Top 19 tips on how to protect yourself from energy vampires at work and in everyday life

What types are there?

  1. Who sucks energy intentionally.
  2. Who does it unconsciously, without knowing it.

In terms of returns, the following can be distinguished:

  1. One type plays the role of both vampire and donor. He can both take and give energy.
  2. The other one tries only to take and give nothing in return.

By personality type:

  1. Very narcissistic vampires are selfish and narcissistic.
  2. Sufferers and aching martyrs.

There are also combinations of several different types at the same time.

Don't praise him or give positive approval to his actions

Narcissistic vampires are highly dependent on approval.

This type is very eager for words of praise and compliments addressed to him.

If you don’t tell them to him absolutely, then he can no longer assert himself at your expense.

He stops seeing you as a source of energy.

Any positive feedback from you is food and replenishment for the vampire with your energy. To protect against energy vampirism, do not let him brag and increase his importance in front of you.

These parasites, narcissists, love to feel superior to someone and feel cool.

At work, if he starts showing off to you, question his desire to assert himself .

For example, you can ask him the following questions: “ Is this a reason to brag? What's so special here? "

Let the parasite know that you are not going to take responsibility for his life.

His problems are not your problems

To stop worrying about how to protect yourself from energy vampires at work, stop taking responsibility for his troubles and failures.

Don't take the energy vampire's mistakes seriously.

This is his life and his mistakes. You're not going to suffer with him.

These are his and only his problems . And let him figure them out himself.

Otherwise, by taking on the role of a gratuitous helper, you yourself take on the role of a victim of energy depletion.

Wooden stake

Vampires are afraid of few things, and among the objects that cause their fears is an aspen stake. This is a classic method for fighting bloodsuckers. The stake has a point on one side that can pierce the body.

It is believed that these creatures are excellent attackers, but poor defenders. They have great speed, enormous strength, they are accustomed to suppressing the enemy with their power, which destroys them. When using a stake, it is important to strike first. During a vampire attack, there is always only one chance, and it should not be missed.

Vampires can heal from most wounds, but they cannot heal from a wound to the heart from an aspen stake.

Stop communicating with him altogether, move away from him as much as possible

If this is some distant acquaintance of yours, then everything is simple. You can easily stop seeing him and let him know that you don't need him .

To protect yourself from an energy vampire at work, you will need to limit your communication with him as much as possible.

The most you should say to him if you work in the same company or office is a formal “Hello” and “Goodbye!”

If he himself makes contact with you, then tell him: “ I’m busy right now, I don’t have time, you’re bothering me .”

All this must be said without negativity and without the slightest hint of aggression.

Radical solution - change jobs

Many people perceive endless conflicts with colleagues and superiors as a manifestation of their vampiric influence. Fortunately, this is not always the case. It may not be so much about people, but about the negative atmosphere in the team, your reluctance to work in this area. Perhaps it's worth trying something new? If you are thinking about changing jobs, you need to set all your priorities, among which must be:

  • balanced reasons for leaving (all the pros and cons);
  • prospects for a new job;
  • human factor (you must clearly understand in which team and with which people you will be working).

If it seems to you that you are surrounded by energy vampires at work, and you have to interact with them every day, do not rush to despair. There is a huge number of counteractions to them, and the main thing is to change your attitude towards them. You will never be able to change energy vampires, but you are definitely within your power to change your attitude towards them.

Lead an active lifestyle and play sports - this increases the energy level in the body

Your body should experience at least some physical activity.

Benefits of sports

  • Inner strength will be felt.
  • You begin to feel cheerful.
  • Lightness appears in the body.
  • All this increases your energy level.

By increasing your energy level in your body, you will no longer think about how to protect yourself from energy vampires at work.

You must remove this emotional indifference and flabbiness, get rid of apathy and devote time to developing yourself.

Why is it so important to lead an active lifestyle?

If you are a homebody or a social phobe, then it is not surprising that any contact with people is perceived very reactively and with a lot of energy.

Lead an active lifestyle, communicate more with people.

The more you communicate with people , the more pleasure you begin to get from it.

Social interactions and communications among the most sociable people always occur without tension or effort.

Masters of social interaction communicate with everyone freely and without any expenditure of energy.

The same should happen for you.

Otherwise, if you like to sit at home and not talk, then each person will be subjectively perceived by you as an energy sucker. In this case, none of the methods of protecting yourself from an energy vampire will help you.

On our blog you can read a new article about how to be lazy less and get rid of laziness once and for all .

How to get rid of excessive sensitivity to other people?

  1. You must get rid of excessive emotional reactions once and for all.

    and not show your emotions towards vampires in any way. This is how you will make it clear that they are completely indifferent and uninteresting to you, that they will no longer be able to use your energy.

  2. Always adopt a closed attitude when you are around such people.

    That is, take a position in which your arms and legs are crossed and your chest is slightly turned in the other direction. It will be very good if you do all this at the same time. If you make it a rule to take this position during dialogues with vampires, you will be able to close the circuit of your energy body and prevent your energy from leaking.

  3. You cannot be kind and open in front of vampires.

    By the way, vampires very often like to attend various meetings where people practice self-improvement, where they open up as much as possible, thereby showing the greatest openness to others, that is, giving them their energy.

  4. It is recommended that you engage in self-reflection in writing.

    To do this, on a piece of paper, write a list of those questions that directly relate to your problem and try to give comprehensive answers to them.

  5. Start working on yourself in order to completely get rid of feelings of guilt and resentment.

    concerning energy vampires. After all, many of them take away all the juices of life precisely because of this feeling of guilt, which they skillfully manipulate. It is necessary to understand that everything that happens to us in our lives does not happen by chance. This means that blaming yourself for something makes no sense, even if you accidentally offended the vampire in some way.

  6. Avoid imposing any requests dictated by the vampire in every possible way.

    If this is your boss, then stand in a pose with your arms and legs crossed and abstract yourself as much as possible from what is happening to you.

  7. Watch your speech and don’t share any of your weaknesses with vampires.

    , shortcomings, fears, doubts, anxieties and vulnerabilities. The less an energy vampire knows about you, the more difficult it will be for him to adapt to you in order to take your energy.

  8. There is a very good technique called “mirroring”.

    It lies in the fact that if some very arrogant person tries to forcefully establish any contact with you in order to subsequently force you to drain your strength, you can humorously resort to a parody of him.

  9. Very often our biggest enemy is our own thoughts.

    After all, we decide for ourselves how to relate to this or that problem and how to react to a variety of stimuli.

Therefore, you should be prepared to defend yourself in a timely manner from all sorts of attacks from vampires. You should also monitor your thoughts and not create incorrect mental images in your head that can destroy the correct circulation of our vital energy in the body.

Don't sympathize or empathize with him, don't feed his whining

Vampires love to evoke compassion and empathy in their victims. This is his favorite way to suck energy out of people.

Let him know that you are not a vest to cry into! Don't sympathize with him or empathize!

And then you will close your question about how to resist an energy vampire.

I'm not saying to be a completely cold and callous person.

But some of your friends can annoy you so much with their complaints and whining that it’s better to simply not communicate with them.

Because first they ask, “How are you?”, and then they pick your brains.

My problem? No! Goodbye! Drain on your own brains !

Even if he is several years older than you.

No matter what age he is , this is not a reason to cut a person some slack and allow him to be an idiot.

With age, a person should, on the contrary, blossom.

Don’t let him speak monotonously and set the vector for the conversation, don’t let him dictate your style of communication

If you still cannot completely remove him from your social circle, we recommend the following.

As usual, the process of pumping out energy occurs if the vampire sets the vector for the conversation:

  1. When communicating with you, the vampire tunes you into his frequency through a long and tedious monologue.
  2. When communicating, he likes to listen only to himself. All your words fall on his ears.
  3. He loves when attention is paid only to his insignificant person.
  4. He can tell you for a long time about his boring things, and he doesn’t even care that you are not interested.
  5. If you don't shut up the vampire, you will feel like you are wasting your time and, at the same time, your energy.
  6. You will not have any points of contact with him, but he will have one with you - energy.
  7. He is trying to pull you into his reality and will try to bring you down to his low level. And then the pumping of energy begins.

Even on the phone, he calls you not to find out how you are doing or to chat, but to express himself.

How to resist him in such cases?

To protect yourself from an energy vampire, you must express to him your dissatisfaction and unwillingness to listen to him :

  • Or tell him directly: “Your words make my ears dry!”
  • Or more softly: “I’m tired! Can you be silent? I want to be in silence."

Be confident. In the new article at the link, we talk in detail about how girls can develop self-confidence.

Are the types protected from the vampire?

Vampires have been known to mankind since ancient times. That is why there are many ways to protect yourself from these entities and destroy them. If you are afraid of the attack of this monster, then you need to have in your arsenal items that can scare away the vampire.


Yes, the most ordinary, at first glance, bell can protect a person from the attack of such a monster. The vampire's fear of this object is explained by the fact that it is a church symbol.

The ringing of bells always muffled and scared away these creatures. Therefore, it will be enough for you to ring the bell several times in order to gain time and have time to escape from your pursuer.

Crucifix or Bible

These are the most basic attributes of someone who is going to hunt ghouls and fight against them. Since these are fiends of hell, they, like evil demons, are afraid of the symbols of religion.

However, such attributes may not always have an effect on demons, especially if they belong to a higher caste. But these items are suitable for scaring away vampires.


Using any magical item that can scare away a ghoul is useless unless you have faith. This is especially true for the use of religious paraphernalia.

If you do not believe in God, rely on his protection, pray to him for salvation, then you will not be able to cope with the vampire. Without faith, all your amulets will be just ordinary things that will not bring any benefit.


It is still unclear whether it is a myth or reality that garlic can scare away a vampire. Some attribute magical properties to this ingredient, believing that garlic has too strong a smell. But the reliability of this fact can be questioned, since there are products that have a more repulsive odor.

But there is another explanation why vampires are so afraid of garlic. It says that this product first grew exactly where Lucifer, who had just been expelled from Paradise, set foot. Therefore, the presence of garlic can really protect you from a ghoul attack.

Holy water

This ingredient can be used not only to protect against evil spirits, but also to determine its location. People believe that in the presence of a vampire, this liquid begins to take on a bluish tint.

And some are sure that the effect of holy water on a vampire is equivalent to the effect of acid on a person. When the holy water gets on the skin, it corrodes the monster’s body, and it begins to experience excruciating pain.


There is a myth that all vampires are afraid of sunlight and that is why they are only awake at night. If you find yourself alone with this monster in a dark room during the day, then just pull back the curtain, let bright sunlight into the room, and the vampire will be immobilized for a while.

This weapon was truly suitable for those monsters that existed in ancient times. But modern practice shows that these creatures have learned to adapt to sunlight and are no longer so sensitive to it.

Of course, a long stay outside on a bright sunny day can shake the vampire’s condition and weaken him, but it will not cause significant damage.


It is worth using a mirror not so much to protect against ghouls, but to identify them. Whether this method is just a human invention or a real fact is quite difficult to verify now. Ancient legends say that a vampire not only has no shadow, but is also not reflected in mirrors.

Of course, we should not exclude the possibility that, as in the case of sunlight, ghouls have learned to adapt to mirrors and, perhaps, at the moment can deceive this attribute.

But it is worth remembering that if the mirror does not save you from a real vampire, it will protect you from an energy monster.

wild Rose

This is a very rare weapon that is used to scare away vampires. Most sources practically do not mention this attribute, however, the wild rose was used to scare away these monsters.

The attribute has the same effect as garlic. If you have a sufficient amount of wild rose, you will be able to protect yourself from the negative effects of the vampire for a while, and he will not be able to come close.

Invitation to the house

There is a common myth that a real vampire will never enter your home (but not any other premises) unless you invite him. It can attack in a public place, but the monster can only get into your territory if you let it in yourself.

Therefore, indeed, the house becomes a fortress. But do not forget that ghouls are capable of hypnotizing people, and even if you stand on the threshold of your house and look into his eyes, you will invite him to come in against your will.

As a result, you will doom yourself to certain death. So be careful and never look monsters in the eyes.


One of the strangest legends associated with vampires and protection from them is that the monster is not able to cross the river.

This is a controversial myth, and it is still not known whether the monster is truly unable to cross to the other side of the reservoir, but there are several references that assure that if there is a river between you and the vampire, then he will not be able to cross it.

Don't believe a word he says, they love to lie

They are very deceitful and hypocritical people who do everything only for their own benefit. They are not congruent with people.

I learned to see and distinguish when a vampire thinks one thing and says another.

The vampire himself does not even suspect that the interlocutor feels and understands everything. He knows nothing about what congruence is in communicating with people.

They may even talk to you about some kind of warmth or brotherhood, which is not even there!

This naive affectation begins to anger you.

Anyone will not like it when a person is not himself and pretends to be someone he really is not.

Don't believe a single word he says, and then you will know everything about how to protect yourself from an energy vampire.

The vampire loves to throw around names.

And, most likely, he communicates with you for some benefit of his own .

How to behave effectively in a pre-conflict or conflict situation

© YakobchukOlena/Getty images

Let's become polite

Restrain yourself and don’t try to be rude yourself. Sometimes it turns out that people themselves do not realize that they are too actively imposing their rightness on others and begin tactlessly imposing it on other people. It turns out that, although unconsciously, they still provoke a negative reaction, and on the other hand, they act as a target for the vampire, thereby exposing all their vulnerabilities.

Becoming aware

There are many different moments in life and it is very important to determine your own goals.

Find out what communication with such people gives, why do you need it? And when you answer this question for yourself, you will understand exactly how to build your own line of behavior.


If the provocations of bloodsuckers do affect you, and you are hooked, then you need to relieve stress, because psychological health is no less important than physical health and it also needs to be protected.

To do this, you need to keep him in good shape, and resort to the services of psychologists who will help you work through any situation and help you find both the causes of problems and opportunities for solving them.

Learn to say “No” and remove parasites from your life

Some people are not good at sending and telling people “No”.

Learn to do this, and the need for protection from energy vampirism will immediately disappear.

He will sit on your neck and suck energy until you tell him “ Get out!” "

Sometimes people make things difficult for themselves.

Your mercy and openness to people in the case of a vampire will be superfluous.

You shouldn't get attached to people who do nothing but take everything from you.

We have a new article on our website about how to eliminate worries about losing people, which describes methods for getting rid of attachment and love addiction.

Energy vampirism. Psychology

Energy vampires are divided into active and passive.

Active energy vampires will seek their “dose” to the last. Usually they like to make scandals, gossip, and pick on others. Thus, they, sometimes without even knowing it, intuitively provoke a person into a conflict, during which an exchange of energy takes place: for you negativity and a headache, and for the energy vampire a “dose” of happiness.

After such communication, the “energy absorber” usually quickly calms down and behaves as if nothing had happened. You feel uncomfortable and empty. Do you suddenly develop heart pain or headache after exposure? It is very likely that you are an energy donor. These “absorbers” especially love them: this is their main “food”!

Passive energy vampires behave somewhat differently. They are more likely to complain about everything around them. Their favorite topics are life and health. When talking with them, you may feel drowsy and sad. Perhaps you will sympathize with such a person with all your soul, and at this time he will feed on your energy in full. Passive energy vampires are calm, and at first glance they are quite harmless, good-natured, and friendly. But in fact, they are just as “voracious” and cynical as active bloodsuckers.

⇒ Women's stories:

Fell in love with a married man...

Due to "childhood trauma" you can feel the vampire and his condition from a distance

There are people who, in childhood, experienced the psychological trauma of being abandoned by their parents .

These people are more sensitive because they constantly monitor other people even more than themselves.

Such people develop a trauma that is called “childhood abandonment trauma.”

Childhood abandonment trauma is based on focusing your attention on thoughts about other people.

This focus develops such sensitivity in you.

True, we don’t need this sensitivity, since it doesn’t add happiness.

Such people can connect to the states of other people from a distance, feel the state of another person, even if he is not nearby.

Having such sensitivity to feel people at a distance , people with childhood trauma themselves create a need for protection and then they themselves begin to worry about how to get rid of energy vampirism.

These people unconsciously shift responsibility for their condition to other people.

You yourself can never even guess that this is really happening to you.

This is a very subtle point.

How to get rid of this sensitivity

To get rid of this ability and sensitivity , realize that:

  • You don't need to feel other people anymore
  • You don't need to know other people's thoughts and states
  • You don't want to know or be interested in it anymore.

And then the need for protection from the vampire at work and in other places will disappear.

What do energy vampires do:

Vampires take away our energy and all our strength

, and therefore we urgently need tools to at least somehow protect ourselves from their attacks.

The main goal of such vampires is to exclusively take

, rather than giving something in return, which they, in fact, do not do at all. However, some people can take away all the strength and energy from other people by any means.

  1. They try to get your attention at the most inopportune time.

    And we feel as if we are trapped, unable to escape the vampire. Such people can interrupt us at every step, preventing us from working, and constantly collect gossip about other employees of the company.

  2. They won’t get rid of it and continue to stand at our table.

    , telling more and more juicy details. We are left feeling exhausted and confused.

  3. Such workmates tend to have a very poor understanding of personal boundaries.

    They have absolutely no idea what can and cannot be shared at work.

These people are usually completely unaware of the context of the relationship

At work.
Be it deeply personal information or relating to an individual employee. All these useless conversations only waste your precious time
. It is very difficult to do work with such personalities and it is almost impossible to accept them at all.

“Energy people are vampires” - these are people who extract, suck and simply whip out human energy in a variety of ways. As a rule, its collection occurs using the energy-power method.

This can be described differently as “energy theft”


A vampire, after replenishing his supply of vitality, experiences genuine happiness

, he feels very good, he can feel calm and lightness throughout his body, and the person giving, who has lost all his bioenergy, unlike the vampire himself, as a rule, remains weakened and powerless for a long time. After such communication with the “bloodsucker”, he may become dissatisfied with himself, angry, depressed and very tired.

There is practically nothing we can do to change these people.

, but we can somehow protect ourselves, take certain measures in order to
stop being under the influence
of these people.

Don’t react to him impulsively and don’t give any emotional support to anything he says.

Whatever he tells you , you give him zero reactions.

This means that he has no value for you and it doesn’t matter what he says to you.

If he starts insulting you, you don’t need to shout back or aggressively prove something by spraying saliva. After all, this is what he is waiting for.

You don't need to give him any emotional responses , and then you will know everything about how to deal with energy vampires.

Otherwise, he will only begin to feel better.

You can simply return his own words in response.

More details about this are written in our article on how to respond to an insult with smart words.

What to do if your boss is draining your energy

Such personalities are sometimes found among bosses. They are always unhappy. Even excellent work results are perceived by them as ordinary luck. Often they simply try to stealthily ruin a subordinate’s life, because no one wants to quarrel with the director.

If you notice that after a conversation with your boss you feel extremely uncomfortable, then this is a sure sign that you have met an energy vampire.

Observe how the boss talks to other employees. Otherwise, they either found a weapon against him, or he feels that the opponent is stronger. Psychologists have developed several good techniques that will help you resist a vampire.

Here are some proven methods:

  1. Distance yourself from your boss when talking. Don't let him get too close: that's how you let in negativity. It is advisable to place a barrier between you - for example, a chair or a folder for papers in your hands.
  2. Be taller. The vampire always chooses a position on top in order to feel superior and suppress the employee. Don't let him do this. If he stands, you stand too. If he is sitting, do not sit next to him.
  3. Intimate talk. If there are people who can understand a frank conversation. But not all. The tyrant boss can deprive you of your position. But sometimes there is no choice. Prepare in advance, remember specific examples of how the director put pressure on you. Ask him to express his point of view. Explain that you are ready to stand up for yourself.
  4. Remove negativity. Psychologists recommend imagining your boss in a ridiculous situation—in pajamas, slippers, or as an angry troll.
  5. Don't forget to "ventilate". Be sure to wash your face and take a shower after work. Take a walk in the fresh air. If your soul asks, then cry, this is how negative emotions come out.

Encourage yourself with what really makes you happy at work: the likelihood of a promotion, a high salary, the respect of colleagues and recognition of professionalism. The boss may well change over time.

Don't be open and good-natured with him

Spiritual circles of moral support are places of profit for energy suckers

Usually they strive for circles of people who are engaged in self-knowledge and personal self-improvement.

Vampires love to look for conscious people as victims.

Spiritual circles and healing meetings are their favorite places.

Why is this so?

Because, as a rule, spiritual people and those who have embarked on the path of self-knowledge are the most open people to others .

They know how to forgive and allow other people to approach them.

Spiritual people are less ready and inclined to defend themselves against strangers.

This plays into the hands of the vampires.

and merciful with him , and you will close your question on how to protect yourself from energy vampires.

It is much easier for this parasite to go unnoticed by surrounding himself with people who strive to be better and know how to take responsibility.

He makes other people feel sorry for the pain they caused him.

You should know all about how to find new friends who fit your personality boundaries and who you want to be like in some way.

What harm can people do when they consume our energy?

Since vampires are always fueled by vital forces drawn from other people, after talking with them, the donor person can observe a complete loss of any strength. He may also experience complete apathy towards everything, a dull headache and even signs of depression.

Donors' self-esteem almost immediately decreases, they may experience extreme despondency and minor pain in the heart. As a result of communicating with vampires, there is a sharp decrease or increase in blood pressure.

If you continue to communicate with such people for a long time, then you can completely lose all ability to enjoy life, what is happening around you and achieve certain goals in life.

Conduct a self-reflection in writing on a piece of paper.

Take a pen and paper and start asking yourself questions. Analyze your problem.

For example, you might ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is what I feel real or am I reacting so strongly to his actions and exaggerating everything?
  • Did he start this, or did I create the situation myself in such a way that I allowed him to take my powers?
  • Who is to blame for allowing this parasite to approach them?
  • Would I like to continue communicating with such a person?
  • If not, then why am I still communicating?

And so on. Ask yourself as many questions as possible.

Such self-analysis is also effective for getting rid of worries and depression. And no psychologist is needed.

We have a detailed article on our website about how to treat depression at home.

Don't feel guilty and let go of resentment for situations related to this leech

Guilt is a good way to drain energy for a vampire.

What had to happen happened.

It is entirely your responsibility for what happened. It was you who created such a situation and allowed the vampire to approach you.

But you don't need to blame yourself for this.

And even more so, you can’t feel guilty before him. After all, this is exactly what he is waiting for.

Don't make excuses to him for anything.

Read the link for signs of an energy vampire that help you recognize him among other people. The new article describes as many as 15 obvious signs of these parasites.

Learn to recognize energy suckers among the crowd, knowing their psychology and behavior.

Let go of resentment and guilt. Don't keep it to yourself.

When you let go of all your anxious thoughts, you will no longer worry about how to get rid of the energy vampire.

What happened, happened. And this can no longer be returned.


Spell from the bosses of energy vampires

Place, O Lord, around me one iron wall, another of damask steel, and a third of copper, and a stone wall as high as the heavens. Block the walls around, O Lord, with earth, and draw, O Lord, a river of fire from all four sides: from east to west and from north to summer. And they commanded, Lord, to lock the walls and the stone wall to the holy Apostle Peter with holy golden keys and to bring them down to the Lord Jesus Christ himself, the Son of God, on the throne under his holy incorruptible robe. And just as no one can see those vestments, no one could harm me (name). Protect from (boss’s name) the bear, she-bear, she-wolf, wolverine-wolverine. Snakes do not harm, do not touch. From now until forever. Amen.

Spells from the devil and vampire

O you, great devil, king of all malice, pride and deceit! I conjure you with the distant terrible name of the one glorified Father and Son and the Holy Spirit in the trinity! I conjure you, all-evil enemy of the human race, ancient serpent, in the great and terrible name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all earthly and underworld powers worship with trepidation. Be afraid, damned overthrower, go away, be afraid, move away from the servant of God (name). I conjure you, devil, and forbid you by the saving incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ and his glorious birth from the Ever-Virgin! Fear this, enemy of truth. I conjure you, tempter of evil forces, by the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove who came down to us and with the voice of the stepfather from heaven: “You, art my beloved son.” Be afraid of this, shameless flatterer, go away and don’t come back to (name). I conjure you, destroyer of human souls, with four hundred days and four hundred nights of fasting! Be afraid of this, move away from the servant of God (name). I conjure you, devil, by God incarnate, who appeared on earth, and by man, who showed the way of salvation to the world, who drove away demons with a word and healed various ailments. Fear this, be afraid, distance yourself, run from the servant of God (name). I conjure you, hellish destructive serpent, to make the blind see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, the lepers to be cleansed, the dead to rise again. Be afraid of this, be afraid, move away from the slave (name). I conjure you, devil, to show humility to us by the saints and apostles! Be afraid of this! Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you, tormentor, by turning bread into body and wine into blood! Fear this, founder of heresies. Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you, the source of all sins and destruction, through the life-giving sacrifice of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Fear this, run from the servant of God (name). I conjure you, vile envious person, with the Lord’s Prayer and drops of blood that have fallen to the ground. Fear this, get away from God's servant (name). I conjure you, devil, by the cross of God! Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you with the commandments of God! Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you, devil, with the sun darkened and the earth trembling when the Savior died on the cross, and with power, when the stones crumbled, the coffins were opened, the bodies of the dead saints were resurrected. Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you, libertine, by piercing the most pure rib of the Lord, flowing blood and water from it. Get out! Get away from the servant of God (name), perish! I conjure you, devil, by our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven! Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you, devil, by the great god and savior Jesus Christ. Fear this prayer, predatory spirit, fear the fire, the beast and eternal torment. Get away from the servant of God (name), why are you delaying? God, strong in strength, mighty in strength, terrible in battle, wondrous in miracles, commands you—the devil, unworthy of mercy—to depart from the servant of God (name). Move away from the servant of God (name) into the desert, into waterless forests, where the beast does not run and from where there is no return. The power, dominion, kingdom and glory of Christ our God. Amen.

Don't do what he asks, don't let him tell you what to do.

There is no need to fulfill his requests and do as he asks.

Let him do it himself.

If you work with him in the same company, and he is an employee like you, then you can always refuse any of his requests.

For example, tell him: “ I'm overwhelmed with my work. Do it yourself ".

If it is your boss or director who makes a request, then, of course, you need to look at the situation more soberly and don’t be stubborn.

But always remember that although you respect your status, you respect yourself first !


There may be completely different people in the group; it is not easy to guess who is “attacking” you. There are 2 types of energy vampires:

  • solar;
  • lunar.

Protection from solar vampirism

This type of vampirism involves aggressive and active actions of someone who seeks to take away your energy. What a vampire can eat:

  • we cry;
  • painful experiences;
  • grievances;
  • confusion;
  • fear.

Such a vampire can be identified without much difficulty, since he is a clear bearer of all these signs.

To avoid falling into their trap, follow these simple tips.

  1. Don't be fooled by the provocation. A vampire needs a quarrel - it gives him strength. If a director or co-worker raises his voice at you, tries to use physical force, or puts pressure on you, then do not react. Avoid conflict with a colleague, remain silent. To feel normal, a vampire needs a constant scandal. Even if your boss or colleague yells at you, shows aggression and practically attacks you with his fists, do not answer him in kind. Be calm and avoid verbal altercations.
  2. Escape is the best remedy. This option will help you out if you hear that a scandal broke out quite far from you (for example, in the next office). Then it is better to leave the room for a while. This is a one hundred percent guarantee that the vampire will not overtake you.
  3. Laughter will always help. This is a very ancient and effective remedy for protection from offenders. Laughter destroys everything. The vampire thinks you will get scared and stop fighting. Your reaction will be quite unexpected for him. The vampire simply will not be able to get the next dose of your vital energy.
  4. Don't argue with him. Often the boss himself starts the argument. If you feel like you are being driven into a corner, say: “Yes, of course, I was wrong, we’ll fix everything now.” Don't blame yourself. Just agree that you were stupid, don’t let the vampire feed on your experiences.

How to protect yourself from lunar vampirism?

This type of vampire acts differently. They don’t make trouble, but cry, whine, and constantly complain about life, about how unhappy they are.

They share all their troubles and negative events (sometimes even fictitious). And then this is taken away from the victim's optimism and happiness.

Let's see how we can protect ourselves from it.

  • Again, do not be fooled by provocations. If a person constantly cries into his vest, stop feeling sorry for him. Don't pay attention to his stories. It’s better to remember something pleasant and tell him about it. This will upset him.
  • Answer the same as he did. Start complaining about life too, only with redoubled force, tell us about your problems. He will immediately become confused.
  • Cut off contact with this employee. If he does not affect your career in any way, then take care of yourself and refuse further communication. The longer you remain silent, the sooner he will leave you behind.
  • Suppress your guilt. Remind yourself that you are not obligated to solve other people's problems or be someone's psychologist. Don't feel like you left him in the lurch. You don’t have to come up with a lot of “rescue” options.

Don't tell him about your weaknesses

If a person is an energy vampire, then in order to protect yourself from him, do not tell him about your flaws, fears and weaknesses.

And then he will have fewer opportunities to get close to you, because he will have nothing to put pressure on.

They love to put pressure on your weaknesses , fears and use it against you.

Don't give in and don't tell him about your weaknesses.

You should know everything about how to remove weaknesses and fears from your mind. You must overcome your fears.

"Mirroring" trick

If he is very arrogant and often makes contact with you, you can respond by parodying him in a humorous manner .

For example, his gestures. Just don't show aggression.

If he whines, complain back to him intentionally too.

If he brags, parody him as a joke.

Use this trick on him and no longer worry about how to protect yourself from an energy vampire.

It's not for nothing that vampires in movies are afraid of mirrors..

He won't like it. And who tried to please him?

Sometimes we ourselves suffer from our thoughts and misperceptions and react to it

Often a person himself creates thoughts about a person that interfere and create resistance to the correct flow of vital energy in his body.

Another person's action affects you and is perceived in a way that interferes with your access to your energy source and the normal flow of energy in the body.

Energy can no longer enter our body normally.

All these sensations and the feeling of depletion of energy are simply a reaction to the presence of a person next to you.

You have such a subjective reaction to this person next to you. This is how you react to him.

Another may not even see or pay attention to it.

How does the energy “bloodsucker” work?

© KatarzynaBialasiewicz/Getty images

The morning of such a person begins with the fact that he wakes up angry and aggressive.

He has no desire to go to work that he hates; he constantly thinks of it only as hard labor, cursing everything in the world and having difficulty getting himself out of bed. He has no strength, no health, absolutely everything stresses him out.

If we, going to work, get on the bus with such a vampire person in the morning, it is very difficult for him, and he tries in any way to throw off these heavy energies. So he can step on our sore spot.

, doing this on purpose very painfully, in order to definitely get our anger and malice. He begins to provoke us into irritation in every possible way, creating unnecessary fuss.

What do we usually do? That's right. We get hooked on the stimulus he provides. What's happening:

  1. Our heart begins to beat very quickly, reacting to such arrogance and rudeness.
  2. At the same time, our internal energy begins to sway.
  3. We are literally starting to shake and pound.
  4. Not a trace remains of the previous joy, and the “bloodsucker” also adds fuel to the fire with various insults and his irritation.

And it is at such a moment that our energy passes to the vampire.

It becomes very easy for him, he withdrew his soul, threw out and threw away everything that put so much pressure on him and interfered with him. He was charged with fresh energy, perhaps not of the best quality, but in this case, it suited him very well. Still would!

We arrived at work

What remains for the donor? He arrives at work and for a long time cannot concentrate and calm down. He has absolutely no strength. It's just squeezed out like a lemon.

If you managed to get to work without harming your health, then, unfortunately, this is where a human vampire may be waiting for you. Often the boss can act in his role.

Everyone is familiar with this picture when on Monday your boss calls everyone on the carpet and begins to pester every single employee right down to their “livers.” He has a couple of offensive phrases in store for everyone.

He is able to “excite” the entire work team, while completely discouraging any desire to start work.


And after the planning meeting is over, such a boss will ask all employees not to hold a grudge against him, pat everyone on the shoulder in a friendly manner and kindly share that in this way he is trying for the common good.

As a rule, such a leader does not really like his work.

, she doesn’t cause him any joy at all. Like other bloodsuckers, he really doesn’t care at all about other people, his subordinates, he himself would, as they say, hold on. Consequently, he does not have that precious energy that is capable of charging the entire workforce.

Usually, everyone starts hiding

, he keeps everyone in constant fear.
People don't like it when he comes into his office in the morning. They don't want to see him
At these moments, it becomes clear why he is yelling and waving his arms
, and may begin to insult the person in front of everyone. This is how it charges.

It’s also good that it will charge in this way on Mondays. Imagine if this happens regularly?

Usually, if a person is not able to earn respect on his own through his interest, work, kindness and love, he begins to demand it.

The worst thing is if such vampire leaders rule over some children's organizations

, in which, for obvious reasons, a certain tense atmosphere will be observed in the team. And if suddenly people start leaving such enterprises, senior management should think about what is happening.

From which it follows that not everything is normal there, something is going wrong. There is a complete lack of mental comfort.

In this regard, it can be argued that there will be no normal work here, since “the fish always rots from the head.”

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