What to do when you're bored: ideas for activities, interesting sites and ways to spend time usefully

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Many people have situations when we are at home and have absolutely nothing to do.

How to spend time usefully and find something to do that you like, what kind of activity will help brighten up your leisure time - this will be discussed in the article.

What to do if you're bored at the computer?

If you have a computer connected to the Internet, there is always something to do. This invention opened a huge window to the world and provided endless opportunities for communication and self-improvement.

If the Internet is connected, you won’t be bored at the computer and there will be something to do.

Possible options:

  • Reading literature or listening to audio books - numerous sites, there is no point in listing them, provide such services. The choice of topics is unlimited, you will find a book and an author to your liking, especially if there is no one nearby and no one to distract you from reading.
  • Communication on social networks. Many can no longer imagine life without it. Here they make friends, play games, and just chat. This is possible even at night - there is always a free interlocutor.
  • Computer games, including online ones, for any age and gender. There is sure to be a game to your liking, depending on your temperament and hobbies.
  • Development and self-improvement - learning languages, researching various issues, teaching new disciplines, improving computer literacy.
  • Watching movies or listening to music. You can choose an old tape or a new one recently posted online. Multiple sites, including social networks, offer a variety of music to suit every taste.
  • Dedicate yourself to hobbies: learning to play a musical instrument, cooking, embroidery, knitting. To create your own website - video lessons and trainings on any possible topic are posted on the Internet, all that remains is to make a choice.

If you are simply tired of the computer, turn it off and do something useful, just call a friend and arrange a meeting in the real world.


Joint visits to the gym or swimming pool are much more interesting than going there alone. Even more interesting is extreme sports - rock climbing, diving, parachute jumping.

Spearfishing is a great combination of swimming and fishing. For safety reasons, she just means doing this not alone, but with at least one partner. This will develop in you a sense of responsibility for others. You can start spearfishing only after thoroughly preparing for it and purchasing the appropriate equipment. You will have to spend money purchasing a hydraulic suit, mask, fins, gloves, and weapons.

But in return for the money spent, you will learn a new world for you - the underwater one. You will experience unprecedented sensations. In addition, it is very beneficial for health: all muscle groups are involved, even those that do not work on the shore.

If you live close to each other, you can make it a good habit to run around the stadium in the morning or walk around the park in the evening with Nordic walking poles. The main thing is to remember to breathe correctly. Remember that movement is life.

What can you draw?

Another option is to draw. And it doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to do this - you can learn how to draw by following the suggested tips, including on the Internet.

Various media are used for drawing. The drawing is done:

  • With a pencil.
  • A felt-tip pen.
  • Gouache.
  • Watercolor.
  • Oil paints.
  • Chalk on a blackboard.

There are many options. The first and last in the list are the simplest, allowing you to correct the drawing. If an error is made, the line is erased and re-displayed.

Other means no longer provide this opportunity, so if you use a felt-tip pen or paints for drawing. It is recommended to first draw a sketch in pencil, then using other means.

Drawing is a useful activity, especially for children. With regular exercise, the following happens:

  • Restoration of nerve cells - you calm down, relieve aggression, excitement, and just relax.
  • Changing colors has a beneficial effect on the eyes.
  • Fantasy manifests itself, emotions and feelings are expressed.
  • Motor skills of hand movements develop.
  • Learning new things, developing interest in further creativity.
  • Spiritual development.

Draw together with your child, this will speed up his development in many areas.

We offer some drawing options. Fairy Tinkerbell:

  • The main thing is to distribute the sheet. The face is located at the top left.
  • After drawing the outline, the eyes are drawn, then the lines of the eyebrows and ears are outlined.
  • The hair is outlined.
  • The next stage is the image of the nose and mouth.
  • Then the arms and legs in shoes are drawn.
  • At the end - an image of the wings and coloring of the picture. This is done with watercolor, gouache or felt-tip pen. The fairy is ready.


  • Three rectangles differing in size are drawn. The smallest one represents the pipe, the medium-sized one represents the driver’s cabin, the largest one represents the front of the car.
  • A trapezoid is drawn on the pipe, the roof and the lower part of the locomotive are depicted.
  • Details are drawn up - windows and wheels.
  • The drawing ends with an image of smoke and coloring.

In addition to these, there are many other topics for drawings.


  • Flowers or fruits.
  • Favorite cartoon characters.
  • Technique.
  • Landscapes.
  • Homes and stuff.

One of the ways of drawing is to construct an image by cells: the future drawing is divided into cells, this way proportionality and step-by-step execution are achieved.

Family album for coloring

Another great way to fight boredom. True, it requires a little preparatory work, but after its completion the album can be used again and again. The point is to have a protective film on top of the photo that can be easily wiped off with a marker or felt-tip pen.

Adding photos of all the family members to the album is sure to bring a lot of laughter as children will happily add mustaches, glasses, hats and other doodles to mom and dad. You can also add photographs of landscapes to the album, where children can add houses, people and animals.

What to do when you're bored at home?

If the weekend is ahead, you are sitting at home in the winter and have nothing to do, but you don’t want to go outside because of the cold, or if you are sick, you can come up with something.

Possible activities:

  • Read a book – it will captivate you for a long time and make you forget about everyday life.
  • Watch a new or forgotten film.
  • Just relax - get some sleep, fix your makeup, hair, nails, etc.
  • Cleaning your home is a time-consuming activity.
  • Make a craft with your own hands from available materials.
  • Call a friend and chat.
  • Sitting at the computer - this was described above.

Remember! Even if you are alone at home, you can find something useful to do, you just need to use your imagination.


There is a film that you can watch several times with undiminished interest - “What do men talk about?”. Four men, heading towards their goal in a car, take turns talking about their problems. The others listen without interrupting. Thus, one of the basic human needs is realized: to be listened to, understood and not criticized.

The problem can be the same, most often it is relationships with girls and women. But no two people or situations are the same: each time it will be a unique story. The beginning of these stories is similar, but the development has many options.

It's interesting to talk about yourself.

Every person wants to talk about themselves.

This is the most interesting topic of all conversations. But it is useful to listen to the opinions of well-meaning people. They can tell a lot that is only visible from the outside. It is not necessary to follow the advice, but you need to draw conclusions.

Agree with your friends that you will not impose your advice on each other. Other people may not fully know what you need. Many vague sensations are difficult to put into words, and you don’t want to fully reveal yourself to others, and you shouldn’t. Life is yours, and you need to live it, with all the delights and defeats. The bad option is to live it boringly.

It is interesting to listen to the stories of your friends. You will begin to better understand people, understand the motives of their actions. You can consider these conversations a school of eloquence. Practice will help you express your thoughts in understandable language in other situations.

What to do on the Internet?

The Internet provides opportunities for interesting and useful spending of time.

As an option:

  • Watch a movie or TV series.
  • Listen to music.
  • Go shopping – shopping online is much cheaper than in a store.
  • Devote yourself to a computer game - there are a great many of them on offer.
  • Self-improvement is the study of various fields of knowledge, sciences or other activities.
  • Visiting museums.
  • Correspondence with friends on social networks.
  • Earn money - create your own website, do copywriting, there are a lot of options.

Such activities are possible not only while at home, but also if you are in the hospital, traveling, etc.

A trip to nature

Changing impressions is a very effective technique to stop feeling bored. A group trip to nature is a very affordable way. There is no need to wait for vacation; this can be done on weekends.

Entertainment depends on the time of year. In summer - picnic with barbecue, fishing, mushrooms. Take advantage of the opportunity to increase your knowledge in any field. Stop being an amateur everywhere. Everything is science and art at the same time.

If you are going to cook barbecue, then buy a grill, read how to choose and marinate the meat correctly. It should be easy to chew, especially if you came with the girls from the previous chapter.

In winter – skiing, skating rink, winter fishing. Try to choose activities that you have not tried yet or are a little more difficult than you have done before. Develop yourself!

What can you play?

Even when you are alone at home, you can play various games. And with a girlfriend or boyfriend this activity will be even more interesting. To do this, it is not at all necessary to have any equipment.

All you need is a piece of paper, a pen or a pencil to play games:

  1. Tic-tac-toe - this game has been known since childhood. You can complicate the task if you do not limit yourself to a three by three square and set the condition for winning - building a straight line of five cells.
  2. Composing words. Take a long word, and the task is to form as many small ones as possible from its letters. The one who adds the most number wins. This activity is possible for one person, then you will only be competing with yourself.
  3. Japanese crosswords - the rules are simple, and once you master the basics, you will understand how exciting it is.
  4. Playing a sea battle - there is no point in explaining the rules. There are many options for the types of ships, as well as the size of the playing field.

There are alternatives besides paper games. You can do:

  • Chess.
  • Checkers.
  • Go.
  • Card games.
  • A game of monopoly, and it doesn’t necessarily require a partner.
  • Domino.
  • By design.
  • Putting together puzzles, etc.

Meet girls

These are the best experiences you can have at this age. It doesn’t matter how these acquaintances end, but the experience of emotions will remain with you forever. You should not assume that this acquaintance must necessarily end in marriage. There are many options: friendships, flirting, easy love, passionate love.

Nature has endowed us with the ability to experience a variety of feelings and sensations. Take advantage of this gift.

Girls must meet the goal. Starting to try to have fun with inflated creatures will not work. They shouldn't be too accessible, but ease in relationships always makes them desirable.

Make sure that “I want to get married!” is not written on their forehead in fiery letters.

This scares men away and quite rightly so. Also, it shouldn’t be boring with a girl.

If you are shy by nature, it is always easier to meet people in a friendly group. In addition, there is a choice. True, a conflict of interest is possible, but then somehow everything will work out. After some time has passed, you may feel that the girl you didn’t pay attention to at first matches your interests.

Meeting girls does not mean that they should start making you happy. Their main goal is to awaken in your company a desire to be interesting and look for opportunities to have fun.

What films can you watch?

One way to get rid of boredom is to watch a movie. Everyone can choose from the films posted online to suit their taste.

We offer several paintings that can be viewed on a free evening or at other times of the day, including via the Internet:

NameShort description
Stars on the groundA sweet and kind Indian film about the place of a child in the adult world
Stay with meAmerican Teen Cinema, a Topic for Serious Subsequent Discussion
ChoristersA heartfelt film, a co-production of Germany, France and Switzerland. The theme of an unsuccessful, misunderstood person is considered.
Roman holidayAn old American comedy that still does not leave any viewer indifferent
ScarecrowA Soviet film from the mid-eighties, which has not lost its relevance even now. Tells about the problems of outcast children and the realities of Soviet reality
BigA touching and kind American comedy film. Helps improve relationships between children and adults
PelicanThe film is not only about the friendship of a boy with a pelican, there is a deeper meaning here

As can be seen from the material presented, even when you are alone at home, there is an exciting activity that can help you spend your time profitably. The main thing is not to succumb to boredom and blues.

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Schools and courses

The first thing I would like to recommend is a dance school. And among them there is a large selection: from classic to Latin American. If you have not done this before, you will feel awkward at first. Drop your shyness! Those who now do everything so cleverly were also once beginners. If it worked for them, it will work for you too. Everything will be easier in the company of your friends. Besides, this is still a chance to meet slender girls. It happens that a married couple will begin to attend such a school in the future.

An excellent option is to attend English language courses together.

It would not be a shame to mention this in your resume when applying for a job. If you miss a lesson for a good reason, you can always borrow notes from your friends.

It is likely that you are attracted to acting or rhetoric courses. Imagine how much your demeanor and pronouncement will improve. Your friends simply won’t recognize you when they meet!

Create a country

This game includes details such as flag design, plant and animal selection, currency selection, and even creating local cuisine.

The great thing about this game is that it can be adapted for different ages. Younger children can focus on the general shape of their country and the flag, while older children can focus on things like natural resources and designing a city and its infrastructure.

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Make a collage

Collages are a great way to get creative and are easy to make. Put together a large box of different materials, give the kids scissors, paper and glue and let them get to work.

What makes this process so fun is the use of different materials along with colored paper. Try magazines, dried beans, glitter, feathers, fabric and buttons. Basically, anything that can be glued to paper can be used to create an interesting collage project.

Tips for parents

A couple more ideas for all times.

Movie time

Organize a jar filled with notes with movie titles. Even if it’s just a list of special films in a notebook: the main thing is to use them at special moments to lift your spirits. For example, during quarantine or when a trip that you had been dreaming about for a long time was canceled due to bad weather. In addition, it’s a good idea to have an emergency supply of popcorn, sweets and other “forbidden” items in the kitchen, which in moments of sadness will be legally destroyed by those at home in front of the TV.

Practice tongue twisters

Improve your speaking technique and have fun at the same time. The main thing is to choose tongue twisters according to age.

For babies

  • Little Zina's bunny sleeps in a basket
  • The hedgehog has a hedgehog, and the grass snake has a hedgehog.
  • White sheep beat drums.

For primary and secondary schoolchildren

  • Arkhip shouted, Arkhip became hoarse. Arkhip doesn’t need to scream until he is hoarse.
  • The train rushes along, grinding: “Where-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha!”
  • The little cuckoo bought a hood, put the little cuckoo's hood on, Like a little cuckoo looks funny in a hood.

For high school students, more complicated options:

  • On Thursday the fourth at four and a quarter o'clock the Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria
  • The pharaonic favorite was replaced by sapphire and jade.
  • Our head has out-headed your head, out-headed.


From cupcakes to homemade brownies, there's no end to the sweet creations you can make with your kids. Kids can be tasked with making a bun out of dough, decorating cookies and gingerbread with sprinkles, and older children can try to cook something more complicated on their own, staging a real cooking show.

We offer a recipe for a delicacy that children of all ages will appreciate. However, not only children. So, cake pops on a stick.

You will need:

For the biscuit:

  • eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • sugar – 200 gr.;
  • flour – 250 gr.;
  • salt - on the tip of the knife.

For cream:

  • butter – 200 gr.;
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • vanilla to taste.

For the glaze:

  • chocolate;
  • vegetable oil – 1/2 tsp.

Detailed recipe at the link:

An endless source of interesting and useful activities for children

If you have tried all the above ideas, but your child’s free time at home still doesn’t end, don’t rack your brains, coming up with new and new activities. Child psychologists, educators, teachers and animators have already done this for you. For the convenience of the parent, the most exciting and useful tasks are collected in one place: on creativity, development, memory, communication and sports training. In addition, with their help you can involve your child in helping around the house or doing homework. We are talking about the children's app Pingo!

The parent can choose an activity from a constantly updated list, come up with it themselves, or give the child a choice. As you progress, “stars”—points—are accumulated. An adult will be able to check and track the number of completed tasks from their Where are My Kids app on a separate screen, as well as set a price for the goal that the child is saving for. Make good use of your child's time and motivate him to put his smartphone aside right now!

The Kids Tasks feature is now available with the latest update to the Pingo: Chat with Parents and Where Are My Kids apps. You can download them from the AppStore and GooglePlay stores.

As you can see, all activities are simple and easy to implement. And even though we have recently begun to spend more time at home, this does not mean that you will be bored. The list of ideas can be printed out and hung on the refrigerator - it's a great way to instantly come up with ways to entertain the kids when things get boring!

Blackout Poetry

Blackout Poetry is a modern art form popular in the West. We take a page from the book and paint over everything unnecessary, leaving only the necessary phrases, this action seems to give the page a new life, filling it with new meaning.

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Use old books. They can usually be found at affordable prices at thrift stores or yard sales. By the way, you can use an ordinary unnecessary magazine or newspaper. If you have a printer, you can print some text. Place the result in a frame and it will be a great gift.

Quarantine games

1. Blanket house . Children love to build their own blanket house, even if they have their own room. Help your child with construction, and for a few hours he will occupy himself with games in his own little house. You can bring a table lamp into the house. Use chairs, armchairs, blankets and blankets.

2. Soap bubbles . Sometimes you can play with soap bubbles. To prevent your baby from spilling them, tape the jar of bubbles to the table leg.

3. Focuses . These can be card tricks and not only card tricks. Practice a few with your child. He will then be happy to show them to the rest of the household.

4. Fashion show . Allow the children to get into an adult's wardrobe one day. Let them choose whatever they like. They put it on and then have a fashion show accompanied by music.

5. Search for treasure . Hide various goodies around the house. Then make up various notes with riddles. By solving each riddle, the child will be able to find out where the next one lies. Until he gets to the main prize! If there are several children, you can arrange several quests and compete to see who is faster.

6. Dress up dolls made of paper for girls or cars made of paper for boys. On our website you can download a huge number of such dolls and patterns for gluing machines. Print it out and let the kids cut it out. Glue the parts that need to be strengthened onto cardboard. A cool alternative to new toys.

7. DIY games . You can find ideas on our website in this section.

8. Hair salon and spa . You can arrange a real hairdresser for girls. Try new hairstyles or give your daughters lots of African braids. In the spa salon you can apply baby creams, oils, and have a massage. You can also always switch roles with your child.

9. Creating slime . There are a huge number of slime recipes on the Internet using ingredients you can find at home. Experiment with your child. An hour's lesson for sure!

10. Chemical experiments . Some experiments can be done using scrap materials right at home. Children love such spectacular experiments. And at the same time they teach you chemistry in an accessible way.

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