Is ambivalence normal or a mental disorder?

Updated July 22, 2022 315 Author: Dmitry Petrov
Hello, dear readers of the blog. Most of us have encountered a situation where we felt ambivalent feelings towards a person we know.

Then we feel a very warm relationship and want to spend a lot of time together. Then we are suddenly overcome by hostility, and we move away from him. As they say, from love to hate there is one step.

Is this a normal change of state characteristic of every person or does it border on a mental disorder?

There is a lot of reasoning on this matter, both from specialists in the distant past and from our contemporaries. Therefore, today we will talk about the topic: what is ambivalence, and whether it needs to be treated.

What is ambivalence

Ambivalence in psychology is a dual attitude towards an object or person, feelings or experiences that contradict each other. The object evokes two completely opposite emotions.

The term “ambivalence” was first discovered by the Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleier at the beginning of the 20th century. In his opinion, this condition is a sign of schizophrenia.

Unlike Bleuer, Sigmund Freud believed that ambivalence is the peaceful coexistence of opposing impulses in the human soul. These impulses arise in two spheres (life and death) and are considered the foundation of personality. The scientist pointed to the fact that a person is born with dual emotions. At the same time, the positive ones are at the conscious level, and the negative ones are hidden in the depths of the subconscious. In favorable conditions, they “pop up”, provoking a person to unpredictable and sometimes inappropriate actions.

The world famous Carl Jung expanded the concept. According to him, the conscious and unconscious coexist harmoniously in the mechanism of action of the human psyche. What then is ambivalence in simple terms? This is the existence in the consciousness and subconscious of two opposing or conflicting feelings, desires, emotions or intentions in relation to the same person, phenomenon, object.

Interesting! F. Scott Fitzgerald said that ambivalence enhances the mental abilities of every person.

There are three types of ambivalence:

  1. Emotional ambivalence. Most often appears in romantic relationships. An individual experiences two different feelings towards the object of adoration.
  2. Strong-willed. Otherwise called ambition. What does it mean? A person has two opposing goals and, accordingly, expects two results. It is difficult for him to choose between them, which is why he postpones making a decision.
  3. Intellectual ambivalence. The principle is the same as in the two previous cases. Only here it comes down to conflicting ideas.

There is also a fourth type - social ambivalence. An example is a person who simultaneously lives according to generally accepted laws and zealously attends church. This also includes the common term – Orthodox atheist. There is duality.

Duality classification

The definition of ambivalence in psychology was first given in 1910 by Eugen Bleuler, a specialist in the field of psychiatry. It was this Swiss doctor who coined the terms schizophrenia and autism and established the connection between alcoholism and neurosis.

According to Bleuler, there are three main types of ambivalence: volitional, intellectual and emotional.

Volitional ambivalence means the inability of an individual to decide on one of the options for action. The dual situation was described many centuries ago in the parable of Buridan’s donkey, who found it difficult to choose one of the armfuls of hay and died of hunger. A state of endless choice leads to the inability to act and accept responsibility.


Intellectual ambivalence - following opposing philosophical ideas. Simply put, a person preaches the condemnation of racism and the equality of nations, while at the same time experiencing hostility towards black people.

Emotional ambivalence includes polarly different feelings towards the same object. So the son admires his father, dreams of becoming like him, but hates the despotism and authoritarianism of the parent, wishing him death.

Modern classification has added a fourth type - social ambivalence. Example: a person who observes religious rules and attends church, but lives in an economically and technically developed society, is the so-called Orthodox atheist.

Bleuler's colleague and contemporary Sigmund Freud applied the concept of “duality” to the simultaneous existence in the human subconscious of mutually exclusive motives, such as the desire for life and the desire for death. At the same time, Freud considered the norm to be ambivalence of emotions within acceptable limits, the excess of which leads to a neurotic state.

Ambivalence in psychology and psychiatry

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the meaning of the word ambivalence was considered only in medical practice. But after, as mentioned above, they began to study it in psychology. Psychologists believe that this condition is the norm. Therefore, there is no need to try to get rid of it. The main thing is to monitor its manifestations. However, it is worth remembering that in some cases the fragile human psyche “breaks.” As a result, neuroses and other serious problems develop. Such cases include:

  • use of psychotropic drugs, alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances;
  • severe stress or psychological shock;
  • traumatic situations that left an indelible mark on the mind.

This also includes the use of techniques for changing or expanding consciousness. We are talking about neurolinguistic programming. In psychiatry, ambivalence is considered a symptom of many serious diseases. It is not considered as an independent pathology. Ambivalence is usually associated with mental disorders. As mentioned above, one of them is schizophrenia. There are others:

  • depression in the chronic stage;
  • psychosis;
  • panic fear;
  • various fears;
  • neuroses;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Ambivalence in such pathologies is the simultaneous existence of several feelings, emotions, sensations. They don't mix with each other.

Psychological theories and schools

According to consistency-based cognitive theories, most people will prefer reliability and cognition of the consistent type. They experience tension if they perceive inconsistency in their aspirations or emotions. In the past, psychologists primarily looked at a person's instinctive desire to get rid of discomfort on a psychological level and restore balance.

There are several common theories:

  • Balance theory. It was developed by the theorist Fritz Heider, who viewed family relationships as a projection of how a person interacts with other people. Balance theory focuses on social connections, which are analyzed from the point of view of how the individual himself perceives them and the characteristics of the perception of others. The theme of duality itself is also taken into account. This results in a so-called triad of relationships or a triangle. To achieve balance in it, according to Heider's theory, all three components must be opposite, or two directions must be positive and only one negative. This is the most philosophical approach.

  • Evaluative-cognitive theory of consistency. It is based on a state where a person experiences different feelings towards objects that differ greatly in size or significance. In this case, ambivalence is considered by the so-called function of the number of conflicts in a pose. At the same time, the sequence of the evaluative-cognitive type is a function of the magnitude of the difference between the created estimates.
  • Cognitive theory of dissonance. According to this theory, the most powerful factor that shapes human behavior is inconsistency of cognition. The first mention of this theory occurs in the middle of the 20th century. Festinger was the first to consider this theory in detail. Later, other theorists and psychologists made their contribution. Cognitive dissonance is the result of two conflicting thoughts or opinions. More recent research suggests that not all existing cognitive inconsistencies are equally distressing. That is, dissonance is not always capable of causing problems; they are created by the individuals themselves. Cognitive dissonance involves a person behaving in one way when in fact they are experiencing completely different thoughts and emotions. Due to the desire to satisfy all his conflicting needs, he can bring himself to a critical state.

Causes of ambivalence in humans

An ambivalent state is a symptom of mental disorders. The reasons for their development are considered to be frequent stressful situations, conflicts, and strong experiences. As soon as the situation stabilizes, the duality disappears on its own. Sometimes ambivalence is a consequence of difficult relationships:

  • Children develop ambivalence when they lack parental care or warmth. Another option is overprotection, when mom and dad allow themselves to invade the child’s personal space.
  • Ambivalence between a man and a woman appears if one of them is not confident in his partner and constantly creates conflict situations. Another reason is instability in relationships.

Such situations provoke stress, depression, hysterics, and neurasthenic states. A psychotherapist, psychologist or psychiatrist can find out the exact cause of ambivalence. The choice in this case depends on the degree of its severity.

Examples of ambivalence

The ambivalent state has many facets and features. Some examples may surprise you:

  • Love for parents and a strong desire to move away from them and live separately. In especially severe cases, they are even wished for death.
  • Love for the child is mixed with the desire to get rid of him at least for a couple of days, sending him to his grandparents for upbringing.
  • The desire to live in the same house with parents, but at the same time not to hear their moralizing and advice.
  • Nostalgic memories of the past, in which there were losses of something important.
  • Fear and curiosity. Strange sounds are heard in a dark empty room. The person is afraid, but still goes to see what is happening there.
  • Sadomasochism. It's not just about sexual relationships. Remember the cases when a woman suffers with her alcoholic or drug addict husband, but does not dare to leave him.

Another example of ambivalence would be having to choose between two candidates. Everyone has good and bad qualities. But it is impossible to choose just one. To get the ideal option, I want to combine them into a single whole.

Symptoms and signs

The following signs and symptoms of ambivalence can help you navigate a problematic situation:

  • Conflicting opinions.
  • Actions that do not comply with the stated principles.
  • Actions that do not correspond to intentions.
  • Trouble concentrating on anything.
  • Lethargy.
  • Conflict.
  • Depression, apathy, neuroses.

A person cannot understand his thoughts and feelings. Complex decisions are difficult to make, and he needs outside help.

External manifestations of internal conflict:

  • Ignoring rudeness, although it causes pain, everyday sadomasochism.
  • Fear of the dark and a burning desire to see the source of sounds from there.
  • The desire of adult children to live with their parents, but the desire to avoid their moralizing.
  • Strong maternal love, which is replaced by the desire to send the child to stay with relatives or to a children's camp for a while.

How ambivalent feelings manifest themselves

What does the concept of ambivalence of feelings mean? By definition, ambivalence is the duality of emotions, desires and ideas. This is a completely opposite attitude towards the same object. A person cannot make a choice in favor of one of the solutions. His behavior and emotional state are constantly changing. In the morning he could be calm and friendly. And in the evening he suddenly became hysterical, aggressive, provoking quarrels. Or another example, a “sick person” is usually a cautious, cowardly person. In an ambivalent state, he becomes reckless. Then he turns back into himself.

Such changes bring nothing but disappointment, panic, and discomfort. They lead to the development of stress, neuroses and depression. A striking example of the manifestation of ambivalence of feelings in psychology is the work of F. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”. The main character really wants to commit a crime. But remember how afraid he is of decisive action. Duality in action. But in this case it is a symptom of a mental disorder.

Nowadays, ambivalence (especially social) manifests itself among some peoples. Take Turkey, for example. Local residents often cannot decide which culture they like: European or Asian. They don't want to break their religious laws. But at the same time, they are afraid of appearing too pious in front of foreign tourists. Sometimes women make excuses for wearing a headdress. They say it is comfortable and beautiful. Although in fact this appearance is observed in accordance with Islamic precepts.

Ambivalence is also common in Russia. And not only among ordinary people, but also among those in power. For example, Alexander the First at some point wanted to abolish the monarchy and introduce free elections. But he soon changed his views, making himself a cruel monarch.

Many people often do not have their own opinion, blindly following propaganda. On the one hand, they strive for what others impose on them. On the other hand, sometimes they consider it stupidity and try to live in accordance with their opinion. This is how ambivalence of behavior manifests itself.

Clinical picture

Since the term in question has many definitions, when drawing up a clinical picture we will rely on the criteria used in the original (psychiatric) context. These criteria are divided into three groups: emotions, thoughts and will. In the case when the ambivalent state is considered as a pathology, the patient has all three of the above components, which are generated by each other.

Emotional ambivalence

Duality affecting the emotionally sensitive sphere has the highest prevalence. This symptom, characteristic of many neuroses and other mental disorders, often occurs in completely healthy people. A clear sign of duality in the emotionally sensitive sphere is the presence of several opposing emotions. An ambivalent attitude is the presence of feelings such as hatred and love, curiosity and fear, contempt and sympathy. In most cases, a healthy person is in a similar state of nostalgia, where sadness about the past gives rise to joy from pleasant memories.

The danger of this condition is explained by the fact that sooner or later, one of the conditions takes on a dominant role. In a situation where fear accompanies curiosity, tipping the scales in favor of the latter can lead to traumatic consequences and a threat to life. The dominance of hatred over love causes the launch of defense mechanisms, in which a person, under the influence of his own emotions, can cause harm to both others and himself.

With ambivalence, a person simultaneously experiences positive and negative feelings towards someone or something.

Polar thoughts and ideas

Polar thoughts and ideas are an integral part of neurotic disorders. Obsessive thoughts and ideas that replace each other in the human mind are a peculiar characteristic feature of mental illness

It should be noted that polar thoughts in consciousness appear solely due to the duality of emotional perception. The very range of human ideas can be unlimited in size

Duality of thinking in psychiatry is considered as a “crack” in consciousness, which is the main symptom of schizophrenia.

Volitional sphere

Volitional duality is characterized as the inability to carry out a specific action due to the presence of several stimuli. In order to better understand this condition, let's consider a situation in which a person experiences extreme thirst. In such conditions, an ordinary person will take a glass, pour water into it and quench his thirst. With volitional ambivalence, patients refuse water or freeze in one position with a glass in their hand, while not paying attention to the strong desire to drink. Most often, most people encounter this phenomenon when they simultaneously feel the desire to stay awake and go to sleep.

Experts who study volitional ambivalence say that refusal to make independent decisions is most often generated by internal conflicts. The cause of such conflicts can be irresponsible behavior or, conversely, increased responsibility, accompanied by a fear of making a mistake. The cause of internal conflict may be reduced self-esteem and increased self-criticism, fear of public attention and a tendency towards perfectionism, increased anxiety, indecisiveness and various phobias. An attempt to avoid a difficult choice is accompanied by the appearance of two polar feelings - shame for one’s own indecision and a feeling of relief. It is by the presence of these feelings that experts confirm the theory that each type of duality is closely interrelated with each other.

Ambivalent emotions, like ambivalence itself, can be both a difference in human consciousness and a symptom of a disease

That is why, during a diagnostic examination, increased attention is paid to the background manifestations of this condition.

Ambivalent behavior can be a sign of emotional instability, and sometimes the first sign of the development of mental illness

Ambivalence in relationships

Ambivalence in relationships is common. Just remember the common phrase that from hatred to love there is one step. “I love and I hate” - you’ve probably heard (more than once) these words. For clarity, here are some examples:

  • The wife loves her husband. But he experiences a lot of negative emotions due to strong jealousy.
  • A woman adores her son or daughter. But out of fatigue, she sometimes wants to pour out all her irritation, anger, and resentment on them.
  • The child loves his parents and tries to spend as much time with them as possible. But at the same moment he dreams that they would not interfere in his life.
  • The girl loves her chosen one. But she is irritated by some of his qualities. And close friends provoke us to reconsider relationships.

If ambivalence of emotions in a relationship appears for a short period of time, there is no need to worry. Short-term emotions will not cause harm. Otherwise, serious mental disorders can be judged.


Ambivalence in psychology is a state that a person is able to determine independently. Often such individuals admit that it is difficult for them to make a choice or even decide how they relate to the world around them.

Such people are characterized by the following behavior:

  • Constantly changing plans. For example, a person buys a ticket and plans to go with friends to Europe, but a few hours before departure he buys a ticket to Australia. That is, he commits a completely irrational act.
  • Indecisiveness. An ambivalent person can constantly reflect on one situation, but constantly change his attitude towards it. For example, today he loves his house, and the next day he wants to move into an apartment.
  • Uncertainty in love. The partners of such people are constantly tormented by the fact that they are either loved or not loved.
  • No easy answers. People of this type question everything and constantly say opposite things; more often than not they cannot confirm what they say with reasonable facts. Because of this, others have to prove obvious things to them. The most difficult thing is that the point of view of an ambivalent person can change every day, hour or even a few minutes in advanced situations.

Ambivalence is a kind of conflict within the personality itself. These can be complex or very simple solutions. For example, ambivalence manifests itself even when choosing food during lunch.

A person understands that it is better to eat healthy food, but he also wants to treat himself to fast food. On the one hand, you can choose vegetables and fruits, which will be the best choice, but the person will not feel satisfied.

Diagnosis and treatment of ambivalence

There is no need to try to self-diagnose ambivalence. This should be done by a specialist: a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist.


Diagnosis of ambivalence involves conducting a number of tests:

  • Kaplan test for bipolar disorder;
  • Priester test, which detects the presence of conflicts;
  • conflictology test by Richard Petty.

But usually the presence of ambivalence is determined by the answers to the following questions:

  • Do I open my soul to others?
  • Are you ready to discuss problems with outsiders?
  • Do I feel discomfort when having frank conversations with my interlocutor?
  • Am I afraid that they will stop communicating with me?
  • Do I feel anxious if others are not interested in me?
  • Does dependence on others bring negative emotions?

You need to answer with a rating from 1 to 5. 1 – completely disagree, 5 – completely agree.


Therapy must be comprehensive. First you need to identify the cause of ambivalence. It was said above that it is not a separate disease. This is usually a symptom of mental disorders. It remains to identify which ones. To stabilize the individual, the doctor prescribes several groups of medications:

  • mood stabilizers - help in the fight against sudden mood changes;
  • antidepressants – treat disorders in the brain that provoke the development of depressive conditions;
  • tranquilizers - help get rid of anxiety, panic attacks, sleep problems, calm, relax;
  • neuroleptics - improve concentration, which decreases in an ambivalent state;
  • nootropics – normalize blood circulation in the brain, improve its activity in mental disorders;
  • sleeping pills – improve sleep;
  • sedatives – eliminate nervous tension, help cope with panic attacks and neuroses;
  • B vitamins – normalize the functioning of the nervous system and effectively fight depression.

The dosage of drugs and the duration of treatment are determined by the doctor. In the case of ambivalence, self-medication is also dangerous. At the same time as taking medication, it would be good to make an appointment with a psychologist. It will help you find your weaknesses, understand your feelings, and find the reason for the development of ambivalence. These could be personal conversations, group classes, special trainings on personal growth.

If the methods described above do not help, it means that the ambivalent state has developed into a pathological one. You'll need a psychiatrist here. Otherwise, there will be serious problems in communication, an unexpected negative reaction to people and what is happening around.

Functions and role

Ambivalence can play a positive or negative role in a person's life. It all depends on his age and how acute this duality is. For example, such experiences can interfere with the full development of a teenager. For example, in the period of 15-16 years the time comes when you need to decide on an institute and future work.

It is quite logical that, on the one hand, a teenager wants to study in order to succeed in life, on the other hand, he is much more interested in spending time with friends. That is, a period begins when a person experiences confused feelings, wanting to remain in his comfort zone, but continue to develop.

Often, parents of teenagers make mistakes at this stage. They begin to put pressure and be persistent, telling the child what he must do. In this case, the teenager's duality is compounded by other moral problems. Now he wants to please his father and mother, but at the same time he feels angry because they are putting pressure on him.

Ambivalence in psychology

At the age of 9-13 years, ambivalence has a positive effect on the personality, as the child learns to tell loved ones about his experiences, since he is unable to keep them to himself. During this period, it is important to listen to the words of the child, who openly reports that his parents do not understand him and do not take him into account. This allows you to establish a dialogue.

The older a person gets, the more duality intensifies. On the one hand, he is satisfied with his life, on the other, he thinks what would have happened if he had once chosen a different path. In life, more problems and situations are added in which people often experience ambivalent feelings (at work, in family life).

The world is becoming more contradictory. If during this period a person learns to set priorities, then ambivalence will be beneficial. But if he succumbs to this duality, then gradually it will begin to occupy all his thoughts.

Ambivalence, which is widely considered in psychology today, is a condition that allows one to pass the test of independence. Either a person himself will learn to choose one of his feelings, or he will begin to listen to someone who is a more authoritative person for him.

The main danger of this period is that teenagers are exposed to the influence of bad companies, alcohol and other negative factors. If a teenager chooses a parent as his mentor, then there is nothing wrong with this, but there is a risk that the child will never learn independence.

One of the obvious negative aspects of ambivalence is that it can cloud your attitude towards life. This is especially dangerous for teenagers, who may experience suicidal thoughts, which, combined with increased impulsivity, can lead to dire consequences.

On the other hand, as Scott Fitzgerald has argued, duality does stimulate mental activity. But it can confuse or make a person more indecisive than he really is. The child may develop feelings of imperfection, complexes, and increased anxiety. Therefore, parents should pay attention to such changes in the child’s behavior.

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