The best hobbies for home - what to do in your free time with pleasure and benefit

Author of the material:

Svetlana Smyshlyak

philologist, writer, lyric poet

Is it possible to get rid of boredom using the number 100? If you have no idea what to do in your free time, the answer to this question is worth looking for. We are talking about a hundred things to which you can devote a few minutes, hours, days, and, possibly, your whole life. In addition, studying the list of activities, as well as choosing a specific option, will entertain you for a while in itself. So, is the magic number 100 capable of dispelling a bad mood and bringing back joy?

Get out into the fresh air.

Staying in a poorly ventilated room provokes the development of depression and health problems. Fresh air, on the contrary, improves blood circulation, stimulates brain function, increases concentration and self-esteem.

Oxygen, uncontaminated by machine exhausts and factory waste, is the best option to regain your spirits, activate your imagination, and strengthen your immune system. That is why fresh air means nature, and not stuffy, cramped streets. What can you do in such places?

  1. Workout. Jogging and warming up on playgrounds are suitable for the warm, dry season. In winter, it would be nice to organize leisurely walks, brisk walking, and skiing.
  2. In the summer, go rollerblading, in the winter, ice skating.
  3. Walk the dog. If you don’t have your own pet, you can ask friends or relatives.
  4. On warm days, swim in the river or sea, create a mermaid out of sand, on cold days, go sledding, build a snowman.
  5. Walk through the forest, collecting leaves and cones. Look for squirrels, woodpeckers, hares.
  6. Visit all the parks in the city, find the most noticeable differences in them, and determine the best one for yourself.
  7. Feed ducks, geese, swans, fish in the pond.
  8. Build a route for morning jogging, find areas where you can warm up. Or simply explore an unfamiliar area.
  9. Find a place where birds flock. Hang the feeder.
  10. Ride a horse or pony. In some circuses, special zoos, and farms, for a small fee you can ride more exotic animals - camels, elephants, ostriches.

Take a temperament test

The importance of hobbies for women

A hobby for a woman is not just entertainment, it is a great opportunity to relax the soul and body from everyday worries, from routine work, from everyday affairs. It is especially important to have a hobby for the soul when a woman has a job in her life that brings a good income, but in essence is not very loved.

What hobbies and interests do women have? The most popular are: making jewelry, knitting, cooking, reading, in any case, these are the activities that give peace and tranquility. Also, girls are attracted to active activities - aerobics, swimming.

Many people cannot understand their own feelings and understand what actually gives them sincere pleasure. For those who are actively searching for new hobbies, we offer a whole list of hobbies for women.

If you like active sports, then pay attention to rock climbing, jumping clubs, and possibly dance studios. If your soul requires peace and quiet, then take up embroidery or floriculture.

Many people complain that their busy schedule leaves them no time for hobbies. By the way, it is in such a situation that a girl simply needs to start looking for a suitable hobby that would relieve stress. Excessive anxiety and constant irritation can lead to a nervous breakdown. Doctors advise reducing the pace of activity to avoid health problems.

Find something to do at home.

Sometimes you don’t want to leave your cozy and warm apartment. Frosty weather, colds, fatigue or laziness force you to look for activities at home. How to get rid of laziness and what kind of entertainment can you cheer yourself up at home?

  1. Start cleaning. This activity itself is not particularly fun, but it can be organized as a quest with rewards. Or create a detailed list of responsibilities, and then cross off items as you complete them. Checkmarks or crossed out lines are a form of completion that our brain loves very much. The reward is a good mood and pride in oneself.
  2. Start reading a book that has a film adaptation. Comparing the power of words and the power of acting is always interesting.
  3. Sort out the necessary things and trash. This could be a niche, a cosmetic bag, a wardrobe, old collections, things like “someday it will come in handy”, even the capacity of a refrigerator.
  4. Arrange rearrangement of furniture and other interior items.
  5. Create decorative decorations for your home from scrap materials. The Internet is replete with video tutorials and articles on this topic.
  6. Paint the windows, and at the same time wash them before that.
  7. Look through photo albums, find photos on your computer, laptop or phone that you want to print.
  8. Prepare a new or unusual dish. If any ingredients are missing, they can be ordered online and delivered to your home.
  9. Sing a song, dance. Simple TV channels, recordings on disks or cassettes, videos from YouTube are good options. But a more original leisure activity would be karaoke. And again the Internet comes to the rescue.
  10. Do some handicrafts. If knitting and embroidery seem too banal, you can try weaving with beads, ribbons, and laces. Wood carving, modeling from clay or even children's plasticine will also dispel the melancholy. As a last resort, the art of origami is suitable.

Active hobbies you can do in your free time

All sports

By getting involved in sports, you will catch two birds with one stone: sports activities bring not only physical benefits, but also psychological ones, helping you switch to more positive thoughts. For this, I sincerely thank dopamine, serotonin and endorphin, which our body so actively produces during active exercise.

Some people start playing sports in childhood, while others start at an older and more conscious age. The main thing is to start.

It's easy to fall in love with sports. Catch our selection.

The most popular sports for women and girls: fitness, stretching, crossfit, pilates, athletics, figure skating, volleyball, basketball, tennis, yoga .

Extreme activities

If your physical fitness is already tight in the gym, and you want to move mountains like never before, it’s time to add some adrenaline to your life and try an extreme hobby.

Zorbing, diving, bungee jumping, parachute jumping, kite surfing, hang gliding, paintball, rafting - this is where you can test yourself and get enough of the thrill. Don't worry, it will last a long time, we checked.

Dance directions

If you love being the star of the dance floor, you also love going to dances. Plasticity, showiness, sense of rhythm, beautiful curves, grace and self-confidence - it’s no wonder that dancing is so popular all over the world.

  • Can't sit still while watching the battles in the movie "Step Up"? Sign up for a class on Hip-hop and Jazz-funk.
  • Do you miss summer? Dancehall will take you to the hottest countries on the planet.
  • Do you like dances with meaning and movements flowing from one to another? Plunge into the world of Contemporary.
  • Do you want to feel like the heroine of the film “Burlesque”, as flexible, sexy and plastic? Try High Hills and Strip plastic.
  • And if you like the contrast between precise movements and complete improvisation, go first to Popping and then to House.

Every dance style is an image. Try them all on and decide which one you feel most comfortable in.

Active activities (activities outside the home)

The combination of good physical activity and nature allows you not only to escape from the hustle and bustle, but also to have a great time, both alone and in good company.

Relax your soul and body.

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Sometimes boredom signals obvious overwork. Ignoring this condition will aggravate the situation. Isn’t it easier to immediately take charge of yourself, give your nerves and body a good rest?

  1. Take a bath with sea salt, fluffy foam, and scented candles.
  2. Sign up for a session or a whole course of relaxing massage.
  3. Visit a sauna, bathhouse or swimming pool.
  4. Go to your favorite place, order delicious food.
  5. Meditate with lit incense sticks.
  6. Sleep. Moreover, it is advisable to fall asleep to calm music. It is important to make sure that nothing interrupts restorative sleep - turn off the phone, turn off the stove, close the door, or a through window.
  7. Go to yoga, learn relaxation techniques and proper breathing.
  8. Do light, gentle stretching while listening to quiet music. This will speed up the blood and give you a surge of energy.
  9. Dream about the future. Why not about the past? What has already happened cannot be changed, and this fact causes sadness.
  10. Do what you love - ride a bike, play the guitar, dance, watch a comedy.

Recommendations and tips

  1. Money doesn't appear out of thin air. If you are promised exorbitant sums for clicks, they are trying to rob you. I knew foreign bookstores where they allegedly paid $100 for advertising, and then left me with my nose. And there are hundreds of similar sites.
  2. They don’t pay for the work if they set the condition: “Transfer N rubles and we will open access to the tasks” - a scam.
  3. Assembling handles at home, sewing eyes on dolls, etc. My parents sent a contribution of 1,000 rubles. In the end, no pens, no money.
  4. Don't agree to a free trial. “Work hard for the good of the company for a “Thank you,” and then we’ll see” - usually this scenario ends sadly. I worked for free for a week in a children's toy store, and then they told me: “Goodbye.”
  5. Network marketing is the sale of nerves and time for pennies. Oriflame and Avon are not scammers, but they set strict conditions. If you haven’t sold a certain amount of cosmetics worth N amount, they will deduct it from your salary. And it’s impossible to explain that prices are rising, but people’s wages are not. I advise people who are savvy in trade to distribute goods.
  6. Online casino. The methods that help you beat the casino are nonsense. If this had been posted on the Internet, game owners would have come up with a defense long ago. Pseudo-methods are distributed by casino partners who receive commissions from losses.
  7. Pyramids. Online games where supposedly virtual farms and vegetable gardens bring money. The catch is that you can withdraw funds only after replenishing your account or attracting referrals.

Do not give yourself the psychological attitude: “There is deception all around. It’s impossible to make normal money,” even if there was a negative experience. Troubles will begin to be attracted by a magnet. Verified.

Gather a nice company.

If there are cheerful, cheerful people around, then why is there still boredom nearby, and not them? Friendly communication, like nothing else, lifts your mood and relieves boredom. So don’t have a hundred rubles, but have 100 friends who will chip in a dollar.

  1. Go on a picnic - with relatives, couples, pets, friends. The more people (or creatures) there are in a group, the greater the chance that there will be a joke person in the company. Who gets bored when he starts remembering his jokes?
  2. Play cards, board, word, logic or physical games.
  3. Buy the same accessories for all your friends or your significant other - paired pendants, bracelets, rings. If you have the opportunity to purchase entire outfits, great.
  4. Throw a party - themed, non-alcoholic, outside the city, in the fresh air.
  5. Go to a cafe or club with karaoke and a dance floor.
  6. Create and implement a cunning plan to bring a couple together.
  7. Take out the bottle and finally kiss the handsome guy/beauty from the next door. Same-sex kissing is welcome.
  8. Organize a camping trip with tents.
  9. Organize competitions with prizes - relay races, tournaments, competitions.
  10. Make a joint surprise for a friend whose birthday is coming up.

Take the test: introvert or extrovert?

How to find a part-time job?

I want my job to be enjoyable and well paid. There are many options now, so you don’t have to force yourself to work.

How to find a part-time job you like:

  1. Write down on a piece of paper everything that you do well. If you love to communicate, write; you know how to find a common language with children, too. Even an avid gamer can earn up to $5,000 from his hobby.
  2. Figure out how to monetize your favorite activity. For example, you can film playthroughs of computer games and post them on the Internet. If you have no ideas, read the article to the end. You will definitely find something for yourself.
  3. Go to freelance exchanges and ad sites.

If you are looking for offline part-time work, buy a newspaper with advertisements. They are different in each region.

Online message boards where you can find part-time jobs:

  • Avito
  • HeadHunter
  • From hand to hand
  • Yula
  • Sindom

Not only respond to advertisements yourself, but also leave a resume. For example, with hh, employers are willing to write and call applicants.

Learn something new.

If the opportunity to study ended with university couples, the world would be full of academics living with their mothers. Cramming lectures and multi-volume textbooks is good, but practical skills cannot be learned from these books. Boredom is the first signal that the stock of knowledge and skills at this stage is too small and requires development. What can you do in this case?

  1. Learn to play a musical instrument.
  2. Master a martial art or spiritual practice.
  3. Try extreme sports or overcome your fear.
  4. Develop your hobby to such a level that you can make a profit from it, albeit a small one.
  5. Take up the study of a foreign language, culture, history, traditions.
  6. Develop a sense of style, learn more about interior design, and design in general.
  7. Learn something useful for everyday life - the basics of communication, cooking, repairs.
  8. Take a dance course, master a new type of paired or solo expression of art.
  9. You can get additional education remotely.
  10. Imagine yourself as a magician, try to do a couple of tricks.

Useful and interesting hobby

How to become a team leader at work and in life

A useful hobby is something you want to do when you’re bored, and at the same time get a lot of fun. A person who has a hobby, and not even one, will never be bored, and besides, a hobby is always a good way to make new friends.

For women

Among the interesting women's hobbies are:

  • Playing sports, without having to go to the gym and spend money on a membership. You can quite successfully improve stretching while listening to pleasant music, do swings, squats, and devote time to your abs. The body will only thank you for this.
  • Embroidery according to the template. Even those who do not have the imagination for their own patterns can easily use ready-made sets of embroidery patterns, which will result in magnificent colored paintings that can be framed and hung on the walls.
  • Weaving with beads. The opinion of those who believe that only girls 12-14 years old can do such things is wrong. In childhood, everything just begins and develops; older girls and women can master the technique of weaving amazing figures, flower bouquets and funny animals.

For men

Men can also find something they like, but more useful than watching gangster series on TV and political debates. If you have a lot of free time, you need to choose what to do with benefit so that your valuable time does not go to waste:

  • in the evening, when there is no energy for carpentry work, you can expand your knowledge by starting to read a useful book, even if it is fiction, which is only suitable as entertainment, nevertheless, it will be more useful than TV;
  • ask your wife what help she needs in everyday life: perhaps she has been suffering from creaking hinges on interior doors for 10 years;
  • A great way to spend time having fun is to collect models of airplanes, ships or cars, to choose from. Even when a man is 40 years old, at heart he is always a boy who is interested in creating real masterpieces from details;


  • use the experience of bloggers on the Internet to make the best decision before starting repairs;
  • walk around the apartment to know how many electrical appliances the household plugs into one outlet at the same time, whether the power consumption corresponds to that for which the wire in the wall is designed - this will protect you from boredom and save the house from a fire.

Additional Information. If you have children, you should definitely do crafts with them that only a father can do (with a real hammer, electrical tape or self-tapping screws). This will increase the children's level of respect and admiration for dad, who has so many tools.

Get to know yourself better.

You can know your favorite flowers, dishes, songs of your soul mate, best friend, relative and not even know about your own preferences. And in vain, because ignorance of personal tastes and goals causes boredom. How can you know yourself?

  1. Take psychological personality tests.
  2. Watch several different films to determine the best genre for you.
  3. Try the cuisine in different cafes, find out which dish turned out to be your favorite.
  4. Ask your loved ones to tell you how they see your loved one.
  5. Start a diary, write down all your emotional experiences, important events, and other significant things.
  6. Go see a psychotherapist.
  7. Chat with the baby. Children are straightforward, their attitude to life is striking in its spontaneity. They help you find the child within you and understand what you really want at the moment.
  8. Play association games. As a rule, such a game opens the subconscious.
  9. Analyze your dreams. Sometimes dreams carry mysterious symbols of the future, and sometimes they indicate repressed desires.
  10. Find questions on the Internet that will help you get to know yourself better. Try to answer them honestly.

Watching a movie

In your free time, you can watch some interesting film, from which you can highlight a lot of new and useful things. Almost the same as in the process of reading a book, while watching a film, you can immerse yourself in a certain world, put yourself in the place of the main characters or characters, and feel the whole atmosphere of the film.

The main thing is to choose the right and interesting film in order to spend your time with maximum benefit.

Create gifts with your own hands.

Giving gifts to friends is always a pleasure. What good things can you create with your own hands?

  1. Postcard with paper applications.
  2. Collage of joint photos.
  3. Home decoration.
  4. Picture frame.
  5. Bouquet of paper flowers and sweets.
  6. Dream Catcher.
  7. Jewelry - bracelet, chain, choker, hair tie.
  8. A beautifully designed set with sweets, stationery or hygiene products.
  9. Poster with funny pictures and notes.
  10. A painted jar with applications containing notes with wishes, compliments, and short pleasant memories.

Take the perception type test


The fast pace of life deprives us of the most important thing - free time. However, many psychologists are sure that life has nothing to do with it, we ourselves throw away precious minutes, spending them on nonsense. Everyone has a certain amount of time, so be philosophical about your time resource. Remember that time does not stop running, and life can easily pass you by.

Thorough Analysis

No one will make your life better and easier for you, so you shouldn’t wait for a miracle and put off everything you have planned for later. Start with the most important thing - with a thorough analysis. Watch yourself. You need to make a detailed list of all the things you spend your time on. Highlight what takes up most of your time. This could be either the commute to work or the work itself.

Having made the list, rate the importance of your entertainment on a scale of ten. Rest assured, you will definitely encounter things that are not important. This is your time funnel, where most of your free time flows. Leave these activities for those who do not analyze their life and do not try to improve it, now you are not on the same path with them.

Setting goals and prioritizing

No, no one requires you to completely immerse yourself in this process, it just looks intimidating. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. You simply sort the main tasks by importance, then set yourself the most important goals, limit the time for their implementation and voila, you have almost achieved success and carved out a few days of freedom for yourself. A daily routine is a universal and very convenient thing that allows you to always be on guard. Make a list for each day that will include one important thing, several less important ones, and the smallest things. Take this seriously. Of course, no one wants to live in a constrained framework, and this is the right position, unless you have already arranged your life the way you wanted it.

Combining things

Having completed the first point, you will have a detailed picture in front of you, let's call it a map of your time. You will be able to understand how to combine the important with the useful, that is, make your life more eventful, but not so stressful. For example, you spend two hours of free time traveling to work and back. Usually, on the road, people spend time listening to music or sleeping. We suggest you think a few moves ahead and combine the time spent on the road with something else. Read, listen to audiobooks or a tutorial on a foreign language, practice meditation or internal dialogue. There are plenty of options. Be creative and you'll find them easily.


If you want more free time, then you simply need to become more demanding of yourself. Self-discipline is the key to success and happiness. It's hard to just start, so start with the little things: regular cleaning, pre-prepared clothes, packed bag, clean shoes and the like. Over time, these little things will develop into useful habits, you will learn to be organized, which means you can try new heights: giving up addictions, anger, aggression, envy. Educate yourself, watch what and how you do, do not allow yourself to waste time.


Learn to trust and delegate your affairs to someone else. This trick can be done both at home and at work, the main thing is not to cross the line. You shouldn’t put all your obligations on someone else’s neck; share them adequately. Spend your time on things that can only be done by you; the rest of the small tasks can be entrusted to someone close to you or a work colleague, naturally by tactfully hinting at this or asking politely.


Every third person lives with the thought: he will get free faster so that he can go to bed early. Many people spend too much time sleeping, although it has long been proven that 6 hours is enough to get a good night's sleep. Yes, it’s difficult to force yourself to get out of bed in the morning, but don’t forget about point No. 4. Find the strength to wake up, and you will see that after a few hours the drowsiness will disappear. You will be cheerful and ready for new exploits. Start your day as early as possible so that all important tasks are completed by lunchtime. So, by the evening, you will have a lot of free time, which for some reason was always lacking.

TV and Internet

These two “time wasters” have long been fighting among themselves for the right to deprive you of free time, positive thinking and life in general. In their company you can completely forget about everything. They know how to attract people to themselves, acting hypnotically on people. Ask yourself a rhetorical question: “do I need this?” and listen to yourself. Deep down, you already know the right answer, so why waste so much time on the illusion of real life? Do you understand that in this case you are sacrificing your happiness, success, free time? An hour is the optimal time that can be spent watching the news, reading mail and searching for the necessary information.

Personal 24 hours

During the week, you should have exactly one day that will be entirely yours. This will be your personal day, when no one should distract you, force you to do something, point you out, teach you, push you around. In these 24 hours, you are your own king and judge, and are free to do what you consider necessary and important. This practice has an amazing unloading effect - it will help you fully relax, restore balance within yourself and start the next week in a great mood. And remember: in your own day, you must for a while turn into an egoist who thinks only about himself.

And in conclusion, I would like to note: don’t get carried away with the little things. Stop wasting your time. Think about what you do, who you communicate with, what you do, what you spend your energy on and compare it with your plans and desires for life. Is everything you have loaded yourself with really important to you? If anything makes you hesitate, don’t hesitate, burn your bridges. Use your time wisely. I wish you success ,

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09.01.2018 06:04

Pick up the camera.

A digital camera or a good one can relieve boredom. What interesting things can you shoot?

  1. Happy birthday video greeting.
  2. Warm words for those who are now far away on work or other matters.
  3. Reminders for yourself. For example, where to put the set, how to knit correctly with five needles, how much cinnamon to add to donuts.
  4. Pranks, jokes.
  5. Beautiful areas of nature, so that after a hard day you can relax and watch them.
  6. Ideas or entire episodes for a video blog.
  7. Holidays, important moments in the lives of loved ones - graduations, weddings, the first steps of a child.
  8. Performances by street artists - musicians, dancers, skaters, roller skaters.
  9. Your own thoughts, opinions, in order to develop them later, not to forget where you stopped.
  10. Yourself while reading your favorite poems.

Interesting home hobbies for women

If you cannot choose a home hobby, then pay attention to floriculture - grow indoor plants with your own efforts. A lot of plants require no less attention than a capricious child, so weigh the pros and cons when getting down to business. This hobby can not only transform your home into a real greenhouse, but also bring a good income to your family.

Another branch of this hobby is floraring, in other words, start creating entire gardens in small glass vases (florariums). At the first glance at such a miracle, it seems as if it is some kind of unknown planet, where its own life and inhabitants reign.

Creating unusual topiary is another unusual manifestation of a hobby that is somehow related to plant nature. Topiaries are beautiful trees created by hand from the most incredible materials (shells, artificial grass, napkins, candies, etc.). Fantasy is limitless, and therefore the topiaries are simply a sight for sore eyes! Such items can become part of your home interior or be a gift for celebrations.


It seems something incredible. However, just a few minutes can be the start of big changes. How to influence your life?

  1. Put an end to relationships with people who drag you to the bottom.
  2. Change haircut, hair color.
  3. Update your wardrobe, change your style.
  4. Try something unusual. For more details, see the “Learn something new” section.
  5. Think about moving to another street or even to another city or country.
  6. Buy a lottery ticket. But what if?
  7. Change the route of jogging, going to work or to some establishment.
  8. To meet new people.
  9. Go on a healthy diet and start leading a healthy lifestyle.
  10. Play sports or change the type of sports.

Why is it important to keep yourself busy?

Even a happy and completely satisfied person is capable of finding some shortcomings in himself. This will not happen if he does not have time for boredom and stupid thoughts. From childhood, parents try to keep their children busy with various clubs: they send some to dance, others to football, and others to music school. Most families explain this with a simple phrase: “So that there is no time for all sorts of nonsense.” Although the older generation doesn’t think that way about itself. After work, people lie down in front of the TV and absorb the television, but they could spend this time usefully.

The modern world is very dangerous for those who are consumed by boredom. A person dissatisfied with life with a lot of free time is easily drawn into dysfunctional organizations, which ends rather pitifully. Therefore, it is very important to think about what to do when you are bored at home.

Remote work, freelance

Working remotely has recently become a real hit on sites that publish applications from employers. This is especially true for women burdened with household chores. Part-time work on a freelance basis with the possibility of participating in individual projects, or performing some services is often required.

Read more: How to work as a freelancer

Several popular ways to earn extra money:

  • Assistant manager (takes part of the workload - organizes the work schedule, works with email).
  • Text editing (the work of a rewriter/proofreader to systematize and process texts).
  • Accounting services (full/partial accounting for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses is in demand).
  • Call center operator (required by banks, telecom operators, taxi services).
  • Translator (translation services for business papers, filling out documents in a foreign language).

The convenience of remote work lies in an independently developed schedule, load distribution at an acceptable pace and the absence of pressure from managers at all levels. Earnings depend on performance, the volume of work performed and its quality, and the level of professionalism.

What a perfect hobby it is.

The ideal hobby is one that combines both pleasure and development.

To do this, it is important to understand what you need to develop at the moment. (You can choose a hobby not for life, but for a certain period).

You can work in several areas at the same time. For example, you can develop:


  • body,
  • appearance,
  • inner world (psychology and self-development).

Business skills (that relate to your purpose and fulfillment):

  • any activity that you like and at the same time brings additional income.
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