From bridge to escape room: 9 educational games for adults

7 games that will make you smarter

No one has yet learned to swim well by going to the pool twice a year. Constructing geometric progressions and solving algebra problems may be more effective, but not everyone is ready to have fun like that. We suggest giving up experiments and boosting your intelligence with feasible tasks.

To make your classes truly useful, choose games and puzzles that you can handle to the best of your ability. It's never too late to learn - choose a more difficult game and don't give up until you win!

Game 2. Tag

Tag is a great way to exercise your brain! The game of tag is a square board divided into 16 equal square sections. You have 15 square dominoes at your disposal, numbered accordingly. The dominoes themselves are randomly mixed inside the box.

The essence of this game is to put the dominoes in order, namely to place the numbers one after another from top to bottom, from left to right, therefore, the empty square should be from the bottom to the right. The game will help you develop logical thinking and memory, because it is useful to remember various tricks and combinations. You will also be able to develop the ability to calculate moves ahead without making mistakes. Shall we play?

Solitaire games

When we need to switch, out of habit, we open our favorite solitaire game and almost automatically lay out the cards. Without realizing it, we are engaged in relaxation, after a couple of layouts, the view of the problems becomes clearer, and original solutions to complex issues are found by themselves.

  • We isolate ourselves from strangers for a while and put our emotions in order.
  • When selecting expedient moves, we are inevitably distracted from real problems.
  • Monotonous mouse movements are as calming as fingering a rosary.

Solitaire games are priceless - they entertain, relax and sharpen your thinking abilities at the same time.

Spider is a classic solitaire game loved by many for its moderate difficulty. The cards are not always laid out, a few mistakes - and everything has to start from the beginning.

Rules of the game

Ten columns of cards are play cards, another five piles are reserve ones, they are used when the moves end.

  1. On the card of higher value you need to put the lower one.
  2. You can move cards one at a time or in incomplete groups. For example, attach a four or three to a five.
  3. You need to collect sets of cards from king to two, the last card is an ace. The finished set is removed from the table.
  4. If you play several suits, you can add cards of any suits in descending order. But a group of the same suit is considered assembled.
  5. When you run out of turns, click on the reserve deck to reveal 10 new cards.

You can play solitaire the old fashioned way - with a deck on the table, but this has already become very rare. It is much more convenient to use the online game "Spider", just click here.

Game 3. Spatial speed comparison

The game “Spatial Speed ​​Comparison” develops memory and attention. The main essence of the game is a series of drawings on the screen; you need to compare them with the previous drawing and answer whether it is repeated or not. In this game, a figure appears on the screen for a few seconds, you need to remember it, then it disappears and another figure appears. Compare the figure on the screen with the previous figure. At the bottom of the screen there are two buttons “yes” and “no”. You can answer using the mouse by clicking on the desired button. If you answer correctly, then you continue to collect points and play further.

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3D instructor

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Another hot topic for most young people is obtaining a license. 3D instructor application is designed to cope with this task . The three-dimensional driving tutorial allows you to visualize all the situations that are covered in the exam papers. By choosing test mode, you can drive around the racetrack, trying not to score penalty points. Of course, this gets boring over time, so the developers added the ability to drive around the city. Practice your driving skills in ordinary and extraordinary situations that arise on the road. Of course, a 3D instructor will not give you real driving experience, but will help you prepare for your first training trips as much as possible.

Game 4: Numerical coverage

The game "Number Span" develops memory and attention. The main point of the game is to remember the previous number and compare it with the current one on the screen. In this game, numbers appear on the screen for a few seconds; you must remember them. At the bottom of the screen there are numbers from 0 to 9. Using the mouse, you can click the numbers you need.

The game starts with two numbers, then the numbers become three, four and so on, the more you play, the more difficult the game becomes. If you get the numbers correctly, then continue playing and score points, but if you get the numbers wrong three times, the game ends.

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The game for two players was invented in 1880 in Great Britain, then it was forgotten and remembered again under a new name. In the world, Reversi is better known as “Othello”. The game is very popular in Japan and the USA; international tournaments and world championships are held every year. Reversi is comparable in complexity to chess and requires players to:

  • Logical thinking.
  • Ability to anticipate your opponent's moves.
  • Ability to see the entire field.

Rules of the game

The chips on the field are painted in two colors. At the beginning of the game, two pairs of chips are located in the center of the field. You need to place new chips so that there is at least one opponent’s chip between the new one and your own chip already on the field. Try to cover your opponent's pieces on both sides diagonally, horizontally or vertically, then they will turn into your color. When the entire field is filled, the player with the most chips wins.

In an online game you have to fight with an opponent who rarely makes mistakes. To test yourself, click here.

Game 5. Remember and call

The game “Memorize and Call” develops memory and attention. The main point of the game is to remember the numbers in the table and call them in ascending order. In this game, a table with numbers is given, first the numbers are shown on the screen for a few seconds, you need to remember them, then the numbers are closed.

Remember where the smallest number is located and click on that cell, then click on the cell where the next number goes in ascending order. With each subsequent game, the table will increase and there will also be more numbers in it. Look carefully at the order of the numbers. You can answer using the mouse by clicking on the desired cell. If you answered correctly, then you continue to score points and play further.

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Logic riddles - short

Short logic riddles:

  1. More than an hour, less than a minute. (The answer is the second, the hand of some watch models.)
  2. Why is the stop valve on trains red and on airplanes blue? (Answer: airplanes don't have a stop valve." In fact, airplanes have a stop valve in the cockpit.)
  3. The boy paid 11 rubles for a bottle with a cork. A bottle costs 10 rubles more than a cork. How much does a cork cost? (Answer: 50 kopecks.)
  4. In which city is a man's name and cardinal direction hidden? (Answer: Vladivostok.)
  5. Why do they often walk, but rarely drive? (The answer is by stairs.)
  6. It goes uphill, then downhill, but stays in place. (The answer is the road.)
  7. Which word has 5 “e”s and no other vowels? (The answer is a migrant.)
  8. What table has no legs? (The answer is dietary.)
  9. How can a person not sleep for 8 days? (The answer is to sleep at night.)
  10. What animal do people walk on and cars drive over? (The answer is zebra.)
  11. Which word uses “no” 100 times? (Answer: groans.)
  12. What's an elephant without a nose? (The answer is chess.)
  13. Which route has no one ever walked or ridden before? (The answer is the milky way.)
  14. What kind of stopper can't stop any bottle? (The answer is road.)
  15. In what word is the drink and natural phenomenon “hidden”? (The answer is grapes.)
  16. You can tie it, but you can’t untie it. (The answer is conversation.)
  17. To what mere mortal does even the president take off his hat? (The answer is a hairdresser.)
  18. They are metallic and liquid. What are we talking about? (The answer is nails.)
  19. How to write "duck" in 2 cells? (Answer: In the 1st - the letter “y”, in the 2nd - a dot.)
  20. Guess the riddle - who has the heel behind the nose? (The answer is shoes.)

Game 6. Complex high-speed movement

The game “Complicated high-speed movement” develops memory and attention. The main point of the game is to remember the previous item and compare it with the current one on the screen. In this game, a drawing is displayed on the screen for a few seconds, you need to remember this drawing and compare it with the next object. At the bottom of the screen there are three buttons “yes” “no” “partially matches”.

If the object is the same, then you answer “yes”; if the objects are different, you answer “no”; if the objects are similar, you answer “partially coincides”. This game is designed to increase speed. If you answer incorrectly three times, the game ends. If you answer correctly, you continue to score points and play further.

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Game 7. Speed ​​comparison

The game "Speed ​​Comparison" develops memory and attention. The main point of the game is to remember the previous item and compare it with the current one on the screen. In this game, an item is displayed on the screen for a few seconds, you need to remember this item and compare it with the next item. At the bottom of the game there are two buttons "yes" and "no". Using your mouse, you can select the correct answer and click on it.

If the item is the same, then you answer “yes,” if the items are different, then you answer “no.” The game will end if you answer incorrectly three times. If you answered correctly, then you continue to score points and play further.

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Riddles for attentiveness

How many faces are there in the picture?

Answer: 10, 5 on each side of the tree

  • There was a flock flying, not a big one at all. How many birds and what kind? (Answer - Seven owls (absolutely)
  • 6 bulls produce 12 liters of milk. How much will 10 bulls yield? (Answer: Not at all, cows give milk, not bulls)
  • How many different digits must be used to write the number 100? (Answer - Two (1 and 0)
  • How many animals did Moses take into his ark? (The answer is not at all, Noah had the ark, not Moses)
  • Two men can dig two holes in two days. How long will it take them to dig half a hole? (Answer: Not at all, there is no such thing as half a hole)
  • Vanya's father had three sons: Misha, Sasha and... Who is the third? (Answer - Vanya)
  • Two crocodiles were flying, One to the right, The other to the left, How much does one kilogram of cabbage weigh, If there are two crocodiles? (Answer - One kilogram)
  • A plane with English tourists was flying from Holland to Spain. He crashed in France. Where should the survivors be buried? (Answer: There is no need to bury the survivors)
  • Mary and Ben lived in the same house with 4 of their friends. One day, returning from work, Ben saw Mary dead on the sofa and immediately called the police. The detective came to the call and realized that Mary had been killed quite recently. He asked all 4 friends: - Mia was in the kitchen and said that she came home from work 2 hours ago and immediately went to the kitchen. — John was sitting with a book on a sun lounger in the garden and, according to him, had not left there since the morning. — Jennifer swam in the pool and said that she spent at least 3 hours there. — Jane was in her room and was drawing. The detective asked everyone to show their hands and immediately realized that one of them had lied, which meant that this person was the killer. How did Stevens identify the killer? (Answer: Jennifer the Killer. If she spent 3 hours in the pool, her arms would have wrinkles from the water)
  • One day, an antique money collector saw a coin in an antique store with the date on it: 175 BC. This Roman coin was slightly damaged, but was of great value. It didn't cost much. But the collector didn't buy it. Why? (Answer - The Collector realized that he had a fake in his hands, since the master who made the coin did not know that he was alive)
  • There were 20 people on the bus. At the first stop 2 people got off and 3 people got on, at the next - 1 got off and 4 got on, at the next - 5 got off and 2 got on, at the next - 2 got off and 1 got on, at the next - 9 got off and no one got on, at the next - 2 more came out. Question: how many stops were there? (Answer: There are six stops. But the answer to the riddle is not so important. This is a riddle with an unexpected question. While you are telling the riddle, the guesser begins to mentally count the number of people on the bus, and at the end of the riddle, you will ask him about the number of stops dead end)
  • Three ostriches were flying. The hunter killed one. How many ostriches are left? (Answer: ostriches don’t fly)
  • There are 2 crocodiles swimming in the lake, one to the right and the other green. How much does 1 kg of cabbage weigh if there are 100 nails on the train? (If you tell a friend, then speak faster) (Answer - Cabbage weighs 1 kg)
  • You enter the room: in the room there are 2 dogs, 4 cats lying on the bed, a giraffe and 5 hippos standing, 3 chickens flying and 1 small goose sitting. How many legs are there in the room? (Answer - Two (your legs, and animals have paws)
  • What weighs more than a kilogram of fluff or a kilogram of nails? (Answer - They weigh the same, because each kilogram)

Game 8. Letter span

The game “Letter Span” develops memory and attention. The main point of the game is to remember the letters and write them correctly. In this game, there is a black scoreboard on the screen; on this scoreboard, different letters are displayed for a few seconds, you need to remember these letters and when the letters disappear, write them on the black scoreboard.

The letters are located at the bottom of the screen, use the mouse to click on the desired letters, and they will appear on the black board. The game starts with a smaller number of letters, first two letters appear on the screen, then three letters, then four and so on. If you answered correctly, then you continue to score points and play further.

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Trick riddles with answers for adults are vulgar and funny

Before using riddles with vulgar overtones, think about whether you will offend those present, as well as their age.

  • 1. Question: This woman will first rub shoulders with you and then demand money, who is she? Answer: conductor in transport.
  • 2. Question: What should you lick from the back and stroke from the front? Answer: brand.
  • 3. Question: It’s red inside, black on top, and when you put it in, it’s very good? Answer: galoshes.
  • 4. Question: When she lies on her back, no one needs it, but when she is leaned against the wall, she will be very useful. Answer: stepladder.
  • 5. Question: If you crush it a little, it will become hard. Answer: snowball.
  • 6. Question: The red head climbs into the hole with dexterity. Answer: woodpecker.
  • 7. Question: If you lick it, it won’t stand, but if you lick it, it will stand up and fit into the hole. Answer: thread into a needle.
  • 8. Question: Length, 15 cm, width - 7, women really like it, what is it? Answer: 100 dollars (banknote).
  • 9. Question: A girl and a boy were on the grass, doing something with the letter “e”. Answer: ate strawberries.
  • 10. Question: How good we feel together, you’re on top of me, I’m under you. Answer: a hedgehog with an apple on needles.
  • 11. Question: On a woman’s body, on a Jew’s mind, in hockey and chess it is also used, what is it? Answer: combination.
  • 12. Question: goes in dry, comes out wet. Answer: a tea bag.
  • 13. Question: Every man has this, some have it shorter. Some people have it longer, but after the wedding they give it to their wife. Answer: last name.
  • 14. Question: This male organ has no bones, but during lovemaking it begins to pulsate. Answer: heart muscle.
  • 15. Question: Who is excited by Koch's wand? Answer: his wife.

Game 9. Quick addition reload

The game “Fast addition reboot” develops thinking, memory and attention. The main point of the game is to choose the correct terms, the sum of which will be equal to the given number. In this game, at the top of the screen the task is written: add a number and the number is indicated. Below are three more numbers. You need to add the sum of these three numbers to get the given number.

The game starts with a prime number and with each subsequent game this number increases, first the count goes to twenty, then to thirty and so on. Using your mouse, you can click on the numbers of your choice and answer. If you answered correctly, then you continue to score points and play further.

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City quest “The Art of the Rejected” at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin in the Questionery application

Pedestrian quest in the Gallery of European and American Arts of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin’s works are not only historical mysteries, but also aesthetic pleasure. In two hours, walls with paintings by C. Monet, O. Renoir, A. Sisley, C. Pissarro and other masters of the 19th–20th centuries will reveal their secrets to the players. Among other things, by completing the quest, you can find out who became the “godfather” of impressionism, because of whom Van Gogh cut off his ear, why Cezanne wrote on a stepladder, and they wanted to sue Toulouse-Lautrec.

What it gives: training memory, attentiveness and logical thinking

Game 10. Numerical Reach Revolution

The game "Numeric Span Revolution" develops memory. The main point of the game is to remember the numbers on the screen and dial them correctly. In this game, numbers are displayed on the screen for a few seconds in turn, these numbers must be remembered, then you must enter these numbers in an empty window in order.

Look carefully at what numbers will be on the screen, first two numbers are displayed in order, then three numbers, then four numbers, then again there may be two numbers. Below the picture there is a board with numbers; using the mouse, you can click the numbers you need. If you remember the numbers correctly, you continue to play and score points, but if you get the numbers wrong three times, the game ends.

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World of Guns

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A weapons simulator designed to satisfy the needs of a huge number of firearms fans around the world. The developer really tried, because you are offered not only to admire the pictures, but also to literally twirl the firearm in your hands, disassemble it and fully study the design. World of Guns has a fairly confusing interface, so don't neglect the tutorial that comes with it when you first start it. A huge number of weapon models requires an equally impressive number of different parts and fastenings. As a result, there are so many options for interacting with the “guns” that even an advanced user can get confused.

As a gameplay, you will be asked to disassemble and assemble various types of weapons for a while. As your skills improve, you will be able to receive a variety of rewards and achievements, simultaneously expanding your available arsenal. For a small fee, you can immediately unlock everything that the developers have in store. Another notable feature is the ability to simulate the shooting process in a semi-disassembled state. Available for use: X-ray, slowdown, model sections and a complete list of parts names. By the way, you can shoot with your favorite guns at the shooting range, although you will have to try and gain points to open it.

In general, the game offers a wide range of armed entertainment. It would take a very long time to list them all, so if you are a born militarist, then come in and experience all the delights for yourself.

Game 11. Diamonds

The game "Diamonds" develops memory. The main essence of the game is to remember the order of the figures that light up on the screen and repeat it. There are figures on the screen, they light up one by one, you need to remember the order in which these figures light up, and repeat it. With each subsequent stage of the game, the game becomes more complicated, new figures are added in larger quantities.

Pay close attention to the order in which the figures are lit. Using the mouse or keyboard, you can click through all the figures in order. If you answered correctly, then you continue to score points and play further.

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Riddles with rhymes and a trick

Riddles with a trick in rhyme contain an answer that does not rhyme.

Riddle No. 90

The gray hare under the pine tree announced that he was a tailor. And an hour later the Teddy Bear gave the order to the tailor. — Your order will be ready before the January cold. The hare cuts, the hare sews, and the bear waits in the den. The deadline has passed. A bear has arrived, but you can't put on your pants! Why?

(Answer: The little bear became a bear)


Riddle No. 91

Any girl knows that a carrot is

(not blue)

(Answer: orange)


Riddle No. 92

At night, each window is dimly lit

(not the sun)

(Answer: Moon)


Riddle No. 93

I am beautiful, I fly, and in the spring I melt from the sun. Guess quickly, who is it?

(Not a sparrow)

(Answer: Snow)


Riddle No. 94

The mouse counts the holes in the cheese: Three plus two - total

(Not 4)

(Answer: 5)


Riddle No. 95

From the palm tree down, to the palm tree again deftly jumps

(Not a cow)

(Answer: Monkey)


Riddle No. 96

For vaccinations and injections, mothers take their children to

(Not to school)

(Answer: To the clinic)


Riddle No. 97

Both in Voronezh and in Tula, Children sleep on...

(Not on a chair)

(Answer: Not beds)


Riddle No. 98

I was able to pick up a pair of mittens for...

(Not for feet)

(Answer: For hands)


Riddle No. 99 The frost is crackling in the yard - You put your hat on...

(Not on the nose)

(Answer: On the head)


Riddle #100

Birthday is around the corner - we baked...

(Not sausage)

(Answer: Cake)


Game 12. 3 ago

The game “Number 3 Backwards” develops memory. The main essence of the game is to remember the sequence of numbers and compare the number on the last card with the previous card. In this game, cards with numbers are given on the screen, the numbers on the cards are revealed for a few seconds, then disappear and other numbers appear.

You need to remember the entire sequence of numbers that was shown on the screen and compare the number of the last card with the previous card. Read the question on the screen carefully. At the bottom of the screen there are two buttons “yes” and “no”. Using the mouse, you can press the button you need. If you answered correctly, then you continue to score points and play further.

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Courses for developing memory and concentration

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The purpose of the course: to develop the child’s memory and attention so that it is easier for him to study at school, so that he can remember better.

After completing the course, the child will be able to:

  1. 2-5 times better to remember texts, faces, numbers, words
  2. Learn to remember for a longer period of time
  3. The speed of recalling the necessary information will increase

Sign up for a courseRead more

Super memory in 30 days

Remember the necessary information quickly and for a long time. Wondering how to open a door or wash your hair? I’m sure not, because this is part of our life. Easy and simple exercises for memory training can be made part of your life and done a little during the day. If you eat the daily amount of food at once, or you can eat in portions throughout the day.

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How to improve memory and develop attention

Free practical lesson from advance.

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Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Increase your reading speed by 2-3 times in 30 days. From 150-200 to 300-600 words per minute or from 400 to 800-1200 words per minute. The course uses traditional exercises for the development of speed reading, techniques that speed up brain function, methods for progressively increasing reading speed, the psychology of speed reading and questions from course participants. Suitable for children and adults reading up to 5000 words per minute.

Sign up for a courseFree lesson

Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

The brain, like the body, needs fitness. Physical exercise strengthens the body, mental exercise develops the brain. 30 days of useful exercises and educational games to develop memory, concentration, intelligence and speed reading will strengthen the brain, turning it into a tough nut to crack.

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We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Learn to quickly and correctly add, subtract, multiply, divide, square numbers, and even extract roots. I will teach you how to use easy techniques to simplify arithmetic operations. Each lesson contains new techniques, clear examples and useful tasks.

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Money and the Millionaire Mindset

Why are there problems with money? In this course we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, and consider our relationship with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.

Knowledge of the psychology of money and how to work with it makes a person a millionaire. 80% of people take out more loans as their income increases, becoming even poorer. On the other hand, self-made millionaires will earn millions again in 3-5 years if they start from scratch. This course teaches you how to properly distribute income and reduce expenses, motivates you to study and achieve goals, teaches you how to invest money and recognize a scam.

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Puzzle problems for adults

  • What is used more often by your acquaintances/friends/family than by you?

Correct answer: Your own name, because at the time of communication you practically do not use it.

  • If you own something, then it belongs only to you and is measured in full. If you had to share it with someone, then it does not belong to you at all and disappears completely.

Correct answer: Mystery/secret. Shared and lost!

  • If you couldn’t measure it, it means you don’t know anything about it. Moreover, if it is constantly moving/flying, many are not happy with things moving too quickly.

Correct answer: Until we see what time it is, we are calm about something.

  • You have several socks. Of these, 4 are white, 8 are black, 3 are brown, 5 are gray. How many of them must be taken at random to make a pair?

Correct answer: The number of pieces should be 5, because there are only 4 different-colored types. Only every fifth person can make a pair.

  • If you start talking, then something will be lost immediately.

Correct answer: Reigning silence.

  • The only friend you meet very often, not always in a good mood, joyful, often sleepy.

Correct answer: Yourself in a mirror image.

  • Walks regularly, but does not budge.

Correct answer: Clock/time.

  • In a figurative sense, a cold woman is compared to a fish. Then you can say about a man like this: “Has patience like .....”

Correct answer: Fisherman.

  • What do these numbers have in common? What number will the series continue with?

Correct answer: Recording according to alphabetical order starting with the second letter. Row 3 continues.

  • What letter should end the series S.O.N.D.Y.F.M...?

Correct answer: Completes row “A”. Because these are capital letters of twelve months.

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