How to Beat Anxiety When You Can't "Just Calm Down"

Published: 10/11/2018 Updated: 06/23/2021

With prolonged exposure, stress triggers a cascade of physiological reactions that negatively affect health. The heart rate and breathing rate increase, and body temperature rises. All this can lead to problems with the heart and blood vessels, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and decreased immunity.

Learning to cope with the normal stresses of life will help you maintain strength and a positive attitude for productive work and communication with your loved ones. Below are recommendations to help you get rid of stress.

Reliance on loved ones

It is very difficult to live without support. If it seems that you are left alone with all your sorrows, then many people lose their taste for life: they don’t want to act, take decisive steps, agree on something, dream, etc. Most people find it necessary to ask for help in difficult times. Talking about your feelings with loved ones means discovering the necessary degree of trust in the world. Here relatives, friends and acquaintances can provide great support and help in solving a specific problem. The more open we can be, the better. The main thing, perhaps, is not to get hung up on what is happening, but to strive to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Solve problems as they arise

Don't worry about the past or the future!
Think about today, decide only what is needed at the moment. And that doesn't mean you don't care about the future. Quite the opposite: if you live today as well as possible, this will be the key to a good future. Every morning tell yourself that today you will do everything to make the most of this day, because you only get to live it once! Don’t poison your life with worries about the past that cannot be changed, and don’t waste time in empty dreams about the future, be happy today, right now!

Living the moment

An important factor that you should definitely pay attention to. When we constantly run away from our own experiences, we do not allow our emotions to be fully realized. And this is fraught with numerous problems in relationships and difficulties in perceiving the surrounding reality. Being in the present moment means stopping worrying about the future, not thinking about what could happen. Living a single moment presupposes a greater involvement of all senses in the process of what is happening. A person must be conscious and strive to understand more than can be seen with the eyes. Understanding your own responsibility makes it much easier to cope with everyday events. If the emotional sphere is suppressed for some reason, it means that a person does not give himself the right to experience certain impressions, and deliberately limits himself in some way. This cannot but affect the quality of life.

Thus, in order to answer the question of how to get rid of negative experiences, you must learn to live in harmony with your inner essence. Only in this case will a feeling of inner peace and self-confidence come. Until invisible conflicts with oneself and the people around you are resolved, unpleasant feelings and experiences may systematically appear. This is not surprising, because the nervous system cannot constantly be in a tense state. We always subconsciously strive to free ourselves from mental burden and reach a qualitatively new understanding of what is happening. If you find it difficult to cope with the situation on your own, you can turn to psychologist Irakli Pozharisky for help. Work with a specialist will be aimed at restoring mental balance and creating emotional comfort. Fears and anxiety should be replaced by a feeling of inner peace and well-being.

Stop rushing!

There are people who try to do everything as quickly as possible. They have everything according to plan, every minute is scheduled - and this is a constant source of stress! After all, absolutely any little thing can unsettle and cause irritation: an unexpected phone call, a sudden blackout, a broken plate. Stop and enjoy the peace and this very minute that you were going to mindlessly waste in pursuit of speed. By constantly rushing, you may be late to do the most important thing - enjoy life.

Take your time, enjoy life Photo:

You won’t be able to stop worrying about anything right away, but if you try to reconsider your values ​​in life, you will gradually become a calmer and happier person. Start with self-organization, with awareness of what bothers you, and every time irritation occurs, ask yourself: “Why is this happening?” And so, day after day, you will become a more harmonious person.

Tags: anxiety, self-esteem, self-organization, self-love, useful tips, problem solving

Get rid of fear

Are you afraid that you will be fired, that your wife (husband) will cheat on you, that your children will not live up to expectations, that you will get fat, lose weight, get old?.. Stop it! You can always find another job; not all husbands and wives cheat - especially if you both try to save the family. You can almost always lose weight and gain weight back if you want! And everyone gets old, nothing can be done about it! Well, are you not afraid anymore?

Nobody is perfect Photo:

Learn to be aware of anxiety

Despite the seeming banality, this advice is one of the most important. Sometimes it is enough to understand in time that a senseless panic attack is brewing in order to prevent it. If you allow yourself to worry, the experience will grow with every second. And having realized the excitement, you can concentrate on finding the cause. Most likely, it will turn out that the reason is not worth serious stress. You can almost always take control of your own feelings by simply recognizing what event is causing a panic attack.

What can cause anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural response to stress. The body senses danger, triggers the “fight or flight” response, releases adrenaline and norepinephrine into the blood, and the heart begins to beat faster.

But in some cases, anxiety attacks arise and end quickly. And in others they become long and destructive. The scenario depends on why the alarm occurred.

Events that happen to you

This is perhaps the most common cause of unrest. We worry about the future. We worry about the health and well-being of loved ones. We are wondering whether we will have enough money until payday.

This everyday anxiety is not dangerous. It goes away when the stressful situation ends. And it decreases when you switch to some kind of routine calming activity, get support from friends, or simply tell yourself: “Pull yourself together, wimp!”

Hormonal changes

A striking example is premenstrual syndrome in women. Hormonal surges affect brain function, which is why even a girl who is always balanced and generally happy with life can feel unhappy, offended, and deeply worried about innocent reasons.

There are also more serious hormonal disorders. For example, hyperthyroidism (increased production of thyroid hormones) increases Depression and anxiety in hyperthyroidism. This means that a person with such a disease reacts more sharply and more vividly to the slightest stress.

Chronic stress

It develops if you find yourself in a stressful situation day after day. The fight-or-flight response becomes constant, and the endless hormonal explosion eventually depletes the body's reserves.

Fear and anxiety remain, because the stressful situation has not gone away. But in addition to them, new symptoms also appear: weakness, fatigue, a feeling of a lump in the throat, a strong desire to wrap yourself in a blanket and hide from the world.

As a result, it can lead to the development of psychosomatic diseases and mental disorders.


The word "depression" is often used as a synonym for "bad mood" or "low energy." But this is incorrect. Depression is a full-fledged mental disorder caused by What causes depression? imbalance of chemicals in the brain. This is a serious disease, one of the symptoms of which is anxiety.

If depression is left untreated, it can cause other problems, such as those with the heart and blood vessels, and develop into other mental disorders.

Anxiety disorder

An anxiety disorder is said to occur when anxiety—persistent or in the form of acute attacks—lasts for more than six months and manifests itself with physical symptoms: rapid heartbeat, sweating, weakness, inability to concentrate on anything other than fear.

But this mental disorder can be assumed even earlier - based on a number of characteristic symptoms inherent in different types of anxiety disorders. The most common ones are listed below.

Generalized anxiety disorder

This definition hides regular and excessive worry about the smallest things, which is almost uncontrollable and affects physical well-being. For example, you are sincerely worried to the point of trembling in your knees and pain in the heart area if one of your family members is late for five minutes. Or you break out in a cold sweat every time you take on a new project because you are always afraid of making a mistake. It happens that even the phone ringing leads to panic.

Generalized anxiety disorder is often accompanied by other types of anxiety disorders or depression.

Social phobia

It is also called social anxiety disorder. A person reacts very sensitively to the attitudes of others. He is terribly afraid of being ridiculed, rejected, unnoticed.

This fear is so great and uncontrollable that if it is necessary to “go out in public,” the social phobia’s legs literally give way. Therefore, he avoids social contacts at all costs.

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