Things to do at home. 80 exciting, enjoyable and rewarding activities

Author of the material:

Svetlana Smyshlyak

philologist, writer, lyric poet

Is it possible to get rid of boredom using the number 100? If you have no idea what to do in your free time, the answer to this question is worth looking for. We are talking about a hundred things to which you can devote a few minutes, hours, days, and, possibly, your whole life. In addition, studying the list of activities, as well as choosing a specific option, will entertain you for a while in itself. So, is the magic number 100 capable of dispelling a bad mood and bringing back joy?

Get out into the fresh air.

Staying in a poorly ventilated room provokes the development of depression and health problems. Fresh air, on the contrary, improves blood circulation, stimulates brain function, increases concentration and self-esteem.

Oxygen, uncontaminated by machine exhausts and factory waste, is the best option to regain your spirits, activate your imagination, and strengthen your immune system. That is why fresh air means nature, and not stuffy, cramped streets. What can you do in such places?

  1. Workout. Jogging and warming up on playgrounds are suitable for the warm, dry season. In winter, it would be nice to organize leisurely walks, brisk walking, and skiing.
  2. In the summer, go rollerblading, in the winter, ice skating.
  3. Walk the dog. If you don’t have your own pet, you can ask friends or relatives.
  4. On warm days, swim in the river or sea, create a mermaid out of sand, on cold days, go sledding, build a snowman.
  5. Walk through the forest, collecting leaves and cones. Look for squirrels, woodpeckers, hares.
  6. Visit all the parks in the city, find the most noticeable differences in them, and determine the best one for yourself.
  7. Feed ducks, geese, swans, fish in the pond.
  8. Build a route for morning jogging, find areas where you can warm up. Or simply explore an unfamiliar area.
  9. Find a place where birds flock. Hang the feeder.
  10. Ride a horse or pony. In some circuses, special zoos, and farms, for a small fee you can ride more exotic animals - camels, elephants, ostriches.

Take a temperament test

What to do if you're alone

Even if you don’t have company right now, this is no reason to be bored within four walls, because you can do a lot of things alone that people are used to doing in pairs!

  • Take a fascinating book with you and go to a cozy coffee shop! You are sure to have a wonderful time. Order your favorite drink, choose a dessert of your choice, and indulge in reading in a pleasant atmosphere. By the way, you don’t have to read – you can just relax in an interesting place.
  • If the weather is favorable for a walk, then feel free to go to the park. Take a leisurely stroll along the alleys, watch the pigeons, buy yourself some juice or cotton candy. Such a walk can be especially useful in the evening - after it you will fall asleep much more peacefully.
  • Go to some interesting exhibition. By the way, attending such events alone is often much more convenient than in a group. You can look at the exhibit you like as much as you want and independently choose the further route, as well as the duration of your stay at the exhibition.

Find something to do at home.

Sometimes you don’t want to leave your cozy and warm apartment. Frosty weather, colds, fatigue or laziness force you to look for activities at home. How to get rid of laziness and what kind of entertainment can you cheer yourself up at home?

  1. Start cleaning. This activity itself is not particularly fun, but it can be organized as a quest with rewards. Or create a detailed list of responsibilities, and then cross off items as you complete them. Checkmarks or crossed out lines are a form of completion that our brain loves very much. The reward is a good mood and pride in oneself.
  2. Start reading a book that has a film adaptation. Comparing the power of words and the power of acting is always interesting.
  3. Sort out the necessary things and trash. This could be a niche, a cosmetic bag, a wardrobe, old collections, things like “someday it will come in handy”, even the capacity of a refrigerator.
  4. Arrange rearrangement of furniture and other interior items.
  5. Create decorative decorations for your home from scrap materials. The Internet is replete with video tutorials and articles on this topic.
  6. Paint the windows, and at the same time wash them before that.
  7. Look through photo albums, find photos on your computer, laptop or phone that you want to print.
  8. Prepare a new or unusual dish. If any ingredients are missing, they can be ordered online and delivered to your home.
  9. Sing a song, dance. Simple TV channels, recordings on disks or cassettes, videos from YouTube are good options. But a more original leisure activity would be karaoke. And again the Internet comes to the rescue.
  10. Do some handicrafts. If knitting and embroidery seem too banal, you can try weaving with beads, ribbons, and laces. Wood carving, modeling from clay or even children's plasticine will also dispel the melancholy. As a last resort, the art of origami is suitable.


  1. Wash all sheets and iron them.
  2. Make a flaxseed spray.
  3. Purchase all necessary cleaning products.
  4. Clean all windows.
  5. Create your own solution to clean different surfaces.
  6. Wash the baseboards. Try using a microfiber cloth or cleaning glove for this.
  7. Vacuum clean your carpets.
  8. Wash all rugs in the house.
  9. Bleach your sink and toilet.
  10. Fluff your pillows.
  11. Clean doors and door frames. You might be surprised how dirty they have gotten over the years.
  12. Sweep your driveway.
  13. Clean the floors behind tables and beds—where you never do it.
  14. Clean up your wallet and rid it of extra receipts and other junk.
  15. Wash the car.

Relax your soul and body.

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Sometimes boredom signals obvious overwork. Ignoring this condition will aggravate the situation. Isn’t it easier to immediately take charge of yourself, give your nerves and body a good rest?

  1. Take a bath with sea salt, fluffy foam, and scented candles.
  2. Sign up for a session or a whole course of relaxing massage.
  3. Visit a sauna, bathhouse or swimming pool.
  4. Go to your favorite place, order delicious food.
  5. Meditate with lit incense sticks.
  6. Sleep. Moreover, it is advisable to fall asleep to calm music. It is important to make sure that nothing interrupts restorative sleep - turn off the phone, turn off the stove, close the door, or a through window.
  7. Go to yoga, learn relaxation techniques and proper breathing.
  8. Do light, gentle stretching while listening to quiet music. This will speed up the blood and give you a surge of energy.
  9. Dream about the future. Why not about the past? What has already happened cannot be changed, and this fact causes sadness.
  10. Do what you love - ride a bike, play the guitar, dance, watch a comedy.

Things to do with friends

1. Amusement park

If you're looking for a fun time with a group of people, an amusement park might be a great choice! It doesn’t matter which carousel you choose – extreme or “children’s”. Surely a charge of positive emotions is guaranteed!

2. Picnic

You can also go with your friends to nature - somewhere to the river, to the park, to the forest or the countryside. Agree in advance who will take what with them, whether you will cook over a fire, etc.

3. Escape rooms

In many cities, a wonderful option for entertaining pastime has appeared - quest rooms! If you have not yet been interested in such a service, and have a vague idea of ​​what we are talking about, then study the information on the Internet. As a rule, all quest rooms have differences from each other, and only after reading the descriptions of the available options, you can decide which one is most suitable for you.

Gather a nice company.

If there are cheerful, cheerful people around, then why is there still boredom nearby, and not them? Friendly communication, like nothing else, lifts your mood and relieves boredom. So don’t have a hundred rubles, but have 100 friends who will chip in a dollar.

  1. Go on a picnic - with relatives, couples, pets, friends. The more people (or creatures) there are in a group, the greater the chance that there will be a joke person in the company. Who gets bored when he starts remembering his jokes?
  2. Play cards, board, word, logic or physical games.
  3. Buy the same accessories for all your friends or your significant other - paired pendants, bracelets, rings. If you have the opportunity to purchase entire outfits, great.
  4. Throw a party - themed, non-alcoholic, outside the city, in the fresh air.
  5. Go to a cafe or club with karaoke and a dance floor.
  6. Create and implement a cunning plan to bring a couple together.
  7. Take out the bottle and finally kiss the handsome guy/beauty from the next door. Same-sex kissing is welcome.
  8. Organize a camping trip with tents.
  9. Organize competitions with prizes - relay races, tournaments, competitions.
  10. Make a joint surprise for a friend whose birthday is coming up.

Take the test: introvert or extrovert?

Causes of boredom. Why are we bored?

“Boredom has produced more gamblers than greed, more drunkards than thirst, and more suicides than despair.”

Charles Caleb Colton

Monotony. Boredom can be the reason for a monotonous life. When everything has become boring and boring. The monotony of the same days, routine and lack of new emotions. All days are similar to each other, as if you were watching the movie “Groundhog Day”.

You need new hobbies, new interests, new entertainment and new friends.

Psychological trauma. Boredom is often the result of depression or psychological trauma. Defeats on the love front, loss of friends or other difficulties. This is all burdensome and causes apathy. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate specific psychological problems that have arisen in life.

Take a break from injuries, have a good time, find new friends, knock out a wedge with a wedge, or fall in love.

Defeat and destruction of targets. People are knocked out by defeat or suffer from a midlife crisis. Have you been struggling for many years, but still unable to achieve your goal? You can’t achieve self-realization, but your goals remain unattainable? There is something to be sad about and start to get bored here. What to do?

Change your strategy, give up unattainable goals, start your life over, make new plans and dreams.

Learn something new.

If the opportunity to study ended with university couples, the world would be full of academics living with their mothers. Cramming lectures and multi-volume textbooks is good, but practical skills cannot be learned from these books. Boredom is the first signal that the stock of knowledge and skills at this stage is too small and requires development. What can you do in this case?

  1. Learn to play a musical instrument.
  2. Master a martial art or spiritual practice.
  3. Try extreme sports or overcome your fear.
  4. Develop your hobby to such a level that you can make a profit from it, albeit a small one.
  5. Take up the study of a foreign language, culture, history, traditions.
  6. Develop a sense of style, learn more about interior design, and design in general.
  7. Learn something useful for everyday life - the basics of communication, cooking, repairs.
  8. Take a dance course, master a new type of paired or solo expression of art.
  9. You can get additional education remotely.
  10. Imagine yourself as a magician, try to do a couple of tricks.

Eighth method: cultural and entertainment

Visit a museum without leaving home? Yes Easy! Now many institutions around the world have a collection of open video materials, or, simply put, virtual excursions. Thus, just recently a five-hour film-walk through the Hermitage was released: inspiring footage takes the viewer to the luxurious halls of the Winter Palace and introduces impressive works of art. View >

Get to know yourself better.

You can know your favorite flowers, dishes, songs of your soul mate, best friend, relative and not even know about your own preferences. And in vain, because ignorance of personal tastes and goals causes boredom. How can you know yourself?

  1. Take psychological personality tests.
  2. Watch several different films to determine the best genre for you.
  3. Try the cuisine in different cafes, find out which dish turned out to be your favorite.
  4. Ask your loved ones to tell you how they see your loved one.
  5. Start a diary, write down all your emotional experiences, important events, and other significant things.
  6. Go see a psychotherapist.
  7. Chat with the baby. Children are straightforward, their attitude to life is striking in its spontaneity. They help you find the child within you and understand what you really want at the moment.
  8. Play association games. As a rule, such a game opens the subconscious.
  9. Analyze your dreams. Sometimes dreams carry mysterious symbols of the future, and sometimes they indicate repressed desires.
  10. Find questions on the Internet that will help you get to know yourself better. Try to answer them honestly.

The results of surveys of Russians, as well as 12 ways to spend an evening according to the men's site.

In the course of sociological studies conducted in Russia, in particular in Moscow, when random passers-by were asked the same question, “What to do in the evenings?”

1261 respondents were surveyed and the rankings of occupations were distributed as follows:

  • Love 11% (well, our country is loving in the good sense of the word)
  • Go to the pool 8%
  • Go for a walk 7%
  • Go to the cinema 7%
  • Go to a fitness club 7%
  • Drive a car in unusual places 6%
  • Cook a romantic dinner 6%
  • Play board games 5%
  • Press shake 5%
  • Watch a good movie 5%
  • Rearrangement in the apartment 5%
  • Read a book 5%
  • Go to a club 4%
  • Surf the Internet 4%
  • Play the fool 4%
  • Create a scandal 3%
  • Torture a cat 3%
  • Call friends 3%
  • Don't know 2%

Create gifts with your own hands.

Giving gifts to friends is always a pleasure. What good things can you create with your own hands?

  1. Postcard with paper applications.
  2. Collage of joint photos.
  3. Home decoration.
  4. Picture frame.
  5. Bouquet of paper flowers and sweets.
  6. Dream Catcher.
  7. Jewelry - bracelet, chain, choker, hair tie.
  8. A beautifully designed set with sweets, stationery or hygiene products.
  9. Poster with funny pictures and notes.
  10. A painted jar with applications containing notes with wishes, compliments, and short pleasant memories.

Take the perception type test

How to spend time with your parents

  • Watch some interesting film on TV with your whole family, which you can then all discuss together. By the way, you don’t have to sit at home, because you can invite your parents to the cinema! Surely, this event will become a pleasant memory for them!
  • Cooking dinner as a family can be a lot of fun and entertaining. Invite parents, for example, to make dumplings together for everyone. They'll probably love this idea!
  • Just invite your parents to go somewhere with the whole family, noting that it can be any place at their discretion - a park, square, cinema, cafe, theater and the like. Even if in the end this choice seems of little interest to you, try not to show it!

Pick up the camera.

A digital camera or a good one can relieve boredom. What interesting things can you shoot?

  1. Happy birthday video greeting.
  2. Warm words for those who are now far away on work or other matters.
  3. Reminders for yourself. For example, where to put the set, how to knit correctly with five needles, how much cinnamon to add to donuts.
  4. Pranks, jokes.
  5. Beautiful areas of nature, so that after a hard day you can relax and watch them.
  6. Ideas or entire episodes for a video blog.
  7. Holidays, important moments in the lives of loved ones - graduations, weddings, the first steps of a child.
  8. Performances by street artists - musicians, dancers, skaters, roller skaters.
  9. Your own thoughts, opinions, in order to develop them later, not to forget where you stopped.
  10. Yourself while reading your favorite poems.


Sometimes the salvation from various troubles, including boredom, is creative work.

Draw a picture by numbers

This is a fun and useful activity + you won’t be ashamed of your lack of artistic talent!

Painting by numbers

Build a car or house from Lego

You can’t even imagine how relaxing and exciting it is! And your nephew or your own baby will be delighted with the parental fantasy!

Make something from scrap materials

Plasticine, herbarium, cones, seeds, burlap, wood, twine, etc. will be used.

Sew covers for kitchen chairs

A very useful thing! Save your home budget and save your chairs.

Make shorts out of long pants

This is the type when trousers turn into... elegant shorts!

Shoot several videos and process them in a special application

Creative work too! For example, film yourself assembling a Lego car for your younger brother, son, nephew, or just a friend.

Plant some greenery

On a windowsill or balcony, plant a small flowerbed with your own environmentally friendly greenery.

Prepare a new bed for your pet

This will give the interior new colors and give your pet another new thing.

Start decorating the room

Make a lamp to match the style of the room. Try decorating an old chair. Think about your bedroom design.

Decorate your notebook

If you are bored in class, you can start painting a notebook on mathematics or literature.

Draw a plan for arranging furniture in the living room

Think about how to arrange the furniture in the living room to make it convenient to receive guests.

Collect ideas on Pinterest

Go to Pinterest for creative ideas and make a selection for yourself. Then, in moments of boredom, do one of them.


It seems something incredible. However, just a few minutes can be the start of big changes. How to influence your life?

  1. Put an end to relationships with people who drag you to the bottom.
  2. Change haircut, hair color.
  3. Update your wardrobe, change your style.
  4. Try something unusual. For more details, see the “Learn something new” section.
  5. Think about moving to another street or even to another city or country.
  6. Buy a lottery ticket. But what if?
  7. Change the route of jogging, going to work or to some establishment.
  8. To meet new people.
  9. Go on a healthy diet and start leading a healthy lifestyle.
  10. Play sports or change the type of sports.


You can organize a great pastime if you are bored with your grandmother or sitting at home. Develop your culinary potential, and then don't forget to share your ideas in the comments.

Make cookies for friends

When it's hot outside, like it was this summer, you can invite friends over for the evening and present your new cookies.

Learn how to eat healthy to eat without gaining weight

This is the dream of all girls, and for you it will come true in practice! You will charge more money for consultations on proper nutrition.

Charge yourself with the hormone of happiness

There is nothing to do - eat a chocolate bar. Charge yourself with serotonin.

Find out what to eat on a long trip

Are you planning a trip? It's time to find out what to take with you from food on the train, so as not to occupy a special room the whole way or, conversely, to visit it at least once.

Prepare an unusual dish

It's time to diversify your regular menu. Prepare a dish that you have never cooked in your life. Only within reason!

Unusual dish

Make Korean coffee

Dalgona coffee is trending these days. Why don't you cook it and then enjoy it with someone else?

Order delicious pizza

Eating delicious food that was not prepared by you is a real thrill. So don’t put it off for too long! Order pizza and enjoy.

Dive into your grocery supplies.

It is sometimes useful to keep track of your food supplies. When you're bored, check out the leftover food in the house.

Enjoy a delicious moment

Prepare, then leisurely and enjoy drinking cocoa or hot chocolate.

Find express recipes

By the way, a very useful find is express dishes. When you have absolutely no time to cook, and your brutal appetite won’t give you a moment’s rest, you will need this knowledge.

Quick oatmeal recipe

Understand the instructions for household appliances

Did you get a new food processor or do you only use one program in your multicooker? It's time to read the instructions for household appliances and prepare something like that.

How to spend your free time profitably

Make a list of useful things to do for such occasions

If now you don’t really want to take on any business, then this, of course, does not mean that they will forever remain out of your sight. Allow yourself to be lazy today, but remember that there are tasks that you will soon have to solve. Plan your week ahead, and then you will definitely not be able to say that you have nothing to do! Think about what you need to do at home, at work, where you wanted to go, who to visit. Write it all down on a piece of paper and distribute it by day - when and what task you will take on.

Learn to use your time as productively as possible

You can do almost nothing, but at the same time your day will not be wasted. Pay attention to things that do not require serious energy expenditure from you - throwing dirty laundry into the washing machine, and then just hanging up clean clothes is not at all difficult, but useful. Cooking a simple and tasty meal, taking a shower, doing a manicure, putting a mask on your hair for a few hours - all these are fairly simple things that you can do in passing, but at the end of the day you will not feel like it was unproductive.

Don't forget to make time for your loved ones

It’s probably stupid to say that you have absolutely nothing to do if you have close people. Surely, many of them would be glad to have your attention or care! Visit relatives and friends you haven't seen for a long time. If you really don’t have the strength to go anywhere, then at least call them - they will probably be pleased with your participation. But overall, try to forget the excuses and spend more time with those you care about.

Don’t be lazy – the main rule of healthy leisure time

If you notice that many of your days are wasted, then most likely the reason for this is excessive laziness, which is not so easy to overcome, although it is possible! The most effective advice is to force yourself to do things! To make work more fun, reward yourself for it. For example, you know that you need to wash the dishes - do it, but promise that in return you will allow yourself a chocolate bar or watch an episode of your favorite TV series. You have the right to say that you can do this without washing the dishes, but this will not solve your problem, and laziness is a big problem, which often harms not only others, but also yourself! Therefore, you should consider any completed task as another step towards overcoming your one big problem.

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