and you will want to communicate with him again and again.

If you don't have chemistry, you may have to fill the silence with conversations about the weather and the latest movies. At the same time, you will burn with awkwardness and want to be as far away as possible.

Cinema about love at a distance

Distance kills love - is it true? Probably, if the souls were not connected, then it was not love and distance had nothing to do with it? Love at a distance is an excellent psychological plot for a movie and is successfully used by many directors who love to make dramas about love. Films about feelings at a distance:

  1. " 10,000 km: Love at a distance / 10,000 km
    ." Sergio and Alex live in Barcelona, ​​they are a strong couple, their passion is just as bright after 7 years of marriage. Alex is offered her lifelong dream job in Los Angeles and the girl accepts. A year without each other, will Alex and Sergio be able to maintain their feelings?
  2. " Going The Distance
    ". Six weeks of an incredibly beautiful romance between the main characters and she has to return to San Francisco, and Garrett lives in New York. Erin and Garrett try to bridge the distance of love.
  3. " The Lake House
    ". Love at a distance and kilometers have nothing to do with it, he is in the past, she is in the future, only some 2 years separate them, they write letters to each other, they have one dog between them, and a house by the lake. They will overcome everything, because true love knows no boundaries.
  4. " Like Crazy/Like Crazy
    ". Anna and Jacob are students, and in order to be with him longer, she violates the terms of her student visa, and upon arrival in England she encounters the immigration service; Anna can no longer get to her lover in New York.

You mirror each other's movements without realizing it

Mirroring is the behavior of a person when he repeats the gestures, speech or behavior of another person. In most cases, people do not even realize it, but it is mirroring that indicates sympathy in a couple. This is why body language experts place such importance on it. If people repeat each other's postures and gestures, this indicates that there is a deep connection between them.


Very often, long-distance relationships fall apart not because of the inability to be together all the time, but because of mistrust and jealousy. People begin to harass each other with suspicions of treason. An integral part of long-distance love is complete and unconditional trust. If it is present, love will pass the test of separation. But how can you trust your partner when he (she) is there and I am here?! In fact, everything is simple: if you truly love a person, then you must trust him in absolutely everything.

In a long-distance relationship, it is very important that both believe that living together, in the same city, in the same apartment is quite possible and there is a chance to overcome the separation!

At the same time, you also need to take into account the fact that not all relationships begin in order to last forever. Distance can be only one of the reasons why love unions cease to exist. But if this is not your case and you are sure that you have met true love, do not give up! And then the distance will turn into the same wind that extinguishes a small fire, and helps a big one to flare up more than before.

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