What is a method? Fairytale therapy is a method of psychological influence on a person that promotes the development
A weak person is not one who cannot do something, but one who can do nothing.
What to do if you are too sensitive. And it's noticeable If you can't stand bright
October 29, 2019 Psychology of relationships Michael Michaelis Unfortunately, girls have to imitate quite often
Spectrophobia is the fear of seeing a mirror or mirror image. Another type of this phobia is
Psychasthenics are quite easy to recognize from the crowd; they are quite suspicious and anxious. Can often inflate
The process of cognition of the external world is one of the areas studied by psychology. Modern science is
At different times in our lives, we all, in one way or another, face the need to speak in front of
Many people are familiar with the situation when a child loses the desire to learn, he becomes less attentive, and stops
Character is a relatively stable combination of psychological traits and personality qualities that manifest themselves in