What is self-control and how to learn it, techniques

Self-control is the ability of an individual to maintain inner calm, as well as act carefully and wisely in difficult life situations. The origin of self-control is associated with behavioral stereotypes - social and cultural attitudes that are instilled from childhood. The sense of self-control includes resistance to any emerging situations, a firm hand and a confident look, accurate reaction and quick calculation, as well as control over both one’s own and others’ emotions.

Endurance and self-control

The strong-willed qualities that characterize self-control include endurance, determination, and courage.
Self-controlled individuals are marked by the ability and habit to control their behavior and their movements. Such individuals know how to control themselves and their speech, and are able to refrain from unconscious actions. Endurance and great will are the ability to achieve and wish for something, as well as the ability to force yourself to give up something when necessary. A self-controlled person is able to restrain his feelings, will not allow impulsive actions, will control his mood, and in the most difficult conditions he will not lose his presence of mind, will maintain composure, and will be able to pull himself together. A self-possessed person is patient and resilient, both in relation to long-term (boring work, aching pain, tedious waiting) and short-term stimuli (for example, sharp pain). He knows how, if necessary, to endure hardships and hardships that cause him physical suffering and, when necessary, to restrain his needs (thirst, hunger, the need for rest). E.P. Ilyin classifies self-control as a collective volitional characteristic that includes courage, endurance, and partly determination.

Fundamental and important personality traits for a leader are the ability to cope with the external expression of emotions, while remaining calm in an extreme situation, not reacting to stimuli and maintaining inner calm.

Self-control is associated with self-regulation and self-control of emotional behavior, as well as with self-restraint of emotional response, which depends on the relationship between intelligence and affect.

Identify the main irritants

That is, situations, steps or things that irritate you the most. We recommend making a list by hand and re-reading it periodically. This is also a type of marker: when you realize that you always react to the same situation in the same way, it is easier for you to mentally prepare for it and strengthen your ability to control yourself.

The irritants can be specific people: “ex”, bosses, relatives, colleagues at work, anyone. In this case, it is best to keep contact to a minimum.

The Art of Self-Control

Self-control refers to the art of tact, tolerance, and patience. The art of self-control is marked by the ability to act rationally rather than emotionally. Self-control allows you to rule not only over yourself, but also over other individuals. This feeling helps in making the right decisions, especially in extreme situations. Self-control makes it possible to see this world through the prism of calm, as well as self-confidence. In everyday life, self-control is manifested in the ability to suppress desires and strong inclinations, the ability to control emotional impulses and show determination, as well as control behavior when fear arises.

Self-control is manifested in the following forms: patience (endure difficulties and inconvenience), abstinence (self-denial - refusal of harmful and reasonable use of useful), equanimity, tranquility (state of balance, peace and tranquility), self-discipline, perseverance (maintaining devotion and fidelity at the time of trials and temptations).

Definition of the concept

Self-control is a personal trait that develops as a result of fruitful work on oneself. No one is born so strong and rational as to be able to immediately overcome their own emotions. However, this can and should be learned.

Self-control is, to some extent, a condition for seeing one’s own prospects. Anyone who is so insecure that he cannot identify individual values ​​and dreams is incapable of managing his emotional state.

How to Maintain Composure

Often, impressionable and unbalanced natures do not know how to cope without special shocks with a stressful situation for the nervous system.

Loss of self-control and control over your emotions occurs due to the response of the brain and endocrine system to stress, which is triggered by complex chemical processes in the body. Simply put, it's all about hormones. However, for some reason, some are able to control their behavior during quarrels, while for other individuals conflicts end with breaking dishes, cursing, fists and slaps.

Self-control refers to the ability to think clearly during times of emotional stress, and this ability is highly individual. In many ways, this ability depends on behavioral stereotypes - cultural and social attitudes that are instilled from an early age. And what for some people is a sign of bad taste, for others it is the norm. That is why completely different reactions are observed in similar situations. The ability to maintain composure is influenced by the characteristics of the nervous system and psyche, physical condition, and stressful situation. If a person is tired, hungry, in physical pain, or in an unresolved interpersonal conflict, then it is likely that it will be very difficult to restrain himself. A person who knows how to control his emotions will not be ashamed of his behavior later. This is a big plus. However, there are also disadvantages.

It has long been proven that there is a connection between health status and negative emotions. Carefully hidden emotional experiences, accumulating, deplete the nervous system.

Unexpressed aggression will make itself felt over time, for example, taking the form of chronic fatigue syndrome, increased irritability, or some kind of disease. Therefore, controlling negative emotions is important in order to then easily get rid of them.

Some individuals maintain self-control by relieving tension during outdoor activities, sleep, sports, or love. Others unwind from the adrenaline rush of watching horror films, riding roller coasters or bungee jumping.

How to learn self-control? In order not to go deeper into a state of continuous stress, you need to choose an effective way to release the accumulated negativity. You should not accumulate situations where you have to suppress aggression and anger, assuring yourself that everything is fine and nothing happened. You should learn to develop a physiological response to a stressful situation, letting off steam not by screaming, but by using a civilized form of aggression. If you feel the accumulation of a large amount of negative energy, you should direct it for peaceful purposes, for example, try to resolve issues in the heat of rage that are difficult to resolve in a normal state.

If you are unable to respond appropriately to the offender, you can take advantage of relieving emotional stress with the help of a swimming pool, fitness, yoga, or spas. How not to lose composure? It is necessary to control your feelings, desires, thoughts, intentions, impulses, actions and words. It is important to learn to evaluate yourself and carry out self-analysis of your actions.

Loss of self-control manifests itself in weakening self-control and self-discipline.

Self-control is expressed in the fact that the individual goes deeper into his inner world, evaluating and analyzing it. By assessing his feelings, thoughts, desires, a person determines for himself their acceptability.

How to maintain composure? In order not to lose self-control, you must have self-discipline. After finding out which thought, desire, feeling is alien to us, and which is for the good, it is necessary to correctly respond to these manifestations: either embody, develop, cultivate, support, or suppress, eradicate, suppress. The individual suppresses and eradicates the bad in himself, and develops and cultivates the good.

Control of emotions

In a situation where emotions take over you, you need to reduce the emotional intensity or switch to other emotions. The following techniques can help here:

  • Distance. Take a walk, go to another room, or visit. Distance perfectly neutralizes negative impulses.
  • Sport. A few push-ups or pull-ups will reduce the intensity of passions, and to completely put your thoughts in order, do a full workout.
  • Visualization of pleasant memories. Imagine some positive experience as vividly and with all the details as possible, focus on it.

unsplash.com / @markdaynes

Exercise “Don't cry / Don't laugh”

Find a movie or video that evokes strong emotions in you. Something that inevitably makes you laugh or cry. Play the video and try to curb your feelings this time. Use the self-control techniques described above. For example, think about something else or pause and walk around the room. You can also get a self-monitoring diary and analyze your feelings.

How to develop self-control

There are several feasible first aid remedies for developing self-control:

  • ignoring external stimuli, for example, for training, you can use a phone call that rings at the wrong time. The individual’s task is to ignore the call, in this way one can learn to abstract from other stimuli that throw oneself out of balance;
  • delaying time and not immediately reacting to the opponent’s explosive reaction, while using a count of ten;
  • the ability to switch your attention and relax at the right moment.

A state of stress, excessive fatigue, and tension cause chemical reactions in the body that negatively affect behavior. Both the body and the psyche need relaxation and rest. To do this, it is necessary to create in the imagination a place to which the individual will mentally move as soon as he feels tired or overexerted. This could be, for example, an autumn park, a room with a soft chair, a beach with palm trees - everything that can lead to a state of tranquility and the return of comfort. You need to find within yourself that support point that will replenish your reserves of vital energy.

Act calm

Physical signs of equanimity suppress emotional activity; we discussed the reason for this phenomenon above using the example of breathing control. But not only breathing can return your well-being to normal; there are even more interesting psychological tricks. For example, a person is not capable of feeling fear when he eats. Eating is closely related to safety, because at the dawn of human history, one was impossible without the other. You can reduce the impact of emotion in almost any situation by simply chewing something. Also, an excellent medicine against strong feelings is laughter. A fit of real laughter can destroy all negative emotions at once, so much so that you won’t even remember them. So, if you urgently need to get rid of annoying anxiety, take a couple of minutes to read jokes or watch a funny video on YouTube.

How to Develop Self-Control: Exercises and Tips

Self-control is the ability to control momentary impulses and reactions. Another name for this quality is self-discipline. This type of behavior is not restrictive in a negative sense, as it may initially seem. When used wisely, self-control becomes one of the most important tools for achieving success and personal development. There are often many obstacles in life on the way to your desired goals. To overcome them, you need to act with persistence, and this, of course, requires a high level of self-control. In addition, this quality is critical for working through fears, obsessions, and addictions. Self-discipline helps a person gain control over his own life, behavior and reactions. It improves relationships, helps develop patience, achieve happiness and satisfaction. On the other hand, insufficiently developed self-control often leads to failures in work and personal life, overeating and other bad habits, and health problems.

How exactly does self-control help in everyday life?

  • The developed quality of self-discipline allows you to quickly notice manifestations of self-destructive, addictive or obsessive behavior;
  • Gives a feeling of power over your life, brings balance and harmony;
  • Helps keep overly emotional reactions normal;
  • Develops emotional and mental independence from surrounding people and circumstances, which significantly affects the subjective feeling of peace and tranquility;
  • Helps overcome feelings of helplessness;
  • Self-control allows you to gain self-confidence, high self-esteem, and inner strength;
  • Makes a person responsible and trustworthy.

Obstacles to developing self-discipline:

  • Lack of knowledge, understanding of what self-control actually is;
  • Strong and uncontrollable emotional reactions;
  • The speed and immediacy of these reactions to stimuli from the outside world, the thoughtlessness of actions;
  • Weak desire to change, to become better;
  • Insufficiently developed willpower;
  • A subjective view of the development of self-control as an unpleasant and boring activity; the conviction that there is no place for entertainment in the life of a disciplined person;
  • Lack of faith in yourself and your abilities.

How to develop self-control? Brief algorithm of actions

So, what is the general algorithm that allows you to gain control over yourself and develop the much-needed willpower?

  • First, you need to identify those areas of life where you lack this quality. For example, this could be shopping, overeating, smoking, workaholism, drinking, obsessions.
  • Next, you need to identify those emotions in relation to which the use of self-discipline is required. Perhaps it is anger, regret, resentment or resentment, fear.
  • The next step is to identify the thoughts and beliefs that lead to uncontrollable behavior.
  • Several times a day, especially in those moments when the need for self-control is highest, it is necessary to repeat various affirmations. These could be phrases like:
  • I am in complete control of my life;
  • I have the willpower to choose my emotions and thoughts;
  • Self-control brings me inner strength and success;
  • I am in complete control of my emotions and behavior;
  • Day by day my ability to self-discipline increases.
  • Next, you need to visualize your own behavior within the framework of self-control and self-restraint. You need to consider a life situation in which you lack discipline and imagine yourself reacting calmly.
  • The most important step is to do exercises to develop willpower.

On the subject: What to do if everything infuriates and irritates you? 13 tips on how to quickly calm down and stop being nervous

Practical steps to develop willpower

  • Train your willpower through small actions. Many modern researchers, including the author of the famous publication “Willpower” Kelly McGonigal, compare the development of the ability to self-control with regular muscle training. In order to use the “will muscle,” it must first be activated and then gradually trained. Since, like physical muscles, willpower is subject to exhaustion, exercise should be gradual but regular. In addition, volitional potential usually ends by the end of the day. Therefore, it is recommended to perform unpleasant or uninteresting tasks and activities in the morning. Willpower training can include activities such as gradually cleaning your apartment, using your non-dominant hand for routine tasks, and developing the habit of meditating every day. You can also try keeping your back straight throughout the day, abstaining from the Internet or TV for a day or two, and introducing a ban on obscene language. The fact that these tasks seem ordinary, in fact, only enhances their effect. By doing them, you teach your brain not to give in to impulses, to put a pause between emotion and action.
  • Reduce stress levels. Chronic stress is the main enemy of self-control. Why are there so many gluttons, alcoholics and gambling addicts among people who live in big cities of wealthy, economically developed countries? The reason for this is chronic stress that accumulates throughout life. Difficulties at work and in personal life, disturbing news on television, uncertainty about the future - all this ultimately takes its toll. From a successful member of the middle class, a person can quickly turn into a complete failure. The fact is that human volitional resources, unfortunately, are exhaustible. To develop willpower, try to minimize stress in your life as much as possible. After all, if you deplete your volitional resources in one area of ​​life, then there simply won’t be enough for the development of another.
  • Choose your ideal. Finding yourself in difficult circumstances and losing faith in your own strengths, it can be very difficult to continue pursuing the goals you once set. Nowadays, the role of “idols” is often played by singers or actors, Hollywood stars. However, often their biographies not only do not give faith in human capabilities, but are also a negative example of what human life can be. After all, among modern stars there are also many people with alcohol, drug addiction, or simply unhappy in their personal lives. Therefore, the choice of a role model must be approached carefully. Meanwhile, the world provides a huge number of examples of strong-willed human behavior. The ideal that allows you to gain confidence in the capabilities of the human spirit can be friends or relatives, heroes of films, books, or political figures.
  • Declare war on laziness. Reluctance to take on things that do not arouse interest is one of the indicators of poorly developed willpower. You can fight laziness in several ways: making a to-do list, prioritizing, using the “carrot and stick” method. These methods should be used simultaneously. A to-do list needs to be compiled constantly - this way you will train yourself to complete work on time. If there are a lot of things to do, you can’t do without ranking them by importance. You don’t need to tackle everything at once; you can start small. After this, it will be much easier to get involved in work. And finally, you need to reward yourself for achievements and punish yourself for not achieving what you planned. After all, our brain, despite the ability for logical thinking and other achievements of evolution, still has the properties of the brain of Pavlov’s dog.

Self-control is one of the most important and useful qualities that every person should have. Unfortunately, even while recognizing the value of a disciplined life, many people do very little to develop it. Contrary to popular belief, self-control does not mean cruelty towards yourself or a limited, ascetic lifestyle. This irreplaceable quality of character only helps to gain power over one’s behavior, emotional reactions, and thoughts. The recommendations given for developing self-control will also help those wondering how to develop stress resistance. Well-developed self-control gives you the strength to stick to your decisions. It is a mandatory requirement to achieve your goals.

Identify markers of loss of control

A marker is a certain feature of physiology or behavior that can play the role of a “warning light”, signaling an imminent loss of endurance. All people are different, so everyone has their own individual markers. You can identify them by observing yourself in stressful situations. General signs are characteristic of almost everyone:

  • change in complexion - redness with anger and pallor with severe fear;
  • shiver;
  • sweating;
  • strong gestures;
  • raising your voice;
  • increasing speech speed.

Most often, the signs on the list mean that control has already been lost, so it is advisable to create your own list of individual markers in order to recognize danger as early as possible and develop self-control.

Endurance - how to train

1. How to train endurance? Self-control is, first of all, your ability to control your behavior, speech, and refrain from actions that are considered unnecessary or harmful in given conditions. Will is not only the ability to set a goal and achieve it, but also the ability to give up something when necessary. Without brakes there can be no car, just as without brakes there can be no endurance, and therefore no will.

2. You must control your feelings, behavior, control your mood, and avoid aggressive actions. Even in difficult situations, never lose your peace of mind and calm, as they form a sober mind. You must be resilient and full of patience, both to short-term irritants, for example, toothache, unpleasant sounds, etc., and to long-term ones: long waits, routine work, aching pain.

3. Also, to start training endurance, you first of all need to start getting good sleep - at least eight, nine hours a day. Since lack of sleep sharply increases the likelihood of stress. And as a result, there is a decrease in restraint.

4. If anger and aggression have accumulated in you, a boxing sports section, for example, may be a very good way to dispose of it. Where you will throw out your negative energy on sports equipment and sparring partners. Training endurance requires a lot of patience and self-control.

5. First of all, think about what interferes with your psychological peace and balance. What makes you most susceptible to stress, insomnia and psychological distress. After all, over time, all this becomes systematic, and you become aggressive, conflictual and unrestrained.

6. Awaken to yourself. If you devote all your time to work, then you are a mechanical robot. You live in a world of services and technology, not for it. Be that as it may, and no matter how busy your working day is, try to rest, at least every two hours for 10 minutes. Go to the wild nature, relax mentally and physically. Remember how the stream gurgles, the smell of grass, etc. After all, living nature is very good at helping you relax and gain new strength.

7. Divide your condition into two categories - at home and at work. Everything that happens at work remains within its walls, everything that happens at home remains there. And these two states should not affect each other. Most people, leaving work, continue to think about it throughout the evening, and this affects their relationships with family and friends.

8. Don’t stop working on yourself if you suddenly notice that your psychological state has worsened due to stress, fatigue, or quarrels. Try to improve it as quickly as possible. It is better to “repair” the psyche on the fly than to wait until it breaks down completely. Smile more often, because with a smile on your face you can overcome all failures and adversity.


A teacher, for example, must have the ability to maintain self-control. When children begin to misbehave in class, trying to disrupt it, the teacher has to demonstrate this quality to the fullest. He must resist the desire to shout or kick the main “ringleaders” out of the lesson, but calmly and firmly inform students about the inadmissibility of such behavior in such a way as not to offend anyone, but also not to leave the opportunity to disrupt the lesson.

Another example of people who do not lose their composure is the military. Often these people have to see things that a civilian would never dream of in his nightmares. But they must remain calm to preserve their own health and life, as well as those of their comrades or personnel entrusted to them.

Doctors are also people with highly developed self-control. Regardless of what the situation is, they must remain sober, continue their activities and ensure the recovery of their patients. Surgeons, resuscitators, traumatologists and emergency medical personnel should have the best knowledge of their condition.

How to learn self-control and find inner peace

The head of a huge, worldwide organization has spent many years developing a program through which you can learn self-control and find inner peace. Since 1958, he has been the head of the Catholic Church under the name of Pope John XXIII. His “ten rules of calm” apply to only one day - the one you have to live today. From the Rules of John XXIII you can gain tools for personal effectiveness and self-motivation. Previously learned skills do not last a lifetime. You must always confidently and cheerfully move towards your goal. Some quickly give up and fall back into their old familiar state of business rush.

The head of a huge, worldwide organization faced the same problem. He has spent many years developing a program through which you can learn self-control and find inner peace.

The leader in question was named Giuseppe Roncalli (1881-1963). From 1958 until his death, he was the head of the Catholic Church under the name of Pope John XXIII. This man called joy and inner peace the pillars on which his life rested.

His “ten rules of calm” apply to only one day - the one you have to live today. From the Rules of John XXIII you can gain tools for personal effectiveness and self-motivation.

These are the rules.


Today I will try to live the day simply - without trying to solve all the problems of my life at once.

2. Concerns

Today I will especially take care of my behavior and try to be honest with others. I won't criticize anyone. I will not correct and strive to make others better - only myself.

3. Happiness

Today I will be happy from the knowledge that I was created for happiness - not only in another, but also in this world.

4. Realism

It is today that I will adapt to circumstances without demanding that circumstances adapt to my desires.

5. Reading

Today I will devote 10 minutes of my time to reading a good work. Just as food is essential for the body, quality reading is essential for the mind.

6. Action

Today I will do a good deed. And I won’t tell anyone about this.

7. Overcoming

Today is the day I will do something that I don't like. If I get hard, I'll make sure no one notices.


Today I will create for myself a clear program of action for this day. I may not be able to complete it completely. But I will write down what I haven’t done, and thereby save myself from two evils - haste and indecision.


Today I will stop being afraid. And especially - to be afraid to rejoice in what is beautiful - and so I will believe in goodness.

Ability to be honest

Why is sincerity so important here? Oddly enough, it matters how open a person can be both to himself and to the people around him. The most important thing is to learn not to deceive yourself, not to try to make excuses in some difficult situations. Anyone who is honest with himself has great endurance and a sound mind. Sincerity is also good for developing self-control. After all, if we are aware of everything that happens to us, then it becomes much easier to work with our feelings and develop strengths. In this case, self-control is as important as the ability to admit your own mistakes.

Option No. 1 - the camera is stationary

The first way to photograph moving subjects is to hold the camera still, ideally with a tripod. This will blur any moving objects, leaving any stationary objects in sharp focus.

ISO 200, f/4.5, 1/8 second.

I didn't use a tripod here (it's not allowed though) and I stayed in this metro station for a few minutes trying to get a good shot.

So I pressed myself against one of the pillars, pressed my elbows to my ribs and took several frames in a row in burst mode. Some of them were blurry, but I managed to get a few sharp ones.

TIP: This is a little trick you can use if you don't have a tripod! Take several shots in a row and usually at least one will be sharp.

These are the same settings as in the picture above.

Notice in the photo above that the man in the yellow shirt has moved into the frame. I like how his t-shirt and the yellow line on the ground sort of match and add balance to the image

Keep in mind, I shot 42 images in 10 minutes, during which time several trains came and went and I ended up with one usable photo!

So don't be discouraged if you don't get what you want on the first try! Photography is a creative process that often requires patience.

Here are some other examples where using a long shutter speed captured some moving subject.

Fireworks! This is another example where a long shutter speed is needed to show movement. ISO 200, f/16, 2.5 seconds.

Headlight tracks for scooters and cars in Hanoi. When you shoot with a long exposure at night, the camera only captures the light trails left by the headlights and taillights, and you get something like this

Please note that you cannot see real cars! ISO 200, f/16, 25 seconds

Light painting, which I mentioned earlier, is another technique that requires using a long shutter speed of ISO 100, f/5.6, 15 seconds.

The person in this photo is simply outlined by a lit sparkler, then illuminated by a flash, while the ground is illuminated by a flashlight. It was a group effort!

WARNING: Like the cars in the image above, you cannot see other people even if they were in the frame. Because they were in motion the entire time and did not illuminate themselves, they did NOT appear in the photo

You can also use a slow shutter speed to eliminate unwanted people in your photos.

I took this photo of my friends in Kyoto. They rented a kimono and we did a photo shoot. In the long exposure, most of the people walking down the street either disappeared or were very blurry. ISO 800, f/4.1/2 second.

ISO 400, f/20, 4 seconds.

In this one, I didn't want to get rid of other people, but I wanted them to be blurred. So I waited for a group to pass by and used a slow shutter speed and a tripod to capture this shot. ISO 160, f/20, 1 second.

Finally this shot, there were a lot of tourists in this place and I had to use a very long shutter speed to keep them out of my photo. ISO 400, f/8, 120 seconds (2 minutes). At least a dozen people walked right here during the exhibit. If one of them stopped for more than 20 seconds, they would appear in the frame, so I took several pictures to get this one.

Strength of character

Great success is achieved not by those who are very lucky, but by those who are patient and persistent. The ability to act through defeat and anxiety takes a lot of work. Self-control in psychology is the cultivation of appropriate character qualities necessary for self-realization. The ability to be persistent and purposeful is born from within and comes to a person at the right time. That is, when he feels the need to show firmness and control the situation.

Losing self-control is always very unpleasant and fraught with many consequences. First of all, the person loses contact with himself, the ability to control his own emotions. You need to work on your character every day to achieve specific results. Try not to run away from problems that arise, but to solve them. In order to simplify your task, you can break one large difficulty into several small components.

Flexibility of mind

In life, external conditions often change. And this is completely natural. While we are tuning into one wave, the situation can change dramatically. Most people in this case get lost, they lose strength and motivation for action, some openly give up their positions. Only a strong person is able to go through significant obstacles and not regret the choice he made. Self-control helps you not to stop halfway, but to complete the job you started. How to grow it in yourself? You need to work very hard, be prepared for the fact that it will be painful and difficult. You should also not perceive a specific situation as unchangeable. Understand that every problem can be solved.

You need to learn to accept current events as life lessons and treat them positively. Don't beat yourself up over mistakes you've made in the past, there's no point in that. Look ahead in order to find a significant goal in the future that you would like to get closer to.

Deliberate action

Everyone knows that the right decisions are made not in the heat of the moment, not under the influence of strong emotions, but with a cool head. Don't rush into concluding an important deal. It is necessary to use your judgment as much as possible and carefully analyze the available details. Be fair to yourself, try to adequately assess your own prospects. To do this, think: what prevents you from feeling more calm and purposeful in some cases?

Self-control is when, instead of taking a bunch of unnecessary actions, you choose and take only one, but one that will be useful to both yourself and those around you. People actually quickly get used to the fact that someone sacrifices their time or values ​​for their benefit, but are not always ready to do the same in return.

Desire to overcome difficulties

Unfortunately, not every person has such a need. Some of us, finding ourselves in a difficult or unfamiliar situation, get lost and don’t know what to do. Instead of taking a decisive step, the person suddenly begins to take a set of chaotic, unrelated actions. This behavior is called avoidance of reality, when the problem remains unresolved for quite a long time. Many people choose this line of behavior, preferring escape from difficulties to a constructive approach. Of course, it turns out to be much easier to go with the flow than to set real goals and try to solve them.

The desire to overcome difficulties is dictated by the maturity of the individual, the maturation of his motivational sphere. When a person clearly knows why he needs this or that achievement, as a rule, unnecessary questions do not arise. In a state of readiness comes strength for action. Such a concept as “self-control” necessarily correlates with the intention to go to the end, to be true to one’s desires.

Which mode should I choose?

Many people prefer to shoot in full manual mode (M), but I usually choose one of the other two options: aperture priority (Av or A) or shutter priority (T or Tv).

One of the reasons is that it allows me to shoot faster and not have to worry about whether the exposure will be correct.

However, I periodically review my photos and check the histogram to make sure I'm getting good exposure.

The histogram looks like this, if you don’t know what it is for and how to use it, read this article “How to use the histogram”.

If you're comfortable shooting in manual mode, then go for it! All this means is that you choose all three exposure parameters: ISO, aperture and shutter speed.

In the other two modes, you select ISO, then either shutter speed or aperture, and the camera chooses the other. But since this article is about freezing and motion blur, shutter priority mode is more suitable for us.

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