Three types of idiocy: intellectual, moral, aesthetic

Social idiocy

Idiocy [gr.
Idioteia - ignorance] is the most severe form of congenital mental underdevelopment - oligophrenia. Speech is usually undeveloped, inarticulate, movements are clumsy and poorly differentiated. The drives are elementary, not correctable...("Great Soviet Encyclopedia", vol. 10, Moscow, Publishing House "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1972) Idiocy (French Idiotisme (idiote) - 1. Feeble-mindedness. 2. Stupidity, nonsense. (Big Dictionary of Foreign Words (ZAO Tsentrpoligraf, 2005)

The word “idiocy” has more than just a medical meaning. When people behave stupidly and senselessly, we say that they are acting like idiots. The basis of social idiocy is people’s adherence to certain patterns of thinking and behavior. Such templates are formed and driven into the heads of millions of people over the centuries by the “world behind the scenes” in order to achieve their goals by the media and means of “mass culture” subordinate to them. You should critically rethink these patterns by turning to your own conscience and intellect. Only after this a person is able to independently make decisions to achieve righteous goals and take responsibility for his judgments and actions.

Let's consider the main types of social idiocy set out in the COB. There are five of them:

  1. Jewish admiration.
  2. Loyalty.
  3. Liberalism.
  4. Cleanliness.
  5. Nihilism.

Jew's admiration

Judean admiration is envy of the mafiosi in the “law of Moses.” Let’s make it clear right away that by the word “Jews” we do not mean only Jews. We have written about this several times in our newspaper and examined in great detail everything connected with this. Those interested can familiarize themselves with articles on this topic in the newspaper archive on the website Briefly, it can be stated that the word “Jew” is not synonymous with the word “Jew”. This is exactly what the “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. states. Dahl in the article “Jew”. Nothing national is reflected in this article: only stinginess , which is condemned by Russian folk culture both among Jews (“Jew, have you seen a Jew?”) and among Russians (“by birth a nobleman, but by deeds of Jews”).

The word “Jew” was used in their works by the classics of Russian literature: A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol, I. S. Turgenev, F. M. Dostoevsky.

However, according to a specially created scenario, the majority of the population is forced to believe that only Jews are Jews. According to the same scenario, an opinion like: “Jews are smarter than all the peoples among whom they live”, “civilization owes everything good in the development of culture since ancient times to the Jews” and the like is implanted in people’s minds. Obviously, this is a deliberate lie.

Semitism is also admiration for the Jews - admiration, but not for the Jew - “teacher”, but for the Jew-enslaver. Admiration for Jews is specially “ploughed up” and maintained as a solid psychological barrier, as a borderline on the way to understanding the true role of Jewry in the history of mankind.

The pseudo-national group - the Jews - was created by Egyptian witch doctors during the Sinai “tourist expedition” as a personnel base for the periphery of the international usurious mafia. Jews are not just a blind instrument of aggression, but also the first victim of their creator - the global mafia (“world behind the scenes”). So that the Sinai covenants were not forgotten and the Jews did not become a real nation, Nazi nonsense of the Torah and Talmud, brainwashing in synagogues and Masonic lodges were imposed on them.

From time to time, the global gardener organized a “weeding” in “his garden ,” mercilessly “pruning” those branches of Jewry that tried to imagine themselves free (they did not do well the work assigned to them in enslaving peoples at the expense of usurious loan interest, or even began to live the life of normal people) . Zionism and anti-Semitism are two levers with which the “world behind the scenes” supported the governance of countries and peoples in a satanic regime acceptable to them. Since the global mafia is now completing the preparation of a new management base - Scientologists , the last and final “circumcision” is being prepared for the Jews, including at the hands of the Arabs (follow reports from the Middle East).

The history of the state of Israel shows that this pseudo-nation, even in the 20th century, was unable to overcome its misanthropic ideology and establish itself as a real nation. So there is no reason to admire the “special Jewish mind”. More details on this issue can be found in the works of KOB.

Idiocy (Idiocy)

Idiocy (Idiocy) as a personality quality is a tendency to constantly do stupid things, get into ridiculous situations, show nonsense, stupidity, unreason and stupidity.

If they paid normally for idiocy, the Guinness Book would burst...

A wife complains to her husband about their son’s behavior: “He has become simply unbearable.” He only listens to the advice of various idiots. Talk to him, maybe he will listen to you.

- Dad, are idiots such animals? - No, son, they are people just like you and me.

Idiocy is a conspiracy of stupidity and nonsense. Stupid and brainless, wild and cretinous, idiocy with its foolishness simply knocks out the brains of even a normal person.

Husband and wife April 1: - Darling, I have to tell you a secret, I can’t hide it anymore. - Speak! — the wife tensed. - I want you to forgive me, I can’t lie anymore. - Come on, don’t delay, speak up! - Our daughter is not from you! - How?! A minute later: - Idiot!

You can be an idiot with normal intellectual development. You just need to show qualities that are allied to idiocy. Having united, huddled together, they turn into one powerful fist of idiocy. The allies of idiocy are stupidity, absurdity, absurdity, dregs, thoughtlessness and unreason.

Idiocy can manifest itself differently in passion and ignorance. Money comes by fate. Passionate people think: “I have to earn money myself, so I have to think about it.” An ignorant person thinks: “Earning money is complete idiocy. The money must be taken away." And a benevolent person thinks that “I simply serve everyone, and money comes according to fate, as a reward.”

For a person under the influence of the energy of ignorance, a person in goodness is an idiot, a strange, eccentric type. In short, a sucker from another planet. It happens that spouses complement each other perfectly: He is a cheerful idiot, she is a serious fool, or a fool with a difficult character, but easy behavior.

Idiocy that has broken through to power is especially dangerous. Leonid Filatov wrote about this case:

There is no worse misfortune in the world than an idiot who has seized power.

Idiots tend to teach others, give advice and instructions that must be followed, and tend to impose their idiotic worldview on them. This pattern operates both in interpersonal and interstate relations. A country that has barely recovered from criminal savagery and barbarism, but has never been able to get rid of idiocy, begins, under the guise of democratization, to teach how countries with a three-thousand-year history should live. A country of idiots, led by one million special agents, becomes a plug in every barrel. If a person is talented, then he is talented in everything. The situation is the same with idiot countries... Maybe the desire to democratize everyone is the naivety that Igor Guberman writes about:

There are individuals - holy simplicity Plays their actions like clockwork, Naivety is an excellent trait, inherent in creators and idiots.

An idiot, trying not to be conspicuous with his idiocy, strives to make others idiots. Such idiots must remember the truth: it is better to remain silent and seem like an idiot than to speak up and dispel all doubts. An idiot is a person who idealizes his capabilities. Poet Igor Guberman writes:

When someone teaches us about life, I go completely numb; I myself have the life experience of being an idiot.

Militant ideotism is the worst thing imaginable. Forgetting about God, he looks optimistically at the material world. Permissiveness and shamelessness are his calling card. No spirituality. Meanwhile, the Scriptures say that optimism on a material basis is synonymous with the word “idiocy.” Optimism based on material things is idiocy.

By and large, in a world where everything is temporary, where everything collapses and dies, only an idiot can be an optimist. This is, of course, a radical statement. Of course, you need to be an optimist, but if, with optimism, you forget about God and spiritual development, and just smile and have fun, then this is outright idiocy and a waste of life.

A person comes into this world to develop his mind, to ascend spiritually to the heights of the spirit, to bring his qualities closer to God. It is idiocy if a person forgets about the laws of the universe, but only optimistically drinks, copulates and profits from other people and countries.

A pessimist sees only an endless tunnel. An optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel. The realist sees a tunnel, light and a train coming towards him. And only the train driver sees three idiots sitting on the rails!

An ignorant lifestyle leads to degradation and idiocy. Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov in One-Storey America write: “You can be a sweet and smart boy, do well at school, do well in university science courses - and after several years of regularly visiting the cinema, turn into an idiot.”

Jokes on topic.

Mom, I don't want to marry this idiot. - Why? - I love another one.

If they call you a complete idiot, try to lose weight...

A city dweller was driving along a rural road and saw two signalmen climbing telephone poles. “What idiots!” — she snorted contemptuously, turning to her companion. “They probably thought I had never driven a car!”

Father opens the diary - everything is about, only singing - “5”. - And this idiot also sings!

Petr Kovalev Other articles by the author:


Key phrases of this type of social idiocy: “Don’t think! The one who will decide everything for us is with us!” and “I am a small person.”

Loyalty is the thoughtless confidence that if all members of society follow a higher authoritative leadership , without deviating from its instructions, without interfering in matters prescribed by the leadership, then the whole society will prosper. The question is:

  1. Where does such unshakable confidence in the good intentions of the authorities come from?
  2. Can the best boss write instructions for all occasions?

In 1917, the people got rid of faith in the “good tsar” . But, as practice shows, faith in the “good leader” has not yet been completely eliminated. It would seem that the Yeltsin regime should have killed this faith completely. No! Not so! As for V. Putin, with all his sincere desire to revive the country, he will not be able to do this alone, in the absence of active independent actions of the broad masses.

When a person goes to the polls and, with a feeling of honestly fulfilling his duty, votes for “his master” - the owner of a factory, city, region, preventing the implementation of a fair people's concept of life - what diagnosis will we make? Loyalty. Are you satisfied with the bondage of your feudal lord? Why do you think that he will suddenly start caring about you and not about his pocket?

Another example of loyalty: treating the Bible as God's true revelation and treating church hierarchs as God's authorized representatives on Earth. It is known that the Prophets themselves did not write anything in principle; they taught people a living faith in the living God. The Bible contains much more malicious human innuendo than the words of Jesus. How can we distinguish the prophetic gospel in the Bible from the co-authorship imposed on Jesus? This can only be done according to your personal morality. Open your Bible and read again:

“You shall not lend to your brother (i.e., a Jew) silver, bread, or anything else that can be lended at usury; you shall lend it to a foreigner at usury; but you shall not lend it to your brother at usury” (Deuteronomy 23: 19.) “...and you will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow [and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you.] (Deuteronomy 28:12.) “Then the sons of foreigners will build walls yours, and their kings to serve you, the people and kingdoms that do not want to serve you will perish, and such nations will be completely exterminated.” (Isaiah 60:10 - 12.)

Read - and differentiate! Whom do church hierarchs represent—God or the international usurious mafia—when they show off at parties of the political “elite”? when they bless her for satanic deeds? when believers are led away from issues of self-government of society? when different religious denominations are pitted against each other? You should learn to independently answer such questions and give an independent assessment of phenomena at a regional, state, and global level of significance.


Liberalism [lat. Liberalis - relating to freedom] - a system of economic and political views that expressed the interests of the industrial bourgeoisie during the period of its struggle against the feudal-serf system, in the era of bourgeois revolutions; liberalism demanded a constitution, a limitation of the absolute monarchy by parliament, the admission of the bourgeoisie to participate in government, and the abolition of class privileges of the nobility and clergy. — Large dictionary of foreign words in Russian. M.: Yunves, 1999.

Liberty (English) - 1) freedom; 2) liberty, unceremoniousness.

Liberalism is the thoughtless confidence of many people that if all such verbiage liberals are given the right to chat about anything, then this will make it possible to continuously find solutions to existing and also continuously arising problems in society, and society will prosper immediately after the liberals take state power into one's own hands.

But for twenty years now, such “liberals” as M. Gorbachev, B. Yeltsin, E. Gaidar, V. Chernomyrdin, E. Primakov, S. Kiriyenko, B. Nemtsov, V. Zhirinovsky and other. But their liberalism, stemming from an “elite” irresponsible ignorance of sociological matters, was in practice expressed in a sharp deterioration in the quality of life of the entire population as a result of “their” “liberal” “reforms” (for example, due to inflation of 2,000% per year, sanctioned and organized by the government of E. Gaidar or due to the default of “August 17, 1998” by S. Kiriyenko). At the same time, the activities of liberals are combined with their extreme aggressiveness and contempt for all those who do not share the liberal way of life. So, for example, V. Novodvorskaya, speaking on January 22, 2001 (repeat broadcast) on TV-6, in the “Scandals of the Week” program, said that the Russian people are “frols” (I wonder what she put into this concept?) , and since they (the people) are for the anthem proposed by Russian President Putin, then all these people must ( ! ) die (?!).

This is what liberalism is in practice.

Causes of idiocy

The reasons that caused idiocy can be different:

- accidental damage to the head of a newborn;

- an infectious disease complicated by inflammation of the brain;

- genetic predisposition to mental and nervous diseases;

- drunkenness during conception;

- illnesses or moral shocks of the expectant mother during pregnancy;

- parental relationship;

- hereditary syphilis;

- delayed embryonic brain development;

- poor hygienic conditions, insufficient nutrition, excessive head wrapping;

- the use of vodka and opium in lulling a child.


Cleanliness is a thoughtless belief in the “indecency” in a “decent” society to be interested in the substantive side of certain phenomena (the Jewish question, sources of income, the nature of someone’s connections abroad, with relatives, with the mafia, with other people’s intelligence services).

Typical attitude of a purist: “Politics is a dirty business! I will not delve into the dirty laundry of state and global tycoons. If you get involved with crap, you’ll end up like crap!” To such an “attitude,” all these “shits” echo the purists: “Why do you need to dirty your clean hands? We will deal with this dirty business (politics) without you neaties!” As long as our people adhere to such views, unscrupulous politicians will decide the fate of the planet with their dirty hands, and men will die in various military and political conflicts.

Another example of a cultivated purist opinion: “I will not trick and maneuver in all this crap of modern society. I’d rather die with my head held high!” And this “shit” rejoices: “That’s right! Die! Less people - more oxygen!” But why give in to occupation propaganda? We need to live and fight!

Cleanliness does not allow “decent” people to see and openly talk about the fact that the country is controlled from abroad through various non-governmental (essentially SUPER-governmental) organizations - the economic forum in Davos, the IMF, the EBRD, Soros foundations, environmental organizations like Greenpeace, etc. Cleanliness does not allow us to loudly declare that officials have actually merged with the mafia and, in order to earn more money , are trading in state interests and secrets, selling the future of their country and the entire people wholesale and retail.

In order not to allow the “world behind the scenes” to control people in accordance with their satanic interests, we, the most ordinary “ordinary people”, must ourselves show interest in the mechanism of power, master the means of control and, above all, information control and more actively intercept this control in our own purposes. This is exactly what the KPE proposes to do: boldly go into politics, carry and implement the ideas of KOB.


Nihilism is a withdrawal from one’s personal participation in the life of the country and society, participation in social processes. It manifests itself in two lines of behavior :

  1. “I don’t trust anyone and I stand up for myself.” “I am outside of politics.” “The people around me are enemies, I don’t want to have anything in common with them.”

But, nevertheless, they will get you too!

Your slogan is “I am out of politics?” Don't you go to the polls? Do you “don’t care?” But those “who need to” still go to the polls; choose those “who are needed”; “the chosen ones” act “as they should.” As a result, the politicians you hate, those “who need all this,” turn off your lights and heating, increase your prices for bread and milk, tariffs for transport and housing, and destroy all those who are “outside politics!”

  1. Personality degradation in drunkenness, drug addiction, voluptuousness. “There is no happiness in life”, “Fuck you all...”, “Go to hell.”

At work, the boss scolded me, they don’t give me a salary, at home my wife is nagging - “Where is the money?”, The children are “double-minded”. “Yes, let it all go to waste! I’ll go to my friends, maybe they’ll pour me some.”

And the “friends” happily rub their hands: “Okay, Russian pigs, get drunk, smoke, smoke...” And they will give you a free cigarette on the street (in the form of advertising), and at school they will teach your child to use a condom, and they will give you a dose “for free”, and a glass will be brought.

Three types of idiocy: intellectual, moral, aesthetic

Idiocy first, intellectual. This is when a person does not distinguish what is from what is not, what can happen from what cannot happen. In the most severe forms, he directly accepts the non-existent as existing, in less severe forms - with reservations: “What if?”, “Well, it happens,” “I want to believe,” etc. This is the stage of development when a person believes fairy tales. For children - naturally, for adults - only when they have not grown up.

To believe that there are elections in the Russian Federation is just such idiocy. To believe that an opponent of the government, whom the government fears and who has two convictions and two suspended sentences, is at large and is fighting this government is another example of intellectual idiocy. For example, the belief that the gopnik who met you at night: “Lend me, you bastard, ten obliques, I’ll return them tomorrow,” will actually return them, is much less idiocy. Well, really, whatever happens! This is simply an inability to correctly assess the probability of the unlikely. This is not complete ilioism yet. It is idiocy to consider something possible that cannot exist in principle. All our talk about the opposition’s chances in the elections, about whom to vote for or not to vote for, about watching or not watching, especially with the sentence about “something needs to be done” – this is intellectual idiocy.

But in our situation, intellectual idiocy is not the worst thing. Intelligence, like the ability to build roads, has never been our strong point. Moral idiocy is much worse.

This is when good is declared bad and bad is declared good. Putin began turning us into moral idiots as soon as he emerged. And he has been doing this for exactly 18 years. The degradation of the country and society is declared to be rising from its knees, a bloodbath is declared to be the restoration of territorial integrity, paralysis is declared to be stability, mediocrity is declared to be talent, theft is declared to be salvation, aggression is to be defended, spiritual regression is to be declared to be a religious revival, the murderers of the country are to be patriots, and real patriots are trying to save the country. , – foreign agents, etc. and so on..

A huge part of the country, and not much that is huge - growing all the time, lives like moral idiots: it considers good to be bad and bad to be good. How many are there? Tens of percent. And here it doesn’t matter whether it’s four dozen or eight tens. And forty percent of moral idiots make the prognosis for society unfavorable.

In electoral behavior, moral idiocy is manifested in the readiness to vote for non-angels - where can we find angels? And in particular - for skillful manipulators, for “anyone except”: for fascists, Stalinists and others, excuse the harsh word, bastard, and also for whom the leader says. All our “I don’t like him, but” are manifestations of moral idiocy. Which makes us eat, sorry again, crap because we've been told it's healthy.

But moral idiocy is not the worst thing. Much worse is aesthetic idiocy.

This is when the ugly does not cause physiological rejection. When aesthetic differences are ignored. When the aesthetic feeling is generally suppressed. When a person no longer responds with a gag reflex to the ugliness of vulgarity.

Putin’s television has also been cultivating aesthetic idiocy for exactly 18 years. Gradually dragging the most seemingly innocent programs into abomination. This is what all cultural production is aimed at. There are almost no islands of resistance. Yes, there were few of them.

The people whose hands carry out this aesthetic dumbing down - and this is a huge group of people - deserve the most irreconcilable public condemnation. However, “they deserve” is not entirely accurate here. Such condemnation is a natural, reflexive act, like vomiting. Just “judgment”, that is, there is no intellectual component in it. Without thinking or thinking, the body rids itself of the ingested muck. If, of course, he is healthy.

Among the media leaders, conductors of Putin’s policy of commonality, one of the most striking faces is the daughter of the first mayor of the center of the Leningrad region (I don’t pronounce “Petersburg” in relation to this city; in Soviet times, “Peter” was easily said, but now “Petersburg” is well, not at all). Ksyusha cannot even be called an apologist for vulgarity - she is an apostle of vulgarity. The real, true face of Putinism. She cannot even be considered an agent; she is the closest person to Putinism. Not so much for Putin personally, but for the system he built. And it’s hard to imagine a more native person for this system.

I pay tribute to the creativity of the Department of Internal Policy of the AP. They are very capable guys. They work great! And five years ago, when they made Ksyusha the leader of the opposition, an ally of Navalny and, hee hee, Yashin. And they worked especially well now. If you want an opposition candidate, you will get it. It’s not enough for you to be old, forgive me a thousand times for the expression, ..... Yavlinsky, get ..... younger. Just come. Vote for whoever you want, just show up. And it doesn’t matter whether you come or not. Just don’t organize anything parallel! Just don’t make a parallel protest!

This is the only thing they are afraid of. Not this or that election outcome. There can be no outcome to elections when there are no elections themselves. They are afraid of the growth of protest sentiments, and most of all - the self-organization of protest. Even if in the form of an active boycott. Several million signatures under the declaration “This is not an election, but a ....stvo” (sorry a million times) - that’s what they are afraid of. And, in order to prevent this, they will do anything - repression, murder, whatever you want... But first, of course, cunning.

With such support, Ksyusha’s triumphal march is guaranteed. And she will collect signatures, and the donkeys will sing loud praises to her, and the goats will sweep the road for the beards. And the audience will sob and cry.

Naturally, the trolls will set the tone. But there will also be many sincere sympathizers.

The scale of the epidemic of aesthetic idiocy in our country is wider than that of the epidemic of moral idiocy, and than that of the epidemic of intellectual idiocy.

Kaleidoscopic idiocy

of social idiocy are varieties of kaleidoscopic idiocy . The basis of kaleidoscopic idiocy is a violation of the integrity of both worldview and process-based thinking.

The fundamental difference between a kaleidoscope and a mosaic is that removing, adding, or simply rearranging the constituent elements in a kaleidoscope fundamentally changes the WHOLE picture, the WHOLE idea of ​​the world around us. But in a mosaic, adding, deleting, rearranging elements does not fundamentally change , it remains recognizable and, if desired, can be restored in thoughts. This fundamental difference also shows the way to overcome social idiocy in society - you need to master the holistic worldview that KOB gives.

It is also MANDATORY to take into account that social idiocy of any kind is not a personal matter for each of the kaleidoscopic idiots, because the entire society as a whole suffers from “their” kaleidoscopic idiocy. Therefore, getting rid of social idiocy in society is the job of everyone who wants to be a free person, plan their future and not be someone’s slave working for the interests of an unknown (or known) owner, and whose well-being can instantly change depending on their interests owner.

Fatal human idiocy...

I never cease to be amazed at human idiocy, which sometimes goes off scale and leads to...

In a word, read...

Deadly dive.

(July 4, 1998, Texas), Americans living in private homes can afford to have their own pool. One pool owner was swimming with his friends and celebrating US Independence Day at the same time. In a fairly drunk state, he decided to show his friends what a tough guy he was, climbed to the roof of the house and dived from there into the pool. The man was 180 tall. His pool was only one and a half meters deep. At the time his head reached the bottom, his legs were still sticking out of the water up to his knees. The man died from a broken spine. An interesting fact is that his family sued the company that installed the pool, but lost the case.

Investigative experiment.

(1982, Texas) At the Amarillo fairgrounds, some buildings needed painting and local painters were hired to do the job. One of the buildings was located on a hill, and the painters' wheeled scaffolding tended to roll down the mountain, so the painters removed the wheels on the scaffolding and decided to move it by hand. The workers were in the process of moving the scaffolding when its metal base touched a transformer panel protruding from the ground. The painters were killed.

The city authorities decided to conduct an investigation and began it with an investigative experiment. Two officials seized the scaffolding in the same location as the two painters, began moving the scaffolding... and were quickly electrocuted.

Airmail home.

Criminal charges have been filed against a man who flew from New York to Dallas in the compartment of a cargo plane to visit his parents. McKinley, a young clerk working in New York, sent himself to his parents by airmail. A delivery driver picked up the box at the Dallas Airport and brought it to McKinley's parents' home in the suburbs.

When the driver went to unload the 150-kilogram box from the truck, he saw a pair of eyes through the crack and thought there was a body inside. When the box was opened and McKinley emerged, his mother was stunned and the delivery driver called the police.

Airport security officials arrived at the prison to interview him in detail about his journey. Since the terrorist attack on September 11, the government has been trying to minimize the vulnerability of air transport to terrorists, and McKinley's story will help close the gaps in the security system.

McKinley said he was homesick and was looking for a cheap way to visit his parents. Then he came up with the idea of ​​sending himself home by mail.

Death for justice.

Clement Wallandigham was a prominent Northern Democrat who campaigned for states' rights during the Civil War. In 1863, he was convicted of treason and exiled to the South, where he continued to express his political views.

After the war, Wallandigham became a lawyer. In his last courtroom appearance, he represented a client convicted of murder. The accused man's defense was that the victim pulled his own gun in a manner that caused the gun to fire (self-shot). To prove the defense's argument, Wallandigham demonstrated the method by which the victim took the weapon. A firearm shot at the lawyer during the show, and he lost his life - but proved the defendant's innocence.

Revenge of the dump truck.

(September 7, 1990, Sydney, Australia), Men like big cars. What else could explain the actions of a 34-year-old thief who decided to take possession of the box of an old Bedford tipper? The truck was parked outside the protected area of ​​one of the construction companies. It generally takes three men to remove a gearbox of this size, but our enterprising thief decided he could do it himself. He crawled under the truck and began to loosen the bolts.

Suddenly the unit broke free and landed on the thief's face, killing him on the spot. Police determined he had at least one accomplice, based on pools of vomit found under nearby bushes. An employee discovered the body early the next morning. The manager said the truck was going to be written off. “If he came and asked me for it, I would give him this dump truck for free.

Forgetful skydiver.

(North Carolina, 1987), Ivan, an experienced skydiver with 800 jumps under his belt, was videotaping a private lesson for a wealthy trainee. He attached a video camera to his helmet so that it captured the entire process, and the power supply and recorder were in a heavy backpack on his back.

The group boarded the plane, and the teacher began preparing the newcomer for the jump. Ivan carefully filmed everything on camera. The moment to jump came and Ivan jumped from the tail section after the student. A few heartbeats later, Ivan realized that he had been so focused on filming the jump that he had forgotten to put on his own parachute. The investigator suggested that the video equipment strapped to his back may have been mistaken for a parachute.

Birthday gift.

(November 22, 1980, Missouri), City Gate Arch rises 200 meters above St. Louis. A young man, Kenneth, 33 years old, wanted to impress his wife on her birthday.

His plan was to parachute to the top of the arch. Kent didn't care that the city rejected his request for this scam. Kenneth already had 1,600 jumps under his belt and was a professional skydiver. He asked his wife to come and photograph his triumph. At 8:55 he jumped from a light aircraft and landed safely on top of the monument. The first part of the crazy plan went well. However, the guy clearly didn’t think about how to descend from a height of 200 meters. He began to roll off the northern support of the arch, trying to slow down with a reserve parachute. But a gust of wind caught his parachute and carried him away from the arch along with his owner. Kenneth died at a local hospital approximately one hour after completing his jump.

Death of a curious robber.

A petty thief broke into the home of a World War II veteran and stole the rare .45 caliber pistol he used in battle in the 1940s. The hooligan, emboldened by impunity, decided to rob a local mini-market and burst in, waving his new pistol. The cashier obeyed and handed over the entire cash register. Our thug took the money and turned to leave, but suddenly decided that it was not worth leaving witnesses. He aimed the cashier's pistol and pulled the trigger... There was a click, but the shot did not fire. The puzzled idiot turned the barrel towards himself and looked into the barrel... A shot rang out and a hole at least 15 centimeters in diameter appeared in the guy’s skull. An interesting fact is that the criminal’s corpse was identified only by fingerprints. It subsequently turned out that the delay in the shot was due to old cartridges that the veteran had loaded into the pistol unknown how many years ago. The expired gunpowder caught fire a few seconds later, killing the curious robber.

Unlucky Munchausen.

In 1986, Britain was hit by the worst storm in 350 years. Wind speeds exceeded 90 mph and caused incredible damage to property and people, with millions of trees uprooted by the storms.

In Margate in Kent, one unfortunate homeowner's life was ruined by three massive poplar trees. The wind cut down one, which was in the garden behind the house. Another poplar was tilted so that its crown caught on the roof and the foliage was blocking the upstairs bedroom windows, and something had to be done.

The owner of the house decided to cut down the tree and climbed to the top, sitting astride the trunk opposite the gutter of his roof. It took him 20 minutes to saw off the snagged area, the tree trunk straightened and shot the guy with the energy equivalent of a small cannon charge.

His body was found in a neighbor's garden about 80 meters from the scene. The police surgeon said that the guy's neck was broken during the flight, and he died before reaching the ground.

Revenge of the cactus.

(February 1982, Arizona) Desert shooters target the trunk of the giant Cereus cactus so often that the state government was forced to make this “sport” a criminal offense. Criminals risk a $100,000 fine and three years in prison. But that doesn't stop snipers like David, 27, who was trying to impress friends when he came close to shooting at Cereus gigantea. He reportedly fired a double shotgun, cutting through the base of the cactus. The six-meter trunk fell straight on the guy, piercing his head with sharp thorns.

Fatal curiosity.

On the eighteenth floor of a skyscraper under construction, an engineer was inspecting the structure of the building. He asked one of the workers to stand on the scaffolding, which hung outside the building through an open window opening. With the worker acting as a counterweight, the engineer went out onto the scaffolding, checked the outside and returned to the premises.

After the engineer left, curiosity got the better of the worker. He walked through the scaffolding outside to see what the engineer was looking at... the falling worker luckily didn't hit any pedestrians! He did not know what a counterweight was, which was the reason for his death.

Deadly sex in the air.

An amateur pilot and an instructor gathered to conduct a training flight and took off into the sky in a two-seater plane. After some time, witnesses noticed that the plane was tilting towards the ground... An examination of the crash and the bodies showed that both pilots were partially clothed, and the front seat of the plane was in an inclined position. [The pilots converted the co-pilot's seat into a bed.] Seat belts were not fastened. [They were lying on the bed]. An examination of the clothing showed that there were no tears, so they took it off voluntarily. The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause of this accident as follows: The pilot allowed his attention to be diverted to other activities unrelated to the conduct of the flight during the flight. [The pilot and co-pilot had sex without anyone flying the plane]. The absence of a pilot led to an uncontrolled flight and disaster.

Karateka vs lion.

In late 1989 in Australia, a rather impressionable kung fu student listened with rapt attention as his teacher abruptly informed the class, “Now that you have reached this level in your training, you can kill wild animals with your bare hands!”

The martial arts trainee took the statement as gospel and headed to Melbourne Zoo to test his mettle against the world's most dangerous animal - the lion. In the darkness of the night, he slipped into the zoo, climbed into the lion's cage and took a fighting stance... Zoo employees found his remains - two arms - the next morning, with scraps of red fur clutched in his hands.

Death by horns.

(1985, Montana) Two local residents decided to increase their income by illegally exporting a shipment of elk antlers from Yellowstone Park. The horns sell for approximately $15 per kilogram, and one horn can weigh up to 15 kilograms, making theft a lucrative enterprise. It was too dangerous to use a car because there was a ranger checkpoint on the roads. It was impossible to carry the trophies in backpacks and they decided to use a boat, or rather a rubber raft. At night, after loading the raft with sharpened horns, the men sailed away from the shore. It was spring time, so the river, dangerous in all seasons, now had a doubly stormy current. They managed to swim a little before the horns pierced the raft. The poachers, deprived of their watercraft, had to swim to the shore. One swam well and an hour later he was walking along the road to the city. The other one was not so successful. A week later he surfaced on a local beach.

Death of Dracula.

A college student dressed up as Dracula for Halloween. As a finishing touch, he decided to hammer a knife into a piece of wood under his shirt, supposedly piercing his heart. But the poor guy didn’t calculate the strength and thickness of the plywood and really hammered it into his heart. Leaving the room, he managed to say before his death, “I really did it!”

Stupid death from the paws of a pig.

James, Billy and Ashley were killed early Friday after their blue van overturned on a country road. Thieves, hogs and alcohol were to blame...

The evening before the tragedy, the guys were drinking at a local celebration, until one of them had the drunken idea of ​​stealing a hog from a local pig farm, which he informed his comrades about.

At 23:00 they drove up to the farm, broke the fence, tied the stolen pig with a rope to a truck, and drove away. After three miles, the hog got tired and began to slow down, and the vehicle jerked sharply to the side... None of the passengers survived, nor did the pig.

Psychic versus train.

(September 1989, USSR), The Soviet Union is home to a growing number of psychics. One of them, E. Frenkel, believed that he could stop any vehicle thanks to his psychic abilities and would not receive any damage. As proof of his paranormal skills, he decided to stop a freight train.

The train driver who ran over Frenkel saw that he had thrown away his briefcase and stood on the rails, straining his body. The engineer applied the emergency brakes, but it was too late.

An absurd victim of the desert.

(July 26, 1991) Patrick planned a record-breaking 20-mile hike through the Salt Valley, the hottest place on earth. He made it 19.5 miles into his hike before falling and never rising again. A video camera and an empty three-quart water bag were found near his body.

The Lake Rescue Team located Patrick's scorched body on his forty-first birthday, nearly two weeks after he went on a desert excursion. He was found only half a mile from his red truck, where gallons of fresh water lay. Patrick, a healthy 80-kilogram tourist, was dehydrated up to 45 kilograms by the scorching sun.

Homicide was ruled out by an autopsy, and suicide seems unlikely since this was his third attempt to complete the trek. He most likely wanted to set a record for becoming the first person to do so without the help of a guide.

And the extra water is so heavy!

Before his doomed excursion, he boasted to several friends that he had calculated the exact amount of water he would need to complete the route. Miscalculating, he was only carrying three quarts of water, which was simply not enough to survive the trek.

Killed my dick with cocaine.

Doctors are warning of a dangerous new method of cocaine abuse: injecting the drug directly into the urinary tract. Doctors from New York-Cornwell Hospital Medical Center reported the case of a 34-year-old man who suffered severe bleeding under the skin after cocaine was pumped into his urethra. This led to complications that destroyed his penis, nine fingers, and part of his legs. "They fill an eye dropper or syringe with cocaine and inject it into the penis," said Dr. Samuel Perry, a clinical professor of psychiatry. Interestingly, the man injected cocaine before a date to increase libido. He was hospitalized because his penis remained erect for three days, resulting in a painful inability to urinate. The medical term for a long-term boner is “priapism.” Over the next 12 hours, blood seeped into the tissue of his legs, arms, genitals, back and chest. Blood clotting caused the tissue to die.

Doctors were forced to amputate the man's legs above the knee and all but one of his fingers to stop the spread of gangrene. The patient's penis was also reduced.

Warning: This news is taken from here. Copyright does NOT belong to Muz4in.Net. When using, please cite THIS LINK as the source.

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