I was born a woman, but I think like a man. It happens?

How likely is it that your brain gender is different from your physical gender? Judge for yourself. According to statistics, approximately every tenth woman has a masculine type of thinking, and every fifth man has a feminine type of thinking. What follows from this and how to understand whether your brain is a boy or a girl? Take the type of thinking test.

It's good to be the oyster. An oyster can change gender depending on its mood. Therefore, the oyster does not know the torment of gender self-identification. It took me to build a house and plant a tree - I turned into a man. I wanted maternal happiness - I changed my sex, gave birth to a child...

For us people, everything is much more complicated. During the embryonic stage, up to about 8 weeks, we are all girls. And only then, when the production of hormones begins, embryos with the XY chromosome set gradually turn into boys. And embryos with the XX chromosome set continue to develop as girls.

So Freud was wrong when he said that a girl is a boy who has lost his penis. It's the other way around. A boy is a girl who has grown a penis. I wanted it and grew it. Business.

But the most amazing thing is that your own physical gender may be different from the gender of your brain. Your brain can be a boy or a girl, no matter what gender you are.

And this, by the way, has nothing to do with sexual orientation. The gender of your brain is not determined by your sexual preferences, but by how your brain works and how it perceives reality. This is called the male and female type of thinking.

Is your brain a boy or a girl?

Those with male and female brains, regardless of their own physical gender, see and hear the world and each other differently.
They react differently to stress and threats. They evaluate people and events differently. The male brain, when talking with an interlocutor, includes no more than six areas. And he believes that this is quite enough for him. The female brain has 16 different areas active when communicating with other people!

Where the male brain perceives only words, the female brain will also register the interlocutor’s facial expression, his body language, grasp intonation and subtext, and thus perceive not only expressed, but also unspoken thoughts.

Therefore, those with a female brain—regardless of their gender—are much more difficult to deceive than those with a male brain.

It is believed that women love to talk. This is actually not true. Talkativeness is not a quality of women, but a quality of a female type of thinking, the owner of which may well be a man. If you know men who are particularly talkative, you can almost assume with 100% certainty that they have a female brain.

According to statistics, those with a female type of thinking communicate 5 times more and 10 times more often than those with a male type of thinking.

And since the girl brain perceives more detailed information than the boy brain, this also affects the transmission of information. On average, a message from the owner of a female brain on any topic contains twenty phrases. The owner of a male, talking about the same thing, will cost six.

By the way, the ability to do several things at the same time and maintain a conversation on 2-3 unrelated topics is not a feminine quality at all, but a feature of the female type of thinking. Whatever your gender, if you have a girl brain, you are a multitasker and good at managing your time between multiple tasks. And if you have a boy brain, then you are more comfortable concentrating on one task and not taking on others until the task is resolved.

Female and male brains evaluate sound volume differently. If the owner of a male brain believes that he speaks barely audibly, then the owner of a female brain will think that the interlocutor is shouting.

The difference between female logic and male logic.

Achieving the goal.

Women: they set big goals for themselves and confidently go towards them, while not noticing any small ones in between. But after achievement, the joy from it quickly disappears. We can say that women are subjective.

Men: they also set big goals, but they go towards them step by step, being happy for each intermediate result. They analyze the achievement of small goals, thereby adjusting their main one.


Women: when making any decisions, they focus on feelings and emotions. Although it may be stupid, they accomplish all the tasks assigned.

Men: guided by their minds, act rationally. They think about their every step and analyze the consequences.

This is probably the problem of misunderstanding each other. After all, reason and emotions are incompatible.


Women: Can multitask. For example, rocking a child, preparing food and working. The result is subjective.

Men: concentrate on one problem and solve only that. For this reason, their results are objective.


Women: able to generalize any words. For example, when talking, meaning “at this moment”, a woman can say “forever” or instead of “Yes” - “No”.

Men: their thinking is not able to unravel it all. They take everything as it is said. Literally.


Women: in most cases, it is important for them to win an argument, for this they can give arguments that are not related to each other, say incomprehensible things. And it is effective, most often women win.

Men: they like to talk a lot of arguments, provide concrete evidence, and expect the same from the other side. And it won’t matter so much to him if he loses.


Women: it is very difficult to hold back emotions; they can immediately give away everything they think. They don’t dwell on the question at all.

Men: analyze the issue for a very long time, think about the arguments. They don't like being rushed and questioned. This makes the man angry.

A real man and a true woman are just a brain

Many of the qualities we traditionally associate with physical gender are actually related to what gender of brain a person is born with. For example, male and female brains respond differently to threat. The male brain, depending on the balance of power, decides to either fight or escape. When a threat arises, the female brain first of all looks for help and support. That is, in practice, the owner of a male brain, when danger arises, will either fight or run away. And the owner of the female will scream, cry, call for help.

But traditionally such qualities are associated with physical gender, and not with the type of thinking. Therefore, a man with a female brain may be considered too cautious and fearful. And a woman, the owner of a masculine one, is, on the contrary, very brave and decisive.

Although in reality this has nothing to do with cowardice or courage, but simply with what methods of self-defense are provided for by female and male types of thinking.

Emotional empathy also manifests itself differently in those with male and female brains. If you have a female brain, you are characterized by sympathy, emotional empathy. And if it’s male, then you tend to solve the problem more quickly, moving away from empathy and emotions.

Therefore, a man with a female brain may be considered too soft, too emotional. And a woman with a man’s personality is, on the contrary, too pragmatic and “callous.” The vast majority of qualities that are commonly associated with physical gender are in reality associated with the type of thinking, the “gender” of your brain. These qualities can manifest themselves in both men and women, depending on what kind of brain they were given.

Peculiarities of male and female thinking

The thinking of men and women (meaning gender, not biology) has its own characteristics...

A man perceives logic and integrity, a woman – specificity and details.

A man thinks according to rules, a woman is guided by her inner feeling. A woman does not feel obliged to follow formal logic; the logic of feelings is closer to her. If a woman feels a connection with someone and something with her body and soul, for her this is the truest connection. If a woman’s condition or mood changes, her attitude towards a person changes, she will have a different logic and different conclusions. This is what women's logic is based on.

Men's thinking is digital, women's is analog. A man’s thinking is characterized by certainty and often excessive abstractness, artificiality of the framework of his thinking, while a woman is characterized by vagueness, greater concreteness and natural fluidity. Male thinking is more reminiscent of a digital approach: “Yes - no”, female thinking is analogue processes: one thing flows into something else.

For a man to look and draw a conclusion is as easy as: “Platoon, stop! “One or two.” A woman can only have an immediate impression; in order to come to something, she needs time to talk about it↑.

A man thinks first, then speaks. Women's thinking occurs in the process of speaking. It is difficult for a woman to first think and then speak: in order to think, a woman begins to speak. A woman thinks when she speaks; the process of speaking is her way of thinking. In the process of a monologue, or better yet a dialogue, something begins to become clearer, the woman begins to better understand what she wanted to say. See→

A man thinks alone. This is not always clear to a woman, for whom it is natural to think out loud with her interlocutor. And then they spoke - and he fell silent, the woman suddenly did not see any backlash to her words. However, this does not mean at all that he has pulled away or left the conversation, he is just thinking and therefore remains silent. What should a woman do in this situation? Relax and wait. If she really needs to talk, then approach the man and say that I will just talk now, you just need to listen to me, without giving any advice. I'll just sit next to you and talk. If you say this to men, they understand it.

What is important to men is not the fact of the matter, but the assessment of its significance. Try to formulate the characteristics of female thinking yourself.

Why do you need to know what kind of brain you got?

Unlike physical gender, brain "sex" can change throughout your life depending on the circumstances you encounter. For example, a person with a feminine type of thinking (it doesn’t matter whether he is a man or a woman), finding himself in a position of power, may begin to gradually shift towards masculine qualities.

And a person with a male brain (again, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a man or a woman), finding himself the only parent, will shift towards feminine qualities.

But we cannot artificially reconfigure our brain. That is, we are not able to change our type of thinking from male to female or vice versa through willpower alone. The brain does this itself under the influence of external circumstances.

Knowing the gender of your brain is important in order not to try to cultivate qualities and abilities that do not correspond to your type of thinking. And even more important - in order not to blame yourself for character traits that, from the point of view of social stereotypes, do not correspond to your physical gender.

A “real man” may well be a woman with a man’s brain. And a “true woman” is a man with a feminine. However, pure types - 100% male brain or female brain - are much less common than mixed ones. In most cases, the brain combines masculine and feminine qualities.


Male logic versus female logic.

It often happens that due to differences in thinking, couples and families break up. It's just that a man and a woman cannot understand each other. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn to understand a man. We invite you to read our articles:

  • How to understand that a man really loves you - advice from psychologist Nadezhda Mayer.
  • How to understand that a man is using you. Advice from psychologist Alla Folsom
  • How to understand that a man wants to get married. Advice from psychologist Nadezhda Mayer
  • How to understand the man you love. Advice from psychologist Evgenia Streletskaya.
  • Tips from psychologist Elena Semenek that will help you understand that a man is your destiny.
  • How to understand that a man wants a serious relationship. Advice from psychologist Nadezhda Mayer.

Psychologists' opinion

Experts have studied the secrets of men's thinking in relationships with women, in an effort to explain such strong gender differences. To maintain a strong connection with your partner, you need to remember some features:

  1. For a man, sexual intercourse is, first of all, a physical desire. For women, sex is almost always associated with feelings.
  2. Guys can’t read minds; they only begin to feel their partner better over the years. Girls are able to recognize the mood of their loved one just by their gaze or the vibration of their voice. Therefore, there is no need to be offended if the young man does not understand the hint. If you want results, speak directly about your desires.
  3. What seems like a real tragedy to a woman is just a problem that needs to be solved for a man.

Despite all the difficulties in mutual understanding, it’s great that the stronger and fairer sexes are so different. The desire to get to know each other keeps us from getting bored.


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Thoughts about women who would save relationships

Let's reveal a few more secrets about what guys think about when communicating with girls:

  1. “A woman constantly dieting is a cause for concern.” For a young man, this is a restriction on food, and nothing more. And as you know, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
  2. “Who is this war paint for?” Too much decorative cosmetics only scares away the stronger sex. Enhancing natural beauty is a completely different matter.
  3. “Swagger does not attract, accessibility does not excite.” Excessively exposed body and loud laughter mixed with choice abuse is a disgusting sight for a self-respecting person.

Although guys pay attention to girls with spectacular appearance, they are not seriously interested in them.

How it was built

The young man’s strange reactions can be explained not only by gender, but also by different hormone levels. There is 10-20 times more testosterone in the male body than in the female body. It is this substance that determines the need for one’s own domination.

There is another line of behavior when a guy very much resembles a representative of the opposite sex. Men become effeminate for two reasons:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • education by grandmothers and mothers.

Such guys think more like women. The girls do not experience any serious problems in communicating with them - everything is clear and understandable. However, sometimes a masculine note is missing, because you can gossip with a friend, but ladies want to see a strong partner in a companion.

Guys with high testosterone levels are more aggressive, independent and domineering. These are easy to distinguish by their hairiness. It is not for nothing that Caucasians, Spaniards and Italians are considered representatives of the most temperamental nations.

Males tend to exhibit the following characteristics when in contact with the opposite sex.


In modern society, material wealth is associated with strength and power. Psychologists explain this by preserving primitive instincts: the strongest and healthiest male has the right to reproduce and procreate.

Therefore, boasting about status, income or connections has become tantamount to demonstrating one's own strength and power. Women tend to choose partners who guarantee security. If a tribal leader had to slaughter a mammoth, today financial stability and material wealth are the main characteristics of a man who inspires a sense of security.


According to most girls, this is a terrible trait of the stronger sex. Hearing a man's truth directly is not always pleasant. Tasteless food, bad makeup, an untimely call - sometimes a young man won’t even try to put his words into a tactful form.

On the other hand, straightforwardness has its advantages. Honestly and without twisting, saying what you think is a good feature that allows you to avoid misunderstandings and omissions.

Masking emotions

For guys, showing your true feelings is comparable to showing vulnerability. None of the self-confident males wants to seem weak, hurt, or even humiliated. Therefore, hiding your emotions behind a mask of self-confidence and self-sufficiency is a normal phenomenon among “real men.”

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