What is wisdom - what benefits does it have for a person?

Author of the material:

Igor Lyadsky

Geneticist, writer, business coach, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

With intelligence, knowledge, and intelligence, everything seems to be clear. Many people can explain them. But when asked what wisdom is, only a few will answer. After all, it goes far beyond the usual education or upbringing. Wisdom is not taught in school or university. Where, then, can I get it? Can I do this on my own, or do I need a mentor? At what age does wisdom come, does it depend on the years lived? We will try to answer all these questions together.

What is wisdom

Wisdom is the main human quality that makes it possible to make the right decisions.
Only wise decisions can bring the greatest benefit to humanity. By accumulating knowledge and effectively applying it in practice, we become wiser and take the path of truth. In simple words, wisdom is deep knowledge, a person’s ability to qualitatively assess any situation based on life experience. Having some knowledge is not enough to gain wisdom; you need to learn how to apply this knowledge correctly.

In philosophy, it is believed that wisdom is a certain level of human knowledge of the world that comes with experience. In Greek, the word Sophia (Sophia) is translated as wisdom. This is where the name of the science of philosophy comes from.

Religion says that only the Lord God has real and complete wisdom, and people get only a small part of this priceless quality.

Wisdom and life

As for the everyday understanding of wisdom, there is also a clear connection between mental and intellectual abilities along with the acquisition of experience throughout life. This is the so-called worldly wisdom, it accumulates in people in the process of growing up and it is formed with the advent of different situations that we encounter.

Wisdom is a human gift that is intended for performing good deeds. Having certain skills, each person, applying them in practice, must be aware of his responsibility to other people. After all, all our actions can influence the fate of other people.

All this helped our ancestors discover new natural laws and develop the progress of mankind. People studied weather phenomena, built hypotheses and drew conclusions from this, thus developing an understanding of all the laws of physics and nature known to us. The accumulated experience is passed on from generation to generation and thanks to this, humanity has created civilization.

Who has wisdom

Wisdom is a tool that allows any person to take correct and rational actions. In this way, we can better understand and realize the world in which we live, and also understand ourselves more deeply.

As a rule, wisdom is a product of the maturity of the human mind, but it is worth understanding that each person has his own unique individuality, which in different situations makes it possible to be at different levels of wisdom development at a certain age. Simply put, there are people who, at 35 years old, have the wisdom of an old man, just as adults have the understanding of a child.


The main goal of our life is wisdom. Wisdom will fall upon you whenever you are conscious enough to accept the whole truth about people, their actions, the state of things in the world and in the Universe. But be prepared for the fact that there will always be fog on your way, which will interfere in every possible way, making you distracted, scared and overly impulsive. In order not to succumb to its harmful influence, it is enough just not to forget about it and try to learn to distinguish truth from lies, and truth from falsehood in any situation.

As you gain wisdom, you will definitely want to increase the amount of time you spend in the first and second stages. Over time, you will increasingly experience wow moments and increasingly think about that same purple cloud from the fourth stage. If all this is really true, then you can rest assured: you have definitely achieved great success in terms of personal growth, and this has affected many aspects of your life.

That's all. Don’t wait until the hour before your death to finally figure out what the meaning of your entire life was.

Proverbs about wisdom

The power of wisdom has been talked about everywhere and always. In all countries of the world there are a huge number of proverbs, aphorisms, songs and films dedicated to wisdom. This is not surprising, because every person with higher knowledge wants to preserve and pass on the accumulated life experience to other generations. Creativity always remains the main source of information, which is the heritage of every nation and all humanity.

Wisdom accumulates throughout our lives. To become wiser, you need to work hard on yourself and learn to admit your own mistakes. As a rule, wise people make this or that decision with restraint and balance, relying on their own experience and the knowledge of our ancestors

It is impossible to convey the true meaning of wisdom, however, every proverb or saying contains the most important components of concepts that allow us to better understand what wisdom is. For example, this proverb: “every day of life adds a piece of wisdom.” This saying gives some value to wisdom for the human worldview. As we live every day, we learn something new and the accumulated knowledge makes us more intelligent and understanding.

Today, a large number of proverbs about wisdom have been collected, as we have already found out, it is very important to pass on the knowledge of the wisest people to other generations. The following are a few proverbs about wisdom:

  • Happiness suits the sage;
  • He is wise who knows himself;
  • Wisdom is in the head, not in the beard;
  • The whole earth is open to a wise man;
  • A wise man sees the truth, but a fool learns it on his back.

As a rule, wisdom is associated with a mature state of personality, but this does not mean that a person will become wiser as soon as he reaches a certain age. To become wise, you need to go through many life situations and gain a lot of life experience.

Wisdom is given to man to do the right things and to protect all people from stupidity. To achieve true wisdom, you need to have a lot of knowledge and put it into practice in life. Wisdom is to be educated and benefit all living on earth

Not only an elderly man with gray hair and a long beard can have this quality; in fact, a wise woman can have much greater knowledge. Everything depends on intentions and circumstances; under these conditions, decisions are formed, and certain consequences occur.

The manifestation of wisdom has always been such an ambiguous phenomenon that our ancestors distinguished several types of wisdom; see below for more details.

Stage No. 3. Shocking reality

At the third stage, everything begins to seem even more surprising and incomprehensible. At the second stage we are sure that we are here:


This is wonderful, but such a picture is a complete misconception and a complete deception. It seems to us that we live in a wonderful world, where green grass grows under an absolutely cloudless sky and colorful butterflies flutter (which look more like crows). In fact, the harsh reality is this:


Although, to be more precise, even this:

But, to be even more precise, the situation looks like this:


And to be completely, completely honest, it’s like this:


Sometimes you also tend to think that you are something important and significant:


But you are just a collection of a huge number of atoms:


In order to understand and come to terms with what is depicted in the last few pictures, you need to make a huge effort. Our brain cannot cope with this for long. Demanding that a person fully understand the vastness of the Universe, the infinity of space, eternity, or the size of atoms is like forcing a dog to walk exclusively on its hind legs.

Yes, we are able to concentrate and understand and feel all this, but only for a very short period of time. Sometimes, when we peer into the starry sky, watch a popular science film, talk to the right person, or think about what death is, the truth is briefly revealed to us - we experience moments of insight, the so-called wow moments.

Catching a true wow moment is very difficult, and keeping it is even more difficult.

At such moments, our brain overpowers itself for a split second and reveals to us other facets of reality, the very truth that we so want to comprehend. When a wow moment occurs, everything becomes extremely clear, in such seconds our mind is not clouded by fog, animals behave quieter than water, lower than the grass, and the Supreme Being feels simply wonderful. Wow moments are your ticket to stage three.

At the first stage, we are rude to the cashier who said something bad to us. At the second stage, rudeness does not bother us at all, because we begin to think about the context. We don’t know what’s going on in the cashier’s life and why he’s so angry, we don’t know how his day went, we don’t know anything at all about his life.

At the third stage, we perceive ourselves as an accumulation of millions of atoms, which, according to some strange laws, connected in time and space, and then met the cashier. The only emotion we are able to feel for him at such a moment is boundless love.


Wow moments happen so rarely that we remember them for a long time. They are very short-lived, but even when we return back to the second stage, we remember the feeling we experienced for a long time. This is why the third stage is so important.

Before moving on to the fourth stage, let's repeat what we learned in the first three.

  • The first stage is complete fog and the triumph of animals, many misconceptions and little truth.
  • The second stage - the fog dissipates, the Supreme Being gains more strength, we begin to perceive many things differently thanks to the context.
  • The third stage is complete clarity and closeness to the truth, but for a very short period of time.

What then happens at the fourth stage, if at the third we seem to understand why we live in the first place? Here's what: a great and unknown Something is waiting for us there.

What types of wisdom are there?

Many people living in the modern world have come across several interpretations that are given great importance in the religious world. The most common concepts are:

  • Wisdom;
  • Wisdom;
  • Prudence.

Wisdom is a certain property or ability of the human mind, which is built on the basis of acquired knowledge and the degree of its development. In the future, this knowledge can be applied in society for everyone’s benefit.

Wisdom is the highest degree of the state of wisdom that the Lord God originally possessed.

Prudence is certain human qualities that manifest themselves after acquiring knowledge and skills.

Different religions of the world have their own designations for wisdom. But, in any case, this concept can be divided into two categories: spiritual and vital.

Life wisdom is the ability to competently apply acquired knowledge in life.

Spiritual wisdom is divine understanding that can only come from a calm state, such as meditation or prayer.

How and where to find wisdom

It is worth understanding that wisdom can come to a person in various ways. Some people need to learn from a mentor, others study writing and books to become wiser. Some people don't have to do anything at all, and they learn this quality automatically in moments of insight.

By committing various actions, each person experiences their consequences. Regardless of what these consequences are, we gain a certain experience. Based on this, you can draw conclusions and apply the acquired knowledge in the future. The more situations happen in a person's life, the wiser he becomes. In any case, everyone has their own path to wisdom

If you want to gain wisdom, but you cannot understand what needs to be done for this, you can use the simplest tips:

  • Cut off all information that is of no use;
  • Be sure to put your knowledge into practice;
  • Try to lead an active lifestyle so that there are more positive events around you;
  • Learn from your own mistakes and from the mistakes of other people;
  • Increase the level of your self-development;
  • Listen to your inner voice;
  • Learn from people you consider wise.

These are the simplest ways to accumulate wisdom. By following these tips, you can significantly increase the level of your wisdom, while all the actions are very easy to understand and perform. It is worth understanding that wisdom is a gift of human nature, which gives us the opportunity to obtain the highest degree of understanding of the knowledge acquired and the rationality of its application.

Stage No. 1. Our life is in the fog

The first stage is the lowest. For some of us, it is the only one by default. At this stage, everything is in a very thick fog, through which practically nothing is visible. It is this fog that makes us:

  • limited;
  • short-sighted;
  • stupid.

Let's go through all these points in order.

1. At the first stage we are terribly limited, because animals control everything.

At this stage, all our emotions are under the control of the zoo living in our heads, which controls us through a thick fog. All these animals make us petty, jealous and envious. It is because of them that we secretly rejoice at the failures of others. It is because of them that we feel cowardly, selfish, narcissistic and, at times, even cruel. It is because of them that we hate those people who are somehow different from us. All these emotions come down to two basic instincts of animals that help them survive: self-preservation and reproduction.

2. At the first stage, we are terribly short-sighted and myopic, because the fog obscures everything and does not allow us to look at the situation as a whole.

The fog explains the illogical and short-sighted behavior of people.

You have grandparents, but while they are alive, you are not particularly interested in their lives, visiting them only from time to time on special occasions. You don’t ask them any questions, don’t call, rarely communicate. And when they die, the only thing you want is to turn back time so you can get to know them better and pay them a little more attention. Why on earth didn't you do this earlier while they were around?

You have a strong and friendly family, but one fine day it begins to seem to you that the relationship with your other half is no longer as wonderful as before, and everything that once connected you suddenly faded and became burdensome and annoying. And also children who are constantly missing something. And so you start some completely stupid affair, cheat, thereby instantly destroying what you have been building for years.

There are a great many such situations; they can be listed endlessly. And there are a huge number of people who stumbled and made a mistake. All this happened due to the fact that their minds were in such a thick fog that the Supreme Being simply could not reach them and protect them from rash actions. The expression “Everything is in a fog” did not arise out of nowhere.

3. At the first stage we are very, very stupid.

One way to discover this stupidity is to recognize that we repeat the same mistakes over and over again, time after time, constantly.

The fog builds a completely logical chain of actions in front of us and makes it clear that if we complete them all, we will definitely come to happiness and success. We fall for this trick over and over again, but we never become happy. Why do we think that some fog out there understands matters of human happiness better than we ourselves? Why do we become so gullible when it comes to this feeling?

You need to remember once and for all that in everything that concerns happiness, fog is the worst advisor. The only effective way to truly become happy is to constantly fight the veil that thickens around you. To do this, you need to climb the ladder of consciousness higher: to the second, third, fourth step.

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