Those who ended up at the top did not fall there from the sky! Features of thinking of a rich person

What brings people to fame, recognition and wealth? Someone was lucky enough to be born in Silicon Valley or in the family of a senator - a good starting point for further advancement. Others had seed capital from millionaire relatives. Still others were in the right place at the right time. There are also those who worked long and patiently to achieve heights.

Psychologists explain everything much more simply. According to them, success is determined not by actions and external circumstances, but by what happens in the head. The so-called thinking of a rich person is “to blame” for everything. If it exists, you can safely open a business, and it will be profitable and prosperous. If not, any enterprise is doomed to failure.


According to psychologists, the thinking of rich and successful people is primarily determined by a clearly constructed hierarchy of values. Its second feature is positivism.

Hierarchy of values

Have you ever wondered why Pavel Durov, an entrepreneur, programmer, billionaire, creator of the social network VKontakte, the cross-platform messenger Telegram and other projects, achieved such incredible success? Based on the results of 2016 and 2017, he was included in the Forbes list of 200 richest businessmen in Russia. After all, it seemed difficult to find a more ambiguous personality than him. Many of his actions are still criticized. But even those who condemn him use his own messengers.

But the whole point is that even in his student years Durov had the mindset of a rich man. This is evidenced by the fact that even then he clearly decided on what is important for his life and what he refuses forever. He never hid that the main thing for him was freedom of thoughts, actions, and self-expression. And 7 things that have no place in his life:

  1. Alcohol.
  2. Animal meat (he is a vegetarian).
  3. Any pharmaceutical products (tablets and other drugs).
  4. Nicotine and drugs.
  5. Coffee, tea, energy drinks.
  6. Fast food, sugar, carbonated drinks.
  7. Television and its analogues.

This is one of the main features of the thinking of a rich person - to clearly formulate his life position and not deviate from it. People doomed to poverty most often have no idea what they really need. They follow fashion - but it changes every season. They try to conform to the stereotypes of society - and become faceless elements, no different from others. They cannot make a decision, constantly doubt, hesitate, change opinions. Their eyes dart, their palms sweat, their lips tremble - all because they themselves do not know what they will do or say in the next minute.

A rich person clearly represents his life values, rarely (almost never) doubts either at the stage of making a responsible decision or after it has already been announced. He has a compass that points him in the right direction, and he is confident in it. Most people who have achieved success in their careers in any field (in politics, culture, science, technology) are holistic individuals, distinguished by a unique internal organization. They clearly know what drives them and what final destination they are moving towards. This is precisely the rational grain and the essence of the thinking of the rich.

Life values ​​are inherent even in organizations - thriving, successful, profitable ones. For example, at IBM (annual revenue $79.1 billion), the first thing you will see on the official website is the values ​​that guide their work:

  • interest in the success of each client;
  • innovations that change not only the company, but the whole world;
  • trust and responsibility - in any relationship.

Values ​​are the basis of the thinking of the rich, this is the compass that guides them to success and prosperity. They determine their life path, guiding them to make specific decisions and take clear actions, regardless of the situation. Failure to use internal guidance by the poor leads to disappointment, a feeling of dissatisfaction and an annoying feeling that life could have turned out better. Whereas the strong in the world are characterized by confidence, inner peace and personal integrity.


The second engine of the lives of the rich is the power of positive thinking, which has its own laws:

  1. Law of Attraction: Rich people are drawn to rich people, which means their social circle must match.
  2. The law of giving: first - give (invest, invest, donate), then only - receive.
  3. The law of reverse action: if you want to be angry - rejoice, if you want to be angry - replace it with love, if you give up - move on.
  4. The law of a positive attitude: even when it seems that everything around is bad, you need to find a small, but positive moment in what is happening - and focus exclusively on it.

With a positive mindset, rich people understand that failure is not defeat. Mistakes don't stop them. First, they learn from them and take them into account in the future. Secondly, they strengthen willpower and character. Thirdly, they don’t give up and still move forward towards their goal.

At such moments, they remember Steven Spielberg, who failed his exams at Film School. Or Elvis Presley, who was kicked out of castings and told that he was untalented and couldn’t sing. Or JK Rowling, who was rejected by 11 publishers when she offered them to publish her famous Harry Potter. There are a huge number of such examples. And none of these people retreated; on the contrary, they continued to fight and eventually received well-deserved fame, recognition and wealth.

And now - attention! — there is not a single mention of money here. And this is another distinctive feature.

Thoughts without action don't matter

Even the most correct thought that you think while lying on the couch will not work until you force yourself to get up.

Your worldview is the result of not only thoughts, but also actions.

For years you have received confirmation of your established patterns of behavior and thinking. As you put the tips in this article into practice, don't be alarmed if reality doesn't immediately respond to your new request. First, you must pass the new principles of thinking through yourself. Only by becoming part of your experience will they begin to work.

How to change

Work with personal standards

To change your thinking and learn to think like the rich, you first need to correctly formulate your personal standards. Tune in to the difficulties, problems, difficulties that you will have to go through and not break. You cannot expect that everything will come easily and naturally. There are several secrets that will help you gain self-confidence and get up from your knees in those moments when it seems that life has failed and nothing can be changed.

  • Master the principle of pain and pleasure

You know that pleasure is characterized by the absence of pain. But how will you experience it without contrast? At a certain stage on the path to wealth and success, you may have to endure pain in order to later experience the moment of pleasure more vividly. And there will be many such situations.

  • Be extremely careful

Often a person loses his way because he is inattentive to details. You need to be aware of everything that happens to you along this path. Why did I do this? Does this deed (word, deed) bring me closer to wealth and success? Self-reflection must be at the highest level.

  • Valid reasons not valid

Today, due to fatigue, I didn’t lift a couple of kilograms on the barbell. I missed training tomorrow (they didn’t let me go from work). The day after tomorrow is my sister’s wedding, there’s no way to refuse a buffet with fatty dishes and alcohol. This whole chain of events with which you justify your actions leads to the fact that you... are already going back to your 100 kilograms and beer belly. Know how to find compromises with your own thinking, which sets such traps for you! Drink sports generics to overcome fatigue and lose those couple of kilograms. Go to a workout after work. And at the wedding buffet there will probably be a lot of fruits and light dishes that will not be deposited in fat reserves. Rich people never make excuses for themselves.

  • Organize the right rituals

Personal standards are habits that must be brought to automaticity. If they are developed, this will 100% ultimately lead you to wealth and success. To do this, you will have to practice the same rituals every day. They should be simple, correct and meet your preferences. Examples: get up and go to bed at the same time, brush your teeth for at least 3 minutes, always kiss your loved one before going to bed, complete the most difficult tasks in the morning, etc. Believe me: they will significantly change your life for the better.

  • Don't compare

And one more very important piece of advice to everyone who is forming their own personal standards and plans to strictly follow them. Never! Do you hear? Never compare yourself to anyone! Not with a colleague, not with a neighbor, not with relatives. Each person is a special, separate world with his own temperament, beliefs, and goals. They have their own tasks, which should not affect you in any way. The only one with whom you have the right to compare yourself is with yourself yesterday or last year. Have you gotten better? Have you moved forward? Great, keep it up! Have you rolled back? This is not a reason to give up - push yourself, take a leap and become the best version of yourself. This is the only thing you should strive for. Only this can change your life.

Work with a hierarchy of values

The thinking of a rich person always keeps in view a clearly defined hierarchy of values. And they should all be motivating. And in order for them to become such, they must be based on the emotion that you prefer to all others. Undoubtedly, everyone strives for such feelings and states as:

  • Love;
  • success;
  • Liberty;
  • safety;
  • adventures;
  • power;
  • communication;
  • comfort;
  • passion;
  • health.

But for everyone they line up in a certain hierarchy. Some people will put freedom first; for others, power will be more important. And life choices will depend on this. Having set priorities, you will explain why in certain situations you made those particular decisions and not some other decisions. This is the strongest motivation! And vice versa - why, having done something contrary to your inner compass, then regretted it all your life. Because you chose something that does not motivate you and is not of interest to you.

In addition to the positive emotions that motivate you, you need to clearly understand the list of negative ones that you want to avoid. Examples of demotivators:

  • refusal;
  • anger;
  • disappointment;
  • loneliness;
  • depression;
  • failure;
  • humiliation;
  • guilt.

The above emotions are painful for all people, but not equally. Some people absolutely cannot stand loneliness, but take rejection easily. Others, experiencing depression, end up in a hospital bed because they are unable to cope with it on their own, but they love solitude. Therefore, answer yourself the question: which of these feelings is the worst for you? What on the list would you like to avoid at all costs? Refusal, depression, humiliation? The answer to this question will determine your thinking.

Work with settings

Read Howard Brown's book "The Alchemy of Money and Wealth... Upgrade Your Millionaire Mindset!" In it, he prescribes 20 mindsets of the rich, which should be adopted and guided by them in all life situations:

  1. Poverty is contagious. Therefore, the environment should consist of successful, successful, rich people.
  2. Money must be visible. Therefore, there should be a glass jar with dollars on the desktop. There are small items scattered in the car. There are bills in each section of the wallet.
  3. Discounts are for the poor. Buying things and products on sale is a principle of thinking for the poor. You can't fall for him.
  4. You don’t need to ask a lot of questions (where to buy, what to buy, how to save, etc.). There should be only one - how to make money?
  5. You don't need to trust anyone with your plans.
  6. Rich people are always motivated and always practice time management.
  7. There is no need to talk about unimportant things.
  8. You need to sell and produce more than you consume. Earn more than you spend.
  9. Experience and past mistakes mean nothing. You need to “get things done” without looking back at them.
  10. Don't associate with toxic people who drag you back.
  11. There is no need to live in the past. Look only forward.
  12. Don't limit yourself to the workday. Work in your free time too.
  13. Develop yourself daily.
  14. Don't gossip or speak ill of others.
  15. Help given to others comes back like a boomerang.
  16. You can't build a business without mutual assistance.
  17. Rich and successful people not only speak, but also think in the language of numbers. Calculate income and expenses, study analytics, draw up graphs, work with statistics.
  18. Rest for the mind and body is a necessity in order to have enough strength to earn money.
  19. Failure is a reason not to give up, but to move forward.
  20. You need to plunge headlong into your own business.

A rich man's mind is like a compass. Motivators are the arrow that points in the right direction. Demotivators are the opposite, from which you need to run as far as possible. And every person is capable of creating the same life guide for himself. You just need to constantly work on yourself, don’t give up, don’t give up, hope for the best, think in a positive way - this is the only way to achieve recognition and success.

Who are you - an individual or a person? The answer to this question is in the article: “Individuality.”

The main secret of rich and successful people

What is the main key and guarantee of success? How do rich people think? Few people know this fact. I think this is why there are so few truly successful and happy people.

Success and happiness come to those people who have realized this secret. Now I will try to convey it to you. I first learned this secret from Viktor Frankl’s book “Say Yes to Life!” .

So here's the secret. There are laws by which our world works. God gave man freedom of choice. A person makes decisions every minute, and the circumstances that will happen tomorrow depend on what decisions we make today and what actions we take today.

Man is not a product of circumstances; it is circumstances that are created by people - Benjamin Disraeli.

A very long time ago, people noticed that in the Universe, in addition to the laws of gravity, there are moral laws. Business, finance, success largely depend not only on your hard work, but also on your honesty and mercy. “The more you give, the more you receive.” It is for this reason that many millionaires engage in charity work.

Here is a simple real-life example that illustrates this law. There are traffic rules that everyone must follow. You know perfectly well what will happen if you drive into the oncoming lane. Your car will crash. But it wouldn’t occur to you to blame not yourself, but the traffic rules! And often in life, when something bad happens, we blame other people, God, but not ourselves!

So, we need to understand that our life today is the result of all the cumulative decisions and actions that we made in the previous years of our life. God created us to be the creators of our lives. And if you follow the simple rules of the “road” of our lives, then it is possible to avoid misfortunes. Then it will be easy to find your love and happiness, to realize your dreams!

Here is the magic formula, its author is Dr. Robert Resnik.

Why are the differences in thinking?

Our actions depend on our thoughts. However, not all so simple.

If we are hungry, we go to the refrigerator and look to see if there is anything tasty left in it. If we want to become stronger, we start playing sports. If we want to earn a million, then we start working hard, saving and managing money wisely.

But if we don’t believe in ourselves, then nothing will work out for us.

How many friends will you make if you are convinced that you are a deep introvert and people don’t want to know you?

Same with money. We all want to become richer. But some believe in themselves, while others do not. Some people consider money to be good, while others consider it to be evil.

Give in to passion

Inspired people relentlessly pursue their passions. There may always be someone more talented than you, but what you lack in talent you can make up for with passion. Passion keeps the desire for excellence in inspired people undiminished.

Warren Buffett recommends finding your passion using the 5/25 technique. Make a list of 25 things that are important to you. Then cross off 20 starting from the bottom. The remaining 5 are your true passions. Everything else is just entertainment.

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