Fear of public speaking: how not to worry in front of the public, ways to overcome it

Not everyone can speak in front of a large audience. This requires special self-confidence, passion and a desire to be the center of attention. Sometimes it happens that it is simply necessary to go on stage and tell people about something (for example, at a work presentation or at a thesis defense). Some people want to step out of their comfort zone and broadcast their ideas to the world. In such situations, fear of public speaking and stage fear can become a real problem: read about the causes of panic and how to get rid of it in this article.

What is the name of the phobia?

The fear of speaking in front of an audience is called glossophobia. I note that this does not apply to natural anxiety, but rather to a panic attack before an event of any degree of importance. Despite the significance of what is happening, the number of spectators, a person may have such an insurmountable anxiety before leaving behind the scenes, which does not allow him to connect even two words. However, to one degree or another, people are always worried before going out in public.

This type of experience is embedded in us at the subconscious level. In a time when people needed to hunt large animals to feed and keep themselves warm, the success of a foray depended on teamwork. The need to feel like part of a “tribe” remains with us to this day, so when we go on stage alone, we feel discomfort. In this way, we seem to separate ourselves from the rest of society.

Panic in this case is an absolutely normal emotion. The difference is that for a beginner it can be a destructive problem, but in the hands of an experienced speaker it can turn into a powerful tool and even transform into charisma. In addition, excitement is a motivation that forces the speaker to prepare harder and develop. The absence of such a phobia would give rise to irresponsibility and laziness. Think of it as a real gift to help you perform at your best.

All fears are acquired

Children are born without fear. You are not born with this feeling - you learn it. All the fears that torment you in adulthood are the result of childhood experience and its negative reinforcement, which may have been contributed by those around you. But since you have learned all your fears, including the fear of speaking in public, you can get rid of them.

The main reason for stage fright in adults is the destructive criticism they became the object of as children. When parents scold a child for any reason, the fear of failure and rejection arises and develops in him. And in adult life this leads to hypersensitivity to the opinions of others.

Psychologists say that almost all mental and emotional problems arise from a lack of love in childhood. In an effort to control or manipulate a child, parents often use love as an instrument of influence on the child, as a reward that can be given for good behavior, or withheld for disobedience. As a result, the child very quickly comes to the conclusion: “If I do what Mom and Dad like, I will be safe. If I do something they don’t like, I’ll get into trouble.”

Types of stage fright and public speaking: what they are called and ways to overcome them

Experts identify several types of this phobia. They are similar in symptoms, but differ in the sources of fear itself. To understand how to deal with a problem, you need to determine the specific form in which it manifests itself. Sometimes this requires the help of a professional.

  • Peiraphobia is fear of being in front of an audience.
  • Verbophobia is anxiety before speaking.
  • Lalophobia – fear of impaired diction, stuttering.

Why are people afraid to speak?

To understand how to overcome uncertainty before public speaking and boldly interact with the public, it is necessary to determine the causes of fear; there can be a lot of them, starting from genetic predisposition. The attitude of parents towards public events and their behavior can be laid down in the child at the genetic level or instilled in the process of upbringing. Children always imitate adults, adopt their manners and habits, so it is very easy to provoke the emergence of a phobia. Common factors contributing to the appearance of glossophobia are:

  • Childhood experiences. For example, psychological discomfort caused by ridicule from peers during a performance.
  • Manifestation of neurotic diseases. Thus, a lack of control over one’s emotional state may later result in a fear of speaking in public, in front of an audience.
  • Complexes associated with one’s own appearance or speech. Self-criticism is both a driver and a brake. Complexity prevents you from objectively assessing the situation.
  • Upbringing. Some parents forbid their children to lead a public lifestyle or limit their personal space, which is why going out to the audience turns into a painful departure from their comfort zone.
  • Constant criticism from adults. Excessive criticism creates in a child self-doubt and a feeling of uselessness.
  • Shyness. One of the most common reasons.
  • Inability to work with criticism, unpreparedness for it.

What is the fear of public speaking, stage and audience called, how to overcome it: symptoms and signs

Before the start of the event, a glossophobe may experience the following body reactions to stress:

Psychologist Daria Milai

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  • redness or paleness of the skin;
  • nervousness is reflected in gestures;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • uncontrollable laughter;
  • excessive sweating;
  • dry mouth;
  • nausea;
  • increased heart rate;
  • tremors of the vocal cords;
  • muscle spasms;
  • semi-fainting state;
  • changes in facial expressions;
  • fever;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • "lump in the throat;
  • problems with speech, voice;
  • numbness of the limbs.

Consequences of glossophobia

A phobia such as the fear of public speaking in front of an audience can become a serious problem and lead to:

  • low performance in an educational institution;
  • excessive isolation, shyness;
  • inability to achieve heights in the professional field;
  • difficulties getting a job.

How to overcome

If the problem is really critical, it is better to seek help and advice from a professional. A qualified psychologist will help you understand the sources of fear and eliminate provocateurs. It will also be useful to sign up for my personal consultation, during which you will be able to come to an agreement with yourself and find internal resources to combat the phobia.

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Causes of glossophobia

The most popular reason is fear of the unknown. If you've never spoken publicly before, fear is understandable. It’s just that this is unfamiliar to you, it’s still outside your comfort zone. There is no other option but to try, force yourself to speak publicly, expand your comfort zone. Always challenge yourself, ask for public speaking yourself, once you decide that you need to learn how to do it. The more often you perform, the easier it will be. You will gain experience. As a result, the fear will go away, only pleasant excitement and emotional uplift will remain.

Another possible reason is an unsuccessful performance and, as a consequence, psychological trauma. This is more difficult to deal with, but try to analyze your previous experience. What exactly caused the failure? What exactly happened? Compare your old self with your old self. I think these people are clearly different. Perhaps the new you has all the tools to prevent the previous experience from repeating itself.

Thus, the cause of fear of speaking may be:

  • focusing on your experiences, on your fear;
  • unsuccessful previous experience, memories of it;
  • poor preparation for the performance;
  • lack of experience.

Well, the picture is completed by self-doubt, timidity, shyness, suspiciousness and much more. What are the ingredients in your glossophobia cocktail?

How to overcome stage fright and public speaking

There is a certain algorithm that allows you to fight glossophobia. These are four steps to help you work through your fear.

  • Participation in auto-training. It is extremely important to work on your self-esteem by regularly expressing your own praise. Recognize your strengths and remind yourself of them often.
  • Carrying out relaxation and meditation. Learn to relax and find emotional balance within yourself.
  • Create a positive outlook. Think about how wonderful and successful everything will be. You shouldn’t focus on the negative, knowingly programming yourself to make a mistake.
  • Watch your appearance. Your appearance should match the format of the conversation.

How not to worry before public speaking on stage: exercises at home

There are several effective ways to reduce fear when preparing for a report at home.

Exercise stress

To regulate the neuro-hormonal state, you need to work with the body. Do some exercises, jump, do squats. Sport promotes the production of endorphins - anti-stress hormones. But you shouldn’t do this right before going out to the audience: breathing should be restored, and your appearance should be neat.


Try to reproduce the upcoming event in detail in your head. Pay attention to how the audience perceives you, joke and answer their questions with ease. Create the most positive picture of what is happening.

Ask a question


Before speaking, repeat the following out loud:

  • I'm happy to be here.
  • I'm glad to see you all.
  • I am confident in my expertise.
  • I clearly understand what will be discussed.
  • I like you.
  • I inspire you.

Coping methods

There are many methods for overcoming a phobia. People must realize what we are afraid of in order to be able to speak calmly in public in the future. It is not enough to simply prepare a speech and the number itself. Full treatment is required. The patient's psychotherapist will tell him how to overcome his phobia.

Eliminating the unknown factor

You should try to find out as much information as possible about those to whom you will have to speak.

A person needs to get to know and accept the audience before which he will speak. This is a real opportunity to get rid of strong anxiety caused by the unknown.

To overcome fear, experts recommend studying in detail the social status, age, number, interests and life positions of those people who came to the performance.

A person must understand what exactly the audience expects from his performance. All this allows us to minimize the influence of the unknown factor, which often gives rise to strong fear of the public.

Eliminating illusions

If a person unconsciously concentrates on the negative traits of the public, then he begins to be very afraid of it. As a result, nervous tension increases, which contributes to the active development of peiraphobia. Whispers during the performance, disapproving gestures and inattention of the audience lead to this outcome.

In this situation, you need to tune in as much as possible to the positive qualities of the public and try to turn a blind eye to all the negative aspects.

Planning your speech

You can do a test run for your upcoming stage appearance.

A person will feel more confident and find ways to suppress the symptoms of a phobia if they have time to carefully prepare for speaking in public.

High-quality preparation for working with the public gives a person confidence in his own strengths and capabilities.

It is recommended that you rehearse your speech several times in order to successfully complete your preparation for it.

Recognition of imperfection

Peiraphobia will go away if the patient can accept the fact of his own imperfection. He should reduce the significance of other people's assessment, since in most cases it is perceived incorrectly. It is worth protecting yourself from unnecessary criticism. You must learn to give yourself the right to make mistakes, since no one is immune from it.

Settlement for a positive result

It is very important for a speaker who is worried about severe fear to tune in to obtain a positive result.

At the same time, you need to focus on the present moment, and not on events that may happen in the future.

A patient with a fear of public speaking must be able to see the positive aspects of being in front of a large audience that listens and evaluates him. It is recommended to try to turn any negative experience associated with such events into a positive moment.

The following methods help a person with peiraphobia to fully tune in to a positive outcome of public speaking:

  • Physical exercises that can improve the condition and tone muscles of different groups.
  • Correct breathing training.
  • Carrying out mathematical calculations that improve the functioning of the left hemisphere.
  • Changing body posture to the most comfortable one.
  • Humming a tune that evokes pleasant emotions.
  • Using self-hypnosis techniques for a positive result.
  • Meditation.

Many people notice that a regular smile helps give them confidence. It allows you to reduce the discomfort and mental stress that haunts a person with fear of public speaking.

How to calm down for speaking in front of an audience on stage

  • Stop thinking that you have to be perfect. Many are afraid to go out with a message to people, because they are afraid of making a mistake. But panic will only increase the likelihood of failure. Even professional speakers cannot avoid small errors. Just follow your goal, without trying to seem like a standard in the eyes of others.
  • Understand that the public will not be as demanding of you as you are of yourself. Even if something goes wrong and some little thing gets out of control, most likely it will go unnoticed against the general background of your bright speech.

Speak from the heart

Several years ago I had the opportunity to listen to a talk by Wally Amos, the founder of the Famous Amos cookie company. His speech was dedicated to the fight against illiteracy among adults. Amos himself donates quite a lot of time and money to help older people learn to read. It was clear to everyone present - there were more than 600 people in the hall - that he spoke from the heart. He clearly lacked any special training in public speaking, but Wally organized his thoughts and ideas in a clear logical sequence and spoke with sincerity and passion. He argued how important it is for adults to be able to read and how this skill can change their lives. At the end of the speech, all the listeners stood up and greeted him with thunderous applause, because Amos spoke from the bottom of his heart about what he understood and what deeply worried him.

How to overcome the fear of public speaking on stage with a large audience through rehearsals

The more often you rehearse, the more likely it is that everything will go like clockwork. Having re-read your text more than once, you will remember it and be able to navigate the written thoughts. However, you should not cram - fully memorized speech is perceived dryly, without interest. Record the training on video to evaluate your behavior, facial expressions, and gestures.

How not to be afraid before going out

Control your breathing. In a confused rhythm, it will only fuel stress. Breathe deeply, calmly and evenly. Focus on alternating your inhalations and exhalations to prevent destructive thoughts from arising.

How to deal with panic that arises on the spot

  • Find viewers who are as friendly as possible. Focus your attention on them.
  • If you experience trembling or numbness in your limbs, imagine being doused with water, and then shake it off.
  • Breathing has a calming effect. Take a deep breath and exhale long. Normalize your breathing rhythm.


Panic fear of speaking in public can be expressed in different ways. Glossophobia provokes not only negative emotional experiences in a person; it is worth keeping in mind that it often also manifests itself at the physiological level. The manifestations of certain symptoms are very variable and individual: in some cases a person can tolerate a phobia relatively easily, and often it really interferes with life.

It all depends on the causes of the phobia, the person’s temperament and the stage of development of the disease. In the presence of protracted, advanced and severe forms of phobia, such a disease can even become the basis for serious somatic disorders and interruptions in the functioning of internal organs.

Experts note that most often a phobia is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • nervous gestures of the patient are very common: a person in a state of panic fear simply finds it difficult to control his body;
  • Often performing in the presence of a phobia is accompanied by a gastrointestinal tract disorder, for example, many experience diarrhea;
  • Among the symptoms, many notice nervous laughter for no apparent reason;
  • Excessive sweating is another body reaction characteristic of severe fear, in particular stage performance phobia;
  • many report dry mouth, dizziness, fever and nausea, which can sometimes be accompanied by vomiting;
  • trembling in the patient’s voice, unnatural constrained facial expressions, muscle tension may also indicate the presence of an obsessive phobic disorder;
  • increased heart rate and increased blood pressure are symptoms that indicate that a person is under stress;
  • a feeling of a lump in the throat, and in rare cases, complete loss of voice, are also related to glossophobia;
  • some note a change in voice timbre, disturbances in diction and articulation;
  • sometimes patients experience involuntary urination;
  • Another characteristic symptom is numbness of the arms and legs, muscle cramps.

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