Train your subconscious and achieve maximum success

Managing the subconscious helps you change attitudes and stereotypes, gain self-confidence, achieve success, and rewrite the script of life at your discretion.

It has been scientifically proven that the subconscious affects the quality of life. This is a warehouse in which knowledge and experience are stored. With their help, you can program the brain and encourage a person to go in the right direction. Psychologists have developed several ways to control the subconscious. Are they effective?

How to influence your subconscious

Answering the question of what the subconscious is and how to control it, psychologists answer: you need to be able to influence it. The first step to this is conscious observation of the processes occurring inside. Then use effective techniques for influence. They are simple and understandable to everyone, but require strong-willed efforts from a person:

  • Clear your consciousness of negativity, complexes and fears;
  • Set a program for success;
  • Get rid of useless activities;
  • Always follow your principles in everything.

Important! A person can correct his own subconscious with the help of special psychotherapeutic techniques, which will also allow him to change his attitude towards life situations. But all methods must be implemented under the supervision of a psychotherapist

To influence the subconscious, you need to learn how to remove negative attitudes and programs

Remove negative attitudes from the subconscious

In psychology, carrying out the so-called “cleansing” of one’s inner world is considered the main method; this is where one should begin working with the subconscious. It is no secret that huge negativity comes from mental “garbage”, that is, an accumulation of grievances, fears, complexes, emotions that hinder a person’s development and prevent them from achieving success. It is impossible to control a subconscious that is completely clogged with negativity. Therefore, you should evaluate yourself objectively, understand the reasons for your failures and learn how to remove unwanted programs from the subconscious. Then it will be subject to the personality to lay down other success-oriented programs.

Setting up for success

Many people know that a positive attitude helps to cope with many psychological problems. If a person is in a bad mood, then it is quite difficult to influence the problem. The influence of the emotional state on the work of the subconscious is similar.

In order to change negative self-consciousness to positive, to create positive attitudes for mastering the power of the subconscious, you can use affirmations that have become popular. The secret of such attitudes towards success is that under their influence a person’s mood changes and positive changes appear. As a setup, you can take a simple phrase and say it every day, for example, “I will succeed.” Constant repetition of such a phrase, like a mantra, will definitely trigger the law of attraction.

For your information. In order for affirmations to start working faster, you must follow the rules: pronounce them in front of the mirror, looking into your eyes, clearly, in an affirmative form, do not use negation, eliminate doubts.

Get rid of everything unnecessary

To work with the subconscious, you need to get rid of energy debris

Psychologists warn about another type of “energy garbage” that prevents you from engaging with your subconscious. This is unnecessary information that accumulates in the mind, cluttering the entire intellectual space. This includes insignificant words, useless knowledge that leave their mark on the human psyche, leading him away from success. Managing the subconscious is much easier if a person lives a rich life, without wasting his efforts on unnecessary activities.

This is why, for example, it is important to remove negative computer games, mindless viewing of entertainment programs, and long hours of telephone conversations from your living space.

Follow your principles

Answering the main question, what is the work with the subconscious, psychologists answer: do not change your principles, no matter what. In order for the necessary attitudes to be deposited in the subconscious, a certain time must pass, so adherence to principles comes in handy. Life experience should become an assistant in this matter, and it accumulates gradually. It also requires diligence and determination. Here is a simple example of life attitudes: a man decided to quit smoking, but every time he says to himself: “I’ll do it tomorrow.” And nothing works out, because the subconscious mind has an important principle: if you decide to do something, the main thing for yourself is to do it here and now.

The power of the subconscious and human capabilities

The subconscious has enormous power and influence on life. Those who do not know how to manage it will face serious problems. This is because actions and thoughts depend on the subconscious.

The attitudes and programs of the subconscious are influenced by several factors:

  1. Upbringing. This refers to the knowledge laid down not only by parents, but also by kindergarten teachers and teachers. Words become firmly embedded in a child's brain. In the future, it will be difficult for him to cope with the complexes and fears instilled in childhood. A qualified psychologist can help.
  2. Mass media. Hundreds of images flash on TV screens, in printed publications and glossy magazines every day. They act on the subconscious unnoticed and very subtly. It is not for nothing that the media is considered an excellent way to quietly control large numbers of people, forcing them to do what is needed. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully filter media data. This will help you look at yourself and what is happening around you differently.
  3. Relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues. These people also influence the subconscious. A good example is bad company during adolescence. First, a person starts smoking and drinking alcohol just to get into it. However, later it seems to him that he wants to behave this way himself.
  4. Acquired skills and habits. Actions repeated several times over a certain period of time and in the same situations become habitual and program the subconscious. A person performs them “automatically”. An example would be ice skating or skiing. First, the coach tells the beginner how to properly place his feet, brake or accelerate. Afterwards, practical classes begin. After several training sessions, a person masters the program and performs the movements automatically, without outside prompting. The brain is not involved here, everything happens on an unconscious level.
  5. Manipulation. Some people know how to control the subconscious of others. They successfully use these techniques. One of them is provocations, inducing emotions.

In order to use the powers of the subconscious, you need to find out what influences it and how. Only after this can you program it in your own way.

Basic principles of the subconscious mind

Every idea, thought (word) produces a physical reaction

Thought creates reality. You shouldn’t go far in thinking: “How much can my thought change my Life?” Everything is simpler and closer to biology and psychology. Thoughts evoke emotions and feelings that can either inspire you to a heroic deed or even put you into a depressive state.

The subconscious triggers such reactions. For example, when hearing the word “milk,” someone will begin to produce gastric juice, and someone will experience an aversion to lactose. And such reactions to all thoughts and words.

What is expected is usually what happens

By expecting good or bad, we thereby give a goal to the subconscious. And it will strive to achieve it.

If we expect good things, we will get good things, and unfortunately, the opposite is also true: expecting bad things justifies itself.

Reactive reaction. Or any force causes an anti force

The harder you try to achieve a goal, the harder it becomes.

At the same time, as soon as you relax and get distracted by something else, the early goal falls into your hand.

There is no difference between virtual experience and imaginary experience

Before a pilot boards a real plane, he spends dozens of hours in a cockpit simulating a flight. And miraculously, after time he turns into a real pilot of a real plane.

Athletes have long been armed with mental techniques: before performing sports feats in competitions, they perform them in their minds.

For the subconscious, what I see for real or what I see in my head (on TV, in a game, in an imitation of reality) makes no difference.

(For clarity. They were rude to you - you were offended. They were rude to your favorite movie character in the series, you were also offended. In one case it’s life, in the other it’s a movie, but feelings and emotions for you are real and real).

Emotions - a marker, a label

Emotions are a marker, a mark for the subconscious

The more emotional the thought, the more your subconscious mind will pay attention to it, the more resources it will allocate to corresponding actions.

For example, the simple idea of ​​traveling around the world is just a fleeting desire that is soon forgotten. But if these thoughts are accompanied by strong emotions (well, I really want to), then consciousness will often (as if by chance) stumble upon corresponding stories.

(The eyes “themselves” will freeze on the sign of the next travel agency, the hand “themselves” will press the button to the Discovery Channel, the ears “themselves” will pay more attention to stories about how someone went somewhere to the seas, oceans) .

Films about the subconscious

Films about the mind and subconscious are of interest to psychologists, people who are engaged in discovering their abilities. The human brain is a mysterious substance, who knows what might be hidden there? Masterpieces of cinema that lift the veil of subconscious processes:

  1. "Areas of Darkness / Limitless"
    . Eddie Morra is a failure in life, his marriage is destroyed, he is not in demand as a writer, but everything changes when he meets his ex-brother-in-law Vernon, who offers him miracle pills that reveal 100% of the brain's potential.
  2. "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"
    . The film is about love, which is not afraid of “erasing memories”; the subconscious of the main characters refuses to erase feelings, and somewhere in the subconscious depths Joel and Clementine remember each other and collide again and again.
  3. "Deja Vu / Déjà Vu"
    . The film is about the mysterious phenomenon of the subconscious, known as déjà vu, expressed in the brain's message “it has already happened.”
  4. "Shutter Island
    " Federal agents Teddy Daniels and Chuck are sent to a psychiatric clinic on Shutter Island to investigate the disappearance of child killer Rachel Solando. The investigation becomes tangled and complicated by the fact that Daniels' subconscious keeps its own secrets.
  5. "Beginning / Inception"
    . Dominic Cobb is a valuable expert in hacking people's subconscious minds, stealing valuable information through lucid dreaming.

Engage in positive self-talk

Like affirmations, self-talk is very important to us. According to a book written by Shad Helmstetter entitled What to Say When You Talk to Yourself, we spend more time talking to ourselves than to any other person every day. What we tell ourselves determines our moods, decisions and attitudes, and, yes, we are very likely to believe what we tell ourselves.

By taking control of your self-talk, you can begin to live the life you want. Your subconscious mind may believe this self-talk and begin to manifest what you tell it. So, immediately following your affirmations, spend some time each day talking positively about what you want in your life, repeating it every day.

Communication with the mirror

If you want to facilitate interpersonal communication in your workplace and work at a desk, you can use this simple tip. Hang a medium-sized mirror behind you.

People who talk to you, seeing their reflection, will become a little more pleasant to you. Why? Few people like to look at their own face, twisted with anger or dissatisfaction!

What is the subconscious

The subconscious is not a fictitious concept. This is a very real component of the human body, which is considered even in medicine. It is what helps a person navigate certain life situations. Some people confuse the subconscious with intuition. Throughout his life, a person accumulates a lot of information in his subconscious, which is acquired through the experience of life. Certain thoughts create habits or encourage a person to take some actions, sometimes actions that are unusual for him.

Habits acquired in this way are called psychological skills. They are instilled in a person by parents, acquaintances, and personal experience. Thanks to this, a personality is subsequently formed with his own unique view of the world around him. It is this fact that explains the diversity of opinions and characters of people.

The subconscious doesn't regenerate new ideas or anything like that. The whole point is that a person creates his own subconscious information. Thoughts, feelings, subconscious - in this order the transfer of information occurs. Thus, everything that is reproduced in a person’s thoughts becomes part of the inner world. People program themselves. This quality can be used for yourself with incredible benefit, but otherwise you can get the opposite negative effect. The accumulation of this information is also influenced by the external environment, so a person must carefully select his social circle so as not to subsequently become part of a not entirely favorable company of people. Subconscious attitudes are not so easy to change. Although there are certain techniques that help completely eliminate negative programs.

The initial task of the subconscious is to systematize and filter out unnecessary information. The choice, so to speak, of a rational grain. This happens in the process of transforming thoughts into visual images. The subconscious mind helps a person achieve his programmed goals, which will help him achieve success and accomplish certain desired tasks. The power of the subconscious is quite a powerful thing, which can make a person more resistant to difficulties, thereby making life’s journey easier.

But, despite a number of such positive and important properties for a person, not everyone can use such skills rationally. This suggests that with his thoughts a person can program his subconscious for negative phenomena, which can subsequently lead to disastrous results.

That is why it is important to monitor not only your actions, but also your thoughts. Psychologists recommend thinking positively

If a person constantly thinks that, for example, he cannot start a family. After some time, thoughts move to the programming stage and the person’s desire to have his own family completely disappears. And already in the course of even a serious relationship, he avoids the family, psychologically pushing away his partner. This is how, with simple actions, a person can harm himself and completely destroy his life.

Abilities of the subconscious system

The subconscious is often compared to a computer into which certain types of programs can be inserted. This is how inner conviction and regeneration of thought occurs. As for the formation of human habits, their regeneration occurs due to the repeated repetition of certain formulations. Having formed certain psychological habits, a person begins to gradually move towards the goal. In this process, he acquires certain beliefs, new views, exactly what he needs to perceive the environment in a new role. The subconscious system regenerates certain tasks through visual and mental images. It is these aspects that are necessary for a person to receive such a mindset for success.

How to control the subconscious

Managing the subconscious is based on one, but very important and powerful tool, its name is awareness, which means being in the moment and observing. This is the only way to control the subconscious

When the mind is chaotic, it controls a person, but when thoughts are taken under control by a person: analyzed, consciously changed to constructive ones - contact with the subconscious becomes commonplace.

How to get an answer from the subconscious?

Communication with the subconscious can be established using simple techniques; some people succeed the first time, while others need time. Simple methods of contacting the subconscious:

  1. Glass of water
    . A problem that worries a person is written on a piece of paper, then a glass of water is taken, and with eyes closed, the question or problem is mentally spoken out and half a glass is drunk. The glass is placed on a piece of paper and the rest of the water is drunk in the morning. The answer may come that same night in a dream.
  2. Book
    . Choose a book, formulate an answer to the subconscious, open the book and place your finger anywhere. Read.

Words-keys for the subconscious

Password words for the subconscious or switchers are an effective technique, the creator of which is J. Mangan. “Magic” words go directly into the subconscious, helping to change a person’s condition. Everyone knows these words:

change - getting rid of pain in the body; attention - getting rid of oppressive sadness, melancholy; patience - to achieve success; count - to gain financial independence; together - when you need to do something; close - repeat when there is strong resentment or annoyance at another person; collect - children become obedient; directly – increasing self-esteem; finish – builds endurance; be - allows you to maintain health and calm the mind.

The principle of perseverance

If during a conversation you feel that someone is not telling you the whole truth or is even lying, try to keep your eyes on that person.

If you are lucky, then the silence and your fixed eyes will become so oppressive that your interlocutor will have no choice but to tell you everything.

Act as if your dream has already come true

When you program your subconscious mind, you must act as if the changes you desire have already happened. Programming your mind requires you to imagine yourself in the state you want. When you begin to act as if you have already achieved what you desire, your subconscious mind will be attuned to this reality and you will experience this change in your life.

If you want to be rich, you need to start acting like a rich person. Do some research and find out the behavior of rich people. Once you determine what they do, continue to imitate what you can. Over time, your subconscious will catch on and continue the process. You will find that you achieve exactly what you wanted and more.

Conclusion The subconscious is a silent pilot in our lives. It is all-consuming and has the ability to help us create the reality we desire in our lives. By following the tips above, we can reprogram the subconscious and begin to create our own destiny. Try it and see how much closer you get to your dream.

Observation during association - what gives?

And something like this will happen: the subconscious will gradually soften negative emotions. Then he can completely replace them with positive ones. It will take some time. And, as mentioned earlier: it is important not to interfere with the images you see, but to observe how they change.

It is advisable to watch to the end to see the entire series of transformations. And feel what emotion your negativity will be replaced with. Record the emotional changes in yourself that accompany the exercise, which improve your condition.

This will let the subconscious understand that these sensations are more comfortable for you than the original ones. It often happens that in the process of this practice a person realizes that his problems and fears are by no means as global and unsolvable as they seemed before.

If you do this exercise regularly and deeply enough, your entire worldview can change for the better.

Rules for managing your subconscious

Proper management of the subconscious will help to open the veil of secrets about yourself, about your desires, talents, abilities that are hidden somewhere deep inside. These rules will help you learn to work with the subconscious.

Give up negative thoughts. Negative emotions inhibit the launch of subconscious processes. Only positive attitudes shape reality. Learn to control your thoughts. During the day, track your thoughts and direct them in the direction where you need to deal with the situation or make the right decision. Try to get rid of stereotypes

The subconscious is needed for non-standard solutions. It is important to pay more attention to the small details and signs that surround you. Don’t be upset if the subconscious is in no hurry to give you a hint. Sometimes it takes longer than you would like. Don’t bring yourself to the point of emotional exhaustion. You can’t dwell on one problem for a long time.

Give yourself rest and don't skimp on sleep. The decision from the subconscious comes only when you are calm. Meditate or go alone to reflect. Fresh air enriches the brain with oxygen and has a beneficial effect on subconscious thought processes.

Use your subconscious and you will learn to manage your life!

Is manipulation good or bad?

Somehow it happened that the word “use” evokes mainly negative emotions and attitudes. And you probably want to ask: “Is it good to manipulate?” I will answer with a counter question: “Is it good to communicate?” Confused? So, know that you apply manipulations every day.

When making appointments, conducting business negotiations, talking with a friend over a cup of coffee, in a cozy cafe, or simply living in society, in each case you try to give the interlocutor a message, on a subconscious level, and wait for feedback, his reaction, actions. All this is nothing more than an attempt to control – to manipulate.

The power of dreams

After you learn to work with your consciousness, direct your thoughts and actions in the right direction, you can move on to working with the subconscious. Valery Sinelnikov will help with this; in his books he gives complete instructions on how to configure the subconscious to work for you.

Whether you are interested in esotericism and magic or prefer a more scientific approach and psychology, undoubtedly you understand that dreams are a powerful tool of the subconscious. It’s not for nothing that there is so much talk about prophetic dreams, about answers that come at night, solving complex life problems, help and tips that a person can see in a dream.

To get the answer you need in a dream, you need to program yourself before going to bed

It is very important to clearly formulate the question itself. Vague and ambiguous language may be interpreted by your subconscious mind slightly differently than you intended.

Therefore, make specific, clear and understandable requests.

In order to achieve success in this matter, you need to put in a lot of effort and work hard at remembering dreams. I offer you one technique that helped me a lot in this matter. Before going to bed, I tell myself that I will definitely remember at least one dream.

It didn’t start working the first time, but today I can already remember about three/four dreams. Be sure to place a notebook and pen next to your bed so you can immediately write down your dream.

When you learn to remember dreams, then you can start asking questions. For example, you don’t know whether you should quit your job. We formulate the phrase: should I change my current job? Repeat the phrase several times before going to bed. In the morning, write down all the dreams you had that night.

Sometimes the answer may come the next day, take your time and do not rush to conclusions. Monitor your dreams for several days in a row. And only then proceed to interpretation.

In addition, dreams can help you fulfill your plans. One of my clients programs her dreams for a happy future. So, she met her future husband in a dream, saw their first child, and resolved the issue with her career.

The subconscious and consciousness work in a very close connection. One is impossible without the other. Therefore, watch very carefully what you say and do, how you react to external circumstances, what thoughts are circling in your head.

Remember that a positive attitude in life attracts good energy. Therefore, I recommend that you read my two articles: “The Secret of an Easy Life” and “How to Enjoy Life No Matter What.”

What events most often unsettle you? Why do you think failures sometimes happen to you? How do you react to negative situations?

Think positive thoughts, use more positive words in your speech, smile and pay attention to positive events more often. Best wishes to you!

Technologies of psychological influence in sects, continued

12. Material deprivation. In a number of sects, if not most of them, adherents “sacrifice” wages (at first - tithes), property, savings, jewelry, cars, apartments, dachas, antiques, while continuing to work for the sect 10–12 hours a day, seven days a week days, do not receive money. In fact, they go bankrupt, sometimes without even a change of clothes. It is difficult to imagine that all sectarians experience this stoically or think like N.V. Gogol: “Begging is a bliss that the world has not yet grasped... and whoever has truly loved his beggar’s bag will not sell it for any treasures in the world.” . But it seems, or rather is the case, that a sect radically changes a person’s relationships. Indeed, in ordinary life a completely different opinion prevails. “Deprive a person of his property, and you deprive him of himself,” someone noted, not without reason. Leaders of sects, with few exceptions, do not intend to follow the path of asceticism.

The impoverishment of adherents, in addition to the “bliss” of liberation from material fetters, also pursues another goal: leaving the sect becomes almost impossible. There is no one or nothing to go back to.

There is another important consequence of such a difficult “path to spiritual rebirth.” Psychologically, deprivation, humiliation, and bullying, which outwardly seem completely meaningless or even sadistic, play a very significant role for the sect. In this case, the rule of increasing value applies, which has few exceptions: what is obtained with great difficulty is valued incomparably more than what is in hand (“as it comes, so it goes,” says the proverb). As a result - and the leaders of sects clearly understand this - the attachment of adherents to the sect only intensifies, their solidarity and cohesion grow stronger.

13. Forcing frankness . Members of a considerable number of sects are obliged to tell their leaders everything they know about loved ones, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, neighbors, etc., while revealing their most intimate secrets. The information received is carefully verified from other sources. In the same way, adherents must tell everything about themselves without concealment. Sect leaders force such complete exposure of adherents for a number of reasons: for reasons of personal safety, for the recruitment of suitable people, for the purpose of blackmail, infiltration into social and political structures, into executive authorities, for the purpose of economic espionage. And, of course, for spreading discrediting rumors, slandering undesirable people, “for slander is the front door for lies and the back door for the truth.” The frankness of an adept is a formidable weapon against himself; he cannot help but understand that he turns out to be the very object of the unlimited power of the sect leaders.

It is quite noteworthy that sect leaders prefer written testimonies from adherents - this is an old Eastern technique of manipulation. Here the rule of magical action is used, which is based on the belief of people that only by actions can one find out what a person really is. People judge themselves by their actions. By performing this or that action, a person maintains or changes his idea of ​​himself.

Even if he writes something, that is, performs a certain action, one can expect that it will influence the attitude towards himself and thereby towards some phenomenon. The Chinese, for example, asked captured Americans to simply rewrite pro-Chinese texts. This was enough for the captives to begin to view China more positively. Written “denunciations”, therefore, change the self-concept of adherents in the direction necessary for the sect, and therefore, their attitude towards the sect. In addition, the adept knows that many others can learn about what he has written. This will most likely cause him to see himself through the eyes of “others” and, according to the principle of social proof, to agree with their possible opinion about himself, and also to behave in accordance with their expectations - the rule of self-presentation.

14. Proselytism - the desire to convert others to one's faith. Proselytism is usually practiced by all sects. Some preference may be given to certain segments of the population: young people, financially secure people, people with a well-known social position, etc. Probably, a very significant part of neophytes (new converts to the faith) are people with mental disabilities, personality disorders, problems adaptation. K. Jaspers points out that “most” mental disorders occur among adherents of various sects, but does not directly connect this with the activities of the latter, considering this fact to be primordial. If one of the family members is involved in the sect, over time others, and sometimes the whole family, may end up there.

Activities aimed at involvement in the sect are encouraged, in particular, by crediting “merits” and moving up the levels of the sect’s hierarchy, the favor of the “leadership”, paying off debts or replacing cash deposits, etc. Naturally, very important psychological aspects of proselytism are also taken into account. Just as there is a rule such as “teach and you will understand,” missionaries are subject to another, resulting from the principle of social proof, “persuade and you will see for yourself.” “The more people you convince, the more right you are” - that’s why missionaries are so expansive. Moreover, the greater the resistance a potential adherent puts up and the more difficult it is to “break” him, the more “true” the belief itself becomes in the eyes of the recruiter. In part, this probably stems from the sometimes incredible persistence that recruiters show when they notice the slightest signs of doubt or hesitation in their client. Only a categorical “no” and a couple of strong expressions in addition helps them understand that there is “nothing to do.”

15. Social mimicry - the use of external attributes and attractive features of a particular social group in order to increase the authority and influence of a sect. Thus, the “Black Bible” of the Satanists is written exactly the opposite, but clearly in imitation of the style of the biblical text, the artistic merits and charm of antiquity of which are unparalleled. Many sects borrow the centuries-honed rhetoric of other, often very different, faiths. “Small” corrections and changes in emphasis in theological works, upon a superficial reading, often go unnoticed by adherents, although it is precisely such “details,” as it later turns out, that are of key importance. The texts of some of the “sacred” books of sectarians are very reminiscent of the genre of fantasy, the widespread and almost morbid passion for which is well known. The Maharishi sect (transcendental meditation) not without success exploits the scientific nature of its publications, thereby bribing “educated” people even from “science”.

In some sects there is and is spreading the belief that in them the socially accepted way of life is most fully realized, which is considered, thanks to skillful indoctrination, to be unsurpassed anywhere. La Vey, the ideologist of Satanism, openly says in this regard: “As a matter of fact, we preach what has long been the American way of life. It’s just that not everyone has the courage to call a spade a spade.” Pro-American tendencies, artificially implanted to this day among the Russian population, this xenomania - a one-sided passion for everything foreign and a negativistic rejection of one’s own culture, to some extent explain the popularity of Satanism among our youth. Many sects disguise themselves as social, humanitarian, peacekeeping, and environmental organizations and operate under the slogans of preserving the family, morality, and spirituality.

In conditions of massive spread of drug addiction, alcoholism, AIDS, and other socially dependent diseases, these problems become, as it were, attractive masks of sects. This is done not only to circumvent the law - here sects today are practically invulnerable. The main goal is to create a favorable impression of yourself. That is why in sectarian texts, in the speeches of their “preachers” there are so many different beautiful words: spirituality, love, justice, revival, salvation, moral purification, etc. Evil should be embellished with words. Leaders of sects know very well that people too often trust words, this “frasier hypnosis” (A.I. Kuprin), and not the actual meaning that is packed in such words. The word “freedom” alone can turn any head, especially if you forget that the measure of freedom is responsibility. Eloquence is an excellent argument where there are few arguments. Even the ancient Egyptians noted that “there is no weapon stronger than the word.”

Verbal-logical structures with vagueness and tendentious concepts can generally obscure reality, representing illusory, virtual worlds similar to those created by a not entirely healthy imagination. The creators of such worlds often leave the confines of reality, as if they “live” an imagined life there. Such, in particular, are graphomaniacs - people possessed by a morbid passion for writing and composing, unable to either stop or keep themselves within the bounds of reason. They may be published, they may have an audience, but they are not writers in the true sense.

“The main advantage of a writer,” said Flaubert, “is the knowledge of what not to write about.” Sect leaders are not as naive as disinterested graphomaniacs; they are fanatics, and even cynics - people who know the price of everything, but do not know the value. They know what they are going to do for their ambitions. Their task is psychological aggression. Systematic listening to their crafty speeches and recordings on audio cassettes, watching videotapes, mandatory reading of intoxicating sectarian literature, and even memorizing it - this takes a lot of time for adherents - greatly contributes to the complete immersion of sectarians in the illusory world of religious doctrine.

16. Jiu-jitsu is the use of personal shortcomings and vices of people for certain purposes. Qualities such as hostility, bitterness, and cruelty are especially valued in satanic sects. These “abilities” are realized in sects without coercion, as if everything happens by itself, by one’s own will or by an inevitable coincidence of circumstances. Encouraging the manifestation of bad inclinations is not only not required, but is not even recommended, otherwise a person will consider his actions as controlled from the outside - the effect of overjustification. In this case, the mechanism of reactance is automatically activated - the desire to protect or restore the feeling of one’s freedom.

As for the personal responsibility of sectarians for unseemly or criminal behavior, it is, of course, lifted. Asahara, for example, “accepts” all the sins of his adherents upon himself. Thus, the feeling of guilt towards loved ones and society is suppressed. To be more precise, the feeling of guilt is transformed into a kind of sense of duty. The removal of the ban on antisocial actions, this kind of “surrogate freedom” inevitably leads to the fact that sects use drugs (often, however, for ritual purposes, to change the state of consciousness of adherents), and consider theft, child theft, rape, murder, and terrorist acts permissible etc. Group sex, sexual perversions, including pedophilia, are often commonplace; sexual deviations so exotic for Siberian latitudes, such as tantric sex or sex in “horoscopic love positions,” are spreading. Finding out what is happening in the depths of sects is very difficult; reliable information of this kind can only be obtained by introducing researchers into the sect to study its life from the inside.

By the way, note that the theory of catharsis, according to which “emotional release” (in particular, “the release of the energy of aggression”) is achieved through imaginary, symbolic and real acts of aggression (and other destructive tendencies characteristic, according to E. Fromm, of the necrophilic personality type), is not confirmed by the cult practice of at least the same Satanists - not a single reliable case is known of one of them turning into a dove of peace. Temporary “discharge” is replaced by a subsequent and even greater increase in tension, since it does not solve the problems, but, on the contrary, moves away from it. As a result, it is not “purification” that occurs, but rather the opposite: aggressive actions gradually become habitual, as if a character trait (“habit,” says Cicero, “is second nature”), and imaginary acts of aggression increase the willingness to react against one’s will with aggressive actions that, as it happens “in short-circuit reactions”, long and latently, before external manifestation they ripen in the internal plane). Therefore, the debate about whether it is beneficial or harmful for children to watch films with scenes of violence is most likely imposed by the businessmen of the cruelty industry.

In a number of sects, on the contrary, there are restrictions and strict prohibitions on the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and invective language; sex is strictly regulated (allowed only for conceiving children); in some sects it is taboo. Such sects are popular and widely advertised (for example, the 12-step program, known for its anti-drug orientation). It's easy to understand parents whose children stop using drugs and alcohol. Parents simply do not notice the negative consequences of their children’s stay in such sects or do not want to notice them if they themselves are involved in such programs. Meanwhile, the dependence on the leader of the sect (his figure replaces God there) is so great that “former drug addicts” often cannot do without him; they must check every step they take with his opinion. There are sects in which there is a practice of teaching what and how an adept should do in a given situation, how he should ask, answer, fend off objections, etc. Relatives of adepts very soon notice this and say that the husband (son and etc.) “began to speak in a foreign language, behave differently, generally changed beyond recognition, became a complete stranger, as if hypnotized, programmed.”

17. Physiological deprivation. A number of sects require food restrictions, which are sometimes clearly absurd. Thus, in Vissarion’s sect, at first it was forbidden to consume protein foods, meat, salt, water, wheat bread, sugar, coffee, and tea. It was recommended to “mentally” add eggs, sour cream, rose petals and cosmic light to bran cakes. The food ration of the Moonies, a sect of “zealots of true piety”, is quite poor (here they ate waste from garbage dumps and vegetable warehouses). In a significant part of the sects, adherents are chronically sleep-deprived or periodically deprived of sleep for several days. At the same time, they are forced to do exhausting work and have no opportunity to rest. In high latitudes, adherents are exposed to the cold, since they do not have good clothing and warm housing.

The cult meaning of deprivation is clear: “the humility of the flesh is the path to strengthening the spirit.” The true meaning of physiological deprivation is also obvious: this results in physical exhaustion, and most importantly, mental exhaustion, making it difficult or impossible to strain the will and resist external pressure. The physiological deficit is more than compensated for by preaching humility, for obedience in totalitarian societies is the dignity of a slave.

18. The influence of destructive rhythms. Among musical ones, preference is often given to specially selected rhythms that have a calming, soporific effect, promoting relaxation, relaxation, and a decrease in the activity of consciousness. For ordinary people, such music produces, in their words, a “stupefying” impression. In the Mother of God Center, on the contrary, tonic, bravura music is used - military marches, hymns. It is probably no coincidence that this sect is one of the most extremist. Since ancient times, rhythmic movements and chants of a large number of people have been used in various cults to induce a state of hypnotic trance. In the Vissarion sect, for example, they practice such a psychotechnical procedure as the “magic circle”: adherents, holding hands, repeat certain actions to the accompaniment of special music (apparently symbolizing cult performances).

It happens that individual adherents “fall unconscious.” At mass ritual meetings, in the crowd, under the influence of music, speech instructions, rhythmic swaying, lighting effects, sectarians experience ecstatic states, hysterical fits, hysterical psychoses with symptoms of obsession, “running wild” and hysteria (screaming, swearing, barking, growling, howling and so on.). Sometimes epileptic seizures (affect-epilepsy) are likely to occur. American psychologists have established a very interesting fact: abnormal individuals cannot stand classical music (Mozart, Schubert, Bach, Beethoven, etc.). In order to “scare off” dubious audiences, such music is broadcast in the right places, and as if this helps better than the police. In some countries (Japan, Germany) Russian classical music is preferred because of its beneficial influence on respectable citizens.

19. Hyperventilation. Used in sects of eastern orientation, it forms the core of G. Grof’s method of holotrophic respiration. In the Aum-Senrike sect, adherents sitting in the “lotus position” take 25 deep breaths and exhalations per minute, followed by a pause—a complete cessation of breathing, that is, hyperoxia is periodically replaced by hypoxia. “Dynamic meditation” uses “chaotic breathing” to the sound of a drum, resulting in a “special state.” Hyperventilation in medicine is known to be used as a method of provoking epileptic brain activity. According to descriptions of “patients” treated according to Grof’s method, they develop psychotic episodes and states of confused consciousness. The mentioned signs of mental disorder are interpreted by sectarians in a mystical sense or regarded as evidence of “cleansing of the body and psyche.”

20. Meditation is a way to independently immerse yourself in a hypnotic state. It is a mandatory element of yoga practice in its various variations. Meditation often uses the method of repeating mantras over and over again. A mantra is a short “sacred” word that a guru (mentor, teacher) secretly tells his student. Usually this is a symbol of some concept or series of concepts. The mantra "om", for example, consists of three phonemes: A - means creation (Brahma - the deity of creation), U - maintenance (Vishnu - the guardian god), M - destruction (Krishna - the protector god, deliverer). There are mantras common to all adherents of the cult. Hare Krishnas repeat different combinations of 2-3 words with the obligatory mention of the name of their god. At the same time, they touch the rosary (the number of repetitions of mantras is 1728 times a day). Deep concentration on the repetition of mantras is combined with efforts to limit external impressions and disconnect from thoughts and memories. Sometimes self-absorption is achieved without repeating mantras, only by disconnecting from the external and internal world. A meditation session lasts tens of minutes. The exit from the state of self-immersion is independent, sometimes at the command of the teacher.

The ability to fall into and out of self-hypnosis can be trained, as well as the ability to fall asleep and wake up at the right time. During meditation, the flow of impressions is sharply limited, which leads to sensory deprivation. The feeling of the body is lost, the meditator sees nothing (eyes are closed) and hears almost nothing. As a result, the control functions of consciousness weaken, suggestibility and self-hypnosis increase, uncontrollable imaginative fantasies (“waking dreams”) and psychotic experiences may appear. There is, as is known, an experimentally confirmed hypothesis according to which the appearance of symptoms of schizophrenia is due to the blockade of sensory stimuli. Maharishi, in turn, assures that “meditation is the only answer to all human questions.”

His term "transcendental meditation" means "going" to the source of "inner energy and harmony" through meditation. Regular meditation, Maharishi believes, can heal and prevent diseases, solve many other problems, they can even save humanity from wars. Asahara hoped to “destroy the previous consciousness” through meditation. For this purpose, he “developed” a method of “raising kundalini” (“snake” - author) from the tailbone to the brain. The method included, along with other procedures, the repeated repetition of such words from Asahara’s teachings, such as “a person will certainly die, ... a person will certainly die...” The goals and results of yoga can apparently be judged by the following opinion of one of its admirers: “Beginner The yogi very soon encounters the fact that the mind is a great obstacle in his spiritual work... The practice of yoga requires the renunciation of one’s mind.”

21. Suggestion while awake , in a state of hypnotic trance, during meditation. It seems possible to talk about suggestion in the waking state of adherents with a large degree of convention, since sectarians seem to be constantly in a state of altered consciousness. The suggestibility of a significant part of the sectarians is quite high. Watching videotapes of their group meetings, it is easy to see how easily they fall into states of deep hypnotic sleep with one touch to the forehead and a few words.

It should be especially emphasized that sects do not use special methods for removing people from a state of hypnosis, unlike the practice of psychotherapists. It is probably difficult to say what the consequences of this are; they apparently have not been sufficiently studied, but it can be assumed that in the end something like a cumulation (accumulation, layering) of hypnotic effects occurs. In any case, it is clear that this does not improve a person’s mental state. What seems indisputable is that the high degree of suggestibility of ordinary sectarians is strictly selective - only in relation to the inducers of a particular sect.

As a result of such suggestibility, everything that indoctrinates the doctrine, even absurd, fantastic, not to say delusional things, is passively, blindly and without any criticism accepted. The latter are immediately, directly integrated into the psychological structures of the personality and are later recognized as originally belonging to it, and not received from the outside. This is reminiscent of the well-known sleeper effect - the delayed influence of a message, when its content is remembered, but the reason for distrust in it is forgotten (in the case of sectarians, on the contrary, complete and unconditional trust).

22. Rites of initiation - ceremonies of initiation into adepts or, generally speaking, the performance of sacraments, the result of which is a feeling of belonging to a group. Such rituals have existed from primitive times to this day, representing a strict sequence of symbolic actions. Initiation rites are an important, critical moment in the development of a person’s self-concept. In various faiths, as well as in sects, initiation ceremonies are therefore given exceptional importance.

Initiation rites in sects are arranged very solemnly, carried out in an atmosphere full of reverence and mystical awe, with a large crowd of people, the physical or invisible presence of the “teacher” himself, as well as important people from his environment. Thus, the “blessing” ceremony is of central importance in the Moonite cult practice. It includes the "holy wine" and "holy marriage" ceremonies.

The essence of the “wine ceremony” is a complete renunciation of the past and the transition to the bosom of Moon’s “family”. According to Moon, "blessing" ceremonies are "grafting processes in which you separate yourself from the satanic world and graft yourself into True Parents' family." Before that, newcomers—“children”—are “trained” for a long time. They are not left alone for a minute, they are forced to work, listen to lectures, pray and sing hymns for 14-16 hours a day, forbidden to communicate with their parents - representatives of the “satanic” side.

Asahara’s initiation rite - “shaktipat”, according to “His Holiness”, looks like this: “Shaktipat is the transfer of energy through my thumb, placed on the recipient’s forehead. This technique can sometimes instantly awaken kundalini (spiritual energy dormant in the tailbone). At the same time, Asahara “takes upon himself the sinful karma of the students.” The initiation also includes a “blood ritual” in which they drink “the blood of Asahara himself.” Communication through blood has long meant: my I is no longer there, I am you.”

This is how the female Satanists who went through it describe the initiation rite. At night, in the cemetery, they must cross the cross and thereby reject faith in Christ. This means: I become like a beast, I renounce humanity. Then they had to drink the blood of the animal from which the skin had been flayed alive. Other rituals of Satanists are just as bloody and sadistic.

In initiation rites, many methods of psychological influence are used, with the goal of radically changing the personality, its transition to a new quality that has nothing in common with the previous one. In combination with previous “processing” and subsequent influences (already as part of a sect) on a person, attempts at total personality transformation are, apparently, quite successful. The adept will later remember his past self as something extraneous, alien, unreal, if he ever remembers it at all.

23. Misinformation. Deception and outright lies are a long-known, powerful influence on a dependent person, used not only in sects. It is important that disinformation gives the impression of sensationalism; in this case, it is most effective, as it amazes the person. In this sense, the desire to be deceived is generally characteristic of the average person, but for him the truth is too severe a test. “The essence of vulgarity,” noted D. Ruskin, “is the desire for sensation.” Hubbard believed that lying was the only effective way to control people and made great efforts to ensure that adherents accepted it as the absolute truth. The leaders of many sects were exposed in their time as swindlers, cunning swindlers and adventurers; they are often unsurpassed masters of lies.

24. Use of psychoactive drugs - drugs and psychedelic (causing psychotic phenomena) substances. Used to increase the effectiveness of control over cultists. It usually doesn’t reach the point of forming a chemical dependency. Partly because the frequency and dosage of taking psychoactive drugs are regulated for reasons of cost savings and the undesirability of gross mental changes during intoxication, but also because dependence on a sect is apparently an order of magnitude higher than on drugs, and in such circumstances drug dependence has no internal psychological prerequisites for its development.

25. Formation of occult thinking. A number of sects have a training system where the “theoretical” foundations of the occult are taught and practical ways of mastering secret forces are mastered. Thus, the “school program” “Rosa-Krin” includes such topics as “the basics of controlling psi-fields through word, thought, will”, “the basics of the influence of fortune telling, horoscopes, dream books, witchcraft, extrasensory perception on the psyche and psycho-emotional state on a person, health, destiny,” etc. In other words, the scientific picture of the world, disciplined thinking, logic, realistic orientation and scientific methods of cognition are rejected as untenable and unsuitable for the needs of religious doctrine. Thus, obscurantism is indoctrinated, impenetrable to the arguments of reason and reason.

Some adherents, during the transitional period to the final immersion in the occult, discover something like a “split consciousness” - a state when natural scientific approaches to thinking coexist with mystical ones. For example, a doctor at the same time uses scientific methods of diagnosis and treatment and, at the same time, occult methods of healing. Occult consciousness, naturally, is declared to be the “highest” acquisition of man. There is even a “theory” that is spreading, according to which only people endowed with paranormal, occult abilities will survive in the “coming war.”

Even loosely translated, this means that adherents of the occult are hatching plans and calculating their chances of crushing their opponents. The latter, in case of defeat, will have no choice but to follow the advice of A. Dumas: “You should never be an exception. If you live among crazy people, you have to learn to be crazy yourself.” Russian regional and especially central media, primarily television, have been systematically indoctrinating the occult for 10–15 years, the power of its influence is many times greater than that of radio and printed materials. For some reason, increased attention in recent years has been paid to astrological “forecasts,” often simply anecdotal. For example, tomorrow it will be easy for “Crayfish” to evade taxes, and “Pisces” will experience inexplicable pleasures of sex, but “we must make sure” that there are no “large crowds of people.” Obviously, it is believed that the achieved degree of fooling the population is so great that the inventors of astrology, the Babylonians, did not even think about it.

Healing in sects results in three more things. Firstly, the healers themselves become imbued with sincere faith in their supernatural inhuman abilities: delusional ideas of their power arise, or, as it would probably be said more precisely, induced archaic delusions. Usually, healers become sthenic people, or even individuals with a hypomanic character. Secondly, patients receive hope that they will be helped in any case, especially where medicine is powerless. Thirdly, the practice of healing provides excellent opportunities to involve those who seek help in the sect.

Books about the subconscious

The power of the subconscious is great, say psychologists and people who have embarked on the path of self-knowledge

Using the techniques described in the books, it is important to rely on your well-being and condition, because discovered destructive programs and mental trauma can cause colossal harm to a person. Some techniques and exercises will be useful for development

Books about the capabilities of the subconscious:

  1. Secrets of the subconscious
    ” V. Sinelnikov. The author gives healing techniques that program a person to recover and achieve harmonious relationships.
  2. Secrets of the Subconscious
    ” by L. Nimbroek. Exploring the “black box” of the subconscious through lucid dreams.
  3. The superpowers of the human brain.
    Journey into the subconscious » M. Raduga. The book provides revolutionary tools for hacking limiting beliefs and attitudes implanted by parents and society.
  4. Open subconscious
    ” A. Sviyash. The entire “kitchen” of subconscious processes in an understandable presentation, plus many of the author’s tools for the effective use of brain resources.
  5. The subconscious can do anything
    ” by J. Kehoe. Bestselling book. The author offers a systematic approach that activates unconscious processes to achieve what you want in reality.

Self-hypnosis, self-hypnosis and autosuggestion

These are methods of influencing the subconscious, in which a person instills in himself certain attitudes and the possibility of achieving certain goals. The first task that a person must complete, according to this method, is to believe in the truth of the commands given and the beliefs instilled. Then, every day, these beliefs, like subconscious commands, are repeated many times with maximum mental impact and faith in their implementation. Due to repeated repetition, the suggested attitudes enter the subconscious, replacing or blocking those that existed there before and interfere with the person.

Conversation with the subconscious: what to do to establish contact

Allow yourself to wish, including the impossible. What seems completely unthinkable at the moment will quite possibly work and exist naturally in the future, you just need to wait a little. To learn to “want” correctly - not to wish vaguely, but to deliberately program your desire in detail, formulating clear guidelines (of course, not negative ones!): “such and such,” “then and so,” “so and so,” “with such and such- then the circumstances." You can give a detailed description of your desire: for example, not just to achieve success at work, but to get a position as head of a department, etc.

Immediately after receiving help in fulfilling your “want,” you need to change your desire to a new one, and in the process of achieving it, be able to remove what you don’t like, what is rejected by your heart and soul. Focus on the best qualities of yourself as a person, thinking without negativity.

Thus, in order to control a person’s subconscious, you need to learn:

  • collect vivid images;
  • combine them into a common cascade;
  • set a cascade with the motto of success;
  • focus specific goals aimed at a positive response.

Reprogramming consciousness: the correct scheme and possible mistakes

The work of the human subconscious can be easily explained using simple everyday examples. Let's say there is such a thing as the relationship between a child and a parent. If the latter is dissatisfied with the former, then situations will certainly be created in the future that will in one way or another contribute to this dissatisfaction. Is it true that you have noticed such a connection more than once?

This applies not only to success in life, but also to illness, family problems and many other social aspects. Therefore, in order to get only good things, you need to find the reasons for the current state of affairs and correct errors, remove old settings and learn to program new ones.

At first, in order to get the correct answer, you will have to train your worldview often; later, awareness of the new self will simply become a habit, becoming the motto of personal success. It’s like learning from a long-forgotten school lesson:

  1. Don't blame your "I".
    But at the same time, it is possible and even necessary to force people to take responsibility. What is the difference? Blaming yourself means denying, condemning, scolding your behavior, implying mandatory punishment for your mistakes. The main thing is to realize such an unpleasant phenomenon, and that’s it, without any blame. For example, you are used to scolding yourself for any mistake: the soup turned out to be tasteless, you are unhappy with it - which means you can pour out a stream of negativity with the words: what a bum, a fool, etc. But sometimes it’s enough just to salt the soup, add spices to it and prepare an unusual dressing, saying to yourself something like this: today is not bad, and tomorrow I can learn to cook even better. See what the answer will be in the future.
  2. Realize a positive intention even if the situation is full of negativity. Everything that happens, from success to failure, is the inner state of a person. Subconscious negative attitudes and wrong attitudes even lead to illness.
  3. Try to get an answer to the following questions:
    - Under what circumstances did this first arise? “This” can be a problem, situation, etc. — What feelings are you experiencing at the current moment, what emotions are you experiencing, what do they force you to do, what do they force you to develop, and what, on the contrary, do they hinder? - Is it possible to imagine that there is no interference, to remove it? What would you do in this case? — What created the problematic situation, is there any benefit from it for you as a person? Is it possible to develop positivity in her by making it your own?
  4. Having formulated an answer, ideally several, you need to begin to communicate with your subconscious, so that it can change negative attitudes to positive ones and develop new patterns of behavior.

How to control the subconscious

The only task of the subconscious is to preserve the biological species, achieve harmony and homeostasis. Any innovation is considered unacceptable, no matter how useful, in the opinion of the person himself, it may be. The subconscious will resist everything that will interfere with those previous attitudes and habits that it already has. That is why, with any attempts to change, a person feels discomfort, withdrawal, and stress. All this forces a person to abandon his idea and return to a normal lifestyle.

The subconscious can be controlled. Visualization and meditation help here:

Visualization is aimed at scrolling through pictures that a person desires. Over time, a person will get used to them, begin to perceive them as familiar and stop resisting them. Visualization is the subconscious getting used to something new. Meditation helps you find harmony within yourself. This is necessary both during changes, when the whole body resists the new, and before setting goals

It is important for a person to understand which goals are his, true, bringing him happiness, and which of them are embedded, social, alien. This must be done in order not to engage in the implementation of “other people’s” desires, which the subconscious will always resist, since it knows better what will bring happiness to a person (even if we are talking about something bad, for example, alcoholism).

Words also carry great power if they evoke strong emotions in a person. Everything that responds negatively or positively in a person is deposited in his subconscious.

How to control the subconscious

Several quite effective ways to control the subconscious have been developed. Regularly performing these simple exercises will help change your life and perception of the world around you.


This is one of the techniques of self-hypnosis. A person gives his subconscious an order to achieve some goal. And it works.

You need to present your desires and aspirations in clear phrases

When forming them, it is important to remember a few simple rules:

  1. You cannot use the particle “not”. It is better to replace the phrase “I want to be healthy” with the phrase “I want not to get sick.”
  2. Talk about goals and wishes in the present tense, imagine that they have already been achieved.
  3. You need to express your thoughts as specifically as possible. Take wealth, for example. You can get it in many ways, including through inheritance. Therefore, it is better to ask for an improvement in your financial condition at the same time as health and success for your loved ones.

You need to repeat affirmations daily and even several times a day. It is better to write them down on a piece of paper and place them in a visible place. Every time an entry comes into view, it should be read. This must be done with positive emotions.


This method of controlling the subconscious suggests creating a picture of the reality that will bring happiness and satisfaction. This is not difficult to do. First, decide on your desires, and then mentally imagine that they have already come true.

It is important to remember that achieving goals is painstaking work that stretches over months and years. Harmony between the conscious and subconscious, as well as the ability to manage them, will help speed up the process

You need to focus on your desires, think about them several times a day, perhaps adding some details and little things. You can even use real objects. For example, if you want to sign a lucrative contract, psychologists recommend purchasing a pen that will be used in the future for exactly this purpose.

In addition to fantasizing about success, visualization implies a complete rejection of negative emotions. You need to “download” pictures of a favorable outcome of the situation into your subconscious. This is the only way you can change their course in everyday life.


This technique of working with the subconscious is similar to affirmations. The only difference is that wishes do not need to be written on paper.

With the help of self-hypnosis, you can program yourself for success in the future and solve problems in everyday life.

It is quite easy to write down a thought in the subconscious. You just need to repeat it whenever possible.

At the same time, it is important to be sure that it will happen exactly as you want.

The suggested thoughts must be positive. Negative attitudes also come true. For example, if a person is afraid of catching a cold during the flu season, he will most likely get sick.


With the help of meditation, you can find harmony with the subconscious and inner “I”. You need to do it before setting goals for the future and when achieving them.

Meditation helps you understand what you need to be happy. This is an opportunity to check whether your priorities are correct, and also to see if other people’s opinions and views are influencing your life.

Bookmark thoughts

According to psychologists, the subconscious hears a person. Therefore, you need to constantly communicate with him. This technique is similar to visualization. Imagine success and the emotions it will bring with it.

A suitable example of controlling the subconscious in this way is the presentation of a new project to colleagues. If everything goes smoothly, there will be career advancement. Bookmarking thoughts in this case suggests imagining that the speech was an unprecedented success among all those present. Think about what emotions you will experience at this moment. Maybe it will be joy, happiness, inspiration, emotional excitement. Any feelings should be enjoyed.

Success from any undertaking should be consolidated in the subconscious as an already accomplished fact. This is the only way to achieve all your goals.

How to deal with problems?

To overcome the destructive effect of thought, you must first understand why a person programs himself for failure. If he can cross this border, he will receive truly invaluable knowledge that will open a lot of doors for him. First of all, you need to accustom yourself to think positively in any situation, to find positive aspects even in the most hopeless situations, so as not to send negative energy flows into your own unconscious system.

Georgy Sidorov offers effective ways to change the paradigm. “Managing the Subconscious and Exiting the Matrix” is one of the best seminars that provides techniques for working with your inner world. Many other authors in their works also reveal implemented practices for controlling the subconscious. Valery Sinelnikov’s book “Secrets of the Subconscious” will help you believe in yourself, confront difficulties, get rid of guilt, learn to forgive, eliminate depression and become a truly happy person.

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