Causes of amaxophobia, fear of driving and driving a car

A VSDman who is not afraid of anything is truly a unique creature, so rare that he deserves a medal. Vegetative-vascular dystonia and fear are almost synonymous. It should be noted that the fears of VSDs always have a clear internal justification and never arise spontaneously. But, having a strong foundation, all fears and phobias are completely irrelevant to reality.

What the patient is afraid of, as a rule, does not happen, but the patient waits so diligently for the imaginary result and mentally prepares for it that he himself triggers his “deadly state.” This happens especially clearly when you are afraid of riding in public transport. Very often, such fear appears after a panic attack in this very transport. For example, a person who has experienced a panic attack in the subway is afraid to ride the subway because he is afraid of a repeat panic attack.

What is amaxophobia

Amaxophobia is a panicky fear of being in a dangerous situation related to transport (cars, subways, trolleybuses, trams, buses, etc.). The name is derived from the ancient Greek words amaxa, meaning "cart", and phobos, meaning "fear". Judging by the primary sources, the phobia has been known for a long time, dating back to the times when people used carts.

There are different types of amaxophobia:

  • fear of a specific type of transport;
  • fear of any cars;
  • fear of driving a car, especially at high speed;
  • fear of being hit by a car;
  • fear of driving;
  • fear of riding as a passenger in a car;
  • fear of parking the car;
  • fear of knocking someone down.

Some amaxophobes avoid meeting cars of a particular brand, size or color (many have a fear of large cars). Some people are afraid of personal transport, others are afraid of public transport. Moreover, some amaxophobes are afraid not so much of public transport as of the possibility of ruining their image (the belief that only the poor travel by public transport interferes) or becoming hostage to a dangerous situation (terrorist attack, attack).

Important! Anxiety and fear appear in response to the fantasies of an amaxophobe. He comes up with negative scenarios, which causes stress and anxiety in situations related to transport.

Reasons for fear of cars

Psychologists believe that the main reason for the development of amaxophobia is psychotrauma received in childhood or adulthood. An accident in which a person found himself, or someone’s death under the wheels of a vehicle that he saw, a shocking report on TV - this and the like can cause injury and the development of a phobia.

In some cases, amaxophobia is combined with hyper-responsibility and the desire to control everything and everyone. Perhaps the person is afraid that something bad will happen to one of the passengers and he will not be able to help him.

As for the fear of getting into an accident, it is associated with the driver’s lack of confidence in his abilities (he is afraid that he will not be able to control the car) or with distrust of other road users. The latter is also true in cases where a person is afraid of getting under the wheels of a car.

Thus, the causes of amaxophobia include:

  • lack of trust in yourself and other people;
  • traumatic memories;
  • wild imagination and suggestibility;
  • excessive sense of responsibility.

What exactly is a person afraid of with amaxophobia? In general, depending on the reasons, the following subtypes of fear of transport can be distinguished:

  • fear of driving (hitting someone, getting into an accident);
  • fear that the vehicle will break down (you can check your car and make sure it is in good working order, but what about someone else’s vehicle?);
  • fear of driving as a passenger (the person does not feel that he is in control of the situation, while sitting behind the wheel he feels confident);
  • fear of getting into an awkward or stupid situation (women and new drivers often face this);
  • fear of the unknown (what if other drivers bought a license or got behind the wheel drunk, or a random passer-by decides to throw himself in front of the car of the first person he meets);
  • fear of losing control of oneself or losing consciousness while driving (this worries people with some diseases or health problems).

Interesting! According to one theory, fear of transport has a genetic predisposition. Children who have inherited anxiety and suspiciousness from their parents are susceptible to phobias.

Celebrities have a fear of driving

This is a fairly common phobia among people , and many celebrities also suffer from it. Thus, Daniel Radcliffe, who became famous after the release of the Harry Potter films, has repeatedly admitted that he is afraid to drive. It is known that the artist practiced driving in the provinces of London, where there is not such a huge flow of cars. True, he was never able to get behind the wheel.

Few people know, but back in the 90s, actress Barbra Streisand had an accident - her car overturned, sliding into a ditch. After that, she never drove again.

Kate Beckinsale, well known from the film “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” always wanted to learn how to drive, but when she failed her first exam, she never drove a car again.

Zoe Saldana, who successfully played the role of the pirate Anna Maria in “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl,” never drives, although she has a license; driving a car is a real horror for her. She also never uses a taxi; Zoya prefers to travel only with relatives and good friends.

Signs and symptoms of a fear of cars

The main symptom and sign is a panicky fear of transport and avoidance of potentially dangerous situations. If it is not possible to avoid meeting the object of fear, then the person is seized with panic. At such moments, he does not control himself, does not control his actions and reactions.

A panic attack is accompanied by a number of somatic changes:

  • nausea,
  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • chills,
  • tremor,
  • chest pain,
  • dyspnea,
  • tachycardia,
  • arrhythmia,
  • feeling of suffocation
  • cold sweat,
  • fainting.


Any type of phobia is not a disease, it is a type of fear that is born in the head. The main thing is not to confuse a panic attack with tachycardia or bronchial asthma, as the signs are similar. It is advisable to avoid the use of tranquilizers; they have a rapid effect, but their use causes undesirable consequences.

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Diagnosis of fear of cars

The diagnosis is carried out by a psychologist. It is important to distinguish amaxophobia from other disorders, for example, fear of people (if the patient is frightened by public transport). You also need to make sure that this is an irrational, obsessive fear, and not a normal reaction. For example, fear at the very beginning of learning to drive is a normal reaction. In this case, a person needs to learn self-regulation and gradually gain experience, then the fear will pass. If the patient has recently been in an accident and is now afraid of cars, then PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is evident.

Important! The diagnosis of “amaxophobia” is made if a person is bothered by obsessive thoughts related to transport, these same thoughts cause anxiety, fear and panic, and the person tries to avoid frightening situations related to cars.

How to deal with a phobia of public transport?

There comes a moment in the life of every VSD patient when the patient says to himself: “Enough! Stop! It's time to do something about it!” The final result depends on the patient’s determination, self-confidence and perseverance. Phobias can and should be fought. Any phobia is curable. And there are many VSDers who have gotten rid of the fear of vehicles, and now live happily, travel by subway and fly by plane. If you decide to overcome agoraphobia, the following methods will come to your aid:

  • "Wedge with wedge." The patient independently analyzes his fear, its uselessness and begins to slowly remove himself from this state. Starts small: going out with family and friends to public places, but where there are not many people: stadium, library, park. As soon as the first stage begins to bear fruit in the form of the absence of phobic manifestations, you can “increase” the audience.
  • Cognitive psychotherapy. Working with the patient’s personal “I”, building an adequate attitude towards one’s phobia and its manifestations, transforming the point of view on the problem.
  • Systematic desensitization (de - without, sense - feeling). A method of psychotherapy, the purpose of which is to reduce the sensitivity of the VSD person to factors that cause panic, in this case, to traveling on public transport and being in public in general.

The VSD can deprive its “chosen one” of many pleasures, but the right to choose remains with the person. And fewer and fewer people make their choice in favor of phobias, because life is beautiful and amazing.

Treatment of fear of cars

Experts say that treatment for amaxophobia should be started only if it prevents a person from living a full life. In other cases, according to experts, this fear can be useful. It forces a person to be selective and attentive.

If treatment is indicated, then group psychotherapy and individual consultations are used. It is important to identify the root cause of fear and deal with it. If we are talking about PTSD and other serious causes, then auxiliary medical treatment is prescribed: antidepressants, antipsychotics, sedatives. In some cases, hypnosis sessions are prescribed.

If a person is afraid of driving, but still wants to overcome this and drive a car, then he should not be prescribed psychoactive drugs. At least for the period of treatment, it is better to stop driving.

It is important! The difficulty of treating amaxophobia is that it is necessary not to completely eliminate fear, but to normalize its level.

How to overcome your fear of driving on your own? You have to convince yourself that a car is just a mechanism. She has no soul and no mind. You are driving a car and nothing else. Train first on deserted streets, in fields. Gradually move out into the city. Feel how you take control of your transport.

What else to do? Make a list of what you are missing out on because you are afraid to drive or ride as a passenger. Delays, huge travel time, noisy and sweaty public transport, abandonment of some plans due to the fact that there is no way to get there or you are afraid to call a taxi are a small part of what is associated with the fear of traveling in public transport.

If you are afraid to ride in a taxi or hitch a ride, then make it a rule to always write down the license plate number of the car and send it to one of your friends. Don't travel alone.

You will find even more practical tips in the following videos.

When to contact a professional?

In the event that the above tips do not help, amaxophobia will begin to progress, so you should consult a psychologist. If this is not done, complications will begin - panic attacks, neurosis, depression and others.

The effectiveness of treatment will depend on correct and timely diagnosis, which is why both psychotherapists and psychiatrists use complex modern diagnostic methods with elements of testing, clinical interviews, and in particularly difficult cases, hypnosis.

Therapy methods

There are several different treatment options that can be used to help people with amaxophobia. These include:

  1. Drug treatment . The patient is prescribed medications such as antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications to help them cope with some of the physical and mental symptoms. These medications are often most effective when used in conjunction with psychotherapy.
  2. Exposure therapy . Working with a therapist, people gradually discover the source of their fear by practicing relaxation strategies. Over time, the fear begins to decrease or even disappear.
  3. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can also be used to address negative or irrational thoughts that often contribute to a phobia. Research shows that in some cases, CBT methods for this phobia are effective after just one or three sessions.
  4. Yoga . There are many different yoga poses that can greatly help those who suffer from amaxophobia, such as hatha yoga, hot yoga and many others. This is partly due to the meditative state of mind. In addition to helping reduce the symptoms of amaxophobia, you can also expect increased strength and flexibility.
  5. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) . In such a structured program, a person suffering from amaxophobia can expect to learn many different skills that can help them reduce the intense anxiety associated with that particular phobia.
  6. Mindfulness meditation remains a very effective method in helping people enter a more balanced state, distracting themselves from fear and redirecting their attention to something positive.

Why is a fear of cars dangerous?

In advanced stages, amaxophobia may even refuse to leave the house. With a less severe course of amaxophobia, he simply refuses a specific type of transport or travel by transport, changes routes. It is worth noting that the refusal of transport in large cities significantly complicates life. Accordingly, regardless of the stage of the disease, the quality of life of an amaxophobe suffers. And constant tension and stress lead to the appearance of secondary mental disorders and somatic diseases.

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