Developing strength at home: exercises to become physically stronger

Start training now to become stronger, fitter and more energetic in no time!

If you want to quickly get in shape, but you don’t have enough time for full-fledged and long-term exercise, then you will be glad to know that you can achieve results in just 15 minutes a day! The exercises below are included in high-intensity circuit training, so you'll definitely see the effects!

General points

When organizing homework, questions often arise regarding:

  1. Frequency and intensity of training.
  2. Types of suitable exercises and their quantity.
  3. The need to use dumbbells, barbells and other equipment and their parameters.
  4. Clothing and optimal conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.)

In general, these are individual questions. For example, if you have a barbell or treadmill at home, there is no point in ignoring them.

But for starters, complexes without shells have been proposed.

A little history

This type of powerlifting appeared in the middle of the last century in the USA and European countries almost simultaneously. But regular world championships began to take place only in the early seventies. Participants from Europe appeared at such competitions only in 1978. Our country did not represent its athletes in the World Championships until 1992 for ideological reasons. In the very first performances of domestic athletes, a large number of bronze and silver awards were received. Sergei Zhuravlev received a gold medal at the world powerlifting competition in November 1992. In a bitter struggle, this strongest man managed to beat the seventeen-time world champion of Japan, Inaba Hideyaki.

Work at your weight

What exercises are needed to become strong, using only your mass? It is necessary to perform the following complex:

  1. Push ups.
  2. Squats.
  3. Work on the development of the press.

This is the main block. Over time, you need to add variety to it and supplement it with other actions.

Push-ups here have the following variations:

  1. Classic.
  2. On fists.
  3. On one leg.
  4. On one hand.
  5. On one arm and leg.

The most effective in terms of developing strength are points 3-5, especially 5.

Such exercises perfectly strengthen the shoulder girdle and strengthen the entire body. It is very important to maintain balance here.

The palms are placed on the floor next to each other at chest level. Keep your elbows narrow. Legs are positioned wide. The body is fixed in this position, and the palm of either hand is sharply torn off the surface. You should feel your body firmly centered on the three pillars. The supporting palm is located on the line of mid-gravity of the whole body. Keep your other hand on your back.

The wider the position of the legs, the easier it is to maintain balance.

The entire body must be tense to generate the maximum possible force in this process.

If it is difficult for you to master this work the first time, you can start with simpler actions in which the second hand will also serve as a support. You can place it on several thick books or on a medicine ball.

To simplify the task, you can first lean on your knees, but the body must still be fixed.

It is also useful to squat on one leg to develop strength. The same principle works here as in standard squats. One leg is raised in front of you and must be kept parallel to the floor. You should lower yourself on the second leg, bending your knee. The heel does not come off the surface. Turn the knee of the supporting leg outward.

Here, the stabilizer muscles must be constantly tense. These are the muscles of the lower back, abs and buttocks.

During the squat, the extended leg is kept straight.

If the exercise does not work right away, you can first stand on an elevated platform, then there is no need to raise your legs high.

Hands should be held in front of you. With their help, balance is maintained. If there are difficulties in this regard, you can hold on to some support with your hand, such as furniture. As stabilizer muscles develop, such squats will become easier.

The number of repetitions and cycles in both push-ups and squats is the maximum possible for you. To begin with, you can adhere to the norm of 2-15 (cycles - repetitions). Gradually increase the load.

Effective development of the press is associated with performing original crunches.

Here you should hold the bar so that the deep muscles work. There are such implementation variations:

  1. The body is parallel to the floor surface. Arms can be straight or bent.
  2. The body is perpendicular to the given surface. Acceptable hand positions are similar.
  3. The knees are pulled towards the stomach. The muscles are held under great tension.
  4. The legs are straightened and raised back, while the buttocks are involved in the work.
  5. "Caterpillar". Bend over while keeping your abs tense. Move your arms forward as much as possible. So above the floor you form a structure similar to a bridge. Then, in small steps, move your feet toward your palms until you reach an inclined position. Next, point your hands forward and repeat the steps until a pleasant burning sensation appears in the muscles.

What is the difference between training for strength and muscle size?

In general, training for strength and muscle size is similar: both regimes involve lifting weights to fatigue the muscles and resting them to recover.
The difference is that to achieve a beautiful relief, it is enough to tire the body. You can do this with heavy, medium, or even light weights—if the muscle fibers are challenged enough, they will grow. In strength training, fatigue also plays an important role, but factors such as:

  • The work of the nervous system. The more muscle fibers the nervous system can excite, the more force they will produce. Therefore, it is not enough to increase muscle volume - you also need to force the central nervous system to activate them to the fullest.
  • Tendon stiffness. The faster a muscle contracts, the less force it produces. In response to strength training, the tendons become stiffer, Effects of resistance and stretching training programs on the viscoelastic properties of human tendon structures in vivo, Habitual loading results in tendon hypertrophy and increased stiffness of the human patellar tendon, and limit the rate of contraction, allowing the muscles to release more force.
  • Intermuscular coordination. There are muscles in our body that perform opposite functions - antagonists. For example, the shoulder flexes the biceps, and the triceps extends (and is its antagonist). The quadriceps extends the knee, and the muscles on the back of the thigh flex. In order for all the force produced by the muscle to go to a good cause, its antagonist must relax and not interfere. The better coordination between muscle groups, the more weight you can lift.

To pump up all the qualities necessary to develop strength, you need to train in a certain way.

Question about quick results

Often people want to develop strength quickly and effectively. Becoming physically stronger quickly is only possible if you follow a training schedule and devote yourself completely to them. Also, special devices – simulators – are used for these purposes. For example, Sotsky Bison-1M.

Even with a daily 15-minute session with it, you will seriously strengthen your hands and forearms.

If you are faced with a plan to quickly increase strength, then keep in mind that the very concept of “quickly” is quite relative and individual. Here you cannot do without comprehensive work, both with and without shells, and proper nutrition.

With some effort, you can become somewhat stronger in one week. But this will only be a weak local result. In this regard, a week is extremely short. You need constant training with full gear.

It does not have to be based on programs for athletes. Basic complexes will be enough:

  1. Bench presses in a lying position.
  2. Deadlift.
  3. Press up.
  4. Bent over barbell work.
  5. Pull-ups.
  6. Squats with weights.

For fruitful work, use weights that are limiting for you. For example, place enough weights on a barbell to perform 3-5 reps. Also, increase the load over time.

Take a 2-5 minute break between sets. Take this time to stretch your muscles.

The “pyramid” technique helps a man become physically stronger. It is based on the systematic development of the weight of the projectiles and reducing the number of repetitions.

Example: in the 1st cycle – 11 repetitions, weight – 70 kg, in the 2nd – 10, weight – 75, in the 3rd – 9, weight – 80.

But this method requires enormous energy consumption. For climactic approaches, it is important to maintain a lot of strength. A slightly different principle can be applied. Example - you set a task to squat with a mass of 100 kg and do 5 repetitions. First, thoroughly stretch your knees. Take a weight of 50 kg, squat 6 times. The next load is 60 kg – 5 times, then 70 kg – 4 times, 80 kg – 3 repetitions, 90 kg – 2 repetitions. After this, you can implement the designated plan.

Proper nutrition

The nutrition of a person who is concerned about the development of physical strength must be balanced and correct. You will have to stick to some kind of diet and eliminate foods that either do not have an effect or lead to weight gain. No matter how much a person attends strength training and lifts iron, he will constantly see the same numbers on the scale and wonder why the weight is not increasing. As in any business, in nutrition it is necessary to have some understanding of what and how it affects the body.

Nutrition should solve the following problems:

  • Contain enough calories so that the body does not feel hungry during the day. The feeling of hunger is the main enemy on the path to muscle development. When the body needs resources for burning, it will begin to burn not only fat layers, but also protein elements.
  • Also, nutrition should influence the decrease or increase in total body weight. It all depends on the tasks. Gaining mass and strength training are an integral part of becoming a novice strongman.
  • Nutrition should reduce fat and increase muscle mass.
  • Nutrition also affects hormonal levels. In order for the development of physical strength in men to proceed quickly and efficiently, the male hormone testosterone must be released.

Weak points and warm-up

During training, be sure to focus on weaker muscles. For example, if you press a barbell horizontally in a lying position, muscle development is extremely slow. To correct the situation, a special power frame is optimal.

The initial part of the amplitude is excellently worked out here. At this stage, the upper squeeze of the projectile occurs much easier than the lower one when lifting. In the presented installation, you can focus on this point and use increased weight.

There are special limiters here. They are placed so that the position of the bar is 10-15 cm above the chest. From this position the projectile is pressed.

Bench training at home and without a trainer is extremely difficult. Therefore, a thorough warm-up should be carried out before them. You can work with a medicine ball. While holding it, slowly rotate your straightened arms in different directions and in full amplitude.

Then throw the ball into the wall away from you 8-10 times, hold it in outstretched arms and repeat this cycle.

Don't forget to stretch your joints and ligaments.

You can become strong at any age

Acceptable loads can begin at almost any age. Regular exercise lowers cholesterol, prevents depression and eliminates neurodegenerative disorders. Unfortunately, doctors only recommend visiting the pool for older people, but this is not enough. People older than middle age can begin training by lifting a load of 2 kg. It's okay if your heart rate increases slightly and muscle pain appears the next day. These consequences indicate the correct selection of the load. However, you should not exaggerate your abilities and start regular exercise without consulting your doctor. Training must be carried out under the supervision of qualified specialists.

Teen question

At this age, a person’s physiology changes seriously. And classes should be designed taking this factor into account.

The first thing that will help a teenager become physically stronger is his focus on achieving results and strict self-discipline. After all, at this age there are a lot of distractions.

In this regard, teenagers involved in sections and professional clubs have great advantages.

Teenagers who decide to develop their strength at home and on their own must adhere to the following criteria:

  1. Drawing up an optimal schedule and strictly adhering to it.
  2. Alternating load and emphasis on different muscle groups. For example, on Monday - emphasis on developing the arms and abs, on Wednesday - legs and back.
  3. In the initial stages, work is done without equipment or with light weights.
  4. Push-ups, squats, crunches and pull-ups are mandatory components of every workout in the initial 2 weeks of the schedule.
  5. A sharp increase in load and the use of special chemicals for this are not allowed.
  6. The selection of equipment and exercises is based on physical condition. Gradually their mass and frequency increases.

How often to exercise to increase strength

It depends on your level of training:

  • Beginners are advised Applications of the dose-response for muscular strength development: a review of meta-analytic efficacy and reliability for designing training prescription to exercise three times a week, do four sets for each muscle group, and select the weight so that it is 60 % of 1RM. For untrained people, this intensity is quite enough to ensure a sustainable increase in strength and muscle. In addition, lighter weights will prevent injury while the technique is not yet up to par.
  • Amateur athletes with an average level of training are recommended Applications of the dose-response for muscular strength development: a review of meta-analytic efficacy and reliability for designing training prescription to exercise twice a week, do four approaches for each muscle group, but use already 80% of 1RM.
  • Experienced athletes should train twice a week and perform eight sets for each muscle group. In this case, the weight in the exercises should be 85% of 1RM.


According to many studies, children whose age is in the range of 7-10 years can start strength training.

To begin with, exercises based on your own weight are used. Then follows a smooth transition to different devices. Experts recommend Sotsky’s Bison-1 M device.

The load development is carried out systematically. Greater emphasis is placed on execution technique.

At home, the optimal situation is when parents supervise the child’s physical activities and ensure that they are performed correctly.

A suitable training frequency is 2-3 days per week. The maximum duration of each is 30-40 minutes. The recommended load is shown in this table:

StageExercisesReplaysApproachesPauses between cycles (minutes)
1 month6-1212-1532
2 month6-1215-183-41,5 – 2
3 month7-1218-203-41,5 – 2

These are just general values. They may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the student.

The optimal exercises for children in the initial stages are basic complexes for the development of the whole body:

  1. Squats. The back is straight. The heels are “glued” to the floor. You can squat on one leg. After 2-3 months - with dumbbells of 2-3 kg.
  2. Push ups. In any variation, the abdominal muscles should be tense, and the lower back should not bend.
  3. Pull-ups. 1-3 repetitions for 2 circles. Every week this number increases by 1 time, and the number of cycles increases by one every month.

The child must also eat properly. Fish oil is recommended as a supplement. Foods rich in calcium, protein, iron, and glucose are beneficial. These are cottage cheese, seaweed, Hercules porridge, etc.

Regarding children's training, the following question often appears - how can a girl become physically stronger? After all, it is important that it does not spoil the developing figure, and that there is no surge in male hormones.

In such cases it is recommended:

  1. Push ups. The classic (on the palms) according to scheme 2-10 will also work.
  2. Squats. Any variations are suitable, including those with modest weights of 1-2 kg. The intensity is selected individually. Norm: 2 – 10.
  3. Simplified work with light projectiles up to 3 kg.
  4. Jumping rope.

Resistance to old age

But, despite the inexorable facts, a person can control the onset of old age and is able to learn to resist age-related changes. This ability allows you to add years to your life expectancy. And the earlier active training begins, the longer strong people live.

Physical exercise increases life expectancy by about 6-7 years, and this conclusion is a scientifically proven fact. As a result of regular strength training, mitochondrial degradation is inhibited and stem cell muscles are activated.

Harmful exercises for women's health

There are a lot of different exercises in sports that require proper technique. Otherwise, if you ignore the advice of trainers and doctors, you can cause yourself serious injuries, which can even result in a categorical ban on playing sports.

Women's health adds its own rules to these rules, which are based on the good health of the genital organs, pelvis, back and pectoral muscle group. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should understand which exercises should be avoided.

The black list includes squats with heavy weights, excessive load on the obliques, heavy pressing exercises for the chest - these are big taboos that should definitely be excluded from your training!

An effective approach: turning your attention inward

We clearly understand for ourselves that she has left, she has her own life and we draw a line, draw boundaries, separate our lives. We understand that there is only “me” here, there is “me” here, and I need to help myself.

First of all, understand how I got into this situation, what led me to this, and what to do now to get out of this situation and never get into this again.

In order for us not to have similar problems in the future, we need a resource, and in its development this resource begins precisely from the moment when we forget about our ex and begin to look inside ourselves.

The best sport for girls

With the guys everything is simple, as usual. But not many people know how a girl can become physically stronger. It is difficult for a woman to choose the right sport that will not harm her health and will only emphasize her natural beauty.

Here is a list of 10 activities that are best suited for the gentler sex. So, sports for girls:

  1. Crossfit.
  2. Yoga.
  3. Team sports (volleyball, football, basketball, handball and others).
  4. Athletics.
  5. Gymnastics.
  6. Tennis.
  7. Figure skating.
  8. Dancing.
  9. Cycling.
  10. Acrobatics.

They all have their own characteristics, but in any case they do not have a detrimental effect on women’s health, but only strengthen it and give excellent well-being.

What resources are there: 12 types

• Image – how you look and how you position yourself in society;

• Economics – how you handle finances;

• Study – gaining new knowledge;

• Family – your parental family and position in it;

• Art – your creative development;

• Health – your health status;

• Love – do you feel loved and wanted, your relationships, your family;

• Sex is an intimate resource;

• Altruism – do you help people around you;

• Work is your self-realization;

• Friendship – your environment and interactions with people around;

• Trance – the ability to relax and enjoy life alone.

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