Creative self-expression: how to deal with stress and emotions correctly

Every person strives for self-expression. Nowadays, we have to play some role in society, because working and educational moments dictate our own needs. People have to do what is expected in a particular situation. This trend cannot be interpreted from a single perspective, because it is advisable to accept the demands of life. The need for self-expression persists, regardless of the circumstances, so it deserves correct, adequate manifestation.

Self-expression is a source of positive emotions, good mood, inspiration, the desire to improve oneself and achieve goals, a way to discharge and get rid of negative energy.

Self-expression occurs under the influence of life circumstances, in various directions, but in each case a person finds a chance to find himself, understand the true “I”, and decide on further development. Psychologists understand the need to provide help to people, as a result of which they offer art therapy and dance movement therapy to provide psychological assistance. Self-expression and psychological techniques help to increase self-esteem, understand development prospects, and correct patterns of interaction with the team.

Each person is individual, so you need to focus on areas of self-expression, taking into account their character traits. It is not necessary to choose only one method, since exploring the possibilities will lead to decent results.

The relationship between freedom and fear of self-expression

Self-expression, which is free, is the basis of a happy life, eliminating doubts and problems. Why is it desirable to show character and inherent potential?

Self-expression leads to joy and happiness despite adverse circumstances. Self-expression is a source of inspiration that provides relief from negative emotions and unwanted fatigue. Self-expression promotes understanding of potential and desires, self-knowledge. If desired, character traits develop. Self-expression raises self-esteem, gives confidence in strength and the presence of a basis for development. Self-expression is the basis of finding like-minded people. A social circle that matches your interests and worldview makes interaction with other people complete.

Circumstances that lead to the concealment of potential and inclinations, real character, make a person tense, shy, and complex. The development of the situation in this direction leads to concerns about a decrease in self-esteem. The person does not feel free and happy. For this reason, self-expression plays an important role for an individual. What opportunities for self-expression are there?

Consider the theory of needs

There are several theories of needs.

Maslow's theory of hierarchical needs

Maslow assumed that every need is satisfied to some extent. He suggested this arrangement:

  • physiological - 80-85%;
  • safety and feeling of security - 70-75%;
  • love and sense of belonging - 45-55%;
  • self-esteem - 40-45%;
  • self-realization - 10%.

The scheme is conditional and changes with an individual approach. Thus, there are people for whom the need for self-realization and self-esteem is more valuable than the feeling of love.

Maslow argued that people's actions are not always driven by economic interests, but that their actions are often motivated by needs that cannot be satisfied by money.

Alderfer's theory of work motivation

Alderfer highlights the need for self-actualization, the need for social connections, and the desire for growth. According to his ideas, the less an individual’s needs of existence are satisfied, the more strongly they manifest themselves. Applying these principles, Alderfer proposed to motivate workers. When meeting social needs, growth needs should be supported. If they are weakly expressed, it is worth doing the opposite.

Douglas McGregor's Theory of Motivation

McGregor identified 2 approaches to management, conventionally calling them “Theory X” and “Theory Y”. The first leadership style involves an authoritarian leader and strict control over the work of employees. The second approach is based on democracy, a number of powers are transferred to employees, work is underway to improve relationships in the team, and the motivation of people and their characteristics are taken into account.

Studying the personality of each person will help you choose an approach. This is the only way to satisfy the need for self-realization of all employees.

Frederick Herzberg's two factor theory

According to Herzberg's theory, employee motivation is influenced by the hygiene factor or a set of conditions under which the employee does not receive satisfaction. This is often due to company policy, relationships with management, working conditions and pay.

Another factor was called "motivator". Thanks to this approach, employees’ motivation to work increases, and they receive satisfaction of the need for self-realization. This occurs due to the possibility of promotion, personal growth, recognition from colleagues and management, and good pay.

The theory of motivation by L. Porter – E. Lawler

The Porter-Lawler model can be described as follows: in order to get results at work and rewards for them, you need to make an effort. The latter are determined by abilities, knowledge, experience, and level of qualifications. The higher the payment, the more effort put in. A person’s awareness of his role in the work process is also important.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that productive work will satisfy the need for self-realization. Previously, it was believed that the result depended on whether the person was initially satisfied. Porter and Lawler's theory has helped in the study of human motivation.

Self-expression in the profession

A job that has a connection with a hobby and brings a decent salary is a secret dream. If you express yourself in a profession, happiness becomes an integral part of life. Work should not only bring a salary and serve as a source of food and livelihood. In most cases, such self-expression is achieved by creative people, born leaders. Focus on hobbies and potential, wanting to achieve realization and open prospects for moving forward.

Self-expression in creativity

Self-expression in a creative direction has a high level of effectiveness, since a person devotes time to what he likes, realizes creative inclinations and skills, while simultaneously receiving recognition. If you wish, enjoy the results of creative work alone, as this will also be beneficial.

Knowing your inclinations and chances for realizing your potential, proceed to the creative embodiment of your inclinations. Creativity includes composing music and writing unique texts, prose and poetry, photography, and dancing. Do a hobby as often as you can, it will give you happiness.

If you haven't discovered your creativity, experiment and find direction. Try to draw, create creative images in airbrushing, write poetry and prose, take photographs, dance. Any direction will give freedom to the heart and soul, promote self-expression and the search for “I”. Once you find the right direction, develop open-ended skills. There are no barriers to advancement, as modern offers delight in diversity. Visit dance clubs, maintain a blog or website, participate in discussions, write prose and poetry, publish literary works on the Internet, present people with crafts, knitted toys, painted pictures and comics. Having made the right choice, pleasure will appear in your life, give you a piece of happiness, and help increase your self-esteem. Do not succumb to other people's opinions and fashion, as self-expression is useful, and suppressing potential will lead to harm.

How to apply the pyramid on yourself?

Skillful use of the pyramid, for example, in management or a team, will help you solve problems or prevent them altogether

Using some techniques for emphasizing a person’s strengths, talents and importance in the team, you can properly motivate staff to achieve success

You can interact much more effectively with the same children if you take into account their needs and desires.

In order to climb up the pyramid, you can read many books and articles about motivation, but it is better to take an online course or training once. Learning from a person who has walked this path will help you believe in yourself and achieve what exactly you want in this life. Under no circumstances should you listen to amateurs who shout at every corner: “Pay me and you’ll get rich!”

For me, such a person is Pavel Volya.

His online course “Improver Express” will teach 3 main things: initiative, action and efficiency.

The training consists of 23 chips. It was they who helped Volya turn from a simple beggar Penza guy into the highest paid presenter of the TNT channel and my favorite stand-up comedian. According to Forbes magazine, Pavel earns $2.5 million annually.

The course is suitable for both men and women from 16 years of age.

How the training will take place:

  1. You receive theory and practical assignment.
  2. Do it.
  3. If you did it right, move on to the next one.

If you don’t mess around and do all your homework responsibly, then pleasant changes await you: at work, in your personal life, with relatives and friends. This will lead to more money, connections and success.

Cost – 15,000 rubles. with access forever, but there is also the opportunity to take the course for 3,000 rubles.

If within 2 weeks you decide that the course is not suitable for you, your money will be returned.

After registering for training, a girl from Pavel’s team will contact you and answer all your questions regarding the training. You will discuss payment terms with her.

Self-expression in appearance

This way of expression is typical for girls and women. Psychologists note that external attributes create a unique image, because they contribute to the manifestation of character and potential. Focusing on your inner feelings, create a wardrobe, do haircuts and hairstyles, select accessories, apply makeup and manicure. Do not chase fashion, which suppresses personality and does not allow you to find a source for expressing your inner world.

By creating a suitable image that matches your inner feelings, you will become a person. Stand out from the crowd, remembering that no two people are the same. Individuality is manifested in the image.

Tattoos and piercings are popular among young people, but they allow you to deviate from the standards and express yourself. For this reason, the option is suitable for self-expression.

Provide an alternative

When you simply say “no,” the child tends to become stubborn. No amount of logical reasoning will work when a child is trying to express his independence through his actions. Don't insist on one thing, come up with alternatives and this will help them cooperate with you.

When you give your child a choice, he will not have the opportunity to say “no!” However, give your child only two simple options so that whatever he chooses will be the correct choice.

For example, when a child throws a tantrum in the store because of a soda, you can say: “I’ll get you apple juice or orange juice.” Now it’s clear to him that these are the only two options he has. If he refuses and makes a scandal, do not lose your calm and steadfastness. Just calmly repeat the options until your child gives up and chooses one.

Self-expression through tastes

Hobbies, tastes in the literary, musical and cinematic world are the basis of self-expression.

Create a collection of songs, books, films, taking into account your preferences, opinions about works that are classic and modern. The passion for collecting gives pleasure from watching films and listening to music, contributes to the formation of the right circle of friends, recognition of taste by interlocutors.

Taste preferences are the basis for the manifestation of a worldview, an opinion about different life situations.

The place of art in people's lives: finding oneself

Self-expression in art is a task that faces many creative people who are thinking about expressing their individuality. What explains this?

The inner world is filled with images and associations that cannot leave a person without emotions, the desire to show emotions. The exchange of elements of the inner world promotes emotional communication between people, the manifestation of the unconscious and the finding of inner harmony. Creative works serve as a manifestation of opinions about the world around us, current circumstances, and a direct manifestation of the inner world resonates in the soul of the audience. For this reason, self-expression in art is the task of creative people who develop their inherent potential.

A rational person moves away from self-expression, adapts to thinking stereotypes, the rules of the metropolis, and the needs of an active and successful life. This situation does not bring real happiness and leads to disappointment in life.

Creative works perform a utilitarian, adaptive function and regulate life. To manifest the “I”, it is necessary to restore contact between feelings and mind, create a holistic and harmonious personality, and understand personal meanings. For this reason, psychologists recommend the manifestation of character not only in appearance, taste preferences, profession, which are external attributes, but also in art, in which art therapy helps.

Creative self-realization of children

Creativity plays a special role in the life of a little person. It is a mistake to perceive it simply as entertainment or a hobby. This is a form of interaction between a child and the world around him. It awakens positive feelings and emotions in him, allows him to realize desires and needs that are often difficult to convey in words.

Creative activity contributes to:

  • development of aesthetic taste;
  • socialization and knowledge of the world in general;
  • instilling discipline and self-control in a child;
  • acquiring unconventional thinking skills;
  • opportunities to express yourself.

The success of children's creative self-realization depends not least on how adults manage to create an atmosphere of understanding and stimulation for new successes.

Any, even insignificant, achievement of a little creator is of enormous importance for his further development. Every triumph on stage, in the gym or in the art studio will have a positive impact on a child's self-esteem and self-affirmation.

What benefits does art have?

Art therapy is beneficial for every person. Creative inclinations manifest themselves in different ways, but in each case, art realizes the inherent potential, attitude towards current events, helping to find the right direction of development and find inner harmony.

Self-expression. Art promotes the expression of experiences in words and actions. The deep layers of a person’s unconscious state find a place in the conscious world. Self-expression allows you to acquire harmony and integrity. For this reason, art connects a person with other people. In difficult situations, for example, after experiencing stress or shock, art therapy becomes a way to establish contact between the patient, psychologist or psychotherapist. Art and creativity. A person develops and implements certain associations through experiences and attitudes towards ongoing events. Creativity and creativity are important life principles. A creative approach contributes to the successful search for a solution in any situation, as it strengthens contact with the unconscious component of the personality and internal forces. Creativity brings pleasure, relaxes in crisis situations, and eliminates pain. Experiences are manifested in art, testifying to the transitory nature of feeling. Any physical, moral, mental pain remains in the past after a person goes through self-expression, talks about sensations, emotions. Art conveys individual experience, human knowledge, accumulated feelings. Transmission through creative works resonates with listeners who tune in to the appropriate wavelength and become receptive. A person expresses himself, after which he gets a chance to overcome the stage of life and further development. Art cannot claim objectivity and correctness, truth, since all people differ in their worldview and character, but the experience of each person is useful for others. Modern life and the demands of society destroy the individual, therefore there is a need to search for true feelings and return to the inner world. Many adults perceive creativity as a game, which guarantees benefits.

Social needs of the individual

This is a special kind of human need. It lies in the need to have everything necessary for the existence and functioning of an individual, a social group, or society as a whole. This is an internal motivating factor for activity.

Social needs are the need of people for work, social activity, culture, and spiritual life. The needs created by society are those needs that are the basis of social life. Without motivating factors to satisfy needs, production and progress in general are impossible.

Social needs also include those associated with the desire to form a family, joining various social groups, teams, various areas of production (non-production) activity, and the existence of society as a whole. Conditions and environmental factors that surround an individual in the process of his life not only contribute to the emergence of needs, but also create opportunities to satisfy them. In human life and the hierarchy of needs, social needs play one of the determining roles. The existence of an individual in society and through it is the central area of ​​manifestation of the essence of man, the main condition for the realization of all other needs - biological and spiritual.

Social needs are classified according to three criteria: the needs of others, their own needs, and common needs.

The needs of others (needs for others) are needs that express the generic basis of the individual. It lies in the need for communication, protection of the weak. Altruism is one of the expressed needs for others, the need to sacrifice one's interests for others. Altruism is realized only through victory over egoism. That is, the need “for oneself” must be transformed into a need “for others.”

One’s own need (need for oneself) is expressed in self-affirmation in society, self-realization, self-identification, the need to take one’s place in society and the team, the desire for power, etc. Such needs are therefore social, because they cannot exist without needs “for others.” " Only through doing something for others is it possible to realize your desires. Take some position in society, i.e. It is much easier to achieve recognition for oneself without affecting the interests and claims of other members of society. The most effective way to realize your egoistic desires will be a path along which a share of compensation is contained to satisfy the claims of other people, those who can claim the same role or the same place, but can be satisfied with less.

Joint needs (needs “together with others”) - express the motivating power of many people at the same time or society as a whole. For example, the need for security, freedom, peace, a change in the existing political system, etc.

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