How to express emotions: practical recommendations. Human emotions

  • August 24, 2019
  • A woman's world
  • Daniil Belousov

Emotions are present in the life of every person. They represent a positive or negative reaction that occurs within a person to what surrounds him. This is a kind of energy that accumulates inside the body. If you get rid of it incorrectly, then emotional tension may appear. Experts call this phenomenon psychosomatic. In fact, a kind of emotional-bodily block occurs. Over time, the situation only gets worse, and the person begins to experience a loss of energy. Therefore, the question of how to learn to express your emotions and feelings is extremely important. It's hard to believe, but some people often face such problems. An incorrect response to a situation has a negative impact on the nervous system and the general condition of the body.

Situations when a person is unable to correctly express his feelings

Sometimes it happens that aggression and internal anger reach such a peak that you just want to do something bad to your interlocutor. At such moments, you can say a lot of unnecessary things and then regret it for a long time. These are the situations in which you need to understand how to express negative emotions. If it is very difficult to cope with them, then the easiest option is to use a simple exercise.

To prevent an emotional outburst, experts recommend calming down and slowly counting to 100. As a rule, after this, half of what you want to do seems somehow unthinkable and unhealthy. This method will help you avoid unpleasant situations and learn to react more calmly to difficult situations, as well as show emotions more correctly.

What can his eyes tell?

Facial expressions are those signs that are very difficult to control. If you can remain silent when the object of your adoration appears, then hiding movements and gestures that occur spontaneously in the subconscious is not an easy task.

View direction

Usually, when talking to a person, we look into their eyes. A guy who likes a girl is shy, trying to avoid direct gaze.

Ask a question


A fleeting delay of attention in front of the interlocutor’s eyes can be carried out only to get acquainted with her reaction to certain words. 80% of the time is spent looking at lips and nose.

Concentration of attention

The guy tries to closely examine the girl he likes - he roams his eyes all over the body, studying all the details, and is rarely distracted by external factors.


If they are expanded (not taking into account the use of narcotic drugs), the man experiences attraction, passion and a desire to touch.


Sometimes people raise them unconsciously to open their eyes wider and better see the detail of interest. If a girl notices that a young man has raised his eyebrows during a conversation, this is a clear sign of interest in the interlocutor.

Other gestures

When a young person is attracted to any action, person or object, he exhibits a high salivation. To avoid showing it, he begins to purse or lick his lips.

He often leans towards you, tries to touch you, shuffles his feet, crosses his arms - this is an indicator of slight excitement, vulnerability, indecisiveness and, of course, sincere sympathy.

Why do some people have a harder time showing normal emotions?

For example, if a person has too broad a horizon, this means that, depending on the situation, he can act in numerous ways. Therefore, it is much more difficult for him to choose one or another emotion for a specific moment. After all, he can experience joy and sadness at the same time.

There are also people who are called introverts. By their nature, they are very difficult to convey any emotions or feelings. It is much easier for them to experience them within themselves. However, doctors have long proven that this can negatively affect health. Therefore, the skill of how to express emotions must be developed.

In addition, some people are so afraid of offending another person that they extinguish all negative emotions and prefer not to use them at all. But the negativity does not go away; it is simply suppressed within the consciousness. And this also does not bring anything good.

When negative feelings manifest themselves in the wrong way

To understand how to express emotions correctly, you need to determine the most common mistakes people make. For example, there are several situations in which there is no point in showing negativity. If you think that everyone around you, or the whole world in general, is to blame for your failures, and you get offended over trifles, then you shouldn’t give in to momentary impulses. These are not situations in which negative emotions are justified.

Also, you should not use such emotions if a person often insults and prefers to humiliate his offenders. In this case, additional reinforcement in the form of negative emotions is not required. Also, people often become aggressive when nothing serious is actually happening. For example, if someone is asked, “How are you?” - It’s illogical to snap back and start being rude in response. After all, the one who asks the question may be completely sincerely interested in the life of a friend.

Negative emotions manifest themselves incorrectly when a person begins to break glass, dishes, break equipment, and much more. A completely wrong manifestation of negative emotions is a fight or any forceful influence on your interlocutor. Therefore, before expressing emotions in this way, it is worth considering several times whether they are appropriate for a particular situation.


Often the actions of representatives of the fair sex turn out to be illogical, non-standard and very unexpected. Men are less likely to surprise and use tricks to hide their real attitude, so if you approach the analysis with a “cold heart”, after just a few dates you can recognize your partner’s thoughts.

Showing emotions

A loving man thinks about his other half in a special way. His eyes light up, a slight blush appears, embarrassment appears, and upon meeting a genuine smile appears on his face.

When a lady evokes exclusively friendly feelings, the guy remains calm, a little indifferent, often lost in his own thoughts and distracted around.

If you find yourself as a mistress, the chosen one will be pleased, but demanding and persistent when making a date.

Sexual attraction

When a man understands you as a friend, there can be no talk of any “dirty” thoughts. All hints amount to jokes and evasive answers. In the case of his mistress, he does not hide his intentions and openly says that he wants to be in the same bed, since this is his main goal.

If a couple plans to build a long-term relationship and tenderly protects each other, both partners will talk about intimacy and sex with genuine interest, but not with direct, but with leading questions, for fear of offending and scaring away.

Communication with the fair sex

Often friends notice that the most cheerful and sociable friend in the company has begun to pay less attention to them and disappears at home, just like he “fell in love.” A loving person tries to devote maximum time to his chosen one, reducing communication with girls he knows, even if they acted only as friends.

Attitude towards keeping promises

This is one of the main signs that will help you understand how your partner treats you and find out exactly how a man feels. If he promises that he will call back and forgets about it, makes an appointment and can easily cancel it, is late for dates, does not respond to SMS for a long time - he clearly has no desire to start a serious relationship. Even if at first you justify his behavior, thinking that giving gifts and taking him to the cinema means he loves you - this is not so. A caring guy will always take a minute to call back.

Showing persistence and initiative

Someone who feels passion and attraction will persistently arrange a meeting, adapt to your schedule, take into account your wishes, and show flexibility and understanding.

Getting to know your surroundings: friends and family

In the first days of communication, a young man usually hides his chosen one from relatives and friends, and gets angry when he is asked questions about his personal life. He is not yet completely confident in himself and his choice. But, if feelings are supported by trust and the prospect of a serious connection arises, he will definitely introduce his other half to his family and loved ones.

A married companion is unlikely to take you to meet your mother, but he will easily invite you to a group of friends to show off. Think about it, if your loved one is hiding you from your parents, brothers or sisters, perhaps he is lying or embarrassed by you.

Constant contact

You can understand and find out how a guy treats you and what he feels thanks to a modern gadget - if your loved one calls several times a day, immediately switches to you when the second line is busy, finds time during an intense workload for a couple of messages - he is clearly not indifferent. If your SMS messages remain unread and there is no response to them, you may be considered a passing hobby.

Psychologist Daria Milai

Make an appointment

Attention to other ladies

If a man in your presence looks at girls, looks at short skirts and uncovered parts of the body, especially discusses these details in front of you, you should not expect serious steps.

How to understand and determine what he feels for me: participation in affairs and problems

When a young man treats you like just another temporary girlfriend, he is unlikely to intend to listen to problems, take part in solving them, or be interested in the outcome. He will not show interest in hobbies, lavish care and tenderness. A loving guy will always call and ask about your health and mood.

Spending time together

A lover awaits the meeting with trepidation in his soul, is ready to travel from the other end of the city at any time of the day or night, stand for hours and wait for you at the appointed place, appreciates every minute spent together. If a young man easily cancels planned joint events and rarely makes appointments, citing being busy, he is most likely avoiding you.

Interest in personal life

Men often ask questions about their exes, try to find out the details of past relationships, the reason for their end, and react very jealously to the answers. They review the entries on your account pages and carefully study your photos. If a person is not interested in what happened before in your life, perhaps he is indifferent to you.


Sudden surprises, flowers and chocolates for no reason are a clear sign that a representative of the fair sex is not indifferent to you. A person is ready to spend time and money without expecting anything in return. Another way to understand what a man feels for you. The joy of his beloved inspires him, filling him with strength and good mood. You recognize indifference immediately.


A lover wants to bring joy to his companion every day - going to the cinema, walking along the evening embankment, bouquets, the desire to give her a ride home or help with everyday life.


Signs of attention and tender words must be moderate, objective and truthful. A man should be interested in you, notice new things - your hairstyle. However, if he indiscriminately showers compliments, constantly admires your appearance, likes photos where you didn’t look very good, you should think about his sincerity. Words are the most ambiguous sign of falling in love. If they are not supported by actions, care, help and gifts, you should not believe in their truthfulness.

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How a man treats me: talking about the future

You should be on guard if a guy talks too sweetly about an ideal family, promises the moon from the sky and stars at his feet - most likely, this is just a deception in order to quickly use you and look for another victim. Serious intentions are spoken about carefully and very thoughtfully. The first words about love are spoken hesitantly, with embarrassment, for fear of being misunderstood. A man will not insist on intimacy and rush things.

Does he allow himself to be rude?

Representatives of the stronger sex show their feelings in different ways, but if a boyfriend can push you inappropriately, answer the phone rudely because he is busy or irritated, or say unacceptable offensive things - don’t even count on tender feelings.

How does he react if you don't answer?

If suddenly you did not pick up the phone or ignored the message, a loving person will persistently call and find out the reason for this behavior, will become jealous and childishly offended. Indifferent - will not call back, waiting for a call from you.

Making important decisions

It’s one thing to go on dates, give gifts and say nice things, and another thing to take important steps. Anyone who wants a serious relationship will not delay living together and proposing marriage. If a person realizes that he is ready to support and take care of you under any circumstances, this is a good sign. A guy doesn't want to be with you when he's constantly looking for excuses:

  • “no place to live”;
  • "no money";
  • “the time has not come”;
  • "I'm not ready for this."

His reaction in extreme situations

A person shows his true colors when you are in trouble or urgently need support and help. Create the appearance of a problem and watch your companion's reaction.


The simplest and most effective way. Of course, you can’t always count on sincerity. A person can lie if it benefits him. Pay attention to intonation and eyes - an averted gaze, calmness and coldness will help reveal deception.

An extreme and risky way is to borrow funds

Lend your companion a certain amount. Such an opportunity will definitely arise - for example, he will forget his wallet or want to make a purchase and share it with you, and perhaps he will ask for money himself. Anyone who wants to win your favor and gain your trust will not come up with excuses and delay returning.

Ask a friend to ask their opinion about you

You can arrange with a close friend so that she can communicate with your chosen one. If he rarely mentions you in a conversation or directly talks about your shortcomings or begins to show interest in her, you will not be taken seriously. However, you shouldn’t rely too much on the objectivity of this option, since the girlfriend may be jealous, lie, or misinterpret the man’s words.

Tell a secret

Come up with a story, an incident from childhood that you carefully hide and share it with your companion under the guise of the strictest secrecy. If in a week everyone around is trumpeting about this incident, the young man has not shown respect and is not suitable for a serious relationship.

Does it make you feel jealous?

Zealous displays are only an attempt to attract attention to oneself. For example, a young man is overwhelmed by ardent feelings, but the girl persistently does not notice this and is not going to reciprocate. Appearing arm in arm with another companion, he wants to show his importance, charisma and relevance to the opposite sex. In theory, the girl should think about the positive qualities of his person and begin to feel sympathy.

The attitude of his friends towards me

Sometimes the feelings of the chosen one helps to understand the behavior of his friends in the company. If they know about his sympathy, they can tease him and joke about it, even if from the outside it looks stupid and offensive. They make ambiguous hints and are able to speak directly about the feelings and intentions of their comrade.

What can happen when using emotions incorrectly?

First of all, you need to understand that if a person behaves aggressively and shows negativity too often, then by doing so he only destroys his own life. Gradually, the people around him will get tired of him behaving this way, and they will begin to move away from him. Therefore, such people have a much higher risk of ending up completely alone.

Someone who is always dissatisfied, aggressive and hates the whole world around him, as a rule, gets sick much more often than a more positive person.

Love, but don't choke!

Showing love to a man means not “pushing” him, not demanding every minute reports, constant attention and signs of love. Often this is the behavior that women who are afraid of being left alone are guilty of. They are frightened by the fear of loneliness and therefore, with their overprotection of their partner, they destroy all relationships.

In no case should you allow yourself and your partner to merge into a single whole in a relationship. Every woman should have her own personal space, an interesting, rich life, hobbies, and work. It is impossible to constantly put pressure on a man and at the same time maintain harmony in relationships with each other. It is always important to remain yourself, do not forget about small joys and individual hobbies.

Important rules for expressing emotions

Before using words to express feelings and emotions, you need to understand how important it is to correctly convey your mood. For example, if someone suffers from severe depression or anxiety, they actually get angry too often, but never share their feelings with others. It begins to destroy from within. Therefore, every day the problem only gets worse.

You need to learn to share your emotions with other people. If a person is feeling sad, then there is nothing wrong with admitting your feelings. You shouldn’t hide under the mask of a happy person; you need to talk about exactly what is happening in his life and share your real problems.

We can’t take dirty linen in public

Leave your fights at home. In order to properly show love for a man, in any conversations with your mother and friends, it is important to learn not to talk about your chosen one in a negative way. Most often, ladies make passionate speeches and scold their partner when they are offended by him. Just learn to keep your mouth shut and endure this difficult moment, the anger will fade away and you won’t have to regret the bad words you said earlier. In addition, if difficult days really come in your relationship with your loved one, then your loved ones, instead of supporting you, will mention all the negative points you previously told.

How to properly express your hurt and pain

A person's emotions can be described in a variety of words. The main thing is to start. For example, you can call a friend or your parents and say, “I’m sad.” Close people themselves will begin to ask questions and try to find out what the cause of depression is. During such a conversation, relief will certainly come.

If a person experiences pain and resentment, you need to express the appropriate emotion.


When talking about how to express emotions, experts recommend learning to breathe correctly. This is a good method that will help you properly express your emotions. In this case, extremely simple exercises will help. First of all, you need to breathe quite deeply and with a certain regularity.

This method is most suitable in a situation where you really want to show negative emotions. If it is very difficult to show your true self, then in this case you need to learn to cry. First of all, tears help get rid of internal pressure and emotional stress. In addition, they help to express their emotions and show others that this or that person is experiencing unnecessary pain. The easiest way to convey a person's emotions is through tears. At this moment, the words themselves are found, and real liberation from negativity occurs. In order to start crying, you just need to stop holding yourself back and think about what is gnawing at you the most. If you don’t want to show such emotions in public, then you can cry alone or in front of a mirror.

There are also some other useful tips.

Test: does a guy remember you from a distance

Another effective method on how to find out and understand a man’s true attitude towards you is to conduct a small test.

1. Does he often send you messages or interesting posts?

  1. All the time.
  2. Rarely. Sometimes it even disappears for a certain period for no apparent reason.

2. What would be the reaction if you didn’t answer his call?

  1. He continues to call, gets angry, and always finds out the reason for ignoring.
  2. He may inquire casually and sluggishly, or may not remember at all.

3. What can you say about his comrades?

  1. They know everything about you - what you like, where you vacationed, where you study or work.
  2. They don't know about your existence.

4. Before making a responsible decision, a man...

  1. He will definitely consult with you.
  2. Ask the opinion of relatives and friends.

5. Is he the first to write, call, or do you interrupt the silence?

  1. Yes, of course, every morning he wishes you a good day, in the evening - good night, and is constantly inquiring about business.
  2. Not always. More often than not I end up first.

Now check the result. If most of your answers are “A”, the young man is really in love. A “B” result means that you are not very significant to your other half. If you don’t trust the survey, try asking a specialist for help. If you are having difficulty understanding your relationship with your partner, sign up for my consultation and I will help you figure out what you mean in your partner’s life and how far your relationship will go.

Learning to show emotions

Speaking about how people express their emotions, it is difficult not to notice that some have richer facial expressions. When they are happy, they laugh, smile and talk loudly. When they are surprised, their eyes open wide and they freeze. However, you should not turn your emotions into a farce or theatrical performance.

For example, if someone does not like the topic of conversation, then it is enough to frown a little for the interlocutor to understand that it is better to change the topic. You shouldn’t give up negative emotions altogether. They are also important. They can be demonstrated in different ways. Some people cry, while others become less talkative.

But if in a store the cashier starts to behave aggressively or shouts, then it’s pretty stupid to smile back at him. In such a situation, the best option would be to express your complaint in a serious tone.

If we talk about how to express surprise, then, as a rule, people do not have problems with this. Usually the body automatically reacts to events that cause such emotions. But if difficulties arise, then you can use one more recommendation.

Questions to help you understand how you feel about a person

First question. You introduced your loved one to your family and friends, but after the meeting they criticized him and said that he is not suitable for you. Will you listen to their opinion?

  • Of course, I’ll listen, because when you’re in love, you notice only the good in a person, and close people will help me look at the person differently.
  • Of course, I listen, because if they didn’t like him, it means there’s probably something wrong with him.
  • I introduce my loved one to my family not in order to listen to their opinion; I have already made my choice and am confident in it.

Second question. If you've been in a relationship for several years, does it matter what you look like?

  • Of course, because my partner should only notice me.
  • Appearance is not the most important thing, because in our relationships we value completely different things.
  • I don’t take care of my appearance, since we’ve been together for quite a long time and he’s not going anywhere.

Third question. How do you feel about your partner's shortcomings?

  • In a relationship, you need to be patient with each other, and you need to turn a blind eye to little things, because everyone has shortcomings.
  • I'm terribly annoyed by my partner's shortcomings, but I try not to lose my temper.
  • We constantly quarrel loudly because we cannot accept each other's shortcomings.

Fourth question. Who do you call to complain about an unpleasant situation at work?

  • Of course, I tell my partner everything, and he supports me.
  • I’ll call a friend, I don’t want to burden my partner with such trifles.
  • No one, I'll keep my experiences to myself.

Fifth question. Your partner has been offered a job that requires business travel, how do you feel about it?

  • It all depends on the conditions, if this allows him to save a good amount for our budget in a year, then I will not mind.
  • Of course, I’ll let him go, because this is a very interesting opportunity to see the world, I’ll be happy for him.
  • It is important for me that my partner is always next to me, so I am against such work.

Dancing and singing

This is another good way that will help you learn to express your emotions. If at first it is very difficult to share your feelings with loved ones or talk about what is happening in your soul, then the easiest way is to start throwing out your emotions through dancing or singing some favorite song. If you put your soul into this action and learn to tell your story in this way, then you don’t even have to talk. You can dance or sing alone. For example, if you suddenly feel sad, you can turn on a slow song that is closest in meaning to your feelings and start singing along. After a while it will become much easier.

The ability to thank

More often than not, women take all their partner’s efforts in life together as a matter of course. It is very important for a man to hear that his efforts are appreciated.

For some reason, it is sometimes easier for many people to be profuse in gratitude to a stranger, but not to say anything to the closest and dearest person. Do not neglect simple, but such important words: “Thank you!”, “Thank you!”, “You are so great for doing this...”, say it from the bottom of your heart and soul. The spouse will be really pleased to hear this; in fact, by connecting his life with you, he remained an individual, and did not turn into a slave who is obliged to fulfill the slightest whim and desire.

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