Lesson 3. Planning tasks: making lists and prioritizing

If you begin to thoroughly understand what factors influence a person’s life in general, then you can find a great variety of them. Any area of ​​a person’s life and each sphere of his activity, of course, has a number of peculiarities inherent to them, and sometimes what is applicable to one is completely inapplicable to another. But despite this, there are certain fundamental principles that are effective in absolutely everything. One of these principles, or more precisely, laws that can be considered guarantors of success in any field, can safely be called the ability to plan and prioritize. We will find out why this is so important in this time management training lesson. After studying this material, you will learn about what business planning is and what its features are, why it is necessary and important to daily compile lists of work, personal and household chores. In addition, we will look at several effective planning techniques and principles, some of which are designed for every day, and some have a more long-term focus - for a week, a month, a year and even several years. This lesson in our online training on time management will be useful to people of all ages and professions, and you will be able to apply the information received to achieve your goals from the first day.

What is planning?

Planning is the setting of goals or objectives, with the optimal allocation of resources that will be required to achieve them.
The more complex the work ahead, the greater the need for quality preparation. The fact is that any process requires the use of human potential and material sources, as well as time. The more correctly they are predicted before work, the fewer empty losses will occur during its implementation. The history of planning begins in ancient society. The world around us is cyclical. Man quickly learned to predict weather changes, the dynamics of wild animal populations, and the state of vegetation. This made it possible to prepare for sowing, harvesting, gathering, hunting or fishing.

With the development of society and the emergence of new professions, planning acquired more advanced forms. A huge role in this was played by the emergence of writing, and with it the possibility of transferring large amounts of information to external media (clay, papyrus, parchment, paper). Various types of planning arose, which will be discussed further.

Mind map

Thought maps or mind maps are a way to record thoughts in a way convenient for the brain. Ideas do not appear in it one after another.

Large ideas develop into small ideas-details, so they need to be written down not in a list, but in the form of a kind of tree with many branches diverging from the trunk - the main idea.

The mind map sheet should be large in size so that its borders do not confine you. In the middle of the sheet you need to write a key idea or fundamental task.

Drop the formalities. This is the essence of a mind map - it should be comfortable for you.

Use single words rather than sentences to describe ideas. Better yet, draw a picture. An idea that is condensed into meaning is easier for the brain to assimilate.

Online mind mapping apps: bubbl.us, coggle.it, mapmyself.com, mindmeister.com, popplet.com, spiderscribe.net.

The concept and meaning of planning in an enterprise

Planning is one of the main functions of enterprise management, through which the targeted and objective development of the management object is determined and ensured. Planning at an enterprise includes setting goals and objectives for functional areas of activity, as well as determining ways and means of achieving them.

As a type of management activity, planning determines the choice of possible alternatives and prospects for the development of the enterprise in the foreseeable future. At the same time, the implementation of planned measures is carried out on the basis of decisions made.

The concept of enterprise planning

The result of planning is a plan for a specific project or activity, formalized in the form of a document that defines the targets to be achieved and how to achieve them.

The integration of management processes predetermines the importance of planning for enterprises, especially clearly manifested due to the increasing complexity of the external economic environment, which requires organizations to be highly flexible in management, the ability to constantly calculate many options for management decisions in a complex, taking into account all factors.

Development of management decisions based on planning

At enterprises, planning, as a type of management activity, is represented by the following areas:

  • general analysis and planning of the current activities of the enterprise,
  • planning to ensure the current and future activities of the enterprise with all types of necessary resources,
  • resource allocation planning,
  • assessment of resource use.

The main tasks of planning at an enterprise:

  • providing the necessary resources for production, commercial and financial activities;
  • identification of reserves and mobilization of resources in order to effectively use the diverse income of the enterprise.

Planning at enterprises involves the development of several types of plans:

  • concepts of long-term development;
  • strategic long-term plans (for 5 years or more);
  • business plans (combining strategic and current planning);
  • annual planning;
  • operational planning (for up to one month)

Enterprises must carry out sufficient planning work, not occasionally, but constantly. The creation of a clear system of plans at the enterprise seems especially relevant.

Enterprise planning has always played a significant role in the economy of any country. Currently, the role of planning in enterprises has become especially clear due to the increasing complexity of the external economic environment and the intensification of competition, which requires companies to have high flexibility in management and the ability to constantly calculate many options for management decisions in a complex manner, taking into account all factors.

A key aspect of planning as a type of management activity to determine the development prospects of an organization is the division of planning into long-term and short-term. For example, purchasing equipment, improving commercial policy, and determining the sales market are related to long-term planning. The current provision of resources to the enterprise, optimization of expenses and income are the subjects of short-term planning.

Implementation problem

Most managers are reluctant to engage in systematic planning. They are more inclined to take action rather than sit and reflect on behavior. Time pressure and work pressure also make it difficult for managers to plan thoroughly. For many, planning is a boring and tedious job that can be easily and quickly replaced with direct action.

One of the problems that is relevant for entrepreneurs, managers, consultants and all those who are involved in improving management systems in practice is the problem of inconsistency between the company’s strategy and the mechanism for its implementation, that is, the strategic gap. Today, quite a large number of technologies have been developed to bridge this gap. Michael Coveney, for example, in his book The Strategic Divide: Technologies for Bringing Corporate Strategy to Life, describes a multi-step process for effectively implementing strategy by integrating business performance management (BPM) best practices with the latest information technology. BSC (The Balanced Scorecard) technology implies the creation of a mechanism for managing an enterprise in which strategic performance indicators of its activities will be connected through a system of cause-and-effect relationships with strategic initiatives and specific measures to implement this strategy.

Planning the day.

For a harmonious life, a person needs to maintain a balance between work, household issues and leisure. If many people think through working hours, then everything that happens outside of work often becomes chaotic. This is wrong, since harmony is achieved only by ordering the surrounding space and one’s thoughts. It is difficult to be diligent in work if you are not focused in general. Time planning is a very useful skill that helps you save your energy and conserve resources. If a person has a mess in his head and on his desktop, he loses too much energy searching for the necessary information. Success is achieved mainly by those who were able to organize all their affairs.

It is advisable to start planning your day from the moment you wake up, taking into account your physiological characteristics. Generally speaking, we can say that the peak of intellectual activity occurs from 10.00 to 12.00. The second time period starts at 14.00 and lasts approximately 2 hours. Physical capabilities increase noticeably after 17.00. But it is advisable to stop exercising before 18.30-19.00. This is true when it comes to daily routine.

But a person also has to plan a week, a month, a year, etc. This is strategic planning, which turns into tactical and ends with daily planning. If there is a global strategy, it should be broken down into small daily tasks that are carried out according to a specific daily routine.

Planning should not be regarded as a waste of time. On the contrary, it allows you to conserve this resource, since it clearly defines the time frame for completing individual tasks. Preliminary preparation makes it much easier to complete the job, thus freeing up additional time for success and development.

Energy list

Each task requires a different amount of mental or physical effort. At the same time, short-term tasks can take more energy than longer ones. The essence of this method is to distribute all tasks according to the required effort and take on them depending on how you feel.

How it works

When making your to-do list, break all tasks into three categories: hard, medium and easy. The first are everything that requires maximum concentration and tension, the second are ordinary things, the last are a simple routine performed almost automatically. When starting work, assess your strength level and choose the appropriate task.

  • Level: amateur.
  • Plus: excuses don't work because no matter how much time and energy you have, there is always something to do.
  • Cons: Requires self-discipline. When you are full of strength, you need to take on difficult tasks, and not abandon them in favor of an easy routine.

Man planning his day

People's lives consist of many aspects: family, work, study, friends, hobbies

Everything needs to be given attention and a portion of your time. If you do this chaotically, a person will find himself in constant time pressure

A plan and planning will help create a balance between leisure, home and work.

How to avoid time pressure

By adjusting every step of his life, a person saves time, saves nerves and resources. Orderly actions help in decision making and lead to success.

If an individual has been accustomed to a routine since childhood, then in adult life it is not difficult for him to schedule all his activities minute by minute. First, a standard day plan is drawn up according to this type:

  • moment of awakening and sleep;
  • time for physiological needs;
  • the working process;
  • hours for rest.

The routine should take into account the biological characteristics of the body. According to scientists, the surge in intellectual activity occurs between 10 and 12, 14 and 16 hours. The body is most physically resilient from 17 to 19 hours.

Daily action planning is a process tactic. Days add up to weeks, months, years, which also need order. Here the strategic construction algorithm of one’s own life is already in use.

Key planning system tools

Compared to last year, the tools of my planning system have not changed, but have only been supplemented with a new one - the standard iCal calendar.

I will list all the tools again:

  1. Evernote is your go-to planning tool. You can read more about how I use Evernote here
  2. Day One is my diary in which I summarize the day, week, month and year
  3. Eggscellent is the tool I use to put the Pomodoro Technique into practice.
  4. Wunderlist – I use it as reminders for tasks with a clear completion date
  5. iCal is a standard calendar where I break the day into blocks using the Zero Calendar technique

Now let me show you how my planning system works in practice.

Planning technology.

Describing the very concept of “planning,” the definition of this word includes the rational distribution of forces and resources. Without introducing the necessary technologies, this cannot be achieved.

Preparation of the plan includes the following steps:

  • Analysis of the initial state - assessment of resources and the external environment, understanding of company trends, identifying problems and prospects, possible reserves;
  • Defining and forming a goal is the main guideline for movement in the near or long term;
  • Creating a development concept - methods for achieving set goals, including the necessary technologies;
  • Strategic planning is a symbiosis of basic ideas with the main methods of their implementation;
  • Tactical planning – determining the necessary resources, their optimal distribution;
  • Operational calendar planning – step-by-step recording of all actions;
  • Approval of the plan – final approval, acceptance for execution.

We recommend: Constructive feedback
Planning begins with analysis and understanding of your capabilities, further goal setting and determining ways of implementation

Many people are confused about the definition of tactical and strategic planning, so let’s pay attention to them

What is the difference between tactical and strategic planning?

Their differences begin with the globality of decision-making. From a hierarchical point of view, strategic planning is the basis of everything. Strategy involves understanding the direction in which you need to move. Most often, such decisions are made at the senior management level. Tactics is an auxiliary stage at which the middle level of the company is involved. The main task of tactical planning is to determine ways to achieve the goals.

Strategic thinking covers the long term, while tactical thinking is applicable to mid-term or immediate tasks. They also differ in the degree of detail.

A strategist can look at things globally, while a tactician must pay attention to all the details of the idea

The main thing is to follow exactly this direction in your work - from large-scale to specific. Planning work time must be based on a global understanding of the mission and goals. But these principles also apply in everyday life.


The method involves a tool through which activity planning occurs. Several methods can be used at once. Let's look at their varieties:

  • Balance. The manager determines the balance between existing needs and resources available at the enterprise. A list of resources that do not exist is determined. Sources for obtaining them are found;
  • Calculation and analytical. Necessary for finding indicators needed to analyze the achievement of set goals. Their dynamics are studied. Indicators can be the following: profitability, productivity, profitability, cost reduction;
  • Graphic-analytical. The key tool of this method is graphics. They help determine the relationship between indicators and other factors. For example, profitability is related to the current market situation;
  • Software-targeted. Relevant when working on programs. Essential for strategic planning. The main feature of the method is the determination of effectiveness based on specific results. The manager sets a goal. It is broken down into tasks and subtasks. Typically a goal solves a problem in one area. For example, a company wants to expand. The global goal is to develop new markets. Tasks may include concluding contracts in other regions, renting premises, solving transport problems;
  • Economic and mathematical methods. The main tool is calculation. It is performed using computer technology. Helps determine quantitative indicators. Provides the opportunity to develop several alternatives, from which the best one is selected at the moment.

There are elements of planning in any organizational structure. A striking example is a business plan drawn up in the early stages of a company’s operation. In essence, this is a determination of the organization’s future activities, based on objective prerequisites (for example, competition). A business plan solves several problems at once. It allows you to attract investment funds and provides a vision of the company’s activities.

Usually the manager does the planning. But, if the enterprise is very large, this task can be delegated to a more specialized specialist

When carrying out this activity, it is important to see the real situation and build a plan based on existing external and internal factors. All this will allow not only to take the company to a new level, but also to do it with maximum savings and reduced costs to achieve goals


Chronodex is a planning system that uses a template page with a daily chart instead of a standard planner list.

The graph resembles a clock face with a schedule from 6 am to 9 pm. Each hour is divided into four 15-minute segments. If you are planning a business, shade the segment in the graph. Draw an arrow from it and write down all the details of your plan.

Businessman and triathlete Vladimir Degtyarev plans his day using the Chronodex system

You can develop your own template and conduct business according to it. The graph will show how much time is spent on a particular job.

It helps to get rid of the habit of doing several things at the same time, which only distract from each other.

Principles of enterprise planning

With regard to specific aspects of the enterprise's activities, the starting point for planning is the principle of achieving a rational, cost-effective and objective economic process.

As a type of management activity, planning involves taking into account a set of basic and economic principles.

  • Basic principles of planning reflect the applied nature of planning
  • Economic principles of planning indicate the target orientation of planning

Basic and general economic planning principles

Basic principles of planning Economic principles of planning
1 Necessity Widespread and mandatory application of planning 1 Complexity Indicators in plans should take into account individual areas and the activities of the enterprise as a whole.
2 Unity of plans Plans must be consistent and not contradict each other 2 Efficiency and Optimality With limited resources, the maximum possible effect must be achieved according to the most optimal plan
3 Continuity of plans Planning must cover all periods and be carried out continuously without gaps 3 Proportionality Comparability of enterprise resources and capabilities
4 Flexibility of plans It should be possible to adjust plans 4 Detailing Compliance with the required depth and accuracy of plans
5 Accuracy The accuracy of plans that the enterprise itself wants to achieve is ensured 5 Simplicity and clarity The plan must be consistent with the perception capabilities of plan developers and users

As follows from the principles of planning, the content of the plan, as a formalized document, as well as reporting on the results of its implementation, should be concise, visual and prompt; for this, the presented data should provide maximum information with a minimum load of unnecessary information.

Concept of strategic planning

Foresight is the starting point for planning the activities of enterprises and management in general. The emergence and practical use of strategic management methodology is caused by various reasons, mainly as a result of changes in the external environment of the organization. There are several stages in the development of this methodology. The table shows the four main phases of the gradual transition to strategic management.

Table. Characteristics of the stages of development of strategic management

PhasePhase characteristicsMain landmarks
1Current management "by deviations"Reacting to the current situation. Internally oriented planning is limited to the development of budgets and current plans
2Management “from what has been achieved”, with elements of predicting the futureApplication of elements of analysis and control of the situation developing externally and in the organization. Planning uses extrapolation to predict the future
3Management “by goals”, with a focus on the external environmentMastering “strategic thinking” aimed at reducing the impact of threats on the enterprise’s activities and taking advantage of chances that contribute to the success of the organization. Planning is strategic, developing “strategic responses” to the actions of competitors in the “product-market” categories
4Strategic managementPreparing for the future and for the future. Strategic planning permeates all subsystems of the enterprise, uses all the achievements of these phases

Thus, strategic management is defined as a management technology in conditions of increased instability of environmental factors and their uncertainty over time. There are many different styles of behavior, but they all stem from two opposing styles: incremental and entrepreneurial.

The incremental style of behavior of an organization, as the name itself shows, is characterized by setting goals “from what has been achieved” and is aimed at minimizing deviations from traditional behavior. Organizations that adhere to this style of behavior seek to avoid, limit and minimize change. The search for alternative solutions is carried out sequentially and the first satisfactory solution is adopted.

The entrepreneurial style of behavior is characterized by a desire for change and new opportunities. There is a wide search for management solutions, when numerous alternatives are developed and the optimal one is selected.

We recommend: Linear-functional management structure

Strategy is the determination of the main long-term goals and objectives of the enterprise, the adoption of a course of action and the allocation of resources necessary to achieve the goals.

Defining a business or areas of activity is an important element of strategic management, since already in the first stages of its formation it is advisable to understand which organization is the object of management - specialized, homogeneous in the area of ​​activity or diversified, multidisciplinary. The second group includes multi-product enterprises that produce products of varying importance and almost unrelated to each other.

Types of planning

Modern man has many needs, they affect various areas of life. In order to realize everything planned, it is necessary to set goals and set priorities correctly. This will allow you to determine the order of actions and direct them in a specific direction. The regulatory process is most important when multiple goals are being defined simultaneously.

To understand what planning includes, it is necessary to study all possible types of process and their composition.

Planning classification

Thematic name Features By timing Short-term Implementation of current tasks takes no more than 12 months Medium-term Plans can be drawn up for either a year or a five-year period Long-term It will be necessary to develop a strategy for a long period (large-scale prospects) By area Financial Economic objectives are calculated Production Economic objectives are calculated Marketing Distribution of resources of a material and technical nature Research Represented by the global strategy of the company Individual Identifies prospects from a scientific point of view In terms of scope General Takes into account all components of the process Partial Takes into account only significant conditions Mandatory Directive Strictly obeys instructions Optional Algorithm includes recommendations Content wise Business plan Complex measures upcoming task Operational-calendar Helps in solving current problems Strategic Determines the final goal and formation of a course Tactical Helps decide how to achieve a result In depth Aggregated Based on an analysis of general parameters Detailed Considers “in cross-section” all possible moments Coordination Simultaneous If the plan includes 1 stage Sequential The entire project is divided into phases By priority Ordered Based on the sequence of actions Sliding Takes into account the possibility of extending stages Extraordinary Undertaken as necessary Based on data Flexible Possibility to adjust actions according to emerging circumstances Rigid Defined by a clear framework Combined Takes into account both subtypes

For your information. Includes planning and definition by objects. This includes thinking through goals, programs, means and capabilities, functions, and choosing performers.

Drawing up algorithms

Drawing up an operational plan

The operational work plan allows you to ensure the implementation of the strategic goals of the enterprise. Unlike long-term plans, this type regulates the current activities of the company. Such a document may cover a period of up to three months.

The contents of the operational plan can be described as follows:

  • the organizational structure of the enterprise, which must undergo changes or remain in the same state;
  • manipulations with the existing technological base or the acquisition of new equipment;
  • increasing the efficiency of economic efficiency in general or its individual indicators;
  • determining the profitability of the coordinates of the enterprise itself or its main counterparties;
  • improvement of inventory management procedures in order to ensure their savings;
  • improvement of product quality control processes at all stages of its production;
  • increasing the company's reputation among suppliers and clients by improving its image.


We use the customer development action plan in our sales department development projects. The plan forms activities in the following areas:

  1. Determining the likelihood of long-term cooperation ***This is the stage of client qualification. If the client is complex and it was not possible to collect information to assess his potential, the seller draws up an action plan for collecting the necessary information and assessing the potential client.///
  2. Formation of a strategy for working with decision makers, LPPR and/or DPR (decision making group)*** In complex markets, more than one employee makes the purchase decision. The seller must evaluate the priorities in the client's management system, goals and objectives, business strategy and other factors in order to formulate a value proposition to the client.///
  3. Insulation of the client ***Actions to insulate the client: what meetings and with whom from the GPR need to be held? Business trips, visits to production - all these are events necessary to prepare the client for signing the contract.///
  4. Assortment development ***After signing the contract, it is necessary to develop steps for the client’s development strategy in order to increase sales.///
  5. Development of resources ***The amount of resources required to work especially with a key client may vary. For the purpose of long-term planning and effective control, it is necessary to include new data on this section in the action plan.

Action plan for client development and management:

External secondary information

If the research problem has not been resolved with the help of internal secondary information, the firm must use external sources - governmental and non-governmental.

Commercial research organizations conduct periodic and ad hoc studies and provide the results to clients for a fee. This type of research is secondary if the company acts as a subscriber and nothing needs to be done specifically for it.

Primary data is information that has just been obtained to address the specific problem or question under study. They are necessary in cases where a thorough analysis of secondary information is not able to provide the necessary information.

To assess the overall significance of primary data, the researcher must weigh its strengths and weaknesses.

Primary data has the following fundamental advantages:

- collected in accordance with the precise objectives of a given research task;

— the data collection methodology is controlled and known to the company;

— all results are available to the company, which can also provide secrecy for competitors;

— there are no conflicting data from various sources;

— reliability can be determined (if desired);

— if secondary information does not answer all questions, then collecting and analyzing primary data is the only way to obtain the necessary information.

Disadvantages of primary data:

— collecting primary data can take a long time;

- may require large expenses;

— some types of information cannot be obtained;

— the company’s approach may be limited;

— the firm may be unable to collect primary data.

So, in the process of determining production proportions, the collection of secondary information plays a predominant role. Based on the collected information and its analysis, forecasting is carried out.

Three main things

A large to-do list is not for everyone, because the sheer number of things to do can make it difficult to identify the main goals for the day. Even from a psychological point of view, a large list will be intimidating, and concentrating on the important and unimportant will become difficult. There is a way out of the situation: try not to write a regular list in which you include both small and large things. Select the three main ones among all the points and write them down in a separate column. Small things that also cannot be forgotten, put them in a separate column or write on the other side of the page. What you didn’t manage to accomplish during the day, don’t be afraid to reschedule it without a twinge of conscience until the next working day. The main thing is the three main things that need to be done first.

Information analysis and forecasting

Planning and forecasting is always based on past data, but seeks to determine and control the development of the enterprise in the future. Therefore, the reliability of forecasting depends on the accuracy of the information received and processed - the actual indicators of the past.

Possible types of forecasts can be presented as the following series:

1. Economic forecasts - are primarily general in nature and serve to describe the state of the economy as a whole for the company or for specific products.

2. Forecasts for the development of competition - characterize the possible strategy and practice of competitors, their market share, and so on.

3. Forecasts for technology development - guide the user regarding the prospects for technology development.

4. Market forecasts - used to analyze the goods market.

5. Social forecasting - explores issues related to people’s attitudes to certain social phenomena.

Planning problem

At its core, the planning function is designed to answer the following main questions:

  1. Where are we currently? Managers must assess the organization's strengths and weaknesses in its key areas (finance, marketing, personnel, R&D) to determine what the organization can realistically achieve;

Where do we want to go? Managers must, assessing the opportunities and threats in the environment surrounding the organization, determine what the goals of the organization should be and what may interfere with the achievement of these goals;

  1. How are we going to do this? Managers decide what members of the organization should do to achieve their goals.

What are the plans?

In accordance with various classification criteria, the following types of plans are distinguished (for better clarity, we have presented the material in the form of a table).

By timeShort term.
Medium term.


By purposeTactical.


By accuracyDetailed.
By area of ​​applicationCorporate.
By contentProduction and sales of products.



Financial and investment.


By referenceReactive (due to some events or based on previous experience).
Interactive (involve the interaction of past, future and present indicators).

All of the listed qualification characteristics can exist either separately or intersect in one planning document.

Enterprise development

The enterprise development plan implies fundamental changes in both the economic and organizational systems of the company. At the same time, significant financial and technological growth should be observed. The central place is occupied by an increase in the volume of products produced and, as a consequence, net profit.

A strategic development plan for an enterprise can be developed in the following main areas:

  • improvement of the production program;
  • introduction of achievements of scientific and technological progress;
  • increasing production efficiency by increasing labor productivity and material productivity;
  • a plan for the construction of new structures, as well as the installation of new equipment;
  • improvement of personnel structure and composition;
  • improving the social status of workers;
  • introduction of environmentally friendly production systems.

We recommend: The concept and types of power in management. foundations and forms of manifestation of power in management


The action plan should contain the following information:

  • What action should be taken;***
  • Who will perform this action;***
  • When will it take place and how long will it last?***
  • What resources (personnel, money, etc.) are needed to carry out this action;***
  • What communication should occur between plan participants (who should know what?)

Your action plan must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be comprehensive*** The action plan must contain all the necessary actions to implement a particular task.
  2. Be clear*** The action plan must be clearly stated and accessible to managers.
  3. Be Relevant*** The action plan should reflect the current work on the task, take advantage of all new opportunities and solve all emerging problems.

Principles of planning

All types of plans are drawn up on the basis of certain principles:

  • objective necessity dictated by modern economic conditions;
  • all indicators must be specific and have a numerical dimension;
  • the plan must have clear time boundaries;
  • all figures must be realistic and justified (based on the availability of resources at the enterprise);
  • the form of the program must be flexible so that it is possible to adapt to changes in the external and internal environment;
  • planning should be carried out comprehensively and cover all areas of the enterprise’s activities;
  • programs for all structural divisions should not contradict each other;
  • all plans drawn up and certified are binding;
  • focus on achieving maximum economic results;
  • At each stage, several alternatives must be developed, among which the optimal one is subsequently selected.

Compliance with these principles allows you to make plans realistic, detailed, and most importantly - effective.

Defining a long-term strategy

Strategic planning is the process of determining the desired future state of an enterprise through analysis, forecasting and goal setting. We can say that this is a specific set of actions to create long-term prospects for the organization.

Strategic planning may include the following:

  • distribution of material and technical resources between divisions of the organization;
  • responding to changes in the external environment, as well as conquering one’s own niche in the market;
  • possible future change in the organizational form of the enterprise;
  • coordination of management actions in the internal environment;
  • analysis of past experience in relation to future plans.

The strategy of the enterprise is developed by the top managers of the company. It must be supported by financial calculations based on retrospective analysis. One of the main requirements for such plans is flexibility, because the external environment is quite unstable. Also, when developing a strategy, you need to take into account the fact that the costs of its implementation must be fully justified by the expected results.


Indicative planning is a separate form of state regulation of production through changes in tariffs and prices, tax rates, bank interest rates, the minimum possible wage level, as well as a number of other indicators. Thus, it is possible to list a fairly large number of characteristics that determine indicative planning. Types of plans of this type include tasks called indicators.

Indicators are parameters according to which the state and subsequent direction of economic development are characterized and which are developed directly by government bodies. Such a plan may also contain a variety of mandatory tasks, but their number is quite limited, as a result of which such a plan is more guiding and recommendatory. The use of this planning today is found in enterprises in the process of developing long-term plans.

What is included in activity planning?

Planning is a managerial task. The work takes place in three basic areas:

  1. Determination of the current state of the enterprise. The task is divided into assessing the economic condition of the company and determining the areas in which the enterprise operates most efficiently. Areas in which urgent improvement is required must also be identified. Based on the current state, it is possible to establish what goals can be achieved with available resources.
  2. Definition of strategic objectives. They are calculated based on the competitive environment, technology, wishes of management, and market situation.
  3. Determination of available and required resources. The concept of resources includes technology, equipment, and personnel.

Based on these tasks, we can derive the structure of planning work:

  • Finding realistic goals.
  • Determining indicators on the basis of which the company’s activities can be assessed from a strategic point of view.
  • Finding a list of priority tasks that can be solved in a given situation and with available resources.
  • Establishing a flexible planning methodology that will achieve the goals previously defined.

Planning is a complex task that no developing enterprise can do without.

Factors limiting the possibility of planning

Having decided what kind of planning happens, why it is necessary, and having understood its principles, you should pay attention to the reasons that limit the process. If we consider the production sector, the main factors are as follows:

  • the larger the business, the easier it is to organize planning using available resources;
  • It is impossible to make absolute forecasts given the instability, chaos of the modern market and the presence of competitors;
  • preparation and planning require time and money for research;
  • subjective moments include the human factor, personal relationships, errors in calculations, force majeure situations, etc.

Force majeure

Having learned to plan, the head of an enterprise will be able to take control of all events related to obtaining results and manage them effectively.

Planning and plans

A distinction must be made between planning and plans. A plan is a detailed set of decisions that are subject to implementation, a list of specific activities and their performers. A plan is the result of the planning process. Plans and planning have different variations and can be viewed from different perspectives.

By breadth of coverage:

  • corporate planning (for the entire company as a whole);
  • planning by type of activity (planning carpet production);
  • planning at the level of a specific department (workshop planning).

By function:

  • production;
  • financial;
  • personnel;
  • marketing.

By subfunction (for example, for marketing):

  • assortment planning;
  • advertising planning;
  • sales planning.

By time period:

  • long-term planning - 5 years or more;
  • medium-term planning - from 2 to 5 years;
  • short-term planning - up to a year.

According to the level of detail of plans:

  • strategic planning;
  • operational or tactical planning.

If required:

  • directive plans for direct mandatory execution;
  • indicative plans, which are indicative and depend on indicators of economic, political, etc. activity.

The plan, as a result of planning for executors, is a directive document and must include both mandatory and recommendatory indicators, and with increasing planning periods, the number of indicative (recommendatory) indicators grows. This is due to the fact that with long-term planning the result cannot be determined absolutely precisely, since it depends on changes in business conditions and is probabilistic. Specific activities, goods, services and works, as well as structures, technologies and procedures can be planned. For example, planning the expansion of an organization, planning a more advanced technical process, or planning the launch of a product on the market.

There are three main forms of planning organization:

  • "top down";
  • "down up";
  • “goals down - plans up.”

Top-down planning relies on management creating plans for their subordinates to carry out. This form of planning can give a positive result only in the presence of a rigid, authoritarian system of coercion.

Bottom-up planning is based on the fact that plans are created by subordinates and approved by management. This is a more progressive form of planning, but in conditions of deepening specialization and division of labor it is difficult to create a unified system of interrelated goals.

“Goals down, plans up” planning combines the advantages and eliminates the disadvantages of the two previous options. Management bodies develop and formulate goals for their subordinates and stimulate the development of plans in departments. This form makes it possible to create a unified system of interrelated plans, since common goals are mandatory for the entire organization.

Planning is based on data from past periods of activity, but the purpose of planning is the activity of the enterprise in the future and control over this process. Therefore, the reliability of planning depends on the accuracy and correctness of the information that managers receive. The quality of planning largely depends on the intellectual level of competence of managers and the accuracy of forecasts regarding the further development of the situation.

D. Yampolskaya, M. Zonis

Stop lists

Stop lists are the same planning method as a to-do list. Only instead of completing tasks, you get rid of them.

If a meaningless habit is bothering you, eating up some of your time or preventing you from developing, put it on your stop list. You can plan it for a month or a year and track your progress.

You don't have to stop a bad habit right away. Start with a limit, such as an hour of video games per week, and gradually reduce the amount of time allocated.

Come up with a method for assessing and rewarding success. Periodically evaluate yourself to what extent you have managed to get rid of the bad.

Principles of Effective Planning

Despite the numerous types, all areas of regulation of actions are based on general principles. Compliance with them makes a business successful:

  1. Systematicity and unity imply the interconnectedness of individual elements in achieving the main goal.
  2. Horizontal coordination of projects between structures.
  3. Mutual integration is supported.
  4. Implementation is continuous and consistent with time frames.
  5. Clarity and simplicity of tasks, adapted to the level of performers.
  6. Concretization of actions and detail for understanding.
  7. The ability to timely adjust projects and have reserves for maneuvering.
  8. Rational choice of the optimal option.
  9. Particularity as a component of complexity in displaying the overall picture of what is planned.

Note! Adhering to the basic principles in developing plans, it is possible to achieve a positive result in the implementation of any project


Many CRM systems today allow you to monitor the implementation of tasks, projects and plans. If your CRM system does not have such functionality, use an Excel spreadsheet.

Developing an action plan in “electronic paper” form is the first step. Once it is mastered, transfer the template to your CRM.

Important: a paper version of the action plan encourages you to communicate with subordinates personally. An automated action plan in CRM motivates employees to solve problems worse than a printed action plan table in Excel and a personal meeting with the Manager.


Action plan for managing the sales department in tabular form:

Action plan: department management

Action plan: report

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