Universal characteristics of the socialization process

Socialization of an individual is a person’s mastery of basic social norms, values, culture, standards of relationship models in the society to which the individual belongs. It consists of accepting and mastering the values, morals, norms of behavior, and knowledge prevailing in society. Socialization contains agents and institutions that specialize in the processes of introducing an individual to society.

Socialization is divided


  1. Primary – mastery of a basic set of values ​​and behavior patterns in society by a child;
  2. Secondary – mastery of a new value-normative basis by an adult individual.

Socialization process: what is it?

Definition 1
Socialization acts as one of the processes of a person’s mastery of a certain system of norms and values, as well as knowledge. It is this system that allows him to further carry out successful life activities, as well as function as a full member of society. Socialization includes a targeted impact on the individual, that is, it is primarily an educational process.

The stages of socialization coincide with the age characteristics and characteristics of a person. Today, researchers identify two key stages of socialization:

  • Primary socialization of the individual;
  • Secondary socialization of the individual.

The primary socialization of an individual is associated with the acquisition of the most basic, initial knowledge about culture and the surrounding world. The individual masters initial ideas about the world, as well as the nature of his relationships with other people. A particularly important period of primary socialization of an individual is adolescence. A person at this age is especially conflicted, and this is associated with human activity, capabilities and abilities of the child, which exceed the prescribed limits of behavior.

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As for secondary socialization, it occurs in several aspects of a person’s life. Firstly, this is his professional socialization. It is directly related to the acquisition of special skills and knowledge that an individual needs to find employment and organize his career. It is also very important to join a certain type of subculture, in which the individual acquires new cultural experience and begins to perceive norms and a value system of a completely different order. Thanks to this, professional socialization expands an individual’s contacts, helping him try on as many social roles as possible.

Secondly, let us mention the inclusion of the individual in the system of social division of labor as the second level of secondary socialization. The level presupposes adaptation in professional circles, as well as self-realization in other social institutions, for example, in the institution of the family. The speed of social change in modern societies may lead to the need for so-called resocialization. A person has to completely change his picture of the world, abandon his worldview, acquire new knowledge and values ​​instead of those that are already boring and outdated.

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The last stage of socialization is retirement age. Here the individual loses his professional skills; he can no longer be as active in work or any other activity. Its retrainability also becomes more difficult. The period is characterized by changes in a person’s lifestyle and thinking.

Activity-competence approach

The modern school gives preference to the activity-competence approach. The student is assigned the role of the main character, while the teacher is associated with the key figure. When assessing the education received at this stage, social results are taken into account.

Rubinshtein S.L. did not equate development, education and training. He was convinced that the development of a child occurs through the process of learning and upbringing. Moreover, the psychologist perceived training and upbringing as auxiliary elements of the child’s development process. There was no talk at all about taking them outside of this process. The manifestation and formation of character traits, personal mental properties and inherent abilities of children are possible exclusively within the framework of the children’s activities. This feature prompted scientists to think about the need to formulate a separate psychological thesis, according to which schoolchildren need a specific organization of the educational process. The activities carried out by children within this process were designated as educational.

Society needs people who meet certain criteria. The latter are clearly articulated cultural, ethical, social and religious ideals characteristic of a social community or group. The inherent features of ideals are determined by belonging to a specific political and social system, cultural and socio-economic development, and traditions that have developed over centuries.

The main goal of socialization is the formation of a person in accordance with the requirements put forward by society. Every individual who is a member of society must meet criteria acceptable to society. This is the main task of socialization, the successful implementation of which is impossible without compiling a list of socially significant and, to some extent, mandatory qualities inherent in the majority of citizens living in the territory of the state. These qualities can be used to assess schoolchildren in terms of readiness for life in society and determine the level of their social development.

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Functions and role

Socialization in psychology is a phenomenon that performs the following functions:

  • normative and regulatory function. It shapes human activity with the help of certain influences on him from social institutions that regulate the social way of life;
  • personal-transformative function. It consists of individualizing a person through the formation of his need-motivational sphere, as well as a system of values ​​and ideals;
  • creative function. At the stage of its implementation, a person has a need for self-realization through creative activity, solving situations in non-standard ways;
  • communication and information function. It ensures a person’s relationship with society, gives the individual information about the characteristics of interaction and the desired lifestyle;
  • procreative function. Consists of generating a willingness to act in a certain way;
  • value-orientation function. It forms a system of values ​​that determine a person’s lifestyle;
  • compensatory function. Replenishes the deficiency of necessary physical, mental and intellectual properties and qualities of a person.

The role of socialization is:

  • self-disclosure of personality (society is given indirectly, through a set of individual life programs);
  • adaptation of the individual to the social environment (individuality adapts to external conditions, maintaining the initially specified essential parameters);
  • mastering a certain set of patterns (the individual is ready to accept some proposed patterns of behavior);
  • building a personality according to a given prototype (the individual is completely subordinate to the society that creates him according to a certain plan).

Forms of manifestations

Socialization in psychology is a process during which a person perceives and masters social experience depending on his subjective characteristics.

Socialization can manifest itself in the following ways:

  • the personality easily adapts to social conditions;
  • the individual acquires values, attitudes and norms of behavior in society;
  • the personality reproduces socially approved patterns of behavior in society;
  • human activity is aimed at moral behavior, the development of humanistic values;
  • in life a person constantly develops his personal qualities;
  • the individual identifies himself with social roles;
  • In the process of development, a person becomes intellectually mature and acquires the ability to analyze;
  • the individual is responsible for his actions to the collective;
  • the individual develops self-awareness and learns to reflect.


1. Andreeva G.M. Social psychology: Textbook, 2003.

2. Socialization of the individual in society [Electronic resource]. / Access mode: https://www.grandars.ru/college/sociologiya/socializaciya-lichnosti.html

3. Stages and mechanisms of socialization [Electronic resource]. / Access mode: https://www.grandars.ru/college/sociologiya/mehanizmy-socializacii.html

4.Structure of personality orientation [Electronic resource]. / Access mode: https://studopedia.net/10_49037_struktura-napravlennosti-lichnosti.html

5. Socialization of the individual. Stages of personality socialization [Electronic resource]. / Access mode: https://www.edu-psycho.ru/socializaciya-lichnosti.html


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Stages of personality socialization

It has been noted that one of the main goals of socialization is to overcome one’s egocentrism. Entering any social group requires an understanding that “you are not alone.” This is considered one of the signs of growing up. It is known that a child up to a certain age perceives himself as the center of the universe, and this is his natural state. Subsequently, we observe what is called youthful maximalism: the teenager continues to consider himself “the very best,” the one and only, but is faced with an abundance of the same “one and only” around him. This leads to conflicts, often serious ones.

Individuals who have not undergone socialization for some reason retain for a long time the characteristics characteristic of children or “newcomers.” Those around them perceive them as infantile and narrow-minded people, but in reality everything is more complicated. If in adulthood the passion inherent in adolescents for learning new things, active communication, and mastering new skills and abilities remains, then this can only be welcomed. At the same time, egocentrism and difficult experiences of one’s failures are clearly undesirable signs for a mature personality.

An example of insufficient socialization in adulthood is belief in “alternative histories” - the writings of Nosovsky and Fomenko, Chudinov and other pseudoscientific freaks. The point here is not only about political, “patriotic” and selfish motives. It’s just that a child, just starting to explore the world and discovering something new, strives to share his discovery with others; parents and other older members of society, to play along with him, share his joy.

During his school years, a teenager is faced with the impossibility of being a pioneer in the modern world: everything he learns about has already been discovered by someone, and his “discovery” is no longer of great value to others. A mentally healthy person gradually gets used to this situation and finds unexplored areas where he can show his skills and give something new to society. And a mentally disabled person experiences rejection from this situation; Instead of searching for unexplored areas, he is eager to “rediscover” what has already been discovered, to create a sensation and receive the laurels of a discoverer, which, as he is sure, simply must belong to him.

The biography of Anatoly Fomenko, the author of the famous pseudoscientific “New Chronology,” very clearly presents us with just such a person - an unsocialized intellectual who, for the sake of the honor of being a discoverer, is ready to commit any lie and achieve his goal by any means. For a long time he eked out the life of a “lesser” mathematician, compiled standard textbooks on geometry for students and was content with a modest salary. In the end, he got tired of it, he realized that the modest and routine work of teaching did not bring happiness, and decided to do something loud and sensational. In his native field, geometry, it is very difficult to become a discoverer, but history is a different matter. Written in collaboration with the equally unsocialized intellectual Gleb Nosovsky, “New Chronology” instantly became a bestseller; Many uneducated readers of this work seriously call Fomenko a “prophet.”

It was said above that school becomes an important environment for primary socialization. Indeed, the task of school is not only to provide some knowledge on various subjects, but also to teach how to live in society. In many countries, special techniques are used for this purpose. For example, in the United States, schools do not have stable classrooms; When a student enrolls in school, he chooses which subjects he will study, and at each lesson he finds himself in a new classroom, in a completely new team. Such socialization is very useful, especially in the USA, because a significant part of the population of this country lives in very small settlements where “everyone knows each other,” but excessive attachment to “one’s own corner” can create problems in the future when it is necessary to change place of residence (in connections with study, work, etc.).

Most Russians live in cities and towns with significantly larger populations, so they do not feel an urgent need for this type of school in our country. At the same time, another type of socialization is required - the ability to work in a stable team, which a Russian-style school can handle quite well.


Diagnostics of socialization is one of the tools for understanding the phenomenon, which is also considered as a method of creating conditions for further acquisition of socialization skills.

Socialization diagnostic functions:

  • information and prognostication. It consists of analyzing data showing the level of socialization of a person. They are also the starting point for creating conditions for further socialization;
  • evaluative and effective. It consists of assessing the results of work, finding effective ways to solve social and pedagogical problems;
  • correctional and formative. It consists in providing the opportunity to simultaneously identify shortcomings and deviations in activity and timely correct it for the most effective socialization.

Criteria for socialization of an individual when diagnosing a phenomenon include:

  1. Cognitive components (a person’s knowledge of problems in the social sphere, rates of progress in socialization).
  2. Emotional-volitional components (a person’s attitude towards his own and others’ nationality, society and work activity).
  3. Behavioral components (propensity for collectivism, degree of activity, involvement in relationships with people).

There are many psychological tests for different age groups that allow one to determine the level of socialization of an individual and identify the presence of traumatic factors in the process of its development.

For example, the test “Levels of Personal Socialization”, placed in the textbook, which was developed by Candidate of Philosophical Sciences R.I. Mokshantsev and finalized by candidate of psychological sciences T. A. Bondarenko.

The test allows you to assess the levels of socialization of an individual and identify psychological trauma that may have occurred while growing up. The test includes first-person questions about a person’s internal state and his attitude to life situations; response options reflect the person's agreement or disagreement.

As for assessing the socialization of school students, it is possible, developed by M. I. Rozhkov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.

The purpose of monitoring is to identify the level of social adaptation, activity, autonomy and moral education of students. The essence of the test is for participants to listen to 20 statements, for which they must mark their agreement or disagreement with the statements.

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