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From this material you will learn:
- The essence of the conflict management process
- 5 main reasons for conflicts in an organization
- 4 types of possible conflicts
- 5 styles of behavior of parties in a conflict situation
- 5 groups of management conflict management methods
- 4 main principles of successful conflict resolution
- 7 stages of conflict management
- 5 Tips for Conflict Management
- Necessary skills for successful problem solving
Skillful conflict management in an organization allows you to avoid many problems, both personal and general. This skill does not allow the company’s work to stall, and sometimes even significantly spurs the enthusiasm of employees, that is, it serves as a kind of engine of progress.
However, all this is possible only if you understand well what exactly should be done in a particular case. That is, managers must be well versed in theory: know the basic principles of successful conflict resolution, choose methods appropriate to the situation, and have certain personal qualities.
All people conflict, and this is inevitable. Any interaction between individuals entails the formation of contradictions that result in clashes. Conflict management reduces the negative impact of confrontations and resolves seemingly irreconcilable differences. Conflict management in a team should be considered from two sides: internal (individual) and external. The individual aspect includes managing one's own behavioral reactions during an adversarial interaction. It is psychological in nature. The external side of conflict management reflects the organizational and technical aspects of the management process. In this case, the subject of management can be a manager or an ordinary employee.
Conflict is an integral element of the functioning of any society. In modern society, in conditions when the “speed of life” increases every day, when stress is familiar to almost everyone firsthand, when everyone strives for something and is afraid of something, the problems posed by conflictology - prevention, analysis, ending conflicts - have become especially relevant. These problems are relevant, first of all, because conflicts can be present in any sphere of society, and a conflict left to its own devices can lead to undesirable consequences, both for individuals and for society. The object of this essay is conflict. The subject is conflict management. The purpose of the abstract is to identify methods and means of conflict management. Abstract objectives:
Conflict prevention, first of all, involves a strategy for predicting them.
Without a reasonable forecast of a possible conflict situation, it is impossible to prevent its occurrence.
Forecasting involves identifying the causes, stakeholders, subject, object of a potential conflict, as well as development trends and possible consequences of emerging conflicts.
The conflict prevention strategy includes a system of activities, a set of stages and methods for managing a specific process of contradictory relationships between objects. There are stages of partial and complete conflict prevention, early warning and proactive resolution.
It involves the implementation of such principles as timeliness of actions to prevent possible conflicts, efficiency, and transparency. Regarding the latter, only one circumstance should be noted: the sooner a possible conflict becomes known to the public, the less likely it is to actually occur.
Suppression of conflict implies the cessation of conflict through the total imposition of conditions for ending the conflict, both by one conflicting party to the other party, and by a neutral (non-participating) party to the conflicting parties.
Suppression does not provide for the need to take into account the interests of the other party or parties and is most often based on the superiority of physical, economic, and psychological forces.
1.The concept and content of conflict management.
Conflict management can be viewed in two aspects: internal and external. The first of them is to manage one’s own behavior in conflict interactions. This aspect is psychological in nature and is reflected in the next topic of our manual. The external aspect of conflict management reflects the organizational and technological aspects of this complex process, in which the subject of management can be both a manager and an employee performing their official duties. It is in this aspect that we consider this problem.
Conflict management is a purposeful influence on the conflict process, ensuring the solution of socially significant problems. This includes transferring it into a rational channel of people’s activities, a meaningful impact on the conflict behavior of social subjects in order to achieve the desired results; this is the limitation of confrontation within the framework of constructive influence on the social process.
In our proposed definition, the reference to purposeful use in the interests of development or destruction of the social system requires clarification. The fact is that, in functional terms, conflicts are contradictory.
Conflict management is a process in which the existence of a conflict is recognized, its nature is determined, and an appropriate methodology is applied to dissipate existing emotional energy and enable the conflicting parties to understand and resolve their differences.
Some of them are constructive in nature and contribute to the development of the social system associated with them, provided that the dynamics of conflicts are adequate.
Others are destructive in nature and contribute to the destruction of the social system. Therefore, subjects of social management, depending on their attitude to a particular social system, can purposefully influence the dynamics of conflicts occurring in it in accordance with their interests.
Note that the use of destructive conflicts in social practice can be the subject of study of a separate branch of conflictology - destructive conflictology.
The constructive aspect of conflict management is important to us. In other words, the main goal of conflict management will be to prevent destructive conflicts and facilitate adequate resolution of constructive ones.
It is important to understand the features of conflict management.
- 1. The task of managing people comes to the fore.
- 2. Significant importance and consideration of all factors and motives of human behavior without exception (objective and subjective, material and spiritual, emotional and rational, habits, likes, dislikes, hopes, expectations, fears, anxieties, etc.). There is a certain probability of unpredictability here.
- 3. Conflict management is most often the management of equal people from the point of view not of their social status or job responsibilities, but from the point of view of their mutual demands, claims and claims. Among the participants in a conflict, most often there is no absolutely wrong side.
- 4. Conflict management is interest-based management. Only a correctly understood interest of the participants in a conflict opens up the possibility of a successful resolution of this confrontation, an indispensable condition for an agreement that suits both warring parties.
- 5. It may not always be possible to eliminate conflicting contradictions, but it is necessary to learn to minimize the costs and damages of the destructive consequences of hostility.
- 6. We must always try to look for and find non-confrontational ways to resolve conflicts [9].
Features of conflict management are largely determined by their specificity as a complex social phenomenon. An important principle of conflict management by A.Ya. Antsupov and A.I. Shipilov (2001) consider the principle of competence [6].
Firstly, people intervening in the development of a conflict must have general knowledge about the nature of the emergence, development and completion of conflicts in general.
Secondly, it is necessary to collect the most diverse, detailed information about a specific situation. The radicality of intervention in conflicts should not exceed the depth of our knowledge about them.
You can only manage what you know well. Conflict management includes several activities.
Conflict management: universal recommendations for any controversial situation
To manage conflicts of any nature, there are several tips that will help you set your opponent up for the behavior you want. The advice is suitable even for those cases when it seems that the other participant in the disputable situation is completely inadequate.
- Always give the opportunity to express your opinion and position. Listen carefully, ideally avoiding any comments on your part until your opponent has fully expressed his or her own opinion.
- Show interest in your opponent's words. Even if statements contradict your position, try to understand the person’s logic and emotions. Flattery is not the best thing to hear in everyday life, but in conflict situations it is a helper. Learn the techniques of hidden flattery, and you will be able to win people over to constructive dialogues without any effort.
- Try to focus on the fact that there are two sides in the conflict and gradually persuade the enemy to resolve the problem. Choose phrases with the words: “come on”, “together”, “we” or “us”.
- Do not allow yourself to directly point out that a person is wrong; you must respect his position, even if it completely contradicts yours. You can carefully hint that the person is wrong, but you absolutely cannot point this out directly.
- Show that you are open and honest with the person. Show the person that within the framework of the conflict that has arisen, you are not hiding anything from him. Never use lies to resolve a controversial situation, it will not lead to anything good. However, if there are some facts you cannot tell because it is confidential information, say so honestly but gently.
And remember that conflict management does not always lead to the desired result due to various circumstances. However, the more you apply the techniques described above and analyze the behavior of other participants in a controversial situation, the more skill in conflict management you acquire.
Types of conflict management activities.
Anticipating possible scenarios for the development of events creates the conditions for effective management of them. Forecasting the occurrence of conflicts is the main prerequisite for effective efforts to prevent them.
Conflict forecasting is one of the most important activities; it is aimed at identifying the causes of a given conflict in its potential development. The main sources for predicting conflicts are the study of objective and subjective conditions and factors of interaction between people, as well as their individual psychological characteristics (Fig. 3.2).
Basics of preventive activities in conflict prevention
Prevention must take into account the limits of intervention, but it is necessary, and it must begin with identifying the source of the conflict. And for this you need:
- Know the potential causes of tension. They can be both external and internal problems.
- The second step is to identify hidden obstacles.
- The next step is to correct the problem by reacting appropriately. Possible solutions are: establish communication, find a compromise; take a defensive position; change strategy and tactics.
Summarizing experience and practice in the field of conflict prevention, we can highlight the following approaches:
- Cooperation is the establishment of a climate of mutual trust, mutual assistance and mutual support between employees.
- Organizational methods for preventing conflicts: comprehensive training of employees, regular rotation of personnel.
- Competition is a way of interaction between people.
Practice shows that the main emphasis is placed on the line of cooperation, which is the goal of all means and methods of management at the psychological and organizational levels, although sometimes competition can be used.
Conflict resolution can prevent more serious conflicts from occurring that might have occurred if it had not been done. After conflicts are over, the quality of individual activity of managers and employees increases.
3.Methods of managing conflict situations by group.
A conflict is a signal that something went wrong in communications or that some significant disagreements have arisen. Practice shows that there are three directions (methods) for managing conflicts: avoiding conflict, suppressing conflict and managing conflict itself. Each of these areas is implemented using special methods.
There are many methods of conflict management. Broadly speaking, they can be divided into several groups, each of which has its own area of application:
- intrapersonal;
- structural;
- interpersonal;
- negotiation;
- aggressive response.
3.1.Intrapersonal methods.
Intrapersonal methods influence an individual and consist of the correct organization of one’s own behavior, the ability to express one’s point of view without causing a defensive reaction on the part of the opponent. The method of conveying to another person one or another attitude towards a certain subject without accusations or demands, but so that the other person changes his attitude (the so-called “I-statement” method) is often used. This method allows a person to defend his position without turning his opponent into an opponent. “I-statement” is especially effective when a person is angry or dissatisfied. It allows you to express your opinion about the current situation and express fundamental principles. This method is especially useful when a person wants to convey something to another, but does not want him to perceive it negatively and go on the attack.
3.2.Structural methods.
Structural methods primarily affect participants in organizational conflicts that arise due to improper distribution of functions, rights and responsibilities, poor work organization, unfair system of motivation and incentives for workers, etc. Such methods include: clarifying job requirements, using coordination mechanisms, developing or clarifying organizational goals, and creating reasonable reward systems.
- Clarifying job requirements is one of the effective methods of preventing and resolving conflicts. Each employee must clearly understand what his duties, responsibilities, and rights are. The method is implemented through the preparation of appropriate job descriptions (position description) and the development of documents regulating the distribution of functions, rights and responsibilities across management levels.
- The use of coordination mechanisms involves the involvement of structural units of the organization or officials who, if necessary, can intervene in the conflict and help resolve controversial issues between the conflicting parties. One of the most common mechanisms is the hierarchy of authority, which streamlines the interaction of people, decision-making and information flows within an organization. If employees have disagreements on some issue, the conflict can be avoided by contacting the general manager with a proposal to make the necessary decision. The principle of unity of command facilitates the use of hierarchy to manage a conflict situation, since subordinates are obliged to carry out the decisions of their leader.
- Developing or clarifying organizational goals allows you to combine the efforts of all employees of the organization and direct them to achieve the set goals.
- Creating reasonable reward systems can also be used to manage conflict situations, since fair rewards have a positive effect on people's behavior and help avoid destructive conflicts. It is important that the reward system does not reward negative behavior by individuals or groups.
3.3.Interpersonal methods.
Interpersonal methods assume that when a conflict situation is created or the conflict itself begins to unfold, its participants need to choose the form and style of their further behavior in order to minimize damage to their interests. Along with such basic styles of behavior in conflict as adaptation (compliance), avoidance, confrontation, cooperation and compromise, attention should be paid to coercion and problem solving.
Coercion means trying to force someone to accept their point of view at any cost. The one who tries to do this is not interested in the opinions of others. A person who uses this approach usually behaves aggressively and uses power through coercion to influence others. The disadvantage of this style is that it suppresses the initiative of subordinates, creating a greater likelihood that some important factors will not be taken into account, since only one point of view is presented. This style may cause resentment, especially among the younger and more educated part of the staff.
Resolving a problem means accepting differences of opinion and being willing to listen to other points of view to understand the causes of the conflict and find a course of action that is acceptable to all parties. The one who uses this style does not seek to achieve his goal at the expense of others, but rather seeks the best option for overcoming a conflict situation. In complex situations where diversity of thought and accurate information are essential to sound decision making, conflicting opinions must be encouraged and the situation managed using a problem-solving style.
Negotiations, as a method of resolving conflicts, are a set of tactics aimed at finding mutually acceptable solutions for the conflicting parties. In order for negotiations to become possible, certain conditions must be met:
- the existence of interdependence between the parties to the conflict;
- absence of significant differences in the capabilities (powers) of the parties to the conflict;
- correspondence of the stage of development of the conflict to the possibilities of negotiations;
- participation in negotiations between parties who can make decisions in the current situation.
3.5.Response aggressive actions.
Retaliatory aggressive actions are methods that are extremely undesirable for overcoming conflict situations. The use of these methods leads to resolving a conflict situation from a position of strength, including the use of brute force and violence. However, there are situations when conflict resolution is possible only by these methods.
How to determine the opponent's intentions in a conflict situation?
Conflict management should begin from the moment it arises. It is necessary to learn to assess the situation and analyze the intentions of the interlocutor, and the cause of the conflict. It can be formed not as a result of a conflict of interests, but as a consequence of a long-term resentment that was not expressed by the person initially. In order to manage the conflict, it is necessary to assess the opponent:
- The opponent is trying to resolve the situation in his favor, however, he behaves insecurely, the principles are not adequately defended, and the goal of the conflict is not clear.
- The interlocutor fights back, is confident, and persistently leads the conflict in a direction beneficial to him. However, it differs in that it provokes a verbal altercation with the aim of elevating the conflict to the level of mutual insults and humiliation.
- The person behaves stubbornly and unbalanced, the person shows open aggression. He does not try to defend his position with arguments and facts; his weapon is moral pressure with shouts, insults and aggression. If such a person cannot exert moral pressure, then his only weapon remains physical strength. You should not try to resolve such conflicts in your favor; it is better to try to smooth out the controversial situation and retreat.
- A person striving for power will try to suppress with his “authority” in controversial situations. The purpose of the conflict for him is to show that he is in charge and is leading the conflict.
- An adequate opponent will behave with restraint and try to listen to the position of all parties to the conflict. Its task is to resolve the conflict peacefully, without infringing on other participants. It differs in that in a situation it looks not only for the problem, but also for options for solving it.
It is not always possible to quickly find your bearings and understand how the other party to the conflict is feeling. Therefore, to manage conflicts with loved ones, it is recommended to create an individual rave card for them.
It will provide you with information about what vulnerabilities a person has and how he manifests himself in different situations. You will understand how the interlocutor assimilates information and will be able to correctly resolve conflicts with your household or even reduce them to a minimum. In addition, you will help your loved ones identify their true selves, find deep values and look at conflicts from a different perspective.
4. Methods of managing conflict situations.
Practice shows that there are three directions (methods) for managing conflicts:
- avoiding conflict;
- suppression of conflict;
- conflict management itself.
Each of these areas is implemented using special methods. Let's look at some of them.
4.1.Avoiding conflict.
The advantage of this method is that the decision is usually made quickly. This method is used when a given conflict is unnecessary, when it does not fit the situation in the organization, or the costs of a possible conflict are very high. It is also advisable to use it in cases:
- the banality of the problem underlying the conflict;
- the presence of more important problems that require solutions;
- the need to cool flared passions;
- the need to gain time to collect the necessary information and avoid making an immediate decision;
- connecting other forces to resolve the conflict;
- presence of fear of the opposing side or impending conflict;
- when the timing of an impending conflict goes wrong.
A variation of the method of avoiding conflict is the method of inaction. With this method, the development of events is left to the mercy of time, goes with the flow, spontaneously. Inaction is justified in conditions of complete uncertainty, when it is impossible to foresee possible scenarios and predict consequences.
Another variation of this method is concessions or accommodation. In this case, one side makes concessions by reducing its own demands. This method is used when a party discovers that they are in the wrong; when the subject of the collision is more important for the other party; if it is necessary to minimize losses, when superiority is clearly on the other side, etc.
4.2.Suppression of conflict.
Suppressing conflict, in turn, involves the use of various methods. For example, the method of hidden actions is used in cases where:
- a combination of circumstances makes open conflict impossible;
- there is no desire to deal with open conflict due to fear of losing face;
- it is impossible for one reason or another to involve the opposite side in active opposition;
- an imbalance of power, a lack of parity in the resources of the opposing parties, exposes the weaker party to increased risk or causes unnecessary costs.
The techniques used in these cases include both “gentlemanly” and forms of influence that are far from them on the opposite side. Behind-the-scenes negotiations and “divide and conquer” politics can take place here. It is not uncommon to create additional obstacles in the form of hidden or open resistance.
What is conflict and conflict management
Conflict acts as one of the ways to develop relationships between people. It is characterized by the emergence of a controversial situation when one of the participants in social relations does not agree with the other. Conflicts have different directions and have far from a minor role in human life. With their help, it is possible to resolve contradictions that have existed and developed for a long time, but due to some circumstances have not been resolved. In addition, conflicts help to gain support and find new friends or allies if they occur in a group of people. However, the negative side of the coin also exists. Often people do not know how to competently respond to conflict and manage it, as a result of which they lose in controversial situations. Which subsequently leads to a decrease in self-esteem, a reluctance to express one’s own opinion and a constant replay of situations from the past in order to find the best solution to a long-ended conflict.
Conflict management is a psychological technique that helps a person decide in which direction the conflict will develop. Even non-conflict people often become participants in controversial situations, this is justified by the fact that relationships between people simply cannot be built without contradictions. It is worth noting that not every conflict can be managed, but most can be resolved based on your desire.
5. Algorithm for influencing a conflict situation.
The general algorithm for influencing a conflict situation can be reduced to the following.
1. Recognize the existence of a conflict , i.e. the presence of opposing goals and methods among opponents, to identify the participants in the conflict themselves. In practice, these issues are not so easy to resolve; it can be difficult to admit and say out loud that you are in a state of conflict with an employee on some issue. Sometimes the conflict has existed for a long time, people suffer, but there is no open recognition of it; Each chooses their own form of behavior in relation to the other, but there is no joint discussion and search for a way out of the current situation.
2. Determine the possibility of negotiations . After recognizing the existence of a conflict and the impossibility of quickly resolving it, it is advisable to agree on the possibility of holding negotiations and clarify what kind of negotiations: with or without a mediator; who can be a mediator who equally suits the conflicting parties.
3. Agree on the negotiation procedure : determine where, when and how negotiations will begin, i.e. stipulate the timing, place, procedure for conducting negotiations, and the start time of the joint discussion.
4. Identify the range of issues that constitute the subject of the conflict . The problem is to determine what is in conflict and what is not. At this stage, joint ways to solve the problem are developed, the positions of the parties are clarified, points of greatest disagreement and points of possible rapprochement of positions are determined.
5. Develop solution options . The conflicting parties offer several possible solutions, calculating the costs for each of them, taking into account the possible consequences.
Implement the decision made in practice.
The conflicting parties must think through how to organize the implementation of the decision made, determine the tasks of each of the conflicting parties in implementing the results of the negotiations, recording them in an agreed upon decision. The inability to defuse a conflict situation and understand mistakes and miscalculations can cause constant tension. The main reason for the conflict is that people depend on each other, everyone needs sympathy and understanding, the location and support of the other, they need someone to share their beliefs. A conflict is a signal that something went wrong in communications or that some significant disagreements have arisen.
6. Basic recommendations regarding behavior in conflict conditions.
As basic recommendations regarding behavior in conflict conditions, we can point to the following guidelines:
- the ability to distinguish the important from the secondary . It would seem that it could be simpler, but life shows that it is quite difficult to do this. If you regularly analyze conflict situations, the motives of your behavior, if you try to understand what is really important and what is just ambition, then over time you can learn to cut off the unimportant more and more effectively;
- inner peace . This principle does not exclude human energy and activity. On the contrary, it allows you to become even more active, react to events and problems without losing composure even at critical moments. Inner peace is a kind of protection from all unpleasant life situations; it allows a person to choose the appropriate form of behavior;
- emotional maturity and stability : essentially, the ability and readiness to act worthy in any life situations;
- knowledge of how to influence events , meaning the ability to stop oneself and not “pressure” or, conversely, speed up an event in order to “control the situation” and be able to adequately respond to it;
- the ability to approach a problem from different points of view , due to the fact that the same event can be assessed differently, depending on the position taken. If you consider the conflict from the position of your “I,” there will be one assessment, but if you try to look at the same situation from the position of your opponent, perhaps everything will seem different. It is important to be able to evaluate, compare, and connect different positions;
- readiness for surprises , the absence (or containment) of a biased line of behavior allows you to quickly adapt, timely and adequately respond to changing situations;
- the desire to go beyond the problematic situation . As a rule, all “unsolvable” situations are ultimately solvable; there are no hopeless situations;
- observation , necessary not only for assessing others and their actions. Many unnecessary reactions, emotions and actions will disappear if you learn to observe yourself impartially. It is much easier for a person who can objectively assess his desires, motives, and motives, as if from the outside, to manage his behavior, especially in critical situations;
- foresight as the ability not only to understand the internal logic of events, but also to see the prospects for their development. Knowing “what will lead to what” protects against mistakes and incorrect behavior, prevents the formation of a conflict situation;
- the desire to understand others, their thoughts and actions . In some cases this means coming to terms with them, in others it means correctly determining your line of behavior. Many misunderstandings in everyday life happen only because not all people are able or do not give themselves the trouble to consciously put themselves in the place of others. The ability to understand (even without accepting) an opposing point of view helps to predict people's behavior in a given situation.
Conflict management: basic methods and options
There are many methods of conflict management. Broadly speaking, they can be divided into several groups, each of which has its own area of application:
- intrapersonal;
- structural;
- interpersonal;
- negotiation;
- aggressive response.
Intrapersonal methods influence an individual and consist of the correct organization of one’s own behavior, the ability to express one’s point of view without causing a defensive reaction on the part of the opponent. The method of conveying to another person one or another attitude towards a certain subject without accusations or demands, but so that the other person changes his attitude (the so-called “I-statement” method) is often used. This method allows a person to defend his position without turning his opponent into an opponent. “I-statement” is especially effective when a person is angry or dissatisfied. It allows you to express your opinion about the current situation and express fundamental principles. This method is especially useful when a person wants to convey something to another, but does not want him to perceive it negatively and go on the attack.
Structural methods primarily affect participants in organizational conflicts that arise due to incorrect distribution of functions, rights and responsibilities, poor work organization, unfair system of motivation and incentives for workers, etc. These methods include: clarification of work requirements, the use of coordination mechanisms, development or clarification of corporate goals, creation of reasonable remuneration systems:
- Clarifying job requirements is one of the effective methods of preventing and resolving conflicts. Each employee must clearly understand what his duties, responsibilities, and rights are. The method is implemented through the preparation of appropriate job descriptions (position description) and the development of documents regulating the distribution of functions, rights and responsibilities across management levels.
- The use of coordination mechanisms involves the involvement of structural units of the organization or officials who, if necessary, can intervene in the conflict and help resolve controversial issues between the conflicting parties. One of the most common mechanisms is the hierarchy of authority, which streamlines the interaction of people, decision-making and information flows within an organization. If employees have disagreements on some issue, the conflict can be avoided by contacting the general manager with a proposal to make the necessary decision. The principle of unity of command facilitates the use of hierarchy to manage a conflict situation, since subordinates are obliged to carry out the decisions of their leader.
- Developing or clarifying organizational goals allows you to combine the efforts of all employees of the organization and direct them to achieve the set goals.
- Creating reasonable reward systems can also be used to manage conflict situations, since fair rewards have a positive effect on people's behavior and help avoid destructive conflicts. It is important that the reward system does not reward negative behavior by individuals or groups.
Interpersonal methods assume that when a conflict situation is created or the conflict itself begins to unfold, its participants need to choose the form and style of their further behavior in order to minimize damage to their interests. Along with such basic styles of behavior in conflict as adaptation (compliance), avoidance, confrontation, cooperation and compromise, attention should be paid to coercion and problem solving.
Coercion means trying to force someone to accept their point of view at any cost. The one who tries to do this is not interested in the opinions of others. A person who uses this approach usually behaves aggressively and uses power through coercion to influence others. The disadvantage of this style is that it suppresses the initiative of subordinates, creating a greater likelihood that some important factors will not be taken into account, since only one point of view is presented. This style may cause resentment, especially among the younger and more educated part of the staff.
Resolving a problem means accepting differences of opinion and being willing to listen to other points of view to understand the causes of the conflict and find a course of action that is acceptable to all parties. The one who uses this style does not seek to achieve his goal at the expense of others, but rather seeks the best option for overcoming a conflict situation. In complex situations where diversity of thought and accurate information are essential to sound decision making, conflicting opinions must be encouraged and the situation managed using a problem-solving style.
Negotiations , as a method of resolving conflicts, are a set of tactics aimed at finding mutually acceptable solutions for the conflicting parties. In order for negotiations to become possible, certain conditions must be met:
- the existence of interdependence between the parties to the conflict;
- absence of significant differences in the capabilities (powers) of the parties to the conflict;
- correspondence of the stage of development of the conflict to the possibilities of negotiations;
- participation in negotiations between parties who can make decisions in the current situation.
Retaliatory aggressive actions are methods that are extremely undesirable for overcoming conflict situations. The use of these methods leads to resolving a conflict situation from a position of strength, including the use of brute force and violence. However, there are situations when conflict resolution is possible only by these methods.
*** Practice shows that there are three directions (methods) for managing conflicts:
- avoiding conflict;
- suppression of conflict;
- conflict management itself.
Each of these areas is implemented using special methods. Let's look at some of them.
Avoiding conflict . The advantage of this method is that the decision is usually made quickly. This method is used when a given conflict is unnecessary, when it does not fit the situation in the organization, or the costs of a possible conflict are very high. It is also advisable to use it in cases:
- the banality of the problem underlying the conflict;
- the presence of more important problems that require solutions;
- the need to cool flared passions;
- the need to gain time to collect the necessary information and avoid making an immediate decision;
- connecting other forces to resolve the conflict;
- presence of fear of the opposing side or impending conflict;
- when the timing of an impending conflict goes wrong.
A variation of the method of avoiding conflict is the method of inaction. With this method, the development of events is left to the mercy of time, goes with the flow, spontaneously. Inaction is justified in conditions of complete uncertainty, when it is impossible to foresee possible scenarios and predict consequences.
Another variation of this method is concessions or accommodation. In this case, one side makes concessions by reducing its own demands. This method is used when a party discovers that they are in the wrong; when the subject of the collision is more important for the other party; if it is necessary to minimize losses, when superiority is clearly on the other side, etc.
Suppressing conflict, in turn, involves the use of various methods. For example, the method of hidden actions is used in cases where:
- a combination of circumstances makes open conflict impossible;
- there is no desire to deal with open conflict due to fear of losing face;
- it is impossible for one reason or another to involve the opposite side in active opposition;
- an imbalance of power, a lack of parity in the resources of the opposing parties, exposes the weaker party to increased risk or causes unnecessary costs.
The techniques used in these cases include both “gentlemanly” and forms of influence that are far from them on the opposite side. Behind-the-scenes negotiations and “divide and conquer” politics can take place here. It is not uncommon to create additional obstacles in the form of hidden or open resistance.
*** The general algorithm for influencing a conflict situation can be reduced to the following.
- Recognize the existence of a conflict , i.e. the presence of opposing goals and methods among opponents, identify the participants in the conflict themselves. In practice, these issues are not so easy to resolve; it can be difficult to admit and say out loud that you are in a state of conflict with an employee on some issue. Sometimes the conflict has existed for a long time, people suffer, but there is no open recognition of it; Each chooses their own form of behavior in relation to the other, but there is no joint discussion and search for a way out of the current situation.
- Determine the possibility of negotiations . After recognizing the existence of a conflict and the impossibility of quickly resolving it, it is advisable to agree on the possibility of holding negotiations and clarify what kind of negotiations: with or without a mediator; who can be a mediator who equally suits the conflicting parties.
- Agree on the negotiation procedure : determine where, when and how negotiations will begin, i.e., stipulate the timing, place, negotiation procedure, and the start time of the joint discussion.
- Identify the range of issues that constitute the subject of the conflict . The problem is to determine what is in conflict and what is not. At this stage, joint ways to solve the problem are developed, the positions of the parties are clarified, points of greatest disagreement and points of possible rapprochement of positions are determined.
- Develop solution options . The conflicting parties offer several possible solutions, calculating the costs for each of them, taking into account the possible consequences.
- Make an agreed decision . As a result of mutual discussion of possible solutions, the parties come to a common decision, which should be presented in the form of a communiqué, resolution, cooperation agreement, etc. Sometimes, in particularly complex or important cases, documents can be drawn up and adopted at the end of each stage of negotiations.
- Implement the decision made in practice . The conflicting parties must think through how to organize the implementation of the decision made, determine the tasks of each of the conflicting parties in implementing the results of the negotiations, recording them in an agreed upon decision. The inability to defuse a conflict situation and understand mistakes and miscalculations can cause constant tension. The main reason for the conflict is that people depend on each other, everyone needs sympathy and understanding, the location and support of the other, they need someone to share their beliefs. A conflict is a signal that something went wrong in communications or that some significant disagreements have arisen.
*** As basic recommendations regarding behavior in conflict conditions, we can point to the following guidelines:
- the ability to distinguish the important from the secondary. It would seem that it could be simpler, but life shows that it is quite difficult to do this. If you regularly analyze conflict situations, the motives of your behavior, if you try to understand what is really important and what is just ambition, then over time you can learn to cut off the unimportant more and more effectively;
- inner peace. This principle does not exclude human energy and activity. On the contrary, it allows you to become even more active, react to events and problems without losing composure even at critical moments. Inner peace is a kind of protection from all unpleasant life situations; it allows a person to choose the appropriate form of behavior;
- emotional maturity and stability: essentially, the ability and readiness to act worthy in any life situations;
- knowledge of how to influence events, meaning the ability to stop oneself and not “pressure” or, conversely, speed up an event in order to “control the situation” and be able to adequately respond to it;
- the ability to approach a problem from different points of view, due to the fact that the same event can be assessed differently, depending on the position taken. If you consider the conflict from the position of your “I,” there will be one assessment, but if you try to look at the same situation from the position of your opponent, perhaps everything will seem different. It is important to be able to evaluate, compare, and connect different positions;
- readiness for surprises, the absence (or restraint) of a biased line of behavior allows you to quickly adapt, timely and adequately respond to changing situations;
- the desire to go beyond the problematic situation. As a rule, all “unsolvable” situations are ultimately solvable; there are no hopeless situations;
- observation, necessary not only for assessing others and their actions. Many unnecessary reactions, emotions and actions will disappear if you learn to observe yourself impartially. It is much easier for a person who can objectively assess his desires, motives, and motives, as if from the outside, to manage his behavior, especially in critical situations;
- foresight as the ability not only to understand the internal logic of events, but also to see the prospects for their development. Knowing “what will lead to what” protects against mistakes and incorrect behavior, prevents the formation of a conflict situation;
- the desire to understand others, their thoughts and actions. In some cases this means coming to terms with them, in others it means correctly determining your line of behavior. Many misunderstandings in everyday life happen only because not all people are able or do not give themselves the trouble to consciously put themselves in the place of others. The ability to understand (even without accepting) an opposing point of view helps to predict people's behavior in a given situation.
Ardalyon Kibanov “Elitarium”
conflict mapping method
7.Conflict management technology.
One of the dominant principles of conflict management is the principle of competence. A social worker, often faced with conflict situations, must have general knowledge about the cause of occurrence, the nature of development and methods of ending conflicts in general. This knowledge may be the result of rich life experience or theoretical training.
When managing a conflict, it is necessary to collect the most detailed, diverse, and meaningful information about the situation. The radicality of intervention in a conflict cannot exceed the depth of knowledge about them, since you can only manage what you know well. Otherwise, such management leads to results worse than those possible in the natural course of events.
Conflict management is a conscious activity in relation to a conflict, carried out at the stage of its occurrence, development and completion.
Conflict management includes diagnosis, symptoms, prevention, forecasting, mitigation, warning, resolution, settlement. There are such control influences as extinguishing, suppressing, overcoming, and eliminating conflict. Conflict management is more effective if it is carried out in the early stages of contradictions. The earlier a conflict situation in social interaction is detected, the less effort will be required to resolve it constructively.
Conflict management can be considered in two aspects - internal and external. The internal aspect of conflict management is associated with one’s own behavior. The external aspect of conflict management covers the organizational and technological side of resolving a conflict situation. Conflicts in production, in organizations, social rehabilitation centers and in other areas ultimately lead to nothing, but rather complicate the environment of social interaction. Actions taking place in a team often receive an incredible interpretation, which leads to the development of a certain “scenario” of conflict. As a rule, the conflict continues until those in focus bring some clarity to it or conflict management technology comes into play. In conflict management technology, an important point is to determine the reliability of the information received about the content of the conflict.
Conflict management has many meanings. In relation to social systems, this is a purposeful process of optimizing these systems in accordance with objective laws. Conflict management is a purposeful influence on its dynamics, determined by objective laws, in the interests of the development or destruction of the social system to which the conflict is related. The content of conflict management technology includes various types of activities:
- forecasting conflicts and assessing their functional orientation;
- preventing or promoting conflict;
- conflict management;
- conflict resolution.
Conflict forecasting is one of the most important activities of a management subject; it is aimed at identifying the causes of a given conflict in its potential development. Sources for predicting conflict are the study of objective and subjective conditions and factors of interaction between people, individual psychological characteristics of people. These include management style, socio-psychological climate, level of social tension, leadership, etc.
The content of conflict management technology in the context of development, i.e. We present the dynamics of the conflict in Table.
Contents of Conflict Management
Dynamics of conflict (stages) | Contents of conflict management technology (types of activities) |
The emergence and development of conflict | Forecasting, warning, (stimulation) |
Awareness of the conflict by at least one of the participants in the interaction | Stimulation |
The emergence of open conflict interaction | Regulation |
Development of open conflict | Regulation |
Resolving the conflict that has arisen | Permission |
The activities of the leader are of great importance in managing conflicts in an organization. The algorithm of a leader’s activity in conflict management is determined by many factors - the content of the conflict itself, the conditions under which the conflict arises, the development of the conflict, the participants in the conflict, etc. In table 4.2 we present the main steps of conflict management.
Conflict Management Steps
Contents of the activities of the manager (social worker) | Ways and methods of implementing this activity |
Studying the causes and sources of conflict | Observation; analysis of performance results; studying documents, conversations; biographical method; those. studying the biographical data of the participants in the conflict (clients) |
Limiting the number of participants in the conflict (singling out those who are clearly involved in the conflict) | Work with leaders (the most active) in microgroups; redistribution of functional responsibilities; reward or punishment, etc. |
Contents of the activities of the manager (social worker) | Ways and methods of implementing this activity |
Carrying out additional analysis of the conflict, including with the help of experts | Interviewing experts, engaging a mediator and psychologist. Negotiation process (mediation), etc. |
Decision making (determining resolution methods) | Administrative methods, pedagogical methods |
In the process of conflict management, when resolving a conflict situation and choosing a model of action, it is necessary to rely on the principles of conflict management, which include:
- the principle of objectivity and adequacy of conflict assessment;
- the principle of a specific situational approach;
- principle of transparency;
- the principle of democratic influence, reliance on public opinion;
- the principle of integrated use of influence methods and techniques.
It is important for a manager (social worker) to take into account negative factors in making constructive decisions and use various types of psychological power in conflict management technology.
Let us give an example of negative factors in making constructive decisions on a conflict.
Negative factors in making constructive decisions
on the conflict
Contents of factors | Consequences |
A manager's one-sided judgment of his subordinates (usually only in terms of how they carry out his instructions) | It is difficult to understand the motives of those in conflict and assess the development of the conflict (dynamics) |
Interests of a manager (social worker) in a conflict as a member of a team and as an individual | Possibility of erroneous decisions related to an objective assessment of the subject of the conflict |
The desire to quickly resolve the conflict | Possibility of erroneous decisions, often leading to punishment of the “right” and “guilty” |
Options for interpersonal relationships with conflicting people (antipathies, sympathies, friendship, hostility, etc.) | Possibility of erroneous decisions, manifested in a biased attitude towards one of the parties to the conflict |
Let's consider different approaches of psychological power in the process
Approaches to the use of power in the process of conflict management according to X. Cornelius and S. Fair
Type of power and its manifestation | |
Manipulation | Influence |
The outcome of a conflict often affects the interests of the influential | The outcome, as a rule, does not affect the interests of the influencer |
Often the outcome is undesirable for the object of influence | The consent and lack thereof of the object of influence is taken into account |
Information that is objectionable to the subject of influence is concealed | The object of influence is provided with complete information |
The object of influence is not given the opportunity to freely choose | The object of influence is given freedom of choice |
In the process of conflict management, much depends on the manager and the social worker’s reaction to the conflict. The manager must also present a conflict management algorithm. Here are some example actions of a manager in the conflict management process.
When a conflict is detected in a professional environment, the manager must be prepared to talk with conflicting employees. During the conversation, the leader must make it clear that the conflict affects the honor and dignity of its participants and it can and should be resolved. You can start the conversation in different ways, for example, “I get the impression that something is bothering you, depressing you. If I can help with anything, I’m ready to do it.” When constructing a conversation, the manager (social worker) needs to pay attention to the following points:
- you need to show the employee or client that you are interested in him, that his problems affect you;
- convince the employee or client that this conversation will be confidential and information about his problem will not leave the room in which the conversation takes place;
- make it clear to the employee or client that he is not to blame for what happened;
- create conditions for the employee to speak out, do not interrupt him (interrupting means demonstrating disrespect and impatience);
- ask questions to the employee (client) that will help him see his problem better;
- try, together with the employee or client, to answer the question of how serious his problem is.
The purpose of such a conversation is to help the employee (client) cope with his problem independently, i.e. provide self-help.
The technology of conflict management is based on the rules that the manager (social worker) must follow.
- 1. Do not make the team fit your needs, otherwise this will hinder its growth.
- 2. Create an environment of interaction so that every member of the team has the opportunity to be themselves.
- 3. Use the style and tactics that best suit the interests of the business and the character of the leader.
- 4. Listen carefully and promise to look into it.
- 5. Listen carefully and take notes, do not rush to act, understand everything more carefully.
- 6. Refuse to listen to accusations in the absence of the employee (client) and offer to speak publicly.
- 7. Offer to state the essence of the problem in writing.
- 8. Invite another employee against whom the accusation has been brought into the office and invite the opponent to say everything in front of him.
The choice of model depends on the style of the leader and the personality characteristics of the leader. According to psychologists, if you choose the first option, then your position is characterized by cautious decisiveness, if the second option, then your position is distinguished by caution. If the third option is chosen, then the position is principled.
If the fourth option is chosen, then the position is prudent. And finally, if the fifth option is chosen, then the position is principled.
If you have not chosen any of the proposed models, because you think that this situation needs to be sorted out, then you are demonstrating an analytical mindset and a serious approach to business. You are characterized by increased responsibility and thoroughness.
Managing conflicts in relationships
When conflicts arise with a partner, it is necessary to choose the right tactics of behavior. The first thing you should do is allow your partner to abstract himself from the current situation. It is recommended to listen carefully to your partner without trying to interrupt or comment on his words. This way, you will achieve your partner’s disposition to resolve the conflict in a calm atmosphere, without unnecessary shouting or displays of aggression.
After your partner has calmed down, you should carefully persuade him to discuss the problem. Try to suppress his emotions at any manifestation; it is important that your partner fully expresses his position. If your partner continues to develop the conversation in a negative way, set him up for positive memories. When he shows emotion again, point out his positive qualities and praise him. A person will not be able to conflict with you if he sees that you are friendly.
Express your feelings carefully, without focusing on the negative aspects of the conflict. Talk about how conflict makes you upset, but don't point out your partner's negative behavior. This behavior on a subconscious level changes the partner’s perception, he begins to think that the situation arose because of both of you and your feelings are as important as his. Once you understand that your partner is aware of your feelings and is ready to talk, try to sort out the essence of the conflict. You need to competently combine the problem and ways to solve it so that your partner is subconsciously inclined towards your solution.
When sorting out relationships, do not forget about respect. Do not get personal under any circumstances, try to match your true “I” even in such a situation. You can find out what the true “I” is by making a calculation in the Human Design System. It will provide you with complete information about what kind of person you really are and will help to establish the reasons for your movement along the path of the False “I”, which prevents the revelation of your true essence. By following the path of the true “I”, you will find harmony with yourself and your body, learn to understand yourself and clearly perceive the information that your brain processes daily. In addition, calculations in the Human Design System are a unique opportunity to find out your strengths and vulnerabilities. Knowing them, you will get a chance to learn how to use them correctly, which will greatly simplify your life.