Long-term depression: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Depression is a condition that can be caused by somatic or nervous disorders, or be a consequence of stress, family troubles, or other problems in personal or social life. It can also develop absolutely without any external reasons, against the background of complete well-being - in this case, the cause, as a rule, is a violation of the level of neurotransmitters in the brain.

To receive quality treatment, the patient must realize that bad moods can occur in absolutely healthy people. While with depression, low mood or depression lasts for at least two weeks and may be accompanied by sleep disturbances, appetite, decreased performance and other symptoms, which we will discuss later.

Depression can occur in people of any age, regardless of gender. The death of a close friend, relative, loved one or child can be a catalyst for progressive feelings of sadness. Sometimes the only beloved child, unexpectedly for those around him, becomes unsociable and withdrawn. We need to try to figure out the reasons as quickly as possible and help him gain faith in himself. A simple misunderstanding among classmates and friends or the appearance of another child in the family can disrupt the psychological balance and become the root cause of depression.

Prediction and distribution of depression

It is safe to say that depression is the most common psychological illness. It has been successfully treated for a long time; a specialist is able to restore the patient’s faith in himself in a few sessions. Most often, women who seek help are those who, due to their mental characteristics, are more susceptible to stress. Of the four ladies, one had to seek specialized medical help at least once in her life. Men are more resilient in this sense; only one in ten bothers psychologists with requests for help with a depressive episode. This prevalence of the disease is compensated by the fact that in 90% of cases, people who consult a doctor completely get rid of the disease.

Diagnosis and treatment

The problem with this disease is that patients suffering from it rarely seek help because they believe their symptoms are justified. Diagnosis and treatment of depression are of fundamental importance, since the presence of such a disorder can cost the patient his life. If you observe the symptoms described above, we advise you to schedule an initial consultation with NEOPSY to get diagnosed.

Treatment of chronic depression is carried out individually, depending on the reasons that caused it. Outpatient therapy is considered sufficient. Psychotherapy sessions are prescribed 1-2 times a week by agreement with the doctor. If necessary, the patient may be prescribed antidepressants and other medications. In addition, changing lifestyle, introducing sports and physical activity, walking, normalizing nutrition and sleep is of great importance. Work time should be reduced to 8 hours a day, the remaining time should be devoted to rest as much as possible.

If during therapy it turns out that it is the place of work that provokes a high level of stress (there are irregular working hours, a heavy workload that cannot be coped with), in order to avoid relapses, it is recommended to review the place of work, so that if the disease reoccurs, it will not have to be treated in a hospital. Sometimes patients feel that they can cope with the problem on their own without additional intervention from a specialist, however, as a rule, it is not possible to get out of the oppressive daily routine.

By contacting , you can radically change your lifestyle, understand what exactly you want, learn how to properly build a work and rest schedule, and look for joy in the little things. We will teach you several techniques that will help you plan your day correctly. Timely therapy will help avoid worsening the condition.


The first thing that catches your eye when talking with a person who is depressed is joylessness and pronounced depression. Melancholy and anxiety can be read on the patient’s face. In this state, people feel abandoned and forgotten, it seems to them that friends and relatives have turned their backs, and the world around them wants to get rid of their presence as quickly as possible. When talking with such patients, you can find that they most often complain about:

  • A sharply decreased appetite or a complete loss of interest in food (although with the so-called “atypical depression”, on the contrary, the appetite increases and there is a craving for sweet, starchy, and sometimes fatty foods - the person “eats” depression and can gain several kilograms in a relatively short period of time) .
  • Having problems sleeping. Constantly haunted by nightmares, night's sleep becomes superficial and light, not bringing a sense of rest. In order to fall asleep, you need to take strong medications. After waking up, such people do not feel relief; fatigue does not leave them.
  • The feeling of joy goes away. Even ordinary physiological pleasures become inaccessible.
  • Interest in the events happening around is lost, even if they directly concern the person.
  • Loss of strength is expressed in the reluctance to do the usual work. A little tension causes an attack of mortal fatigue.
  • It is difficult to concentrate on simple life situations.
  • Symptoms are often expressed in absolute helplessness and a feeling of uselessness to loved ones.
  • A painful feeling of guilt that arises for any reason (or “the beginning of a feeling of guilt” - the feeling “I’m disturbing everyone,” “it would be better without me”) is a very dangerous symptom from the point of view of the risk of a suicide attempt.

What is psychotherapy?

During a psychotherapy session, you discuss with your family doctor, psychotherapist or psychiatrist certain events that are happening in your life. The emphasis may be on your feelings, hopes or relationships. You can also focus on your behavior, how it affects you, and what you can change about it. A course of psychotherapy usually lasts from 8 to 20 sessions.

Will I have to go to the hospital?

Depression is usually treated without hospitalization. Inpatient treatment is required if you have comorbidities that may interfere with treatment or if you are at risk of suicide.

How long does depression last?

It depends on how soon you receive qualified help. Left untreated, depression can last for weeks, months, or even years. The main danger of untreated depression is suicide. Treatment can help relieve depression in 6 to 8 weeks or less.

How depression physically manifests itself

People who are depressed often experience headaches, accompanied by dizziness and sometimes loss of consciousness. Aching pain in the heart area and heaviness in the abdomen may appear. Patients begin to complain of aching muscles and joints. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by unsystematic changes in diarrhea and constipation. In women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and men may completely lose interest in sexual activity. Many somatic diseases can be a manifestation of depression. It is for this reason that among specialists there is the concept of masked depression. A similar term explains the condition when the disease is hidden behind somatic disorders. Statistics paint an alarming picture, stating that at least a third of patients visiting surgeons, internists, endocrinologists, gynecologists and other specialists, in fact, suffer from depression.

Instability in the cervical spine

With high instability in the cervical spine at the C2-C3/C3-C4/C4-C5 level, patients often develop radicular compression and compression-vascular syndromes. Oxygen starvation due to narrowing of the lumen of the vertebral arteries in each patient is manifested by corresponding symptoms.


  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • whistling in the ears;
  • weakened vision;
  • phobias;
  • depressive states.

Over time, under conditions of constant stress on the cervical spine, for example, during sedentary work with a lowered head and a tense neck, the disorder is stimulated, compression increases, and the patient begins to develop other, more serious symptoms associated with chronic oxygen starvation.

Depressive episode and its dangers

In this state, a number of patients have an irresistible desire to commit suicide. Severe depression can lead to suicide. An inexplicable feeling of anxiety or melancholy pushes people between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five to take rash, spontaneous actions. This is the most dangerous period of life, when a lack of worldly wisdom can push you to a terrible point. Every day, about fifteen people die attempting suicide. Experts say that depression most often leads people to suicide. If you are plagued by feelings of anxiety, joylessness, or depression of an inexplicable nature, do not delay visiting a specialist.

In this article we will tell you in detail about postpartum depression. How long does it last? What are the signs and symptoms? Read and comment on the article on the site!

The article was written by Marina Ilyina , a full-time psychologist who sells medical equipment (for example, hysteroscopes, HF devices, endoscopic cameras).

One of the most exciting moments in every person’s life is the birth of a child. However, this event is often overshadowed by the onset of postpartum depression in the mother.

Unfortunately, in our country the word “depression” is greatly devalued, or ridiculed to such an extent that a person suffering from this disease simply cannot go to the doctor to get help.

It's the same with postpartum depression. Often, due to different prejudices and mentality, no one notices the patient’s alarm bells either during pregnancy or during the period of depression.


Postpartum depression is a mental disorder that develops in women giving birth within 3-6 weeks after the birth of a child. The reasons for the formation of the disorder are very different:

  • Heredity - often the formation of a greater number of mental disorders is influenced by the characteristics of the nervous system, which are inherited.
  • Changes in hormonal levels. After childbirth, the production of many hormones is reduced, which negatively affects the nervous system. This adversely affects emotional stability.
  • The role of the mother. As a rule, a new social status only inspires some types of personalities and gives a lot of new energy. For most people, the stress associated with a new position in society is sometimes depressing. And here is not just the post of CEO of a multibillion-dollar company, but the role of a mother who worries every second about the safety of her child, his health and well-being.
  • Problems in marital relationships. Often the catalyst for depression is a lack of attention from a spouse, domestic quarrels and scandals. In addition, a woman’s sexual desire after childbirth, due to her health, drops to a minimum, and this already begins coldness in relationships, etc.
  • Difficulties in managing everyday life. As a rule, the woman is in charge of the household, and from the moment the child is born, in addition to the usual duties like cleaning, washing and cooking, she also has to take care of the child: bathing, feeding, putting to bed, with regular visits to the doctor and everything else. Exhaustion and inability to relieve moral and physical stress often cause depression and depression in mothers.


Among the pronounced symptoms in those suffering from depression are depressed mood, excessive desire to eat (even gluttony) or loss of appetite, sleep disturbance (can manifest itself in insomnia, or vice versa in drowsiness), changeability of emotions, tearfulness, thoughts of one’s own worthlessness, loss of a sense of independence and the destruction of one's own opinion. There is also constant concern for the well-being of the baby with the neurotic version of postpartum depression. With melancholic depression with a delusional component, a feeling of guilt and inhibition can be traced. With the most common type of depression—protracted—patients are confident that everything is fine with them. They are just tired and have the blues. This type of depression develops in a hidden form, so a small number of patients turn to specialists. Those who did not do this experience tearfulness, constant fatigue, and find it difficult to get up at night to feed.


Postpartum depression is a long-term illness and it never goes away on its own. On average, postpartum depression can last from 2 to 6 months, and in some cases, it can last up to 2 years.

Sometimes the patient’s condition improves when the reasons that caused the depression begin to be eliminated - the patient is given a rest, some household responsibilities are taken over, and an idyll begins in married life. Yes, when the cause is eliminated, the condition may level off, but if after some time the patient abruptly returns to the previous rhythm of life, then the condition may become much worse than before.


Postpartum depression can be treated in different ways, with varying degrees of severity. For example, if the patient has a mild form, then consultation with a psychologist is sufficient; for moderate cases, it is advised to undergo a course of psychotherapy and appropriate medications as prescribed by a doctor; for severe symptoms of depression, hospitalization of the patient is necessary, psychotherapy and drug treatment are required. Among the medical support provided to patients are the following:

  • Consultation with a psychologist is carried out very first to identify the degree of neglect of the disease. In mild cases, the patient is asked to change the environment, shift some of the work to a spouse or parents, or engage in sports or a favorite activity.
  • Psychotherapy. With this option, different approaches to patients are used, but all of them are aimed at identifying internal conflicts, the moral values ​​of the patient, his feelings for the child and the revaluation of values ​​are traced.
  • Treatment with medications. Among the medications prescribed to the patient are antidepressants and hormonal drugs. The former normalize the general condition, eliminate anxiety and depressive mood. Hormonal medications are prescribed individually; before prescribing medications, you must undergo the necessary tests.
  • Social support. After assistance has been provided, the person suffering from depression is advised to continue psychotherapy in an informal setting. This becomes a support group, a company of interests, etc. The main thing, psychologists say, is not to focus on the child and be more often distracted by your life.

The article belongs to the company producing endosurgical equipment ElePS - https://eleps.ru/

Types of depression

Once you see a doctor, you can count on a correct diagnosis and quick treatment results if the specialist can objectively determine the form of the disease. Timely recognition and application of proven treatment methods guarantee a quick exit from an anxious state.

  • Neurotic depression is a patient’s condition when he reacts painfully to various problems and becomes withdrawn and depressed for any reason. With neurotic depression, patients have difficulty getting out of a traumatic situation.
  • Situational or reactive depression differs from neurotic depression in that the patient responds more quickly to treatment. A correct diagnosis and strict adherence to the specialist’s recommendations make it possible to quickly cope with the disease.
  • With endogenous depression, not only personal qualities and people’s reactions to changing situations are involved in the process of formation of the disease state, but also metabolism, genetic characteristics, and heredity. The disease sometimes manifests itself without any reason or pressure from external factors. In this case, the trigger can be not only stress, but also a common cold or a banal change in the weather. Women during menopause should pay special attention to sudden mood changes. Endogenous depression manifests itself most clearly in the morning, and neurotic depression in the evening.
  • Bipolar depression has its own dangers. A severe form of the disease leads to a painful, manic, elevated state, when inexplicable joy makes one perform wonderful deeds. Often such an unreasonable rise in mood sharply turns into a feeling of melancholy.
  • Unipolar types of depression are not accompanied by sudden mood swings. In this case, joylessness and depression constantly weigh on the patient’s shoulders.

Reasons for development

There are many reasons for long-term depression. The literature describes a group of social causes, physiological and psychological. The focus is on the physiological origins of the disease:

  • disruptions of cerebral blood flow;
  • drug use, alcoholism;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • disruptions of the hormonal system;
  • genetic determination.

The first psychological factor is childhood trauma. They are formed by the pedagogical ignorance of parents and a harsh attitude towards children. In second place among the causes are acute traumatic situations. These are separations, divorces, death of a relative, military actions, etc. The disease often develops against the background of impaired self-esteem and lack of self-esteem. At the same time, there are problems in the perception of one’s own “I”.

Psychological reasons also include unhealthy relationships. A codependent relationship or marriage is a situation where a person desires complete fusion with his partner. In such a situation, the patient begins to “experience himself” through the prism of his partner. The described dependence increases the risks of mental pathologies. The situation is especially dangerous when codependent relationships break up.

Social factors - the presence of emotional experiences that arose due to the impossibility of self-realization in the work or public sphere. The situation is aggravated by social pressure on any issue (for example, gender stereotypes, homophobia, etc.). Social problems initially increase the level of anxiety and worry. Then they gradually lead to mental illness.

In a social environment, the danger comes from cultivating success. A sensitive person watches successful people, but for some reason such achievements are impossible for him to realize. Women are more likely to pay attention to achievements in the area of ​​physicality. But the image of a slim body is not achievable for everyone. The mechanism of social comparison of oneself with others is activated, and the risks of depression increase.

How to identify depression

If a person close to you is constantly gloomy and sheds tears for any reason or without it, he is overcome by thoughts about the imminent end of his life, he constantly looks at everyone as enemies, take him to the doctor or invite a specialist to your home. Treatment will be more effective if you start fighting the disease in a timely manner. This is the case when it is impossible to play it safe. It is easier to fight the disease if a person is aware of the danger and is ready to listen to the doctor’s recommendations. A severe form of the disease requires hospital treatment. If you notice frequent mood swings, lethargy, lack of appetite, or the appearance of unexplained pain in different parts of the body, do not delay, visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Vascular syndrome

The combination of manifestations of vascular syndrome over time can lead to a change in a person’s character. Manifestations of vascular syndrome:

  • increased anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • aggressiveness;
  • mood swings are observed;
  • concentration deteriorates;
  • interrupted sleep;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • panic attacks.

Because the condition develops slowly, the patient rarely notices the reasons for his anxiety. And only in the event of panic attacks, lack of air and causeless fear force a person to seek help. After 3-6-12 months, the emotional sphere undergoes significant changes. The reason for this is the exhaustion of the nervous system, the continuous struggle with poor health and pain.

Where to look for help

Remember that even though the disease may seem unserious, only a highly qualified psychiatrist with sufficient practical experience can cure it. If you find these symptoms in yourself or your loved ones, we recommend that you contact a specialist.

It is important to convince the patient that help will be effective if the specialist’s recommendations are fully followed. CELT employs doctors who will help you quickly cope with any manifestation of depression. Treatment will always give a positive result if you start working with the patient in a timely manner.

Depersonalization-derealization syndrome is a fairly serious mental disorder that can easily be corrected. If you find these symptoms in yourself or your loved ones, we recommend that you consult a specialist. To clarify the diagnosis and receive qualified medical care, you can contact CELT. This is one of those conditions in the treatment of which our psychoneurologists achieve good results.

Make an appointment through the application or by calling +7 +7 We work every day:

  • Monday—Friday: 8.00—20.00
  • Saturday: 8.00–18.00
  • Sunday is a day off

The nearest metro and MCC stations to the clinic:

  • Highway of Enthusiasts or Perovo
  • Partisan
  • Enthusiast Highway

Driving directions

Prevention of depression

To avoid the development of depression, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Properly distribute workload and rest. Sleep should be full for at least eight hours.
  • Maintain a daily routine. The day is for being awake and the night is for resting.
  • Proper nutritious nutrition will strengthen the body.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle. To feel good, you need to play sports, you can just go jogging every morning.
  • Avoid stressful situations.

You should try to find interesting hobbies that bring joy and satisfaction. Positive emotions are the main prevention against depression.

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