The subconscious - how to discover and use its power

The untapped power of the subconscious can lead you to new successes in your personal and business life. To fully understand the power of your unconscious mind, you first need to understand the difference between your unconscious mind and your conscious mind. Your conscious mind is the awareness you have in the current moment.

The subconscious mind is a powerful secondary system that controls everything in your life. Learning how to stimulate communication between your conscious and subconscious mind is a powerful tool on the path to success, happiness and wealth.

The subconscious mind is a data bank for everything that is not in your conscious mind. It stores your beliefs, your previous experiences, your memories, your skills. Everything you saw, did or thought is here too. This is also your guidance system. The subconscious mind constantly monitors information coming from the senses for dangers and opportunities.

The connection between the subconscious and consciousness is bidirectional. Every time you have an idea or emotion, a memory or an image from the past, this subconscious mind communicates with your conscious mind. Communication, on the contrary, is not so trivial and is achieved according to the principle of self-hypnosis.

In this article we will tell you what the power of the subconscious is and how it can be used on the path to success. You will learn how to better communicate with your subconscious and how to direct it in the right direction.

What is the subconscious?

Have you ever read that people only use part of their brain? Well, it's most likely due to the subconscious. Scientists have never studied it comprehensively, and we still don't know enough about it. But we know that it can work and control almost everything we do.

For example, when you meditate and begin to control your breathing, you take control from the subconscious and transfer it to your conscious mind. You begin to breathe deeply and with your stomach. Then you stop controlling your breathing, and your subconscious mind starts doing it. You don't need to think about it anymore. Your breathing will remain relaxed until another stimulus (such as stress) changes it. Everything is controlled in the back of the head.

Another example of the tasks of the subconscious is information coming from the senses. Your brain is bombarded with hundreds of megabytes of information per second. He would explode if he had to check and process everything. That's why you have an intermediate barrier - the subconscious. It processes everything and transmits only the information that is relevant to you at the moment.

Wild monkey

The best comparison of the subconscious is to a wild monkey. It can rage all day long because it doesn’t get tired easily. And it can deliver random pieces of information to the main part of the brain. Or it may be busy achieving your goals and providing you with the information you need to achieve success (opportunities). The only thing you need to do is give this wild monkey a goal!

What does consciousness mean in psychology and philosophy?

The main interest in consciousness from the point of view of psychology is associated with awareness of oneself, knowledge of one’s existence and reality. Self-awareness is a mental and mental phenomenon that forms in a person a holistic and unified personality that has a certain idea (image) of itself and its qualities. This image is an awareness of one’s “I”.

In philosophy, consciousness is also considered from the point of view of self-awareness and its development.

Self-awareness is a constantly ongoing process of forming a person’s attitude to external conditions, starting from the perception of his physical body in the world around him, then realizing himself as a part of society, and to the formation of a stable and individual image - “I”.

Self-awareness is oriented, mainly, not inwards, but towards the outside world - towards the people around them and their relationships, towards the events taking place around them and their role in them.

There is a philosophical expression: “Existence determines consciousness.” Self-awareness is characterized by one’s own formed attitude to the events of the surrounding reality.

Communicating with your subconscious

Transferring thoughts from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind is difficult because it has to happen through emotions. Only thoughts that are conveyed with sincere emotions remain in the depths of the soul. And only thoughts, supported by strong emotion, remain.

Unfortunately, this applies to both negative and positive emotions. Unfortunately, negative emotions are usually stronger than positive ones. If you are interested in more information on the topic of emotions, you can also read the article: “ Emotional Intelligence and How to Improve It .”

The influence of the collective unconscious

This phenomenon was discovered by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. It turns out that the subconscious of each person is connected with the collective subconscious, or rather, the unconscious. Unconscious because it is perceived without conscious awareness. The collective unconscious includes:

  • a set of mental attitudes;
  • experience of previous generations;
  • behavioral reactions;
  • archetypes.

This is a kind of genetic memory that is passed on to descendants. Moreover, descendants do not ask for this: everything happens automatically. Thanks to the collective unconscious, all people on earth have:

  • same emotional perception;
  • general stereotypes (or archetypes);
  • general behavioral reactions.

Thanks to the collective unconscious, a person is similar to other people: his reactions are recognizable. For example, everyone reacts the same way to pleasant and unpleasant news. Everyone understands the state of a person who laughs or cries. Although, you can cry with joy, but this state is also understandable to everyone.

In meditation you can find out why people of one nationality perceive certain things in a special way. You can learn a lot about yourself through the collective unconscious of your people. Therefore, you can already decide what to do next with these attitudes and stereotypes.

Fear and negative self-talk

Your first step in harnessing the power of your subconscious mind is to rid yourself of thoughts filled with negative emotions. You also need to stop negative self-talk, or at least make sure it's not emotionally charged.

Your fears often come true, especially when you are very emotional about them. This is why negative self-talk can be so detrimental. Eliminating these negative thoughts or counteracting them as quickly as possible is a very important step towards success.

There is a story about a guardian angel who always follows you. When you tell yourself “my life is terrible,” it is writing down a terrible life. When you say “my job is boring,” you are writing down a boring job. And when you say “my body is ugly,” write down the ugly body. This continues and he fulfills all these desires because they are filled with strong emotions (sadness, disappointment, regret, self-hatred). This angel is your subconscious.

Stop here and ask yourself, “Can you indulge in negative self-talk?”

Countermeasures technique

One of the best ways to reduce negative self-talk is a counter technique. Every time a negative thought comes into your mind, you counter it with an extreme positive counter-thought. For example, if you have an important presentation and you think to yourself, “I'm going to embarrass myself in front of all these people.” Immediately retort, “NO! I will be so good that the audience will applaud me for five minutes.” The truth is often somewhere in the middle.

Delete Button Technique

Another powerful tool in combating negative self-talk is the delete button. When a negative thought comes into your mind, you press the delete button in your mind and imagine the thought written on a piece of paper being destroyed. Or you can imagine smashing a negative thought with your fist.

Burning desire

Your subconscious mind will also act in accordance with the thoughts that are transmitted with desire. Under the influence of desire, your subconscious will do anything to get the object of desire. This will also open all available channels to the conscious mind for information on how to do this.

When your goal becomes an all-consuming obsession in your life and you have a burning desire to see it come to fruition, then you will succeed. When you have tuned your subconscious mind to a task, backed by this strong emotion, it will allow you to see opportunities in life that will lead you to your goal.

The best athletes only become the best because they have a burning desire to be number one. They want nothing more from life except this. This is the main dream of their life.

They are ready to do everything possible to achieve this:

  • Stay late after training and practice your skills more.
  • Do whatever it takes to expand your skill set and become better than everyone else.
  • Set up your subconscious to look for opportunities to achieve your goals.

How can you cultivate a burning desire?

Start by defining your goal. Make it as specific as possible. Make it as realistic as possible. Write it down somewhere and feel it.

Bridge burning technique

Then burn your bridges. Destroy any safe boats you can keep in case something goes bad. Our minds evolve to help us survive, and that's when they are at their best. By burning bridges, you put your mind into survival mode, and the only path left is far ahead to your goal.

Small Wins (or Progress Bar) Technique

Another very powerful tool is to fill your life with small achievements (that lead you towards your goal). If you want to lose X kg of weight, start each day by looking at a graph of your progress. Let's hope it goes down overall, even if there are some minor bumps. Put a photo of a person at your ideal weight on your desk and look at it every day.

Motivational technique

Last but not least, find what makes you want to work towards your goal and use it. Positive people can cheer you up. Watch a motivational video or listen to a catchy song.

In any case, make sure that the burning desire to achieve your goal is part of your daily routine! Behind the scenes, your subconscious will be bombarded with thoughts of your goal, enhanced by a burning desire to achieve it.

How consciousness works

The complex activity of the entire cerebral cortex is responsible for the formation of perception in humans. In perception, the analysis is more differentiated. The components isolated thanks to it are combined into a whole complex system. As an example, you can take words when reading. We do not perceive the word “sea” as a set of letters.

When we see it, a clear picture of waves and a beach appears before our eyes. For some, this word may be perceived as a storm. The word is perceived by the brain as a separate picture among many similar ones on the page. It is for this reason that children are taught to perceive words holistically when they learn to read.

How is perception formed in our brain? First, all sensations that enter the brain are analyzed. Those that are of primary importance to a person undergo a qualifying round and end up in the brain, where a synthesis of everything that has entered into a holistic picture is carried out. This is called the unity of analysis and synthesis. It also occurs in the perception of melody. We don’t hear individual notes, but understand the whole picture. Just as we do not hear individual phonemes in speech, but perceive words as a separate sound.

What does the human brain do?

During the lecture, the student sees the teacher, listens, and takes notes. At the same time, he receives a complex of irritants that fall on the retina of the eye and the eardrum of the ear. They cause excitation in receptors, which instantly transmit information to the brain, where inter-analyzer neural associative connections form a complete picture. Brain is a kind of video editing program that overlays a track on a video sequence and thus produces a solid video with sound.

Each new process is perceived based on the knowledge and previous experience of a person. Therefore, during perception, some of the lost temporary connections are restored to facilitate the formation of a complete picture. In general, to implement perception, RAM operates in the brain, which stores those elements that a person received through, in computer terminology, input devices.

In a computer, this is a camera, which has a better analogue in a person - the eyes; a microphone that plays the role of an ear. A computer, just like a person, must perceive all this information comprehensively, having first broken everything down into components. Many parallels can be drawn between man and computer, since the latter was developed taking into account what scientists have learned about the most advanced living creature on the planet. You can find the similarities between the functioning of a computer and the human psyche. You will find a lot of interesting things.

Psychologist Natalya

Faith and love

The strongest positive emotions are faith, love and sex. The first two are more spiritual, the last is more biological. When all of them are present, they strengthen any thought and it can easily penetrate the subconscious. The subconscious mind will then act on the thought and translate it into actions, opportunities and ideas.

Faith is a state of mind that can be induced or created by confirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind through the principle of autosuggestion.

Faith is different from hope because when we have faith, we are confident of the outcome. And when we hope, we are simply offering one possible scenario in uncertain circumstances.

Visualization technique

And the next step to achieving your goal is to visualize it. It is based on faith in the result. Not hoping that the desired outcome will be true, but believing that it is already true.

One of the most powerful techniques is to visualize your life when your desire has already come true. Take a few minutes each day to close your eyes and imagine your life after you have achieved your goal. Make it as bright as possible:

  • What are you wearing?
  • How do you act?
  • How are you feeling?
  • What are you saying?
  • What you are doing?

Physical training technique

Another tool is physical training. If you want to become famous, start wearing braces to fix your teeth NOW. And if you want romance, buy an extra toothbrush and put it in your bathroom.

Detachment technique

Last but not least, let go of your attachment to results. You can never plan exactly how your desire will manifest itself. Don't narrow down the number of options you have at the moment, but rather, keep an open mind and believe that your dreams will come true.

Viktor Frankl, his life story

Viktor Frankl is an experienced psychiatrist whose life is full of tragic stories and bitter experiences. During World War II, he ended up in a concentration camp with the Germans, where he had to see and experience the most cruel and inhuman things. Today this can only be seen in horror films or documentaries, but Victor experienced it personally. His wife, brother and parents were burned in ovens. The Nazis destroyed his entire family, leaving only his sister alive, using him for comfort and vulgar entertainment. Viktor Frankl also had a hard time, he was constantly humiliated and subjected to severe torture.

At that time, he did not know what awaited him ahead and could not predict even a minute of his future life. Every time everything changed, a person could be burned in a furnace in a few minutes, or sent to remove the remains of burned people, or rather the ashes that remained from them.

Receiving a message from your subconscious

As we have already established, the connection between consciousness and subconscious is two-way. You give your subconscious tasks, desires and goals. And it gives you information, opportunities and ideas.

Have you ever wondered why there are certain people who easily find new opportunities? This happens because their subconscious mind gives them more information on a certain subject than other people usually receive.

Have you ever noticed that once you actually decide to do something, an opportunity soon appears that allows you to do it? This is because when you make a decision, you form a thought and fill it with desire and faith. And suddenly you start getting the information you need to do it.

Threshold of conscious perception

Your subconscious mind receives all the information that your senses generate. It then filters the information and decides what to transmit to consciousness. The difference between these two results is called the threshold of conscious perception.

It's the difference between spotting an opportunity and missing it. It's just a matter of what mode you've set your subconscious in and the amount of tasks you've given it.

When you have a goal, when you fill it with desire, and when you believe in the outcome, then you will begin to see opportunities to achieve that dream. Everything else is filtered out, rejected and stored in your memories. You will mostly access it in the future when you have other goals, but for now it is beyond the reach of the conscious mind.

The influence of the subconscious on a person

Thus, even if consciousness does not know something, the decision is made on a subconscious level. As a rule, this phenomenon is associated precisely with those situations when making the right decision is vital. The level at which any “subtle” forces operate extends far beyond the human soul. It is a meeting place and interaction of a variety of energies or fields. This interaction can be of either biological or physical origin.

It is often called the astral level, or astral plane; it will be discussed in more detail below. It should be noted that all the innumerable influences have a huge impact on the human psyche. They cannot be comprehended at the level of consciousness. Impacts can be generated by physical, instinctive, emotional activity. For that, other people can be generated by natural phenomena (geomagnetic fields, magnetic storms, earthquakes).

Unconscious influences

Impacts can be messages in the form of color, sound, smell, which are recorded unconsciously by our senses. However, they may not be recorded by them, influencing directly the subconscious and penetrating through it into the spiritual sphere. This is evidenced by the occasional premonitions of future events. There are many known cases about ordinary people. For example, when ordinary people suddenly made predictions about natural disasters, which subsequently came true with accuracy.

It is also known that those who are constantly in close contact with the powerful forces of nature acquire a special “sense” - like, say, sailors or pilots. These and other facts indicate the undoubted existence of influences. We are all subject to them, but only rare people are able to consciously perceive such influences. At the same time, we must not forget that there is the possibility of secret influence. The impact can be on consciousness, emotions and ultimately on human health. The source of influence is another person who has certain knowledge and abilities. This should not be understood to mean that we are all in complete control. On the contrary, we are inaccessible to them all. This occurs when we are within the natural, normal range of physical and mental health.

External influences

You take care of yourself, eat right, lead an active lifestyle and your rest is complete. You have nothing to fear - a healthy body itself successfully resists all unfavorable factors. You have no reason to fear contacts with the outside world. Likewise, mental well-being and inner harmony give you the natural strength to resist negative mental influences.

Therefore, further in the initial sections, primary attention will be paid to basic information. Without it, it is difficult for an unprepared person to understand not only the theory, but also practical methods. Only then is it possible to move on to specifics.

And it seems most logical to start with precisely that array of information that is directly related to the concept of “AURA”. But it seems reasonable to first say a few words about the significance of each individual person’s system of views or beliefs in the perception of the very concepts of “psychic defense” and “psychic attack.”


Nature has given people absolute control over the information entering the subconscious through the five senses. However, this does not mean that everyone exercises this control. Moreover, in most cases the average person does not exercise this control. This is why so many people live in poverty.

The method of introducing thoughts into the subconscious is called autosuggestion. It includes all self-introduced stimuli that reach the mind through the senses. Dominant thoughts that remain in the conscious mind (negative or positive) enter the subconscious and influence it. A thought dominates if it is reinforced by strong emotions (faith, fear, love, etc.).

Mantra technique

One of the most powerful techniques is the mantra technique. The essence of this technique is to repeat a positive mantra in your mind (or out loud) that will help you overcome difficulties or fears. The more you repeat it, the more you believe it, the more faith you put into your words, the better the result.

According to numerous scientific studies, one of the main causes of disease is hypochondria. This is the art of convincing yourself that you are sick. This is a powerful self-hypnosis mantra based on negative emotions such as fear.

If it is possible, then it should also be possible to convince your mind that you are healthy, happy, beautiful or mentally strong.

Read Load Technique

Previously, you were instructed to set a specific goal in life. Now be sure to write down this goal and back it up with the desire to achieve it. Read your goal out loud when you wake up and before going to bed, and several times a day. Visualize yourself already having your desire. See and feel that you are possessed by desire. Mix up your emotions as you read and say your goals out loud. Be true to the result.

Remember that there is a price that must be paid to be able to influence your subconscious mind. This price is called persistence. You must continue to take steps towards self-hypnosis, you must constantly repeat your goals out loud, and you must continue to believe in the outcome and the end result.

The difference between those who succeed and those who fail can be just a few days. Or it could be a backup plan. Those who always say, “If I don’t succeed, I will do this and that,” will always do this and that. Because their mind will always think about the way out.

Scientist's ideas

During one of these periods, Frankl pondered an idea he called “the last freedom.” No fascist can take it away from a person. All that these non-humans are capable of is controlling the conditions of detention of prisoners; they can do anything with the human body, including the most sophisticated methods of torture and murder. The human soul is subject only to God. A person is a conscious person who can tear himself away from the body and then observe those around him from the outside.

The same thing happened with Viktor Frakl, since his personality remained intact. He was able to determine how deeply what was happening could touch his soul. Since Frankl had the stimulus and understood the reactions of thoughts, he was able to control them. During a short rest between torture and psychological tests, he tried on a lot of different situations and thought about each of them. He constantly dreamed of the day when he would be freed from the concentration camp and begin teaching lectures to his students. In his mind, he imagined a classroom completely filled with students. Victor really wanted to tell them about the torment and fear that he experienced during this terrible period of his life.


Viktor Frankl developed his unique system of intellectual, moral and emotional exercises that help develop memory and imagination to their full potential. He constantly trained his inner freedom, protected it from the enemy, and in the end became the freest person from the entire concentration camp. The guards and jailers saw him as a strong-willed, free man.

Despite the disgusting situation that surrounded him, Victor came to the conclusion that human consciousness is God’s gift, which gives everyone the core and main principles of human nature. After all, a person independently chooses how he will react to a specific situation. After all, the ability to choose has turned people into a unique living organism.

Frankl, thanks to his inner world, created a real outer world, where he is freed healthy His powerful engine in this situation was his subconscious, which helped him get out of the concentration camp.


The subconscious mind is one of the most powerful weapons in your arsenal. It can be the difference between noticing or missing an opportunity. Or the difference between a rich and fulfilling life or a poor and miserable life. It can give you influence over people or enslave you to work for other people.

Autosuggestion is a way of transferring ideas and thoughts from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind. Using this skill, you can influence your subconscious mind to work towards achieving goals that are important to you. Mastering it can lead to a successful life and fulfillment of all your dreams.

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