Courage is a state of omnipotence and permissiveness. All about courage
Author of the material: Inna Trofimova writer, psychologist, gestalt therapist There are moments when personal effectiveness goes off scale, and
Borderline Personality Disorder - Symptoms and Treatment
Borderline personality disorder - symptoms and treatment Psychotherapy is the main method of treatment for this
Self-assessment of depression at home online: Zang and Hamilton scales, professional hospital test HADS
The Zang Self-Rating Depression Scale is a test that identifies somatic, psychological, behavioral and affective symptoms.
Characteristics of perception as a cognitive process. Types of perception.
Characteristics of perception as a cognitive process. Types of perception. Perception (perception, from Latin perceptio) - cognitive
History of psychology. “V. Wundt’s ideas about consciousness”
Definition of consciousness. Defining consciousness faces many difficulties arising from very different approaches
Personality in cognitive psychology – Human cognitive development
Cognitive development of a person The cognitive system best describes all stages of the learning process
“Tired of being good”: what’s really bad about the syndrome...
Being a good girl in the modern world is fraught with negative consequences. It takes a lot of effort to
Communication in the system of interpersonal and social relations
Introduction Interpersonal relationships are relationships with people close to us; this is the relationship between parents
What does it mean to be friends, how to find friends. Psychology of friendship
The need for communication is one of the basic human needs. We are afraid of loneliness. We need
Dental treatment without pain and how not to be afraid of the dentist
The other day we received a question: “I turn white and pale when my tooth starts to hurt. I endure for a long time
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