Development of intuition: exercises, methods, techniques. Self-help guide for developing intuition

There have been many situations in my life when my intuition really saved me. Therefore, I think an article on how to develop intuition should definitely become part of this blog.

My intuition once pointed me to a business that would become mine throughout life; helped me abandon the “not my” profession, expressing this through sabotage and complete internal denial.

She helped me leave a person with whom everything was fine outwardly, but internally it felt like “something was wrong.”

Intuition allowed me to move to another city, although I had no idea how I could live and develop there. In general, anything happened.

Have you ever used your inner voice?

I always say to the people whom I help fulfill their desires: if you really want something and cannot logically explain why this is so, then most likely you listened to the sage within you.

Important! Your intuition knows exactly how it will make your life happy. All that remains is to recognize her voice and begin to understand what exactly it is saying. Well, follow his call >>>

Therefore, in my opinion, developing intuition, understanding it, is a key part of the process of making a wish come true.

Follow your intuition. This is where true wisdom comes into play.

Oprah Winfrey


Exercises to develop intuition can only be done after you understand the concept. After all, before you develop something, you need to decide whether you need it.

So, intuition is the sixth sense. Every person has it, but it manifests itself in different ways and to varying degrees. Intuition is a way of perceiving information that differs from the traditional one. If intuition is developed, then a person will be able to choose the right options for solving any life situations on a subconscious level.

Memories of past failures

Even if you think that your intuition is not very well developed, it has probably warned you more than once about impending failures. Of course, if it was a very long time ago, then you will not be able to remember in all details what you felt.

However, if something happened recently, you can accurately reproduce in your memory your thoughts, sensations in your arms, stomach, heart, etc. And understand the language in which the subconscious speaks to you.

This exercise is important. Because you must not only have a well-developed intuitive perception of the world, but also remember when it begins to talk to you.

Attention! Don't forget that only repetition allows you to achieve mastery. And just as you won't be able to develop your leg muscles if you only do squats once, you won't be able to develop your intuition and latent abilities if you do the exercises only occasionally. Improving intuitive skills is work and more work.

Ways to develop intuition

There are many exercises to develop intuition. Before choosing them, you need to understand what methodology they belong to.

Among them:

  1. Affirmations, mantras and meditation.
  2. Accumulation of knowledge through life and professional experience.
  3. Direct exercises to develop intuition.

It is noteworthy that any person can develop intuition, but not everyone can listen to the inner voice. But if you have managed to develop intuition, you will have to constantly maintain it at the right level and train it.

1.Intuition what is it

Intuition is instant judgment or decision-making without taking into account logical thinking and conscious control. As a rule, with the help of intuition a person acts one way or another if he does not have a ready-made judgment on this matter. Intuition is:

quick correct judgment based on existing experience analysis without specific information feeling of certain patterns

Intuition is also equated to the sixth sense. There are five main senses: smell, hearing, vision, touch, taste.

5 human senses

Using your sixth sense you can:

avoid dangers, feel the future, understand people better, receive insights in the form of new ideas, hear an inner voice, a hint, see prophetic dreams, receive answers to an exciting question in the form of phrases and words in songs, pictures, advertisements, people talking.

Thus, information comes as if on its own, without relying on evidence-based science, without the use of memory, logic or reasoning. But it does not come on its own, but in the form of images.

Or intuition can be expressed in the form of a joyful feeling at an ordinary event or groundless anxiety.

Do you want to make the right decisions or know for sure what to do? Do you want to know how people treat you, what they think?

All people are endowed with intuition, but not everyone is able to use it in everyday life.

How to develop intuition using the Silva method

Jose Silva is a famous American parapsychologist who has developed an effective way to develop hidden abilities, intelligence and skills in psychology.

According to his method, intuition helps in solving problems. Silva has been researching how the hemispheres of the brain interact. He came to the conclusion that in order to unlock one's own potential, a person must use both hemispheres. He also gave examples of famous people who, in his opinion, think at the level of alpha waves.

Silva’s method of developing intuition includes a set of simple exercises that will teach you to correctly understand information and, most importantly, hear it. A person learns to hear his subconscious, which, in turn, helps him make the right decision.

The technique for developing intuition offers several exercises that work effectively.

Why develop intuition?

An intuitive signal allows you to avoid any negative situation when there are no reasons that would indicate it. As they say, “nothing foreshadowed trouble.” For example, you are in a comfortable place surrounded by smiling people, but on a subconscious level you are not comfortable and want to run. Usually, to avoid adverse consequences, you need to follow this first impression. Because subsequent analysis will show that there are no prerequisites for anxiety, and you will remain. The brain can persuade you.

Reason can make mistakes, intuition can never, it is the voice of the soul that will not deceive you!

If you are tired of making decisions for a long time, constantly changing them, and not knowing where to stop, you need to develop your intuition. You will be confident in your decision and will be able to avoid the agony of choice.

Concrete Storru

Many have heard stories of people avoiding disasters in the sky or in the water thanks to some inner voice, a “bad feeling.” Or they walked an unaccustomed path and avoided trouble. There are many such stories, we want to share some famous stories. In them, people “turned on” their sixth sense in different ways.

The first story about a girl from America Betony Storru

A girl named Betony once became obsessed with buying sunglasses. However, she had never used this accessory before and did not like wearing them. But the idea of ​​buying glasses urgently did not leave her, the girl gave up and bought them. Putting on her glasses, Betoni went to the cafe where she had an appointment. But at the entrance to it, an unfamiliar woman splashed sulfuric acid in the face of young Betony Storr. Thus, the glasses purchased that day saved her vision!

Aberfan village

History of the second village of Aberfan

In 1966, a disaster occurred in the English village of Aberfan, where miners lived. A huge landslide covered the village, killing 116 children and 28 adults. Before the tragedy, a girl from this village had a terrible dream and told it to her mother.

The girl herself died with the others that day. Her mother later told about the prophetic dream. And the dream was that the girl in it saw how she went to school and instead saw rubble and a pile of garbage.

Story three Winston Churchill

Well-known politicians, scientists, and businessmen successfully use intuition. For example, the inner voice of Winston Churchill, the famous British Prime Minister, saved his life at least 3 times.

Winston Churchill

Let us tell you about one of these miraculous rescues. One evening, Winston Churchill was getting ready to go home. The car was brought to him and, as expected, the door on the nearest side was opened for him. However, he decided to go around the car and sit in a place where he had never driven. The car was driving at high speed, a bomb fell not far from it and there was an explosion. The blast wave lifted the car onto its two side wheels, but did not roll over.

“But why did you sit on the other side?” – his wife Clementine asked Winston. The politician replied: “When I approached the open door, an inner voice told me: “Stop!” Then I decided that I should sit on the other side, which I did.”


Spiritual practices do an excellent job of developing intuition. Among them, meditation and mantras are the most popular for developing intuition.

The latter allow you to get as close as possible to the boundaries of consciousness and develop intuition. They are read only during the waxing moon. When a person works with mantras, abilities are revealed to him that influence not only him, but also those around him.

So, among the mantras:

  1. Mantra for the Third Eye “Om Kassiyana HaRa Shanatar”.
  2. To quickly develop intuition, “HaRoHaRa” is suitable.
  3. “Om RaoRemFaoFeroEimForRam” will enhance the perception of reality.

To develop intuition, one who reads mantras learns to transmit and receive love, treat diseases, warn about some disasters, and predict the future. Mantras must be used very carefully, because they contain great power.

Working with the Third Eye

This is one of the most powerful, but at the same time the most risky methods of improving intuitive abilities.

In this material you will find complete instructions on how to open the Third Eye yourself.

Be careful, however, because the Third Eye is often easier to open than to close.

How to learn to listen to intuition by learning to work with dreams

In order to develop intuition and hidden abilities well, it is imperative to work with dreams. However, lucid dreams and other altered states of consciousness can be dangerous for an unprepared person; we will consider only the simplest and safest exercise.

  1. Place a piece of paper and a pen next to your bed.
  2. Before you fall asleep, try to clearly imagine your “dream of the day,” that is, an event that could bring you significant benefit tomorrow.
  3. Think about your “dream of the day” until you fall asleep.
  4. Immediately after waking up, draw or write down everything that first came to your mind as soon as you opened your eyes. This may have something to do with night dreams, or it may have nothing to do with them. It is important not to retell the dream, but to record the first thought or image of the morning.
  5. Look carefully at what is drawn or written and try to understand what it really means.

Other methods

To sharpen intuition, psychologists recommend clearing yourself of unnecessary emotions, allowing you to perceive the world around you and its signals, and coming into harmony with yourself.

If all three points are met, then intuition becomes sharper and the person begins to perceive data.

In addition to the above techniques, the following are also used:

  1. NLP. Thanks to the anchor system, intuition becomes sharper.
  2. Body-oriented therapy. The body gets rid of muscle tension, and attention and intuition become sharper.
  3. Behavioral therapy. The basis is the adjustment of moods and feelings. This is done so that emotions do not cloud the perception of reality.

To decide on the right option, you need to use the same intuition. Then the choice will definitely be the right one. At the same time, you will train your sixth sense.

Intuition is our inner voice

We are amazed by the ability of some people to instantly find a way out of any situation, as if they had the gift of foresight. It has been proven that every person has such abilities, we just don’t know how to use them.

You can remember your life's dead-end situations when you didn't know what choice to make. Surely thoughts were spinning in my head that I needed to do this and that. But few people trusted this voice, and then regretted what they had not done.

Other development exercises

These exercises are more like games for developing intuition. But nevertheless, they are very effective and help a lot.

First exercise. The right hemisphere is responsible for intuition, so it needs to be developed. Try performing your usual actions with your left hand. Once your mind gets used to it, make the task more difficult. Write a question with your right hand, but answer it with your left.

Second exercise. Helps train the signal system. You must imagine or draw a traffic light. The traffic light will only work if you remember the symbols:

  1. Green color means calmness, a steady heart rate, a feeling of security and confidence.
  2. Yellow signifies alertness and the need to closely monitor people and events.
  3. Red color indicates a prohibition on action, cancellation or futility of a decision.

Feel each color for ten minutes. When you succeed, you will be able to answer your questions using a traffic light. It will help you decide on a job or other important situation. Over time, you will train your consciousness so much that you will feel the need to refuse any issue without additional manipulation.

Third exercise. It is familiar to us from childhood, so there will be no difficulties with it. You need to ask someone to hide a coin behind their back. And you will guess which hand it is in. This is a kind of tutorial on developing intuition that even children can use.

Fourth exercise. It consists of determining tomorrow's weather forecast. But you need to do this thoughtfully and carefully, and not try to guess. Monitor all external manifestations and your own feelings.

Fifth exercise. Helps you learn to navigate in space. To do this, select an object in the room, remember its location, after which you must close your eyes and turn around yourself. This will make you disorientated, which is what you need for the exercise. It is important to indicate the direction in which the object is located with your eyes closed. If you are more advanced in your development, you can indicate the distance to the object and the exact location.

Sixth exercise. This method helps make a decision when you have to choose between two options. You need to place your palms in the manner of scales and visualize both options. Whichever decision turns out to be more correct, that hand will drop under importance.

Vdovin Ivan

  • More than 15 years in psychology
  • Owner of 2 successful businesses
  • Developed his own method “Key Therapy”
  • Certified NLP Practitioner
  • Certified Hypnotherapist
  • In practice I use: Gestalt therapy, imagery therapy, body therapy, art therapy, hypnosis, Hellinger constellations
  • Helped over 100 clients
  • I invested more than 500,000 rubles in my education
  • My blog is visited by more than 1500 people per day



Video review

Training on playing cards

We take a deck of playing cards and place them face down in front of us. Calm down and start guessing which color card comes first. Remember the sensations. Take out the first card, guess what? If not, then continue. Again we wish for the color of the card, black or red, remember the sensations, and take out the card. If the answer is correct, then we remember the feeling that we had before the correct guess; this is intuition.

Next, you need to train harder, you need to feel the feeling that comes before the correct answer and remember it. Continue to open the cards and remember the feelings before the correct answer.

This exercise can be done for 10-30 minutes a day, and when you start guessing 10 cards with a color in a row, start complicating it and introducing the suit of the card: clubs, hearts, spades, diamonds. Next, guess the specific card accordingly.

Important information

The calmer and without expectations you guess the card, the better it will turn out. Intuition is a spontaneous feeling; it does not need to be expected. And the most important thing is not to be angry with yourself for a bad result. By the way, if you are angry with yourself, it means that you are a tyrant for yourself, who hides the victim within yourself. Vicious circle.

Who is calling?

Any incoming call, before looking at the screen and answering, ask yourself who is calling you? And start guessing. The bell rings, we made a guess, looked who was calling, and drew conclusions. And so on. Usually we easily recognize when our loved ones call; we will hear whom we are glad to hear.

And it’s probably also happened that you think about a person, and he’s already calling you. This is also one of the manifestations of intuition. Or magic.

There is one technique, how you can ask people to do something for you from a distance, it is simple, if you need it, write in the comments, I will write an article with a full description of it for you. But here again you will have to train, constantly strengthening your energy, which will help in further development.

Read additionally: how to find the meaning of life if you don’t want anything

Balls of 2 colors

Take some balls, the same size, but different colors. Unfortunately, I don’t know where to get balls of the same size but different colors. But this method was described in books. Next, pour the total pile into your pocket. The task is this: you are walking, at work, at home or somewhere else, without thinking, you start moving balls from one pocket to another. You need to take out all the balls of the same color and put them in another pocket.

Perhaps the method is outdated due to ignorance of where to get balls of the same size but different colors. But the method itself is very good, because the process is carried out unconsciously, that is, you don’t think about what kind of ball it is. Just shift and that's it, trust yourself. Naturally, the balls can be replaced with other objects, such as paper clips. The main thing is the same size and feel.


The whole point of meditation is to find a way inside yourself. The faster you find the path, the faster you will have access to any states, including intuition. Read the article about what meditation is and how to meditate correctly.

In meditation, you are completely immersed in yourself, which means that our awareness is distracted or falls asleep, and at this time we communicate directly with our subconscious. Remember, our subconscious can do anything, but it needs to be correctly explained what is needed and why.

For example, before diving into meditation, ask yourself to develop intuition, our unconscious will understand the command and begin the process of training the psyche. It will go smoothly, gradually. Because the psyche needs to get used to it.

You can also ask the unconscious for any help, just ask it and go into meditation.

Signs are everywhere

There is another interesting way. Ask yourself the question you want to get an answer to: “Where to go to work”, “Will Petya be suitable for me as a husband” and so on. Ask yourself to answer this question in the form of a picture. That is, the answer should come, for example, when you are walking down the street and see an advertisement that you focus on. Usually at these moments the insight comes that this picture is the answer to the question.

There is one caveat: many people are very stubborn and, having asked a question and received an answer, they still do it their own way. So why do they develop intuition? Unclear. The most offensive thing for us is when you do good for yourself and do not do what is better than what you did. This is where self-distrust grows.

Smartphone application

Download any application to your phone to train your intuition. Everything is simple and clear there and there is no need to bother with cards and other items.

Psychologists would NOT want you to know these secrets about yourself

—Imagine this situation...
What if, instead of paying for years for useless consultations with a psychologist, in 21 days you can work with yourself? Get rid of negative thoughts and states forever. And instead live a calm and happy life? Stop living in stress due to relationships or constant lack of money?

Tell me this is impossible?

I thought so too, until I started working with myself


My name is Ivan, I am 35 years old, and I have been practicing psychology for 15 years. I have studied all the basic methods and techniques through which I help people find happiness. NLP, hypnosis, body-image therapy. I was invited on television as an expert.

And it was... just a nightmare!

I lived in a state of depression for 7 years (constant stress exhausted me). I had a lot of low self-confidence (my self-esteem was below 0). I could not calmly communicate with people, it seemed to me that I was not worthy of them.

The relationship did not work out (because I was very negative, jealous, a doormat). I’m generally silent about decent earnings; I earned 15,000 rubles a month and thought that was the limit. I didn’t want to live... Envy.

The worst thing is, I thought I would have to live like this forever, and I don’t deserve love and happiness.

But it only got worse, negative states fell on me like a snowball. It felt like I was sitting in a deep, black hole from which there was no way out. Hopelessness, despair, pain, resentment.

My life has turned into endless torture. But then a miracle happened...


One day my father came home from work, a little drunk, although he never drank much.

He came into the kitchen..., looked at me with a dissatisfied expression and began to say with anger how worthless I was, how I couldn’t do anything, and in general, how sorry he was that he was my father.

At first I felt severe mental pain (this is very painful to hear from my family). Then I got offended (does that mean I’m not a favorite son?!) And then an insight came to me...

I received that magical kick that I had been waiting for all my life. It changed my thinking, my life and my relationships with my environment.

I had already forgiven my father simply because he told me the truth and I was happy about it!

But then the most interesting thing began...

Literally 5 minutes later I was already sitting at the computer and writing out all the psychological (!) methods of working with myself.

I was even confused, because my plans were to continue to suffer all my life.

It was such an incredible feeling of freedom and desire to do something that I burst into tears of happiness.


If you think that you cannot change your life, become rich or successful, or create a happy relationship - you are mistaken!

You can change your life by changing your thinking and the main thing is to do it EASILY!

• 5 simple and powerful methods of working with yourself (they work even if you use them incorrectly) - You don’t have to turn to psychologists, you are your own psychologist.

• “The secret method” of working through any negative state. This will allow you to eliminate the negative and switch to the positive in 5 minutes.

• 15 minutes a day - Just 15 minutes a day to change your life 180 degrees. Become happier and more joyful.

• Saving up to 100,000 rubles in 1 year - You will save on trips to a psychologist, and spend the saved money on a vacation by the sea.

• 21 days – It only takes 21 days for you to see changes in your life. You will start smiling. Wake up with joy.


For 7 days, access to the “Guide to Changing Yourself” will be free, everyone can download it from Telegram using the button below.

PS If you want to say “thank you” to me, just download the guide and start using it every day.

PPS How about becoming happy today? =)

Intuition trainer TIN

Intuition trainer TIN. A small device that fits in your hand. Generates random numbers 0 or 1. There are two buttons left and right. You press, if the answer is correct, then everything is fine, if it is not correct, you get an electric shock. The current strength is not strong, but noticeable, so that next time you think carefully before giving an answer, because you may be electrocuted again.

This is such violence against oneself, but the effect intensifies when you set the current strength to maximum and the number of correct answers increases from 50% to 90%. Truly amazing stuff. Personally, I had such a simulator, and in reality, when you set the current strength to high, the number of correct answers increases significantly.

On the downside, you start training less often, since the feeling of the current on your finger is not the most pleasant, but if you do it for 5-10 minutes a day, then in principle it’s normal and tolerable.

heads or tails

The simplest exercise. We toss a coin, make a guess, and see if we have guessed the side of the coin. You can repeat it at least every day, every hour.

Guess the time?

Before you look at the clock, make a guess about what time it is. Start guessing minutes, then switch to seconds. Over time, upgrading your intuition will make everything easier.

Guess everything

Wherever you go, whatever you do, guess. The price in the store on clothes, what bus number will arrive, the number of the subway car, the number of the taxi car, etc. This may seem like nonsense, but no, this is a common practice for training intuition.

The more correct answers you give, the faster the neurons are rebuilt and begin to always give the correct information, if to themselves. You completely trust yourself and live in harmony with yourself; such people achieve success faster.

How is intuition developed in women?

Legends are made about her. This type of intuition has been known since ancient times. If a woman had a developed sense, then she was easily burned at the stake, being mistaken for a witch. Fortunately, the times of the Inquisition have passed and now women strive to develop their instincts without fearing anything.

Why is women's intuition more developed than men's? It's about feminine nature. If men live with their minds, then women live with their feelings. Hence the difference. In addition, from time immemorial, girls had to do everything and not fall out of reality, while men had only one task.

Women are very susceptible to lies and falsehood, so many businessmen prefer to take representatives of the fair sex with them to important events.

Women's intuition manifests itself as vague anxiety in response to some event or information. But not every girl can correctly interpret her feelings. All because intuition has ceased to be a way to survive, unlike in ancient times. But there is good news - you can relearn how to hear your inner voice.

To do this, try to predict the development of events in a film or book. Detective stories are perfect.

When you need to make a decision, get everything out of your head and focus on how you feel. If there is any discomfort in your thoughts or body, then you should make a decision very carefully.

When meeting someone new, pay attention to your inner feelings and thoughts. It may also be that hostility arises immediately. This means that the person should not be allowed close.

A short story (you don't have to read it)

I have one friend who has always been simple and doesn’t bother himself much. But things weren’t going well for him, he was very stubborn and did everything his own way. Most likely, his confidence in everything has completely dropped. In short, I didn’t trust anyone or anything, only myself. I didn’t trust my subconscious either. He would have walked like this for a long time, but he was tired of the constant struggle with himself, and some realization came that it was time to change.

But what to change? The answer is not clear. And so my friend lived for another 3 years, not trusting anyone or himself. Lived stubbornly. Things went downhill a lot. And then one day he meets his love, the love of his life, or rather a hobby that brings him joy. He began to think and admire only about him. His life changed dramatically, he became happy and cheerful. Things went uphill, and I gradually began to trust people and myself.

And the moral is that the spinning rod and tackle were given to him 5 years ago, if he had not been stubborn and accepted gifts, and had not lost 5 years to depression and other disappointments. Like this.

Intuition or paranoia

Sometimes intuition is confused with paranoia. In principle, it is quite simple to distinguish one from the other; you just need to stop and focus on your own feelings. Paranoia is characterized by severe thoughts that arise for no reason and do not go away. This condition is exhausting, does not allow you to live in peace, a person gets bogged down more and more every day.

Intuition is characterized by a warning when a person unconsciously does not want to go somewhere or do something. In rare cases, intuition is expressed by anxiety, but on a much smaller scale than with paranoia.

That is, we can say that intuition is characterized by a pressing premonition. If such a feeling frightens a person, then first the mind needs to calm down, and then think about whether there have been similar signals before. If situations arose when a persistent reluctance to do something saved you, then it makes sense to listen to your sixth sense.

Intuition is self-confidence!

If you are angry with yourself, hate and despise yourself, then there will be problems with intuition.

It’s even worse if all this leads to depression and self-dislike. Pain, disappointment and self-betrayal.

But there are reasons for everything and they were formed 100% in childhood, and if they are solved, the problem will go away and love and trust in yourself will remain.

Sign up for a consultation and we will find the reason for your negative attitude towards yourself and develop your intuition

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