Morality and morality. Presentation for a lesson (grades 2, 3, 4) on the topic

Updated July 24, 2022 486 Author: Dmitry Petrov
Hello, dear readers of the blog. Most people remember the moral of the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”, which is that you can’t always have fun, you need to have time and work. Otherwise, after long idleness, heavy retribution will come in the form of hunger and cold.

In this and his other works, fabulist Ivan Krylov tries to convey to the reader generally accepted rules that should be followed so as not to harm yourself.

Thus, morality represents general provisions designed for all members of society and reflecting the consciousness of the public.

Let's look into this in more detail.

Morality concept

In social science, morality refers to moral standards of human behavior. They evaluate his activities from the standpoint of good and bad, good and evil. These rules are not enshrined in official documents, but affect all members of society without exception.

In early childhood, we learn the moral standards that our family adheres to (family values, patterns of behavior, reactions to what is happening). As you grow up in a school class, a friendly company, or a work team, these ideas about right and wrong are enriched and become an important part of a person’s inner world, the basis of his worldview.

Rice. 1. A child in the family.

What distinguishes morality from laws?

Inquiring minds often ask the following question. Many aspects of people's lives are regulated through legislation. The basic laws are similar everywhere, regardless of the specifics of the state: for example, they prohibit killing, except in specified cases, for example, killing an enemy on the battlefield. The law prohibits theft, fraud, the use of deception and violence in order to take possession of someone else's property.

That is, a huge part of the norms of behavior in our lives are determined by laws. How does morality differ from them, why is it needed at all? The following answers can be given to this question.

Functions of morality

In any society there are moral principles. Let's find out what they are for, what functions they perform.

  • Cognitive function helps us evaluate other people's actions in terms of right or wrong.
  • Educational - contributes to the formation of a person’s conviction about what actions are appropriate in a given situation. Such behavior patterns are learned by us in childhood and later become habits (for example, young people give way to older people in public transport).
  • The regulatory function controls the behavior of individuals and society as a whole, which makes our lives more stable.
  • The axiological function lies in the ability of morality to influence the formation of a person’s values ​​and beliefs and to enrich his inner world.
  • Motivational - consists of the ability of morality to push a person to perform certain actions (for example, to help those who find themselves in a difficult life situation).

Rice. 2. Gifts for the orphanage.

Morality and morality. Presentation for a lesson (grades 2, 3, 4) on the topic

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Morality or morality class hour Presentation created by primary school teacher of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 62” Eresko T.N.

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Morality or ethics is a form of social consciousness that includes a set of norms and rules of human behavior.

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Human morality includes several components: ●Firstly, a person’s knowledge of how to behave in a given case. ●Secondly, compliance with these rules in your behavior. ●Thirdly, a person’s ability to evaluate his own or others’ actions and actions.

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Moral culture and ethics are nourished by 4 most important sources: ●Conscience ●Shame ●Responsibility ●Duty

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Moral standards. You live among people. Your every action, every desire is reflected in people. Know that there is a line between what you want and what you can. Your wishes are the joy and tears of your loved ones. Check your actions by asking: are you causing harm, trouble, or inconvenience to people with your actions? Make those around you feel good.

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You use goods created by other people. People give you the happiness of childhood, adolescence, youth. Pay them for it in kind.

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All the blessings and joys of life are created by labor and only labor. When you go to school, you go to work. So do it well, with diligence and diligence.

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Be kind and sensitive to people. Help the weak and defenseless. Don't do harm to people. Help a friend in need. Respect and honor your mother and father. They gave you life, they raised you, they want you to become honest citizens of their country, people with a pure heart, a clear mind, a kind soul.

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Don't be tolerant of people who try to live off their father and mother. Show intolerance towards those who do not care about the interests of their country and their people.

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Man differs from animals in his consciousness, ability to think and speak. He is characterized by spiritual activity, which includes not only self-deepening and introspection, but also creative work on self-improvement. Don't let your soul be lazy. Do not be indifferent in various spheres of life of society and the state: in the political, ethical, aesthetic, etc., be afraid of the indifferent, because with their tacit consent many crimes against humanity are committed. Be active in any civic affairs. Let your motto be the words: “If not me, then who will do it?”

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Rules of self-education Determine your goal in life: long-term, middle, short-term. Whoever lives one day at a time will simply vegetate. Life without a goal is the death of the soul and mind.

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Try to understand the meaning and essence of life. You cannot live if you don’t know why you live and what you want.

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You cannot change the world for the better without changing yourself and those around you for the better. When you educate yourself, educate others.

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In the struggle between good and evil there can be no compromise. Truth and justice do not tolerate concessions and deals. Don’t give in to meanness, otherwise you will destroy the person in you.

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It's better to be difficult but interesting than easy but boring. Difficulty is interesting because it will reveal new qualities in you.

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You can never say that everything has been done. A bad day is the day after which there are no tasks left for tomorrow.

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The more you give, the richer you will be. The highest happiness is not in taking, but in giving.

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Blame someone else less for your failures, blame yourself more often. Healthy dissatisfaction with oneself is a high virtue of a real person.

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Train yourself to say “need”, “must” more often, “I don’t want”, “I won’t” less often.

Main categories of morality

Morality as a system of rules is based on certain concepts. Let's look at the most important of them and find out by what criteria they are determined.

  • Good is a category that includes everything that contributes to the formation of a person’s spiritual world and has a positive effect on the development of society. Its opposite is evil.
  • Virtue is a person’s actions and behavior that correspond to moral principles. The opposite is vice.
  • Conscience is the ability of people to analyze their own actions from the point of view of good and evil, to draw conclusions about how to act in a similar situation in the future.
  • Shame is a feeling of one’s own wrongness, of not meeting the expectations of others.
  • Debt is a person’s idea of ​​responsibilities based on moral principles.

3. Caring for people with disabilities. Everyone knows the golden rule of morality: do not do to others what you would not want to do to yourself. It was formulated in ancient times by the Chinese sage Confucius. The Golden Rule is based on the principle of reciprocity: in order to evaluate the correctness of our action, we must put ourselves in the place of another person.

Moral standards

Moral norms are certain “requirements”, desirable and socially approved forms of behavior that must be adhered to.

The norm is what is good and correct. For example, to be fair, honest, kind, sympathetic (these are social norms). Anything that contradicts this is “abnormal” and causes negative public resonance.

With the passage of time and the development of civilization, moral standards constantly changed. But among them there are still those that are fundamental, unchangeable . And they are unlikely to undergo any deformation, since they are included in a variety of teachings, and therefore have strong roots.

The main norms include:

  1. prudence - think first, then act;
  2. abstinence is the volitional ability to restrain oneself from excessive pleasures in food, sex, entertainment, acquiring material goods, etc. It is believed that passion is an obstacle to the spiritual growth of a person (what is it?);
  3. justice - despite the subjectivity of this term (everyone has their own understanding), one should treat people fairly as far as possible;
  4. perseverance - you need to learn to overcome life’s difficulties, not give up in difficult situations;
  5. diligence - labor made a man out of a monkey, so it is a priori (what is it?) useful;
  6. humility (borders on prudence) - consists of the ability to tell yourself “stop” in time, to stop resisting where it is useless and unnecessary (if your loved one fell in love with another and left, you need to let him go and continue to live);
  7. politeness is the basis of diplomatic relations. With its help, you can build a relationship with almost any person, achieve a lot and succeed.

The essence of basic moral values

The category of values ​​called universal values ​​includes the norms and moral rules of people of different times and nationalities. Such values ​​are often called principles, canons, laws. They do not belong to the category of material quantities, however, for all humanity living on the planet they are of great importance.

The universal human values ​​that have developed over centuries contribute to the development of spiritual life, true freedom and equality for all living in society. If such values ​​in a certain population are absent or expressed rather weakly, violence, oppression of man by man, the predominance of interest only in money and things, and explicit or implicit slavery flourish in such a community.

At all times, there have been people who fulfilled the mission of carriers of such high spiritual values; in some cases they belonged to the world of art or religious cults. Among them are many writers, composers, dancers, artists, and clergy. The values ​​that are considered universal include various objects of art, books, paintings, and musical works. A talented person, striving for beauty, to change the world around him for the better, in any era created unique creations that forever remained the property of descendants.

The category of universal human values ​​also includes a sense of duty to family and homeland, honesty, decency, mercy, and faith. The rulers, possessing high intelligence and truly state-like thinking, have always sought to maintain their people's adherence to such principles.

What is morality, why do people need it, principles of morality briefly in social studies (grade 8)

Being in society, a person constantly interacts with other people. In order for this process to be directed in a positive direction, society has developed social norms - rules of behavior relating to various aspects of life. One type of such norms is morality. Let's find out what morality is, why people need it, what principles underlie it.

Why is morality needed in society?

How harmoniously people can coexist in a separate society is determined by moral standards. They are not universal and change under the influence of facts of history, geography, traditions and ethnicity. Over time, the answers to questions like “what is morality for” began to differ radically. In the Middle Ages, the modern consumerist attitude to life and the desire to get rich would have been condemned. Nowadays, it is accepted that the more wealthy people in society, the better.

Morality gives rise to qualitative relationships, defining the boundaries between good and evil, bad or good actions. In general, the personal “ego” is formed from the rules that determine our entire existence, our approach to what happens around us. Therefore, the questions - why morality is needed in human life or why moral rules are needed will be relevant as long as humanity itself exists.

How to relax mentally?

First of all, it is worth keeping in mind that mental stress is inseparable from physical stress. You have probably noticed that after conflict and difficult mental situations, muscles tense and different parts of the body hurt. The body is the seat of the soul, so moral relaxation includes physical relaxation.

The main way to relax and get rid of tensions at all levels is meditation. It allows you to stop wasting energy on trifles - constantly thinking about situations that cannot be solved immediately, as well as maintaining unnecessary tension.

Education of morality

From early childhood we begin to be told about what is good and what is bad. Parents and other older relatives, educators and teachers instill moral standards in children. The rest of society also participates in this - by communicating with other children in the team, the child also absorbs certain norms.

How does education and instilling of moral guidelines take place?

  • Personal example . The most effective, although underestimated by some, method. By nature, a child is an imitator. This is absolutely normal. In animals, young animals learn exclusively through imitation of adults, and this is also typical for humans. If parents follow moral principles, then the child, looking at them, will try to do the same.
  • Morals . By talking with a child about the rules of behavior, you can convey to him much of what he does not understand.
  • Art . Books, films and animation, plays and music convey moral standards to children under the guise of exciting stories.
  • Personal experience . If a child strives to do the right thing over and over again, and sees that this leads to positive results, he will strive to do so in the future.

How is morality formed?

The concepts of “good and evil”, “bad and good” are relative. In every society they are formed historically and bear the imprints of all significant events. Morality is created on the basis of these concepts, so it is also quite conditional, characteristic of a particular society or social group. In addition to the concepts of “good and evil,” morality incorporates centuries-old traditions and customs, so it may look quite strange to representatives of other cultures.

Today we perfectly understand the immorality of slavery, genocide and “holy” wars. But literally a few centuries ago, all of the above was encouraged in most countries of the world (including by educated people who seriously talked about morality and the common good). Therefore, morality is an important sign of the development of human society , showing how mature it is.

How is morality different from ethics?

Many people argue that morality and morality are synonymous, but this is a fallacy. Morality is considered to be a system established by society that regulates the relationships between people. Morality means following your own principles, which may differ from the attitudes of society. In other words, moral qualities are given to a person by society, and moral qualities are established by character and personal psychology.

A specific sphere of culture in which high ideals and strict norms that regulate human behavior and consciousness in various areas of public life are concentrated and generalizedPrinciples of real practical behavior of people, in which the severity of highly moral norms is significantly softened, that is, this concept is given a more “everyday”, “down-to-earth” meaning
What should be, what should a person strive for (the world of what should be)Actually practiced norms that a person encounters in everyday social life (the world of existence)
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