Exercises to develop flight, strength, and sonority of voice

The voice is an instrument with which a person can achieve a lot. Yes, that's true - it's not about what you say, but how you say it. Imagine a person who speaks in a squeaky, squeaky voice - he is unlikely to inspire respect or respect in you, you will not think that his opinion is really important. Naturally, if you get to know a person more closely, you can be convinced that he differs from the idea that was formed about him. However, the first impression is always a very strong one, and it's not just about appearance. The chest voice is a much more impressive instrument and can give you much more. Many people mistakenly believe that it is impossible for them to speak unless you were born with it. In fact, you can work on yourself and develop exactly what you would like. In this article you will find basic exercises and techniques that will allow you to develop your chest voice.

What kind of voice is this?

So, do you want to make your voice sound more powerful, influential and overall impressive? If yes, then the tall and squeaky option is definitely not for you, as it does not make people feel good about you. A chest voice is exactly what you need. It sounds deep, booming, velvety, and literally penetrates the interlocutor’s head, making him feel extremely positive towards you. Accordingly, it is precisely to acquire it that you need to aim. Many people will immediately ask the question: “How can I get a chest voice if I don’t have one?” It turns out that this is possible, so the assumption that a person can live his entire life with only one vocal variation is erroneous. You can directly influence how your speech sounds. Why does this happen? Now you will find out about it.

Clinical picture of acute laryngitis upon examination

The main method for diagnosing laryngitis is instrumental and endoscopic laryngoscopy.

For catarrhal laryngitis:

  • the mucous membrane of the larynx is red and swollen
  • vocal folds are pink or bright red, thickened, mobile, do not close completely
  • mucous or mucopurulent secretions may accumulate, which can cause a wet cough

Depending on the form of acute laryngitis, swelling and hyperemia (red mucous), the size of the epiglottis, and narrowing of the lumen of the larynx can be expressed in different ways.

In the complicated (abscessing) form, a spherical formation with translucent purulent contents is determined in the area of ​​the epiglottis.

With stenosis of the larynx, a narrowing of its lumen occurs.

Voice change

In his life, almost everyone has most likely met a person who has a pleasant, deep chest voice. And its sound is actually captivating, making you dream that you have it too. But the time has come to stop dreaming and get down to business - in this article you can learn techniques that will allow you to master your chest voice to perfection. Does this seem impossible? Now you will find out why this is possible.

To do this, it will be easiest for you to compare your body to a musical instrument. Which instrument sounds the most powerful? A big pipe, of course. In most cases, it is the size of the instrument that determines the power of its sound - the same goes for your body. No, this does not mean that the chest voice will only be available to large people - we are talking about the space inside the body that is used during the conversation. Simply put, the vast majority of people breathe exclusively through their lungs, without thinking about the muscles that are responsible for their speech. This is the simplest way to speak, and you will use it automatically, that is, you will not even think about the process of sound production itself. However, you can control the process by increasing the volume your body uses to process air.

You often hear about “belly breathing” - this is the key to success. Due to this, you can increase the volume of the “instrument”, thereby influencing the sound that you can make during a conversation. Now you have to learn in detail about how to speak in a chest voice. There are several exercises that you should pay special attention to.

Laryngeal stenosis

According to the clinical course and size of the airway lumen, four degrees of laryngeal stenosis are distinguished:8

  • Stage of compensation - the lumen of the glottis is 6-8 mm or the narrowing of the tracheal lumen by 1/3
  • Stage of subcompensation - glottis 3-4 mm, tracheal lumen narrowed by ½ or more
  • Stage of decompensation - glottis 2-3 mm, slit-like lumen of the trachea
  • Asphyxia - glottis and/or tracheal lumen 1 mm

!A thorough examination of the larynx can only be performed by an otorhinolaryngologist. The patient cannot independently examine himself and assess the severity of the condition.

Belly breathing

You may already understand that the most important criterion is breathing with the stomach, and not just with the chest. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a woman’s chest voice or a man’s voice, the first step should always be the same. You need to learn to breathe not from the chest, but from the stomach. This is not as easy to do as it seems, but everyone can learn how to do it. In this case, you will gain more control over your vocal abilities, as well as a greater supply of oxygen, which is useful, for example, when singing - which is why all singers first learn to breathe with their belly. However, breathing alone will not be enough - it is also about the muscles. How to develop a chest voice? To do this you will have to try hard.

How to use registers in singing?

Each person has his own individual timbre and voice coloring. Can use multiple registers. His repertoire becomes wider, richer, and brighter in color. But where to start? Here are some tips:

  • determine your range from the lower to the upper register of the singing voice. A tuner or online programs will help. You will understand where it is comfortable to sing, choose the style and compositions that suit you;
  • be sure to use the highest and lowest notes you can hit. This will develop the power of singing and ear for music. Chants and glissandos will stretch the ligaments;
  • observe, analyze other people's singing. Where the singer's voice becomes rougher, lower, where it goes into the upper register.

Finding out your singing voice register and developing vocal coordination is not difficult. You need desire, perseverance and a good teacher.

Soft sky

Everyone has a soft palate - it is located at the base of the throat and is most often in a completely relaxed state, but gets a little tense when you start to speak. Training your chest voice will require complete control of your palate. At first glance, this may seem impossible, since tensing this muscle seems like an impossible task. The reason for this is that people speak automatically, and the soft palate almost never tenses beyond the required level. To change your voice, you will have to learn to contract this muscle - due to this, the outlet from the throat to the mouth will widen, and this will give you a deeper and lower sound.

A little history

Scientists have not yet come to a consensus on the origin of human speech. Archaeological finds indicate that people who lived during the Early Paleolithic period already had a developed vocal apparatus, but whether they communicated with each other using words is unknown.

It is quite possible that sound signals were enough for our primitive ancestors to communicate - with the help of the voice it was possible to sound an alarm, ask for help, express anger or joy. And even today, despite tens of thousands of years separating us from people who lived in prehistory, we can communicate with each other without using words. Of course, such communication will be very limited, but even in this way we can convey information and make sure that we are heard.

Muscle clamps

As you already understand, a lot in this case depends on the muscles, and the main one among them, naturally, is the vocal cords. It's time to compare the human body to a musical instrument again. If you've ever played a guitar, you know that the tighter a string is, the higher the sound, and if it's relaxed, the lower the sound. This is exactly what needs to be achieved in the matter of chest voice - the muscles responsible for producing sound must be relaxed. You can relax them on your own, but you still won’t achieve the desired result. Why? The fact is that in the human body muscle tension is formed on its own, that is, some muscles are constantly in a tense state. As a result, even if you try to relax them, nothing will come of it and your voice will remain high. Now you will find out what you can do about it.

Acute respiratory failure with laryngitis

The severity of clinical manifestations is directly related to the severity of inflammatory changes.

The main symptom of acute respiratory failure is shortness of breath. The following degrees are distinguished depending on severity:

  • I degree of respiratory failure – shortness of breath that occurs during physical exertion.
  • II degree – shortness of breath that occurs with little physical activity (slow walking, washing, dressing).
  • III degree – shortness of breath at rest.7

Sound development

If you try to make a sound in a relaxed state, without particularly straining your throat, it will come out clear and low. This is exactly what you need to achieve. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly train - find the position in which the muscles of the neck and back will be relaxed and in which you will be as comfortable as possible. You can use the position from the previous exercise, or you can choose a different one - for example, lying on the floor. While relaxing, make a long, low sound, trying to achieve maximum clarity. Make sure that your muscles do not tense up, and then you can gradually master a low chest voice.

Symptoms of acute laryngitis

With the catarrhal form of laryngitis, the following complaints are observed:

  • a sore throat
  • sore throat
  • hoarseness, hoarseness, loss of voice
  • dry or wet cough
  • difficulty breathing when inhaling
  • dyspnea
  • deterioration in general health, headache, weakness
  • increase in body temperature to 37.1-38.06

Symptoms of laryngitis in phlegmonous (asbestos) form::

  • difficulty swallowing
  • dyspnea
  • febrile temperature (38-39 degrees) reflects the addition of inflammation or the transition of catarrhal inflammation of the larynx to phlegmonous
  • there is increasing symptomatology of laryngeal stenosis

And these exercises are for “building up” sexual energy

– There is a type of breathing called “testicular breathing” or “uterine breathing”. We need to inhale as low as possible into the stomach, so that the entire lower abdomen inflates, and when we exhale (just with air or with the voice), push the air out not only with the diaphragm, but also with the pelvis, and draw in the entire lower abdomen.

The voice then sounds, so to speak, from the “root chakra.” Thanks to this breathing practice, the internal organs are massaged, and blood and lymph begin to flow to the lower abdomen.

– I know for sure that there should be exercises that kill two birds with one stone: both to speak clearly and to improve your ability to perform oral sex...

– Yes, many men complain: I get tired of doing cunnilingus to my girlfriend for a long time. You can cause psychological trauma to a woman for life if during cunnilingus you ask: “Well, what are you doing, soon? I'm already tired."

So, in order not to screw it up, here’s an exercise that works with the tongue and helps build clearer articulation.

With your lips closed, you need to draw 10 slow circles with your tongue (under the lips to the cheeks) in one direction and in the opposite direction. A mouthful of saliva comes up (a dry tongue is the enemy of orgasms), and the whole tongue really gets excited: the root, the back, the tip - everything works.

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Rolling the sound “r-r-r”: you need to smile (make a grin) and rock the sound with a smooth transition from hard to soft. At first it is difficult, but over time you can roll your tongue without any problems, and you can do this not at all as part of articulation exercises.

When it comes to blowjobs, it's great to develop your laryngeal muscles for the famous "deep throat" technique.

– What breathing exercises do you recommend for couples to get in tune?

– There are breathing exercises that are known from tantra. Sit opposite each other: she inhales, and you exhale - ring breathing, as if you are passing the breath to each other.

Synchronized breathing: equal inhalation and exhalation. Be sure not to touch each other and look into each other's eyes.

There are also vocal attunements - “sound synergy”: two or more people play the same note in the same position (you need to catch the same position of the larynx as your partner).

When two pictures - body and sound - coincide, synergy occurs: the sound unfolds around you in such a dome, as if you were singing in a church or in a huge bell. It is also important to sit or stand opposite each other, you can even sing into each other’s mouths.

Synergy not only attunes, it also “unites souls” - tension is erased, ego dissolves. I sometimes do this with clients. If a person is anxious, self-conscious, or unable to relax, I suggest we “sound” together - and it’s as if we’ve known each other for centuries.

Practice: the best exercises for lovers

– Let’s go over the recipe for a sexy voice again: subtone, intonation, chest register. How to “deepen” your voice?

– The singing position inside the larynx is three points: when the larynx goes down (low voice), when the larynx goes deep (rounded) and up (flying).

When we train the larynx in this mode—relaxing it and building that nice, beautiful half-yawn—we get a deep, free voice that has access to sensual alpha notes.

The alpha voice is a chesty, voluminous voice, filled with vital energy and tone, a free voice that is not compressed anywhere. How to make such a voice? Work on your clamps and learn to easily move your voice to any point in the speech apparatus.

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A post shared by Vocal Image (@vocalimage) on Sep 12, 2022 at 1:04am PDT

– I heard from you that women have a better voice after orgasm. That's it, we're lucky - we don't have to work on our speech image, but just masturbate more?

– Masturbating is good not only for your voice. But masturbation alone cannot solve all problems.

In women, orgasms actually increase their vocal range, and some singers take advantage of this. In our modest crowd, this is what they call: “tuning up the singer before the concert.”

The vagina and vocal cords are similar in appearance (watch this video - some people are even scared for the first time). These organs are interconnected: when a woman has her period, the ligaments swell and loosen, making it difficult to sing and sound clear.

When a woman experiences an orgasm, the vaginal muscles contract and the ligaments “blink.” It’s like standing up and stretching for our body: the voice becomes fresher, high notes are easier to hit.

If you urgently need to adjust your voice (for example, to lower it and so that it is freed from the clamp of the larynx), then the best way is to throw up. When we feel sick, our entire larynx contracts wildly - and thus frees itself from the clamp. It sounds crazy, but it works.

A less effective but accessible way is to yawn.

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