Emotional lability in psychology: symptoms and causes
Greetings, friends! All people experience emotions, but they are expressed differently in everyone.
Communication: concept, functions, types and types (imperative, manipulative, dialogical)
Question 2 Communicative side of communication: The main goal of information exchange communication is to develop a common
Theories of personality in psychology as the basis for the further development of science
Personality theories are various assumptions, a set of hypotheses, a set of concepts and approaches that explain the origin
Pride: what it is, reasons, differences from “pride”
Author of the material: Inna Trofimova writer, psychologist, gestalt therapist In our time, the concept of pride in religion
Adolescence. Psychological characteristics of a teenager. methodological development
Adolescence. Psychological characteristics of a teenager. Methodological development Adolescence. Psychological characteristics of a teenager Crisis of 13 years
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Desensitization is a psychotherapeutic method developed by F. Shapiro for the purpose of treating individuals suffering from disorders
What is the fear of dolls called, its causes, symptoms and treatment
Why people are afraid of dolls The cause of pediophobia must be sought in early childhood. Child gives a toy
Forms of human consciousness and self-awareness: what are they?
Human consciousness is a subjective experience of external reality, which is expressed in self-report of these events.
Neurotic disorders: causes, symptoms, treatment
Causes of neurotic disorders Classification of neurotic disorders Types of neurotic disorders forms of neurotic disorders Neurotic disorders
Bad habits and their impact on human health
Malnutrition Unbalanced nutrition and lack of eating habits are a serious problem that
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